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RELOAD! There are 3515 unanswered questions (91.6621% answered)
this should be posted on Code Review..... — SteveFest 6 secs ago
BTW.Hockey // woot!
Code Review, or Peer Code Review, is the act of consciously and systematically convening with one's fellow programmers to check each other's code for errors.... (taken from Code Review site) — SteveFest 16 secs ago
Q: Comparing 2 arrays for missing elements in Swift

AdrianI'm attempting to solve the "Missing Numbers" challenge on HackerRank where I'm tasked with finding missing elements comparing two arrays. Foundation's NSCountedSet is a little pokey on large data sets, I rolled my counted set with a Swift Dictionary. I'm able to pass all the test cases with the...

Q: Edit file in RAM and keep original

JohnI want to make a md5 "hash cracker" as a C++ exercise. I want to load a file (the dictionary) to memory, and pair each line of it with its md5(line) equivalent so that when I load a file full of md5 hashes, I can compare each hash with my preloaded table, and return its plaintext. #include <fstream

Q: Reduce Looping Using Linq or Lambda

jboekeCan I improve this code to reduce the number of loops? public class LibraryLocation { public string HoldingType { get; set; } public string LibraryName { get; set; } } public class HoldingRepo { public HoldingRepo(MyDbContext dbContext) { } public async Task<List<Libra...

1 hour later…
since this appears to be a question about the possible permutations of functional code, it seems to be a better fit for Code ReviewClaies 17 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Vinicius Dias on question by Vinicius Dias: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/156653/revisions
So I'm tempted to post another script I quickly wrote to do something... but at the same time I"m slightly embarrassed about the quality of code...
Well, I'm apparently a glutton for punishment loi
Q: "Random MP3 Selector and Player"

Thomas WardSo, I am either a glutton for punishment, or I have no life, but I wrote a script to answer a question over on Ask Ubuntu as a solution for selecting a random MP3 file in a given directory, and playing it in the specified player of choice. I am half-embarrassed to share this because I know it's ...

^ this is how i punish myself lol
Cincinnati <3
Try to solve the problem. If you solve it but want a critique, post it over in Code Review. If you get stuck, come back here and ask specific questions - please read stackoverflow.com/help/mcvewwii 32 secs ago
Q: Toy shell program possibly memory errors

temporaccI am writing a small program that is supposed to act as a shell of some sorts. It operates off of a few basic structures, one of them being a command, a command_list, and a command_history. typedef struct command command; typedef struct { char** list; int len; } command_history; typede...

@Phrancis @Mat'sMug thought that may interest you a bit :)
@ThomasWard Get all my pings? :P
@EBrown which pings, the ones about new hardware and graph fun?
Yessir. :)
yes I did :)
working well?
Indeed it is. :)
good! I'm glad to hear that RPi is working well for you!
I need to get more of the code up for review.
Is the use of name url in httpServer here confusing?
"use strict"
const http = require('http')
const url = require('url')
const join = require('path').join()
const fileSystem = require('fs')

const ROOT = __dirname
const HTTP_SERVER_PORT = 3002

const httpServer = http.createServer((req, res) => {
  const url = url.parse(req.url)
  const path = join(ROOT, url.pathname)

const startHttpServer = () => {
  httpServer.listen(HTTP_SERVER_PORT, () => {
    console.log('Server listening on port ' + HTTP_SERVER_PORT + '.')

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because the question belongs on another site in the Stack Exchange network: codereview.stackexchange.comAChampion 5 secs ago
First url is a local scoped var, url.parse is calling a function from the required library, and req.url is the property of the request
I can't do anything about the 3rd one, but the other two I can name whatever I want
Q: Chaining recursive functions with multiple parameters in Python

Caitlin Quintero WeaverI've written code that solves a problem from codewars.com. My code passes all the tests on the codewars site. It's a simple enough problem to solve naïvely, but I would love to improve the structure. The prompt for the problem is as follows: Write a function, persistence, that takes in a pos...

Q: Can a Proc be created to check if values in an Array? If so, what's the proper way to do so?

