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@DimaKnivets hiya
are you still there? :)
no i passed out
@DimaKnivets poke
sorry :)
i configured alert message, but it doesn't seem to work
yeah it's weird
sorry for disappearing too, i'm just a little busy xD
no problem :)
so you need help setting up another listener?
i'm sorry for interrupting you
yeah :)
what's the backend?
i've tried by myself, but no luck
it points to applehearted.me
PHP? same backend of your current site??
oh so this is a redirect.
such that domain1.com -> domain2.com
what do you want to do with it
separate site?
i want to host simple personal html page
no php or rails
on a different domain?
where're the HTML files stored?
did you copy that into /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ then restart the nginx process?
or rather...
# Make site accessible from localhost
server_name localhost
that's your problem
use this instead:
server_name knivets.com www.knivets.com;
the server_name line needs to have every domain/subdomain that this applies for
so... :P
the www. is there because that's a common web root domain
because stupidity of the original RFC :P
no luck :(
did you restart nginx again?
see, i don't like passenger, it's weird......
it's almost like it's intercepting everything
and that's not good...
me too :)
okay so i can talk again >.>
can you pastebin the applehearted.me config again
sorry billion things at once
no problem :)
change that config file...
server_name applehearted.me www.applehearted.me;
change the server_name line accordingly
no luck :(
that's a problem
see, i never run anything with any backend server.
such as unicorn :p
i only use PHP and maybe a couple other things as the backend
you might want to post this on either Ask Ubuntu, or probably serverfault...
because when we get into using unicorn for a backend it causes... issues...
maybe i did something wrong with copying conf file?
i just removed all lines from applehearted conf file, and when i visited knivets.com site, i saw a greeting nginx message
yeah, i'm right :)
can you please remember the command for this action?
for which action?
/me yawns
making a symbol link
ln -s /location/of/file/being/linked /path/to/where/you're/making/the/link
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/filename /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/.
Permission denied
see edited message above
it's strange because i'm under root user
well what command did you use
the full command
oh, i've forgot the beginning :)
still no luck :(
it's using applehearted config file
okay, thank you very much for you help
i'll try to ask this issue at askubuntu :)
oh yeah, 1 little question: if i want to send mail from rails, should i configure something on the nginx side? (i saw configs there)
no configure it in rails
configure rails to communicate with postfix or whatever you have on your server
okay, thank you once again.
if you need some help with rails, you can write, i'll try to help you with what I can :)
i'll let you know if that's the case!
sorry we couldn't get everything running.
what do you mean?
i mean i'm sorry we couldn't solve the config issue
oh, no problem :)
ok, i'm going to bed now, have a good time!

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