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@ManishEarth So I finally understood what your username meant after that capitalization.
@ΠάρτηΚοχλί ha
most people think that it's ManIsHearth or ManisHearth
or whatever :P
@ManishEarth Exactly. I thought it was ManisHearth.
no, my name is Manish. The Earth is randomness
(because the username Manish is already taken)
also, why is your username "Party Cochli?"
@ManishEarth My name is Parth Kohli. :-|
why the chi in the center?
I guess I saw the Part and assumes it was y :P
Shouldn't it be Πάρτη Κοηλί?
You're right...
Let me change it.
Can you change it for me? That 30 day thing.
Do you mind your profile being resynced across all sites?
now to hard refresh chat
@ΠάρτηΚοηλί test
How did you become a moderator?
Well, I was quite active on Chem
And I know most of the policies inside-out
(since I'm active on MSO)
So I got appointed on Chem
And, well, I got elected on Phys. I had a good amount of rep (comparatively), a lot of meta participation, and an understanding of the system
That's a lot.
Well, congratulations.
Are you just 19?!
@ΠάρτηΚοηλί yeah
1 hour later…
@ManishEarth You are pretty good for your age.
@ΠάρτηΚοηλί thanks :)
@ManishEarth Did you follow the course when you were my age?
@ΠάρτηΚοηλί which course?
@TobiasKildetoft sure, moving
@ManishEarth They call it the school course.
I mean to ask if you were ahead of your school.
50 messages moved from Mathematics 2013 Moderator Election
@ΠάρτηΚοηλί yea sorta
@manishearth Whoops, thanks. I didn't realize I was flooding that room with useless things.
So, where do you study?
@ΠάρτηΚοηλί currently? IIT Bombay
@ManishEarth Whoa! B or M?
B Tech yes
Engineering Physics
which is basically intense pure physics with a mere sprinkling of nanotech and solid state
which is what I wanted in the first place :D
Frankly, I want to study at MIT.
@ΠάρτηΚοηλί thought of that, but decided not to
@ManishEarth Really?
I have a US passport (born+brought up), so I don't need to go to a US uni for the visa
(as a lot of folks do)
and MIT isn't that much better than IIT at the UG level
Really? Were you born and brought up in USA?!
Only difference is flexibility
@ΠάρτηΚοηλί i said that, didn't i? :P
And I don't mind that difference much: If I stay here, I can be with family. Plus it's cheaper.
@ManishEarth You did. I was just exclaiming...
wow, that's pretty cool.
@ΠάρτηΚοηλί I know, I know ;P
So you must have like an American accent.
I have both
People who go to the US and keep an accent when coming back are just faking it
When you are in an environment with two accents your brain treats them as separate languages
So which one is your natural accent?
At home I spoke Marathi, so no accent there
Do you know Hindi?
only with Indian families did I use that accent
@ΠάρτηΚοηλί didn't before, now I do. Sort of.
Nice, nice.
That's why you are one of those special Indians who actually use correct spellings and punctuation. LOL
Not always:
3 mins ago, by ManishEarth
@ΠάρτηΚοηλί i said that, didn't i? :P
(then again, this is the Internet. I'm allowed to do that :P)
@ManishEarth No, I know that sometimes people are too lazy to use the shift key. At least you didn't say, “i said dat, didnt i???????”
@ΠάρτηΚοηλί that was me typing with one hand actually :P
But yeah, I know what you mean
Bad-Indian-English can be smelled from a mile off.
So how do you find it at IIT?
Are you staying just like a simple guy or is it a complicated situation with nerds all around?
@ΠάρτηΚοηλί It's awesome
Lots of stuff to do (besides academics). You really need to pick what you want to do 'cos you don't have the time :P
@ΠάρτηΚοηλί I don't quite get you :S
But it shouldn't be better than MIT! :-O
@ΠάρτηΚοηλί Sure. But given the circumstances, (family in India), I felt that IIT is better
also, MIT is awesome, but not so much for UG
I can't believe it.
Is it just IITB or is it the case with each one of them?
Not sure. The new IITs come nowhere close
IITK is quite good (especially for pure sciences) though
What was your JEE rank?
I was born in Kanpur. :-)
@ΠάρτηΚοηλί ah
518? Epic.
But I soon shifted to Delhi.
JEE is very hard. Did you even prepare for it?
@ΠάρτηΚοηλί yeah
But I didn't make it my sole life goal like many do :P
@ManishEarth Exactly! lol
I had tons of time to do other stuff
You may be the most different IITian I ever knew.
@ΠάρτηΚοηλί No, I'm just different from the stereotype
there are tons
Well, very few US IITians, but the rest...
Why would an American come to India?
Because my grandparents were getting old and my parents wanted to be with them,
No, but the rest?
the rest?
i dunno
I just know that there were 12 (inc me) non-Indian citizens taking admission this year
Why did I know? Because there are policies about us (namely the supernumerary seat: Our seats are allotted later, and the number of seats for that branch is increased by one -- basically to not put an Indian at a disadvantage by bumping him out). And due to this my entire online procedure was borked. It. Just. Didn't. Work. (rather scary). We went there and then they told me the situation and not to worry about it. (basically the bank had not received an updated list or something)
That's... interesting
So it seems that IIT does not promote diversity.
@ΠάρτηΚοηλί Huh? No.
It never put me at a disadvantage either
Basically, after the entire seat allotment has been done, they check the preferences and ranks of non-Indians
And allot us seats accordingly, without bumping out an indian seat (class strength increased by 1)
That's good for everyone
Also I think this is a government policy
You love your country a lot.
I don't understand why it's not the case with me. :-\
@ΠάρτηΚοηλί You should learn to love it
@ManishEarth I just can't...
I hate many things about India, but I don't bitch about it without reason :)
Also, due to my upbringing, I don't exactly identify with "my country"
As in, I don't understand the concept of "belonging" to a country as much
nationalism, etc
Or more accurately I understand these, just don't sympathize with them as much :s
You may be interested in… (and the two linked answers)
Oh, also, someone had asked me the MIT thing by email (well, it was actually "why aren't you studying in the US with a footnote about MIT"
The answer is Family.

My parents had never wanted to settle there. After I and my sister were born, we sort of settled, but the plan was to go back at one point -- I had grandparents in India. So we did. I found it hard to adjust, but I managed. (We used to visit every year, so that helped).

Regarding education: Undergrad in the US isn't really worth the hype. People go to the US for undergrad primarily so that they may get a chance to settle. I have no such problem; with a US passport I can pop over any time I want with no trouble.
^^That's my answer
@ManishEarth Nice to see that you're another Quoran.
@ΠάρτηΚοηλί ha :)
I actually don't like Quora much
But people in IIT prefer it over SE
Well, Quora is where you can post opinions and get into discussions
So they like it
Anyway, because most of my friends keep sharing interesting links, and because I tend to get sucked into the hole of must...answer...question, I participate too :P

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