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Q: Can a syntactically/negation complete theory be undecidable?

cspI'm aware that a semantically complete theory can be undecidable. (I believe it's because only logically valid sentences need be provable for a theory to be semantically complete.) But is it possible for a syntactically/negation complete theory to be undecidable? And do "syntactically complete" and

Q: Why am I having problems focusing with extension tubes?

LauraI am adding Kenko tubes to my Nikon 50mm 1.8 D lens. I need some advice. This is my first time using extension tubes. I can't focus. I'm just getting a blurred image. Any advice would be welcome.

Q: Efficient way of extruding moulding shapes out of walls

CarlosI have a model of an apartment, which is all of it a single connected mesh (the vertex for the floors connect with the ones on the wall, etc) and I wanted to extrude small mouldings at the bottom of each wall (0.1m high, 0.025m thick), where it connects the floor, such that the floor would also b...

Q: Quick-release for battery terminal loops (D18S/T3)

User1974I have a D18S/T3 battery that I want to use to power the lights of an aluminum boat. I don't want to leave the battery in the boat when I'm not using it. I figure the elements would damage the battery over time. So I want to easily remove the battery after each use and store it elsewhere. So far...

Q: Zip drive eject "tool"

KeltariSo I am trying to manually eject a Zip disk from a Zip drive. This is not a OEM Zip drive, but one made specifically for a Pentium laptop. I went to the dollar store and bought a pack of paper clips, as I probably havent had or seen a paperclip in years. Unfortunately, the paperclip would just...

Q: How to increase Godot render distance?

Velsia I've tried changing the viewport far distance under view > settings, from 500 to 500 000 and nothing changes in game. The player can only see roughly 90-120 meters away. It's not even about the camera zoom, because my camera can zoom from -150 to +150. By zooming all the way out my character bec...

Q: Follow-up question - Good ways for inventor to stage patent attorney for success

EngrStudent(Motivation) I asked this question: Patent Enablement - how do you balance retention of secrets and teaching make and use (Rough Question) In the comments the question came up: What is the best (or at least very very good) way for a technical expert to document their work and set up for the paten...

Q: solutions of a modular equation

Giovanni RussoI have a modular equation like this: In[]:= Reduce[(1 + 3 x)^2 + (1 + 3 x)^4 + (1 + 3 x)^8 == 9 y^2, {x, y}, Modulus -> 3^2] Out[]= x == 1 + 3 C[1] && y == C[2] and I want to transform this parametric solution so that I have all the couples {x,y} that satisfy the equation. I tried: In[]:= Reduc...

Q: What's the standard deviation of the difference between randomly paired data?

COOLSerdashAssume that we want to compare the agreement of two methods of measuring blood pressure (e.g. a machine and a sphygmomanometer). In their paper, Preiss & Fisher (2008) discuss the standard deviation of the difference between the two measurement methods, a quantity they call "precision". At the en...

Q: Is there a word that means "fittable" as in an object's capability to fit into a space?

WarnerA friend used the word "fittable" in conversation a few days ago when discussing whether or not some objects could fit into a box. It led to a discussion about whether or not "fittable" is a word (according to Google it is, but it is obsolete), and whether or not there is a better word to describ...

Q: Adapt elements in the list, condition by condition

hareCould you give me some advice? Suppose I have the following list. box[1,1]={{4.4, {1,1}, {a}}, {1.5, {1,1}, {a}}, {10.8, {2,1}, {3a}}, {10, {1, 3}, {3a}}} I want to do the following. When the location of Part[box[1, 1][[x]], 3] is {a}, apply it to the contents of the brackets as a=1. When the lo...

Q: "Of"—meaning in this sentence

Sam A fox once invited a stork to dine with him. He set before her a shallow dish of food. The fox ate of it greedily. I think "up" should be uses instead of "of".

Q: Should I ever be influenced by an argument that I can't understand?

Matthew Christopher BartshI'm asking this because recently Conifold has addressed two posts to me in the Symposium, which is the main chat room for Philosophy on Stack Exchange, and I can't understand either of them. The weird thing is that I have been strongly influenced by each of the posts, and now have major new doubt...

Q: The Mysterious Animal 2

The_AHGreat, now that we know the houses are owned by monkeys, we can sell them to animal (n). Animal (n) just said a few things! For some reason people are sad that I apparently get blackmailed, often when I tell them what humans get out of me. I eat a lot of verde. I like bowing since it rhymes wi...

Q: Are there any advantages to collecting data at a sampling rate higher than a recording device can physically record?

Stu SmithBackground: As an example, the Swift recording device can record at a sampling rate up to 96 kHz (with a corresponding effective rate of 48 kHz). However, the highest frequency response that the device's microphone can collect is 16kHz. See faq #8 and #9 at https://www.birds.cornell.edu/ccb/swi...

