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Q: Szekeres problem 2.19 part (a)

MattHuszIn Peter Szekeres's text "A Course in Modern Mathematical Physics", problem 2.19 part (a) is as follows: If $H$ is any subgroup of a group $G$ define the action of $G$ on the set of left cosets $G/H$ by $g : g'H \mapsto g g' H$. (a) Show that this is always a transitive action of $H$ on $G$. Th...

Q: How can I tighten attic framing connections that have separated?

dukekiwifruitWe have recently had some work done on our house (new boiler, rewiring, plumbing, an extension). While tidying up in the attic, I noticed a potential issue. Here is a general picture of the space: On the centermost cross beam (closest to camera above), some of the nails holding it appear to have...

Q: Import in 14.2 converts DateString to DateObject from .csv

isotope14.1 data = Import["file.csv"] data[[2]] {"2019-01-09T01:00:00+02:00", 1.276, 1.2782, 1.2757, 1.2779, 0.0019, 0.0025, 0.0022, -0.0003} 14.2 Import now takes x2 time due to converting 1st element. Seems like I need to use Import["file","RawData"]. Editing every notebook is inconvenient... I trie...

Q: Font Selector Combobox Design in C#

JimmyHuA font selector combobox which contains all the values from the InstalledFontCollection enumeration is created, and the font of each item is same as its name. The experimental implementation FontSelectorComboBox class implementation public class FontSelectorComboBox : ComboBox { protected o...

Q: What simple word is this? With an A you have a place

RogerAA word With an A you have a place With a B you have a bus With a C you have a college With a D you have some money What is it?

Q: What happens to the Hilbert space of an interacting QFT at the asymptotic past/ future?

sillyQsmanLet's take for simplicity an interacting scalar QFT. From the point of view of scattering, an interacting QFT has a Hilbert space $H$ which in the asymptotic past, if I understood correctly, becomes "free-like" (so $m\neq m_0$ with $m_0$ the mass of the free theory, but still the distinct states...

Q: Unable to run the "sudo apt get" or "sudo apt-get update"

seth0101I am currently struggling to try to run the command "sudo apt update" or "sudo apt-get update" I am assuming it might have something to do with the package repositories. When I run the command, I get the following result below. I appreciate any sort of help you can provide. Thank you in advance...

Q: Why some calls for abstracts presuppose that you'll be doing the research between the abstract acceptance and the final article submission?

VentolinmonoI've read some journal calls that in their wording they imply that you still don't have the results of your research and you'll be working on doing the actual research and the analysis of the results if your abstract is accepted. For example they ask for the abstract the objectives of the paper b...

Q: Okay to sand wooden turners?

John GordonI got a set of beechwood turners as a gift, and they have a slightly rough texture that I find offputting. Would it be safe/effective to lightly sand them, so they are smoother? They don't have any kind of coating or varnish.

Q: In LaTeX3, how to iterate on all tokens, including spaces?

VincentIn LaTeX3, token lists collapse spaces. Is there a way to avoid that and call a function on all tokens, without collapsing spaces. For example, I would like the following function to display the catcode of every token of the input, including spaces \cs_new:Nn \myfunction:n{ % Call "\token_to_...

Q: Metric space X has no isolated points. Any two disjoint closed sets have positive distance implies X is compact.

user1499149Metric space $X$ has no isolated points. If any two disjoint closed sets $A,B \subseteq X$ have positive distance, is $X$ compact? Distance between sets is defined as $d(A,B) = \inf \{ d(a,b) \mid a \in A \ b \in B \}$

Q: Last columns of multicol not the same size

LoulouI'm simply using the multicols environment from the multicol package, like in: \begin{document} \begin{multicols} \lipsum \end{multicols} \end{document} but on the last page, the two last colums have the same size and the rest of the page is blank (see picture). Is there a way that multicol c...

Q: Is a spell that's on both spell lists an Artificer- or a Wizard-spell or both when obtained via Magic Initiate (Wizard)?

