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Q: If Satan punishes bad people, doesn't that make him a good person?

user477343I will be speaking from the perspective of Christianity I have been thinking of Heaven and Hell: If you do good, you go to Heaven; If you do bad, you go to Hell. The people in control of Heaven and Hell are respectively God and Satan (I am using the term "people" here just to make ...

God send bad people to Hell; Satan is only the captor... God is God and all other "entities" are subject to God's rule. Thus, also Satan acts according to God's will.
Satan is God's son (so they aren't "peers"). Jesus is God's son only figuratively, "Son", because Jesus is that God himself, so he is the "Son" of himself (so satan is, in a sense, Jesus' son). Who punishes bad people is God, using the proxy in the form of satan who is allowed to accumulate all the evil.
Having said that, Satan" is an entity in the Abrahamic religions that seduces humans into sin or falsehood. In Christianity and Islam, he is usually seen as either a fallen angel or a jinn, who used to possess great piety and beauty, but rebelled against God, who nevertheless allows him temporary power over the fallen world and a host of demons." Thus, the mythology about Satan is historically quite compelx.
"God grants you a gift whereas Satan grants you a punishment." NO; God grants you rewards and punishments. I'm not an expert, but theology is a deep and detailed discipline with a long tradition... a little bit more complex that Marvel's comics.
@MauroALLEGRANZA Woah... you might be right! :o
@MauroALLEGRANZA I was not actually aware of how complex it was. Thank you for your comment. Also, how did you know I read Marvel comics? Hahah ;)
@ttnphns aahhh, I see what you mean, though I don't understand how Jesus can be a "son" of himself if he is, well, God. And God is punishing via Satan... but doesn't this make God evil then, I guess? Who deserves to burn miserably forever?
"So God is punishing via Satan... but doesn't this make God evil then ?" Correct: you have discovered one of the big (maybe the biggest) problem of philosopy, the so-called Problem of Evil : "whether the world contains undesirable states of affairs that provide the basis for an argument that makes it unreasonable to believe in the existence of God."
@MauroALLEGRANZA Hmm.... very interesting... thank you for introducing to me the Problem of Evil. I did not realise how big this actually was. What if God and Satan are the same person??!! hehehe... Edit: Oh, and thanks for your edit incidentally ;)
@user477343. One should not confuse "bad experience" (e.g. pain) and evil. God may intend to do "bad" things which are for the good ends. Now, evil was not intended by God, it originated from the defection of one of heavenly sons, named Satan, from God once upon a time, and supported by the second alike defection later, performed by an earthly son, named Adam. The defection was a result of free will which presense God had decided to tolerate in his children.
@ttnphns don't worry about the typos, I understand what you mean. It's just sometimes hard to believe that the "bad" things he does or allows are ultimately for the "good ends" as you say, like climate change. Climate change is affecting the entire world. It is becoming a major crisis that is reaching a global scale (even said by Sir David Attenborough). This is affecting the entire human race. How can something like this be "good" if we are on the verge of being unable to reverse it? This is just an example. That's what I don't understand hence I refuse to believe he does do bad things.
@ttnphns ...or I might refuse to believe that he even exists in the first place. Is there anything you might have to say about this? I don't mean to be too personal, but do you believe in God? You don't need to answer the latter question if it is too personal, I respect that.
...thus, God is not who produces evil, but he allows evil to exist, for his "didactic" or experimental or other reason we can't know.
@user477343, I'm an atheist
@ttnphns Hmm... I can agree. Also, I asked if you believed in God because I was wondering if God accepts those in Heaven that originally did not believe in Him. I have no idea about who you are, but you might have done great things. You might have helped so many people or did something truly good that, if God were to exist, cannot deny your action was at all evil. Say you continued this lifestyle of doing good until you died... would God then not accept you into Heaven because you are an atheist? Perhaps this question is unanswerable, at least for us... but have you ever thought this before?
@ttnphns Sorry if I am asking too many questions. I am just heavily curious in this matter.
@user477343, Just imagine, as a case, that God wants climate deterioration in order to move all us to live on another planet, a better one. Or speculate maybe he wants us to learn how to manage our planet better so has undertaken that climate problem. But we don't take it all thankfully, a believer would say, we suffer, object and quarrel, and curse our living in this place. This bad "interpretation" is due to our Evil side.
@ttnphns you are a wise person :) I thank you for your input.

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