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o wow.
the beauty
my brain can't even contain it
@ARadish FiSh!
@ARadish Been watching a lot of top gear
@ARadish Wow
@GiantCowFilms the real top gear, or the new one without the trio?
@X-27 LOL
new what?
season 23
instead of season 22
that thing the BBC's board of bureaucrats assembled in a week?
@GiantCowFilms yah, that.
That ain't even top gear
well, the BBC does still own the rights to the name, so that horrid TV show (formerly awesome) under the name of Top Gear.
@X-27 Are you playing on the colorful hills?
@TARDISMaker yep
@TARDISMaker your welcome to come see :)
Too much work :P
really? it literally only takes 3 or 4 clicks to join the world
I'm on linux
So I'd have to close all my programs
Restart the computer
Wait a few minutes for it to restart
Wait for it to load
Start steam
Open Creativerse
And enter the world
It works in wine
But it's not very performant
I'd kind of assume that it wouldn't be that great that way...
I struggle a lot with complex areas in windows
I'm sure it would be a ton worse using wine
very probably
I'm also having issues with just getting steam to work on debian
well to run creativerse you have to setup a second steam install inside wine
(steam also works in wine)
Oh, okay
I'd be nice if they setup a system to allow you to download windows games even when you're on linux
So that you can then set them up with wine
But I don't really feel like playing creativerse anyway, so I don't really lose anything
(Not enough for me to do at this point since I'm not really a building)
I'm going to be back in a few minutes
I want to mess around with Arch in a VM
But I need to get the hard ware accelaration to enable from the bios
I think I might need to jump over to windows so that it sets up the clock
(The power went out a few weeks ago)
How is everyone today?
@TARDISMaker just let me know when you can come on, I rigged up a few fireworks :)
@someonewithpc i just took pictures. iĺl post them when i can turn my PC again
because i unplugged it
@X-27 :D
I got it working
So I can play around with arch
@gandalf3 I have to say, it would be extremely nice if arch would tell me that I need to update my system instead of giving me 404's when I try to install a package...
@Rahul2001 Hi
@TARDISMaker How you know JavaScript (and therefor node js) is wonkey. It doesn't even have a modulo operator
PHP has that!
I'll admit that that's wierd
Although I'm trying to remember what it does...
that's the one that divides but returns the remainder right?
@Rahul2001 In a way, I think that it's kind of awesome...
@TARDISMaker Yeah...
Would be interesting to figure out how to detect what's biodegradable and what isn't
I usually participate in more difficult competitions
(read: WRO, FLL, FTC)
@Rahul2001 Out of curiosity, are you and @AbhishekSaxena from india?
I'm just noting your names...
@TARDISMaker the worst thing is it sorta has one, but it gets the sign wrong
so your code is giving bad values and you have no idea why
@TARDISMaker Yeah...
@GiantCowFilms So it kind of works how you expect, and it kind of doesn't?
@TARDISMaker Yeah
so it might work with your first test case, and then fail later
That's not good
imagine if a language had a non standard * operator
you'd never guess what was at fault
That would essentially make it useless
Is there at least a function for it that you could use?
Well, I have arch basically working
@gandalf3 ^^
do you know how to make two acounts in area 51
tell me if you know
No comment
It's against the rules
I can't think of a legitimate reason to do that
Evening, any of you know of a way to fake a color ramp from outside of node group? I don't think it's possible, but for a material I'm trying to make it would be perfect. Or make more colors available via mix rgb, diffuse, etc?
ask this question in a site
@Timaroberts I don't think so :/
arts and craft stack exchange can be useful @Timaroberts
It would be brilliantly awesome though
It's been asked before. Thought I'd see if someone might have a neat idea.
Well, I do have an idea
on comments
I don't know if it'll work though
Maybe have an output for the part that you want the RGB curve to be on
And then you have an input for it
I'm playing with mix rgb nodes, but it's not working. The shader is a glass material with gradients. So typically need color ramps.
Does my idea make sense?
I think so, I'll try that, the gradient is what's giving me trouble I think. I'll grab a screenshot if it would make more sense.
do you know how to delete a profile
Stack exchange profile?
Q: How can I delete my account?

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how can i visit the contact form
@Timaroberts I'm kind of lost...
