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RELOAD! There are 4055 unanswered questions (91.0168% answered)
Q: Is it safe to allow these special characters when validating a string?

rotaerczIs it safe to allow these special characters when validating a string? The user is currently allowed to send alpha numeric and the following special characters from the browser: ',.!&()_- My main concern is code injection. I'm still learning Laravel and I understand it handles a lot security w...

Q: Single for loop for positive and negative numbers

SimsonsI am writing a program to calculate Fibonacci and that could accept both positive and negative integers. Right now I am doing to loops for positive and negative integers, but is there a better way to handle in single loop without to repeat the logic. private static Int64 PrintFibbonacci(long n)...

Q: Is the clean code? What should I do different?

Juda MSo, I have been reading many books on implementing clean code. I decided to write a small application so you guys can give me some tips and pointers on what I should focus on changing. I have commented my code to make it more readable and used proper indexing and naming of my variables. Basicall...

@EthanBierlein Monking. :)
@CaptainObvious @EthanBierlein No screen shots? :(
@EBrown crap, I knew I was forgetting something
gimme a sec
I seem to have lost both the raycaster and raytracer I wrote with it
this could take a bit
Hey folks. What makes for a really good post on codereview?
Or, more to the point, how do you figure out if a question is too broad?
I never mark a question as too broad. There's always something subject to review.
So, I'm coming at this with an angle
I'm a moderator at cseducators, and we're still a baby-new site. We just went into public beta less than 2 weeks ago.
In general, we try to police our questions to keep everything focused
But there is a need for a curriculum-review style of question
And I just don't understand how that would work, so I am looking for best practices that we can filch borrow from a site that has been around and doing this well for a long time.
But what I don't understand is, how does this site balance itself? If I post some code, and say that I want to improve its style and readability, the answers can go in virtually any direction. How do you decide what makes a question focused enough for the site?
This site is unique in the sense that we don't really care what you ask for. What's posted is a code, which speaks by itself, and we answer the questions the code asks. CSE is sort of different (BTW I am there as well, and I didn't yet find the right format to answer CSE questions).
Any question is on-topic and focused enough for the site as long as it follows these criteria.

- asker wants their code to be reviewed
- asker provides working code
- asker provides a sufficient description of what their code does
Oh, interesting. Could that be morphed to a curriculum, and still remain viable?
I think the unfortunately unsatisfying answer is that, other than what I listed above, there really isn't a way to determine if a question is 'focused enough'.
- asker wants their curriculum to be reviewed
- asker provides general unit goals
- asker provides a sketch of a current curriculum/unit plan
I suppose that could work.
I don't participate on CSE though, so I'm not sure of what the existing question criteria are.
By your instinct, would such a structure likely lead to productive, focused answers?
We're new, and this would be a new question type for us
I know you don't know our site, and can't really say. I'm just asking for a first blush instinct, based on what you've seen from your site
I think as long as questions follow those criteria (and provide enough detail regarding each point) then I think you'd definitely get good focused questions.
May I quote this conversation (edited down) for a meta post on my site?
Go right ahead, I don't mind at all. :)
Thanks, @EthanBierlein!
No problem!
@EBrown I've added some gifs into the question, if you're interested.
Q: Swift View Class To Reduce Massive View Controller

lifewithelliottIn an effort to reduce the size of a View Controller class I am wondering if this structure is an acceptable, safe way to modify the UI on a Controller Class. The only thing that I see "wrong" with this approach is not being able to set my outlets or variables to private which is usually very im...

2 hours later…
possible answer invalidation by user3860708 on question by user3860708: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/166669/revisions
@Duga its ok
Q: Better scala coding

user461112I'm a python/go coder and new to scala. I have a working piece of code with if and else, but any suggestions on writing it the "scala" way? if (sp.bin_an.size() > 0) { sp.bin_an.asScala.toList.foreach { an => if (an.host != null && an.host.name != "" && an.routine == "xx") { service = an...

Q: Date range remove/split within array of date range

SlowNinjaI have date range array and a removeRange object which can split or remove portion of on the date range array. If Range is within the date range it will split the record into 2 range otherwise it can trim portion of the date range or remove entirely the date range. I've moment js on the date que...

Q: Taking strings and passing them to a helper as byte arrays

champak256I'm new to C and unused to restrictions on memory allocation and the like, so this was the best I came up with. I take a number of strings as arguments, and the helper function takes const unsigned char* and its length. I feel like there must be a better way to do this. Here's the declaration of ...

