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RELOAD! There are 3902 unanswered questions (91.2427% answered)
@Peilonrayz maybe because I am still on Win 7
@EBrown Do you know what I specifically need to give with Android?
@Peilonrayz No idea.
@Peilonrayz Look at that question now lol
I repro'd on like 7 browsers.
Damn, XD I may be able to open up a couple more... I've got my phone version. Can I edit your post to add it?
@Peilonrayz Sure
Also can you change my both environments above to all environments above?
Thanks. :D
@EBrown Done, :) I added a lot more detail in a HTML comment
I saw, excellent. :)
I'm genuinely interested in what the bug is now, like it doesn't seem that OS or browser dependant...
I don't feel like messing with the CSS or I'd try to find it.
I started messing around, 'fixed' the cog, and noticed nothing else works... anyway TTGTB
@Mast Meh, I don't care about the possibilities. Either I will or I won't, and I don't care either way.
Have you attempted to make use of a chess game engine like Stockfish (implemented in C++), or various simple chess AIs that people have developed and posted online, like this one or this other one? If you haven't, go check those out! If you have, then surely you can rephrase your question towards a more specific programming problem you're having. — Vladislav Martin 13 secs ago
Q: Checking for leap years

davidLeakIs there a simpler and more efficient way to write this code without using a library? function leapYear(y){ y = Number(y); if (y.toString().length < 4) { console.log('please enter a 4 digit year.'); return; } else if (y < 0) { console.log('please e...

Q: generic dataloader for redux-thunk using axios

TushantI am developing an application where there are lots of async actions. I wanted to go with redux-saga but most have insisted to continue with redux-thunk. In redux-thunk, inside each action we have to work with async operation using then, dispatch, catch, etc. This makes looks actions so messy and...

2 hours later…
possible answer invalidation by Lewis Cianci on question by Lewis Cianci: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/164564/revisions
Q: Sign language Communication System that uses MATLAB

TrufflenutMy MATLAB code seems to have an issue. It can retrieve three inputs from the microcontroller which is an arduino UNO and update them in a MySQL database but it cannot then compare the inputs to what is already in the database. I am new to programming hence the code may not be that good but it run...

In that case, it most likely does belong on something more like codereview.se, but be sure to read their guides on how to ask good questions before posing it there as well. — CollinD 20 secs ago
Q: Can someone help me make this code simpler and faster?

MendarkI'm working on this code and I can't find a better way to improve this code, can anyone improve it more? My PHP is pretty bad, this is the best I could do. if (empty($video['itunes'])) { //if mysql row $video['itunes'] is empty check the function ituneslink $itunecheck = ituneslink($mystring...

@HoosierCoder Yes, but if you need more help you can check codereview stack exchange forum — Fabrizio Bertoglio 14 secs ago
Q: Where is the logic error in my code to cause infinite loop?

jinxuan WuThis is a code I submit for TopCoder SRM 715 code challenge. See here for submission result. See here for question description. I know this problem can be solved using greedy in just few lines of code. But I just want to know why my code use backtrack failed? In fact my code only fails at one spe...

2 hours later…
Q: C# RGBA to ARGB using shifts

Eric ProI came up with the following code to convert a rgba color to an argb color: public static int ToARGB(int rgba){ return (rgba << (3*8)) | ((rgba>>8) & 0x00FFFFFF); } I used the bitmask 0x00FFFFFF since the rightshift in C# pads with the most significant bit of the number to be shifted. I ...

See codereview.stackexchange.com for this kind of feedback...StackOverflow is for more focused Q&A that is "objectively answerable". — HostileFork 35 secs ago
Q: code allowed to test mail invitations by users (from another post) on an instance of Visual studio debugging

Coding4FunI am currently working on an application in ASP.Net MVC, with a SQL Server 2016 database and Entity Framework 6. The application can process specific data and generate forms (in DOC format), and in some cases it sends emails to targeted people. My problem is with this piece of code (The code se...

Q: Transform poor css into a more beatiful form in Dart

RechunkI have this script that opens a file containing (possibly) bad css, lexes the content of it and creates a new file with the same code in a more pleasant way to look at. It formats it and sorts the properties alphabetically. Would love to hear some very critical feedback on coding style, best pra...

const result = match([
  when(input => input > 5, input => input * 2),
  otherwise(input => input * 5)
Does this read as nice to anyone else as it does to me?
Q: Too many dependencies in a class

mitomedI'm trying to work around a rule processor and this is what I came up with the following classes (the interfaces would be straightforward to guess). public class OrderProcessor : IOrderProcessor { private readonly IRuleEvaluator _ruleEvaluator; public OrderProcessor(IRuleEvaluator ruleE...

