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RELOAD! There are 4035 unanswered questions (91.0504% answered)
If you title it "Code review", don't you think it belongs on codereview.stackexchange.comAndreas 17 secs ago
@Phrancis Still around? I just saw your question.
I don't know how much of this is proprietary, so I'll keep it pretty basic.
Basically, they used to have their PK's be "tickers", so an email template for "Contact Us" would have the ticker "CONTACTUS" or "Contact_Us" (it varies...). They switched to uniqueidentifier's since then, and I'm going to make the fields reference it direct foreign keys that store the Guid's (C# terminology).
That one is approved.
Cool, makes sense
The next two are a little more tricky. There can be many fields of one type mapped to the widget.
So, these two fields are like "guid,guid,guid,..." and "name,name,name,..."
I'm going to make those into tables that store a map between the widget ID and the guid (the second has to be converted from the name to the guid too).
BTW, SQL Server uses GUID as well, for example if you call the scalar function SELECT NEWID()
Yeah, but it is called a "uniqueidentifier"
True, that is its type name
At least, that's what you use for casting purposes.
The third is the most critical, and the most difficult to split out.
We have three fields that contain JSON for a string list.
JSON in a SQL database? Ew.
These strings are in the form "guid,guid" because they are mapping between two other types for the widget.
So I need to split that out into a table with a three-way map.
I see. Sounds a bit tricky indeed
Should be a big improvement once it's done, especially if they are currently having to parse out those strings every time they need to reference the mappings
Not too bad. I have the up migration finished. The down migration appears to work correctly, but I'm having a wee bit of trouble with it. Although TBH, I'm not 100% sure at what point it is failing right now--I have all this in one migration, plus a bunch of other stuff too.
I'm renaming two fields, dropping about 5, creating 5 tables to replace the dropped fields, and then creating a bunch of other fields for a different section of the widget unrelated to the schema/data change.
The worst part is we are displaying this data in an HTML select as options.
So we have the value for the option as "guid,guid".
Ah so it's loading the fields from the DB on HTML page loads?
Used to do it with a zillion AJAX calls. I'm building the page server-side now, though, so it is significantly faster.
Ah nice. C# back-end on the server?
That sounds way better than AJAX calls indeed.
Only point we actually have to use JSON is parsing it when the form is returned.
Get rid of some of that old jQuery stuff
Well, the current worst bits are that some sections of the page are dynamically loaded.
Oh that's not bad. I thought for a moment that you were having the SQL DB try to parse JSON strings, which is a nightmare
@Phrancis Eh, I'm just splitting them on '","` for the migration and replacing the leading '["' and trailing '"]'
That's not bad. Did you write a SQL function to do the parsing or just ad-hoc?
So one tab is loaded from the server the first call, but with AJAX whenever a control on another tab is changed.
Function already exists, but it has a bug. I need to talk to the author about it on Monday.
The other bit loads all the data from the server and I build a JS function that runs whenever the other control changes that clears its content and replaces it with the new content client-side.
So, ideally, the client shouldn't even notice any lag at all--the AJAX call is so fast that it is done by the time I switch to the other tab.
Of course, I'm on the local network right with the DB...
Yeah. Once you have to go across the internet it may be a good bit slower
Not too much, I don't think. Especially since we have huge clients who probably pay for really fast internet.
Is it using websockets or HTTP for the AJAX call? I don't know much about AJAX
My company makes 6+ million from most of their clients every year.
It's just a GET.
I'm wondering if my employer is providing networking services to your company and some of your clients. I know we have some infrastructure in MN.
Most of our clients are country-wide.
What's your company?
I might recognize the name.
For many business clients we provide fiber direct to the buildings
Spectrum / Charter Communications
Q: Issue(s) reading/writing image c++

jrmo14I'm trying to get teach myself c++, and I'm working on a project that will read in an image from a file, do some image processing, and output it. I'm currently only using the ppm format because it's dead simple and I want to do as much of the work with code that I wrote. You can read the file for...

