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RELOAD! There are 6207 unanswered questions (89.7605% answered)
This question appears to be off-topic because it is a code review request. This might be better suited to the Code Review Stack Exchange site. Before posting there be sure to read their FAQ to ensure that your question meets their guidelines. — John Conde 15 secs ago
I asked in code review request and some dude with high reputation told me to ask here. Please don't downvote my posts for that. — Cole 31 secs ago
Q: Some simple code simulating gameplay of a shooter. What do you think?

Mikey Akamihe The program is a little code about guns with user input. The program is a perfect representation of the beauty of functions. import sys import time #determines reload time def reloading(reload_time): print('\nReloading', end='') for dot in range(reload_time): time.sleep(1) ...

2 hours later…
possible answer invalidation by 200_success on question by pythonoob: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/223528/revisions
Q: Java implementation of Spider Solitaire

Jimmy YangI am new on code review stack exchange, I recently cloned a classical Spider Solitaire game from Microsoft Windows XP. I implemented almost all features of the game. Please tell me anything I can do in order to improve my coding style. Other suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance. I cannot p...

2 hours later…
stackblitz.com/edit/… - a small replica of mat select set value. If you have followed the same procedure and its not working there might be some other mistakes outside the syntax to set value for which a thorough code review must be done. — Atul Stha 27 secs ago
@MarkCiliaVincenti and migration voters, please read A guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users. — Peter Taylor 43 secs ago
This question is allready on Code Review and put on hold as well. — Heslacher 25 secs ago
Q: jQuery - Etch-A-Sketch implementation

Anthony GedeonHow could I make my code follow the DRY principle? I feel like they are better ways to do things in my code. So any feedback will help me! js fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/fr6ut238/ /*--------------------------- Variables ---------------------------*/ const $containerGrid =...

Q: PHP - How to create log file inside Project folder?

GemI am working PHP project on localhost using wamp, for debug process we using error_log() function, every time error_log() stored details of the error in wamp/logs, how can I view my error in the same project folder like wamp/www/goodgoal/. eg: wamp/www/goodgoal/logs/error_log.log Note : Pls...

@CaptainObvious @dfhwze Please don't edit titles by putting them in double-quotes. In general, any title on Code Review that is a question violates the How to Ask guidelines.
In any case, this particular question is off-topic.
Q: PHP - check if array includes value and return value if true

BlackI developed a function which checks if a array contains a value and returns it. I would like to know if there is already such a function which is more efficient or how I can make the function more efficient. <?php $params = "colorgroup-b;test;abc"; $paramsArr = explode(";", $params); var_dump(a...

Q: Python Class Compressor

David WhiteAfter watching this presentation, I decided that it would be a good project for me to undergo to practice my python skills. A summary of the presentation: Jack Diederich, the presenter, talks about the overuse of classes in programming. A phrase he used a lot was "you shouldn't be writing a c...

Q: Find website URLs that begin with http:// or https://

coderThis is a problem from Automate the Boring Stuff from "Pattern Matching with Regular Expression". I am a beginner in Python and the purpose of this program is to match urls which start with http:// or https://, with some urls having an optional www. after https:// How can this code be improved? ...

Problems with this question: 1) If it's working, it's better suited to Code Review. 2) You don't provide the code in the question. — John 35 secs ago
thats something more suited for a code review site of your choice this site is ment to help you with problems — Denis Schaf 41 secs ago
Q: Is this palindrome program enough clean?

GameInI made an WPF Application, called Palindrome Checker, it basically checks your input if the word/sentences a palindrome is. Could you provide me myb better clean code if mine isn't that good ? public class Check { /// <summary> /// Method for checking if the word/text is a...

Q: Ffmpeg Audio Out of Sync on Raspberry Pi Live Streaming

Jamie WainwrightI have written a code that is live streaming a nature camera from my Raspberry Pi using a Pi Camera v2 to Facebook Live/YouTube. I have ran into a couple of problems with the code that I can't solve and require some expert support. This is the code: raspivid -o - -t 0 -w 1440 -h 1080 -fps 3...

