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RELOAD! There are 7445 unanswered questions (89.5200% answered)
Q: Configuring Windows 10 Visual Effects

Kamil SanikI have a question Can anyone tell me what I did wrong that after using the script instead of getting this effect obtains these settings using namespace System using namespace Microsoft.Win32 #Requires -Version 5.1 [OutputType([void])] param ( # TODO: Animate controls and elements inside wi...

I have seen folks have good luck getting critical feedback by posting things like this on CodeReview. If you haven't been there I suggest you check it out; it might provide exactly what you're looking for. — user1717828 57 secs ago
Q: Web app, pure php, vanilla js, and not an idea of what is wrong

Alexey BurdinHere https://github.com/megabyte0/4limes_test and here https://github.com/megabyte0/netpeak_test_1 is two real junior php job task assignment completion works. Both consist of a tiny light-weight back-end passing all the data to front, with some front-end, doing the rest needed. Though the questi...

Q: Generate dummy json based sample

AviCI need to create fake jsons[tons of them] , the Json structure will provide by sample of json once, which translate to scheme/class - automatically or not (any idea?) . i.e example for the following json: {"email": "[email protected]", "username": "ryan", "first_name": "Ryan", "last_name": "

2 hours later…
Q: Martix of Counts of Regex Hits Over a List of Strings

Tyler RinkerI have: A dataframe with Identifiers (TermId) and Search Terms (SearchTerm). A list of text strings (MyText). This likely would be a column (series) in a dataframe. I for every string in MyText I want to get a count of hits for every regex SearchTerm, producing a table of counts. This is a sc...

3 hours later…
@Malachi A tablet I can understand, but doesn't a phone have a way too small screen to do anything sensible over RDP?
CC @SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ ^
@Mast with the RDP clients I have used the experience wasn’t bad - typically involved zooming in and out, and panning around the screen to access elements...yes the on-screen keyboard typically occupies valuable real-estate but it can be hidden
Q: Get english meaning of each word in Sanskrit text file

coderIn this program, I have done automation using Selenium, to find english meaning of each sanskrit word from a dictionary website. The function eng_meaning accepts the word and using selenium and BeautifulSoup scarps the website and find english meaning. def eng_meaning(word): """ returns e...

Q: Make a loop faster when reading large text files

Jackson Limim developing a program that will read text files and convert it to JSON format dynamically. Users are able to input the key name and their respective digit to slice the index from a raw text file. Everything is working fine when reading a small size file, but whenever the text files is huge, the...

Is there a question or are asking for a code review? If the latter, this belongs in codereview.stackexchange.com. There are minor observations that I might make, but unless there is a problem, this is the wrong forum for this question. — Rob 19 secs ago
2 hours later…
Q: Can A String array be passed as a parameter to a method that takes object array as argument?

ShuvoWhy after declaring a variable for String arry it can be passed to a method that accepts object array. Now String is an class by itself so I assumed a long time ago that all variable is object at a sence. But many argued with me about it. But here it shows the same kind of behaviour. Below in giv...

Q: My 'almostIncreasingSequence(sequence)' code is too slow for lists that have 10000+ elements. [CodeSignal]

ray_lvI asked this question on Stackoverflow as well, but I think it's best suited here because my code needs optimization instead of error checking (that I previously thought). I've made changes to my code as well. But the logic is pretty much the same: My code first checks the length of the provided...

Q: for loop in one line (for python -c)

Laurent LAPORTEI want to use python -c to remove wheel files from the dist/ directory in my project. (*) Actually, I use the following command: python -c "from pathlib import Path; [p.unlink() for p in Path('dist').glob('Pascal_Scraper-*.whl')]" Is there a shorter/cleaner way to do that? (*) the setuptools co...

Maybe this question fits better in codereview.stackexchange.comDiego Freniche 34 secs ago
Q: if i do bubbleSort like this, does it make it better?

Harwin SodhiIs this version of bubbleSort better than the original one in terms of time complexity? public static void bubbleSort(int[] a) { int endPoint = a.length - 1; int cursor = 0; while(endPoint >= 0) { if(cursor == endPoint) { cursor = 0; endPoin...

@CaptainObvious if i do title like this, does it make sense?
Q: Using postgresql cursors go get multiple set of statistics

Wojciech SzabowiczI have a stored procedure in postresql that gathers large amount of statistics from tables with different amount of columns so it looks like this: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION PUBLIC.get_statistics_info ( inforef refcursor, severityref refcursor, eventsref REFCURSOR, id BIGINT ar...

