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possible answer invalidation by Austin Hastings on question by kingdom5500: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/185164/revisions
RELOAD! There are 4896 unanswered questions (90.2801% answered)
Q: Checksum computation in x86_64

Diego PinoThis is an implementation of the TCP/IP checksum computation as described in https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1071. The function is writen in DynASM, an assembler preprocessor that is part of LuaJIT. I didn't use much of the fancy stuff of DynASM so pretty much it looks like native X86_64 I think....

possible answer invalidation by kingdom5500 on question by kingdom5500: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/185164/revisions
@Duga not again :/
Q: Symfony controller that registers a user via HTTP-POST

Robert CaloveThis is the code I have written for one of my API routes. I feel like my controller is too big and the function does too much. What can I do to make my adhere to SOLID principles and be more maintainable/readable? /** * @Route("/registration", name="registration") * @Method({"POST"}) * @throw...

Then that is off-topic as well, as code reviews are off-topic there. codereview.stackexchange.com exists for a reason — Jarrod Roberson 17 secs ago
Q: Fastest way to count how many adjacent swaps is required to organize numbers 0, 1 and 2

gal zakrajsekIm trying to find a algorithm that tells me how many swaps is required to sort the numbers 0, 1 and 2. The time in which the program need to execute is < 1 second. I triend with merge sort but its to slow. Can u help me find better algorithm?

Q: Mastermind Program: Play as codemaker or codebreaker

this is F O R T R A NIntroduction Hello, I am looking for other eyes to critique this code for a Mastermind program. Most programming I have learned from working the problems on Project Euler, implying mainly numerical calculations where program structure was secondary to getting the problem answer. I would like to...

This question is probably better served to be asked here: codereview.stackexchange.comDaniel 18 secs ago
anyone here ever create a turn based game?
my kids started playing a game that they created, I have given them some pointers on changing some of the rules for parts of the game...but I want to code it
they have been playing on a sheet of Paper.
Sounds like your question is better suited here codereview.stackexchange.comSuperStew 32 secs ago
Q: ASAP & URGENT Why do I receive an error when i use the charAt function on intergers (Arrays Java)

coderpersonThis is my code and the instructions , I am decyphering ten code words using the following algorithm but i don't know how to output the 3rd & 5th character of the odd numbered code words and the 2nd characters in the even words . This is my assignment so far: The first code word is to be consid...

Q: Optimizing Project Euler #12 (Python 3)

user9207170I just figured out Project Euler problem #12. I'm still really new to Python, so I'm putting my code up here in the hopes that someone will be able to give me some tips for optimizing my code to run faster. It took an incredibly long time to run, so I'm hoping that someone will be able to give me...

very helpful. anger much? i usually link to resources and then fill out answers over time. in this case it's entirely an attempt to provide direction. i'm sure someone else with the same rep or more will come along shortly to vote to close this as a duplicate, they may or may not bother to provide any help other than a link. there are also codereview and programmers exchanges on the stack network. i do think the existing answers will help him. — Shaun Wilson 14 secs ago
where is everyone?
Q: Javascript 5 Module Pattern internal name

sansSpoonI'm learning about the Javascript module pattern from an array of online sources. The following suits my basic needs at the moment: var module = function(){ // Create the return module and its configuration var module = {}, config = { css:{ classes:{ ...

Your second example would fail any code review I was part of. — EJP 1 min ago
BTW, for working code you should first try codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/pandasAlexander 7 secs ago
Q: Hover Game Across Browsers

John HaoI am doing an HTML game called HoverGame. It is a game where you click on or hover on flashing squares to make them white. It only works on chrome, and I wish to make it across browser. Any method is fine. <html> <head> <style> .a{ display:inline; background-color...

It's a borderline code review question. It really isn't fully functional code. Still CR posters are more inclined to address questions about style. But the comments already given should be sufficient. — hpaulj just now
Q: I have an improved version of the code of this session, what shell I do?

