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RELOAD! There are 7632 unanswered questions (89.4126% answered)
We need command line diffing for other reasons, like over plaintext chat when collaborating (e.g. a code review) or when doing something over ssh. — Sridhar Sarnobat 54 secs ago
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If it produces the right results then there's no problem...unless you have some other issue like performance. We don't do code reviews here btw — ADyson 1 min ago
Q: Find the mean of two values, take two

Toby SpeightThis is my generalisation of std::midpoint incorporating advice received for Find the mean of two values. As well as supporting arithmetic types and pointers, as std::midpoint does, it also supports iterators, complex numbers and user-defined types such as bignums, rationals and fixed-point numb...

Q: Paging functionality for sql database records in DataGridView

Mister XI am currently testing how to add paging functionality to a DataGridView, because a project of mine has a database with many rows on specific tables, that make my program very slow and unreactive, if I have to load countless rows and load them into a DataGridView. I think so far I found a decent ...

In personal news: I handed in my notice this week.
We just sold half the company. My equity is now fixed. The roadmap for the next 5 years is a fairly known quantity.
I decided that while I will regret leaving, I would regret staying even more.
So I'm around for 2-4 months, then a farewell tour of the UK until the New Year, and I'll be off to somewhere sunnier.
Cyprus if I'm not employed. Probably Malta if I am.
Questions with working code belong on the Code Review SE, not here. — AKX 15 secs ago
I’m voting to close this question because it belongs on the Code Review SE. — AKX 53 secs ago
Q: B+ Tree insertion

ZebraIm finding it hard to understand a specific piece of code based on B+ tree insertion this is the Source for the insertion code My doubt is in the if statement at line 143 why is two for loops used, can't one be used as in the previous lines like line 74 for (int j = (*cursor)->keys.size() - 1; j >...

You can close it only if code review SE can help. — lakaJS 29 secs ago
Before you post at Code Review, make sure to read A guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users, as some things are done differently over there - e.g. question titles should simply say what the code does, as the question is always, "How can I improve this?". Include full context, and be sure that the code works correctly; include your unit tests if possible. You'll likely get some suggestions on making it more efficient, easier to read, and better tested. — Toby Speight 56 secs ago
Q: Is my approach not correct?

sachuvermaNumbers of length N and value less than K I have been trying this mathematical question, from past few hours The approach I followed is simple, we can put less valued digits, at each position of given numbers and then we can put same digit at ith location but next positions should be less Like if...

Q: Access to IIdentity outside of aspnet application

GengisMy ASP.NET application references a classlib that contains the business logic, where I need to have access to the IIdentity of the "current user". In ASP.NET controller it is easy, outside it is not possible out of the box in a async model (I did not find any equivalent of Thread.CurrentPrincipal...

Hello! I would suggest you post this question over at Codereview. — R.A.E 26 secs ago
Asking for 1on1 training is off topic on SO. Instead of adding unrelated stuff to your question, you could add relevant information. Why do you think there is a problem? What part don't you like it? On SO you should ask specific question about problems. If there is no specific problem with the code, that question might be better placed next door at CodeReviewGerhardh 18 secs ago
I suggest posting on codereview.stackexchange.com - another site in the stack exchange family. Stackoverflow is for defined questions with specific answers. — michaelward82 37 secs ago
Q: Looping through keywords and multiple pages in Selenium

SatiThis is a follow-up of my question over here. I adopted @Reinderien's suggested script to a second website below: fudan.py from contextlib import contextmanager from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import datetime, date from pathlib import Path from typing import Iterable, Optional, Co...

Q: Submitting highscore in PHP

FlatAssemblerSo, I am interested, what is the proper way to submit a highsocre (such as of a Pacman game) in PHP? Here is what I tried: <?php if (array_key_exists("HTTP_USER_AGENT", $_SERVER)) { $browser = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; } else { $browser = "none"; } if (substr($browser, 0, strlen("Opera"...

@michaelward82, this question in its current form isn't ready for Code Review - it needs to have actual implemented code to review. — Toby Speight 43 secs ago
@TobySpeight Sure I'll move the code to CodeReview then :) — AnOldSoul 32 secs ago
There's whole separate CodeReview site that might be a better place for this question - see codereview.stackexchange.com, but for my £0.02 you can sometimes improve readability by assigning to temporary variables instead of creating functions - e.g. $isMasterAndSkAsPk = ...; if($isMasterAndSkAsPk) { ... }mclayton 30 secs ago
As you performed 2 actions here (code review + title update), 2 different events have triggered the same workflow. If you trigger a workflow with different events, it will always display this way to check which event started the operation and allow traceability. To have only one status, you would need to have only one trigger option. — GuiFalourd just now
Maybe consider posting your question in code review. — Abra 24 secs ago
i think is well if you post this question on codereviewSimone Rossaini 53 secs ago
Q: Registering listeners according to SOLID pricipals

Neminda PrabhashwaraI'm practicing oop concepts these days. To figure it out I tried the below problem. There is a sensor monitoring system. It is a simple system that prints a value, whenever a sensor has picked a value. I tried to solve this problem according to oop and SOLID principals. So I created an interface ...

