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Q: Converting YouTube channels to podcasts

user123123123I created a Django app that converts YouTube channels to podcasts. It uses the actual YouTube paths for the URLs. The idea is that the user can just find the YouTube address of the channel (or user or playlist), then modify the domain so that the request goes to my app, and then the app will ge...

@Mat'sMug Fixed them so it's more obvious
no, but just to be proactive since I got a code review feedback saying the write will be blocked if no one is reading from it — JennyS 58 secs ago
posted on July 19, 2017

We have successfully completed our core network and infrastructure maintenance in the primary data center, and this Friday between 8PM EDT (00:00 UTC) and 10PM EDT (02:00 UTC) we will be moving all services from our secondary data center in Colorado back to New York. All user-facing services will be moved including: All Q&A Sites (including Stack Overflow) Stack Overflow Talent Stack Ov

Q: Circle Program Formula

StarfruitI'm trying to make a program that renders a circle at a position the user gives and with the size the user gives. The code checks every pixel location to see if it fulfills the distance formula for the origin. See below: void place_circle(int center[2], int size, SDL_Renderer* renderer){ std...

Q: Reverse shell allows connection between computers

Keegan KuhnI've recently made a reverse-shell which allows you remote shell access to other computers. It's written in Python 2 and it is cross-platform. Basically, it get's user input for a command and sends it to the client with sockets. The client then runs it with os.system. Here's the code for the...

Q: Flask view dependency injection

Paulo Phagulaso, first of all, I've been into trying to have a simple dependency container as possible in python and with your help managed to get conceive https://github.com/dareenzo/tinydic, many thanks. Now, I use the Flask for my apps, and from by background with other languages I'm used to the idea of i...

Has anyone tried bash for windows ?
Q: Commenting and uncommenting using sed -e

gram95I am using sed -e in a python script to comment and uncomment lines in my /etc/network/interfaces file for my RPi2. It works in such a way that when I run my python script, the specific lines in my /etc/network/interfaces will be commented and uncommented respectively. However, I am facing an err...

Q: Permutations (Python)

user7724050 def permutations(lst): if not lst: yield [] return "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***" if type(lst)==tuple: t=lst lst=[] for elem in t: lst+=[elem] if type(lst)==str: lst=list(lst) for elem in lst: if elem: ...

Q: Simulating Conway's Game of Life using Python

reyxoimport random import turtle import copy topLeft_x = -360 topLeft_y = 300 t = None numCells = None Draw the board so i draw the board first. def drawBoard(grid, sideLen): t.clear() t.color('black') #Draw the horizontal lines for i in range (0, numCells + 1): t.up (...

@EBrown I told you wrong about DTO's. Too tired to talk now; remind me to tell you how we do it on Saturday.
I think this belongs on codereview.stackexchange.com. — Alec 53 secs ago
Sounds like a post for CodeReview, not StackOverflow. Would also help to show the implementations of your helper methods — Vince Emigh 50 secs ago
May want to also ask this on the code review stack exchange :) — Keith M 10 secs ago
Q: Reduce repetition in my code using c++

Proi am trying to improve my current code so that its easy to read. So the current code wroks well but i want to improve it and short it, maybe if i can avoid the repetition show that would significantly reduce. I go with mutliple choices, Choices1, Choices2, Choices3, .......etc And as it is shown...

Q: MusicLibraryOptimalizer to optimalize your digital music library

Sebastiaan SpeckA couple of Python scripts to clean, update and optimalize your music library. I'm open for all kinds of review to optimalize the scripts itself and improve my coding qualities https://github.com/sebastiaanspeck/MusicLibraryOptimalizer

I can't wait to be done with this Python Regex section on HackerRank >_>
Not sure if this is pythonic code or dirty hack (or both)
1 message moved to trash
def get_pattern_start_end_idxs(string: str, patt: str) -> List:
    Find the start and end indices of all overlapping pattern matches.
    The output format is a list of tuples (start, end).
    If no matches exist, returns (-1, -1).

