Hi there
I think you ended up closing a much better question.
Especially seeing as I don't have a complete answer for the one you left open.
I had posted more details in original question
sorry, but you are turning this into bit of a mess. your real question is why error reporting breaks, but you keep phrasing it as like Settings API is horribly broken or something
A: How should one implement add_settings_error on custom menu pages?

RarstThere are several components to error/notice creation and display process: add_settings_error() call to add item to stack (global $wp_settings_errors variable). settings_errors transient that keeps the errors so they survive move from page to page. settings_errors() function get_settings_errors...

I have ~20 minutes of free time, please ask if you need more details so we get this resolved completely :)
Hey sorry
I certainly feels like the Settings API is not designed to work for top-level admin menus
If I've noticed it breaking add_settings_error, then perhaps it breaks more stuff.
it's just that parts disconnected. API is a strong word, like many APIs in WordPress it's just a bunch of function that does something related
it doesn't. really, there isn't much to in other than registration of your stuff and sending it to options.php
it doesn't actually do much on top of adding some organizational order for you
Ah, ok. My only understanding comes from the Plugin Dev Book.
That seems to be a little miss-leading as they start describing custom admin menus, but never join that up to the Settings API properly.
So keeping the form action="options.php" is the right way to go?
Just read your update. Much clearer now.
I agree, I have confused the issue. But then I was confused in the first place.
I guess we can expect better support for error display in future?
no worries :) next time just give it some time to have your initial question figured out
I have no idea about future, my impression is that it isn't seen as major concern
Thanks, again!
Sorry for the confusion.
no worries :)
I have conference call in couple minutes so I am out