BigDaddyDeadpoo1I'm still pretty new to Ruby, and I've been trying to get a better grasp on the applications of the Proc object. I was looking at this webpage to get a better understanding. I noticed (look towards the middle of the page) this method called .nils? which from what I can logically guess finds nil ...

probably a question for codereview.stackexchange.comnogad 44 secs ago
questions is better suits codereview site as @nogad said. — Vignesh 46 secs ago
Q: Asks user for input on number of dices to roll and sums up total points. Need help on loop for user input

Kyle CheungI'm having trouble with looping my program so that it breaks out of the loop if user enters "quit" or "exit". When I type quit or exit or any string for that matter, my program crashes as it tries to parse the string input to an int. Any advice? namespace DiceRolling { /* We’re going to wri...

Q: Filling an array with the same data at a regular interval without a for loop

AlexI have some code which generates the coordinates of a cylindrically-symmetric surface, with coordinates given as (r, theta, phi). At the moment, I generate the coordinates of one phi slice, and store that in a 2xN array (for N bins), and then in a for loop I copy this array for each value of phi...

Q: Concise code to perform action on every element, when need index

ToolmakerSteveWhen I read this answer, which has code: linqObject.Where((obj, index) => { DoWork(obj, index); return true; }).ToArray(); //MUST CALL ToArray() or ToList() or something to execute the lazy query, or the loop won't actually execute My initial reaction was similar to Mark Sowul's comment: ...

Q: Which coding style is better?

aokaddaocThis is A: if ($keyword instanceof Post) { $mltQuery->setLikeText($keyword->getTitle()); } elseif (strlen($keyword) > 0) { $mltQuery->setLikeText($keyword); } else { $mltQuery->setLikeText('DEFAULT'); } This is B: $mltQuery->setLikeText( $ke...

@EthanBierlein @Mast @ThomasWard @Phrancis UI looks a bit better ^^ :)
but you're not wrong.
@EBrown sorry if I seem evil happy today, I actually kinda am >:D
single-handedly, with one phone call to the police, broke up a many-students college rowdy party, heard the two police officers chatting along the lines of "there's 50 of them in there and they're tossing stuff out the back bathroom window"
so I've made absolutely evil sure that there is now Hell to pay by those residents and people, with a good number of citations lol
@EBrown dude what's with that major downwards valley at 9AM lol
@ThomasWard On Altitude?
there's only the one severe valley at 9AM lol
Misconfigured sea-level.
alrighty, well i've had my evil distribution for this day, so far, I'mma go to bed.
Later. :)
And actually sleep lol
Very pretty.
@EBrown Very cool! How do you have for data for several hours in the future? Or is this GMT?
@Phrancis UTC/GMT
@Phrancis Want to help me with a SQL query?
Maybe? Whatcha need?
I need implement a formula in MySQL.
Fair warning, haven't done MySQL in a while
But sure why not, we can have fun with MySQL
Basically, need to take all values from BmpTempLog and PressureLog with a Logged less than the first value in SeaPressureLog then calculate (PressureLog.Value / 1000)*(1-0.0065*289.56/(BmpTempLog.Value+0.0065*289.56+273.15))^-5.257
That's a lot of magic numbers
They're the formula.
Where h = 289.56.
What is a BmpTemp?
That's the temperature.
So for the formula T = BmpTempLog.Value.
And P = PressureLog.Value.
But I think I figured it out.
I just need help with the insert.
Do you have the SELECT part figured out then?
The insert is just like T-SQL
INSERT INTO Foo (c1, c2, c3) SELECT v1, v2, v3 FROM Bar
I'd be curious to see what you came up with, that's a fairly complicated formula, at least for me, because I don't know anything about meteorology
SELECT P.Logged, P.Sample, P.Value*POWER(1-(0.0065*289.56/(T.Value+0.0065*289.56+273.15)),-5.257) AS Value
FROM PressureLog AS P
ON P.Logged = T.Logged AND P.Sample = T.Sample
WHERE P.Logged < (SELECT Logged FROM SeaPressureLog LIMIT 1)
I noticed your subquery has no WHERE clause, you're just going by the first row in the table, whatever it happens to be?
It's going to be the lowest, guaranteed.
It should have an ORDER BY Logged ASC to be fair.
I was going to say just that, I don't trust getting top N rows without ordering, unless I literally don't care what order the rows may be in
Never know if the DB is going to modify pages and/or indexes and change the order
Bam, fixed. :D
INSERT INTO SeaPressureLog (
SELECT P.Logged, P.Sample, P.Value*POWER(1-(0.0065*289.56/(T.Value+0.0065*289.56+273.15)),-5.257) AS Value
FROM PressureLog AS P
ON P.Logged = T.Logged AND P.Sample = T.Sample
WHERE P.Logged < (SELECT Logged FROM SeaPressureLog ORDER BY Logged ASC LIMIT 1)
Sweet. How often is that going to run?
Once ever. Lol
Oh lol
So I'm done with it now. Lol
Just needed to re-sync data I wasn't (yet) gathering.
The graph makes a slight jump, because the pressure measurements are off as well.
:35801490 Yes, for one of them.
Room owners >.>
You can see the sea-level graph (bottom left) has a slight jump.
And that's partially related to the altitude graph.
(They're not at the same point, but the same issue created them both.)
That's where the data I created joins the data already there.
But that's OK, it logs all that data now.
WTH happened around 5 PM on Mar 2?
I opened a window.
Right next to the sensors.
To see how they would react.
I had poor wind-flow to it though, so they didn't take it well.
I might try it again here shortly.
The altitude sensor is cool and all, but is a flat straight line really much use?
@Phrancis It has to be configured for the correct altitude.
I may remove the graph, but the flat line means it's configured properly.
So if you move it up/down significantly the line will start to waver.
And that is how you know you configured the right altitude.
I happen to know my elevation above sea-level to within 10ft.
Which is a small margin of error.
Haven't done any non-trivial SQL in a while. Good thing the next section in the Node book covers data storage including DBMS. Only downside is I really don't feel like setting up MySQL just for some exercise code -.-
Maybe I could adapt it to SQL Server instead and run it on a localhost DB
Oh that looks like a breeze
var sql = require('mssql');

