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RELOAD! There are 3937 unanswered questions (91.1837% answered)
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Isn't [Code Review](codereview.stackexchange.com) the appropriate place for advice on how to improve working code? — Mark Thomas 40 secs ago
Q: Caesar Cipher with brute force

A JI am new to python. I wrote the following Caesar Cipher. Could someone help me to improve the code or make it shorter? Thanks in advance. PS. #COM is to make comments. import os #COM import pyperclip import sys #COMMMMMMMMMMMMMM #GETTING MODE def get_mode(): try: while True: ...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because questions for code review are off-topic for Stack Overflow. You might be able to get help on Code Review: codereview.stackexchange.comRoss Ridge just now
Ross Ridge: I'll delete it and repost it on codereview. I wasn't sure where it should go, initially. Thanks for the tip. — James Georgas 52 secs ago
Q: TwoFish implementation with Bouncy Castle

dilpoTwoFish implementation with Bouncy Castle I'm having a question, after much research, I was able to implement the twofish algorithm using bouncy castle. But I do not know if it was well implemented and I would like someone's opinion ... Is it implemented correctly? Are there implementation failu...

Q: 8088 assembly checksum implementation

James GeorgasThe following 8088/8086 assembly program tests the modular-sum checksum of a block of data. I suspect it could be tighter; can anyone do it in fewer bytes? 31 xor ax,ax ; zero the sum c0 bb mov bx,2000 ; count 8kb of ROM 00 20 4b dec bx ...

Q: Reading in millions of lines of AOL query logs for query suggestion/expansion

Cache StaheliI am working on a query suggestion program, and to faciliate this, I am reading in millions of AOL queries logs. The logs have this format: AnonID Query QueryTime 479 family guy 2006-03-01 16:01:20 479 family guy movie references 2006-03-03 22:37:46 479 top grossing movies of all time 2006-0...

1 hour later…
possible answer invalidation by Jittin on question by Jittin: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/164863/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Timʘtei on question by Timʘtei: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/164844/revisions
(See also: request to review this code.) Don't you feel this falls short of the questions for a very large value of n say, 1000000? Then, an exact value of fib(n) is required (judging by the here link): what is the first n for which your (compile &) runtime environment reports an approximate value, only? — greybeard 29 secs ago
Q: RichTextBox code indentation in C#

icecubGeneral Info The program is a very basic syntax highlight text editor. Aside from coloring keywords, functions etc, it does nothing fancy. Minify / Maxify features I've added 2 buttons to the program that either minifies (put all code on 1 line), or maxifies (very basic code indentation on openi...

Hi Krishna, you will probably get better answers if you post this to Code Review than here — Patrick Hund 7 secs ago
This question belongs on Code ReviewtheProgrammer101 48 secs ago
Also, this question might be better suited for Code Review. codereview.stackexchange.comSvek 9 secs ago
Q: Is there a way to write this part of code code more efficiently?

Oliver RangeI'm new in Matlab and I want to know if I'm writing in an efficient way. It is a part of my code. Could anyone help me to write it in a more efficient way? for i = 1:length(v1) m = v1(i); if m > 1 gax(1:m-1,m-1) = ggx(1:m-1,m-1); gay(1:m-1,m-1) = ggy(1:m-1,m-1); end if m<nn gax(m+1:end,m...

1 hour later…
Q: Footer CSS BEM(Block Element Modifier) Naming

Yiu KitmanI was looking at BEM(Block Element Modifier) coding style, and was trying to implement it not sure am I doing BEM correctly, if no please point out and give me some suggestion that can improve it. link

Q: MS Access - VBA code to Convert Units and copy records

BeginnerI have fields Values,Unit,OriginalValue, OriginalUnit, Unit1 and Unit2 and a button in a form. When the button is pressed 3 things should be done: Values should be multiple with Conversion factor Values data should be copied to Original Value,Unit copy to Original Unit Unit2 data copy to Unit ...

Q: Re-Structuring `Object` in javascript programming further simplified?

3gwebtrainI am restructuring a object for a static structure. is it simplified further? as well the way what I written is future proof? ( can be handle any size with any no.of children) ? please help me: here is my code : $(function() { var values = { "a": "one", "b": "two", "c": "three",...

