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Q: ConTeXt LMTX: mathalignment does not work properly

pidThe following piece of code \starttext \startformula \startmathalignment[n=9, align={middle,middle,middle,middle,middle,middle,middle,middle,middle}] \NC x^{2}y^{2}-xy^{2}-x^{2}y+xy \NC = \NC 0^{2}y^{2} \NC - \NC 0y^{2} \NC - \NC 0^{2}y \NC + \NC 0y \NR \NC ...

Q: Adding wifi router next to structured media enclosure

okiganI am trying to properly place the Wifi router and AT&T gateway with 'Structured Media Enclosure' (essentially a metal box) and having a heck of a time arranging an otherwise basic setup. So the WiFi components should NOT go into the metal box, but there are also no power outlets next to 'Structur...

Q: Example of independent and identically distributed random variables

John DConsider the probability space $(\Bbb [0, 1], \mathcal{B}, \mu),$ where $\mathcal{B}$ denotes the Borel sigma algebra in $[0, 1],$ and $\mu$ is the standard Lebesgue measure restricted to $[0, 1]$. Could you please provide an example (mathematically defined) of two absolutely continuous random va...

Q: How to accept objects as inputs and iterate over their keys in solidity?

Andrei SucmanI'm building a function that takes an object where keys are addresses and values are amounts to be paid to those addresses. The function needs to make payments to the addresses based on the values. The input example: { 0x5b12sb2523c...: 3, 0x7328acbc625...: 4, 0x127v26dsc12...: 1, ...

Q: Is it wrong to use "...the access..." in this sentence?

onose shaibu Reducing stress levels in the general population can be done effectively by improving THE/- access to mental health care. At times, I get confused as to whether I should use "the" or not, and grammar rules dictate that "the" can be used to describe specific things; hence, I feel "...the access ...

Q: Common-mode choke with inputs shorted together

AaronI came across this configuration in a schematic, and it makes no sense to me. I have to admit common-mode chokes are not my strong suit, but is this even going to act as an inductor? simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Q: Select * Order by vs Select column Order by performance

lifeisajourneyI have the following tables Create Table dbo.product ( productId varchar(100) primary key, productStatus varchar(100), productRegion varchar(100), productCreated datetime, productUpdated datetime ) Go declare @id int = 1 while @id <= 100 Begin Insert Into dbo.product values ('product'+cast(@id...

Q: Any GDPR implications when displaying publicly accessible info on a website?

Theodore TsirpanisThere's a simple static website written by a couple of university students that provides useful information about it, containing among other things contact information of faculty members (email, office phone and location) that are already published on the university's official website. The site d...

Q: What's the Perception DC to hear a creature dying from sneak attack?

Petr HudečekI make a sneak attack against a lone target, with a spell or bow, killing the target in one hit. How difficult is it for the target's allies in the next room to notice? The Perception DC to hear the sound of battle is -10 but I'm only making a single attack. What would the Perception DC to notice...

Q: Are the quaternions Morita equivalent to the real numbers?

wladI'm wondering whether the quaternions are Morita equivalent to the real numbers. The characterisation in terms of full idempotents seems unwieldly. I can use the category-theoretic definition, but it appears for obvious choices of functors $F : {}_{\mathbb R}M \to {}_{\mathbb H}M$ (via ring exten...

Q: Can Bloody Counter invalidate an attack?

Maiko ChikyuIn Spheres Of Might one of the Berserker talents is Bloody Counter As an immediate action, when a creature targets you with a melee attack, before the attack roll is made you may allow the attack to automatically strike you (although the roll is still made to determine if the attack threatens a ...

Q: Nsolve a parametric equation and using the result of NSolve in another equation

Elham QI have the following equation: (2 r)/(1 - 1/r + r^2 - r^(-1 + b)) - (r^2 (1/r^2 + 2 r - r^(-2 + b) (-1 + b)))/(1 - 1/r + r^2 - r^(-1 + b))^2 = 0 I need to find r for 0<b<1, and use r to calculate and plot F: F= r/Sqrt[1 - 1/r^(1 - b) - 1/r] To plot F with respect to b. First I defined a functio...

Q: If EM Waves Travel In Straight Lines, In What Representation Do They Resemble a Sinusoidal Wave?

Bored ComedyI read somewhere that EM waves don't actually through spaces travel as sinusoidal waves, like how a displaced rope does. (If this is obvious to any of you, blame the secondary education system, not me!) The definition of transverse waves, according to Wikipedia and many sources is ...a wave whos...

Q: How to have Windows firewall send RST packet for blocked port

dcom-launchIs there any way to instruct windows firewall to send Reset packets for a blocked TCP connection instead of dropping the packet?

