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RELOAD! There are 7476 unanswered questions (89.4885% answered)
Simplifying the code is off-topic for Stack Overflow - you could try asking on codereview.stackexchange.com, but they have their own standards (and won't help you with the debugging part). — Karl Knechtel 18 secs ago
1 hour later…
Q: Fixed-width non-FIFO DispatchQueue

Marcel TeschI have implemented a custom concurrent queue on top of GCD which offers two additional pieces of functionality: Limit the maximum number of concurrently executing tasks. Give manual control over which enqueued task is scheduled for execution next. An OperationQueue could of course address the f...

Woah woah woah. Appreciate the effort but I think you have a bit too many details here. That is quite a lot to read and is very difficult to determine exactly what you are having an error with that we can fix. We aren't here to improve functioning code but rather fix broken code. Improving functionality is something for Code Review So please shorten your code so we only have the minimal reproducible example. Minimal being the key word here. We don't need to know every little detail unless you think it causes the problem. — The Grand J 41 secs ago
Q: Flatten JSON to string

paboukThe code below is a Python module to flatten JSON-like structure (nested dictionaries and lists) to a single string. It also provides partial result in the form of flat list of strings. This flattening is intended to be used to generate commands for the command line variant of the Check Point Man...

1 hour later…
I’m voting to close this question because if the code is working, this is off-topic for Stack Overflow. You might have better luck on codereview.stackexchange.com; please check their rules and guidelines first. — Karl Knechtel 17 secs ago
This post is off-topic. First, you ask whether your program is correct. Until you have a demonstrable problem, you do not have a Stack Overflow question. Testing is your responsibility. Second, you ask a second question: the posting guidelines limit you to one question. Third, you're asking for an improvement on working code, which is an issue for CodeReview, not Stack Overflow. — Prune 46 secs ago
This is really too broad for Stack Overflow. Perhaps try instead our sibling site Code Reviewtripleee 17 secs ago
Also, does this help your case? — Zoso 49 secs ago
" if a Polygon is rotated among the x axis" is a bit ambiguous in the first place. You are effectively defining that what you are interested in is the slope of the bottom-most side, which in turn is either of the sides adjacent to the bottom-most vertex. From there, the problem is straightforward. Making the code more elegant is off topic; that's what codereview.stackexchange.com is for. Finding errors and corner cases is also off topic; it's your responsibility (or you can try on an actual forum website such as Reddit or Quora). — Karl Knechtel 40 secs ago
1 hour later…
Code improvement is off-topic for SO but very much on-topic for Code ReviewThe Grand J 15 secs ago
@TheGrandJ Do I need to delete this post and post for Code Review? — wagaga 51 secs ago
@TheGrandJ Thank you for noticing me! I will repost my problem for Code Review! — wagaga 28 secs ago
Deleting or us closing it is fine. Just make sure to get in on Code Review so you can get it answered — The Grand J 47 secs ago
Q: Count the number of distinct subarrays

wagagaI want to determine the number of distinct subarrays that can form having at most a given number of odd elements. Two subarrays are distinct if they differ at even one position. The subarray is a contiguous position of an array. Please give some suggestions to improve the time and space complexit...

6 hours later…
Q: restructure the class CSV code to make it DRY. Class should do open and update csv

jp0514import csv class CSV: def __init__(self,title, row=[]): self.row = row self.title = title def create(self): csvfilename = "{}".format(self.title) csvFileObj = open(csvfilename, 'w' , encoding='utf-8-sig', newline='') csvWriterObj = csv.writer(csvFileO...

Q: Creating default object from empty value in laravel?

angelclass Asset_Controller extends Controller { public function add_assets(Request $request) { $asset = $request->session()->get('asset'); $assets->asset_type = $request->asset_type; $assets->asset_group = $request->asset_group; $assets->institute = $request->institute; $assets->a...

Q: How to specify an array of objects on a mongoose schema

intercoderHi there I would like to know if there's a better way of specifying an array of objects on a mongoose schema. This is what I have at the moment: const mongoose = require('mongoose') const photoCode = mongoose.Schema( { value: { type: String, trim: true, unique: true }, status: { ...

