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REFRESH! There are 7515 unanswered questions (90.1878 answered)
Q: Python raw dataclass to formatted dataclass transformation for avro schema

bbd108I receive some data from an api. I would like to define the raw responses schema and model it as a python dataclass, with the added benefit of using the dataclasses_avroschema package to programmaticly generate an avro schema. Further I would like to transform this raw response into a customizabl...

You asked a question, I answered it. It's up to you to evaluate my answer. It's not really a code review site, and it now a different question than what you asked initially. — Allan Wind 37 secs ago
You asked a question, I answered it. It's up to you to evaluate my answer. You might have to go elsewhere for a code review. Submit a new question if you have another one otherwise it's coaching which is outside the scope of stackoverflow. — Allan Wind 48 secs ago
You asked a question, I answered it. It's up to you to evaluate my answer. You might have to go elsewhere for a code review. Submit a new question if need help with something else. If the question changes and it becomes coaching. You might have go elsewhere for that, too. — Allan Wind 39 secs ago
You asked a question, I answered it. It's up to you to evaluate my answer. Feel free to ask questions in the comments to my answer. If I answered your question please accept it. It's outside the scope of stackoverflow to do code reviews and coaching you through a solution to a changing question. Hope it helps. — Allan Wind just now
1 hour later…
Q: Assert MockMvc response by using Kotlin DSL

MateuszI build web application using Kotlin and Spring Boot, I use MockMvc to write integration test. I'm not satisfied how assertion looks like, here is typical assertion: @Test fun `Get profile by id`() { thereIsATeacher(lissaSkipper) mockMvc.get("/teacher/{id}",

3 hours later…
Q: Queue system for a 1v1 multiplayer game in node.js with socket.io

HDawGI'm trying to create a simple node app utilizing socket.io rooms where users can play a 1v1 game against other users. The system I have in place at the moment is when a user clicks the play button they are put into a queue. Once the queue reaches 2 players the first 2 players in the queue are mat...

Q: Solution to Codejam 2019 1A (Pylons) in C

PanicThe following is my solution to the Pylons problem from Codejam 2019: https://codingcompetitions.withgoogle.com/codejam/round/0000000000051635/0000000000104e03. In summary, the task is to visit every cell in an RxC grid exactly once, without jumping to a cell that shares a row, column, or diagona...

Q: Follow up: A chat server using the select() API

HarisThis is a follow up to my last question: Multiperson chat server using the select() API Changes: After much fine critique, I made the following changes to the code: Removed redundant casts and initializations. Moved the contents of selectserver.h to selectserver.c. Rewrote the read_line() functi...

1 hour later…
Does the program work? Does it build without errors or warning (even when you enable extra warning)? Does it run? Does it return the correct results for all your tests? Then if you only want a review of this working program please use the Code Review SE site. — Some programmer dude 23 secs ago
2 hours later…
When something works just you want some extra pairs of eyes, codereview.stackexchange.com is a better pick. — tevemadar 14 secs ago
2 hours later…
Q: Dynamic asynchronous tiles for Leaflet: am I doing it right?

Barry Carter<link rel="stylesheet" href="includes/leaflet.css" /> <script src="includes/leaflet.js"></script> Please hit "+" one or two times to get it working <div id="map" style="height: 600px;"></div> <script> // the .setView() appears to be mandatory map = L.map('map').setView([37.8, -96], 4); // cr...

If your code is working as intended you may ask for improvements at SE Code Reviewπάντα ῥεῖ 23 secs ago
Seems like a question better fit for Code ReviewB Remmelzwaal 41 secs ago
If the above code compiles fine and is working, then include some code that uses this functionality and post it on codereview.com. — Haris 49 secs ago
I’m voting to close this question because it belongs on Code Review, please review what is on topic for StackOverflow. — ljmc 16 secs ago
2 hours later…
Q: Determining if a file is UTF-8 text by looking at its first n bytes

korolevI'm trying to find out whether a particular file is UTF-8 encoded readable text, by which I mean printable symbols, whitespaces, \n, \r\n and \t (think: source code). As speed is of importance, this has to be determined from just the first few dozen or so bytes of the file. I've tried my luck usi...

@Mast I got back in OGame again (:
Oh dear
I was supposed to check out something and playtest a bit.. and then, I was playing suddenly
Yes, that game tends to do that.
It's on steroids though with higher universe speeds (separate economy speed) and new lifeforms stuff that gives more bonuses, not bad though
5 hours later…
Asking "is there a better way" is of topic on StackOverflow. If there is no problem you can try CodeReview. — burnsi 11 secs ago
If the code is already-functional, and you want to improve it, codereview.stackexchange.com would be the place to be — Alexander 56 secs ago
If you are going to post this on code review, please read How do I ask a good question? and A guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users. — pacmaninbw 15 secs ago
Consider asking this on Code Review Stack Exchange: codereview.stackexchange.com/help/on-topicSolomon Ucko 37 secs ago

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