Also, if you have working code that you want reviewed (and given hints about improvements to it) then you might want to post on codereview.stackexchange.com. — Some programmer dude 13 secs ago
I don't need my code reviewed but more the mathematical way to get the absolute minimum without iteration but I will have a go at the tour. — olive 31 secs ago
Q: Finding the longest common substring of multiple strings in Haskell

Sh4rP EYEThe task is to find the longest common substring of a multitude of long strings. I'm trying to find the best algorithm that wouldn't use syntax trees/arrays (as I don't know anything about them yet). The idea was to use binary search to find the length of the desired substring, instead of simply...

Q: Task Wrappers for starting operation only if previous task has finished

Avner Shahar-KashtanI've written these two wrappers around Tasks, to help with common scenarios in our code where methods are called repeatedly, even if the previous operation hasn't completed yet. There are two common scenarios: An operation is triggered several times by the user (e.g. clicking a checkbox filters...

possible answer invalidation by miscco on question by Lavan Walter Smith S: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/164864/revisions
Q: Simple Java Inheritance

PentiumPro200Below I define a simple shape class with two derived classes: point and line which all implement the Distance interface that defines a getDistance(Shape) function. This type of setup could be useful for calculating distances between shapes. For this simple example, consider the distance to be i...

So if you have working code already and you are looking for improvement, you should better ask that at SE Code Review. — πάντα ῥεῖ 9 secs ago
Microsoft humor. That's the bootstrapper of the installer asking for a minute. The rest of the installation will take hours.
Q: Given an array of N elements, answer Q queries asking if there exist two elements from two specified range with a given xor value

Alexa yukiWe have array of N (<=10^5) elements with Q(<=10^5) queries. Each query is of type: p q r s x, where we have to find if there exist a element from array in range [p,q] and an element in [r,s] whose xor is equal to X. If exists, print "true" else "false". Example: Array : 1 2 3 4 5 6 Query : 1 3 ...

Q: Google Foobar power_hungry

NikhilCommander Lambda's space station is HUGE. And huge space stations take a LOT of power. Huge space stations with doomsday devices take even more power. To help meet the station's power needs, Commander Lambda has installed solar panels on the station's outer surface. But the station sits in the mi...

@MichelBillaud I agree, I'd discourage this type of error message in a code review where I work, but i think the "nd" etc. suffiixes are at the crux of OP's question, hence my answer below. — JLH 58 secs ago
@Mast To be fair, VS 2017 performs really well in my experience
Got to give Microsoft some credits sometimes
@skiwi I hope it crashes a lot less than 2015 did.
Q: Is my use of TypeScript for a web app correct?

lbrahimI wrote this web app that breaks a URL graphically so that its parts can be customized to create a new URL. https://github.com/ibrahim-islam/urlpad. The app currently works as expected for usual URls but I am not so sure about the code structure. module UrlPad { const map = (o: OmniboxFull)...

It's still installing :-)
Q: Bruteforce hashes using Python => 3.6 (Update)

Coal_*This program only works on Python version equal to or higher than 3.6 *. Credits to @Graipher for helping with the previous version. Some improvements: Importing the program and using it in another file is easier; Calling the program from the command line is easier; Optional debug mode greatly...

Can someone explain why code review keeps giving me an error?
Q: Boost::Asio simple udp server

lazzlo2096I want you to evaluate the names of variables and methods, as well as the architecture of the server, thanks. :) https://pastebin.com/ucGVbaF1

Trying to post this
So this is meant to address the problem of having to remember long, mixed case, alphanumeric passwords that contain special characters. It should work on android too if you have qpython.secret888 yields c"1#pGcE5*WVFYw>Vl+ZSQ1dsW.kd%WalJ&VYlhC with password length set to 40


#!/usr/bin/env python
import base64, random, hashlib #import the necessary modules

def hashPwd(pwd):
'''Use SHA512 to hash the password'''
h = hashlib.sha512()
byte_pwd = str.encode(pwd)
hashed_pwd = h.hexdigest()
Keeps saying it's mostly code and that I need to post more details
I thought this is CODEreview?
I have put more than enough details, surely I don't need to write my will in the post right?
Q: Why I am getting RUNTIME ERROR for almost identical code?

cgbI am trying to solve a problem from online judge 1269 - Consecutive Sum The solution involves implementing a binary trie. I implemented the first approach which got TIME LIMIT EXCEEDED, so I was looking for small optimization. I changed the code a little bit, just instead of calculating the b...