Q: Correctness of multiplication in ball arithmetic

IOS_DEVWe define $B(c,r) = \{x \in \mathbb{R} \ : \ |x - c| \le r\}$ with $r \ge 0$. Given two balls $b_1 = B(c_1, r_1)$ and $b_2 = B(c_2, r_2)$, multiplication is defined as follows: $$ b_1 * b_2 = B(c_1 c_2, r_1 r_2 + |c_1| r_2 + |c_2|r_1). $$ I've taken this equation from (7) in this thesis. An alter...

Q: Leading constant in Batyrev-Tschinkel's refinement of Manin conjecture

dummyBackground: Let $X$ be a Fano variety over number field $K$, where its anticanonical bundle $K_X^{-1}$ is ample. Let $i: X \to \mathbb{P}^n$ be the anticanonical embedding, where $K_X^{-m} \cong i_*O(1)$. The standard (exponential) height $H$ on $\mathbb{P}^n$ is induced by standard metric on $O(...

Q: Are there any superheroes in the Spider-Verse that are not Spider-Beings?

ThePopMachineHere, I am referring to the animated Spider-Man films Into the Spider-Verse and Across the Spider-Verse. We have seen (or seen refernced) many a Spider-Man variant, many villains, and some anti-heroes (Venom). Are there supposed to be literally no superheroes in any of the universes who are not S...

Q: parskip clashes with thmbox of thmtools

Théo LeblancI have a problem using the parskip and thmtools packages. I want to use the boxes provided by thmtools to frame my theorems lemmas etc. The one I'm interested in is the thmbox=M box but as soon as the parskip package is loaded everything goes wrong. The reason I don't want to give up on parskip i...

Q: Can I refuse to provide detailed medical history to day camp?

zwiebelspaetzleI'm a leader in a church-sponsored children's group. We're going to attend a half-day "day camp" run by Boy Scouts of America. The activities will include short hikes, archery, bb guns, and paddling in a shallow pond. The camp is requesting from me (as a leader) a detailed medical history, inc...

Q: Ensuring building ground is safe and code-compliant

KimSummary: My electrician plans to install 2 ground rods and a continuous ground wire to the front spigot where the water enters the home. How can I make sure that it's legal and code-compliant? One neighbour when they did panel upgrade installed only one grounding rod and a grounding wire attache...

Q: How to prep oval 1” copper pipe end for sharkbite fitting?

user1594257I have a 1” underground copper pipe in tight quarters, not good access. The pipe is not perfect and looks oval. Is there a tool I can carefully insert in a 1” pipe to get it round again? Trying to prevent ripping out a sidewalk. Would like to get it as round as possible for the sharkbite fitting.

Q: When it comes to events occuring in the near future, when is futur proche preferred over le présent, or vice versa?

EvanHere are two examples: a) Je vais partir pour Paris demain. b) Je pars pour Paris demain. a) Je vais à la plage dans deux heures. b) Je vais aller à la plage dans deux heures. Is the difference between the sentences (a) and (b) minimal, or is there a time and place for either? Is it the sam...

Q: Reducing the filter complexity for rotary encoders

BramI am using Bourns rotary encoders, specifically the PEC11R-4215F-S0024 part. In the datasheets, Bourns suggest a filter circuit as follows: I've used this filter in a previous PCB design, and it works quite well. No lost pulses, no double counts, etc. The problem is that I am currently designing...

Q: Use of 'suus' in 'ignoranti quem portum petat nullus suus ventus est'

AlexandreSeneca, Epistolae LXXI: ignoranti quem portum petat nullus suus ventus est commonly translated as 'he who does not know which port he is heading to has no favourable wind'. Could anyone explain what suus is doing? Is it 'no wind of his own' - can the nominative work like that in a dative of posse...

Q: Green's Theorem does not check out, spot the mistake.

user34909We have a square on the plane of sides 2 from (-1,-1) to (1,1), and $P(x,y)=x^2+y^2,Q(x,y)=2x^2y$. $$ \oint_L (x^2+y^2)dx+2x^2ydy=2\int_{-1}^1(x^2+1)dx+2\int_{-1}^12ydy=\frac{16}{3}+0=\frac{16}{3} $$ as on the horizontal lines $dy=0$ and $y=\pm1$ and in the direction [1,-1] $dx<0$, and same reaso...

Q: Classifying space of a non-discrete group and relationship between group homology and topological homology of Lie groups

XYCI have a very soft question which might be very standard in textbooks or literature but I haven't seen it. To a fixed group $G$ we may attach different topologies to make it different topological groups with the same underlying groups. My question 1 is: Are those classifying spaces associated to ...

Q: How to enter Hungarian characters ő (long ö) and ű (long ü) on a Mac with German keyboard layout?