ArcticoolingI published this session which already has an answer but I have a significantly improved version of that code which it is important for me to share. Is it okay to publish another question? Thanks,

Q: Shell POSIX OpenSSL file decryption script follow-up #1

VlastimilThis question is the first follow-up of: Shell POSIX OpenSSL file decryption script Please read it before you continue reading this. Thank you. I only have one new problem solved and I would like you to have a look. That problem being accepting one option -o output_directory. I have little ...

Q: Numerical differentiation on sphere with python

gansubI have ported from Fortran to Python an algorithm that calculates the numerical derivative along the x direction (longitudinal) of a scalar function s on a rectilinear grid that has equal grid spacing in the x and y direction(2.5 degrees x 2.5 degrees). The input data s is oriented south to nort...

@MrGrj Thanks for your feedback. I will fix and ask in a couple of hours.
Q: Count the number of digits in an integer using F# and log10

Shaun LuttinThis code counts the number of digits in an integer. let digitCount number = (int) (log10 ((float)number)) + 1; For instance, it tells us 123456789 has 9 digits. let input = 123456789; printfn "%i has %i digits" input (digitCount input); https://dotnetfiddle.net/nxuoah A weakness of the co...

Q: This code solves the knapsack problems

Simran MahindrakarThis code runs well on ideone but not on code::blocks. Can someone please help me out with the construction and filling of the memoized table. It works in O(nW) but they have used unordered maps. I have never worked with unordered maps and i found no decent explanation about it. Also when we call...

Q: Follow-up session: A Webapp Substrate script for WordPress on Ubuntu-Nginx

ArcticoolingAbout a week ago I asked for a review of my script for automating the creation of WordPress substrates in Ubuntu-Nginx envrionemnts. An WordPress substrate is a stack of a Webserver conf file, a soft-link to indicate the webapp is enabled, a webapp directory with a an edited wp-config.php and a ...

Off-Topic: Belongs to another site in the Stack Exchange network codereview.stackexchange.comL42 16 secs ago
@CaptainObvious Asks for explanation.
possible answer invalidation by WooWapDaBug on question by WooWapDaBug: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/185320/revisions
Q: BEM: Is this a correct way to name these elements?

IkePrI'm new to BEM (Block Element Modifier) and I believe I understand the concept. But to be sure, can someone look at the code and see if I should change something. This is my result, what I created: So I divided my HTML into header, sections and items. Which I believe are blocks. In these block...

@Duga Rolled back.
Try posting it here instead, especially if you only need optimization — Swellar 1 min ago
Q: Reducing too many if statements

HardistSo I have this one input field which I use to search my database. I want to be able to simply search for a day, a day + month or a day + month + year, like so: 18 // day only 18-1 // day + month 18-1-2018 // day + month + year What I first need to do, is split the results using explode: $date ...

possible answer invalidation by Diego Pino on question by Diego Pino: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/185354/revisions
@Duga rolled back
Q: Code deletes unique entity that reports data later than 4 quarters, runs too slow

BenI have a worksheet which is filled with data from Column A to G. Each row is a unique entity and Column G contains a value that shows how many quarters each data is reported late by from today. If the returned value is more 4 (that means the reported date was more than 4 quarters from today), the...

Q: HackerRank - Array Manipulation - Follow-up

WooWapDaBugThis is a follow-up question for HackerRank - Array Manipulation I changed the way of storing the values, which now get indexed into a map. I think now it's efficient in time and space, my main questions left are about style (taking into account the impositions of the hacker rank input output) ...

No trains between Alphen a/d Rijn and Gouda due to a collision with a trampoline.
It's a bit windy here.
It's raining solar panels in that region too, not a good place to be.
Nature strikes back.
@Lundin: do...while(0) did not cause the goto fail bug. Buggy code did that. As I said, any tool can be abused. You shouldn't use syntax as an excuse for writing buggy code. If a coding style is important, make sure the code reviewers enforce it. — jxh 29 secs ago
@Lundin: My point being, code reviewers (even the robotic kind) have to enforce good style. C syntax is just syntax. — jxh 17 secs ago
Q: Using Scanner input to do some basic math and format an output

cody.codes Write a static method named plusScores that accepts as a parameter a Scanner containing a series of lines that represent student records. Each student record takes up two lines of input. The first line has the student's name and the second line has a series of plus and minus characters...