@DanPantry Is that roughly the same as map(input => input * (input > 5 ? 2 : 5)? Seems alright, to me
@Peilonrayz Yeah, it's just meant to be a version of match from Rust for JavaScript
let result = match input {
  input > 5 => input * 2,
  _ => input * 5
@DanPantry Oohh, that's pretty legit, :O
FML it already exists
gratz :)
Q: Getting max record by delaying in the received event

user140056I have tool which will send record .This tool can select multiple record at time but it send event for each record. I want to get Max record by put dealy when i receive a RecordChangedEvent in my code as below: RecordChangedEvent(void) { static bool lock=false; bool updateNewRec...

javascript is impressively dumb
or rather, I am
const args = [
  [R.both(R.is(Number, R.__), R.gt(5, R.__)), R.multiply(2)]
  [R.is(Number), R.multiply(5)]
I was writing this code and wondering why on earth args equalled [ undefined ]
What JavaScript was doing was trying to compute [firstElement][secondElement]
And then storing that in the array
because i missed a comma
JavaScript coerces the second array into a string silently and then attempts to find that in the first array
this is why we need type systems. >:C
Unrelated, but similarly wtf:
When you manually setRequestHeader("Accept", "...") on an asynchronous XHR, it suddenly just goes full apeshit and synchronously reloads the site ...
because ... why again?
@Peilonrayz SE fixed that bug.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it's about Code Review. — Dukeling 55 secs ago
Lord help me, I'm giving serious thought to building a Crypto-Currency Quant-Trading bot.
@All What do you think about having a Community Challenge for much later in the year (selected by the community as normal) but with an actual competitive edge and a large bounty applied to the winner(s) at the end of the challenge season? (We may also have it run more than one month.)
Asking for general improvements to your code, i.e. a Code Review, would be off topic for Stack Overflow. Asking for an entirely different approach might be appropriate, assuming one exists. — Dukeling 32 secs ago
This is either going to end with me incredibly rich, or incredibly poor.
Or maybe kind-of-about-even but with some new programming experience.
But the first statement sounds more dramatic ^^
@EBrown Also, I'm thinking run it shortly before Winterbash (September through either October or November) and we'll give three months for suggestions (post tomorrow, run CC question through June, July and August).
I'm willing to contribute a 500 rep bounty on that one :)
I'm also happy to contribute rep
I won't post any CC up for June, July or August in this case, and I'll prepare it as the 'First Annual Code Review Competition', unless someone sees a better title (@Mat'sMug I'm looking at you).
@EBrown Needs a catchy acronym :)
@Kaz ACRC2017
@Kaz CODE REVIEW: Community Oriented Development Extravaganza Requiring Extreme Vigor Including Entertaining Winners?
That's the catchiest acronym I can think of lmao
@EBrown Pretty catchy
Q: Knight Tour OOP code example. How to modify it just for going to the corners?

Palmer EldritchHere is a Code example for the Knight Tour which shall print out all possible solutions, till a board length of 5 (recursive function). For a board Length of 6 it shall print out just the number of possible solutions. The Calculations time is very high here. Now i want to build another function...

Q: ROT47 function implementation

Aleph0According to Wikipedia, here below is the definition of the algorithm: ROT13 ("rotate by 13 places", sometimes hyphenated ROT-13) is a simple letter substitution cipher that replaces a letter with the letter 13 letters after it in the alphabet. ROT13 is a special case of the Caesar cipher, de...

@EBrown Wow, that was quick :O
@EBrown 'actual competitive edge' I'm interested in learning more about that, I'm also happy to put a bounty down for a reward, :)
@EBrown I vote algorithmic trading bots ^^
Q: One pass kurtosis

WaqasI implemented one pass kurtosis from the here in R, but my results are different than the moments package kurtosis and what I expected. Following is the R code: onlineKurtosis<- function(data){ n<- 0 meen<- 0 M2<- 0 M3<- 0 M4<- 0 for(x in data){ n1<- n n<- n+1 delta<- x -...

code review would be the best place to ask — Masivuye Cokile 49 secs ago
Q: Producer-Consumer with Peterson algorithm in java

ArturoProducer-consumer problem in Java with a circular buffer of N positions. There is a single thread representing the producer that will produce consecutive integer elements There is a dimensioned circular buffer shared by the producer and the consumer to produce and consume the elements. The elem...

