so yeah, if you want, you can pastebin your current config on and I can tell you what to tweak to make that be one listener for your one domain, and can give you a template to use for other sites you might host.
all you'll have to do is tweak those templates for whatever you're running, ruby, python, some PHP in the backend, whatever :)
yeah it's OK. We'll have to change that later if you want to run multiple sites. but when that happens we have to do some testing to make sure your site works as-is when we change all the configs.
otherwise, you don't have to worry about it. the server_name _; line catches all.
server_name is a way to narrow down the listener so that it specifically says "This server block pertains to the following domains: [whatever's on server_name]". The extra _ is a special character that acts as a catch-all and listens for everything. regardless of the domain name.
Yeah, just drop me an email at the address I told you, and include a link to your Ask Ubuntu user profile ( ) so I know it's you :)
as for "out of the box" i can't tell you if ruby and unicorn will behave right, that's something you'd have to talk to the unicorn support people with :)