Gugyin AdriánI found that I can write characters with single acute accent, but there is no double acute accent present on my German keyboard. What is the simplest and shortest workaround to enter ő (long ö) and ű (long ü) on a Mac with German keyboard? I have a 2018 MacBook Pro 15". Is it possible to script s...

Q: Was there a love affair between Faustina the Younger and Avidius Cassius?

user1387866I recently watched episode 1 of season 1 of the Netflix series "Rome". According to that episode, Faustina the Younger (Marcus Aurelius's wife) had a love affair with the Roman general Avidius Cassius. Is there any reason to believe that this is true, or is it pure fiction?

Q: How do researchers know / prove they've achieved quantum supremacy?

raddevusI'm currently reading the book, Quantum Supremacy: How the Quantum Computer Revolution Will Change Everything by Michio Kaku and I came upon the following sentence: "Soon after Google made it's claim of achieving quantum supremacy, the Chinese announced that they broke an even larger barrier, per...

Q: Do I need to separate my main and gas grounding conductors?

000I have a garage with the electrical meter and gas meter on one side, and the water and grounding rods on the other side. I understand that the meter needs to be bonded to the water pipe and grounding rods within 5 ft of the water pipe entry. And the gas line also needs to be bonded at the water p...

Q: Footprint for Electrolytic Capacitor

user1584421I plan on using this capacitor on my project: https://datasheet.lcsc.com/lcsc/2209011730_KNSCHA-RVT330UF50V167RV085_C5155333.pdf This is an electrolytic capacitor (this means it has polarity.). The datasheet marks it as an SMD,10x10.2mm footprint. However, when i try to select a footprint from Ki...

Q: transit visa avoidance

Jeanne StebbinsI am traveling from Camaroon to Barbadoes. I am Nigerian. There is a 14 hour layover in Panama. Can I bypass the transit visa requirement and stay in the airport terminal or the Copa Lounge?

Q: Minhag chabad during Krias shema al hamita

L770Does anyone know the source of the custom of reflecting on the Rebbe's face during the krias shema al hamita Someone told me about this "minhag" is there a source for this one. what then should be the thoughts during reflection?

Q: Scheduling user interviews from customer service calls

turpentyneWe're working on a recruitment script for customer service reps to ask customers that call in for help, if they'd be willing to do user interviews, so UX can interact with them and get feedback. My question is, what are effective ways to get them on the calendar and talking to UX? In email, we ca...

Q: Measuring the impedance of a 3dB attenuator

Shakiba HSI had to measure and double check the exact impedance of my commercial 3dB attenuators, and I found out that even though my attenuator says it's 52.5 \$\Omega\$, I measured 150 \$\Omega\$ across input or output. Just to make sure that is not an error or a failed attenuator, I checked with an anot...

Q: Can "equipping" a set with structure be given a precise definition?

JoeAn algebraic structure such a group can be formally defined as an ordered pair $(G,\cdot)$, where $G$ is a set and $\cdot$ is a binary operation on $G$ satisfying various axioms. This is not the only way to define groups: for instance, a group may be defined as an ordered quadruple $(G,\cdot,^{-1...

Q: How to write the following summation in Mathematica?

RF_1How to write the following summation in Mathematica? where is n integer. My try: (But it does not work) Sum[Sum[Subscript[P, i, j]*A[x]^i*B[x]^j, {i+ j, k, n}], {k, 1, n}] After achieving while n is a parameter, can we test it for diverse n values?

Q: How to create a file in a directory and write in it?

Granger ObliviateI can't find proper documentation on this but basically I want to open a .txt file to write in Mathematica in a defined path. then I want to write to that file line by line probably close the file Im looking for the Mathematica equivalent of what in C would be fopen -> fprintf -> fclose Thank y...

Q: Detect keys whose values are objects or arrays automatically in SQL JSON Query

Prosy ArcenoI have these JSON: Application 1: { "business_industry": "Agriculture", "docs": [ { "internal": false, "type": "Asset & Liability Statement" }, { "internal": false, "name": "Privacy Consent", "type": "Privacy Consent" } ], "quote": { "principal": 0, "s...

Q: Do weighted clubs refer to gyms in this context?

Emma-LiI am reading an article about the childhood of Queen Victoria. It mentions the notorious Kensington System devised by her mother. One of the rules is workouts with weighted clubs. I don't know whether weighted clubs refer to gyms? But it is unlikely there were gyms back then. Does this mean some ...

Q: Buck regulator using TI LMR16030S. Diode seems to be overheating under moderate load

KpilotRCHelisI recently completed, had manufacturer, and assembled my (second attempt at a) wide input buck regulator using the LMR16030SDDA regulator ICs. This time around I used the Texas Instruments WEBENCH Power Designer to give me a base circuit to base my design on. The criteria given to the Power Des...