Q: What is a good way to call a method of a class that inherits from a generic class

sulox32I have a generic class names AbstractPresenter public abstract class AbstractPresenter implements IPresenter { protected abstract void setupView(); ..... } and a class TemplatePresenter public class TemplatePresenter extends AbstractPresenter { @Override protected void setupView() { ...

I’m voting to close this question because it is a better fit for [codereview.so] — Igor 11 secs ago
Q: Parsing Semver versions

Olivier GrégoireI have written my own take on semantic versioning. Parsing it is not really hard, but I feel like my parsing is suboptimal and might be more readable, and also feel more like a parser. Currently, there is this unread method that I don't see in most parser so if possible I would like to get rid of...

On Stack Overflow you can get non-working code fixed. To get a review of working code post it on Code Review! — Klaus D. 20 secs ago
Q: Minesweeper in c# console

PARTHhttps://github.com/ArtificialDog/MineSweeper I created a simple minesweeper game in c#, and wanted to know how to improve it. I didn't really understand how to make it so everything besides the zero opens up. // Ignore this, I need three lines of code to publish but my code is big. // Console.Wr...

Q: Dijkstra Algorithm Visualizer

TlomolokoA couple months ago I made an interactive dijktra visualizer that allowed the user to setup the map nodes and run the algorithm. I thought it was a good way to solidify my algorithm and html/css knowledge. I'd like for you guys to test my page out and give any advice in any way I could make it be...

Q: How would you pause and store query when user is offline?

Björn CI'm building an offline app where there is a form that you can submit whenever you are online or offline. I cache the pages with a service worker and i save the formdata to localStorage. Then i have a script who checks for internet connection and if the user is online i make a ajax request that w...

Ryan Donovan on March 24, 2021
Moore’s law enables great progress, but often it’s the underlying algorithms that drive computer science forward.
This belongs on codereview.stackexchange.com — Brannon 21 secs ago
@Feeds What nobody seems to realize is that Moore himself told everyone to forget about Moore's law years ago already.
Q: Inheriting from Dictionary class with tuple as value

Tania MarinovaI have a class that inherits from Dictionary<Tkey, TValue>. I need my Value part of the KeyValue pair to be a a Tuple (int, bool ) public class IssueRowValidationDictionary : Dictionary<string, (int, bool)> { public IssueRowValidationDictionary() : base() { } internal...

@CaptainObvious @Mast is code that uses pydantic referred to as a pydant?
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ Possibly
@CaptainObvious code not embedded in post
@CaptainObvious I considered rejecting that edit because it removed the using statements... I see the OP approved it - is that okay?
IDK what this comment by the OP was in response to...
Ok, i will edit it — PARTH 42 mins ago
oh - I bet it was the fact that the OP didn't embed the code in the first version
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ My vote would be no, the using statements are necessary like #include for C or C++.
@SᴀᴍOnᴇᴌᴀ No, so I added them back in.
Sometimes it's not worth the hassle of commenting and waiting.
thanks; I considered flagging the post to mention that and the vestigial comment but I figured it wouldn't be worth a mods time to do what you did since we can do it
we already have enough things to wait on
Welcome to SO. This site is for problem solving specific issues, but Stack does have a another sitte specifically for these kinds of questions: codereview.stackexchange.comAbsinthe 6 secs ago
I'm going to vote to transfer this to the CodeReview SE, and I'll happily answer it there. — canton7 33 secs ago
@canton7 Thank you - posted my question codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/257621/…Chandler 16 secs ago
Q: Is there a way to refactor the c# code having multiple conditions?

ChandlerIs there a better way to refactor my below code where I have many conditions in if and else statement The reason for refactoring is to make code cleaner and readable public static PaymentOptions GetPaymentOptions_Auto(TestConfigurationCDO testConfiguration, int siteId) { var paymentOption...

I’m voting to close this question because it has been manually moved to the CodeReview SE at codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/257621/…canton7 48 secs ago
If you have working code that you're wanting to have reviewed for suggestions for improvement, you should ask about it on Code Review instead - that's exactly what it was created to do. This site is for questions about non-working code. — Ken White 1 min ago
Q: Nintendo Switch emulator log analysis Discord bot

PixxelThis is my first attempt at open source contribution via a Python discord bot, built to analyse user-uploaded log files and give quick, at-a-glance information for support staff. The PR is here: https://github.com/Ryujinx/ryuko-ng/pull/3 My main concerns are: Is this structured properly? What co...