Stack Overflow is not the place to ask for code feedback. You could get that on the Code Review site, but asking for library recommendations is off-topic on both sides. Please see How to Askroganjosh 27 secs ago
Q: JavaScript: How can I make this code more maintainable?

user136952I am attempting to port a linear function that I designed in a spreadsheet into HTML and Javascript. It's based on linear least squares where I have to take a Matrix and multiply it by its transformation. At any rate. I am attempting to lay out a basic input system in Javascript/HTML where I can...

Wrong group, try posting here- > codereview.stackexchange.comKeith 46 secs ago
There is a specific site for code review, codereview.stackexchange.comJoakim Danielson 1 min ago
@JoakimDanielson in its current form the question would be closed in a heartbeat on Code Review — Heslacher 30 secs ago
Q: Cleaning up get/set functions in Node export

CurtisSo currently I'm working on cleaning up a recently developed project and notice a lot of potentially un-needed code; whereas I create separate functions for very minimal stuff.. Here's an example of a module export I've done: //MemCache const Cache = require('memcached-promisify'); const cache ...

Q: I was the shield that guarded the flags of users

Simon ForsbergI became a moderator in the first election four years ago but it is now time to step down. I came here to Code Review in November 2013, after browsing the site for a few days I posted my first comment, and later my first answer. I found chat and found the wonderful people Mathieu, Jamal, and Mal...

@Mast @Peilonrayz @DerKommissar @Zeta @Heslacher FYI ^^
I hope what happened in your personal life wasn't bad stuff. Thanks for having been a mod.
Bummer man, always liked you and will definitely miss you
@Heslacher My hasty theory is that @SimonForsberg won the lottery ;)
Q: I was the shield that guarded the flags of users

Simon ForsbergI became a moderator in the first election four years ago but it is now time to step down. I came here to Code Review in November 2013, after browsing the site for a few days I posted my first comment, and later my first answer. I found chat and found the wonderful people Mathieu, Jamal, and Mal...

That would be nice ;-)
@DerKommissar Nope, nothing like that unfortunately.
Well whatever it is, I hope you get it figured out.
@DerKommissar It's getting better, but it's been crazy.
And if you get bored and want to hang out with old friends, I'm always pingable. :)
@DerKommissar Yay!
Yeah I'll probably drop by here every now and then.
Life is tough sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do. I would never tell you otherwise. :)
Q: Rest API in a trimmed model

user2622344I practiced my java knowledge in the last couple of days. For that, i want to create a Rest API in a trimmed scale, because there a lot of aspects which must be considered in such an Api (Login, Sessionhandling ...). A lot of details aren't implemented, but the top priority was to understand the ...

Q: Revealing Module Pattern Javascript

GrecdevWhich approach is more convenient in an real life project? Can someone please enlighten me? All of them give the same result. Classes are ES6. 2nd approach Constructor pattern combined with Revealing Module Pattern. 3rd is only a constructor pattern / function and the properties are used in an...

possible answer invalidation by Black on question by Black: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/223546/revisions
@Duga harmless
If you are looking for a review on working code, with your premises, wouldn't Code Review be a better option? — Icepickle 7 secs ago
Q: Project Euler #3 with Python

Roberta BelladonnaI tried to solve some Euler's problems, this is the solution I found for problem #3 with Python. The problem asks: The prime factors of 13195 are 5, 7, 13 and 29. What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143 ? Can you, please, suggests me improvements? def get_largest_prime2...