QuantumwhispThe ability to replace material components of a spell by wielding an appropriate spellcasting focus is granted by the respective spellcasting ability a caster class gets. Usually, this spellcasting ability contains a clause along the lines of "You can use an X as a Spellcasting Focus for your Y s...

Q: How should I calculate AUROC if my (TPR,FPR) doesn't go till (1,1)? Should it be area just under the curve or should I include 1 and calculate?

Aditya_PanigrahyI am running a model where it generates song detections with a confidence value. I then validate it across an annotated dataset. I then plot the values of TPR and FPR at each confidence threshold, starting with 0 till 1 with a stepping of 0.01. This is my ROC curve. The model FPR never goes beyon...

Q: Question about Autumn Leaves in G/Em: What is up with Cmaj7? Real Book

user116705I will cop to "learned it from the Real Book" but learned it before in a different key (E/C#min?) so in this version it starts out as a ii V I in G then there's a Cmaj7 followed by ii V one in Emin. Is it the (picardy?) VI of the 6 2 5 or a tritone substitution for the F#-7b5, the ii? It doesn'...

Q: Function overloading / dynamic dispatch for Python

HernanATNWhen I first started using Python I had a rough time dealing with some of it's dynamic-typed nature. In particular I was pretty used to leveraging the type system of other languages to be able to define polymorphic (or "overloaded") functions and methods. At first I implemented this pattern in Py...

Q: What is the trace distance between two superpositions if I know the trace distance between the individual terms of the superposition?

Varun UpretiSupppose I have two states $$|\psi\rangle = \sum_{i=1}^n c_i |\psi_i\rangle\,,$$ $$|\phi\rangle = \sum_{i=1}^n c_i |\phi_i\rangle\,,$$ such that $|\psi_i\rangle$ and $|\phi_i\rangle$ are $\epsilon$ close in trace distance $\forall i$. What is the upper bound on the trace distance between $|\psi\r...

Q: Adjointness of face poset and order complex constructions?

Sam HopkinsApologies for the somewhat vague question. Given an abstract simplicial complex $\Delta$, I can create a poset $P$ from $\Delta$: the face poset, where we order the faces of $\Delta$ by containment. Conversely, given a poset $P$, I can create an abstract simiplicial complex $\Delta$ from $P$: the...

Q: Throwing One weapon while wielding another

Big Sneksorry if my question is banal, but I can't seem to find a definite answer anywhere. My question is fairly simple: if I throw one weapon from the main hand, which I just unsheathed, and I use my other hand to JUST hold the weapon I was using before (that I don't want to throw), do I still incur in...

Q: Are 3D tensors and beyond redundant?

Muhammad Ikhwan PerwiraIf the universe’s complexity can be reduced to pairwise interactions between entities, why do we need higher-dimensional structures like rank-3 tensors? Consider the following argument: Any system—whether physical, mathematical, or abstract—can be modeled as a graph, where nodes (vectors) represe...

Q: I2C address conflict workaround through delayed signal propagation or delayed powerup

ShiroGeekSo i have the very classical problem of i2c address conflict... Specifically i intend to use a series of TMAG3001 hall sensors whose address can be defined by connecting the ADDR pin to either Vcc , GND , SDA or SCL. This pin is polled continuously so change of address on the fly is possible. Wha...

Q: What is difference on Latin between Isaaco Newtono vs Isaacus Newton?

22flowerWhat is difference on Latin between Isaaco Newtono vs Isaacus Newton? Also see that on books write autore and auctore..

Q: Will a multi-wire branch circuit serve a toaster oven and a microwave on a split outlet?

BSMCan you have a toaster oven and microwave on the same standard outlet, using 12/3 for separated 20A circuits on that outlet, removing center tab?

Q: because + adjective constructions

MarmitrobThere are a number of questions about the use of because+noun in the absence of a verb-phrase, e.g. here. My question is about a similar but distinct construction in which "because" is paired directly with an adjective. The topic was discussed on the English Learners forum: link. One of the answe...

Q: Relationship between \hsize and \textwidth

MaestroGlanzIf I change textwidth in the preamble, it is effective for the whole document. But if I change the textwidth for one specific page in the document, it seem to have no effect at all, though I definitely have this value at page shipout (no revert, because of group scope). To solve my problem, I hav...