Q: Detect round trips on a dodecahedron

KarlAn ant starts on an edge of a dodecahedron, facing parallel to it. At each step, it walks forward to the next vertex and turns either left or right to continue onto one of the other two edges that meet there. A sequence of left/right choices that returns the ant to its initial state (edge and dir...

Q: Can't find the node! Which node is available in which Blender version?

quellenformIt's not hard to lose track of all the Geometry Nodes in Blender, especially since names and function have changed over time. ...But honestly, it's getting pretty tedious. Many tutorials talk about nodes that I can't find in my version, and the official Blender documentation doesn't help me here ...

Q: How do I unit test a TransactionFinalizer?

cropredyI have a transaction finalizer (attached by my queueable) that I need to unit test. It looks like this (simplified) public class MyTransactionFinalizer implements System.Finalizer { public void execute(System.FinalizerContext fc) { if (fc.getResult() == ParentJobResult.SUCCESS) { // do...

Q: DC saturation current of a power transformer of a given VA rating

e_asphyxCorrect me please. As far as I know the magnetic flux density B is a function of current, core permeability and its geometry. So let's take a power transformer rated to S VA. So it can withstand \$I_{RMS} = \frac{S}{V}\$ (where V corresponds to its primary or secondary voltage) amperes of RMS cur...

Q: How to write a custom deleter that works with multiple inheritance?

bpmckinnonI have a program which uses a custom allocator and deallocator to manage memory. I've recently encountered a leak that has lead me down a huge rabbit hole that end with custom deleters being incapable of handling multiple inheritance. In the code sample below: #include <iostream> #include <memory>

Q: Why is my outlet failing shortly after being rewired?

PaulI was working in the gas station and had a scorched outlet. I removed the outlet. The white wire was jumped over to the bare copper wire. I have never seen this before, so I called an electrician. He said it's wrong and someone didn't know what they were doing. So I wired new outlet correctly and...

Q: A seemingly trivial property of differentiable functions

TittiIMPORTANT NOTE. This is not really the question I wanted to ask. Somehow I forgot to mention that I am assuming $f$ is continuous. However, since Iosif's your answer has been well-received I have left this question as it was and opened a new one with the right hypotheses. You can find it here A ...

Q: Main character has a strong soul which made him be sent to a bunch of worlds

MemerManMain character is reincarnated but seconds after he is sent to another world, and this happens like 7 times, each time gaining an ability related to that world.

Q: Can I replace a 4x6 for a swing with a 4x4 sandwiched with a 2x4?

KarrasNewbie to the forum. I'm currently building a swing with 4x4 posts based on a basic design I saw online. For the beam, my area does not carry 4x6 in any big box stores or lumber yards and no one know why and cannot order them either. I really tried. So my question is: Should/can I replace the 4x6...

Q: Basic decoupling caps question

Jackson VSorry for the basic question, I just don't fully understand how to select decoupling cap values. I know the rule of thumb is 0.1 μF per Vdd pin but I'm wondering how this works with multiple types of ICs (or if it even matters). I'm trying to make a macro keyboard using a Seeeduino and an IO expa...

Q: Is it possible to use propensity score matching (or something similar) to create a control group if you do not yet have outcome data?

Catharine RosarioI am looking into using PSM to help determine the effects that an academic intervention has on student dropout rates, and I have a question about how to use it. Currently, I have information on whether a student was in the treatment, and some demographic information that I want to use as covariat...

Q: Does a sequence with no limit points eventually become monotonic?

UniformIntegrabilityA common definition for the limit point of a sequence is that a number $x$ is a limit point of the sequence $(x_n)_{n\in \mathbb{N}}$ if there exists a subsequence that converges to $x$. Intuitively, it appears that if a sequence has no limit points then for some $N$ the sequence is monotonic for...

Q: Book, maybe the third in the series, by an author like McFarlane

SimonAs a child I was big into reading, and very quickly sci-fi & fantasy became my go to genres. A family member bought me a paperback book, that was much larger in size than your average paperback, and I remember scouring bookshops for the other books in the series, as I quickly realised that this w...

Q: Yet another sequence with letters and a question mark

Florian FA quick one. What is the next element of this sequence? v, u, s, p, l, g, a, Z, R, I, ?

Q: Apply relationships to coefficients

Luis RenatoI have the following sum: s = Sum[Sum[Sum[Sum[A[i][j][k][l],{k,-10,10}],{j,-10,10}],{l,0,4}],{i,0,4}] where the number of terms is where the number of terms is Length[s]=11025. But I have the following relation: $A[\ x\ ][\ j \ ][\ k \ ][\ y\ ]=A[\ x\ ][\ -j \ ][\ k \ ][\ y\ ]=A[\ x\ ][\ j \ ][\ ...