To be fair, we did have another mod step down recently as well. That said, we should be fine because we still have 4 left. — Der Kommissar 37 secs ago
@DerKommissar ^^ are you thinking of Mathieu, 200, and janos? Or who stepped down recently?
Mathieu, IIRC.
Though, didn't 200 step down as well?
@SimonForsberg Oh wow, I wish you the best. My friends recently got into board and card games, and so I know you'll enjoy your new endeavors :)
@DerKommissar Mathieu, 200 and janos all three stepped down at about the same time.
Q: Putting down my mug

Mathieu GuindonI joined CR in May 2013, but only started living here in September of that year. I remember very well then, the site had been in beta for almost 1000 days, and I kept thinking that was a shame, CR was such an awesome twist of the Stack Exchange format, it had to "graduate". Soon I met folks that...

Yeah, so we've lost 4 now.
This was more than a year ago though.
Yeah, I don't think it's a big deal either way.
I mean, we don't have a plethora of activity, 4 mods should be sufficient for now.
@DerKommissar You gained three more though. rolfl, Malachi and Vogel612.
(Shows how much I remember.)
@DerKommissar Depending on how much work those four mods put in. But the remaining mods will be discussing it with the community managers, then we'll see.
Yeah, I'm sure they'll get it figured out. I don't know what the distribution of mod-work was, really wish SE would share that with us (because it's extremely relevant for those running again).
or maybe @janos or one of the earlier mods would like to come back, in which case they could do so - without an election.
I'm sure the CM's will make sure things stay taken care of. That said, it doesn't make me any less unhappy you are leaving. :(
But, that's how it goes. We have to grow and move on. :)
@SimonForsberg I'm going to miss your encouragement. You're part of what kept me coming back.
@200_success Ok, I like to edit off-topic questions as well to get them bumped and closed sooner.
Q: Generating Latin hypercube samples with numpy

DavisI wrote some code to generate Latin hypercube samples for interpolation over high-dimensional parameter spaces. Latin hypercubes are essentially collections of points on a hypercube that are placed on a cubic/rectangular grid, which possess the property that no two points share any individual coo...

I saw someone mention facepalm here last week, this was my facepalm question. I know I didn't answer well because I just wanted someone to remove it. codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/223493/…
Q: Wait for an element to exist in DOM before clicking it

F3L1X79Here is the problem: some script is injecting some HTML5 elements (actually a button with the #thebutton ID) to the current DOM. But this is a third party script and I have no control of when this will be injected to the page. I need to click automatically on this button when the button is inje...

@dfhwze Applying your own close vote will put a question into the review queue. Also, downvoting below 0 will attract attention. No need to clutter the revision history of a question that should be closed anyway.
possible answer invalidation by 200_success on question by user136952: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/223560/revisions
@Duga It's fine
Hi Vogel :)
Q: Interfaces and OOP Design for Image Editor software

Alessandro CerroI'm new to C++ programming, and I'm building an Image Editor software like Lightroom/CameraRaw from scratch. Apart from procedural code (actually seems that all the functions works correctly) my goal is to improve the Design of my classes. For this I used OpenCV just for basics functions like ope...

Q: Problems with concurrency

Ivan RadiantThanks a lot for your attention. I came here with a problem and I reaaly have no ideas how to get it over. The problem is that a consumer that populates its storage of items at a set interval has sometimes irrelevant items. It's time to details. I'm working on my first ever .NET application o...

@SimonForsberg I wish you well, friend!
@DerKommissar I wouldn't think of that as "loss"! Just something that happened, neither good nor bad!
To be fair, we did have another mod step down recently as well. That said, we should be fine because we still have 4 left. — Der Kommissar 3 hours ago
^^^ "recently" eh? that's ancient history mate!
Monking ;-|
it's only natural that the monkey is monking ;-)
how's Code Review doing these days?
@janos - it's mostly healthy. There are some "first world" problems - in broad strokes, everything is good, but when things are good, small issues appear larger.
that was exactly my impression
and I'm glad to hear that
I am not thrilled with the site growth (or lack of it), but it's healthy
I came in to this mod term expecting to be a more behind-the-scenes mod, and I have been. It's time to step front and center for a bit, though, and then step back when things settle down.
sounds like a monkey with a plan :-)
(what could go wrong?)
Q: Game of Life in Rust-lang

Konnor TimmonsI decided to create implement Conways Game of Life for my first project using Rust. I also haven't had much code review ever, and have been looking for a good critique of my code so I can improve my skills. Here is the code: extern crate glutin_window; extern crate graphics; extern crate piston;...