sql.connect("mssql://username:password@localhost/database").then(function() {
    // Query

    new sql.Request().query('select * from mytable').then(function(recordset) {
    }).catch(function(err) {
        // ... query error checks
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this belongs on CodeReview, not StackOverflow (you can get feedback for working code there, SO is for not-working code). — Manfred Radlwimmer 26 secs ago
any1 used travis ci before?
There's not really any Java aficionado around right now that I know of
I'm just struggling to figure out how to do an after_success to an external site XD
You could always check the Java room on SO though
Not huge amount of activity but if you ask there you'll get an answer at some point
@Trojan404 Do they not cover that in the manual? (assuming there is a manual, lol)
They have docs but I'm not finding anything concrete for this
The docs more or less goes over it system specific
so AWS gets its own doc, etc etc. I'm using one that isn't there
This question might be better suited to Code Review. — gyre just now
Ahh, sounds tricky
It's Java.
Might have to just hack at it until it works, if Google-Fu doesn't help :\
Nothing ever seems really straightforward with Java...
@EBrown You store your measurements in a database?
That's neat.
honestly this part isn't even the hard part - if i can't get the deploy working i can live with that. but figuring out my test cases is gonna be a pain
If you are seeking improvements in general, then the question is off-topic for Stack Overflow since there is no specific programming problem to be solved. However, asking for suggestions to improve your code is exactly what Code Review is for. See A guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users. — 200_success 30 secs ago
ahhhhhh I just broke something again
too tired to debug right now...
const handleRoomJoining = socket => {
  /* FIXME as of 2017-03-03 03:30 chat messages are no longer
  being broadcast to other users, likely related to somewhere
  along the execution path of this handler function */
  socket.on('join', room => {
    joinRoom(socket, room.newRoom)
Good enough lol.
You may want to navigate to Code Review. — Sourav Ghosh 23 secs ago
Kinda lame that they implement TryISO8601ToDate on top of ISO8601ToDate instead of the other way around ..... Sloppy, and indicative of a lack of cohesion and experience in the library developers. Where are the old heads doing code review that would immediately see such a mistake? — David Heffernan 31 secs ago
Q: Reset an input field after submission

Giggiozi have some issues dealing with a simple case in my redux-react app: i want to reset an input text after an asynchronous operation ignited by a button. Let’s say we have an input text in which you put a text and this is passed through a onClick event to a dispatch action. This action contacts a ...

Q: HTML + CSS Weblog

Cotton Eyed JoeI'd like to get my code reviewed. What I have is a simple Weblog consisting of HTML and CSS. I'd like you to pinpoint mistakes (smelly code and so on) and how to improve my code. Opinionated responses are welcomed, given that you can provide solid arguments backing them. I have validated both HTML &

Q: What is the difference between this custom implementation of hex-string representation and Apache's implementation?

usr-local-ΕΨΗΕΛΩΝI have a legacy method toHex(byte[]) used in my application since the beginning of time to store a hexadecimal representation of a byte[] into the database. The byte[] buffer is a SHA256 checksum of a file, which is computed consistently. Since this method is embodied as private method in a clas...