    Example inputs:
    "aaadaa", "aa"
    Resulting output:
    [(0, 1), (1, 2), (4, 5)]
    matches = re.finditer('(?=('+patt+'))', string)
    end_offset = len(patt) - 1
    results = [(m.start(), m.start() + end_offset) for m in matches]
    return results or [(-1, -1)]
@CaptainObvious optimalize?
Would anyone be able to give me some pointers on shapefile manipulation in Python?
@logical123 We can give pointers to manipulating files/data in general with Python, not sure if anyone present is really familiar with shapefile, but you're welcome to ask, within reason
Thanks Phrank, basically I can read a shapefile in fine using the Basemap library, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to 'go through' the individual shapes by name
To clarify, I read in a shapefile of a bunch of municipalities
I wish to color in specific municipalities, but I don't know the index in the shape list for the municipalities I want; is there a field with 'name' or something similar in each shape?
well... nevermind hahah, I think I just found what I need in the documentation
Gotta love rubberducking
Q: calculating the total of each column and display in footer of gridview in DataTable

user4221591I've used this code to get the sum of the values of each column and display in footer. Here advantage is that I don't have to look for the column name, just get the count of total number of rows and columns and then iterate over each row and column. Please suggest how can I make this code more ...

I have a love/hate with it
when it works and isn't total gibberish, it's glorious
oh god, lemme think, but you'll prolly get it quicker than i will
Q: Count number of ways to achieve a sum

Utkarsh ShuklaThe Question : Utkarsh being a very talkative child, was scolded by his teacher multiple times. One day, the teacher became very angry and decided to give him a very rigorous punishment. He made him stand on the school field which is X axis. Utkarsh initially stood at X = 0. The teacher asked h...

It's a puzzle. Isn't the sense of such puzzle, that you try and fiddle until you find a solution? If you need help about the algorithm, please, tag it, and describe it literally. If you have concerns about specific functions or classes, please, mention it in your question. But, please, don't expect code review. (Btw. there is a specific site in SE for Code Review.) — Scheff 14 secs ago
Thanks for the code review. I'll delete it and move on to there. — 재형김 10 secs ago
Q: On Paradox Interactives Kattis Pathfinding puzzle

재형김I am working on this problem, https://paradox.kattis.com/problems/paradoxpath and I've managed to somewhat finish it. However, it keeps saying that it's a wrong answer, and I have no idea what the issue is. Test cases that I've tested them on all seems to work fine, including the ones that I ma...

Q: Fractional Knapsack In Python Implementation

navindrendef get_optimal_value(capacity, weights, values): value = 0. remaining_capacity = capacity # compute value per unit values_per_unit = [v / float(w) for w, v in zip(weights, values)] while remaining_capacity > 0: value_and_index = get_max_value_per_unit(values_per_unit)...

Q: Improving the rendering performance in drawing heat map

John TanI am trying to draw a heat map with a given input of points and amplitude of each point. The normal input size is around 400000 points, but the code draws every 15th point. The map is drawn onto a Canvas. In the XAML: <Grid x:Name="MainPanel" Width="800" Height="600"> <Textbox Name="textbox...

possible answer invalidation by Pro on question by Pro: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/169725/revisions
please use code review for that purpose. codereview.stackexchange.comD. Simon 45 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because codereview.stackexchange.com is more appropriate for such kind of questions. — Mohammad Usman 7 secs ago
Q: isBalanced function for checking if string with brackets is balanced ([{}])

TranotheronI wrote simple function for checking if string is balanced (with brackets ([{}])). It takes a string argument and need to return boolean value (true if string is balanced and false if not). const isBalanced = (string) => { const arr = string.split(''); let open = []; const openBrack...

possible answer invalidation by u6f6o on question by u6f6o: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/169589/revisions
This site is not for asking for code you can go to codereview.stackexchange.com for reviewing the code you've written — Ishan Mahajan 50 secs ago
Monking @all
@Phrancis I always forget that there's a difference in syntax between look ahead and behind, (?=...) and (?<=...). At least it's somewhat simple to guess...
Q: Refactor for loop with conditional into functional code

Erik PragtI have the following code, and I'd like to refactor it to a more functional way: for (Person person : personList) { Integer addressId = createAddress(person); if (addressId != null) { updateDbStatus(addressId, person); } } I tried the following: per...

Q: why my delta don't have decimal point (in quadratic equation)?

Hà Chí Hàoguys i am making a quadratic equation program, but my delta always show like an int when calculated, here is my code : double a, b, c, x1, x2, delta; cout << "Enter a : "; cin >> a; cout << "\nEnter b : "; cin >> b; cout << "\nEnter c : "; cin >> c; delta = pow(b, 2...

