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REFRESH! There are 6645 unanswered questions (91.4068 answered)
6 hours later…
Q: Multi-dimensional Image Data Structure with Variadic Template Functions in C++

JimmyHuThis is a follow-up question for Three dimensional data structure in C++. I am trying to implement multi-dimensional image data structure with variadic template functions. For example, image.at(4, 3) is to access the element at location x = 4 and y = 3 in two dimensional case. In three dimensiona...

Q: Bash scripts to convert json to associative arrays and then back to json

joeblogI'm a relative bash novice but have found it along with jq a great way to manipulate json scraped from various sources. I couldn't find any ready-made scripts to convert arbitrarily deep json to bash arrays, so wrote my own. My jq script kept in a separate file looks like this: def recursive_func...

Q: Ultimate Tic Tac Toe JS

The CrickHey I was wondering if anyone here could do a code review for my JS project (ultimate tic tac toe game which consists of 3 game modes- local multiplayer, online multiplayer, and single player with AI). I just want to make sure that my project follows the best practices of coding! repo- https://gi...

Q: Saving multiple files in python

Lucas MorinI have this stupid code block below to save multiple files in Python. It is kind of repetitive (but it works). I was wondering how to improve it, notably: Is it worth it to write a function for two lines of code ? Is it possible to get the generic object name so that i don't have to specify it in...

1 hour later…
Q: Advent of Code 2023 - Day 9: Mirage Maintenance

HarithPart 1: The task involves analyzing an environmental report from an oasis using the Oasis And Sand Instability Sensor (OASIS). The report consists of multiple histories, each containing a sequence of values over time. The goal is to predict the next value in each history by creating a sequence of...

Q: plotting a parasite x axis apart from existing axis

Ranjan Kumar SahuSO, I have a data with few years. Out of curiosity, I wanted to see if i can plot two axis, the first axis has labels of let's say months. The axis below has the year values, instead of the traditional dd-mm-yy values. I saw earliest post regarding this using mpl_toolkits, "https://matplotlib.org...

@Phroggie It's all key-value based, so like a dict. Not flat though, there's some nesting going on.
I'll see if I can dump a sanitized file somewhere in the upcoming days.
possible answer invalidation by JimmyHu, JimmyHu on question by JimmyHu: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/288663/revisions
possible answer invalidation by JimmyHu, JimmyHu on question by JimmyHu: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/288663/revisions
possible answer invalidation by JimmyHu on question by JimmyHu: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/288663/revisions
possible answer invalidation by JimmyHu on question by JimmyHu: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/288663/revisions
How do I get in touch with Code Review support? I can't get to meta, it throws a 500 error if I authenticate and then try visit the site (it doesn't if I don't authenticate). Regular Code Review is available
@SergeyZolotarev You typically have two options fill out the contact us form or complain on Meta Meta. If you choose either option I would suggest you provide proof you can't access the meta page through a gif.
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
Q: Can we make some in-built Git repository?

SergeyCan we make some simplistic in-built Git repository that supports only one branch, one commit, one snapshot? It's burdernsome to manually copy and paste every single snippet so my projects are (often) never reviewed. If one could simply clone it, it would make reviews easier. We can't use GitHub ...

Q: Increase character limit to 75k

SergeyLet's increase the character limit to, say, 75 000 characters. 65 000 is not enough. I face that problem a second time now. I have to exclude some code and instead store it elsewhere and provide a link. Not perfect

2 hours later…
Q: Get data from local DB or fetch from source

eloyThis function handles GET requests for a specific pokémon info. It checks whether the data are available in the local DB, and returns them if they are. If not, it fetches them from the PokéAPI, and writes them to the local DB before returning them. The NextResponse.json(...) parts are the Next.js...

Q: How do you make an except statement that catches all errors?

ag78eG7C7Q35In my previous question, I used a lot of except statements. What I want to do is make one except statement. Here's a flow chart. In short: class people: humphrey = {"First name": "Humphrey", "Last name": "Dumpty", "age": 14} except BaseException: print("Encountered " + BaseException + "."

3 hours later…
You may not be aware of another Stack Exchange site called Code Review that exists for just these kinds of questions. You might prefer to post this question there. — President James K. Polk 7 secs ago
Given the length of the code, I tend to think that it would be more appropriate to post this question on Code Review instead of Stack Overflow. However, I am unsure. See this link for information on the difference between both sites. — Andreas Wenzel 57 secs ago
Thanks for all the comments and help. i will try the one by Eric. Always happy to be at this site and I will go to Code Review next time for something like this. Happy New Year — Dr. H just now
Q: Conway's Game of Life Terminal Visualization in C

joeymalvinniI'm currently learning C, and decided to practice what I've been working on with a project, namely implementing Conway's Game of Life as a terminal visualization. This is my first project in C. The result: and my code: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h>...

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