Q: Minesweeper implementation in Java

TheLearnerI am nearly complete with my Minesweeper game but the rough idea is done. My approach is with three classes. One is the tile class which represents a tile on the gameboarc. The other is the actual gameboard which is made out of a 2-d array from the tiles. You can play until you lose.I have my con...

If your code is already working, but you just want some pointers, then consider posting to the Code Review site instead. — Tim Biegeleisen 16 secs ago
Q: mo algorithm implementation bug

noman pouigtImplemented MO algorithm which sums the given range of elements and returns the result. However, I am stuck in sorting. It is not doing what i wanted it to do. What i want to do is to sort based on blocks first. First the algorithm divides the given input array into Sqrt(N) blocks. Each block w...

Q: Parsing a Conditional statement with Python

Sam ChatsRecently I built a Usenet newsreader in Python and for that I built a keyword search which supports AND and OR functionalities (e.g., python AND django should bring up articles containing both. I defined a find function for this which takes a keyword query and a string and returns a bool signifyi...

@ΦXocę웃Пepeúpaツ Please edit your comment next time. Doesn't this question belong in codereview.stackexchange.com ? — M. Mimpen 11 secs ago
@MrGrj Monking!
Monking @all
Q: explanation Write a JavaScript function to compute the factors of a positive integer

lyla`function getFactors(integer){ var factors = [], quotient = 0; for(var i = 1; i <= integer; i++){ quotient = integer/i; if(quotient === Math.floor(quotient)){ factors.push(i); } } return factors; }```

Q: I am trying to import an excel data set of 197,000 values in R to run an FFT on it.

user8217768But despite of converting all the values to numeric , its popping up an error stating that its a non numeric value. library(readxl) a <- read_excel("~/a.xlsx", sheet = "Sheet2", + col_types = c("numeric")) View(a) fft(a, inverse= FALSE) Error in fft(a, inverse = FALSE) : non-num...

@CaptainObvious Broken.
You should consider to bring the working code (including the changes from answer here) to CodeReview along with an explanation what exactly you try to achieve. There is a bulk of unnecessary, complex and unsafe code in your question. — grek40 34 secs ago
@RenéVogt yep, I have found this on code review site — mkul 25 secs ago
Q: Converting a ResourceSet of bitmaps into a sorted List<float>

SipoI have a map. It can be zoomed-in and out. At first, I used one large image. Scrolling the mouse wheel defined the desired zoom level. Every scrolling created a new instance of the image in the desired dimensions. This approach was horribly slow. So I gave up the possibility of zooming into any ...

Can someone help/reply this guy to improve his question
@Tushar why no one is giving a feedback?I s there something wrong with the question? — kai.kyle 31 mins ago
if your code is working maybe it should go on codereview.stackexchange.comA. Lau 30 secs ago
@Tushar Improve what? It's a low quality question written with a lot of haste and not a lot of effort.
I'm not convinced it works either.
It is close-able then
Unfortunately it's a bloody awful website to look at as well.
@Tushar Indeed. Put mine in, request for more VTC.
Q: Threading + queue usage. Is there better way to do this?

G.GabuniaI am creating a script, that will ssh to several hosts, get stuff, parse it and return. Because I wait for server response, I'm using threading. Real script is more complex, so I created this simple program to demonstrate logic. In real application 'timer' function does ssh with paramiko and...

Q: Finding the length of the longest run in a very long generated sequence

ZyTelevanSo I am trying to calculate the longest run of True's in a boolean sequence in Python. The sequence is very long (>10^10) and so it's not possible to generate it in reasonable time, let alone store it in memory. Instead, I generate the n-th item in the sequence. Is a more efficient algorithm in t...

possible answer invalidation by Odepax on question by Odepax: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/166643/revisions
@Duga its ok
Q: Find pairs in an array such that a%b = k , where k is a given integer

Subhayan BhattacharyaI have gone through an almost similar topic in Stackoverflow and after having tried to understand the solution (Find pairs in an array such that a%b = k , where k is a given integer). I have tried my code in Python and have taken a sample input as my test case. Can someone please verify my solu...

Q: Respond to an answer?

OdepaxI've asked a question and someone answered it. But inside the answer, there are some questionings, like "I'm not sure I understand your code here...". Should I attempt to answer the questions of the answer (which could lead to an even better answer) or is this against Q&A principles? If yes: whe...