Q: \AddToHook{file/⟨file-name⟩/before}{\ExplSyntaxOff} seems to be ineffective

Denis Bitouzé(The current question is related to Using of \usetikzlibrary in an expl3 package fails, at least somehow.) Suppose a (expl3) class of mine, myclass, provides a way to configure it at the document level by means of a configuration file myclass.cfg automatically input at the end of the class: \Prov...

Q: Add dynamic custom text to status line

user90726I use Vim with two keyboard layouts, English and Russian, and to be able to use Vim commands irrespective to the current layout, I have the following snippet in my .vimrc: " To switch between keyboard layouts, use Control+^ or Control+Space if g:os ==# 'Darwin' set keymap=russian-jcukenmac ...

Q: What's the story behind kobolds being little lizards?

Groody the HobgoblinIn tradition, kobolds were fey creatures associated with mischief, similar in appearance to gnomes or gremlins, often with the ability to become invisible (like the kobold Pumuckl popularized in a German TV-series). However, for some unfathomable reason, the kobolds of D&D are little, scaly, huma...

Q: Are there Clifford gates that preserve some computational basis states while otherwise generating superpositions?

user196574Consider a two-qubit Clifford gate that maps $|00\rangle$ to $|00\rangle$, up to a phase. Can it map at least one of the other computational basis states $|10\rangle, |01\rangle, |11\rangle$ into a nontrivial superposition of computational basis states (i.e. a linear combination of at least two ...

Q: Is it legal to publish a ''copy" of the Constitution with fake text added?

SomeoneWould it be legal to publish a copy of the Constitution with an extra article that is not part of the real constitution, with no indication that it was added, i.e. intending to mislead readers?

Q: Why use the word axiom rather than property?

NewuserIn the definition of a vector space, one often uses the word axiom to say that anything that satisfies the given axioms is a vector space. But the word axiom usually refers to a statement that is believed to be true without further justification. So, checking that addition and scalar multiplicati...

Q: Are there infinitely many primes of the form [X]? We probably don't know.

Eric SnyderAre there infinitely many primes of the form [expression]? (We probably don't know. Sorry.) This question appears pretty often, with any number of various expressions. The sad reality is that the answer, more likely than not, is that we don't know. What we don't know about the prime numbers vastl...

Q: Can a warforged artificer armorer doff their Arcane Armor as an action or do they still need an hour to remove it?

GallupsMirrorA druid cast Heat Metal on the Arcane Armor worn by a warforged artificer armorer, who wanted to use an action to doff the red-hot Arcane Armor. The DM pointed out that a warforged needs an hour to remove armor because it's integrated into the warforged's body. The player suggested that the power...

Q: Should I cite the paper from which I got the research question in my own paper?

AndyWhile reading the paper of some authors. I have decided to work on a question which they listed as an open question in the conclusion section. I'm hesitating on whether or not to cite the paper, from which I got the question, because usually we cite papers providing answers rather than papers sta...

Q: If an event has a statistical probability of only 50%, is it possible to use a neural network to predict it with more than 50% accuracy?

Joe HuangFor example using a neural network to predict a coin toss. Can a trained neural network to predict it with more than 50% accuracy?

Q: $PS4 in bash - how can I reproduce the "level of indirection" behavior mentioned in the GNU docs?

Richie ThomasI'm reading the GNU docs, and I see the following sentence as part of the definition of PS4: The first character of the expanded value is replicated multiple times, as necessary, to indicate multiple levels of indirection. The default is ‘+ ’. I interpret this to mean that I will see a + symbol...

Q: Twin Paradox (SR): How can we express the comparative length of arbitrary world-lines mathematically?

ChrisThe simplest and most intuitive way I have found so far for explaining which twin ages less in the Twin Paradox, is that it's the twin who's world-line is the longest (if it's the longest in one inertial reference frame, it's the longest in all inertial reference frames). Now what I'm looking for...

Q: Why does the addition of a new key-value pair to a big_map not incur a storage fee at all times?

Anshu JalanFor example- I am sending an FA1.2/FA2 token to an address that has previously not held any amount of that token. So, the address is not present in the ledger big_map of the contract. This would clearly lead to an increase in storage being used, since the address and the corresponding balance nee...

Q: What does 'set setting^=value' really mean?

john c. j.There is an old question here about best practices to store swap files, and there is an answer by flemingfleming (who haven't visited the site since 2018) where he suggested the following: set directory^=$HOME/.vim/swap// For what reason is the ^ character is used there? Yes, I know I can open :...

Q: What are the pros and cons of demanding 1.3 trillion in reparation from Germany?

Sayamanhttps://www.reuters.com/world/europe/poland-officially-demand-ww2-reparations-germany-says-ruling-party-boss-2022-09-01/ What are the pros and cons of demanding 1.3 trillion in reparation from Germany? The Polish government made a 1.3 trillion demand for the damages caused by WW2. Does the Polish...

Q: When did this global rules change happen in Mathematica? Is this change documented?