@CaptainObvious Looks broken
Q: C++ implementation of queue using array

abhi11095I have written this code after studying from Introduction to Algorithm. I think this code is very basic and simple. I want to modify it. #include <iostream> int tail; int head; void initialise_head_tail(){ tail=0; head=0; } void enqueue(int a[],int x,int s){ a[tail]=x; if( tail+1==s) tail=...

@CaptainObvious Should get renamed to "C implementation of global counters" :/
ouch ..
does this even work with multiple instances?
If you queue their use.
Q: C implementation - Dependency injection - Media player

overexchangeAs per wiki, Dependency injection allows a client the flexibility of being configurable. Only the client's behavior is fixed. The client may act on anything that supports the intrinsic interface the client expects. Dependency injection can be used to externalize a system's configuration...

@Zeta I'm just wondering whether we should consider it broken...
@Vogel612 No, it's fine, as long as you follow the non-existing documentation.
But yeah, it's really just a dump of code.
But on the good side, that gives a reviewer a chance to comment almost every third line or so.
At least, there is no using namespace std;.
@Zeta C doesn't have vectors and he wants to use those, so I don't see a problem really.
Yes, it's C-style C++. Can still work. Just means he has a lot to learn.
@Kaz Reminds me of the countless times I tried to built something without write permissions in the build folder.
Q: Genrate Json for Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>>

FrontierConsider I have a String, String value = "Sunday - H15,Sunday - H03,Sunday - H13,Sunday - H01,Sunday - H05,Friday - H23,Saturday - H05,Monday - H16,Monday - H17,Monday - H18,Monday - H19,Monday - H20"; In this String we have Days(Sunday, Monday etc..) and the Alphanumne...

Q: Adding order actions like "Print" or "RePrint"

Tez WingfieldThe eventual desire to implement code that's clean and extendable. I always fear that I'm overusing If's and or not seeing the appropriate pattern to reduce conditionals. Now I love architecture, micro service's etc I even enjoy IoC, ISP(SOLID) But when it comes down to small encapsulated method...

Q: OOP principles in Python

Zaid HumayunI am looking for tips on improving my implementation of an OOP design problem in Python3 Here is the problem (paraphrasing to save space): There is a call center with three levels of employees - Respondent, Manager and Director. A call that goes to the center propagates as Respondent -> Mana...

@Nils That would be called an abomination in any normal code review. Plus you have to check if the object is in a normal state, before do something with it. — BЈовић 41 secs ago
Ask it at [codereview] — Jens just now
If your code is working, you may be better off posting to codereview.stackexchange.com (read their rules first, I'm not sure if this is on topic there because I'm not a contributor) — DavidG 10 secs ago
@JudeNiroshan Monking
Q: Handle Django EmailMessage part and concatenation between text and django variables

DeadpoolIn my script, User fills a Django form then two things : data are saved in my database and an email is sent to a support account. I'm looking for improve this little part from my Django web application. All this process works fine, but I would like to improve this part in my view : subject = "...

Q: Cellular Automata : Counting preimages

nk_masonQuestion : https://pastebin.com/v9bjZJLa I Don't know any mathematical way to count all preimages of a given 2-D grid. So I approached using a brute-force way. But there's a memory error if the dimension of grid is higher than 4x5. Can anyone suggest me a better way. Thanks in advance. Here's ...

You should post this on Code Review instead. — Magnus Eriksson 41 secs ago
@Doug this should help — overexchange 25 secs ago
@Doug this should help — overexchange 25 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it's more suited over at Code Review. — Magnus Eriksson 59 secs ago
@MagnusEriksson With this lack of context: absolutely not. Please refer to the help centre and read it carefully before making recommendations. — Mast 19 secs ago
@MagnusEriksson Did you or didn't you read the link? You might be interested in their FAQ for SO users. — Mast 34 secs ago
This question belongs on codereview.stackexchange.com rather. — JosefZ 42 secs ago
Greetings, Programs.
Monking Donald.
SO is for problematic code, not for improving functional code. You might want to try on Code Review SE. — gre_gor 24 secs ago
@AdilMammadov Then test the code and see if it works or not. If it does work, ask for a code review, if it doesn't, and you can't figure out how to fix the problem that you're having, then you could ask about the problem you're having. — Servy 39 secs ago
@Servy, when I mean working or not I do not mean compiling or workds when I test it. As I mentioned I haven't worked with multithreading. What to you propose, to apply changes and publish to production and wait for users to get crazy? DavidG has already proposed it an I will think about moving it to code review. If you have any suggestion then make it, otherwise go and be happy with your downwotes — Adil Mammadov 28 secs ago
Q: Find index of '/s' before and after text in a char array

ATE-ENGEFor the Arduino programming environment, let's say I have a string literal: char strlit[17] = "_ _ _ Sup _ _ team? _ _ _" I would like to put brackets around the nth word and clear any brackets that may be around current words. meaning that foo(strlit, 0) would return "_ _[Sup]_team?_...