Q: SETI trying to send a distress beacon out to advanced civilizations

user211660Scientists on earth conclude that due to overconsumption of resources or some other kind political issue, life on earth is doomed. So they set out to build a distress beacon in the desperate hope to find an alien civilization willing to save them. Where would they direct the beacon(s)? What tech...

Q: Zygodromes - Some kind of integers

Francisco J. Maciel HenningI was looking up different types of integers and I read this definition: https://www.numbersaplenty.com/set/zygodrome/ Suppose we work on base 10. Definition: $n$ is a zygodrome if there are $k \in N $, $d_1,...,d_k \in \{0,...,9\}$ with $d_i \neq d_{i+1}$ for all $i \leq k-1$, and $\alpha_1,...,...

Q: Oven and over-range microwave not working after oven spark

GBPUMy girlfriend was using the gas oven and over-range-microwave at the same time. When she went to take food out of the oven she said it sparked, and both appliances turned off. I have tested and the nearby outlets are dead. The breaker itself did not trip, but I flipped it off and back on to make ...

Q: What takes precedence when having multiple flying sources?

Nec XelosVery specific case, to make it easier. Character is under effect of 3 different spells: Angelic Aspect, Greater. This grants Fly 60 ft. (good). Form of the Dragon 3. This grants Fly 60 ft. (poor). Shadow Projection. This grants Fly 40 ft. (good). What flying speed and maneuverability do I have ...

Q: Storage of Light

Christophilos BluHypothetically speaking, if one had a hollow sphere that had a perfectly polished mirrored interior surface with little to no light absorption, and then sought to fill the interior space by introducing light via a very small opening (perhaps using fiber optic?), what happens to the light that is ...

Q: Is this a bad moment for a math career?

Daryl(I can totally see this question being closed because it's not appropriate for the site. I'm sorry if this is the case, I'm very anxious at the moment and I'm just asking for help from more experienced and wiser people.) I love mathematics with all my heart. I study it with great discipline and e...

Q: Book set on a liquid layer of a gas giant

SeanoMany years ago I worked a constant night shift and listened to quite a few audio books. I don't know if I'm remembering this correctly but I think it was set on a liquid layer of a gas giant. A submarine had been launched to explore this but the chapters would switch to the point of view of an in...

Q: US visa DS160, previous visa in country of origin and current application in another country which is now my permanent residence

Chris Afuberohi am filling out US D160 form for the renewal of my US Visa, and would require an advise on the question below: "Are you applying in the same country or location where the visa above was issued, and is this country or location your place of principal of residence the country I am applying" My sit...

Q: Two successive parallel transports of a vector?

Ahmed SamirI'm reading Dirac's book on general relativity, and in proving that a vanishing curvature tensor implies flat space-time he says at first that if the curvature tensor vanishes, then if I parallel-transport a vector along dx and then dy is the same as transporting it along dy and then dx, with dx ...

Q: Mean of temperature over two regions versus the sum of the mean temperatrue over each seperate region

KernelAll, Let x and y are the temperatures over two different regions/countries (from the shapefile), and I have been asked to report the mean of the temperature over the whole region x and y; should I sum the mean temperature of region x and the mean temperature of region y or should I report the mea...

Q: Byte or... octet?

NekI'm a french person. I use octet from day to day. Recently, I found out what we call an RFC in computing science (RFC 7540) that contains the following: All frames begin with a fixed 9-octet header followed by a variable-length payload. This is a technical sentence, written by native english sp...

Q: Why do people speak about truth value of undecidable propositions?

ElvisI have heard people say things like "If the Goldbach conjecture was proven to be independent of PA, then it would follow it's true." The reasoning behind this is that, if it was false, we could explicitly provide the counterexample, thus proving it false. Hence, it's true. Now, this reasoning doe...

Q: In John 7:45 was there more than one chief priest at the same time in 2nd Temple Judaism?

Ruminator [Jhn 7:45 NASB95] [45] The officers then came to the chief priests and Pharisees, and they said to them, "Why did you not bring Him?"