Yeah 100%... this was nothing mission critical though, just some isolated experiments thankfully. Any code review on this would hopefully ended up with: "Just use a darn dictionary and K.I.S.S.!"user3645016 29 secs ago
Q: Luhn algorithm using Stream API

DozezQuestExample String creditCardNumber1 = "4561261212345467"; int sum = IntStream.range(0, creditCardNumber1.length()).filter(i -> i % 2 != 0).map(i -> Character.getNumericValue(creditCardNumber1.charAt(i))).sum() + IntStream.range(0, creditCardNumber1.length()).filter(i -> i % 2 == 0).map(i -> ...

Considering you have a lot of logic duplication, you can create a function that can return an array of the values, and use it for each section. But a question like this might be better off on codereview.stackexchange.comaynber 14 secs ago
Q: How do I call a whole constructor back in one line? c++

ZohanI'm new to C++ and wanting to find a way to return a whole constructor in one go. Rather than doing (from my example code) std::cout<<book3.pages<<book3.author<<book3.title; - is there a working version of - std::cout<<book3; ? Please see the code here: #include <iostream> class Book{ publi...

Q: Javascript deepmerge hash with bsontype

PixieI'm using deepmerge to merge these hashes together, but the objectid is changed. Original Hash: query = { $and: [ {"unsubscribe.status": { "$ne": "unsubscribed" }}, {"isDeleted.status": { "$ne": true }}, {'advisorCommunities': { $in: communities }}, ...

Consider asking on codereview.stackexchange.com? StackOverflow isn't the place to discuss optimisation of code. — evolutionxbox 17 secs ago
1 hour later…
Q: Restructuring JSON to create a new JSON where properties are grouped according to similar values

fruitlessarteryI have a JSON structure in the following example format: [ {date: '01-01-2021', name: 'House 1', value: '500'}, {date: '01-01-2021', name: 'House 2', value: '600'}, {date: '01-01-2021', name: 'House 3', value: '700'}, {date: '01-01-2021', name: 'House 4', value: '800'}, {date: '01-02-20...

Questions about improving otherwise working code may be better suited for Code Review, but be sure to follow their content guidelines. — jmoerdyk 45 secs ago
Please show what code you are having a problem with. We aren't a code writing service. If you have working code, consider posting on Code Review or Software Engineering for advice on improving code. — markspace 28 secs ago
1 hour later…
Q: C++ | Outsource code to method

BlackI try to improve the inner code of the if statement if (ImGui::Button("Spawn an Adder")) by outsourcing it to a method in order to be able to reuse it. The code will spawn a vehicle in the game GTA 5 if a button is pressed. However, I want to create another button for another vehicle and I don't ...

1 hour later…
Q: How can i make this code much better for clean code?

codescaptainThis code can woocommerce order change status. But as you can see this code hard to read. So my question is a "how can i make fix better for clean code ". Can you advice me for that? THX <?php $tarih = explode('T', $order->get_date_completed()); $now = date("Y-m-d"); $origin = date_create($tarih...

Q: Image Processing Sobel Edge Detection in C

JimmyHuThis is a follow-up question for Image Processing Median Filter in C. Under the same tiny bmp image read / write framework, a sobel edge detection function has been performed. The experimental implementation The basic structures: typedef struct RGB { unsigned char R, G, B; } RGB; typedef st...

Q: python - Connect 4 Terminal Game

TheodoreI developed a python Connect 4 game that only uses sys & numpy everything else is regular python! All I'm requesting is a stronger code. This is what I made: import sys import numpy BOARD_SIZE_X = 7 BOARD_SIZE_Y = 6 SEARCH_DEPTH = 4 COMPUTER_PLAYER = 1 HUMAN_PLAYER = -1 # # Method that runs th...

Why are you appending the offset yourself? The library should handle that for you. Also, unless you can state clearly what isn't working, Stack Overflow isn't the best place to ask this sort of question. Instead, consider posting on Code Review. — Matt Johnson-Pint 46 secs ago
Q: Tic Tac Toe (new draft)

ch2019I have implemented suggestion and created new draft of the Tic Tac Toe program. Please review and let me know where I can improve. import random def update_board(): """Play game""" board = [[3 * row + col for col in range(1, 4)] for row in range(3)] total_count = 0 UserTurn = Fa...

Q: Updating text in a Markdown document

T145This is a small script to update my project's README file. Notes on improvements from any aspect are welcome! Here is the document it updates. readme.sh #!/usr/bin/env bash export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 export LANGUAGE=en:el set -eu domain_linecount=$(cat black_domain.txt | wc -l) ipv4_linecount=$((...

Since this is already working code, it might be more appropriate on Code Review. One of their on-topic points is performance, but please still read their help pages. This is a bit unfocused for Stack Overflow, which deals with getting code to work. — Gino Mempin 17 secs ago
I’m voting to close this question because this belongs on codereview.stackexchange.com — Grismar 58 secs ago
@Grismar While this may be on-topic on CR, in the future, please don't use the existence of the Code Review site as a reason to close a question. Evaluate the request and use a reason like Needs more focus, primarily opinion-based, etc. Then you can mention to the OP that it can be posted on Code Review if it is on-topic. Please see Does being on-topic at another Stack Exchange site automatically make a question off-topic for Stack Overflow?Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ 41 secs ago
Q: Speed Up API Requests & Overall Python Code

Steel HardI'm not asking for help solving a problem but rather asking for help for possible ways to improve the speed of my program. Essentially what this does is: Tracks market data by pulling the data from the public API provided by the devs. Compares the data with a pre-determined price I input, if its ...

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