Q: Print the number of subarrays of an array having negative sums

Fire.Problem statement: Given an array of N integers, find and print its number of negative subarrays (i.e sub arrays having negative summation) on a new line. My code: Taking order of 3 time. How can I improve my code? int sum=0,count=0; for(int i=1,k,j;i<=N;i++){ for(k=1;k<=N-i+1;...

Q: API separate request vs logic

EpitouilleIs it a good practice to separate Logic from Request controller in an Api ? Without separation: @app.mod_portal.bp.route('scan', methods=['GET']) @login_required def scan_all(): print(vars(app.mod_portal.bp)) portals = Portal.get_all(g.user.id) for portal in portals: scan(p...

Q: Unordered Substring Anagrammatic Pairs

Jae BradleyProblem Adapted from this HackerRank problem Given a string S, find the unordered pairs of substrings that are anagrams of each other Two strings are anagrams of each other if the letters of one string can be rearranged to form the other string. Approach Another way of thinking about...

A) for working code, turn to codereview.stackexchange.com B) what is this code supposed to do - you declare that item map in there ... but you never use it? C) Professionals use names for the method that tell you what the method will do. cal() performs very poorly regarding that aspect. — GhostCat 22 secs ago
Q: Calculating pair combinations in Java

NasserI have the following code to calculates and retrieves pair combinations: public static void calculateCombinations(int x){ int number = combination(x); int counter=0,y=0; while(counter<number){ y++; for(int i=1; i<=x; i++){ if(y!=i &&...

What, exactly, is the issue? You haven't shared any details about expected vs actual behavior. Instead, you're asking people to do a code review, without even knowing what they're looking for. This isn't how StackOverflow works. Please edit your question accordingly. — David Makogon 16 secs ago
If you want to improve code - codereview.stackexchange.com but provide your real code there otherwise question will be closed — Sergey Berezovskiy 45 secs ago
Q: Partitioning a space of random integers into `n` equally sized buckets

ColdspeedAs an exercise, I've writing a program that will keep generating random integers and placing them into ranges, or buckets. The problem is to generate 100 random integers partitioned evenly into n buckets. So, for example, for n = 10, it would be: 10 random integers in range 0-9 10 random...

@CaptainObvious Broken AF
Q: Sum of Maximum GCD [Python] [Contains working code]

sinewaverAdmittedly, this is a duplicate of this question - Sum of Maximum GCD But mine contains working code and it has successfully passed some of the test cases. But it does throw runtime exceptions and I'm trying to understand where I could be going wrong. I don't see any segmentation faults that cou...

Coworker asked me why the compiler didn't give a warning/error on using an uninitialized variable in a .NET-like language. Reason: I am writing the compiler.
@CaptainObvious Looks fine, but could use some untangle from the other question.
@skiwi You're writing a compiler?
@Zeta Yeah, nothing special though, just a compiler
From? To?
It's the first time my compiled code went wrong tough, until now it just failed to compile and that's fine
From our proprietary language at work to .NET bytecode
The compiler itself is written in C# making use of Expression Trees
Q: Retrieve data for object through a method it contains, or retrieve data and load into object?

Brian GeI come from a self taught background and am trying to shore up my weaknesses in OOP, specifically C# and class design. I've been reading Code Complete 2 and it became apparent that I'm not following good class design principals. I currently have a ReportHandler class that generates a report based...

Q: Maximizing GCD of two arrays of numbers

Rishabh Deep SinghI am new to coding and I was trying to find the maximum GCD (Greatest Common divisor) Between two int Arrays A and B. I am doing the following Sorting Both Arrays First then, Comparing Every Value of Array A to Array B to find GCD using a temp number I am Checking if the GCD found is...