Q: A logical challenge like knights and knaves but with three types of characters

moonruleni9neThere are 3 nearby cities: A - whose residents always tell the truth, B - whose residents always lie, C - whose residents tell the truth, then a lie, alternating answers and starting with the truth. It is known that residents often travel due to the proximity of cities, for example, a resident of...

Q: Can every divergent series be (incorrectly) manipulated to get any result?

ElvisThere is a very interesting theorem about series, the Riemann rearrangement theorem: If $(a_n)_n$ is a real sequence such that $\sum_na_n$ converges, but not absolutely, then for every $\alpha\in\Bbb R$ there exists a permutation $\sigma$ of the series such that $\sum_na_{\sigma(n)}=\alpha$. No...

Q: What can be the most and the least number of people who answered yes to all the 3 questions?

Hemant Agarwal 100 people took part in a survey which had 3 questions. 73, 70 and 63 answered “yes” to questions A, B and C respectively. Exactly 3 people answered no to all the 3 questions. What is the largest and the smallest number of people who could have answered “yes” to all the 3 questions? Note: everyb...

Q: Can the "Three Polarizer Paradox" be explained classically?

LividI recently learned of the Three Polarizer Paradox: If two polarizing films are aligned in the same direction light from the first polarizer passes through the second. If the polarizers are opposed at a 90° angle, the polarized light from the first polarizer is stopped by the second. If a third p...

Q: Possible to modify ECDSA equations?

Drazen BjelovukI'm completely new to elliptic curve math and modular arithmetic but I was chewing over the signing/verification equations for ECDSA: $$ \frac{H(m) + rd}{k} = s $$ $$ \frac{H(m)}{s} \cdot G + \frac{r}{s} \cdot dG = kG $$ ... and was wondering if it would be possible to modify into either of the f...

Q: Python Script to add Geometry Node modifiers to curves

FabrizioI'd like to add similar Geometry Node Groups to some curves. I try to use a function. A simplified version of the code is this: import bpy def purge_orphans(): if bpy.app.version >= (3, 0, 0): # run this only for Blender versions 3.0 and higher bpy.ops.outliner.orphans_purge(...

Q: Converting stim circuit into cirq and back with Detectors?

Will StaplesI am attempting to work in both stim and cirq and was testing moving back and forth between the two and got an error for a relatively simple case. I was wondering if anyone had any insight on how to avoid this problem. The code I used and associated error are included below: stim_circuit = stim.C...

Q: General covariance confusion

Thomas MooreI am a pure math guy trying to pick up some GR, but I'm finding the way physicists talk about GR very confusing, and a lot of terms they are using are not actually what the terms mean. I asked another question here the other day, and it was helpful, so I thought I'd try again. I'm trying to under...

Q: What is the legal mechanism for President Trump to impose a tariff on Colombia?

Astor FloridaTrump issuing ‘emergency 25% tariffs’ against Colombia after country turned back deportation flights I'm pretty sure we have a treaty with Colombia or some other trade organization that states what our tariffs will be. I'm also pretty sure that the treaty was ratified by the legislative branch. (...

Q: Someone that thinks that the existence of God is currently unknowable, but may become knowable, but is inclined to think that God does not exist

damix911How would you call Alice, a person who holds the following beliefs. Alice believes that it is currently not possible to prove or disprove the existence of God. Alice believes that in the future there is a small possibility that we may be able to prove or disprove the existence of God. Alice is c...

Q: Does there exist a closed definition of music?

Wyvern123First off, I know there exists great subjectivity in music. But excluding things like preferred composer, style, or genre...Is it possible to create a closed definition for music? I've come across a number of proposed definitions, the simplest of which is 'organized sound.' But this seems much to...

Q: mucho [singular]

SamFrom near the very beginning of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQf-GQt2phc "Buenos días Hoy es Día de ya irnos de la ciudad. Hoy es día de mucha carretera." A literal translation to English might be: Today is a day of a lot of road. (Which is not idiomatic in English.) Questions: Would you agr...