@rolfl Monking!
How are you doing?
Heh ... mixed ;-) It's summer, the weather is fine, got a new hobby this summer, and I'm excited.
Work is crazy busy, lots of responsibility though, but although stressful, it's all good.
@rolfl Isn't work always busy? :D
New hobby?
Yeah, it is, but I'm sort of playing with the big dogs now, making tall-grass decisions.
New hobby is a boat ;-) (a hole in the water you shovel money in to, apparently).
@rolfl Sounds terrifyingly cool
I'm coordinating a team of a dozen folk around the world and "interfacing" with probably a dozen other teams to get stuff done. Lots of meetings, not enough actual coding.
Sounds familiar if I look at some senior coworkers
I'm also not getting that much coding done, but that might be because I'm mostly integrating components and maybe our tooling is just so efficient that you don't actually need to code a lot
Q: C++ Functional Programming: How can I convert nested loops into functional approach?

DemolishunI first created my function using an imperative approach. This is just how I naturally write code most of the time. I then tried to think about the problem using a "What I want to accomplish?" approach, rather than "What do I want it to do?" In the end I think I still ended up with an imperati...

Q: Trying to optimize an O(n) depth first search solution

nz_21I'm trying to solve this question: Andryusha goes through a park each day. The squares and paths between them > look boring to Andryusha, so he decided to decorate them. The park consists of n squares connected with (n - 1) bidirectional paths in such a way that any square is reachable...

@janos I liked them all, so to me it's a loss. :/
@rolfl I kept getting promoted and it's irritating me because I'm not trained to do this crap.
At least here in IBM we can set ourselves on a "technical path" instead of a "management path".... in reality, it means I'll never have direct reports, but I will lead projects.....
@janos That wound is still fresh to me
I wish I had that, @rolfl. I'm in finance (still).
Wanted to go work for IBM, but there weren't any positions I liked available.
So I work for this friggin' bank.
IBM's external hire process is a PITA, but, once you get in to IBM, internal opportunities far outnumber external hire ones.
I just couldn't find anything that felt right.
Too many positions in locations I don't want to live in.
It may not be the right advice for everyone, but if you want a good job at IBM it probably makes sense to get in the door first at a not-so-good fit role.
It is what it is though.
I don't have the energy for that anymore lol
Been building a large project for a startup lately that we're about to start a beta for.
After that I think it's quits for me.
The good old IPO route to $$$? share options ;-) ?
Nah, just moving to a different field
I think my programming phase is just about over.
@rolfl I only have like 4% of their company.
Q: Why there is a strange numbers in my 5 queens checker?

ronaldo7 i written a simple code to check your answer in 5 queens, i finished with horizontal positions but i have a problem in diagonal positions . when the code is executed i observe in some cases a strange numbers that was supposed to be not displayed, this an example (the strange nubers is with yellow...