Don't recognize it. We work with John Deere, T-Mobile, McKesson (sp?), Lexis Nexis, Apple, and others.
In fact, I get 2% off any Apple device because I work for them.
Hey, I recognize McKesson... like the HVAC/construction supplier?
Sounds about right.
I believe HP was on the list. I can't tell you our latest client because we just won them from another company, and they don't know yet, or didn't as of Wednesday.
Q: Find largest item group

karayiI am trying to find a solution for association relationships to find largest item association group. If two groups have same number of items then select the group which contains the item that appears first in lexicographic order. Can someone help me to get the expected output.Thank You and appre...

Q: Range permutation in quatric equation

Sebastián PalmaI was trying to emulate a piece of code made in Haskell, to pure Ruby. This is, to find the sides in a rectangle triangle where the addition of its sides are equal to 24. The Haskell code creates a "permutation" of elements between 1 and 10 (maybe I'm omitting something here), this gives an arr...

2 hours later…
Code that is working but needs optimizations are off-topic for Stack Overflow. Please consider submitting in codereview.stackexchange.com. Also, there are many questions there about Project Euler so you might be able to find some nice tips! — Alexander Reynolds 29 secs ago
Q: Snake game made with Python

prijupafrahow would I go about making this code "cleaner"? Right now it's a pain to look at and try to understand. from msvcrt import getwch, kbhit from os import system from time import sleep from random import randint def check_type(num, type): # Check if int, if not return 0 if type == int: ...

Q: finding circular primes efficiency

Po Chen LiuI'm coding for a project euler question and every now and then, the question will demand a program that is efficient even when doing brute force. Which I struggle with. Below is a piece of code for problem 35 which I'm fairly certain works correctly so far with numbers under 10000 however when I...

Q: Any possible improvements is this program? [C]

Igor BragaMy program receives as input a list of members of the royal family and print the succession line of the current monarch, in order of succession. The first line of the entry is an integer n, greater than 0 and less than or equal to 100, which represents the number of members in the family tree of...

Q: Please help me understand the condition "previous.next = current.next" in the else block of this working code in Java related to unsorted LinkedList.

Shrijan AryalI got a help from one of the StackOverflow users to correct my logic on an algorithmic problem related to removing the duplicates from the unsorted linked list. I was doing it wrong at the first time. The code which I have put here works fine but I did not understand what would previ...

1 hour later…
@polkovnikov.ph Code review is only for code that workes as intended. — Vladimir F 20 secs ago
Q: once-api, write logic once in the backend and generate easy-to-use frontend classes

rabbit.aaronSee source code here: Github To install: npm install once-api --save I am a full stack developer, lots of my time was spent on connecting my web app's frontend and backend. So I develop once-api to save my time. Now I only need to write my logic in the back end once, then I can use the generate...

2 hours later…
Welcome to Stack Overflow! It seems that your code currently works, and you are looking to improve it. Generally these questions are too opinionated for this site, but you might find better luck at CodeReview.SE. Remember to read their requirements as they are a bit more strict than this site. — FrankerZ 40 secs ago
1 hour later…
You should probably go to Code Review. — Sam Chats 35 secs ago
Q: Should I Post on Code Review or Software Engineers?

OdepaxI've developed an application and I'd like to know if I've done it well. But my main concerns are not really about the code itself, which is quite simple, but more about the design and architecture, present and future. So... It's a review... Of the design... What's the best place to ask my quest...

Q: Full integration test for a Console application

t3chb0tI'm sill experimenting with different designa patterns for full integration tests for Console applications (and later also Windows Services) and I wasn't quite happy with the result of the refactoring of my last question. I've changed a few things again and this is what I've come up this time. T...

@Feeds This brings up so many memories, doesn't it @rolfl? "DFQ", "IOQ", "DOQ"...
If this code works fine, then it is off topic on Stack Overflow, but would be very good for our sister site Code Review. — Joe C 20 secs ago
okay @JoeC. i will put it up on code review. — Manya 22 secs ago
Q: Fastest way to build string feature vectors Python

Danny FriarI have a list of strings to search along with a list of words and want to produce boolean feature vectors indicating presence of each word within the strings. What is the fastest way to build these feature vectors in Python? In the example below the first string would output [1, 0, 1, 1] for exa...