Q: What do these notes above the staff with lines through them after a time signature change mean?

JohnI have a notation I have not seen before. Anyone have a clue? There is a half note next to a half note with two parallel lines on one note’s stem. These are above the measure and not notes to be played. It’s a notation. The measure is the start of 5/2 time signature. It has a dotted whole note ti...

Q: Postdoc salary in France: negotiable?

CK28I have received an offer for a postdoc in Strasbourg, France with a monthly gross salary of 2575 €. I am surprised to see such a low salary as in my previous one year long postdoc in Austria, I received net 2750 €. Now I am confused: did they offer me in particular this specific amount, or is it...

Q: Identify set with small windows and multiple pieces in pastel colors

Denise BurkholderWondering if you know what set these bags go to. I have bags 3, 4 and 5.

Q: Top aligning two side-by-side tabulars

ozsuI am trying to get these two tabulars aligned at the top and it is not happening. What am I doing wrong? The MWE is below: \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{makecell} % For \thead \begin{document} \footnotesize \begin{minipage}[t]{0.5\linewidth} \begin{tabular}{| c | l | c | r |} ...

Q: Extract gas from 2010 Silverado using manual transfer pump

User1974I do work at an off-grid location. Sometimes, I run out of gas for small engine tools. As a last resort, I want the option of extracting gas from my 2010 Silverado 1500 gas tank. I tried using a manual transfer pump: FUELWORKS Manual Transfer Pump But I couldn't feed the hose far enough down the...

Q: Why does the opamp output "charge up"

VernonI have the circuit below where the output from the opamp seems to charge up instead of being flat. Note I am using 100K for R1, 2 and 8. Below is the output of the opamp (U3, just before R6) on the scope. After the large signal, there should be a very small signal and I would expect that to be a...

Q: "Have something done" or "have + object + past participle"?

OlaI have come across the following sentences: I will have supper cooked by the time you get home from work. and I know he has moved heaven and earth to have all the formalities completed by today's meeting. These sentences might have to do with the structure "have something done", which means "...

Q: Why didn't French inherit a verb from the Latin "dare" like the rest of the Romance languages?

J MI noticed how in every other Romance language, the verb "to give" comes from the Latin verb dare except for French which uses "donner" from Latin donare but I wonder why that is?

Q: How may two title lines be aligned?

Frode Alfson BjørdalConsider the MWE \documentclass{article} \title{A line written firstly\\ succeeded by another} \date{} \begin{document} \maketitle \end{document} The first line has almost the same length as the second. Is there a way to make the lines align and get the...

Q: Virtual check qubits in the context of surface code

AndyLiuinI'm trying to implement code capacity/phenomenological simulation for the rotated surface code from scratch (without using any specialized package like stim/pymatching). I have two questions. Could anyone kindly help me check my workflow is correct? And any simplification? Define qubit coordinat...

Q: Does there always exist a order preserving progressive map between dense linear orders?

RayLet $(P,<)$ be a dense linear order, i.e., for any $x,y\in P$ with $x<y$, there exists $z\in P$ such that $x<z<y$. A map $f:P\to P$ is called progressive if for all $x\in P$, $x< f(x)$. By Cantor's Theorem on countable dense linear orders, we know that any two countable dense linear orders withou...

Q: Question on distributional derivative

HelloEveryoneI have recently seen a similar reasoning in a more general setup, hence I would like to clarify my question in this applied setting. Assume that $E\subset\mathbb{R}^n$ denotes some bounded open set. Further, let $f\in L^{p}(E)$ for $1<p<\infty$ denote a measurable function that is a priori only i...

Q: Did CRT TVs adjust raster height in response to the non-standard signal?

Dmitri UrbanowiczMy question is about old TV sets which: didn't have a user-adjustable knob for image height, didn't have any OSD, but used some digital components inside (maybe even for the beam deflection control). As I understand, such TVs were calibrated at factory to produce 4:3 image when fed with the act...

Q: Are Category and Measure Special?

Peter GerdesIn logic, and I expect in mathematics more broadly, it seems like there is a special role played by notions like measure and (baire) category (as in meeting/avoiding dense sets). Obviously, these literal notions play a central role in many parts of math and considering analogs like measurable ca...