A bit too complicated for me
i am not on blender
@TARDISMaker, the 'color mixer' frame is supposed to combine the 6 color inputs for the shader, the 'math' frame adds randomness per face based on the normal vector, and then passes through 3 gradients. The rest is glass and transparency. For some reason it kept showing up like glossy. I don't know why I had to use 2 light paths to fix that.
@Dr.ZOMBOOS Just go to the footer
It's down there
@Timaroberts What's with the mix shader at the bottom that doesn't have any shaders attached?
@Timaroberts Okay
That was a weird solution that I still don't like. I had to add that light path node and subtract to keep the glass transparent. I don't know what happened there to be honest, but that's what worked.
1 hour later…
@TARDISMaker Well.. hows it to know what's right? the repo server or your package lists?
I suppose it could automatically check with the official package lists every time, but that would take extra time..
@TARDISMaker \o/
@gandalf3 True...
@gandalf3 Yeah
Probably not worth it
I think it also just makes a lot more sense to have it tell you what's going on and let you figure it out on arch anyway
That just seems more consistent
heh yeah
plus a regular pacman -Syu becomes a habit anyway
That doesn't supprise me
But I think after maybe one or two more tried on virtual box (to make sure that I have the process down), I'm going to switch
I just need to find a removable hard drive to back up my stuff to.
@TARDISMaker, I tried adding a curve as an output, but not getting any closer than I was. I guess I'm either trying to do something the wrong way, or it just can't work. I was hoping, it would just be more convenient to not have to open the group to change color.
Having to open it basically destroys the half the reason to use node groups
All it does at that point is clean up your node graph
I know right.
7 hours later…
What's that other thing?
thats the cat
Which the cat?
it wouldn't print, so i dropped it off with them to do, and they made it fking huge
66 grams. and a penny to scale
user image
i made the head b able to turn
That's... rather creepy
but it's cool too
i kinda is
glad u like it
Nah, the cat is just creepy :P
It's cool
i really like 3D printing.
my friend was like "he thinks up one of those strange things in his head, then comes home with a freaking physical object... it's so strange." and i was like "yup"
@someonewithpc were you able to figure out the scale?
1 hour later…
Do you think this effect could be possible in blender with three videos side by side?
I think you could use masks of some kind
@TARDISMaker Do you have any more suggestions?
I sort of don't know where to start :/
I have had experience with 3d editing, but not video editing
Well, first look into masking in the VSE
From there I'd look into color grading only the footage inside the mask
Or applying some sort of filter
And the diagonals should be perfectly possible as well?
I can't give you anything more specific than that though
@SnailMail Yeah, that's what you use masks for
Thanks for the help, I'll try a stab at it :P
Sure :)
Let me know how it turns out :D
Packet's free book of the day is all about unity this week. packtpub.com/packt/offers/free-learning
I know @X-27 wont care, but the rest of you might.
I do
I also have a friend who's learning unity so I might let him know about it
Even if it's not the best of books, it's still free so there's no harm in getting it
@TARDISMaker yep, just (remember to log on) and click one button.
click one button?
yah that is how you "claim" the book. It adds it to your account, then you can read on line, or download anytime.
@David And just what makes you think that???
Unity has its place, that place is somewhere far, far away, but I'm sure it does have it's place.
29 mins ago, by TARDIS Maker
See? Even TARDIS agrees with me!
1 hour ago, by TARDIS Maker
Sure :)
@ARadish Can you use the printer at your library for free, or do they make you pay per gram of materials used?
@X-27 per gram of material. but really cheap
20¢ a gram
@David ooo!!!
gonna check it out
@X-27 want me to print something for you and then mail it to you?
@X-27 because you are a BGE nut.
@X-27 :P
@ARadish thats not cheap. they are making out pretty well selling you filament. spools of filament is ~ $25 per kilogram. 25 ÷ 1000 = 2.5¢, way less then the 20 you are paying.
@David i think itś way better than a printing service would give me
and i did my math wrong earlier. 5¢ i think
because my dinosaur was 15g, and i payed 70¢
@David ur right, that wouldn be cheap
@ARadish That would be awesome, but you probably wouldn't want to print gun parts....
or pieces of armor plating...
or parts for explosives...