This is a "code review" question. If you want assistance, create a simple piece of code that tests the specific function you have a question about. That will also allow you to solve the problem on your own in most cases. — Daniel Kanaan 13 secs ago
Q: PHP paypal payment processing code

arcomberPlease review my php paypal payment gateway code. Are there any bugs in the code? Any security risks? How could this code be improved? Brief instructions to be able to run the code: install xampp and configure create directory within htdocs dir named innovations-r-us cd into innovations-r-us an...

possible answer invalidation by Mj _ on question by Mj _: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/257575/revisions
@Duga rolled back
possible answer invalidation by Mj _ on question by Mj _: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/257575/revisions
@Duga was that supposed to be labeled as me?
Not sure.
Q: Given two vectors of ints, determine whether one vector is a prefix of the other

Natalo77Given two vectors of ints, write a program to determine whether one vector is a prefix of the other. For vectors of unequal length, compare the number of elements of the smaller vector. For example, given the vectors containing 0, 1, 1, 2, and 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, respectively, your program shou...

Q: Molybdenum2019 challenge efficient implementation

Antonio DiazI'd like to know how to implement this challenge in java. I'm working in a solution that is correct but ineficient. https://app.codility.com/programmers/task/leader_slice_inc/ This is my code : public static void main(String[] args) { int[] A = { 2, 1, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3 }; int[] B = null; ...

1 hour later…
Q: Better Practices When Manipulating Pandas Dataframe

KetZoomerI have some code that manipulates a Pandas Dataframe containing Covid-19 vaccine data and displays it on Matplotlib. The data is here: https://covid.ourworldindata.org/data/owid-covid-data.csv (downloads CSV). I have manipulated the data so that it only shows countries whose current vaccine per h...

P.S. you might look into the Code Review Stack Exchange. — JDługosz 52 secs ago
It seems that your code currently works, and you are looking to improve it. Generally these questions are too opinionated for this site, but you might find better luck at CodeReview.SE. Remember to read their requirements as they are a bit more strict than this site. — Dharman 7 secs ago
codereview.stackexchange.com is a good place to get your code reviewed now that it is working. — Martin York 18 secs ago
Q: Hash table implemented in C with open addressing

Ben HoytWhile posting this, I noticed there are quite a few similar C hash table implementations here already. So I figured one more wouldn't hurt. :-) In any case, I'm writing a teaching article on "how to implement a hash table in C", and I'm wondering if I can get some feedback on my implementation (h...

Q: Implementing a method that escape single quotes in a string

vesiiBackground: In tcsh we can use single quotes inside single quote like this (like it said here): echo 'It'\''s Shell Programming' I want to create a method which escapes single quotes. It should do: If there is a \' (two chars) in the string, it will escape it so: \'\''. If there is a ' (one cha...

We don't do these types of questions here. You might find it's more appropriate at codereview.stackexchange.com - but check their on-topic guidance first before posting to be sure. — ADyson 31 secs ago
1 hour later…
Q: First Time making a WPF. asking for tips and tricks on XAML

Johanes <Page x:Class="Registry_Project.RightPanel_Menu" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006" xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expre...

Q: Linux bash script to ignore '$'

Alex AngelMany times I have copy and pasted from a guide that had the following instruction: $ echo "Execute xyz" and would get the error $: command not found So I created a bash script to ignore the '$' at the beginning; The solution is as follows: Put the below script in a file called '$' vim $ M...

Q: Lesson 1.8 from SICP. The procedures seem to work but when i run it together I get "computer timed out". It seems theres a loop but I cant find it

GabrielBRAAIts supposed to find the cube root with an approximation of 0,001. (define (good-enough? guess x) (< (abs (- (cubesquare guess) x)) 0.001)) (define (improve guess x) (/ (+ (/ x (cubesquare guess)) (+ guess guess)) ...

Q: How to soleve Error CS1519 for C#

Seth DyerI'm new to coding and have encountered an error with the code and I'm unsure how to fix it. I'm using unity 2018 and it tells me error CS1519: Invalid token '=' in class, struct, or interface member declaration using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public...

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