I’m voting to close this question because code reviews of functional code are off-topic. You can try codereview.stackexchange.comMachavity ♦ 46 secs ago
Q: Comparing Poker hands in Rust

fpezziniI found this interesting challenge in Exercism. This is my approach to comparing poker hands in Rust. I've strived for code clarity. I wish I had figured out how to only implement Ord or PartialOrd, in the end I had to implement both for all structs. It would be nice also if I had a way to avoid ...

Q: Getting Combinations of values in a vector to add to a target value. R studio

CeeBee SevenGoal <- function(x) { roll <- (x) library(dplyr) comboes <- Reduce( f=append, lapply( 2:4, function(m)combn(x=roll, m=m) %>% as.data.frame %>% as.list ) ) i.is.seven <- which( sapply( comboes, sum ) == 7 ) lapply( i.is.seven,function(i) { roll.i <- comboes[[i]] base <- ro...

1 hour later…
Q: BrowsableAPIRenderer in Django 2.2

kattyI am new to Django rest Framework. I am trying to create a public POST api and on display it should also have the HTML form like it does with the class based views. Here is my function based view. @api_view(['POST']) @permission_classes([permissions.AllowAny, ]) @authentication_classes([]) @rende...

Ryan Donovan on March 29, 2021
The JavaScript ecosystem has grown to become unwieldy. Mint promises is a simplified front-end development experience, but not a library or a framework—a new language designed for SPAs.
@Feeds Another language?
This would be a good candidate for CodeReviewC.Nivs 21 secs ago
Q: Counting possible triangles

annaI have to write the fastest algorithm to count possible triangles from an array of side lengths. I wrote algorithm which time complexity is O(n^2) but is still to slow becouse I am over time in one test. input: 6 4 9 7 8 output: Num_triangles= 10 How can i improve my code? Is there any faster way...

You sholdn't use class inheritance in unit tests. codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/44861/…PWND 16 secs ago
@Duga That's not exactly what it says, it says don't abuse inheritance, don't over use it.
Q: Asking and checking if the answer is correct

HTTP402So I'm very new if JavaScript and my question is this a right way to implement this functionality? How could I improve this code. <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>TEST</title> <script> document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { ...

@skiwi Just another pseudo-language transpiled into JS.
@Mast that's a repeat!
@Malachi I guess it is
if you look at the hover over.... LOL
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ holy CARP!
I learned about the extra content in the title on those last year
oh buggah
I thought XKCD posted that....
I wasn't paying close enough attention
I wonder if users with screen-readers hear that content and wonder what it is about...
I just saw this (long!) XKCD Earth Temperature Timeline
I don't see it in our transcript since it was apparently posted in 2016
Yeah I love that XKCD visual
Hmm... I just realized this post was revised after being closed but doesn't appear to have been in the Reopen queue last autumn...
The OP did create a new post which I just answered, but I wonder if the closed post should be re-opened instead...
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ @Malachi It applies to so many things.
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ Not if you already answered the new one. What would be the point?
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ if there is already a new post on the same code, there is no reason to reopen the old post. (simple answer)
@Mast I could delete my answer on the new post
@Mast I agree, I thought XKCD posted and that they created a new Panel
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ sounds like more work than is needed, doesn't it? if it's not broken, don't fix it?
Our avatars look alike?
@Malachi should anything happen to the old post?
Q: Is it okay to update code of an off-topic question using code from an answer?

Sᴀᴍ OnᴇᴌᴀWhile the consensus is that it is not okay to add someone else's linked code to a question, there is a post that is off-topic where the OP added an answer with code that would make the question on-topic. Can the code from the answer be used to update the code in the question, and then the answer ...

Q: String format C#

DeviI need help to format all the input values to the format ‘##-##/##'. My input might include whole number, fraction or mixed fraction...Sample input 3, 1/1, 1 1/2. I have tried the below code it is giving expected result. Can someone please help for a standard and concise way of doing this using S...