NasserIn this Wolfram talk video titled "Professor Richard J. Gaylord's Wolfram Language Fundamentals Part Two" he shows at time 36:45 the following Where there are two definitions for w one after that other, then he says that both are entered in the global rules database and then when one is called...

Q: Is there a specific term to describe text found in the format of a novel/short story?

Daniel KaplanIs there a specific term to describe text found in the format of a novel/short story, as opposed to text you would find in a script, dialog tree, poem, academic writing, copy, etc.? e.g., the format you'd find in Harry Potter I'm trying to commission an author to write a novel/short story for me,...

Q: What is this VTech Variety game in Abwärts (1984 movie)?

elbarnaIn Abwärts (1984 movie), I see an old VTech Variety LCD game, where there is an ambulance: I don't know the exact name of the game. Does anyone know the game name?

Q: How do I attribute someone whose design, but not code, I based my stuff on?

Michael StachowskyI am writing a program and it is open source on GitHub. Part of this program is a file system, and I used an open-source file system called the "Simple File System" as design inspiration. My version, however, is simpler and more custom for my application. Anyone looking at what I did who knows ho...

Q: Prove that the set of condensation points is closed

David C. HuangI'm having a difficult time with this one. First off, $x$ is a condensation point of $A$ if every open nbhd $U$ of $x$ contains uncountably many points of $A$. Let us denote the set of condensation points as $A^c$ I have started a proof. Proof. Let $X$ be a topological space and let $A \subset X$...

Q: Identification: Star Trek Voyager - real civilization treated like Age of Empires (i.e. a real-time strategy game)

BobI'm pretty sure there was a Voyager episode where Tom Paris (and another officer) were playing a real-time strategy game (like Age of Empires) but then they found out they are controlling actual dueling civilizations.

Q: Write a program with the smallest width

SisyphusPrint or return the following text: Hello world! The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. However, your submission will not be scored in bytes. Instead, primarily it will be scored by the width in pixels of the program when written in Arial in a 12pt font. In particular, the score is: $$ (\tex...

Q: How safe and durable is commercial meat packaging when exposed to alkaline and acidic marinades?

GreybeardThis question is born more out of sheer laziness than curiosity, but preparing two marinaded meat dishes the other day (Char Su pork and pork vindaloo), it struck me that I could have saved myself a lot of washing up if I marinaded the meat in the plastic packaging they came in. Would there be an...

Q: "God" or "judges" in Exodus 21:6 and Exodus 22:8-9

Nihil Sine DeoHere we have two passages, where in translation, and in translation only the word Elohim is substituted for judges, despite the fact that over 2,500+ times Elohim refers to heavenly beings exclusively, here the same word is translated as judges “then his master shall bring him to Elohim, and he ...

Q: Resistor equivalent for RC circuit

djg Hi there! I stumbled upon this circuit, and I have a hard time trying to understand if the Req for the following circuit is in series or parallel. I have tried with parallel but does not look too good. Am I on the right path? My final goal would be to calculate the time constant for the capacito...

Q: Could Congress bribe the President to sign a bill by including a presidential pay raise?

SomeoneIf Congress wanted to pass a law that they expected the President to be reluctant to sign, could they legally bribe the President to sign the bill by including a Presidential pay raise in it?

Q: Is there a phrase or expression that means "riding a horse with another person"?

SayamanIs there a phrase or expression that means "riding a horse with another person"? I can't think of a shorter more concise way to say it. The best I could manage is "riding a horse as a duo", which makes it more clear, but I am not sure if there's a better more idiomatic way of putting it.

Q: Deletion of list elements by rule

Suite401I have a string list that consists of elements that have 3 sub-elements: lis = {{"ac", "b", "ca"}, {"ab", "cde", "f,h"}, {"cd", "gh", "kl,"}}; I would like to delete each list member whose third element lacks a comma, which gives: res = {{"ab", "cde", "f,h"}, {"cd", "gh", "kl,"}} Thanks for any...

Q: What are the techniques that can be used to give a fair view to every ideology?

Maiko ChikyuIn order to clarify. There are always factions in my games with a variety of ideologies ranging from political ideologies (such as monarchy or oligarchy or theocracy) to philosophical ideologies (such as pacifism, xenophilia/xenophobia). My problem is that, like every human being I have my own bi...

Q: Reaction of Xenon with O₂F₂?

Ayush KumarThis reaction was asked in my college entrance exam. I searched through the entire internet but couldn't find any papers/sources. I suspect since O₂F₂ is a strong fluorinating agent, one of the Xenon fluorides(XeF₂, XeF₄ or XeF6) will form, but I am not sure. Reaction conditions were not given in...

Q: Can a coinbase transaction have more than one input?

Casey RodarmorI know that a coinbase transaction must have one input, but can it have more than one?