Welcome to Stack Overflow! Assuming that the code works correctly, you might want to write up your samples in a more-complete fashion and ask for critique over at Code Review. Be sure to read A guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users first, as some things are done differently over there! — Toby Speight 40 secs ago
Q: droping rows when some of the columns have value 0 in pandas dataframe

pydI am dropping rows from a pandas data frame when some of its column has 0 value. I got the output by using the below code, I hope we can do the same in a single line, expecting the shortest method. Thanks in advance! df, A B C 0 1 2 5 1 4 4 0 2 6 8 4 3 0 4 2 my...

Q: Ensuring array of worksheets are present

QHarrI have a sub which should only continue running if 4 specific worksheets are present. From online reading, such as @Tim Williams's comment in Test or check if sheet exists, I know that using an error thrown, to determine a course of action, can be frowned upon, but I found similar usage to mine i...

Q: Voting plugin for an IRC bot

naiveaiMetaBrainz has an IRC channel called #metabrainz on which there's a bot called BrainzBot running. It provides utilities such as linking to JIRA issues or Github PRs automatically when they're mentioned. Recently, I came up with the idea of a "voting" plugin, which could keep track of community in...

BTW if your code works and you need general suggestions on how to improve it, try codereview.stackexchange.comanatolyg 14 secs ago
@Mast Due to the wind, we must not close our blinds today. Therefore, I cannot see anything on my screen.
I currently consider to build a fort below the desk to get work done.
I recommend posting your complete program on codereview.stackexchange.com because there are several things that could be improved. However, make sure that everything works correctly before you post it there. — skrx 37 secs ago
@Zeta If the blinds are on the inside, what's the problem? Just keep the windows shut.
@Mast They're outside.
Either way, the sun moved far enough already.
> Hey Elliott, I know you're working on ultra-high-priority project ___, but can you do ___ which will totally screw up the deadline for the other one but we really need this silly thing done?
> Yeah sure, we're not gonna meet the freaking deadline anyway because you do this literally every day.
> Oh hey Elliott, you know that ultra-high-priority project we keep pulling you off of for silly things? We really need you to get that done sooner than originally planned.
Q: Dealing with large numbers of similar ORM objects

Matt ThrowerI asked a question about this issue on Software Engineering, but I'm not sure I got my point across very well. So I thought I'd try posting my actual solution instead and see what better ways of doing this there might be. This C# code consumes an online feed and writes the results to a database ...

If this is part of the question, you should edit your question instead of posting this as an answer. If you have working code and only want feedback on improvements, you should post on codereview.stackexchange.com instead. — Mike Scotty 17 secs ago
Q: 1/2 finished poker game

The MagicianI'm trying to make a poker game, but right now my code - to me - looks way too crowded, and I can't seem to find anything to shorten it and make it look cleaner. Because of that, I came here to see if anyone else has better luck finding places where my code can condense. Here's the code: import ...

Q: Closest greater lexicographical permutation

WooWapDaBugI wrote this algorithm to find the closest greater lexicographical permutation. Given a word w, it rearranges the letters to construct another word in such a way that this new word is lexicographically greater than w. From all the possibilities the one that produces the smallest lexicographical w...

It is working code, I wanted to share it because I could not find an example for the problem that I was searching for. At the same time I want to get feedback. Thank you for suggesting codereview.stackexchange.com will post some code for review in there. — Aravind Chamakura 6 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it looks like a better fit for codereview.stackexchange.comHooked 11 secs ago
Q: Bipartite Maximum Matching with modified Max Network Flow

cactusI was working on some excercises from a website to improve my coding and I'm having a bit of trouble with finding an error in the following code. Input are the edges of a bipartite graph, that is, every line of input contains two distinct integers separated by space. These represent some nodes i...

