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feel free to message me here as well if u would like my help in case im not on when you are
hi kdodge thank you very much for your help very much appreciated
Let me know how it turns out, hope its a great birthday gift
i hope so too i've never been so nervous about anything i've hosted before, i'll be sure to bounce back and let you all know how it goes.
I know you will do well with it. Want some help crunching #'s?
yeah sure, so i usually make npc's just by rolling like a pc lol i just find it fun to do it that way. i'm odd.
so a vamp barb, druid and a noble.
ok so we have blights and whatever the lichs minions are for basics, for actual NPCs who matter we need a Druid Spellcaster vamp, Female barbarian Vamp, The Lich, and The Noble Vampire
i could make the noble like an anti paldin or do you think that's too much beef for them?
Lets build to him first
so where do we start? haha
Well they leave town so blights first
Your options are Vine Twig and or Needle blights
Vine Blights are fun, I would say needle but logic says twig if you are going to use vine
ur choice though, u can use twig and needle just makes the environment a little colder
so lets go with them.
which combo?
twig and needle?
Crunching numbers now
could use a mixture of them
Alright with a 1:1 ration for twig to needle blight you will have 3,734 blights in the area
in total
thats a lot of blights; damn
your party wont encounter all of them though, whats the distance from town to coliseum? and is there an overgrown road leading to it?
yeah i have two paths to it a qucker more dangerous path through dense woodland and a longer less dangerous trade route that would pass it
alright estimated length of each path?
or time needed to travel it unbothered
2 days travel on the quicker path and 4 days via the trade route
So lets say 2:1 Needle/twig shorter route and reverse for the longer route
Crunching numbers now
okay that sounds good
umm so u are looking at a distance of 40 miles the short way"
70-80 the long way'
yeah in and around
you good with that?
alright now crunching blights
yeah 100 percent good
Short path: 415 Twig 830 Needle, dense forest think northern woods that deal with winter.
Long Path 830 Needle and 1,660 Twig

Short Path results in potential 51,875 XP
Long Path results in potential 83,000 XP
thats a pretty good spread
Both pathsencounter 26 (5d6) blights each hour
Gives good opportunity for rests and also to avoid fights if need be given the enviroment
How long is this session?
it'll be 8 hours, an all day thing for her birthday
Alright then you have time. I suggest rolling each in game hour to determine if they encounter blights and survival/perception checks to determine if they see it coming, if they get jumped, whether or not they get the chance to aviod
let them make these rolls
Is this a group that prefers hack and slash or story sessions?
sure that sounds pretty fair to me and they have to camp at night to, if they travel at night should i up the rolls of encountering the blights? they're pretty 50/50 when it comes to it.
Half their chances of encounters at night if they make camp and hide well enough and don't cause much noise, Double if they travel at night.
cool was unsure if that would be unfair but it makes sense.
now what do we move onto next?
keep in mind blights have blindsense
well next would be the lich and his minions
yeah i almost forgot about blindsense.
oh I fucked up on math
keep those numbers but x4 if needed at most
thats G no worries.
wait you have 5 party members?
yeah i do
multiply by 5 at most if needed
cool cool.
Alright so we need to pick minions for the lich
I suggest 3 Captains and the lich in charge
then fill in the rest with fodder monsters
so for the lich what if it was a mind flayer lith, i think those are pretty cool havent used one yet.
Interesting story idea, lets work with that
So a Mind flayer became a lich and has risen to the surface
its funny because the last time they fought with the bard they killed a few mind flayers
so for his captains
Str 11
Dex 14
Con 16
Int 20
Wis 17
Cha 16
what ideas you got?
those his stats?
or the caps?
the mindflayer turned lich yes
working on abilitys now
do you have a monster manuel?
death knights? or are they too much?