Q: Different modes in different windows? (Blender)

NewBlendererIs it possible to view Edit mode in one window and Object mode in another window as shown in image?

Q: How can I reduce the time to solve this equation with Integral solutions?

John Paul PeterI know that $\sqrt[3]{2744} = 2 + 7 + 4 + 4 - 3$, $\sqrt[3]{3375} = 3 + 3 + 7 + 5 - 3$, and $\sqrt[3]{4096} = 4 + 0 + 9 + 6 - 3$ by Solve[{a + b + c + d + e - 3 == CubeRoot[10000 a + 1000 b + 100 c + 10 d + e], 1 <= a <= 9, 0 <= b <= 9, 0 <= c <= 9, 0 <= d <= 9, 0 <= e <= 9}, {a, b, c, d, e},...

Q: ReversibleList: a list that is "reversed" in O(1) time

josevilleA ReversibleList behaves like a normal list when ReversibleList.REVERSED == False, but it behaves as if it had been reversed when ReversibleList.REVERSED == True. The trick is that the underlying list is never actually reversed. This can be a boon for performance [citation needed] if whatever one...

Q: How bad would a leaked tax return be?

SomeoneIf my entire tax return was somehow leaked, how bad would that be? What potentially harmful information is included other than my name and social security number?

Q: In the electron double slit experiment, what is interfering?

Richard OtterAccording to quantum field theory, an electron particle is an excitation of the electron field. Is it the waves of excitation in the electron field that are interfering in a double slit experiment? Are these the same waves that are defined by the wave function solution of the schrödinger equation...

Q: The number of polynomials on a finite group

Taras BanakhA function $f:X\to X$ on a group $X$ is called a polynomial if there exist $n\in\mathbb N=\{1,2,3,\dots\}$ and elements $a_0,a_1,\dots,a_n\in X$ such that $f(x)=a_0xa_1x\cdots xa_n$ for all $x\in X$. The smallest possible number $n$ in this representation is called the degree of the polynomial $f...

Q: Where do Saruman's loyalties lie during the events of The Hobbit?

TomIn The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Thorin's company comes to Rivendell. While there, Elrond, Galadriel, and Saruman privately brace Gandalf to inquire about his activities with the dwarves. (~1h35m) Gandalf argues that Thorin's personal quest to reclaim Erebor will have a larger strategic bene...

Q: How do I study the bible?

Choripán Con PebreI grew up Catholic but lost faith in my teens. Regardless of my beliefs, the bible is very influential til this day and has some pretty neat stories. I want to read the bible, I have never read the whole text and I have no idea how to. I believe that reading it from cover to cover is not an stand...

2 hours later…
posted on September 02, 2022

From Jesse and tagged as pla,food,replicator+

Q: Evaluating Pfaffian

felixThe Pfaffian of an even-dimensional anti-symmetric matrix $A$ is defined as: $$\mathrm{Pf}[A] = \frac{1}{2^{n}n!}\sum_{\pi\in S_{2n}}(-1)^{\pi} a_{i_{1}i_{2}}a_{i_{3}i_{4}}\cdots a_{i_{2n-1}i_{2n}}$$ where the sum is taken over all permutation $\pi$ is: $$ \begin{equation} \pi = \beg...

Q: 'Des' before an adjective before a noun

Tom AdairI came across this sentence in an article: Les utilisateurs de jets privés sont donc des gros pollueurs I would have expected the phrase to be 'de gros pollueurs'. Are my expectations too formal? Or does the use of 'des' in fact carry a different meaning or nuance?

Q: Logical/Scientific Explanation for Umbrakinesis?

PlanetJuiceI'm working on a story where the characters have elemental-based powers based on natural material/materials/phenomena found in nature. So far, each of the powers makes sense on a physical level, since their foundation is based on them being a form of matter or energy. The problem is is that one o...

Q: I want the most fun for my players but they got angry second session because of combat. Any tips?

SupporterUntilPurificationSUPSo I am a new to DnD but I have researched hours upon hours about it, to the point I know more than probably all my players. They are 7 for now (third level bard, forge cleric,ranger, arcane archer fighter, wizard, barbarian and sorcerer), 2 of them experienced, the rest new to the game. I decide...

Q: Definition: What is meant by "bishop pair" in this context?

StewartThis is a screenshot from a chess.com tutorial. In the final sentence it says, White will often gain the bishop pair after 5. a3, with a sharp struggle ahead. Obviously a3 is the pawn attacking the bishop which is pinning the knight, but I'm missing what "bishop pair" means. Assuming that bish...

Q: How to take screen shots on macOS

mmmmmmOn earlier macOS there was a program Grab.app that you ran to make screenshots. Now there are only combinations of keys that take the screenshot. I can't remember these and have to spend some time googling for the combination. Is there way to get similar behaviour to the way the Grab.app did thi...