You are asking an impossible question to answer, because it depends entirely on how you design your application. Learn how to do the UI Tests, and then play around with SKFieldNodes based on your needs. After you have created your scenario, take your code over to the code review stack exchange page and see if it can be optimized — Knight0fDragon 52 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by EBH on question by EBH: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/183704/revisions
Q: Given a sorted (increasing order) array, write an algorithm to create a binary tree with minimal height

user2769790I'm trying to find the complexity of this code and some suggestions for improving the code quality. and handling the code gracefully, esp in the areas of exception handling, checking edge cases, presentation, etc. // Node Class class Node { int id; Node left; Node right; Node(i...

this should be moved to code review. — Funk Forty Niner 1 min ago
Q: Multiple PHP Whiles simplify in a Loop

infra_dvI have this code: $get = mysql_query("SELECT * from t_usuarios ",$link); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($get)) { $get2 = mysql_query("SELECT * from t_usuarios WHERE id_referido=".$row["id"]."",$link); while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($get2)) { echo"".$row2["nombres"]." // REFERIDO...

You should not edit solution into question, if you like views on a work solution you need to use the codereview site. If you like to answer your own question, you should post it as an answer, see tour to learn more. — Petter Friberg 20 secs ago
Q: Improvements to fetch(ing) & parsing JSON Data from the Oodle API

JSNewbishfirst time poster! Below is a working proof of concept in vanilla JS that uses the fetch api to retrieve and parse JSON data. Coming from a server-side background, I wanted insight as to where my newbish JS skills could be improved. Namely, with looping through results, error detection/display, a...

Q: Syntax for a simple scripting language

JamesMacI'm creating a small simple scripting language for fun and as a learning exercise. For the first iteration I want it to be very simple: C-style syntax Functions are defined globally as in C, no passing functions around (yet) The interpreter calls the "main" function (if it finds one) String an...

Q: Looping through query results and and comparing them to see if a value exists and pushing them to a collection in laravel/php

Anonguy123I am using Laravels built in notifications system to save notifications to a database. One project can have multiple types of notifications, or no notifications. I am currently querying for all the unread notifications, and also for projects for each user. I loop through both the projects and not...

posted on January 18, 2018 by CommitStrip

Q: XAML DoubleAnimation is it possible to make picture to flip smoothly?

BinaryTieI am trying to improve my picture flipping (spinning)like a coin flip. This is already implemented, but picture in one frame moment always stop in one frame ant then continues again flip. Is it possible to make that picture flip smoothly? <DoubleAnimation From="0" To="-1" BeginTime="00...

Q: JSON Schema Validation helper method

Em AeThis is what i wrote to validate json to the given schema. public void validateJsonSchema(ObjectNode jsonSchema, ObjectNode json) throws InvalidRequestException { String errorMessage = null; if (json != null) { if(jsonSchema == null) { errorMessage = "json exist in...

This question might live more comfortable at codereview.stackexchange.com ..? — Teemu 20 secs ago
Q: Refactorisation of building of excel file

RouliboyPROBLEM I'm currently working on a java application which is bulding an excel file and fill in cell values regarding the type of data (text, number, date, etc.). Basically, the code looks like this (I simplified the code for better understanding): Some constants with columns indexes : private...

Q: Connected components of a graph

René GIs there any way I could improve this BFS connected components implementation? Inputs are the following: node_iterator: iterates through all nodes in the graph possible_moves: maps nodes to their open neighborhoods in the graph Assume that nodes are hashable and the graph is undirected. Code:...

Q: Convert a string containing a fraction into a number in a fraction format in MATLAB

EllaPI need to convert a string containing a fraction (for example, x='4/5') into a number. Every time I do this, the fraction is evaluated and the answer is always x=.8, but I need the number to stay as a fraction. I can't use the rats function, because I need to be a number (I'm multiplying it with ...

Q: Static wcf client to make multiple request with one object

SxntkI want to make a static client to call a wcf because the first time I call the wcf it takes too long, even sometimes it throws time out. I have the following class: public class Repository : IRepository { protected static ServiceClient Client { get; set; } public Repository() { ...