Q: Hackerrank problem still timing out after refactor to binary search

dagda1I am trying to solve this problem: Given this data: 7 100 100 50 40 40 20 10 4 5 25 50 120 The first and third lines are lengths of the data on lines 2 and 4. The second line being a set of scores that are sorted descending and are a list of current scores for a game. The fourth being a se...

Greetings, Programs.
Hello everyone! :)
Maybe better to start writing the subroutine and when you encounter issues ask about these specific issues or if it works correctly you may ask on CodeReview for performance tipps. But "how to translate this code to fortran" is just too broad. — MSeifert 52 secs ago
Q: Cryptopals Challenge 1.6 Solution in Golang

tomatopeelThis is my solution to challenge 1.6 from Matasano/NCC Cryptopals. Here is my repository so the code can be cloned/ran and the bitutils/futils code can also be looked at if necessary (I've created the branch tag 'for-review' to pin this code version for this post) but here is the main code we're...

Q: 2-player Battleship game Python

zalidaelI have been working on a 2-player battleship game in Python. The game asked you to guess a row and column from a 5x5 game board before checking those coordinates to see if you have correctly guessed the ships location. I have been working on this game for quite a while (since I'm fairly new to p...

...is, uh. is anyone else kind of turned on by this https://t.co/wuHmNFRbon
Totally #SFW
@Vogel612 @Peilonrayz @Kaz I'm thinking the winner should be decided based on how close to implementing all the features of the selected challenge they got, do you guys have any ideas? This would mean each challenge could assign 'points' to a portion of it, and the person who implements the challenge and acquired the most points would win.
@EBrown That could work, however I can see problems if the uptake is low. I also can't think of a fix for that. ):
The other option would be a community vote on the winner, though that seems potentially unfair.
Sorry, but this question is too broad to be answered here. Also, if the code runs fine, maybe post it rather on codereview.stackexchange.com. This website specializes in solving concrete programming problems. Please refer to the PyGame manual and online tutorials or samples for general help. — Hubert Grzeskowiak 59 secs ago
is this accurate?
have you actually solved this problem? Code Review is for reviewing code that solves a problem. We review solutions, not issues. — Malachi 40 secs ago
And anyone else as well ^^
a mod should look at this edit, I think there is a user that needs to be merged here --> codereview.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/77853
I'm trying to decide if your question is too broad and/or should be migrated to codereview.SE. I'm thinking the latter unless you have a specific problem you're trying to solve. — Draco18s 53 secs ago
@Malachi Handled by janos
awesome... I flagged the question too...
thank you @SimonForsberg and Janos
not sure why my other flags were declined, those comments were off topic for comments on the question, but would have been on topic for background to a review, IMO
@cateof "fast solution, mine is slow" What is your current solution? If you have a working solution but want to improve it, consider posting at codereview.stackexchange.comFrançois Andrieux 20 secs ago
You might consider migrating your question to code review if it's about gathering comments on ideas and styles. — gonczor 21 secs ago
Q: Calculate relationship between 2 categorical variables in a pandas Dataset with chi square test

Espoir MurhabaziI'm working on a Machine Learning project and I'm in Data Exploration step, and my dataset has both categorical and continuous attributes. I decided to compute a chi square test between 2 categorical variables to find relationships between them! I've read a lot and check if i can found a simple...

Does anyone know the 'standard' for 'inheriting' a metaclasses in class diagrams? (Or should I just say that line is a metaclass?)
Q: Game of battleship. 2-player (Python)

zalidaelI have been working on a 2-player battleship game in Python. The game asked you to guess a row and column from a 5x5 game board before checking those coordinates to see if you have correctly guessed the ships location. I have been working on this game for quite a while (since I'm fairly new to p...

If you expect to get any help with this, your code needs some significant work. I believe P8C13 is supposed to be X in this context (no idea about temp_...), otherwise there are way too many things you aren't saying. Additionally, StackOverflow is not a "make my code better" site (that's really a question of paying somebody to do it for you), it's about specific programming problems, and you have not posed any. Perhaps CodeReview would be a better fit once you have fixed these glaring omissions. — r2evans 28 secs ago
Q: Implementing a Maybe for multidimensional data

PeilonrayzThe scenario is we're working with a REST endpoint that gives us nice JSON objects. We're using requests, and everything works wonderfully. But one day you notice that data you though was always being pulled back isn't there for some models! You're getting index, key and attribute errors left, ri...