Q: Meaning of "shade" in "a shabby green shade shoved up from one of his eyes"

giraffeI’d like to ask on the sentence in The Mistake of the Machine, one of Father Brown tales by G.K. Chesterton. There burst and fell into his private room a man in the filthiest rags, with a greasy squash hat still askew on his head, and a shabby green shade shoved up from one of his eyes, both of ...

Q: High side current sensing amplifier placed on low side. Possible?

CKiamyI am trying to build a custom 12 volt battery current sensor for my car as a little hobby project. I want to place a shunt on the negative side of the battery, and get the measurements from there and direct them to my arduino adc. In order to amplify the signal, I am thinking of getting the INA22...

Q: How will Canada customs treat shipped luggage?

EmilyWe’re Canadians backpacking abroad for 6 months. We brought well-used camping gear over with us that we purchased in Canada years ago (we no longer have receipts). It’s halfway through our trip and we want to mail the camping gear home now (from Europe) so we can stop lugging it around. Are we li...

Q: Bash, use case statement to check if the word is in the array

vatosarmatI am writing a script which must accept a word from a limited predefined list as an argument. I also would like it to have completion. I'm storing list in a variable to avoid duplication between complete and case. So I've written this, completion does work, but case statement doesn't. Why? One ca...

Q: How to open Login Item directly in System Setting Ventura?

TitusI want to open "Login Items" of System Settings in MacOS Ventura(13.0) programatically. For example, to open "Notifications", i can use the following url: x-apple.systempreferences:com.apple.preference.notifications Is there a direct file url for this specific login item preference?

Q: How to align an object along a spiral without distortion?

Pat DGoal: I am trying to create a helix made of stacks of an object. How I tried to do it: I created an Archimedian Spiral with the desired dimenisons Since the object itself always is distorted when I use the Array Modifier fitting a curve, I created a plane. I set the plane to be the parent of the...

Q: Logical Deduction Persistence Test

JLeeIn the grid below, create a path that starts at cell 1 and ends at cell 49, moving horizontally and vertically only. The path must touch each of the 49 cells exactly once and contain a: A. Maximum of 2 consecutive moves N (North), B. Maximum of 2 consecutive moves W (West), C. Maximum of 2 consec...

Q: A riddle of RIDDERSO

Prim3numbah You had a normal life, yet now you feel split. You can't stand me, yet I still harass you. You just want me to go away, yet I rarely leave you alone. You explain what I'm doing to others, yet they don't believe you. Most have heard about me, yet never actually seen me. You feel so alone, ye...

Q: pumping lemma length restrictions clarification

RonaldI know that this kind of question has been asked before, but I still see different kind of answers getting multiple upvotes, but I am not sure if they are all correct. That’s why I wanted to ask it again. I will put some answers that I have read and their difference in this question. So my questi...

Q: Faster than light information

Peter Pagenewbie here. I've seen there are a few answers on here previously about faster than light information travel, and my understanding is that it is impossible. However, I've just read an article https://www.sciencealert.com/physicists-broke-the-speed-of-light-with-pulses-inside-hot-plasma While the ...

Q: Strange mod operator behavior in metapost

pidI am currently facing a strange behavior of the metapost mod operator. Here is a simple piece of code: \startMPcode for x = 0 step .5 until 10: if (x mod 1) = 0.5: label.top(x, (x*cm, 0cm)) ; fi endfor \stopMPcode producing the following result which is what is expected. Now let's...

Q: Argument using compactness to show continuity

acd3456I'm reading Introduction to smooth manifolds (2nd edition) of John Lee. At page 476 in the proof of lemma 18.8 I don't understand the following sentence Since $G(x_0,t) = G(x_0, 0) = H(x_0, 1) = H_\sigma (x_0, 1) \in U$ for all $t \in I$, a simple compactness argument shows that there exist $\de...

Q: Dumb Terminal Access to Tandy TRS-80 Model 100?

wperkoHow do I setup the TRS-80 Model 100 to use an external 80col. 30 row dumb terminal so I can control the TRS-80 Model 100 ... BASIC from the dumb terminal? I have a VersaTerm connected to a VGA monitor and USB Keyboard. I have a serial cable from the TRS-80 Model 100 to the VersaTerm serial port....

Q: Etiquette for an incorrect PR

Sh.AI recently made a PR on GitHub to a repo of a tutorial since I thought one of the comments was incorrect; but I was mistaken. One of the contributors commented asking how it was incorrect. What's the correct way to say "Oops, my bad. Everything was correct after all"?