Q: Test A requires reviewing other files to prove it is correct. Test B doesn’t but has more than one assert

candied_orangeSay you want to test an update capability across a CRUD api. Test A updates a field, queries it, and asserts that it now has the value from the update. Knowledge that the starting value and the test value are not the same comes from reviewing a static value in another file when writing the test. ...

Q: Laptop turns off suddenly, then wont turn on again

TutuetiThis laptop started to present this problem in which it turns on briefly for about one minute, then it suddenly turns off and after that wont turn on again. If I wait about one month or so and try again it will turn on but suddenly off and the same process repeats. Things I tried already without ...

Q: Pitch accent of 物(もの) as a standalone noun

dekinai(I am talking about もの as a standalone noun outside of compounds. The kind of もの used after the 連用形 form of verbs (忘れ物 etc.) is usually 平板型 (though there are many exceptions)) I feel like 尾高型 is in a way the "default" pitch of もの but I do come across the 平板型 pronounciation as well. I haven't been...

Q: Omitting thou after hast or art in questions (as in "Hast seen the White Whale?")

Will LevineMy understanding is that in standard modern English, an explicit grammatical subject is required in all sentences other than imperatives. However, I've come across across a few examples where the subject pronoun thou is omitted in questions. Basically my question is: what's the deal with this? Di...

Q: Omitted from flight manifest

L MercerI was recently on a flight and the seat I paid for was changed. I was travelling with an elderly person and we were not sitting together. When I requested to sit next to this individual who was pre-boarded, we were given seats together however when they took me off of the other seat, I was not ad...

Q: How to get transactions from a wallet address?

Adrian D.Is there a way to get all the transactions from a wallet address using ethers.js or viem.sh? Or are there any third-party libraries that have this functionality? I'm looking for something along the lines of: const transactions = await sdk.getTransactions(address);

Q: Should I agree to review a paper that I've already recommended that another journal reject?

tparkerI recently reviewed an article submitted to an academic journal and recommended that the editor reject the submission (which he did). There were no errors or problems with the submitted article, but I felt that it represented a marginal advancement that did not justify a whole article in a high-i...

Q: I used to abuse my cat. is it best that i get rid of him, or is it okay if he stays with me?

anonymousI've had my cat for 6 years now. a few times during his early years, I abused him. I don't have a good excuse. if I could go back in time and stop myself, I would, but I can't. I have to just live with it and be better. while I can't fix what I've done, I did stop, but I fear I've done irreparabl...

Q: Send command output through filecontents

fauveGeneral situation In a document I have to mention bibliographic line and corresponding BibTeX blockcode of the document itself. Then, some fields of the BibTeX code, like title author date, should not be hard-coded but should depend of the corresponding LaTeX command definitions. What I did In or...

Q: Discontinuity in an embedded diagram

Soliton-104I am trying to plot the embedment diagram of a two-dimensional section along the equatorial plane $t =$ constant, $\theta = \pi / 2$ of a Morris-Thorne wormhole with the embed function: $$ z(r) = \pm b_0 ln \left( r + \sqrt{(\frac{r}{b_0})^2 - 1} \right)$$ so f[r_, b_Integer] := b Log[r + Sqrt[(r...

Q: How many times had Trump been arraigned before his presidency?

GratefulDiscipleNews articles today (such as this one) have been saying that the former president Trump has only been indicted and arraigned twice (4 April 2023 at the Manhattan state court of New York, and 13 June 2023 at a federal district court in Miami, Florida) despite the dozens of lawsuits that have been ...

Q: how to render grid with lines and semi-transparent color?

Mr.Wang from Next Door I want to make the above grid with the following style. Semi-transparent color, with lines. How can I do that? via materials?

Q: What laws of war would pertain to this situation?

R-ObsessiveI was thinking of a story I wanted to write, but I had a legal question. It involves a war story, and a group of around 12 soldiers, members of a regular armed force with the authority of the head of state legally behind them, have taken a position in an armed conflict and have in the process cap...

Q: Why did the VT100 terminal have to be connected to a host computer if it already had a processor?

Noob_GuyThe VT100 terminal already had an 8080 processor. So why did it have to be connected to a host computer? Why not use its processor to perform computations? Is it because the VT100 processor's purpose was only to transmit input from the keyboard to the host computer, receive & display the correspo...

Q: Book series about a girl without a heart, who has to get the heart of a prince in order to regain her own

RaeI remember reading this book a few months back. It's about a girl, whose parents were killed by bad guys. She was also injured, I think, but a witch offers her revenge or "life" in exchange for her heart. This gives the witch control over the girl. Later, she's chosen to kill the prince. She meet...

Q: How to write a character who's better than you at sounding professional and doublespeak

aurorajackI have a character who is an expert at using language to his advantage. Both in terms of doublespeak, saying what things without saying it and subtle put downs, but also in terms of effortlessly sounding professional without having to think about it. I'm not particularly skilled in either. The ma...

