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@BunsGlazing Are you already in a squad?
2 hours later…
anyone playing?
ping me if you need an extra squad mate
@GodEmperorDune Hello?
@Yuuki baby thing came up, i'll join you next match
Ah okay.
in discord if you want to join @GodEmperorDune
client crashed
i had good weaps too
thanks for fun all
8 hours later…
I'm starting to get triggered by all the squadmates who stand still in the middle of the open desert to take pot shots at squads who have cover
@Sterno Sorry I must have left the game running
Wasn't on last night. My first ever Valentines date, haha
@Sterno are you actually playing right now?
Nice. I'm jumping on ping me when you're done
Off today and tomorrow
I'll just drop out and we can queue
1 hour later…
Me and buddy were out after 5 minutes but @Sterno solo'd the whole game and clutched a win
Man, playing with randos sucks
Playing with randos is better because then I'm disappointing randos instead of people I know.
Honestly, no matter how bad someone is, if they're on comms and trying to cooperate, I'm 100% happy with them. It's the people who don't ping, don't talk, and just do their own thing that bother me
Well then I guess we'd get along fine in game.
I have done a little better the last few games, making an active effort to be more aware of my surroundings and remembering to actually full auto fire instead of trying to burst fire depending on weapon.
I should probably stick to not shotguns until my tracking improves.
I'm really hit and miss with shotguns
Peacekeeper (without choke) I'm good with. Peacekeeper with choke is whiff city
The problem is if you miss there's a lot of downtime before you get to try again.
And the Auto... I don't even know what my problem with that one is
Overall I enjoy playing with randos. It's really only when I get good gear but then they do something odd without communicating and I put myself in a bad position to try to help and die that I get salty. I should probably just leave them to their fate more if they're trying to solo anyway
On the other hand, reviving/rezzing teammates is the most exciting stuff usually
@Sterno The auto just feels spastic to me
Trying to help a teammate who did something stupid and getting the squad wiped for it is pretty frustrating.
EV8 was my shotgun of choice in Titanfall but now I pretty much dont even grab it, I prefer the peacekeeper
I still don't really have a handle on any of the ARs
The hemlok is good.
Other than early game when people have no shields or white shields, I can't one-clip anyone with them
And if you set it to single shot you can conserve ammo and still do decent damage
Hemlock is fine on single fire but at that point I'd rather have a g7
The G7 is still one of my favourites
but it's noticeably weaker than in TF2
I don't know if the hemlok does more damage
g7 and shotty is my go-to, then later in game I drop the g7 for a spitfire or something if I can
Same pretty much
the g7 is just good in so many situations
@BunsGlazing That was so tense when I had 3 shotgun ammo and 20 spitifire ammo last game and every corpse I looted had none
seriously like 9 bodies, no shotty ammo
I wish it let you see looting during spectate
I wish you could ping for me while spectating :P
I think what saved me during most of that solo run is I'd only engage when two teams were fighting and neither realized I was solo
Down and thirst one, then run and hide
kill them when they're already down
ah. Never heard that
I need some science to find out of footsteps can be heard when people crouch
It seemed effective but I'm not sure
@BunsGlazing I think G7 is 30 and hemlock is like 18 or something
and I think all ARs and snipers are double damage on a headshot
Peacemaker is such a binary gun. I either do really well with it or really poorly.
There was a game last night with @GodEmperorDune and @Dragonrage where I wiped out a squad with a Peacemaker.
But then several games where I got no kills.
yeah i hate peacemaker, i can't land shots with it
and the low magazine count gets me killed
It's such a swingy weapon.
Trying to figure out what guns I like. Peacemaker's definitely one of them simply because I have, on multiple occasions, soloed a squad with one.
Probably need a good mid-range option to complement it, maybe one of the ARs.
@Yuuki Hemlok, G7 or even the r301
i like the two light ammo SMGs and the full auto shotgun
i can also do well with an LMG
and i'm shit at long range with any weapon so i don't even try long range engagements anymore
EVA-08's nice but I seem to run into Peacemakers far more often than the EVA-08.
The EVA8.. idk it just doesn't feel that good in this game
yeah it seems to drop mozambique > peacemaker > eva8
I think the peacekeeper is less common
Omg I suck at close combat I just lost to a guy with no gun and I had a mozambique
and it was gibralatar of all people
RIP Mozambeast
Got a legendary banner for Pathfinder yee
@Sterno I know a good place you can ask
weirdly, r-99 is probably my favorite gun
the r-97 was okay in TF2, didn't use it much
have hardly touched it in apex
carbines and SMGs were always surprisingly plucky
if i have a blue or purple clip for it i can shred people. it has so little recoil and great rof
Haha, if you airdrop into the water you just die
Somehow we were #18
My partners were in a party and one disconnected so I just jumped into the sea
Does anyone know what happens if you just never leave the dropship?
Do you get ejected at some point or does it carry you away and kill you?