What's up with the recent "maximize GCD of two arrays"?
@skiwi Do you generate .NET bytecode directly, or do you compile to some IL? (I have no idea how .NET bytecode looks like).
@Zeta I'm generating expression trees, so it's all within C#, I don't touch IL directly (thankfully?)
@skiwi So C# has something called ExpressionTree<Something> and you can compile that to bytecode?
@Zeta Pretty much yep
That's neat if it works like that.
Typing is a lot stricter than you'd think it is though, basically you lose all the heavy-lifting that the C# compiler does for you
Doesn't that depend on your parser and the types you parse to?
In a way it does, but I think subclassing does not even work in expression trees, you need to manually insert a cast expression to cast it to the correct type
The reason I don't want to trim to 250 is that it would eliminate some customer input which is a jarring experience and it would never get past a code review. — Susannah Potts 46 secs ago
Q: SICP - exercise 1.7 better end test for square root approximation part II

morbidCodeThis is part 2 of better end test for square root approximation Here is exercise 1.7 from SICP: Exercise 1.7 The good-enough? test used in computing square roots will not be very effective for finding the square roots of very small numbers. Also, in real computers, arithmetic operat...

I just wrote a class with 147 properties to mirror a table in our database.
Does that include relations to other tables yet?
possible answer invalidation by abhi11095 on question by abhi11095: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/169745/revisions
@Duga Invalidates question (edit: rolled back)
One of them is a Date that is saved as a VARCHAR(100)...
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because questions asking for improvements to working code belong on Code Review, not Stack Overflow. — TylerH 57 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because questions asking for improvements to working code belong on Code Review, not Stack Overflow. — TylerH 35 secs ago
@EBrown Autogenerate?
@EBrown Well... Ok, you're screwed
@skiwi No I wrote it by hand.
The interesting thing about auto-generation tools is that it's hard to write them in a way that they can pick up on inconsistencies, or non-preferred cases, like a Date that is a VARCHAR(100). We inherited this project from another dev so by writing these things by hand, I find a lot of this stuff.
What is your specific question? We are not a code review service (as a sidenote: the code has implementation defined behaviour for certain values of n). — Olaf 47 secs ago
Q: just getting into template literals im pretty sure this is incorrect but could i get some feedback?

dgariolet firstName = "John"; let lastName = "Smith"; function literal(string,firstName, lastName) { str0=string[0]; // "Hello" str1=string[1]; // "Nice to meet you." } let result=literalHello, ${firstName }, ${ lastName} Nice to meet you.; print(result);

This question appears to be off-topic because it is a code review request. This might be better suited to the Code Review Stack Exchange site. Before posting there be sure to read their FAQ to ensure that your question meets their guidelines. — John Conde 30 secs ago
Q: Replacing eval calls in JavaScript

Giulio MuscarelloI'm writing a tool that walks the AST of some JavaScript code, with the goal of hooking eval with a function (eg. _logJS). Leave aside the implementation of the AST rewriting; suppose it works perfectly. What my tool does is replace function calls like foo(bar, baz) with the following: // If `f...

Q: Local variable hides a field

JaumzeraI was wondering about "Local variable hides a field" hint displayed by some IDEs. Is this a bad practice? Should I avoid this? How?

@CaptainObvious Ugh no why people why
@CaptainObvious One of my few CV's.
possible answer invalidation by Jaumzera on question by Jaumzera: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/169786/revisions
Can it be done as specified in this link? Or this is just for code review? blog.devart.com/creating-tfs-custom-check-in-policy-part-1.h‌​tmlNeo4j user 53 secs ago
Q: Python - Faster random business date generation

mildlyillogicalI wrote a program that generates some synthetic data. Everything runs fine, but right now the program is so slow that I am only generating 1000 rows of data (and it still takes 3 or so minutes). Ideally I would like to generate about 100,000 (which at the moment takes upwards of 10 minutes, I kil...

Q: Does this way of finding longest common substring solution fall into dynamic programming?

murali krishnaI have started learning the Dynamic Programming, in that way I have written a program to find and written longest common substring of two given strings and it is executing fine, after that I went on to google and search for the same, but everyone is using matrix or (double dimension array) to sto...

Review of functional code is off-topic for Stack Overflow. Such questions belong on Code Review. — Makyen 25 secs ago
this code looks fine? — overexchange 19 secs ago
this might work ...
 sudo dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/dev/sdb status=progress
^^ how to make a bootable USB stick from a bootable cd... maybe
Q: Please Correct my code [Python]

Himanshu RastogiHello Python Developers i want to use function switch_ch() as Switch Control Statement, i dont know how to use Switch Case in python. from sys import argv def ia(): print("ai()") #pass def ao(): print("ao()") def del_a(): print("del_a()") def cc(): print("Exit") def swit...