Q: The Mathematica Entropy[] Function

Phillip D. Neumiller1). Does it use the Shannon Entropy function? (Not specified in documentation) 2). Does it work on 3D arrays? (Seems to). 3). What are its Min (assume 0) and Max values? (Not specified in documentation). Thanks, Phil

Q: Skyrim character progress and Steam Family Sharing

Lice WizardI've allowed someone to try Skyrim through Family Sharing but I have one concern, when my friend plays Skyrim for the first time, will them creating a character wipe all my progress? Thanks for any answers.

Q: Do C compilers discard unused functions when statically linking to .a file?

IzzoSay I have a C program main.c that statically links to libmine.a. Statically linking to a library causes library functions to be embedded into the main executable at compile time. If libmine.a were to feature functions that weren't used by main.c, would the compiler (e.g. GCC) discard these funct...

Q: How can I recycle a broken titanium frame?

Will VousdenI have a titanium frame that failed at the down tube. Consensus among bike shop people and the manufacturer is that it's beyond repair. Is it economical/worthwhile trying to recycle this amount of titanium? If so, how should I go about doing so? If not, is there a better way to dispose of it than...

Q: Slopefield curves for various points

VangsnesI want to find the Slopefield curve for the ODE \begin{equation} y'=y^{2/3} \end{equation} at the points given under. In[72]:= ClearAll In[77]:= initvalues1 = {{0, 0}, {-1, 3}, {3, 3}} Out[77]= {{0, 0}, {-1, 3}, {3, 3}} In[78]:= SlopeField[Evaluate[y' == 2 y^(2/3)], {y, -6., 6.}, {x, ...

Q: What are the reasons some thoughts cannot be simplified, reduced to a simpler set or phrases?

SayamanWhat are the reasons some thoughts cannot be simplified, reduced to a simpler set or phrases? When reading Heidegger or Hegel, one wonders why those authors couldn't simplify their tangled web of phrases, is there any specific thing in language, philosophy that explains why certain things that ca...

Q: update with composer

AartStaartjesWe've took over a magento store. Whenever I try to update, I'm getting the following errors: Problem 1 - magento/inventory-composer-installer 1.1.0 requires composer-plugin-api ^1.1 -> found composer-plugin-api[2.2.0] but it does not match the constraint. - magento/product-community-edi...

Q: Why is a black ribbon hung over a person's portrait when they die?

MediumAcross quite a few Japanese works, I have noticed black ribbons/bows hung over a deceased person's portrait (shown in the photo below). But why are they there? What do they symbolise? Are they commonplace? Are they exclusive to just one region of Japan? And are they exclusive to Japan in general,...

Q: How to change CMS collection Component's img-circle color in Community?

Dhananjay PatilI want to change CMS collection component indicator's img-circle color from blue to red as mentioned in below image. After doing inspection in browser below is the property that sets the color to blue. .forceCommunityCarousel a.slds-carousel__indicator-action.slds-is-active { background: var(...

Q: Why is it wrong to solve the limit this way?

Shown DConsider the following limit: \begin{align*} &\lim_{x\to +\infty}\frac{e^x}{\left(1+\frac1x\right)^{x^2}}\\ &=e^{\lim_{x\to +\infty}(x-x^2\ln\left(1+\frac1x\right))}\\ &=e^{\lim_{x\to +\infty}x^2(\frac1x-\ln\left(1+\frac1x\right))}\\ &=e^{\lim_{x\to 0^+ }\frac1{x^2}(x-\ln(1+x))}\\ &=e^{\lim_{x\to...

Q: The enigma of the S or N word

fontasticoHi there puzzling community, i wanted to say hello and have something good to share for my first post, but unfortunately i have bad news. My distant cousin, who was very rich, fell ill and died. To our surprise he did not leave a testament. Instead, he left a big fortune inside a locked chamber i...

Q: How can I merge the borders of two countries within the same shapefile?

Nik GeI have a shapefile which visualise the countries of EU as polygons. The problem I have is that each country is formed by a fill colour and an outline color. The outline color is key because it represent the borders of each country. That works very well when the country has borders with the sea. W...

Q: Is there evidence whether SpaceX is making a profit launching rockets?

adam.bakerSince SpaceX is privately held, I'm not able to find information about whether they are actually turning a profit on their launches of reusable rockets. (Perhaps they are conducting launches, but at a loss.) Is there any publicly available information about that?

Q: Difference between a good player and an average player?

Bitthal MaheshwariI have been playing chess for a while now and have played many national level tournaments as well. But I don't know if I know clearly or not what is a difference between a good player and an average player.Is it the no. of moves about which they think before playing a move or their continuous con...

Q: Why does the Manin-Mumford conjecture over number fields imply the conjecture over arbitrary fields of characteristic 0?

Nuno HultbergThe Manin-Mumford conjecture states that for an abelian variety A over a field F of characteristic 0 the torsion points are dense in an integral closed subvariety Z if and only if it is an abelian subvariety translated by a torsion element. Both Raynaud's proof and the equidistribution proof prov...