Q: google foobar bomb_baby. TLE

ManyaThis is the question i am facing at level 3 of google foobar. So the question is as follows. There are two types: Mach bombs (M) and Facula bombs (F). The bombs, once released into the LAMBCHOP's inner workings, will automatically deploy to all the strategic points you've identified and destroy ...

possible answer invalidation by yuri on question by yuri: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/166571/revisions
> You've earned the gold c# badge
Man. That's been a long time coming.
@RubberDuck Wohoo!
@RubberDuck Congrats
@RubberDuck Hey!
Haven't seen you in ages
Yeah. I know. =(
I still review when I can, but pair programming doesn't lend itself to spending time in the 2nd Monitor.
@RubberDuck I know your pain.
My company is on track to double in size this year. The last time I reviewed anything on CR was 9 months ago :(
@RubberDuck Did you end up starting that new job?
SO is it not a code review website. :) There are other forums for that. :) — toskv 47 secs ago
@EBrown been there 6 months now. Client's progress has been... slow.
Enjoying it?
Q: Improving SQL database design

RockStarI just want to ask you guys if the database design that i made for my asp.net website is correct or not. So basically, I created a database for the brands of my guitar products, which is like this: Database for Brands and i also have another database for the guitar models within that brand. ...

user image
I'm really happy with how well the site renders in a text browser.
Q: MVC OnActionExecuted - session cookie - expire after x minutes of inactivity

tbonejenkinsfirst time poster here. I'm creating a session cookie which should expire after 30 minutes of user inactivity. I've added the following code to the base controllers OnActionExecuted method. protected override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext) { var sessionCo...

Q: Using BFS to solve 8-puzzle game using Python 2

Ramiz RahmanI'm trying to solve the 8-puzzle game using BFS, DFS and A* algorithms implemented using Python 2.7. For now, I have managed to solve a couple of test cases using BFS and I want to know how I can improve the implementation of the algorithm as well as the structure of my program. The program curre...

possible answer invalidation by 200_success on question by Manya: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/166596/revisions
Q: Jquery make a stair case using html and css?

Ishan Mahajanhttps://stackoverflow.com/a/44745975/6517383 Here is my answer to the question,which I think is quiet inefficient considering it's length: $('document').ready(function() { function makeEqual(blocks,dash) { var n =blocks; var widthSize = dash *10; var i=0; var equal = ""; var conte...

Q: Count lines with more the X dots on it

Ілля АнанічI have Python Algorithm class with calculate method that takes the list of tuples where every tuple have 2 integers (coordinates of the dots) and goal argument and returns integer - a number of lines that have more than int(goal) - 1 dots on it. For example, if we have four dots on one line (lik...

Please ask a question or try submitting to Code Review codereview.stackexchange.comRichard Critten just now
If you want feedback on something that works, codereview.stackexchange.com is also there — Nick T 13 secs ago
@RubberDuck Looks good.
What browser is that though?
Ah, been a while since I've touched that.
Must've been back in college.
@RubberDuck That's good, I assume.
@RubberDuck That's... an interesting design ;)
I find myself in the terminal alot these days....
@RubberDuck I just started working in Toledo again, no terminal here though I find I spend a lot of time switching between many different environments.
Damn node eats up memory. Had to up my Vm size.
Q: Onebox hider for Stack Exchange chat

PeilonrayzI sometimes don't like to look at images in chat. When they're just a URL then I'm fine, as then I have the choice to look at the image or not, and blends in with the other text. Therefore, I decided to make a onebox hider for chat. It hides the onebox, and adds onebox: <link> before the onebox, ...

Q: Reexamination of website

kai.kylePlease check my website code which I am posting. It is now complete as the last time I posted it was incomplete and I have tried to correct it based on the same advice I was given here. The website should look like this website. Please check the CSS like the way I moved/placed the elements, if it...

And I lost all my firewall rules when it bounced. Awesome.
Q: Speed up Crawling Every File C:\ and hashing using Java 8

Jimbo JonesI am wondering if anyone can help me I am trying to read every file in every directory and create a hash of the file. The code works fine but is extremely slow, I wondering what I can do increase the speed and the performance of the below public static void main(String[] args) throws IOExcep...