Greetings, Programs.
Q: Convert Persian and Arabic digits to English

Ali SherafatI use the following utility method to convert Persian and Arabic digits to English using regex: convertNumbers2English: function (string) { return string.replace(/[٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩]/g, function (c) { return c.charCodeAt(0) - 1632; }).replace(/[۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹]/g, function (c...

@CaptainObvious Is it just me who sees both regex as exactly same
Q: Java Prime Number Checker

Vikram Singhpublic class Prime { Integer i,num; public void entnum(Integer n){ num = n; for (i=2; i<=num; i++){ if (system.math.mod(num,i) == 0){ System.debug('Number is not Prime'); break; } if(i == num) { ...

Q: Improving the load time of a commit list for a specific branch and tag from a SVN repo

dannempMy app lists commits from a specific branch and tag on a SVN repo. The commit list is afterwards transferred to the front end which is a web app. The method for retrieving the commits takes a rather long time, around half a minute when there are around 100 commits associated with a tag. I am us...

@BenI. There's the how to ask, and there's this:
Q: How to get the best value out of Code Review - Asking Questions

rolfl I have a project I am working on, and I would like some, or all of it reviewed, how can I ask for this review on Code Review in a way that produces the best possible value? This is not about a question being on-topic, or off topic. Rather, this is about making on-topic questions great qu...

@Heslacher @janos Can we still reject that migration somehow?
Unrelated: 2 more VTC
@Mast I think this could have done only by a mod. But now it is migrated so it just should be closed.
Consider SonarQube or similar. You should be able to add your own rules to these existing frameworks. However, the class naming convention rule mentioned in the post sounds like a code review item (involving people) instead of code analysis. How would a rule know the purpose of the class to determine if it has a good name? — Andrew S just now
For letting people review your (functioning) code, see Code Review. But make sure to check their Help Center first, so you will be sure to ask on-topic questions. — trincot 7 secs ago
Q: Stored procedure to write in a file

Aleph0The following stored procedure allows me to write in a file stored on my SQL Server: CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spWriteToFile] ( @PATH_TO_FILE nvarchar(MAX), @TEXT_TO_WRITE nvarchar(MAX) ) AS BEGIN DECLARE @OLE int DECLARE @FileID int EXECUTE sp_OACreate 'Scripting.FileSystemObject', @O...

Q: Perl crypto-scraper

Patrick85Hello everybody i created a crypto-scraper script to scrape crypto currencies from Coingecko. I have used the Library LWP::UserAgent and now i want to know if you could give me some hints or improvements for the script. The script works fine. I want your opinion to improve my coding skills ;) T...

Q: Get the Middle Character of a String

zalidaelThis is part of an exercise from code wars, which involves finding the middle char of a string. If the string is an odd number, it will return the middle char, so 'testing' will return 't'. If the string is an even number, it will return the 2 middle chars, so 'test' will return 'es'. I have thi...

Q: Bash function exiting prematurely?

Kermit the HermitThe purpose of the function in question is to read information from a log file and then report that information if it fulfills a certain condition, as you can see in the code snippet below. function some_function { while read line do worker_name=`echo $line | awk -F',' '{print $N...

Since you already have a working solution, this question is appropriate for Code Review. — krillgar 5 secs ago
@Heslacher It was done by a mod indeed.
@Mast closing the question automatically rejects the migration...
that doesn't mean the post vanishes from site ...
I know, I can still see it.
migration rejection is ... problematic, because migrations themselves are fundamentally broken.
Glad ordinary users can't target us with migrations.
Would result in a bloody mess quite quickly.
probably, yeah
Even though blind re-directs are still a thing and almost as problematic, but we can educate those people better than users voting to migrate.
then again if migrations would be fixed as a tool, then giving it to users might be an okay-ish idea
@Vogel612 Fixed how?
there's discussions about that since ... some years?
Q: Make cd command work with spaces

emiliano.bovettiSome archives contain folders with spaces in their name. Sometimes while I'm browsing these folders, I want to open a terminal in current position, so I copy the path to paste it after a cd command. Of course when there are spaces in the path, cd won't work unless all spaces are escaped. Since I...

MSE does have some stuff.
Q: Create an Accept Migration voting mechanism for migrated questions

squillmantl;dr - Let the target site vote on whether or not to accept a migrated question into its community in order to help enforce the Don't Migrate Crap idea. Even with limited migration paths, quite often (that is, far too often) a question gets migrated to a site when it really should have just b...