Q: Can an employer/company fire you for pursuing legal action against them or anyone who works there?

chausiesSay that Alice works at a company, and she was wronged somehow by the company. This could be a higher-up sexually harassed her, she was being discriminated against in terms of pay because of her sex or race, the workplace was dangerous and she got hurt, etc. If Alice pursues legal action against ...

Q: Why did Colombian President Gustavo Petro block two U.S. military flights carrying undocumented immigrants from entering the country?

Franck DernoncourtI read that Colombian President Gustavo Petro block two U.S. military flights carrying undocumented immigrants from entering the country in January 2025. What was the point of blocking these two planes?

Q: Passport stamps for non-EU spouse travelling with EU citizen

badjohnThis is similar, but not identical, to this previous question. Passport stamp for non-EU spouse traveling with EU citizen After several attempts, I managed to bring my UK wife through an EU passport queue. I was hoping that she would get a different stamp to indicate that she entered with an EU ...

Q: Why piston engine airplanes use reduction gear?

AIRWAYLOVERWhy airplane manufacturers use high power engines with great RPM and then use a reduction gear to reduce the RPM of propeller? Why they don't use a low RPM engine to drive directly a propeller without using reduction gear?

Q: Many Time Pad when the messages are meaningless but the key is not

FLAK-ZOSOLet's say I have such an oracle... def gen_otp(n): r = random.randint(0, n) return (r^key) ...and that while r, as can be seen, is random, key is partially known: namely, I know the first five bytes and the last byte. I can guess other things, such as the relatively frequent presence of ...

Q: Are file names starting with whitespace illegal in Windows 11?

honeybeesI have copied the contents of one drive to another drive by simply copying (ctrlc) all files and folders from the root of the source drive and pasting (ctrlv). When verifying if the copy completed succesfully, I've noticed that Windows automatically removes whitespaces at the start of the file na...

Q: Card-Jitsu Part 1: Find all winning sets of three cards

Weird GlyphsCard-Jitsu was a mini card-game based on Rock, Paper, Scissors available on the children MMO game Club Penguin. I first wrote a challenge where you needed to implement a clone of this game, but I figured that the winning conditions alone were complex enough to deserve their own challenge as a min...

Q: Map with exploded polygons

tofriHow can I create a map with exploded polygons like in the picture below with QGIS? The picture shows regions in Vietnam. With "exploded polygons" I mean that adjacent polygons are moved away from each other a little bit (e.g. the counties of a state).

Q: How to quantify the systematic error in linear regression fit?

piratecoreWhen performing a linear regression on a dataset $(x_i,y_i)$ of size $N$, using the linear model $y(x)=β_0+β_1 x$, the covariance matrix of the estimated coefficients, intercept $\hat{β}_0$ and slope $\hat{β}_1$, provides an estimate of the "statistical error" in the fit based on the variance in ...

Q: SQL Server reduce unused space on a mostly heap table database

c_tames1998Hi all, I’m working with a 2.3TB primary data file and currently have about 1TB of unused space. Recently, I performed row-level compression on the largest table in the database, which reduced the table’s size from 0.9TB to 0.4TB. However, after this compression, the size of the file grew, and wh...

Q: What does that 1 in the top bar mean on Android?

Franck DernoncourtWhat does that 1 in the top bar mean on Android? I use a Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra with Android 13.

Q: LEDs rated for 2V but don't perform well until 3V

onepoI bought these LEDs (https://www.switchelectronics.co.uk/products/blue-10mm-led-water-clear-3000mcd-20) which are rated for 2.1V and 25mA. However, when I plug them into a bench power supply, they only draw ~2mA at 2.1V, and draw the labelled 25mA at 3.0V. Ideally I'd power them off USB in pairs ...

Q: Delete text from the end of a line in one action

David JLet's say we wanted to delete two backslashes at the end of this line (and a few similar-looking lines) in Vim: {Hello World}\\ Ideally we'd delete them with a single, simple, idiomatic action which can be repeated with the . operation from the end of the line, so we can navigate to lines and ty...