Q: Estimating the values of an ARMA-GARCH

Jeannot van den BergI am using this code and the constrained maximum likelihood function from Gauss to estimate the parameters in an ARMA-GARCH model however my results do not seem to be working. Anyone have any idea what I did wrong? The formulas I am using are from : http://perso.univ-lille3.fr/~cfrancq/Christian-...

@RubberDuck Talking about firewalls, did your firewall let my email through?
Also, how's it going these days?
You might be interested to know, Rubberduck got me a job as a backend webdev, although I'm doing mostly frontend work. I use ASP.NET, Knockout, jQuery, JS, C#, and a few others.
LOL. Yes. I need to get those in the mail.
Pretty good mate. Pretty good.
Dude! That's awesome! Gratz!
And $60k a year on my first job :)
Contract-to-hire, so if they like me, they'll hire me permanently after 90 days. They seem to like me so far, and I've apparently been performing above their expectations.
@Hosch250 Just curious, is that a normal practice in the US?
Not sure.
It's through an IT recruiting agency.
So I'm officially an employee of Robert Half, and I'm working as a contractor for another company.
Ahh... we have similar constructions here
I'm hoping I'll get a permanent contract or at least half a year extension :) Still 4 months to go I think though
Yeah. It's a pretty normal practice here in the US.
At least in software.
Working on compilers is interesting so I'm happy :)
If you are asking how to find the divisor of a number (say 2048) see: codereview.stackexchange.com/a/111636/141451 . Get all divisors and choose the pair with the difference between them to make it as squarish as possible. — c0der 18 secs ago
We don't trust that anyone actually knows what they say they know, and we trust CS degrees even less.
It's completely abnormal for pretty much any other field here though.
@RubberDuck Over here unlimited time periods have a 2-month period at the start where any party can stop without consequences, for shorter contracts it's a 1-month period
Q: aiohttp resources container

Ілля АнанічI want to simplify aiohttp routes/resources configuration (see this paragraphs). For this task I have written this _resources.py file: from aiohttp.web import Application def _function(): pass def _check_handler_types(*objects): names = ['endpoint', 'method', 'controller', 'args_cont'] ...