Q: Footprint assignments in KiCad

mama bDoes anyone know what footprint assignment for the potentiometer WH148 style in KiCad? There were a lot of footprints but I don't know which one is the same as the WH148 style.

1 hour later…
Q: How is current dropped through a step-up transformer, when current is dependent on resistance?

stickynotememoSuppose you have a 1:10 transformer. You put in 12V and you get 120V out the other end. Now the current before the transformer would be $$V=IR$$ $$I = \frac{V}{R}$$ $$I = \frac{12}{1}$$ $$I=12$$ (assuming a sample resistance of 1 ohm), while on the other side the current would be something like $...

Q: The fundamental equation of a system

RaffaellaI was reading Thermodynamics and an I(second edition) by Callen and thinking about the problem in P92. A particular system is constrained to a constant mole number and volume so that no work can be done on or by the system. Furthermore, the heat capacity of the system is $C$, a constant. How can ...

Q: Linear Algebra Question On Augmented Matrix

Wang YeFeiI read the book Linear Algebra by David Lay and stumbled upon a paragraph on page $40$ that read: If an augmented matrix [A b] has a pivot position in every row, then the equation Ax = b may or may not be consistent. I can't seem to provide myself with an example for each case, and would apprec...

Q: How to set to 0 all terms in a matrix which contain a minus

florinFor a matrix like F = {{β , x β}, {-2 β, -3 β}}; F // MatrixForm I would like to set to 0 all terms which contain a minus, in this case the bottom row, getting Fp = {{β , x β}, {0, 0}} I tried Replace, but couldn't figure out the correct syntax

Q: Does CCA security imply perfect secrecy?

Judge RhadamanthusCan any encryption scheme that is CCA (Chosen Ciphertext Attack) secure be considered to achieve perfect secrecy?

Q: Rip van Winkle crime spree

Joe SmithLet's say a rogue physicist wanted to make a fortune allowing criminals to use time tech to avoid the time when statute of limitations would allow them to be arrested. But how could someone prove to a criminal that this system would work? I suppose making something from another time appear might...

Q: Does a 100% degree of belief imply that no amount of evidence can change your mind?

thinkingmanAs a reminder, in Bayesian epistemology, given a hypothesis H and new evidence E, it is recommended to update your degree of belief using the formula P (H|E) = (P (E|H) * P(H))/P(E). P (H) is the prior probability of the hypothesis being true. In Bayesian epistemology, there is the concept of a p...

Q: A request for a more direct approach for the question in the body.

drhabSuppose we randomly arrange $n$ objects of which $s$ are of silver and $1$ is of gold & the remaining $n-s-1$ are of copper. The question I looked at is: what is the probability that all predecessors of the golden object are of (zero or more) silver with no copper predecessors? I defined the de...

Q: Building the right GAM model. Struggling with the jump from lmer()

Simen Leithe TajetI have I have no experience with gam() but I think this is the right way to model my data. Sample data: tibble [9,286 × 9] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame) $ Fiscode : Factor w/ 21406 levels "120097","502468",..: 27 31 31 53 53 62 62 62 64 64 ... $ Status : Factor w/ 4 levels "O","E","R","D": 1...

Q: German translation of “Court and Spark”

Mark Featherstone“Court and Spark” is the title of a Joni Mitchell album and derives from a sentence in one of the songs, “He went looking for a woman to court and (to) spark.” DeepL gives me, “Er war auf der Suche nach einer Frau, die er umwerben und auslösen konnte,” for the whole sentence, so maybe, “Umwerben ...

Q: Sci-fi book where a 3D man travels into 4D world and meets some creatures there

Alexander CI read a sci-fi book where the protagonist (a man) travels into a 4D world with the help of 4D creature. Details I remember: Creature covered his sides with some membrane in order to prevent his inners to fall of to 4d. Once he returned into 3d flipped. So his left-right changed. There were some...

Q: Z value is lost

BERAI want to create a PointZ with a Z value, then construct a geometry, and then go back to a PointZ but the Z value is lost because .asPoint is returning a PointXY. p = QgsPoint(1,2,3) print(p) #<QgsPoint: PointZ (1 2 3)> g = QgsGeometry(p) print(g) #<QgsGeometry: PointZ (1 2 3)> p2 = g.asPoint()...

Q: Possible solution for the magic square of squares problem

milinI was fiddling around with this problem for 3x3 magic squares after seeing another Numberphile video and I got to a point where I'm not sure where the error in proving no such magic squares exists is, so I would appreciate someone pointing it out. So, consider a generic magic square of the follow...

Q: Covariate adjustment for "mediated" reverse causality

robertspierreI have made the following DAG in dagitty.net: DAGitty says "The total effect cannot be estimated by covariate adjustment". I don't understand why I can't close the backdoor path by controlling for U.