No idea, lol
The choke for the peacekeeper tightens the spread so much. Great if you have great aim but punishing if you don’t. I think I rely on those half-hits without the choke
Only if you aim down sights
And only if you hold it. You can still hip fire
Does it increase the effective range too? I've just been under the assumption it does
@InvaderSkoodge if it follows the pattern of most brs. it will auto eject you at the end before it leaves the map
@BunsGlazing I think it does.
@Dragonrage I'd like to test it but not with randos just out of respect for their enjoyment.
I just got like 5 or 6 kills in a game
@BunsGlazing the choke tightens the spread , so effective range should increase as bullets will stay closer together
We didn't win but we shit on people for the first few engagements
@InvaderSkoodge next time my buddies have to quit I'll try it. I took the last opportunity to see what happens if you land in the sea, lol
The choke is good for hitting someone who is hiding inside a building and shooting through a window
cause the shot is still is wide enough to like fill the window at range
You guys are all at work right? Nobody wants to play?
I am at work :(
Also I feel worse today than I did yesterday. I've been sick for 11 days now.
im at work as well
I actually started feeling sick the day Apex Legends launched.
So far there is a perfect correlation between this game existing and me being sick.
Just found out apex has been using my webcam mic and not the headset
explains why everyone is saying my typing is too loud
@BunsGlazing And only after you hold it for a bit.
It takes about 1-2 seconds after ADSing for the spread to tighten.
So you can still get the wider spread by quickscoping.
I'm back and gonna play some more Apex now
@InvaderSkoodge I've been sick about the same. My wife just prescribed me some antibiotics and steroids yesterday and I'm already like 80% better in a day.
@BunsGlazing Yeah, and you can control the volume you broadcast at via Origin, but only the volume you receive at via Apex
why the fuck Origin doesn't default to whatever Windows default is set to is a bit of a mystery
@BunsGlazing Give me a yell if you want to squad agian
600 more coins until I unlock Caustic and then never play him
Matchmaking never goes :(
@Sterno Yea be back on in a min
If we do, you be party leader. I think midwest server is down
Reading posts where noone in the midwest can get a match
Just gonna get a snack
@Sterno It's the steroids.
I had 2 days worth of steroids from the doc and I felt great for those 2 days and now I'm out and I'm back to misery.
Steroids are dope
I have 11 days of steroids
Tell your wife to get a medical degree real quick so she can get you meds
That's got to be super convenient.
Yeah, okay, a ton of the US servers are shitting themselves
It was hard not to link Friday there
Will you be able to olay with me?
@InvaderSkoodge It's awesome for when the kids get sick. It's not like "Oh, maybe they're sick.... let's wait 2 days to be sure, then wait to see the doctor, then wait for their meds"
Heating food be back in a min
@BunsGlazing Yeah, just be party leader and I think it'll pick a Canadian server
So invite me rather than join me
There's an outage dot right on top of Indianapolis
Someone star that outage map
Is that where you live
@Sterno do you have mirage yet?
They need to fix Mirage's clone model, the gun's off every now and then.
I wanna try a play where I pretend to be my clone and just mindlessly run towards the enemy.
@Yuuki I shoot the mirage clone every time so this is probably a low percentage play.
A lot of people seem to ignore my clone.
I use it more often for the cloak to reposition.
Did you get Mirage just through levelups?
I almost have enough to unlock somebody
I want Caustic
@Dragonrage YEAH
er. yeah
@InvaderSkoodge I got Mirage because I got Origin Premier Access for Anthem.
@InvaderSkoodge Pretty much
Access gave me a bunch of coins, some of which I spent on Mirage.
You might get more for placing/winning? I'm not sure
But I'm about level 42 and just getting enough for the 2nd char
I just hit 20 and I have 10,200
Need 12
Well, if it's per-level, then that fits
@Yuuki Oh ok.
i almost have enough for mirage
I'm probably buying Caustic first.
you dont get more coins for winning, but you get more experience which helps you level faster
same goes for kills, etc
@InvaderSkoodge we're about to see what happens if you dont jump off the ship
we have no partner lol
@BunsGlazing Nice, let me know!
Nevermind we're just gonna play
or not
yeah it just ejects you at the end
We got a nice uncontested water treatment drop lol
All the way across the map
> I would prefer if winning [Apex Legends] just locked the other 57 people out of the game for some indeterminate amount of time. The talent would funnel upwards, which each game being filled with progressively better and better players, until finally only one squad remains able to play.

This is when the third act reveal happens, that this was all actually a clever way of fighting the Formics, and the final squad has to forever live with the knowledge that they exterminated an entire species.
The Spitfire is so good
40 levels and countless hours in, I've unlocked 300 crafting materials. A single Legendary finisher is 1200 :(
I can't even afford a rare skin for Pathfinder
Really the main thing I want is stat card things
The legendaries there are 1200 too. Per item. per character
Yeah it's ridiculous
You can't even buy that currency
Actually I think legendaries you can buy with the gold currency
I'm looking at my Lifeline badges and this is funny
I've won over 15 games with her, according to my badges
But I have not yet unlocked the "Win a game where you were the Jumpmaster" badge with her :P
2 hours later…
Does that include games where you're given jump master?
I don’t know

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