That sounds awesome actually.
I've found myself wanting out of a new job pretty quickly in the past.
That's not possible in the US?
In the US, you have a few options. A trial period is pretty common, from my understanding.
It depends... most employment is at will. It gets funny with the contract-to-hire stuff though. I've seen some bad contracts (that I refused) if you didn't finish the 6 months or whatever.
Then you can quit.
I don't think I'd do a long contract-to-hire.
I've actually been tossing around the idea of creating a Guild to help folks out.
For long periods, I'd do a straight contract, and if we liked each other, I'm sure they'd make a position.
Protect them from predatory contracts, mentor people entering the field, establish some sort of BAR exam.
It would be odd if the employer could fire you at any point, but you wouldn't be able to quit at any point
Unless they had no need for you anymore, in which case contract-to-hire wouldn't be available in that position anyway.
Not saying quitting at any point is good, but you can do it over here without a notice period
I turned down a contract to hire worded exactly that way.
@RubberDuck Sounds like a union. You have to be careful with those.
@skiwi If you tell me of a country where you can't, I'd say that is slavery.
Something similar, yes.
Not saying unions are bad, but you have to be careful that the people at the top don't become corrupt, same as any organization.
Except oftentimes people in the union don't have any knowledge or experience to prevent it.
@janos @Peilonrayz (and other interested Pythonistas): What's the recommended method of transforming a couple of one-off scripts used for hardware tests into a library? Got the green light at work to fix the current mess into something maintainable and in VCS.
Talking about entering the field, my brother is learning programming.
At the moment, each test has it's own file. I suspect modules per group-of-products may be a good idea, but I could also be going exactly the wrong way with that.
@Hosch250 That's always good to hear. What age is he?
I'm having him start with Stroustrup's Principles and Practices book because it is so much of a programming book rather than a language book, and then I'm going to switch him to C# once he gets to GUI's and pointers.
@Mast About 15, I guess.
Maybe 16, not really sure.
People always look at me silly when I have to calculate my own age and of my family, glad I'm not the only one.
I'm reading the pointers section of the book right now, some 4 years after I started it.
At 15 and with the current freedom of information regarding programming resources, he should be fine.
LOL. I finally know my own age after having to use it so much for college/job hunting.
@Mast I unfortunately don't have that large an exposure to that. Personally I'd start by splitting tests into a /tests directory and have everything else in a folder with a __init__.py file. And copy the rest of the structure from like requests or something
I told him to read SO plenty, but to not create an account because any questions he has have probably been asked 20 times already.
I'm going to have him start posting on CR in probably 6-8 months after he switches to C#.
@Peilonrayz I may have phrased that poorly. Everything in those files is a test. It just tests hardware, not software. Basically it's sending commands to a secondary device (which may or may not send commands to a tertiary device) and validates the response.
So a /test directory would contain everything.
Most commands can't properly be put into closures to make it all worse.
@Mast Oooh, I have no clue, ):
@Hosch250 Hah, good start.
@Peilonrayz Np, worth a shot.
A proper approach would save us a whole lot of trouble down the road.
@RubberDuck That's how my current job found me. Apparently they were looking for someone for the position I'm in for 18 months, and had a lot of candidates apply. They did a very basic technical interview (write a basic VB.NET program that does some simple ListView stuff) and that ruled out a lot of the "highly qualified" candidates, or so their resume said.
Especially since the group using the programs is going to grow from the current 2 to a handful.
And yes, we're Python2 bound due to multiple not-ported libraries. Again.
Port them first.
It'll be worth it.
cough heckofalotofwork cough
@EBrown dude, I interviewed so many people with "over 10 years experience" that couldn't code their way out of a wet paper bag....
We should be able to do that if the need arises, but for now it's not a need. So it's not high enough on the priority list...
Like, no dude. You don't have 10 years experience. You've experienced the same year 10 times.
@RubberDuck Yeah, it's sad, man. I'm not the best, hell, I'm not even great, I'm mediocre at best, but I still know mostly what I'm doing when it comes to putting something together.
That's kind of the thing. If you think you're just mediocre, you're probably better than just mediocre.
It's a weird profession.
Ahhhhh. Okay. Here we go. About to start on one totally nuts journey.
What the heck is that?
@RubberDuck Open Education? I like the name already. I just don't see a lot of content.
Oooh, mission statement.
@Hosch250 it's a Git backed wiki built on Node.Js
Definitely sounds interesting.
You are going to get a degree?
Hi @no
Don't you have any better ways to waste your money?
@Hosch250 Maybe. Secondary goal.
@Nox Monking
Well, if I want to teach, I'll need my master's.
You want to teach? Put in a month or two at the MS forums.
Also, I don't plan on paying for more than a couple of classes @Hosch250
Let me know what you think after you've answered the same question 100 times.
@RubberDuck I think it goes back to knowing when to just stand back and get out of the way.
But, I'm working toward my Master's too, so...
I'm going to combine credit by exam with portfolio assessment.
may I ask here something about the web?
Truthfully though, I just want to prove to myself that I could have finished an MIT education had my life gone a bit differently.
@Nox As long as there's no site business going on, pretty much everything and anything goes.
What's up @Nox?
ok :P
As long as we all keep it civil, of-course.
What @Mast said.
Q: Welcome to The 2nd Monitor!

PhrancisSo, you have found your way to the Code Review main chat room, The 2nd Monitor, perhaps for one of these reasons: You were invited or "pinged" by a site moderator or other user to discuss a post on the main Code Review site; You visited Code Review for the 1st or Nth time, and noticed the chat ...