Q: AMP script LookUpOrderedRows with deduplication

JasBas9100I'm writing an AMP script code to have a top 3 of products based on pageviews (=value1) inside an email. I've started with the AMP script funtion LookUpOrderedRows and this gave me the desired outcome. Next step would be to 'deduplicate' based on product id. Products can exist in multiple times i...

Q: What is the definition of Moral Good in God's omni-benevolence

Lio ElbammalfA recent question asked about God's omni-benevolence, free will and God's ability to do evil. My counter to that was to look at Divine Command Theory which defines moral good as God's will, the questioner did ask further questions that made me wonder about this though. Would all conclusions of mo...

Q: How can an airconditioning machine exist?

DominiqueI work in an office where the airconditioning is not working, so I brought a small mobile airconditioning device: it's a small machine, emitting cooled air. It looks like this: However, according to the laws of thermodynamics, the total amount of heat should always increase in a closed system. T...

Q: Always round up command

TobyI have a problem with rounding numbers. I'm searching for a command that always rounds UP the length of a line to the next 0,1m. For Example I have a line with the length 56,12m I want to be rounded to 56,2m. You know any workaround?

Q: Why do algorithms use iterator_traits<T>::value_type instead of T::value_type?

Hardik SavsaviyaIn an algorithm, I can determine the value_type directly from the iterator via iter::value_type. Why do algorithms use iterator_traits to do the same? #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <iterator> #include <typeinfo> using namespace std; template<typename iter> void for_each(iter fir...

Q: How can a matriarchal society be maintained?

Hauke ReddmannAny matriarchal hierarchy is in constant danger: any male dictator wannabe would hit evolutionary jackpot with a succeeded putsch. (Stop giggling, Shenzi - human sexual dimorphism favors the males somewhat.) Bonobos have kept their system stable for millions of years, but I don't see how their "H...

Q: Special parliament that controls and oversees the Justice and Law enforcement systems

Jacob3In countries like the USA many people are frustrated with the control of the legislative majority or head of state over Justice appointments and the Law enforcement agencies (accusing the law enforcement of bias etc.), while in countries like Israel many people are frustrated with the inability o...

Q: Wire-to-Board connector identification Sinano Kenshi Stepper STP-43D1034

wedarkI bought used Sinano Kenshi STP-43D1034 steppers with a connector attached the coils. Spent a few hours and wasn't able to identify the connector type. At this stage I would like to avoid changing the connector. It does not seem to be a JST or a Molex connector. Contact's pitch is 2mm or very clo...

Q: Phone blocks call from someone who is not on the block list

Norbert JeszenőiI hope I am posting in the right section. I would like to ask support from you to solve an issue with my Samsung A325F/DS (android version: 13). The phone is not rooted. The issue is: the phone blocks all calls from my wife despite her number is not listed on the block list. Actually, there are n...

Q: I have designed a course activity, how can I turn this into a publication?

Nuri AlçoI am a bilogist I have only published in biology journals,, This time I would like to publish a more education centered paper if I can This is an undergraduate course activity that should take a few weeks,, İt involves using (already available) software to design drugs I have looked online for ed...

Q: Is there a reason why it was said that the distance between the seat tube and the rear wheel should be as small as possible on a road bike?

Maik LowreyI recently saw a steel road bike in a road bike shop where the distance was well over 1cm. 99.9% of old road bikes had a very small distance (~5mm). At the time, they thought it was more aerodynamic. Is the distance still a quality feature from today's perspective?

Q: nonlinearfit with error message of "not valid" parameters

user49535I am trying to fit a nonlinear function with four parameters to a dataset. It works, but two of the parameters touch the upper limits of the given range with the error message "FittedModel::constr: The property values {ParameterTable} assume an unconstrained model. The results for these propertie...

Q: Where is the syntax for /etc/environment documented?

nerdfever.comI want to know the exact syntax for /etc/environment. I know it's not an ordinary shell script, but how exactly are single and double quotes processed? Can environment variables defined earlier in the file be used to define later variables? How does escaping work? What happens if there are spaces...

Q: IntervalMarkers bands not filled for negative x values

fernhughesMathematica 13.2, I am trying to plot uncertain numbers using around, with IntervalMarkers->"Bands" so that these bands are filled. For negative x-axis values, the bands don't fill. Can anyone help me fix this? p1 = ListLinePlot[{{1, Around[2, 0.2]}, {1.5, Around[5, 0.2]}, {2, Around[4, 0.2]...

Q: Questions about Thomas Gray's Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard

balteoI have four questions regarding Thomas Gray's "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard". What is the subject of "molest" in this stanza? Save that from yonder ivy-mantled tow'r ⁠The moping owl does to the moon complain Of such as, wand'ring near her secret bow'r, ⁠Molest her ancient solitary rei...