This is not a good fit for Code Review - it is about OpenMP but does not contain OpenMP yet... This is also a bad question for SO, because it shows very little effort. The OP apparently wants to learn OpenMP - which is too broad for SO. The code also contains obvious issues (compile with -Wall). — Zulan 28 secs ago
@scripter Did you read our help centre?
It is probably possible, but why bother? If it's static, it shouldn't be modified every now and then, and a mistake should appear during the tests, or even during the code review. If it is dynamic, then you should have a component dealing with a data structure (the model) representing the menu elements, and use the model to add or remove the class depending on whether the element in the model has children or not. — JB Nizet 34 secs ago
Q: syntax error in jython

jacksonim super duper fresh to learning python and can't for the life of me get this syntax to go away, its happening on the print line name = requestString("Enter your name:") age = requestInteger("Enter your age:") print name,"you are" age "years old" "!" "That's great" "!" Invalid syntax Your cod...

@Mast I've had one crash at work so far
So pretty reasonable I'd say
Sounds like a question for codereview.stackexchange.com if you have working code and want to improve it. — Jesper Juhl 42 secs ago
@skiwi Unless that was the first and last time you used it :P
Q: Mandelbrot fractal

C. CretanThis is a code that outputs a .ppm file with the mandelbrot fractal. How can I optimize this? #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int findMandelbrot(double cr, double ci, int max_iterations) { int i = 0; double zr = 0.0, zi = 0.0; while (i < max_iterations && zr * zr + zi...

If it is common for items to be loaded in the manager, but never evaluated, then this makes sense to me. Otherwise, I would probably just make properties a member and set it on the item at load. This is more of a codereview.stackexchange.com question. — Kenny Ostrom 10 secs ago
The better option would be to ask this at codereview.stackexchange.comVTT 21 secs ago
Q: Very slow mergeSort

TobiA day or two ago I benchmarked my implementation of the bubble sort and insertion sort algorithms. I then added my merge sort implementation however, it's speed is comparable to the bubble sort 595 "elements" bubble x10000: 11385.48193359375ms [...] insertion x10000: 2648ms ...

@Mast Well yeah.. I did use it more though :P
this is Code REVIEW. The point is you have three lines of explanation for about 70 LoC... it's not sufficient explanation to review the code properly.

Since we've had quite a bit of trouble with people posting only the code, we asked SE to give us a simplistic quality filter that checks the amount of text against that of code.
I don't know the numbers, but you should just add more explanation and it's going to pass the filter :)
If you're not sure what to write about, I strongly suggest reading Simon's Guide for posting a good Question
@Vogel612 Huh, we have a check on that?
since a few days
Ah, cool, that's probably why I've never encountered it
@Mast Actually, it doesn't take that long on my system, or even on my work system.
The real installation for just desktop/web dev is about 20 minutes.
Q: F'up: Arbitrary large unsigned integers

Felix PalmenThis is a followup question to Arbitrary large unsigned integers. The feedback was very helpful and made me redesign large portions of the code. I changed the struct to distinguish between the number of meaningful elements (n) and the number of elements there's space allocated for (s): struct h...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on codereview.se if it meets their criteria for questions. — rene 16 secs ago
@Hosch250 Yea, I had to install just about the whole package. Excluding most of mobile and game development. Totalled over 18 Gig or so.
Took about 3 hours, not as bad as I expected.
2015 went slower IIRC.
They must have upgraded their server or I just timed it better. It being a sunday and all.
Q: Autocomplete using Flask, Jquery and Javascript

Nilesh KumarI am trying to make the follow function. 1) Log in and log out, 2) A MYSQL data base with a list of name saved based on last and first name 3) Search the name list by last, first or full name with auto complete function 4) Display the search results but when I'm trying to use this data f...

