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Q: A co-worker is using my cup

Alec.I have a co-worker using my coffee mug at work. I want to make him stop without sounding like I'm being picky. I have tried making the point indirectly that the cup belongs to me but he still uses it. Our cleaner cleans the cups and puts them on a tray in the kitchen area, he usually arrives in ...

I've been in places where people have "claimed" cups as their cups in a communal area. They do not own it, they simply like the cup and become possessive of it. I'd venture to guess your coworker assumes this to be the case also.
I hate to say this but it appears that you might have a resource leak in your cup. If Consume throws an exception - say because you dribble - Dispose won't be called. Of course, in this case, that's probably a good idea because it really doesn't appear that your Cup should be implementing IDisposable.
I don't like the way sweetner enumeration is called Beverage, e.g. Beverage.Sweetner. Also, why is Cream a boolean property when it should be added via an Add() method. This entire code block reads like it was written by a design student who did a programming module to meet a course requirement. A design student who would ultimately go on to designing mugs, and not software.
Why are my method names capitalized and have underscores? :(
I'm no programmer but why the heck are you disposing of your cup after finishing your beverage?
@Richard because each new day, a new cup is created in that method lol. Which I wish was true for real life, that way I wouldn't have had this whole issue in the first place.
Should this question be migrated to Code Review? Just checking ;-)
You should have added authentication to your coffee cup. This is what insecure practices gets you.
Any reason why your properties and method are capitalized?
Tbh, if I saw that mug I wouldn't go near it. Look at that coupling! No dependency injection, no SRP. If you drink from that mug, you have no standards.
@bjb568 because it's written in C# (other clues being the lower case object in the parameter list)
Good grief. After all that abuse of your poorly coded mug, you may just give it to your co-worker. Problem solved. Let them deal with the buggy mug.
A good cup should contain good Java. Not C# :)
"I have tried making the point indirectly" <--- I found your problem.
You could instantiate another mug, and point it to your colleague....
You should state what country/culture you are in.
1. Is the cup property of company or your personal purchase? 2. If it is owned by company, are you sure that your colleague does not think abosolutly like you - i.e. you are using his cup?
Why do you create the beverage and add sweetener and cream before creating the cup to put it in? Are you making your coffee in zero gravity?
Some people don't get social hints. Being indirect sometimes just doesn't work. You have to tell him right away, he probably thinks it's not a big deal.
This question is a little akin to asking how not to sound picky while being picky. I would imagine that many people simply don't care who is using which cup, and your colleague might fall into this category. Your colleague should be mature enough to understand that his attitude is not the only one (and that you absolutely have a right to use your own cup exclusively). Trying to window-dress your pickyness might just make you appear picky and passive-aggressive. If you're picky, be picky, it's not the worst quality; embrace it and people will respond positively to it, I know I would!
In defense of Code Order etc... Who Cares, I absolutely love the humor in that cup, regardless of order. Congrats on getting it back, and the order works if you add sweetener and cream to the coffee pot.
This mug needs a decorator pattern. Though I feel that might be too much to fit on one mug. How about a similar design on a bag of sugar.. class SugarDecorator : IBeverage. Then, all the mug has to do is void OnDayLoad(IBeverage beverage) { beverage.Drink() } ;-)
Simple. Change On_DayLoad from protected to private. :)
19:12 this explains it all
Just the title by itself deserves an upvote
I laughed a little too hard for a title such as this on such a serious Q&A site ;)
2 co-workers, one cup.
Did you buy the cup? If you did, then why were you leaving it in the common area?
On an unrelated note - WHERE CAN I GET ONE OF THOSE
@piggy I think I got it from Zazzle, there's loads of them!
why are you consuming your cup? Seems dangerous.

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