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Gold is always a last or single-last band, makes it easy. 5%.
Just don't confuse it with orange or yellow.
@Mast Ah, so they're the cheap ones. :P
And I have 25 neodymium magnets.
No, 50 of them
Well, 49 now
You dropped one, didn't you?
@Mast Used it long ago
@ThomasWard When in doubt, that's a good place to start.
@Mast well, i am in the process of downloading over 17GB of Linux ISOs for @EBrown to throw in with the RPi i'm sending
so it's also just possible the LAN is eating the bandwidth
phone hotspot works fine for now :P
With the internet speed he has, sneakernet is probably faster.
@Mast Not seeing that IC in this box.
@EBrown Ooooooh.
That means I either don't have it, or it's on the anti-static rail that has the oddball stuff.
Oh, @EBrown I am also tossing the RPi and it's power cable into an old hard drive carrying case I have. Extra protection heh
fits perfectly in there though xD
@EBrown If you're not adverse to some SMD solderwork, you can order free samples.
Crap, you got a better sorting system than I have.
@Mast well, I'm here, I've got the 20MB/s speeds :P
I have an AMD IC that's not a CPU
@Mast Does 741CN ring a bell?
And I don't have that I2C driver
Just looked through the 'misfits' section.
I have a single-digit LED though.
And four five potentiometers.
time for me to sleep. good night.
And a relay.
Good night @ThomasWard. :)
@EBrown what do you do that needs so many sorted parts, though?
like jeez, the last time I saw that many components, I was in the ECE lab at Carnegie Mellon University (helping carry my then-girlfriend's stuff to class for her while she had crutches) xD
@ThomasWard I was an EE major in college until I dropped out
And a small, not-blown fuse in this box.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on codereview — mplungjan 48 secs ago
And one itty-bity capacitor.
I need a case with drawers for all this crap.
@EBrown ah, that explains that.
@ThomasWard It should actually explain a lot. :P
Like why I suck so hard at programming
@EBrown From the top of my head, that's a generic opamp.
anyways NOW I'm headed off. Good night.
@EBrown Eh, I'm an EE major myself and you're better at it than me.
@Mast You work in the EE field though. :P
I do a bit of everything. Haven't had the opportunity to become good at something yet :-)
Except getting myself into trouble.
I'm very good at that.
@Mast Google shows that's the case. Very cool.
For instance, officially I'm a drop-out as well. Never got my full Bachelor.
@Mast I'm in the same boat. I do pretty much anything technical.
Got an Associates Degree though.
I don't even have that, though I could get one with literally one class at the local Community College.
I'm a four-time dropout.
I think I might go to the store tomorrow and get some sort of small cabinet with drawers I can reorganize my collection in.
Then order more parts.
Going to make your own temperature sensor based on a NTSC?
@Mast I do remember the resistor formulas: series R = R1 + R2, parallel R = 1/(1/R1 + 1/R2) IIRC.
@Mast Nah, gonna order all the sensors.
Sites like Sparkfun got a whole bunch, but they're usually not the cheapest.
I usually order from mouser.
Or All Electronics.
can't believe i'm still awake....
@EBrown What will you run them on, 3V3?
@Mast Yeah
I don't like SMD mounting though.
Get yourself a bit of pertinax boards and a sharp knife. You'll figure it out :-)
@Mast I used to be good at SMD soldering, it just sucks.
So if I order that sensor I just need to convert the analog signal to digital.
Doesn't the RPi have an ADC on board?
I don't know.
I think I have an MCP3008.
There you go.
possible answer invalidation by t3chb0t on question by Raman Kumar: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/155261/revisions
That uses several GPIO pins though.
Not sure I like that.
Adafruit has sensors as well, now I think about it, stuff like this.
Others probably have them cheaper, but it's a nice list of the possibilities.
Q: prefix search by Trie Tree

Lin MaWorking on prefix search problem and the problem is, given a set of words, for example words = ['a', 'apple', 'angle', 'angel', 'bat', 'bats'], for any given prefix, find all matched words. For example, if input is ang, return 'angle', 'angel', if no match, return an empty list []. Here is my co...