Q: A proposed philosophy of question migration

Jon EricsonWe spend a fair amount of time talking about question migrations between sites. These conversations happen internally, publicly and semi-publicly in the network-wide moderator chat room. In the interest of reducing the time we collectively spend discussing it, let’s see if we can formulate a cle...

and releated. ..
Basically, let the target site vote before auto-migrating it away at 5 close votes?
possible answer invalidation by StudioWorks on question by StudioWorks: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/166705/revisions
one option, yea
@Duga Rolled back.
I don't vote enough...
@CaptainObvious One more VTC.
@Mast I got only 2k more :/
did I mention that I hate not having keyboard shortcuts in the review queues?
Not yet, but I fully agree.
possible answer invalidation by zalidael on question by zalidael: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/166760/revisions
@Duga Crap. We can allow it, but we'd have to nuke both answers (which shouldn't be there anyway, but well...).
Q: Return newest log lines from a log file based on timestamp on line start

HerbThis is from an answer I already gave on SO. As I am fairly new to VB.NET (but not to programming), I am really interested in getting to know, how I can improve my work within this (to me) new environment. The question is about returning the last few lines of a text file organized as follows (...

This is likely suited better for Code ReviewSanti 16 secs ago
@Mast ~133k reached, and 1,103 votes for me.
436k reached .. 8.9k votes
Wow, I need to vote more... ~220k reached 1.3k votes...
Take a look at How to Ask. What 'looks worse'? How is it worse? Does it not work? Etc. Edit your question to clarify accordingly. There's also codereview.stackexchange.com which might be a better venue for this kind of question. — pvg 18 secs ago
Q: Bidirectional bijective hash map in C

coderoddeI have this bidirectional hash map in C for dealing with bijective maps. Each key mapping consists of a primary key and a secondary key, and I can ask the data structure to give me a secondary key given a primary key, or vice versa, to give me a primary key given a secondary key. I store the ac...

@adnantanvir Correct. Stack Overflow is for "I have this code, and this is happening incorrectly. Why?" Code Review is for "I have this code, and it does everything I need it to, but I think it could be structured better. Help please!" As you saw, you'll get some help here on these questions, but you'll get more detailed assistance on Code Review. — krillgar 59 secs ago
I would iterate back from day to day ... just because I would expect the next todo: Include holidays - But this is a question for codereview.stackexchange.comSir Rufo 25 secs ago
Q: Class that calls initiates the validation of itself and then initiates the assignment of offers (2)

w0051977I recently asked this question: Class that calls initiates the validation of itself and then initiates the assignment of offers. I have made a change to my class as follows: public class Customer { public DateTime _dateOfBirth { set; get; } public decimal _salary { set; get;...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is asking for a code review (and this thus too broad / opinion based). It could probably be adjusted to be on topic for the code review stackexchange. — Quentin 18 secs ago
Q: Identifying factors that have impact on source code quality

user3575876I am studying what are the factors for students to succeed in software assignments. For this, I have the source-code of students and interested to analyze it to find commonalities. Maybe someone can point out to methodology how source-code can be analyzed to extract common factors in different co...

close votes please. Wrongly migrated.
@DavidW I did not know about cdef function I will look into that and update it I received some good advices from codereview too. I will update both questions tomorrow I did not have time to look into it today. — jean 50 secs ago
That said, code reviews aren't what we do here -- there's actually a separate site for those, Code Review SE. A question containing code should surround a specific error, with any content unrelated to that error removed. See the Help Center documentation on creating a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example. — Charles Duffy 33 secs ago
Code Review might be a better place to ask this at, I think. — Christopher Kyle Horton 1 min ago
@Heslacher hrngh ... why the heck was that even migrated?? it's incredibly fuzzy and unclear IMO
@Vogel612 Second time that has happened today.
oohhh that salesforce question..
also... possibly third migration rejected today..
Questions asking for peer review of your code for suggested improvements should be posted at Code Review. — Ken White 48 secs ago
Q: Asking user input until a valid datetime is given (bloated try-except blocks)

Steve ROriginally asked this on SO but was redirected here. I have a script that's asking the user to input a lot of dates, mostly in functions similar to the one below. These need to account for invalid date formats: import numpy as np import pandas as pd import xlwings as xw import datetime as dtt ...

Q: simple c++ triple class to mimic pair for use with uniform initialization

sjm324I'm trying to create a simple triplet class, but the more I look at the implementation of std::pair the more I feel like I'm missing important details. What I have feels "too simple". I am aware of std::tuple and other options, but the use case is to be able to use uniform initialization -- so ...