Q: Is blunt the right expression for directness?

Blue CloudsA 'blunt' statement is when someone says things to the point and factual. But wouldn't 'sharp' (or some other word that implies frankness or sharpness) be a better word than 'blunt'? As blunt has the meaning that it is not sharp. When someone says something that is not direct or something soft (a...

Q: Is the buoyant force on an object a kind of normal force?

Shivang ThakurSo, simple question, are the bouyant force applied to an object by a fluid and normal force (Is it even there?) related? If no where is the normal force and why does bouyancy even happen?

Q: When to exercise a physical Bermudan swaption

SPF531I have seen a lot of literature regarding the valuation of physical Bermudan Swaptions. However, I could not find any answer to the following question: if you're a trader and an expiry date is approaching, how do you know if you exercise now or not? I don't think that it is just by checking if th...

Q: MatrixExp[] for 4 by 4 matrix gives an unavailable answer

jerryed321 Q = ( { {-7, 1, 2, 4}, {2, -4, 1, 1}, {2, 2, -6, 2}, {1, 1, 1, -3} } ) MatrixExp[Q*t] I defined the matrix Q and executed the command. Then I got a result {{-(248/137) - 59/274 Root[274 + 130 # + 20 #^2 + #^3& , 1, 0] - ( 248 E^(t Root[274 + 130 # + 20 #^2 + #^3& , 1, 0]...

Q: Minimising time taken for 3 people to walk to the same point

cherrytreeSuppose there are $3$ people that are positioned in $3$ different places on a flat plane. Assume all 3 people walk at the same speed. The $3$ people begin walking (in a direct path) toward a single point $P$ (which is also positioned on the flat plane), and the last person to get to $P$ takes $T$...

Q: How mockups differ from a real mobile app?

SahranI have searched online about this topic and I'm confused. If I have been asked to build mockups for an app, is it something to be built using for example Android Studio? or Is it paper/drawing based? In the case if it is built using Android Studio, what should be built there? just interfaces? How...

Q: Making my company more appealing to a more diverse group of people (LGBTQIA+, BIPoC)

Andresch SerjMy companys workforce is mainly white, heterosexual and cis-male. Partly this is due to a lack of available hires in my industry (software/robotics). Still i would wish we could attract a more diverse workforce. How can our company attract a more diverse workforce? What can we do to make it a saf...

Q: How to find the Domain of this function?

csn899Clear["Global`*"] f[x_] = Log[10, x + a/x - 2] FunctionDomain[{f[x], a > 0}, x] // Reduce[#, a] & USE In[22]:= Clear["Global`*"] f[x_] = Log[10, x + a/x - 2] FunctionDomain[{f[x], a > 0}, x] // Reduce[#, a] & Out[23]= Log[-2 + a/x + x]/Log[10] Out[24]= (0 < x <= 2 && a > 2 x - x^2) || (x > 2 &&

Q: Discovered Phd topic has already been worked on

M.S.L.I am a second year french phd student and two days ago I found out the topic I had been working on has already been studied, and the result I wanted to prove is basically already known. Unfortunately, neither I nor the supervisor were aware of this, and when looking at the literature I didn't fin...

Q: Is there an easy way to distinguish suspicious blocks?

pinckermanMinecraft 1.20 version introduced two new blocks called Suspicious Sand and Suspicious Gravel, which can be brushed to discover items. Those blocks are very fragile, because you lose their loot when broken, and that happens also when they fall to the ground. So I'm wondering: is there an easy way...

Q: Is there a way to write on my iPad and my friend's iPad with one screen?

with-forestSuppose that two persons A and B have iPad respectively. They want to use some note app such as Notability or Goodnotes, and share their screen. It means that if A writes something on A's iPad, then B can see it on B's iPad at the same time, and vise versa. Is it possible? If it is possible, plea...

Q: Resistor on AC line for PCB power supply

Austin FoxI am looking at using this small power supply device PSK-3D-5 to provide 5 V for a simple logic circuit from a wall outlet. I see this resistor (R1) on the AC line and was wondering if anyone could help me understand its function, and how critical it is to be included. I would also like to know h...

Q: Confusion with the definition of a Frechet space regarding completeness and uniqueness of a limit

IsaacI am aware that a Frechet space $V$ is a topological vector space whose topology is induced by countably many seminorms $\{ \lVert \cdot \rVert_k \}$ such that it must be Hausdorff it must be complete In the relevant Wikipedia entry it is stated that when constructing a Frechet space, one needs...

Q: How much water is needed or released in the process of burning 1000 kcalories from fat reserves?

RenatRecently, I have started working on my weight and, having a curious mind, I looked deeper into this whole exercise/metabolism/energy production thing. And I became curious how much water is needed to burn 1000 calories while doing aerobic exercise. At first I looked into glucose oxidation and it ...

