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REFRESH! There are 5055 unanswered questions (93.4799 answered)
3 hours later…
I'm not sure this question is on-topic for this forum, since it seems more to with code review and/or applied math than with programming per se. Good luck. — Jon Spring 37 secs ago
3 hours later…
Q: histogram Template Function Implementation for Image in C++

JimmyHuThis is a follow-up question for An Updated Multi-dimensional Image Data Structure with Variadic Template Functions in C++. I implemented histogram template function to get histogram of an image in this post. The experimental implementation histogram template function implementation // histogra...

4 hours later…
If I were looking for the best or fastest solution, I would first try to implement it myself. If I stumbled at a specific point, I would ask a specific question here. If I wanted to improve my correct implementation, I would ask at Code Review. — jabaa 21 secs ago
2 hours later…
For getting feedback on working code, the Code Review Stack Exchange is probably the better address. Make sure to read their How to ask first though. — paleonix 2 mins ago
Is my comment on this duplicate clear enough to be helpful?
3 hours later…
Q: Implementing safe custom exception

JakubI was trying to come up with some design to subclass built-in exceptions. For simplest case I used something like this: class SimpleCustomException : public std::runtime_error { public: using std::runtime_error::runtime_error; }; Source: How to inherit from std::runtime_error? which, from my...

3 hours later…
@pacmaninbw probably...
hopefully they will read the linked literature
Q: Simplified simulation of Bash shell "ls" command made using C++ std::filesystem library

GiogreI have just implemented this while getting acquainted with the std::filesystem library. On input from console, the program accepts two arguments: argv[1] is a string of option flags preceded by a hyphen -, and argv[2] is the directory path which is about to be inspected. For clarity, in the title...

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