Q: Surround FOR with an IF or more complex FOR condition?

Adilson CabralI came across this trivial dilemma (a oxymoron for you). 1. if(exampleArray.length > 1) { for(int i = 0;i < exampleArray.length ;i++){} } 2. for(int i = 0;i < exampleArray.length && exampleArray.length > 1;i++){} Which is more good taste programming? I would say 1 is more efficient and 2...

This question is quite unclear. Title asks for someone to "verify" your script (indicating that codereview.stackexchange.com might be a better place to ask), but the question body suggests you want someone to rewrite your script? — Mathias R. Jessen 40 secs ago
@CaptainObvious Request for migration, code is broken but sounds OK for SO.
Thanks. I think you meant I go to this site but it's not clear for me to solve the issue using it. — franky 37 secs ago
I think codereview.stackexchange.com is the right place. — j_4321 26 secs ago
omg it's so extremely annoying when I can feel one of my eyes twitching and the other just stays still ..
Monkeys, does anyone have any idea why this is extremely slow ? dpaste.de/0Dc3
define extremely slow...
this should run in < 5ms
well, up to 20 minutes
unless the TRANS_ID isn't indexe .... wat
check for remaining locks on that table
TRANS_ID is a unique id
double check that it's indexed, then
@Vogel612 how do I do that ?
depends on the DBMS you're using
just google "check table locks <dbms>"
okay. Thanks !
@Phrancis Yes. module.exports is a pattern used by CommonJS. module is a global exposed in all Node modules
Well, not really a global. Each Node module is wrapped in a function like this:
function execute(global, module, exports) {
  ... your code
TLDR is no, it doesn't exist in the browser. there are no natively supported modules for browsers yet. You'll want to use a module bundler like webpack or jspm to do that sort of thing. Alternatively you can sort of hack it together using github.com/systemjs/systemjs which is spec compliant, however you probably don't want to do this as lots of file requests = bad for performance until http/2 is a widespread thing (which it's not)
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it's better suited to codereview.stackexchange.com. — Kirk Beard 52 secs ago
@mast, FYI:
The OP code is right, the CXF code is buggy. — rolfl 18 mins ago
@rolfl wouldn't the & 0xf be unnecessary in the first hexchar?
you did already bitshift by 4 and java guarantees byte to be size 8
@rolfl As an ex-mod, should we just remove "Can someone explain me the algorithm behind my implementation compared with CXF's implementation?" or should we suggest them to remove it, so their question no longer has the request to explain their code (Another off-topic reason).
@Peilonrayz I thought I did...?
Oh, I did the title only
hrngh ... I can't see why I vtc'd this ...
@Vogel612 The 0xf is required because byte is a signed value... and the right-shift will convert things to integer first, perhaps a negative integer....
eww ....
why not use logical shift then?
Again, the byte value is cast to integer before the shift.
[(b>>>4)] should do the trick already ...
oh gosh sometimes I hate java ..
There is a significant benefit to having only one type of priomitive int (signed) which covers 99% of all integer cases....
The down side is the occasional issue when people go bitwise... which is uncommon.
Note that having a mix of signed and unsigned int values would be another set of problems.
possible answer invalidation by Vinicius Dias on question by Vinicius Dias: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/156653/revisions
Q: C++ OOP Simple Snake Game

daavid245So I've made a snake game with object-oriented approach. I would be glad if you could take a look at the code and give me any advices/tips/point out errors/etc. :) main.cpp: #include "SnakeGame.hpp" int main(int argc, char **argv) { srand(time(0)); int borderSize = 15; CSnakeGame...

Q: Swift 3 - Learning Core Audio - CommandLine StreamFormatTester

HericksonUsing Chris Adamson's book Learning Core Audio I'm getting familiar with Core Audio for mac/iOS. The code examples are 100% Objective-C. I'm trying to follow along using Swift 3. This small piece of software is used to find usable AudioStreamBasicDescription's for a given file type and format. ...

