I don't see anything wrong with what you wrote. Unless your new question would be on a different issue that isn't the way to handle it. You can edit the existing post and people can update answers if necessary.
I am deleting my comment to this user's thread on his post, but I really don't think this is necessary for the poster to delete his own posted thread. I am doing it because the user looks overly distressed about it. @Buffy
@MichaelCarrick I am a mod at academia. If there is something you want removed, we can redact it. That said, I don't see what it is you would want redacted. Please edit the post and flag it for mod attention and we can redact whatever you delete. Please do not simply try and delete the entire question.
@StrongBad and @Wrzlprmft Thank you very much for your positive responses. As I tolds, there are some reasons, so I would like to delete the post. If it is impossible, I will acept the current version of the post (the post is edited by you). One again, thank you very much for your supports.