Q: Asp.net web api handling dynamic connection string

Al B.I have a project where it is an absolute requirement that each client is on a separate database. My design is to use a class that builds the connection string from the userId. There is a base controller class that will check if the database connection is in the Session variable and if not will b...

Q: C# Name suffixes proper case

Cheng YangI try to find an easy way to convert the names suffixes to their proper format: David Tom Iv =David Tom IV; Sam Thomas Iii =Sam Thomas III Here is my code, but it doesn't work. Please help, Thanks public static string ToTitleCase(this string str) { var temp = str.Trim(); ...

@MartynBall that's a question for Code Review, not here. — Bartek Banachewicz 16 secs ago
Q: Replacing / Changing Data in a .CSV file

MackinaHello Ladies and Gentlemen, I am in need of some knowledge and so I humbly come before you all to request your help. I am a beginner programmer and have found an opportunity that will provide some growth. I have begun by doing some basic google searches, which brought me here, but I am not sat...

Q: Vehicle routing using genetic algorithm

Jorge MendesI've the following problem: 1 vehicle to collect the maximum profit of the 7 parking meters The profit of each parking meter are fixed in a vector profit<-c(0,249,289,381,325,338,216,757) First value means the deport, the vehicle starts from deport and need to finish there. My objective is...

Does anyone here have experience with Amazon Web Services?
@DanPantry Do you have experience with AWS by now?
@SimonForsberg Which part of AWS?
@EBrown I want to look into hosting @Duga and my Minesweeper server (basically just a Java application with a ServerSocket) in AWS.
Ah, I've got nothing for that portion.
Q: How to solve resistance in this circuit?

andy11 I need to find R(AB). It is resistance across terminals A and B. I really do not know how to solve this kind of circuits. Maybe I have to use transforming from triangle to star? But it is quite inconvinient. I noticed that on the right side 1 kOhm and 2 kOhm resistors are series. We add them ...

@Mast ^^^
Try solving that without looking at the negative answers (one is literally terrible).
@SimonForsberg My offer to put @Duga on my dedicated server in NC still stands.
@EBrown Tempting, but I also need to host my Minesweeper Flags server somewhere.
And I've been wanting to look into the cloud for a while now, so now might be a good time to do it.
Alright. I can provision a VPS on it if you decide you ever want one.
It's what Vinder and SESE are on.
As well as a plethora of other things.
I signed up for an AWS account, I guess that's the first step.
It's amazing how much motivation you can get by an old noisy graphic cards fan.
Q: Parsing a full site using python

SMth80I've created a crawler which is scraping name, phone number and web address of each profile from houzz website. Hope I did it the right way. Here is what I've written: import requests from lxml import html url="https://www.houzz.com/professionals/" def scraper_func(mainurl): response = req...

Q: Django Rest Framework - ManyToMany relationship through intermediate model

MattI'm new to Django and have just started to learn the basics. I have some questions about how to structure the code, how relationships should be written, and where the business logic should live. I have written a simple app that should do the following: Store Group and Member entities in a data...

Pleas post a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example. We aren't your personal code review team. — ForceBru 5 secs ago
Q: Methods for calculating the distance

wBaczLet's consider we are a company who sells our products for other companies. In the programme the actors are an Agency (agencies of our company, we have a few in the country, all are listed in AGENCIES in TestMain) and Client. Every Agency has an Address. Every Address contents postalCode. Every...

Q: Maximized Snakes

jabbar memonIn Snakeland, there are some snakes and mongooses. They are lined up in a row. The information about how exactly they are lined up it is provided to you by a string of length n. If the i-th character of this string is 's', then it means that there is a snake at the i-th position, whereas the char...

Q: arbitrary large unsigned integers

Felix PalmenFrom time to time, you see a question over at stackoverflow about calculating factorials, typically asking why the result soon gets completely wrong when increasing the input number. The typical answers explain how types are limited, how you could approximate a factorial, how you could use a big ...

Q: Partitioning a sequence into sublists

default.kramerThis function divides a sequence into partitions, where a partition is a list of consecutive matching elements. Example Input: (A, A, B, B, B, A, C, C) Output: ((A, A), (B, B, B), (A), (C, C)) I've tried to make this code "obviously correct", but it still doesn't look that way to ...