problem is code is not entirely in the question, it's too large
I think taht's the reason why it doesn't have an answer in 8 days? :P
or that's usual?
@Nox Not necessarily, but it doesn't help, no.
At a glance, it looks like a good question, but yeah. It's hard to review that much code.
Given the site's activity nowadays, no.
I'd consider focusing on just the parts you feel are particularly nasty. Maybe a class or 2.
like make an answer per class?
You write the question, not the answer.
sorry, a question
of course :P
it's just too much code, right?
or should I start a bounty instead of divide the question?
@Kaz You never had a problem with getting answers to your way too long questions, what's your secret? ^^
ha :P
@Mast Write VBA so that everyone wonders what it actually does.
@Nox Before you start anything drastic, you could try and improve your current question.
@EBrown lol
@Nox Did you read this?
I'm open to suggestions :P
@Mast yes
Ah. Well, kudos.
I can read it again of course haha, maybe it would help
Well, the easy way out would be making this someone else's problem and assigning this question to one of the available C# experts. But that would make me sound like a manager.
Honestly, it looks like a pretty good question. So it's not that.
Looks fine to me too.
@Mast Hey that's what I do with internal tickets, solve the ones I think are reasonable and can solve, redirect the others to the person that knows most about them
@Mast well, I don't pretend to force anyone, usually things doesn't go right when people are forced
@skiwi Hey, that's what I do too.
Except, the ones that are assigned to me are mine, so I send them a slack message "What do you know about XYZ?"
@skiwi I once nerdsniped a colleague by claiming a ticket looked interesting.
@Hosch250 Well, the rule is that if they come back to you again then it's probably your task :P
@skiwi In that case I'd have to fix half the company...
Well, they usually say something like "I just changed all that, but I must have forgotten that spot."
I do do the fix, but they point me to the likely cause.
Being new is interesting though, as first you almost get no tickets assigned, then you start making some stuff and you suddenly need to deal with the issues about them too :P
@Nox You did the right thing by bringing a good, inactive question to our attention. Now give it 24 hours and see if it helped. If it didn't, there's other options.
So there's an incentive to making things work right
Except my code is so awesome that there are only a few minor-ish issues with it :P
@Mast ok, I'll give it a day as you say
Hey I deployed code last week that could've brought down our development system, internal system, cloud environment and customer systems
But all went right :)
@skiwi Wasn't there a Worplace question recently about a dev bringing down prod on his first day?
reading you guys make me feel I'd want to help xD , but I don't feel like I can
@Nox It's easier than you might think at first glance.
@Mast I think I read that one
Besides, we all help in our own way. Some write good questions, one party writes good answers, others moderate.
Or a random combination of those 3.
Writing good questions does help the site.
@Mast oh, I just feel too much amateur to answer any question in this web, I usually go to spanishlanguage exchange to answer questions there
I mentally encourage the people that write answers by being present
@Nox My first review on this site was in a language that I didn't even know. I had just started learning it. I think I learned more about C# from reviewing (and therefore understanding) other people's code than I did getting mine reviewed.
@Nox I was very much an amateur when I started reviewing code. And so I wrote answers where I'd say anything I'd change, I got upvotes and so stayed around...
Q: News site scraping

Ілля АнанічI'm developing scrapy project fo scraping news from sites and saving them to GoogleSheets. Source repository is here. I want to ask about my class that must be used as a parent for Scrapy spiders: what can be improved to make it the universal parent of spiders for any news-like web-sites? Also, ...

The power or imaginary points.
Bounty Up. Insta Rep Cap for anyone who can get the green checky from @Nox.
Holy carp.
But I will only award the bounty for an answer he accepts.
Gotta go guys. Take care. It was good catching up.
@RubberDuck lol, thanks xD
@RubberDuck Same, cya ducky.
Luckily it's written in C# and not something arcane like Prolog. Getting answers for such questions is a tad harder.
@RubberDuck @Peilonrayz I understand your point, I just fear to lead to a mistake, or simply to something not efficient enough, by answer something I'd have not enough knowledge about
@Mast Prolog? god... what's that?
Looking through it. Lots of nasty stuff.
@Nox Just look at my first answers, you can't be that bad. ;P
@Peilonrayz xD I have to see that
The worst case tho, is you get no votes or comments, if that happens I'm sure someone here may be happy to say what's wrong / good with your answer, :)
@Nox A relatively old language nobody learns anymore.
@Peilonrayz well that's true, no one gets too much harmed
@Mast reading wikipedia... lol, I thought I knew something about old languages because my father used to code in old visual with the spectrum xD
Q: Math: Matrices | c++ generic implementation

ExOfDeHello my fellow humans, I am implementing a litte generic math library. What i have done is to write my generic matrix and vector class. I'm curious if i have it done right so far( implementation wise not totally mathematical correctness wise ). Reason: I'm relatively new to template programming...

