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Q: How to figure the MODIS snow cover against different elevation zones?

irfanI am working on MOD10C2 (8days snow cover), when I clip the MODIS snow cover against different zones of elevation the results was against general trend .i.e. the higher elevation was showing lower snow cover and lower elevation was showing higher snow cover. I did the with matlab inpolygon functi...

Can you please add more details? Like how you generated the elevation zones poligons? Whats your source elevation data? You can also put pieces of code and links to the data files you are working on, so we can help better. In a first instance I would think that one the datasets are not geolocated properly, or the resolution of the elevation data is too coarse.
Dear Camilo Raza, the question is edited and added all asked things. Looking for your valuable suggestions and help
The code looks incomplete. What is "tp5k6k"? Can you add the figure that would result from: figure; imagesc(data(:,:,1)); hold on; plot(S(1).X,S(1).Y,'r');
Updated my question. kindly have a look
I don't see the base image that should be in the picture due to the line imagesc(data(:,:,1)); that should plot the Eight_Day_CMG_Snow_Cover on the image. Maybe try imagesc(lon, lat, data(:,:,1));
First I loaded the snow cover data (data = testarray) then tried to extract the data of specific elevation zone one by one rather plotting the image of now cover. The snow cover data is in HDF and NC format.
What I want you to do is to plot the polygons on top of the snow cover image, so we can see if the geolocation of both datasets match. Or share all the files used in the script trough dropbox, google drive or something similar. here I have three files 8days snow cover(HDF), monthly snow cover (Netcdf) and SRTM DEM. Kindly find it
Those are not the files in the script. I mean shapefile.shp, testlon.mat, testlat.mat and testarray.mat
updated, kindly have a look.
Sorry for repeated disturbance, hope the last link will be what you are asking for to help in me properly.
Kindly let me know if still there something to change
thank you in advance

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