If the code works, and you want feedback on all aspects of the function, check their help center to see if the question is on topic for Code Review. — Heretic Monkey 22 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Sean Thorburn on question by Sean Thorburn: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/257279/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ on question by JHDev: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/257353/revisions
@Duga Nope- question was off-topic and the answer was a code update anyway
I would reccomend going to the codereview stackexchange, as SO isnt for these kinds of questions. — 101donutman 23 secs ago
@Duga I doubt it- post is off-topic but somebody should double check on that...
If your code works and you are just asking for improvement suggestions, I think you're supposed to post on Code Review, not here. See Which computer science/programming sites do I post on?John Wu 55 secs ago
Well, now that I think about it, a should have a more meaningful name. but definetely, head to CodeReview for this kind of issues! — miquelvir 29 secs ago
Q: Most efficient way to invoke a list of delegates in parallel in .NET 5

Sean ThorburnI am looking for the best way to invoke an array of delegates in parallel. It is important that the delegates are invoked at exactly the same time, I understand that this makes little difference, but it's a requirement in my situation. Please do not suggest executing the tasks as adding them to a...

@CaptainObvious duplicate / repost
> These are retrieved from a database and I have only included this code only to avoid being "stub code". No need to be concerned about this list or its origin.
That won't go over well in the queue, but I don't really feel like engaging.
Not a good day for Peilonrayz either... :/
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ I've just double checked the linked question and answer. I've now noticed I've failed to do my due diligence of properly checking the linked post. I believe I've answered a similar but different question. I don't think the user wanted to make the question on-topic and mistook the answer box for a way to do so (what I answered) but the situation seems like the OP never has or will want a code review; where the proper course of action is to just leave the posts to be roombaed. I decided to comment because I'm not feeling 100% today. Sorry, I think I've answered the wrong question. — Peilonrayz 36 mins ago
If that's the worst that happens on a bad day...
We've all done and written things we probably shouldn't have.
Oh darn, I left a comment anyway.
Whenever I do things like that, my brain queues "Against my better judgement, I once went camping with an elf"
Q: Get the two instances with highest items in common

uberI'm trying to analyze a database of trucks and the items they carry to find out which two trucks are the most similar to one another (share the highest number of items). I have a table similar to this: truck_id | item_id 13 | 85394 * 16 | 294 * 13 | 294 * 89 | 3115 89 ...

Q: Is there a better way for this ui component?

Andy88I need to create a component for displaying a list of avatar users....If the users present in the array is more then 3 I have to display a number to indicate the remaining amount of users. Example: [{id:1, name: 'Paul', surname: 'Rudd'}, {id:2, name: 'Rose', surname: 'Pink'}, {id:3, name: 'Richar...

You can go to codereview.stackexchange.com for help with code that works. — Paulw11 17 secs ago
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ maybe become related to the new post? all that takes is a comment with the link though IIRC
I don't think that Chrome Tab Groups give notifications... maybe the tabs aren't in active Memory/Processing?
I haven't been using them
I love them, but when I open the Code Review group I created I get notifications, so I am thinking that I won't get notifications out of them until I open the group, which could be nice (?) I guess
I only use them at work to group products
how are you, I haven't talked to you in a while, @DerKommissar
Busy man, really busy
good busy or bad busy?
I moved from Bad Busy to Good Busy.
Both lol
Got a new job, which is awesome, but have had some house stuff going on too
I just got a new job too. how you liking your new employment?
It's good, we have a sweet deal going
what are you selling?
We're a payments processor, like Paypal, etc.
no shortage of work there! at least not in today's economy
Q: Function for commiting - what do you think?

VertisanFor easier work with Jira, I have prepared the following function to commiting: commit() { BRANCH=$(git branch --show-current) REPOSITORY=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) IFS='-' read -r -A BRANCH_PARTS <<<"$BRANCH" NUM_REGEX='^[0-9]+$' JIRA_ID_DEFINITION="${REPOSITORY}/.jira" PROJECT...

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