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so do you have an iphone?
Sort of do you have an email?
I have school just about everyday, but I can get away with doing nothing on most days so you can talk to me during class or somthing if you msg me through my email
yea thats fine
do you have iMessage?
@Ethan ^
I am not sure, a teacher lets me his use his tablet at school, I can usually message alot through that, I will email you with more info later
@DanZimm What kind of math is it you do anyway?
right now I'm doing analysis, topology and measure theory
just starting measure theory as of today
its 10:31, its a friday tomarrow though and its not like I have anything due
its 12:31 and I have work due tomorrow morning so I'll be up all night xD
havent started yet lolol
What do you have to do
Yes, I usually hold it off by talking lol
The humanities are for the majority a waste imo
Well I wouldn't say that, but I think they are emphasized to much
(I will never say this to my english teacher though) Its usually good to instill some kind of bias in with teachers you don't like or classes you don't enjoy, they think twice before marking you down
i agree
they are a waste of time because there is no material
it isnt difficult
They establish alot of notation and then do nothing with it
and I usually look at and do proofs on limits and functions and all that stuff
sometimes they dont even establish logical notation!
@DanZimm Yes it is very annoying when I am learning formal logic, and wikipedia keeps redirecting me to the informal grammer useage
grammar sucks
english sucks
@DanZimm though I havn't really learned this in a while, I have trouble reading for long periods of time because of my ocd so I typically watch videos, khan academy, mitopencoursewear, and this is a good one also I just found
yea coursera is awesome
You can make an account free, and watch a ton of lectures, I was watching the one on intro to logic from stanford lol
its awesome
my gf is actually doing that course
stanford into to logic
did her first proof the other day
well "proof" im sure you know how it goes
Hey man, curious as to what you look like lol, your from Chicago right?
uh gimme sec i might have a picture
oh well, maybe we will meet up someday
I still have a fair amount of life left :d
whats the average life span for a male human
heh me too
ehh I suppose thats kind of vague
more than 20 years so heh
probabbly a billion things that factor in
me ^
whether or not you have a terminal disease...
@DanZimm haha nice beard lol
yea its scruffy as hell
im just lazy
wait, here
lol ok
Is me during spanish class, lol
it disappeared
@DanZimm What do you have to do thats due tomarrow
It was crowding the chatbox, or somthing like that
some programming shit
if you say so
:p trying to justify deleting it lol
Partly ocd, when I read math aloud during history class the kids next to me thing I am on drugs
theyre probably like "youre a genius"
Not really, when I tap a door nob thirty times, theyre probably like "thats what happens when your dropped on your head as a child"
I don't really do that tapping thing though, only sometimes at home, I am taking drugs for it though so it usually doesn't occur during school hours
so you really have ocd?
Yes, I am taking this for it
didnt realize that, my bad!
esiclopram? or somthing of that sort
I think its lexapro
I get really bad head aches when I am off of it
@DanZimm its not as bad as it sounds though, when I am on drugs its un-noticble usually
@DanZimm I don't want to keep you from doing your work lol
no its not homework
its work work i dont wanna do
also im on serequel - an antidepressant
When I first take the lexapro in the morning I get a kind of "high" I wouldn't say manic but somthing of the sort
I feel like I am on top of the world, and am a very sociable person
well then that helps it sounds like
@DanZimm do you get somthing like that? Or is distributed equally through out the day
wrong chat my bad hahaha
What happens if you don't do the work for tomorrow?
i get fired lol
but i slept all day so im working through the morning
Are you doing it right now?
not yet no
dont want to yet
probably will start in an hour or so
How long do you think it will take to do?
no idea lol
shouldnt be too long tho
isnt hard
almost like a humanity
@DanZimm you said you were in a relationship? How is that working
pretty good
shes learning math
learning basic logic atm
What kind of math?
basic logic and number theory for now
is that her major that is?
Lol I sound like yoda
yea it is
yoda you are
I never really watched all those movies, I think I saw part of the first one
I was never into the whole star wars thing
or startrec or stuff like that
I will see a good movie every once in a while though
yea same
more recently i have watched movies but never when i was young
have you seen this guy,
lol i think hes on cocaine or somthing
ya hahaha
sorry, i started to work so i apologize if it takes a bit to respond
what are you up to now?
lol don't mind me, continue to work lol I think I am probably going to go to sleep soon anyway
well i will chat with you tomorrow then!
sleep well!
yes you to lol
1 hour later…
im pretty convinced the american education system is absolutely fucked

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