Q: Does a full-duplex transceiver allow to use both directions at the same time?

mdirI would need some help with this family of line drivers: MAX3081 from Analog (https://www.analog.com/en/products/max3081.html). In particular I don't understand if I can receive and transmit via UART at the same time with the MAX3081. I am aware that it is suitable for full duplex but it is not c...

Q: Spectrum +2A power supply capacitors replacement

DarrenI am new to the world of Spectrums, but I have a +2A which isn't powering up. I've tested the voltages on the pins of the connector and none of the voltages being supplied were even close. Given the age of the PSU I was thinking of recapping it, the problem is I can't find any information on t...

Q: How can I prevent a ContentDocument being deleted when it is linked to a record meeting certain criteria?

Phil WI have ContentDocuments being used to capture "proof" against certifications. Once the submitted certification (and "proof") has been reviewed, that certification is marked "Active". After this point I need to prevent deletion of the certification and its related ContentDocument. Preventing the d...

Q: Why is using frametitle the recommended way when using the beamer class?

AlfI have just read that using frametitle explicitly is the recommended way for a frame's title when using the beamer package [1], i.e. \begin{frame}\frametitle{<title>} ... \end{frame} is recommended over \begin{frame}{<title>} ... \end{frame}. Can somebody educate me why that is the case? A MWE mi...

Q: Velocity needed for bullet to circumnavigate earth and land at our feet

Sick NutmegLets say we fire a bullet from a very powerful gun at a height of 1 metre parallel to the surface of the Earth. Assume there is no air resistance and the only force acting on the bullet is from Earth's gravity. Also assume that the Earth is perfectly spherical and that nothing will get in the bul...

Q: Is there anything I can do with extra brake cable?

CedricI'm changing my brake cables and I'm just thinking that it's such a big waste of cable since I only need a tiny bit and the cables are two meters long. Is there any way they can be used or anything? Edit: To be clear I mean the part that is left after cutting the piece I need, which has no head o...

Q: What is the advantage on road bikes where the seat stay merges into the upper part of the seat tube, but well below the top tube

Maik LowreyFor a few years now, you see more and more road bike manufacturers building this new frame shape. What is the advantage of this geometry?

Q: TIPA package clashes with [T2A] for Cyrillic signs

IrisIt appears that the TIPA package and the Cyrillic T2A fontenc-package cancel themselves out, only ever allowing the first defined package in the preamble to spell out in the document. A friend needs both packages working for their thesis, however. Is there a way to either make these two compatibl...

Q: Why mathematica Minimize function cannot handle Integers constraint in this case?

Tuong Nguyen MinhI am an electrical engineer and sudenly a problem of this form appear during my research For this kind of problem, Mathematica can work just fine. But as soon as I as the Integers option then I cannot receive the solution Therefore, my question is where did I do wrong and how to avoid this issu...

Q: Why I got Failed to allocate directory watch: Too many open files?

Richard RublevI tried update on 22.04 Failed to allocate directory watch: Too many open files Hit:1 https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu jammy InRelease Hit:2 https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com jammy InRelease Get:3 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu ...

Q: Does an End-Fed Antenna need to be straight?

MotTypical yard and wondering if I can go out a window, to a tree, turn to another tree, turn to another tree simply trying to achieve the length required for 80m band? One video stated it doesn't need to be straight, but need to verify.

Q: Do out-of-combat spells use spell slots?

lemosnthis feels like a dumb question, but spells out of combat (like if someone used detect magic) use up spell slots? I would assume it does but i wanted to check in case

Q: Use QGIS python expression functions (QgsPyExpressionFunctions) within QgsPyExpressionFunctions

HoneybearI created a function force_numeric_list in my QGIS Expression "Function Editor" (see image below) with the purpose of reusing it in other functions there, e.g. as shown below in the function get_min_from_attributes(). When simply calling the function force_numeric_list(attrmap_filtered.values(), ...

Q: Is 2/9 = 0 in 2-adic?

thwdIf my math checks out we have that the 2-adic integers: $$...0101010101 = 1 + 4 + 16 + ... = 1/(1-4) = -1/3$$ and $$...1010101010 = 2 + 8 + 32 + ... = 2/(1-4) = -2/3$$ (which makes sense to me because multiplying by 2 "shifts" a 2-adic number left.) Since p-adic multiplication is done component-...

Q: Safely escaping Raku regex metacharacters

SeanI want to convert a glob-style pattern into a Raku regex. This is how I'm doing it now: s :global { || $<question-mark> = '?' || $<asterisk> = '*' || $<non-word> = \W } = $<question-mark> ?? '.' !! $<asterisk> ?? '.*' !! "\\$<non-word>"; Is it correct to prefix every non-w...

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