They said they updated their installer significantly, so it may be that the installation is more efficient.
Anyone want to play Webopoly?
@CaptainObvious Wow, that was a fast self-delete
How long should I wait until I send LinkedIn requests to my coworkers?
Q: C# Interview Preparation on Submitted Program - Junior Developer

DHinesI am in the middle of an interview process with a company I am very excited about. The position is for a Junior Developer for C# applications. I have a year of experience at my current position as well as a year of co-op placements while in school. I have made it to the final interview. For one p...

Q: Parsing and evaluating cron expression

t3chb0tI wasn't happy with my last attempt to parse a cron expression so I simplified it and now I use regex instead. I'd like you to take a look at this solution whether I'm doing something terribly wrong. Here the main class is the CronExpression with only two public APIs - From that splits a cron...

Now that the code works, you can post it on Code Review to get it reviewed. Note though that they require full, complete, runnable code. — Carcigenicate 56 secs ago
Q: LinkedList implementation implementing the List interface in Java

skiwiSo here it is, my linked-list implementation in Java. I have coded against Java's List<E> interface as if my LinkedList<E> could replace the standard java.util.LinkedList<E> and it should make no difference. I am however aware of that I did not implement Deque<E>, as only implementing List<E> is ...

This has 10000 views... how?
Q: Project Euler Problem #51 in C

pjcHere is the problem statement for problem #51: By replacing the 1st digit of the 2-digit number *3, it turns out that six of the nine possible values: 13, 23, 43, 53, 73, and 83, are all prime. By replacing the 3rd and 4th digits of 56**3 with the same digit, this 5-digit number is the f...

possible answer invalidation by James Georgas on question by James Georgas: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/164878/revisions
Q: Form buttons don't display default values in JavaScript and form not very responsive

Vladimir Venediktov1.) At the bottom of this page, please look at very the bottom the form does not display the type of metric CPM , CPC or CPA. The javascript code is in this folder ap.js , controller.js and service.js [the folder with javascript files][2] According to my understanding it should read json object {...

Is this a question for Code Review? They will want to see your code, not a "how do I" question. — Weather Vane 24 secs ago
@skiwi 1. 3 years and 2 months. 2. Linked List...
@Hosch250 How long have you worked there?
It took my coworkers more than a year to send invites.
Linked lists link linked lists
Q: Putting imports after methods - Python

programmerP55I have a Python module, eval_pitch. This module is in a subdirectory in my main directory. And it calls some methods from my main module, app which is in the main directory. For that reason I have done this: import sys import os path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '....

@SimonForsberg Three weeks.
I have a contract for 90 days, and after that, I might get an offer.
@Hosch250 Do you feel comfortable with them?
Hmm... I would probably wait for those 90 days, but that's just me.
Some of them.
I was thinking it was a little early, but I figured it is never too early to get opinions on it.
Then send an invite to the people that you feel comfortable with
Or mention that you have LinkedIn and wait for them to invite you.
Anyone want to play anything?
Q: Chat not working rmi card game

Ardi MehmetiIve created a card game with chat using java rmi , game is working on localhost but chat isnt working, I know that is semantic problem but i cant find it. IF someone can run the game and can help me find it , it only has four clases and you can find them in github link. Thank you in advance ! h...

@Hosch250 I'd link with the people you feel comfortable with, and just ramp it up
Q: refactoring jquery script possible?

hellomelloThis seems a little bit excessive, and was wondering if I can refactor this jquery? Not sure if you need anymore information, or if its possible just by looking at this script. var getActiveState; $(".modal-review__rating-order-wrap span").hover(function(){ $(this).parent().removeClass("...

Q: Balanced BST with maximum height

ZelaznyWhat is the most efficient way to find the balanced subtree with maximum height within a BST? I am able to check whether the whole tree is balanced via recursion, however, this seems a bit more subtle. I would appreciate any suggestions. So far, I have managed to come up with the following code:...

Learning how TCP works is pretty neat
Q: Using partial application to compose functions

Chris HardieI have an application that will provide notifications to clients. It has two configurations: Default: A single web api instance that notifies the appropriate subscribers Alternative: Under high load, there will be multiple web api instances. To coordinate messages between instances, I will leve...

Q: Undesirable duplicate content with double foreach in blade

Xangerhow can I make sure I use more foreach in my blade, without the content repeating more than once? $review = Review::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->paginate(9); $info_games = array(); $games = array(); foreach ($review as $value) { $info_games[] = I...

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