Q: mo algorithm for summing the subarray

noman pouigtBelow is the implementation of MO algorithm for summing the sub array given the range as input. As MO algorithm is a offline query it is given a list of ranges as input. Below code calculates the result using MO algorithm and compares the result with expected output by directly summing the sub a...

Q: CSV parser for a tech test

geostocker Intro Most of you don't know me, but I've been posting rather frequently - mainly to get some feedback on Python solutions. But I thought I'd reach out for some feedback on my solution to a tech-test I handed in today. The test itself was for a junior position, and I have been progressed to ...

codereview.stackexchange.com provides a code review community where you can post things like this as well — Easton Bornemeier 36 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this is better suited for Code Review SE! — Am_I_Helpful 22 secs ago
Q: Splitting a string on delimiter outside of quotes while returning item-by-item

EBrownOne of the more recent functions I've needed for personal and work purposes is to split a string on a delimiter, but while ignoring the delimiter when inside a quote. This actually posed a larger challenge than I originally anticipated, but in the end it was resolved pretty swiftly. Obviously I...

1 hour later…
Then you should put that in your question. As it stands it's far from clear what you're asking. And there's nothing "better" about a single command line. It would help you to get better answers if you showed good faith and published the Perl you gave written, although it's sounding like your question belongs on Code Review. — Borodin 13 secs ago
Kaitlin Pike on June 27, 2017

If you go anywhere on stackoverflow.com today, you’ll notice a brand new footer, new About pages, and possibly a few other surprises we’re still testing out (not everyone will see these yet).

Back in February, we updated our top navigation, and today’s changes follow in the footsteps of this effort. We wanted to make it easier for developers to find what they need so they can learn, share, and build their careers. We also needed to make our company information more accessible to press, and to surface our product offerings for customers. …

Thank you for the suggestion. I have added my post there. — CodingNewb 34 secs ago
Q: menu that utilizes the composite design pattern

globalturistI have made a menu that utilizes the composite design pattern and would like to get some feedback on the code, be as harsh as you can. My only question is, should i use an std::reference_wrapper instead on a raw pointer for the m_children vector ? Menu.h: #ifndef MENU_H #define MENU_H #inclu...

Q: Questions on F#'s loop and cont

octopusgrabbusThe following tail-recursion example is taken verbatim from Chris Smith's Programming F# 3.0. If this is not the appropriate forum for this post, I will gladly move the post to the appropriate place. I did not post this in SO, because I do not have a problem to solve. let printListRev list = ...

Q: Nested for-loop to create list of lists - Python

CodingNewbI have posted the below also at stackoverflow in this thread, but a poster there recommended I post this here. Thanks for any suggestions. I have the below code, and as someone new to Python, I was hoping for suggestions on making it more Pythonic. Posters in this thread have provided very hel...

You can try If instr(1, AddressArray(j), myText) > 0 Then. But I see much room for improvement to your code. Consider posting it on codereview.stackexchange.comA.S.H 39 secs ago
Q: Facebook Marketing API and Date Range Picker

Jonathan VasiliouI am starting to think this can't be done. I currently have Facebook Marketing API and all works well when I place in a set period of time like minus 1 month from today. But, I want to have a bootstrap date range picker to pick the time ranges for my clients. So, in the $params variable is the ti...

Q: Doing findOne with save or update the right way in nodejs mongoose

torbenrudgaardI am trying to understand the need for findone / save / update In this case I try to find the message record. If there is none, then I create a new one. If there is already one, then I update some fields and add another instance to my messages array. // // Find and update message // var messa...

Q: Java Web Service Best Practice for Request and Response Objects

hatellaI am writing a web service in Java using some framework. I have some doubts in best design for building the service. So, like usual web service in Java, I would have 3 layers:- Resource - This layer is the entry point to the api calls. It would take a request object as a parameter and retu...

Q: How I can choose a random questions from a file in C?

RetajChoosing a random questions form the file !

"Can someone take a look at the script and comment on it?" - This is not a good question for Stack Overflow. Its not clear there is a problem to be solved. There are no requirements, so most comments will be guesses Maybe the question would be a better fit at Code Review Stack Exchangejww 5 secs ago
Q: Code that will seach an entire workbook for keywords and then print the results on another worksheet.

Caleb SuttonI was told to post my code here because it needs work. I made a search page at the beginning of a work book. This page has a drop down that allows you to choose what category to search in, then you type your phrase or keyword into the search box and it finds all of the results. It then takes thos...