Wow @Nox, that's certainly an extensive question ;)
@skiwi I know it :( That's the principal reason I'm here today
Just posted an answer.
I'm going outside while the sun shines. TTYL.
Q: Doubly Linked List C implementation

MarcoLucidiI'm a C beginner. I'm studying and implementing some data structures. I'd like to get feedback about my style and decisions I made. This is a Doubly Linked List. I decided to keep things as simple as possible writing just the basic operations for the list. In main there is some test code along ...

@Nox I'm not sure how familiar you are with bounties, but I'll say it anyway: The bounty on your question will expire in 7 days. That means the user who put up the bounty has 7 days to award it to an answer. It's usually a good idea to make use of the full 7 days and with with accepting an answer as 'accepted' as long as possible (so, 5-6 days). You never know what your question may attract until you get it, and accepted questions have a tendency of not attracting answers anymore.
@Mast ok, noted down, tks ;)
@Mast IIRC you have one day to award a bounty after it's expired, or it's default awarded at half the rate. (So I normally leave it 7 days)
possible answer invalidation by Nox on question by Nox: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/166024/revisions
@Duga Looks ok
@Nox In short, you may have changed your question to incorporate an answer. Which is not allowed here :)
For more info you can look here:
Q: For an iterative review, is it okay to edit my own question to include revised code?

JoelIs it okay to edit the question to include the improved code? I would like to do so for the following reasons: To share the improved code with others To show the answering persons that I take their feedback seriously To make sure that I understood (and implement) the feedback in the right mann...

oh... an answer? I answered a comment...
ok I'll read it
@Nox Which is fine. If it were not, we'd rollback your edit :) As it's unfair on the answerer
@Peilonrayz ok
@Peilonrayz you refer to this: "You also should not append your revised code to the question" ?
@Nox Yeah Duga (a bot) thought you done that, and so we users in here double check if that's the case, :)
@Peilonrayz oh ok, I didn't know it was a bot xD
well, I have to go dinner, bye and thanks, even if you aren't here anymore xD
Easy mistake to make, :) Have a nice dinner, but I'm always here, ;P
You should post this a Code Review instead — LGSon 28 secs ago
haha ;) cya @Peilonrayz and @Duga ;)
You want us to review your code? In that case you'd better ask your question at Code Review. See also this Q&A. — trincot 45 secs ago
Q: BingWallpapers: Fetches and applies the image of the day from Bing as the wallpaper

1 -_-I have written a small desktop program nabeelomer/BingWallpapers in Haskell. This is my first time writing Haskell. I am looking for tips on how I can make the code use more functional programming features/idioms. Any other suggestions on how to improve the code are also welcome. -- Copyright ...

@RubberDuck I know that feeling. If my life had gone slightly different 6 years ago, I'd have a 1st in Maths from Oxford right now. And probably an extra zero on the end of my salary.
@Mast Mostly I just bugged @mat's mug and @RubberDuck until they took pity on me ^^
Q: Brainfuck to x86 Assembly Compiler

skiwiAfter my Brainfuck Interpreter written in x86 Assembly I decided that it was time to get to the next step, writing a Brainfuck Compiler in Java that generates x86 Assembly and compiles that to an executable. Currently it only supports Windows and it still uses NASM and GCC as dependencies to tra...

Still waiting on a review ^^
Also confirms that I'm still crazy
skiwi, Writer of Zombies
@skiwi WHY?!
@RubberDuck Don't ask questions
Q: UPenn CIS194: Credit Card Validation (Homework 1 Part 1 Tests)

jeyoorI am working through the UPenn CIS194 lectures and homework assignments in an effort to learn more about Haskell. The first part of the first homework is focused on validating credit card numbers. To validate each credit card number (passed in as an Integer), the Integer should be converted to ...

@JavaDevil Honestly, because I wrote this answer on my phone, and the thought of writing up a class wasn't that appealing on a predicative keyboard that tries to auto-correct every second thing I write. Also, his main problem is the redundancy from having a ridiculous amount of loose variables. While encapsulating everything into a class would also help, I didn't think it was as necessary to point out since this isn't a code review. — Carcigenicate 59 secs ago

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