@Phrancis FWIW travis isn't restricted to java ... what's "missing" here is yaml. But you're definitely right.
Q: Android app that makes certain actions in response to the state of toggles

Zacharee1I've written an Android app using Android Studio that, when the main switch is enabled, toggling other switches or pressing a radio button calls a certain script. I'm familiar with Java itself, but I'm very new to Android development. What could I do to make this code less messy? It works fine, ...

Monking everyone!
Questions asking about working code that you're interested in implementing in "a different way" should be asked at codereview.stackexchange.com. — Jonathon Reinhart 17 secs ago
Questions asking about working code that you're interested in implementing in "a different way" should be asked at codereview.stackexchange.com. — Jonathon Reinhart 41 secs ago
Q: Read in MS Access DB into a ListBox in VB.NET

PatI'm trying to read in a column from my MS Access Database into a ListBox in VB.NET. My code doesn't seem to work, I got it off the internet. I am also trying to expand this to multiple columns (like 4 columns of data into the ListBox). Imports System.Data.OleDb Imports System.Data.SqlClient Impo...

Q: C Program Issues (Connect 4 save & load)

pig_mugBelow is my code. I'm making progress towards a connect four program that allows players to specify board size and length to win. That part is essentially finished, and now I'm trying to figure out saving and loading the game-state. I can save the settings of the game (board-size & length to win)...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because Stack Overflow is not a code review service — David Heffernan 52 secs ago
@CaptainObvious broken
This question is on topic on codereview.stackexchange.com. You may be able to get better answers there. — topher 33 secs ago
Not really. You don't appear to have a problem that fits this site's guidelines. You are asking for a code review, something that is explicitly stated as off topic here. — David Heffernan 14 secs ago
Q: Value not being stored in dynamically allocated array

RazaUsman_k#include <iostream> #include <conio.h> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; class matrix { public: int *m; int rows , cols; matrix () { cout<<"please enter the number of rows and cols"<<endl; cin>> rows; cin>> cols; m=n...

@DavidHeffernan I agree with you, this is a CodeReview question. But is it normal that I can flag it as "Belongs to another SE site", but then I can't choose CodeReview ? I only have a list containing 5 not really related SE sites — Etsitpab Nioliv 30 secs ago
edits made - thanks for the code review on the untested snippet above. — mconlin 27 secs ago
Greetings, Programs.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on CodeReview.se — Jan Doggen 1 min ago
Hey @Donald.McLean ;-)
@CaptainObvious two more vtc
Q: Write a method to replace all spaces in a string with %20

TheLearnerI have implemented a solution to this Cracking the Coding Interview question: Write a method to replace all spaces in a string with %20. You may assume that the string has sufficient space at the end of the string to hold the additional characters, and that you are given the true length of the ...

Q: Is there anyway I could clean up this long nodejs function?

NoobSterexports.existingCheck = function (req, res, next) { function check() { var query = [], message = [], userObj = {}, i, body = req.body; if (body.displayName) { var regex = new RegExp(["^", body.displayName, "$"].join(""), "i")...

Questions here get more upvotes than answers
possible answer invalidation by Alex on question by Alex: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/156780/revisions
possible answer invalidation by NoobSter on question by NoobSter: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/156822/revisions
Q: Validation form JavaScript

AshI am a beginner to JavaScript and I know about jQuery Validations however I do not want to use a foundation like jQuery just yet. I am wondering if what I have done its good or if there is another way to do it other then jQuery? I won't post the html just the JS. It does work by the way! Just w...

possible answer invalidation by Alex benz on question by Alex benz: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/156729/revisions
Q: VBA Sorting Efficiently by Multiple Columns

Emily AldenI need to sort a large array (5 columns x ~500,000 rows) of string variables by two columns. I have code that works, but it takes an unacceptably long time. Particularly because I have to do this on five sheets with different data. I have been doing research, but the codes I found tend to be fo...

@Duga seems okay
@Duga hasn't been mentioned
@Duga and not here either
@MasterYushi from my PoV that's because I read almost every question that comes through here, but I just don't have the bandwidth to read changes on every active post. ..
BTW I know this is isn't code review but technically your else block will be evaluated for states 1-3 (refer to XMLHttpRequest.readyState.... and those aren't technically errors, as your log statement implies... — Sam Onela just now
Q: Maybe this is not the proper way but, is it possible to populate dropdown using data from the firebase datagbase?