Q: Java Tic tac toe in Swing

LeonardoI wrote a simple Tic tac toe game in java, implemented with the Rectangle class to identify the position of the clicked border, however I can not say how clear the code is, and if it is implemented in a certain way. Some comments are in Portuguese because I live in Brazil. package com.game.velh...

codereview.stackexchange.com may be more appropriate for questions about improving working code. But please read their help pages before asking there, to ensure your question matches their rules. — AdrianHHH 5 secs ago
Q: Code that worked yesterday wont work today?

E-LizI am trying to change the color scheme of my plot. The code I put in worked yesterday but now it is telling me "NameError: name 'matplotlib' is not defined" any ideas why? I don't think I changes anything.... The issue seems to be here towards the bottom= plt.imshow(male_composite,cmap=matplotl...

this looks like a codereview question — Muhammad Omer Aslam 39 secs ago
Hmm I renamed my user account on my new PC via the registry and changed all references in the registry... still wondering if I should take the effort to reinstall it now to prevent issues later, kinda don't feel like installing stuff all over again
And Windows Update is borked, it's a known issue, but the first time I got through to completely all updates and that time I really didn't install anything at all
The pc is not yet actually in use so I better decide soon
It's probably easier to just reinstall now...
If you understand HOW to solve this and are simply trying to learn, you might be much better received if you put your solution on code review SE. — T James 35 secs ago
this is a bit more of a problem in looking for a certain graph. post with a broader explanation (some other hints came in the comments), I posted here: codereview.stackexchange.com/q/185129/157474 . but unfortunately I am increasingly inclined to look for a completely different solution, because I am stuck to above all accelerate the current algorithm. — Tomasz Przemski 17 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on Code Review. codereview.stackexchange.comNico 19 secs ago
Q: Speeding up an image processing algorithm

asheetsI have some code I've been using to de-noise some images and then label all unique and contiguous elements. The function zoneMap() de-noises the image by picking a random, unclassified point and then averages all points that are within a certain euclidian distance in color space. This repeats unt...

I agree this is better posted to codereview.stackexchange.com , but you must also include details of what the objective of your code is, i.e. what is it trying to accomplish? If you do post it there, then add a comment here so we can find it easily. — Ergwun 11 secs ago
You didn't specify average or worst case. In order for memoization to change the worst case, you may need to prove that the cases which can be checked by the memoization fall within a smaller growth rate (e.g. maybe you are checking 2^n paths into an n^2 data table). I vaguely remember edit distance of strings, but you should define it if you want that looked at here. However, that might be better on the codereview or math sites -- I'm not sure. — Kenny Ostrom 10 secs ago
I did not know about code review and I have moved it here. The objective is to understand other more efficient way to redo the program as the book does not produce an answer for the prompt. — ben 34 secs ago
Q: c# Trying to understand another way this OOP can be programmed

benI am very new to C# and I am trying out OOP programming following a book. This is the current code I have and it works but I am wondering if this can be done another way. I think that set and get methods can be done in another way using System; public class radio { private int count = 0; ...

@Mast and where can we order these?
I am sure someone wants to know
@CommitStrip lol
Q: Get GPS coords with Addresses from CSV

BruceWayneI have a script that takes addresses from a CSV, and tries to find the GPS coordinates. I am still learning Python, so comments as to general formatting (i.e. variable names, function names, etc.) are appreciated, as well as ways to tighten up the code. (I'm using the csv module and geopy). Th...

Recursion by itself is a large topic. Robert C. Martin has written 2 whole books on clean code. There are many ways your code can be prone to errors. Apart from that, while some aspects of code quality can be objectively measured, the question of "good code" is usually subjective. On the whole, while I like your question and the fact you're trying to learn; in its current form your question is not a good fit for this site. Since your code works (albeit with the unnecessary risk I mentioned), your question is much better suited to the sister site: codereview.stackexchange.comCraig Young 5 secs ago

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