I have always wanted to print a Suzanne.....
@ARadish have you ever printed a Suzanne?
if the answer is no, don't respond, as Gandalf also reads the renderfarm, and you would hurt his feelings terribly.
@X-27 no, i wouldn't
@X-27 nop. want one?
i would love to print one as wel;l
you should.
I might actually make a printer some time, if for no other reason than to print my own Suzanne.
but I'd print one with rotors and guns, (a Suzanne gunship)
@X-27 i can print i and send to you
that would be nice, I guess, but if I had one 3D printed thing, I'd want a lot more...
in the area of armor plates....
@X-27 plastic armor?
@gandalf3 no gif? Are you getting lazy? blender.stackexchange.com/a/5236/3127
That answer's old enough to be before the gif era
1 hour later…
iḿ bored, but i don want to do anything
I'm excited and I do want to do stuff
But I'm at a point where I just have to sit around waiting for my computers to crunch numbers
I'm getting ready to install arch
@ARadish There's a smudge on my screen right above your 'm'... but I can't rub it off
And I'm also getting ready to convert an old XP computer to linux mint
@ARadish ....and somehow it keeps following your 'm'
@Matt Nice!
@ARadish .....never knew smudges could do that...
@Matt Same's happening to me...
@Matt That's a joke, right?
I think that message has a virus in it...
That's an accent
@someonewithpc yes ;-)
@Matt Ok, good
@TARDISMaker You're probably right O.O
yeah. i changed my keyboard set up so i could do accents, but it also does it when i don't want. :/
@ARadish It doesn't the current version
too bad
i am clinging to my current version
Maybe you could update..? Or just update the layouts
no, i like it
you guys can still understand me, no?
so is there really a problem?
Well... I couldn't before, so yeah :P
lol. i can do eyebrows now
¦: )
itś empowering, @someonewithpc don make me give it up
Sure, I won't
quality of smilies in recent months have escalated at an unprecedented rate!
Where's the umlaut?
the kumquat?
The two dots
Above letters
That's called an umlaut
i can do eyebrows and noses
@BookWyrm17 hi!!!
Sorry I haven't been getting on very often
I've been working a lot more with writing than with animation. Buuut, I've got a couple neat ideas, and someone who wants to work with me on something simple and easy, so I should be doing a lot more :D
Have any of you ever seen a 3D animated webcomic before?
But it seems like a cool idea
Well, it is a cool idea, but it usually turns out to look HORRIBLE
at least in my opinion
and the issue is that they make the comic 3D, but do everything else with the normal 2D everything
sound effects, speech bubbles
and they don't mesh well
@BookWyrm17 yes
itś brilliant
@BookWyrm17 oh
the one i saw was soundless
I'm thinking I might do something like a 3D webcomic, but make EVERYTHING 3D, in a way.
wait yeah soundless
so no sf, no talking
it was really dope
I'm talking like when a character punches something, the word "crash" or "pound" or whatever pops up
a word, not really a sound
but I'm thinking if its all done in 3D, so the speech bubbles are IN the scene, rather than pasted over it
that could look pretty awesome
@BookWyrm17 no. like, there was nothing. no written sounds
I see what you mean
everything was implied
that sounds pretty awesome too :D
@BookWyrm17 Have you seen Splinter Cell conviction?
though maybe more for a serious style
@someonewithpc no I have not
Instead of having things pop up as an HUD, they were projected onto buildings and such
ooooh. that's unique! :D
see, thats the kind of ideas I was going for here
rather than meshing 2d and 3d, go all 3D
Yep, just like that :D
@BookWyrm17 What happened to our game?
@TARDISMaker iǘe been really good at finding time to work on sprites, iĺl post some new ones soon
@ARadish Awesome!
And I've been doing really good at finding time to learn to install arch!
(going to do a proper install tonight! :D)
thats a lot of bone heat questions o.o
@TARDISMaker cool
oops, sorry. The notification must have gotten dismissed somehow, @TARDISMaker...
@BookWyrm17 Thats okay
I was wondering why you hadn't played...
You usually get back to it after a few hours or a day at more
haha. Sometimes it happens. But I tend to look through everything once or twice throughout the day, so I musta missed it somehow
I'm switching over now
Arch, here it come! :D

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