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3 more hours to go
2 hours later…
20 minutes! good luck all! ^.^
and now time is up
waits for SE staff to come in here
my local OpenSTV installation claims @EllaRose and @MaartenBodewes won
Loading ballots from file crypto-stackexchange-com-2018-election-results.blt.
Ballot file contains 4 candidates and 183 ballots.
No candidates have withdrawn.
Ballot file contains 183 non-empty ballots.

Counting votes for Cryptography Stack Exchange Moderator Election 2018 using Meek STV.
4 candidates running for 2 seats.

 R|Maarten Bodew|Ella Rose    |M'vy         |Rory Alsop   |Exhausted    |Surplus      |Threshold
  |es           |             |             |             |             |             |
Maarten by a landslide!
congratulations @EllaRose and @MaartenBodewes!
(your diamond will probably be handed to you soon(tm))
Congratulations @EllaRose @MaartenBodewes
hugs all around!
Congratulations to both of you!
And commiserations @M'vy
I take pride in the 3 persons who trusted me.
(and 2.761056 as second choice)
@M'vy is it better than simon's result from the last time where he candidated?
Not sure.
Can't remember
And it was on sec.se
IIRC I got outed just after him actually
@M'vy also you did better than all those people who didn't even candidate ;)
And to be honest, I had no illusion about this election ;)
I'm glad more experienced crypto users candidated.
Yarr. Me too.
Hey, congrats @Ella. I'm sure we'll make a great team with the potatohead. Rory and M'vy, thanks so much for running!
@M'vy That was a bit much competition. Rory would have made a great mod here as well, I'm sure. Rep doesn't count for all that much when it comes to moderation.
Thanks @MaartenBodewes
My chances of election were based on being the second and last candidate ;)
@SEJPM Do you know if CodesInChaos will stay around, I see that his presence is somewhat diminishing, but it could just mean a busy life / work at the moment.
I also saw no one posting in the early days, and was a bit worried that not many people would nominate
Well, I decided rather late. Currently I'm in between jobs, but that may change soon, and new jobs bring long work hours.
Oh, I wish you can have both. New job and keep mod-ing here ;)
But between Ella (who's probably better at "mathy" questions and is in a good time zone - I think) and me it was going to be tricky.
I'm sure I can, I'll just remove some time from answering instead.
At my first job I didn't have internet at my desk for 16 years, although the later years I could simply bring a tablet and link it up to my phone through bluetooth. That's the tricky thing with security.
@SEJPM Diamonds seem to have been handed and I've agreed to the - rather minimal - terms. As supporter of Bits of Freedom I'm of course rather against sharing personal details.
7 messages moved to Trash
@M'vy that's what made me nominate. I saw the challenge on Bicycles when nobody nominated so I did, and that helped Indore someone else to do it, and they rightly got that role.
@RoryAlsop Well, I am fishes, little wonder that I was caught :P
Piscine in EN I suppose.
Fish and bicycles... Sounds like a joke in the making
Oh, no, Pisces :)
@RoryAlsop Trust me, there are plenty people that go and swim with the fishes after a drink or ..2..3..4..5.. Stepping on a bike is ill adviced, we don't have any rails around the canals or anything.
It's a running joke :P
I did see various folks in a canal last time I was in Amsterdam
@RoryAlsop As long as they are in boats it is considered normal :)
Currently the temperature of the water is too cold to swim, without 5cm neopreen suite anyway.
That would be 5mm
5cm would float you rather well :-)
By the way, you should never jump in the canals even in the summer. Too many bikes in them, you might land on one.
@RoryAlsop Are you in the US? Do you visit Amsterdam often? I'm in Haarlem, only 10m away.
10 minutes, not meters.
I'm in Scotland, but have stayed in Amersfoort, Noordwijk and Amsterdam
Ah, right, I've been in Edinborough for the Java Card forum.
I plan to do some kayaking in Scotland soon...
But I may go to Wales first.
Fantastic country, but a bit cold and wet at times!
That's what we tell people to stop too much overcrowding :-)
Heh. Maybe I should look for a job over there. Great kayaking, cheap house prices, being payed in pounds. Could be worse.

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