Q: A simple Microservices application

TiinaDownload the project class ModelAndView Holder for both Model and View in the web MVC framework. Note that these are entirely distinct. This class merely holds both to make it possible for a controller to return both model and view in a single return value. Represents a model and view ...

@CaptainObvious ummm... no
@BjarkeFreund-Hansen does this code look the way you mentioned about drivers? — overexchange 35 secs ago
Q: NullSafeInitializer with JPA

JaumzeraI'm trying to make an null-safe alternative to Hibernate.initialize() method. I want to make possible initializing a sequence of method call like the following: NullSafeInitializer.initialize(entityA) .getEntityB() .getEntityC() .getEntityD().getName(); I was able to do that using...

I now have to load 147 properties to and from SQL.
possible answer invalidation by 200_success on question by navindren: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/169736/revisions
@200_success Goal is to understand DI, does CR rules does not allow to be open to java/python solution? For.the given context of image handling
Does it make sense to allow users be language agnostic, for this query? To focus on DI but not implementation style
Q: Handlers for multiple image formats using dependency injection

overexchangeAs per wiki, Dependency injection allows a client the flexibility of being configurable. Only the client's behavior is fixed. The client may act on anything that supports the intrinsic interface the client expects. Dependency injection can be used to externalize a system's configuration...

This might get better results on the code review site. — Mister Positive just now
@overexchange No. On Code Review we review the code you posted, which in this case is in C. This is not a site to discuss general practices about unwritten code.
possible answer invalidation by mildlyillogical on question by mildlyillogical: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/169789/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Rishabh Deep Singh on question by Rishabh Deep Singh: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/169776/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Kasey Speakman on question by Kasey Speakman: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/135723/revisions
@200_success Sure. Thank you. I would also request for your 2 cents on this query
@Vogel612 Good idea. Site business comes first.
possible answer invalidation by mildlyillogical on question by mildlyillogical: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/169789/revisions
Q: PDO prepared statement to insert data into MySQL

user3304303I am changing all mysqli queries to use PDO now and just want to make sure I'm doing it right. Here is an old one: $sql = "INSERT into profile (profileid, name, description) values ('$profileid', '$name', '$description')"; $sql= mysqli_query($connection,$sql); if (!$sql) { ...

@Makyen This is not code review question. This is a question, where the asker shows his attempt to solve it (and described why it's not good), as expected in how to ask a question. — amit 12 secs ago
@amit, that's for when they haven't gotten it to function. At best, I consider it debatable. "Any idea for improvements?" isn't an SO question. We appear to disagree, so should search meta/ask there. Code Review is explicitly for review of working code wrt.: "Best practices and design pattern usage", B) "Security issues", C) "Performance", and D) "Correctness in unanticipated cases".. This question is asking about how to improve the performance of already working code, which is specifically on-topic for Code Review. — Makyen 10 secs ago
Q: Stack Implementation Using Nodes

Jae BradleyPurpose Implement a Stack with push, pop, and peek methods. The push method should add an element to the "top" of the Stack. The pop method should remove the "top" element from the Stack. The peek method should return the "top" element of the Stack. Approach I decided to create a Node class...

Q: Small React app with multiple components

Muhammed AthimannilOne of my first attempt in React therefore I am sure there will bel plenty of non-sense of coding that it the main reason to put here for learning more from the review by intelligent users Is the coding style is ideal with ES6 & new version of React ? In pages using the technologies es6, babel....

@SimonForsberg @skiwi you guys have done some groovy stuff right? Have you ever run into terrible memory leaks from creating classes all the time?
Q: Outlook VBA to create Outlook Task Items

tedeansiiiWe have an Out Processing system that sends emails to a few of us on the Out-Processing team. I found some vba code that creates a task from the email but the task is not what I would like it named and also the task Start Date is being set as the date i receive the email when the actual lastday i...

1 hour later…
Q: Displaying form validation messages in Angular with Pipes

BrunoLMI'm creating an application that is never going to need i18n. I have fields that need to display a validation message, "The field (name) is required" for example. The problem is that this message is not centralized anywhere, every time I need to show a message I'm adding the text again in the te...

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