Which is basically nothing
I'd take 4% of google ;-) which, like MicroSoft, was once basically a garage only
Yeah, I mean if they get big 4% can be a big number.
The last "estimate" was around 25m, so $1m for me.
Not quite enough to retire.
that's still a big number
Yeah, still a big number, but not "quit working forever and retire to the bahamas at 25" big.
Plus, I wouldn't quit working forever anyway.
I still have 50+ years left, I'd find something to do.
@rolfl Just convince IBM to buy this company I'm working for, I'll give you 50%. ;)
You can probably fix, like, 1/4 your boat with half of my $1m lmao
I'm not so much worried about buying the boat, I've already done that, I just need the money to fill the hole in the water that it makes ;-)
What kind did you get? Fishing boat? Transport? Party barge?
A yacht?
hmmm, a 400 sedan bridge, 1998 model, this is the brochure....
It's a cottage on the water.
That looks awesome
You're not along Lake Erie are you? wink wink nudge nudge
Georgian Bay, I'm afraid ;-) but I can get to you in a couple of days.
I think there's only 2 locks between us, then....
I'm on the Western-most edge of the lake ;)
In a city called Toledo
Also Chris (Rubberduck) is about 3 hours from me
Shoot man you just have to roll down to Lake St. Clair then Erie, with a boat that nice should be a piece of cake ;)
Hmmm, no locks.... I can get to Toledo without going through any..... I thought there were some in the detroit/windsor area.
I thought so to, but that's good to know
I remember border patrol being heavy in Detroit though
Yeah, I'd have to do the whole authorization thing. There's an easy way to do it, a 1800 number, to notify them of your intentions to be in US water, and then you have to report to a port-of-entry if you actually land.
It's not actually hard, just have to follow procedure.
I'm sure, I just know they patrol a lot around here
709 SE Catawba Rd.
Port Clinton, OH 43452
That one is actually pretty close to me, about an hour or so away by road.
Or swing by one in Detroit, not sure if you have to re-declare if you go back out to sea though.
(Or I could always drive up to Port Huron -- it's beautiful up there, been a few times.)
That's awesome.... it's riught next to an African Safari Park... to be clear, though, I don't expect to get beyond Georgian bay for the first year at least.....
Q: VBA: Reusable Progress Indicator

rickmanalexanderAs many have done on this site, I decided to create a progress indicator using a modeless Userform. However, my goal was to make said progress indicator as generic/reusable as possible. While doing some research, I stumbled upon @MathieuGuindon 's post titled The Reusable Progress Indicator. I q...

Q: Write a function to calculate the largest palindromic number from the product of two 6-digit numbers (100000 to 999999)

Selman KeskinAre there any efficent way to solve this problem, for example using bitwise operator? public static boolean isPal(long num) { String numStr = Long.toString(num); String rNumStr = ""; boolean result = false; for (int i = numStr.length() - 1; i >= 0 ; --i...

If you do not have a specific question, this should be asked at codereview.stackexchange.comPiotr Praszmo 55 secs ago
Q: Feedback Sought on Java Reflection Factory Example

CodeHamsterI set out to create an example or proof of concept of an idea I had and would be interested in receiving constructive feedback on my idea. I needed a Java factory pattern that allowed the end-user of the application to extend it (think add-ons, plug-ins, user contributed content, etc.). So I crea...

Q: E-commerce scraper needs shortening

doomdaamHow would I go about shortening this code? I'm sure there's a smarter way to write the code. It's working fine, it's just ugly. It is a way to scrape the number of items on an e-commerce site. import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import re url1 = "https://us.pandora.net/en/charms/?sz=30

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is about code review an should be asked at Code ReviewJens 9 secs ago
@rolfl Hah, I was just messing with you anyway. I would never expect you to come down this far lol
possible answer invalidation by Helio on question by Helio: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/83756/revisions
Q: Finding paths between triangles efficiently in 3D geometry #2

Tyler ShellbergThis post is an update of the one from here. I've updated the code and a couple pieces of the post itself. I've been writing some functions used to find paths between two types of triangles - alphas and betas. Alphas are triangles that have been in a zone we consider important, have an "interest...

Q: e-commerce scraper: scraping number of items on sale. Code needs shortening

doomdaamI just asked a different Code Review request, which included my e-commerce scraper. This time my question is regarding the second part of my scraping objective: Getting all the items on sale from each category. This is what I ended up with. I tried putting it into a loop, without any luck. I ho...

1 hour later…
Q: Jumping on the clouds

Onur TunaI have started the Hackerrank interview preparation kit. The first problem I have solved with Swift is as follows: Emma is playing a new mobile game that starts with consecutively numbered clouds. Some of the clouds are thunderheads and others are cumulus. She can jump on any cumulus cloud ha...

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