Q: Counting adjacent polygons using QGIS

Sander Van BeuningenIs there a way to count adjacent polygons using QGIS? I want to create a new field with the number of adjacent polygons. I want to count adjacent polygons to determine if a polygon (house) is a corner house or an inbetween house.

Q: What are the protocol magic values for the preview and preprod test networks?

eddexThe cardano testnet has a protocol/testnet magic value of 1097911063. Where do I find this value for the preprod and preview test networks?

Q: Why does sed command output "char 5: unterminated `s' command"

Thanh Nguyễn XuânI ran some command as below to debug my script but it was not work. $ L="Thanh,Fri 11 Nov, Mon 14 Nov,LX,VN" $ B="Fri 11 Nov, Mon 14 Nov" $ N="11.11-14.11" $ sed 's/'$B'/'$N'/' <<< $L sed: -e expression #1, char 5: unterminated `s' command Could youe please help me.

Q: Is the lifespan of a led affected drastically by the type of sensor?

Mah NehI put a led flood lamp with a movement sensor in the garden. As far as I understand it has a light sensor and a motion i.e infrared sensor. The latter only fires the light if the environment luminocity is less than the light sensor setting. Someone told me that the motion sensor (I guess the IR i...

Q: PA Mixer Setup for band

AdamI have a PA Mixer (Yamaha emx512) that has channels 1-4 with XLR or mono 1/4 Line. Channels 5/6 and 7/8 are in pairs where the controls of 5/6 are shared and 7/8 shared where the inputs are 1 XLR and 1 set of stereo 1/4 lines each. Channels 9/10 and 11/12 share controls operate the same way as 5/...

Q: Component that responds to amperage

WalterI am extremely new to electronics, so please let me know if I have no idea what I am talking about. Basically, I know there are transistors, resistors, capacitors, etc. These are all components as I understand it. I was wondering if there was a component, material, or element that only outputs wh...

Q: Is URL rewriting in e-mail a sound security practice?

Federico PoloniOur work e-mail server has started rewriting links in incoming mail through a redirecting gateway, for "security reasons": if I receive an e-mail containing a link to https://security.stackexchange.com, the link gets rewritten to https://es.sonicurlprotection-fra.com/click?PV=2&MSGID=202209021358...

Q: Replace character string part

fckaLy layer has an attribute containing paths: '\\aaa\bbb\c\d1', '\\aaa\bbb\c\d2', '\\aaa\bbb\c\d3', ... I just want to update 'part of the paths' replace aaa\bbb with A.a.i\d-0\doc_1 I tried with the replace command the result cuts off the end of the path and doesn't seem to support dots. Does som...

Q: Is resonance unavoidable with internal routing?

SamSomeone shows you a bike with internal routing, and you marvel at all the advantages: you're not upsetting the tension by lifting the bike from its top or down tubes, there are no exposed sections of the cables, and hence no risk of chipping to the lacquer, cleaning the bike will be that much ea...

Q: Three-way hex driver that I can lock to something?

Robert AtkinsI know this looks like I'm asking for a product recommendation, but if there's an answer it is unambiguous and non-obvious, so I think it fits within the spirit of SE. I want to chain up a three-way hex driver to a bike rack at the back of our building, for quick access for adjusting seats and su...

Q: What is the point of the line on a check?

SomeoneIt's typical to draw a long line after the written-out amount on a check: One hundred twenty-three and 45/100 -​-​-​-​-​-​-​-​-​-​-​-​-​-​-​-​-​-​-​-​-​-​- What does this accomplish? Without it, someone could change it to: One hundred twenty-three and 45/100 and one thousand which technically...

Q: Coloring brackets in TikZ matrices

Michael DornerI would like to have different colors for the left brackets of matrices but every left delimiter/.style={red}] gives my just the option to color all brackets the same color: \documentclass[border=2pt]{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{matrix} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[eve...

Q: Which thinset mortar do I choose

VictoriaI have painted redgard on the shower walls and I am ready to tile. Which thinset mortar do I use over the redgard? I am using 12x24 tiles on 1 wall and 4x12 on the other 2.

Q: How to justify time-sensitive encounters without it seeming convenient?

HFOrangefishI'm running an encounter in Cyberpunk Red where the baddies are chainsawing a hole into an immobilized car to kill the driver, and our heroes have to rush in before the bad guys finish drilling! How convenient of the baddies to be encountered in the right moment, just barely before they finish th...

Q: Book about spacefaring humans that capture some form of alien/spirit (possibly named "angels") found in space

DaevinTrying to remember this book has been killing me for the better part of a decade, so hopefully someone can put me out of my self-inflicted misery. I read it in the late-90's or early-00's, borrowed from a library, though I'm not sure of when it was written. In this book, humans are a spacefaring ...

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