I found it
yeah i have a digital player hand book
have him guard the coliseum
small patrol of minions at his side
and i could add a few oozes?
or ghouls
I don't think oozes are a good idea for this set up
hmm okay then just some undead?
we have 43,875 XP left in our budget for this lair
so maybe 1 or 2 weaker captains
more like bodyguards to the lich himself?
cool. sounds like a good idea any suggestions?
Something without magic resistance
136 MM
yeah they look crazy, how many should we add like 3?
that works
so a death knight and 3 Fomorians
I'd run 3d6 Undead Duergar per Fomorian Death Knight and Lich
That honestly should be enough to keep your players on their toes
yeah definitely
have the Duergar come in per round so you can keep your players from getting overwhelmed
Be careful with the Eye attack Fomorians have
Now as far as the lich goes, we need to modify him
yeah that looks a little crazy
yeah he seems a bit strong for them i think.
So lets dumb him down
Chop off magic resistance first off
make him resistant to BPS instead of immune
yeah thats a fair enough shout
Rejuvenation wont be a problem, neither will Turn resistence
So now we need to do spells
yeah i wont use disintagration at all
mind Flayers have a subtupe called arcanists lets blend their spells
cool cool
So pick 3 cantrips from their shared choice, 4 from 1st , 4 from 2nd, 3 from 3rd, 2 from 4th, 2 from 5th, 1 from 6 7 and 8 each, No 9th
sweet gimme a quick minute and i'll pick em
4/3/3/3/2/1/1/1 Spell Slots 1st to 8th left to right
i cant decide on the 7th and 8th
15d6+45 HP
Finger of death
Power Word Stun
AC 17
they're pretty good. i really shouldnt use power word kill but i kinda wanna for the 9th
that's why I said no 9th
i know they'd be so mad at me haha
You must play with your food not kill it. their suffering is half the delight lol
Wise words from my cat
the Legendary actions you don't need to change and the tentacles and extract brain can stay
Mind Blast use only once
so for the cantrips Ray of frost , mage hand, dancing lights
Good choices
level one spells are fine staying as written on the lich
2nd ray of enfeeblement, mirror image, detect thoughts and blur
3rd dispel magic, fireball and clairvoyance
4th confusion and blight
5th wall of force and telekinisis
Write or type all this down?
i;ve it written down i'll transfer it into my notes later
So whats 6th?
i'll keep disintegrate
just in case
yeah as a panic spell lol
So that just leaves the vamps
start with the barbarian?
on the return journey half the chance of encountering blights
on each encounter roll a d20, increasing the case of the vamps finding on each encounter
all 3 at once
Do story stuff with the forest dwellers on the way in
on the way back, the vamps attack
So the vamps by themselves are enough XP wise id give the Warrior Vamp 3 levels in Barbarian same for the Spellcaster Druid in addition to everything else they have
Give the noble vamp 4-5 levels in Rogue or Bard
hows that sound?
sounds perfect
Vamps can start as they are in the book plus the levels
yeah that'll be all easy to do out
For the player characters, might I suggest when they roll for health, its whatever they roll plus con modifier or whatever slightly higher then half plus Con mod per die (so 4 for a d6, 5 for a d8 6 for a d10, 7 for a d12)
so they guarantee have the health needed
but don't feel like you are cheapening the experience with full health
Max health
Your choice
i let them roll health or take the average and most decided to take the average hp pool at 20. our barb rolled and ended up with 305 hp which isnt bad
he took tough so he had a higher pool as like their only tankish chracter
ok then they will be fine
i wouldnt try and hit em hard if i didnt think they'd survive it
I suggest you work more with story stuff on this but I think this should be good for what you need
more than good, honestly thank you very much you made this work out way easier than i was expecting
Ill keep this room open, feel free to message me anytime if you need ideas or just want to chat
I enjoy doing stuff like this
i;ll be sure to come back and tell you how it goes! thank you thats super sweet of you
My pleasure, now go kill some players I mean have a lovely session with friends who treasure their characters
I do hope they survive
haha i hope they do to

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