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Q: Combinations of elements in array

JohnI wrote this code to get all possible arrangements for an array containing 3 elements. let a = ["A", "B", "C"]; let b = []; function change(A) { let x = []; for (let i = 0; i < A.length; i++) { x.push(A[i]); } for (let i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { A[i] = x[i + 1]; ...

Q: kbf - A Brainfuck Interpreter and Transpiler in C

HarithLanguage: The Brainfuck programming language consists of eight commands: > Increment the pointer. < Decrement the pointer. + Increment the byte at the pointer. - Decrement the byte at the pointer. . Output the byte at the pointer. , Input a byte and store it in the byte at the pointer. [ Jump for...

Q: Compiler grammar and parser are disconnected

TsarasIn the process of creating my first toy language, I have created the base grammar for it (which can surely be improved upon, feel free to comment). I am emitting C at the moment. \begin{align} program &\rightarrow (declaration | stmt)^* \\ declaration &\rightarrow \textbf{let}\ assignment...

2 hours later…
Can I split a project into two posts (backend, frontend)? I removed everything I could, but it still doesn't fit into the character limit
Q: Longest spell to cast from pages of spellbook follow-up

helielicopter123This question is from the PCTC 2022 R2 Past Paper and is a follow-up on my previous question. Previous question I have implemented several solutions suggested, such as creating an array with pages already visited (@J_H) and ignoring dead-ends (self-referring pages) (@aghast), as well as stopping ...

@SergeyZolotarev Yes. Preferably with links back and forth between the questions.
Splitting backend and frontend of the same project is perfectly reasonable.
Keep in mind that such posts attract answers more easily if they have a good description in the question body and are not just code dumps.
The thing is it's actually one project. I did it a year ago, it's quite old-fashioned (controllers returning HTML-views, that kind of thing). You can't run two things separately
The HTML page is humongous, I could post it separately (along with JS and CSS)
@Mast are you absolutely sure?
@SergeyZolotarev Yes. We had a user ask a question in 6 parts. I would not advice that. 6 does not work well for various reasons. But 2, so clearly split between backend and frontend? Absolutely.
@Mast :65355335 since it's a chat, I guess I'm safe to ask it. I hope I don't impose. What's your specific advice to a guy who struggles to land a developer job (me)? I believe my skills and knowledge are up for the task, but they never get to be assessed since I'm never invited to interviews (where I could seize the chance to shine)
It objectively seems to be the only hurdle: all the other folks I studied with, who lied about their years of experience (it's not a baseless accusation, they openly said so), got invited to interviews, got employed. Of the hundreds of people I studied with only three, including me, tried to do it fair and square, all of them failed
I thought it's some Russian thing that has to do with low competition in the economy (why would they hire more expensive and less honest devs, it does't seem reasonable), but then I was told it's at least as bad in Western countries, if not worse (which, I know, could be another lie)
Anyway, I decided I have to start contributing to open source (Spring, for instance), but then I saw a video on YouTube who was very vehement in his discouragement of open-source contribution a way to get a job. This puzzle has to have a solution, doesn't it? What are my options?
I've never heard about contributing to open source being detrimental to your chances of being hired.
What I think that video is trying to tell you, is that contributing to open source projects is hard. It is not for beginners.
Successfully contributing to open source is therefore an indication you're not a beginner anymore.
Technical interviews are a joke. I've seen plenty of people pass that and getting laid off a month later.
You never 'need' to start doing open source. You must 'want' it first.
Working on actual projects that work, is a start.
Working on actual projects that produce results someone else needs, is the next step.
Working on actual projects that someone else has to be able to work with, read through and modify... Is a major step further.
I have many people rely on the output of my software, but I only contribute to open-source projects in a non-developer capacity. As in, I don't touch any code directly.
Then again, officially I'm not a software engineer. Did that for a few months, went back to hardware.
@SergeyZolotarev From the video:
I know that in some western countries it's not uncommon to lie on your resume. I know for a fact in some of the companies I've worked for (including my current one) it's impossible to get away with much of that. People will find out and you won't last long (sometimes we find out before they get hired).
Q: User Management System: a web app for management of user records (Part I. Backend)

SergeyNote. It's Part I of the User Management System project, focused on the backend. See Part II here I made this app about a year ago. I was a fledgling developer who didn't have a lot of clues to what he was doing but who nevertheless tried to do his best. For developers with decades of experience ...

Q: User Management System: a web app for management of user records (Part II. Frontend)

SergeyNote. It's Part II of the User Management System project, focused on the frontend. See Part I here Here's the frontend part. I want to note that I realized even back then that copy-pasting a huge block of HTML into JS was a bad idea, but couldn't find a better solution without page reloads. I hav...

@Mast so I picked the right strategy, didn't I (keeping everything the guy in the video said in mind)?
Q: Further developing calculating crude death rates and age-standardised death rates

Attila VajdaThis script is a further development of Finding crude death rate and age-standardized death rates from data. In reflection to the kind reviews I created a module for the data; saved the data in dictionaries, with the age groups signified as keys; improved variable names; added function definition...

@SergeyZolotarev I haven't seen the contributions and how well they were received, but if you made meaningful contributions to open source without undue time hogging you probably did.
Hi @Simon
@Mast hello
@Mast I haven't made any contributions yet (only posted a few issues). I'm about to start doing it and wanted to take advice from more experienced developers. I understand your skepticism, but I am in no way going to flood repositories with half-assed PRs
@Mast Are periods important? I never include them at the end of paragraphs. Is it a violation of Code Review's style guide? Or should I pay no attention to your edit?
Q: Time based cache for single element

trolkuraThe container should be thread safe and provide lazy load of data, and cache the data for set period of time. public class TimeBasedExpirationCache<T> { private static class CacheElement<T> { private final Future<T> data; private final Instant created; private CacheEl...

1 hour later…
@SergeyZolotarev It's a violation of English, not anything else.
2 hours later…
Q: Benchmarking putchar_many vs puts Performance for the Same Byte

HarithWhilst writing an interpreter for Brainfuck, I had collapsed sequences of .......... to a single instruction OP_PUT (10) (Note that the . instruction in Brainfuck corresponds to a putchar() call in C. Say the byte at the current cell in Brainfuck was 'h', OP_PUT (10) would print h to stdout 10 ti...

Q: Mapping strings to arrays of unsigned char in C++

machine_1I have written an example code to map strings to arrays of unsigned char that contain bytecodes: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <map> #define ARRAYSIZE(arr) (sizeof(arr) / sizeof(*arr)) static unsigned char A_[] = { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03 }; static unsigned char B_[] = { 0x04, 0x05, 0...

2 hours later…
Q: Advent of Code Day 3, Part 1 - Rust

naivedeveloperPlease offer suggestions to my below Rust approach for solving AoC Day 3, Part 1. The code is functionally correct, so I'm interested in understanding how I could have solved it in a more idiomatic Rust way. In quite a few other solutions people heavily use iterators. Is this preferred? For those...

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