For working code, codereview.stackexchange.com would be a better place. — GhostCat 19 secs ago
@CaptainObvious what's up with that close vote?
@SimonForsberg Yeah, a decent amount, if your question wasn't already answered.
@DanPantry Nope. Seems like there aren't that many AWS experts around here. I'm starting to understand things a bit though and suddenly it's not that attractive anymore. I'm considering making it host @Duga and my Minesweeper Flags server (Java application). I thought at first that Amazon could determine how much the machine is actually used and bill from that, but it seems like as long as it is running, it is considered being in use and will therefore be billed?
And as it needs to be running 24/7/365, a "Reserved Instance" seems to be the best option for me (according to cloudacademy.com/blog/ec2-pricing-how-to-compute-costs-on-aws at least)
and as 1 GB memory is apparently not enough for my Minesweeper server, I thought that I could use 4 GB, which seems to correspond to t2.medium aws.amazon.com/ec2/pricing/on-demand
which.... gets expensive...
@rolfl You have any interesting IBM Bluemix deal you can offer? :D
@EBrown ???
of course: use a list of dictionaries for instance. But that would be best suited for codereview.stackexchange.comJean-François Fabre 45 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because codereview.stackexchange.com is the site to ask for code improvements — Jean-François Fabre 27 secs ago
@MartinR Nevermind lol
Q: fishjNewburn.db

John NewburnI have been researching how to take fishId from a user input to a counted inserted item in my table. There are so many mixed ideas and none of them were inputting the counter value into the db. If anyone can help it would be great. Assignment instructions: Continue working on the Python applica...

This is too opinion based and not on topic for this stack exchange, as you are not debugging code. This might be more on topic on the code review stack exchange, but even then this is more of an open discussion than a Q&A. — Goose 30 secs ago
@Goose Please read a guide to CR for SO users before recommending CR. This question would already be closed on CR. — Mat's Mug 40 secs ago
This is possibly a better fit for codereview.stackexchange.comStrernd 17 secs ago
Q: How to classify Intent in QA?

Richard ParkerI am trying to train a question answer system, where I am trying to group similar questions, and identify the most apt response. The program should identify the intent/focus. To do it, I have tagged the questions as NER so that I may know which intent it has, like PERSON or LOCATION etc. I am tr...

Q: Error: File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 2218, in _find_and_load_unlocked

Trupti Pandit SamantI have a simple program in Python, That works fine from Python shell. But when I run in PyCharm I get following error. What am I doing wrong? reader.Compressed Compressed is a folder under reader and I have provided empty __init__.py for it. Traceback (most recent call last): File "<froz...

possible answer invalidation by janos on question by dagda1: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/164592/revisions
Q: Combining entities in repository?

FailedUnitTestI have 2 DB tables, let's say: EmployeePosition and Employees. In my ViewModel I would like to include a list of certain employees and as one of their properties I would like to have description of their position. I wanted to implement this join in the repository, but I do not feel this is th...

possible answer invalidation by user3833308 on question by user3833308: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/164390/revisions
@EBrown OP was doing it all wrong, but the accepted answer sums it up pretty well.
@Mast Did you come up with a value yet?
@EBrown I'm literally swamped with many other things at the moment, so I haven't even made an attempt.
I'll make one though, remind me in 16 hours.
Can't be hard.
As the accepted answer says, remove the diagonal lines and go horizontal-vertical only.
With the small sketch given, it's easy. Try making that a heck of a lot bigger and it gets confusing again.
if my headmaths can be trusted, it only gets complicated when you hit the 9kOhm resistor
because the fractions get wonky there
The trick with fraction is to cheat.
Multiply with 1.
3/3 = 1. 9/9 = 1.
All of a sudden your fractions will start making sense again.
Anyway, time to go to bed. Got major repairs to do on my bicycle tomorrow morning or I won't reach work :-(
1 hour later…
that's not the problem ... the problem is that it's a \frac{1}{13} if my headmaths is right :)
@Vogel612 It's not lol
carp ...
well that means I must've dropped something when doing that ... should be working with a pen and paper
I used a pen/paper and solved it in like 10 seconds last night
It works well
Q: Better approach of returning create operation result C#

DragonflyIn our application we have standard set of functionality which includes Create(Object) operation. [HttpPost, Route("")] public IHttpActionResult CreatePoint(CreatePointCommand command) { Task<ExecutionResult<IdRowVersionEntityDto>> result = _mediator.Send(command); re...

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