Joemar M. AngcoMaybe this is not the proper way but, is it possible to populate dropdown using data from the firebase database ?

Q: what will be da answer?

hiyaa) Write a program that reads integers from the user until 0 is entered. After input terminates, the program should print the total number of integers (excluding the 0) entered and the average value of the integers.

Q: JavaScript sessionStorage Wrapper

Jeremy H.This is part of a large library, but give our organization a simple API for working with items in sessionStorage. It doesn't need to be backwards compatible with browsers that don't support sessionStorage, but it shouldn't cause the application to crash if sessionStorage isn't available either. ...

just for a few moments here... it's a shame that this answer is still there. can it have a few more flags please?
@janos (cc @200_success @SimonForsberg @Jamal ) I think showing leniency there beyond this point is wasted goodwill
@t3chb0t To be fair, it wouldn't be hard to edit that to be non-abusive.
Q: Populating a table from a database using JavaScript from a jQuery UI Dialog Box

EJoshuaSI'm returning to Web Development after a number of years working in other areas. The below image shows what what I have so far looks like. I'm not 100% satisfied with the styling yet, but that's a separate question - I include it here mostly to show what this does. (There will eventually be more...

Q: Whats the secures way to use user authentication on PHP?

MugenHi I was sent to ask here so hope to find my answer here. Im trying to figure out the best way to manage user authentication, can anyone please tell me a safe way to log in my users? At the moment im using this way include("Conection.php"); $usuario = $_POST["Nick"]; $contra = $_POST["Pass"]; ...

@EBrown I'm pretty sure that the poster is not interested in editing it to be less abusive
the username already suggests that, as does the lack of reaction to the downvotes (or the comment by janos yesterday)
@Vogel612 So then edit it yourself. Or let me know and I will. It's valid information, it just makes that point in a way that is less-than-ideal for our community.
Inbound question on my web-code for my python stuff @ThomasWard and @Mast.
And anyone else interested (@Phrancis and @EthanBierlein).
Q: What are peak times for Code Review answers?

EJoshuaSThis may be completely my perception (I'm admittedly working with a small sample), but it seems like a fair number of the answers on my questions here have come in the later afternoon and evening in the U.S. Does this reflect actual usage patterns? Whether I'm correct about that or not, what are...

@EBrown this answer is not meant as a review but as very rude comment to the accepted answer, well, as you like, then edit it, I'm not a censor and won't do it, the user is unregistered and clearly not interested in expressing his point of view in an appropriate way, when I write a comment to laugh at some silly question it gets delted within several minutes but this rude answer stays there for days, great
@EBrown while it's valid information, it's not our job to adjust the tone of a full on offensive rant
@Vogel612 I'm not saying that you have to, if you want it deleted then by all means VTD it.
I flagged it as rude...
adding a VTD would be redundant
I also flagged fwiw
@Vogel612 The problem with flagging and not VTD'ing is that a flag requires a mod, whereas if you VTD and several (I think it's 2 or 4, I can't remember) other users VTD then it goes away without mod intervention.
@EBrown with a flag it gets nuked from orbit when there's 6 flags ...
@Vogel612 Right, which is still more than VTD's.
sure it'd only need 4 VTDs but those don't carry the penalty that a validated "high-priority-flag" does
No, but for pete's sake we need to worry less about the friggin penalties and more about helping the community.
@EBrown condemns the code as junk and tosses it in /dev/firepit
it's gone ;-) CR's honor is restored
I swear everyone in this room is more worried about 'how can we hurt the OP most with this' than 'how do we clean this up' if it even needs cleaning.
@EBrown that's because of my chaos evil spreading >:D
It doesn't matter what 'level of penalty' or 'degree of penalty' it carries, if that OP returns and does it again that carries even harsher penalties regardless of which thing we did.
Q: Display Sensor Data to Web

EBrownLast time I worked on a DHT11 sensor and got a lot of feedback, this time I have added another sensor (the BMP180), stored both of them in MySQL, and am now displaying them to the web. The Raspberry Pi now has an HTTP server running on port 80, and I've built a small little UI to display all my ...

Q: Style for if-else nops in Clojure

JoeI've got a test for whether I'm going to perform a particular action, and I want to log if don't do it. The don't-do-it branch just contains a nil-returning log operation. I often find myself writing something like: (if (need-to-do-it?) (log "Don't need to do it") (do (log "Doing it") ...

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