Q: Startup script linux ubuntu webserver

Lennart GiaccottoI made a script for my Ubuntu server(s) running on Google Cloud Platform. The idea behind it is i can create a new instance and paste this script in Google Cloud so it runs it on the new instance and every time it reboots. The script works, so no problem there :-) The idea is that it installs ...

@Am_I_Helpful I disagree because he's asking about a specific problem with it, and broken code belongs here rather than on Code Review. — EJoshuaS 31 secs ago
if you code works - better post it on CodeReview. If did not works - why you ask how change code instead following of these recomedation? — Atomic_alarm 15 secs ago
Q: Command line parser and main class

JodanpotasuI have a small problem with splitting one method into many simpler ones (better) and I would like the code later did not cause problems and to be transparent. The most problematic at this point is the if block maybe anyone have a good advice /design pattern to do better? public class Main { ...

I'm not sure. There's a code review SE site that might be a better fit, but you're not actually looking to improve the code. From a security perspective, it might better fit on security SE, though that's not so much about the code. I'm actually capable of helping either here or on security.SE (I'm expert in /bin/sh and in security and UNIX), but it won't be easy and I don't have much time this month. — Adam Katz 14 secs ago
If you don't get a response here you might want to try codereview.stackexchange.com since your code runs. That site tends to handle optimization and other performance issues well. — Marc K 24 secs ago
Q: Looking for advice on this chain of RxJava operators

Jon MerrittExample: Flowable.just(aBoolean) .flatMap(b -> b ? Flowable.just(aObject) : Floawable.empty()) .switchIfEmpty(s -> Subscriber::onComplete) .doOnComplete(this::something()) .subscribe(): I'm not sure if this is something that should be done or could be done another way. Basically...

Q: Implementing Forward Validation instead of Backward in Erlang

SojimanatsuI would like to implement forward validation in erlang in a good way. I wrote the code in this way entry.erl: -module(entry). -export([new/1]). new(Value) -> spawn_link(fun() -> init(Value) end). init(Value) -> entry(Value, make_ref(), []). entry(Value, Time, Reads) -> receive {read, Ref, F...

Q: Responsive buttons for post navigation (Html, css, flexbox, bootstrap 4)

Ole Kristian LosvikI have tried to make two buttons to be used for post navigation below each post on a blog. It works, however - it feels like to much code and classes for so little. Using Bootstrap 4, alpha 6. Any easier way to make something like this? Html: <div class="container m-5 d-flex flex-md-row al...

Q: Script to append a new method to a XAML code-behind file

EJoshuaSMy approach is based partially on this Stack Overflow answer. Basically, I'm trying to insert some text before the last two lines of a file. Specifically, I'm inserting methods into a XAML code-behind file. The XAML code-behind is pretty typical, but just for reference, here's an example: usin...

Q: X86 Legacy boot loader prologue

Shift_LeftNot matter the ultimate goal of any legacy X86 system, startup or prologue, should take into consideration the fundamentals. In this case, the intention before dropping into protected or long modes, the user has a means by which to explore the system and have a comprehensive initial screen displa...

possible answer invalidation by emiliano.bovetti on question by emiliano.bovetti: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/166765/revisions
and Code Review Find a string in a Excel cell in the fastest way, etc. amongst many others — downshift 57 secs ago
Q: Cleaning up TMP code which selects function overload based on a type match with return value of passed callable

TimtroBrief On a std::list or std::vector other collection container, the functor map (fmap) operation takes a function/callable of type B(A) and applies it elementwise to a list of As to get a list of Bs: // Pseudo-code container<B> fmap( B(A) f, container<A> xs) { // Apply f elementwise to xs, and...

Q: jQuery UI code to vanilla JavaScript plugin

user2513846I want to get rid of a small jQuery UI code and use pure JavaScript for a plugin name Pikaday: https://github.com/dbushell/Pikaday This is what I currently use: ` $("#datepicker").datepicker({minDate: 1}); $("#alpha").click(function() { $("#datepicker").focus(); }); $("#datepicker").ch...

Q: First PHP/Python module, unsure of how to package

NaltrocThis is my first post to Code Review, please let me now if parts of this post are not suitable for this exchange. I have just finished core functionality for Tehsaurux. It crawls three thesauruses and will find a random synonym for you. It works with PHP agnostic and Scrapy for Python. I thin...

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