Q: Which method of adjusting the gain of an amplifier is better?

freestyleBasically, all the volume control circuits, I have seen, have the following topology: Here are two blocks. The first is voltage divider by RV1 with gain <=1. The second is opamp with constant gain 1 + R1/R2. So, the volume control works like this: first we attenuate the signal, and then we ampli...

Q: Is there any way to indicate to an airline I am travelling with someone even though we bought tickets separately?

impoConfusing title, let me explain... I am travelling with a friend. We both have different last names and we both bought our airline tickets separately. We've chosen our seats so we are sitting next to each other, but all we are to the airline are two strangers sitting next to each other on a long ...

Q: Creating custom preset profiles for the float curve node

Rick TCreating custom preset profiles for the float curve node. Example: The bevel node has custom presets. I wanted to see if this was possible to do this with the float curve node. I was thinking of using a menu switch node as the selection for the presets to connect to the float curve node but the...

Q: tcolorbox problem in space at the top of the page

Khaldi Mohammed ElhadiI want to delete the space at the top of the page When moving to a pro page leaves this blank \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage{varwidth} \usepackage[most]{tcolorbox} \usepackage{lipsum} \tcbset{% dang/.style={ enhanced, breakable, before skip=2mm, after skip...

Q: Slur across a tie

MarkI'm fully aware of the difference between a slur and a tie, but I wonder if there is any guideline about how to place a slur that ends on a (multiple-)tied note. Please, consider the following examples: and both will be played in the same way: legato from C to F. Is the different way the slur i...

Q: I am looking for primary source quotes from Leopold Kronecker about Georg Cantor and set theory

Emilia8910I was wondering if anyone could help me find primary sources for Kronecker's criticisms. The quote: “I don’t know what predominates in Cantor’s theory — philosophy or theology, but I am sure that there is no mathematics there.” is widely found online but is never referenced. Does anyone know the...

Q: Predatory Journal keeps sending me Emails inviting me to publish in their journal

ZestI've recently published my very first preprint on arXiv. After a day or so, I received an email from a predatory journal that invited me to publish in their journal simply by attaching my article as a pdf to my reply. I left their request unanswered and forwarded their email into my spam-folder. ...

Q: awk - how to print all fields larger then $5?

vrmsI have an output similar to 975 Jan/21 - 19:59:36 ### sed "/^#include_dir/a include_dir = 'conf.d'" /opt/db/data/efa_bauen_ni_14/postgresql.conf 986 Jan/21 - 20:04:21 ### grep -l "^port = '5" /opt/db/data/postgres/efa_bauen_ni/conf.d/*.conf | xargs sed -i "s/port = '5/port = '6/" now I wan...

Q: What is the LDS church's practice that is equivalent to the Catholic Paschal Triduum?

GratefulDiscipleInspired by my answer here, I wonder how the LDS church celebrates Jesus's Passion, Crucifixion, and Resurrection in terms of liturgies and/or practices during the Holy Week. How does it compare with the Catholic liturgies for the Paschal Triduum which include the following liturgies to help the ...

Q: Closed form for Genocchi numbers using sums with Stirling numbers of both kinds

Notamathematician Let $B_n$ be the Bernoulli number. Let $a(n)$ be A110501 (i.e., unsigned Genocchi numbers (of first kind) of even index). Here $$ a(n) = 2(4^n-1)B_{2n}(-1)^{n-1}. $$ Let $s(n,k)$ be the (signed) Stirling number of the first kind. Let $n \brace k$ be the Stirling number of the second kind. Let $T...

Q: Which is better - AIC or ANOVA?

Danielle VarleyI am comparing three different nested linear regression models. Based on ANOVA f-statistics, the simplest model is best (i1). However, the AIC for these models are very similar, within +_3. According to AIC, the third model is best (i3). Is is better to use ANOVA or AIC. Also, when looking at the...

Q: I am looking for primary source quotes from Leopold Kronecker about Georg Cantor and set theory

Emilia8910I was wondering if anyone could help me find primary sources for Kronecker's criticisms. The quote: “I don’t know what predominates in Cantor’s theory — philosophy or theology, but I am sure that there is no mathematics there.” is widely found online but is never referenced. Does anyone know the ...

Q: Can you see an Unseen Servant with Truesight or See Invisibility?

Nobody the HobgoblinWe have a question on this for Pathfinder, but I cannot find one for D&D 5e. In a recent adventure, my wizard cast an Unseen Servant before visiting a lich for some tense negotiations. The lich had Truesight so it can see invisible creatures and objects. So, would the lich be able to perceive it?...

Q: How to make sphere in TikZ

Mr.PriceI'm learning to make 3D figures like cone, triangle, sphere etc in TikZ and hopefully I managed to make nicely looking cones and triangels but the problem is with Sphere. This how I currently managed to make my simple sphere: \documentclass[border=2mm,12pt,tikz]{standalone} \usetikzlibrary{angles...

Q: Weird argument of Root

Paul RConsider the following command: Reduce[y^2*(x - 2*Surd[3, 2])^2 <= 12 && y^2 <= 2*Surd[3, 2]*x, {x, y}, Reals]. It returns an expression that has the following part: Root[(Function[Plus[-3, Power[Slot[1], 2]]], Function[Plus[-6, Times[12, Slot[1], Slot[2]], Times[-12, Power[Slot[2], 2]], Times[Sl...

Q: Does any scripture explicitly mention the word Dhashavatharam?

VatapatrashaayiI am not asking for a list of Avatharas but the mention of the word Dhashavatharam. I know It is mentioned in Lalitha Sahasranamam but I am looking for other scriptures.

Q: Is a kitchen cabinet faceboard strong enough to support a bar stool?

David LeeWe had pivoting bar stools mounted to our kitchen counter when we built our house. I've been very nervous about anyone heavy (including me) sitting on them as they are just mounted by a metal plate with four 1/4" lag screws that just extend through the faceboard of the cabinet. I'm concerned ab...

Q: Transubstantiation: Why the lack of Controversy in the Early Church?

Ryan Pierce WilliamsFor those that believe in transubstantiation, that the bread and wine of the Eucharist literally become the flesh and blood of Christ, why were there no schisms concerning this within the Early Church IF this is what they believed and taught? The Noahide Covenant and the Mosaic Law not only both ...

Q: Photodiode Noise - model the shunt resistance thermal noise as a voltage or current source

SeppdeI'm confused about how to model the noise sources in a photodiode transimpedance amplifier configuration. Most of the sources I find online recommend modeling the noise originating from the shunt resistance of the photodiode using a current source. I was of the opinion that it should not matter, ...

Q: Had Jesus not completed his mission prior to the crucifixion?

another theoryJohn 17:3-5 3 Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. 4 I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do. 5 And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began. ...

Q: Strange sentence in Hume

Егор Галыкин The degree and direction of every motion is, by the laws of nature, prescribed with such exactness that a living creature may as soon arise from the shock of two bodies as motion in any other degree or direction than what is actually produced by it. What's meant by "what is actually produced by it

Q: Do R290 (propane) multi-split air-air heat pumps exist?

JoLoCoI'm considering upgrading my home heating to an air-to-air heat pump (AKA an air conditioner) as it makes a lot of sense, and everyone I know who has one loves it. I wanted to get one that uses R290 (propane) as the refrigerant, due to its very low GWP (global warming potential, CO2 equivalent) v...

Q: Parsing raw bitcoin transactions, parsing works for one example, but not for another

Akin WilsonI am working on a bitcoin transaction parsing class in python. The strange thing is, I am able to successfully parse an example transaction, but cannot parse any other, and I am struggling to find out what on earth is going on that is causing the issue. there is quite a lot to unpack, but here is...

Q: Searchkit issue rendering relationship custom fields with options

Johan CluytsI'm having this issue where my customfields (used for relationships) are not searchable in Searchkit. I see a "loading" icon, but nothing ever loads... I can't user the filters with these customfields either. I have changed every possible option. Any thoughts? Thanks

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