@EBrown Which is where a 23017 comes into play.
@Mast Aye, I wonder if Mouser has any of those.
Should be common enough.
Oh hell yes.
That's beautiful.
I don't need ultra-fast time resolution either.
I should order several of those.
@EBrown Yup, you can get 128 GPIO if you put 8 of those on your I2C bus IIRC.
@Mast Well the temp sensor isn't I2C, it's just analog, but that's fine because I can get an ADC for it.
ADC + temp sensor is ~$2.50.
You could put the ADC behind your 23017 ;-)
Incl. temp sensor.
And all of a sudden you'll still have all your original GPIO pins available.
Q: Python program to compare image resolutions to ratios?

kaizerSo I made this Python 3.6 program that generates a list of images that fail to compare against a given ratio. Each image has a resolution and with a bit of math, the program is supposed to calculate the width using the ratio and compare it with the actual width. If the calculated width falls from...

This barometric sensor I found is I2C
> Cart: 2000 items ($28.00)
@Mast ^^ Ordering resistors lol
@Dex'ter I don't need a website to tell me I know nothing of C...lol
Q: Hackerrank: Prefix neighbors

Jianmin ChenProblem statement Mark has a dictionary, S, containing n distinct strings. He defines the benefit value of a string as the sum of the ASCII values of its characters. Mark calls some string A and some string B prefix neighbors if both of the following conditions are satisfied: ...

Also Congrats @Dex'ter on 3K nice to see you on a close vote yesterday, :)
Q: simple ai bot that performs actions from given phrases

neoDevI created a little "bot" that can perform actions associated to particular phrases e.g. "what time is it?" I just deployed the repo on Github I'm still thinking about how to improve it, and I would like to know other opinions

This type of question is better suited for code review, but you would need to do a lot of work to improve the question to make it fit their guidelines. — Quentin 13 secs ago
Monking @all
> The purpose of this article is to make everyone (especially C programmers) say: “I do not know C”.
Is this going to be another 'Wat' website?
@EBrown You don't want to solder that yourself.
Looks like you need an SMD oven for that.
You might be better asking for assistance in SO chat -chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/11/php as that is a much better forum for code review and discussion. — Squiggle 36 secs ago
Was it a code review feedback? — NewUser 16 secs ago
@Peilonrayz Thanks ^_^
Finally, the company delivered me the laptop I requested 6 months ago
Q: A demonstrational example of a Data mapper ORM

Your Common SenseI want to create an educational example of a Data mapper type ORM. You know, it is always interesting to know how the stuff works, but when you take a fully functional software package, it's just impossible to understand its core principles. If you take even a relatively concise implementation,...

@Sulthan That would belong on codereview.SE, and not what OP asked about. — l0b0 47 secs ago
@l0b0 The whole question would probably be better for code review considering the warning is related to code quality. — Sulthan 29 secs ago
2 messages moved to Trash
sidenote: two messages about a PPCG Question and a humungous codesample in trolling bracing style ..
Q: Maximum profit you can obtain with an optimum trading strategy

Duh Your algorithms have become so good at predicting the market that you now know what the share price of Wooden Orange Toothpicks Inc. (WOT) will be for the next N days. Each day, you can either buy one share of WOT, sell any number of shares of WOT that you own, or not make any transaction...

When designing an interface, imagine that your program is all that stands between the user and hot, sweaty, tangled-bedsheets-fingertips-digging-into-the-back sex.
Q: Determine closest ancestor that has a certain HTML class

kleinfreundWhen writing JavaScript code for my own projects, this functionality is the singlemost used algorithm that does not already exist: Finding an ancestor element that has a certain HTML class. Algorithm: Does the current element have a parent element? Yes: Continue with step 2 No: There are no ...

@Dex'ter Doing it wrong.
1 hour later…
Q: Validation sequence

Robert Brax if ( ! empty( $form[ 'email' ] ) ) { $validator = v::email()->validate( $form[ 'email' ] ); if ( $validator === false ) { $formErrorBag[ 'email' ] = "Please enter a valid email"; } } else { $formErrorBag[ 'email' ] = "This field is required"; ...

Why don't you try SE code review? They have coding challenges over there. — SaggingRufus 6 secs ago
hmm... seems, it is not a good idea to return IQueryable<T> from repository as said here and here. There are more examples but these are more than enough — arthur.borisow 50 secs ago
@SaggingRufus This has nothing to do with Code Review. If he wants programming challenges, the internet has plenty. I'd definitely recommend him to read the help center on any SE site before posting another question here. — Mast 41 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Juan Carlos Oropeza on question by Juan Carlos Oropeza: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/155253/revisions
This seems very opinion based. Try asking at here instead. — François Andrieux 11 secs ago
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: List users, ordered by accuracy of soccer match predictions
Monkeys, what sources do you use to read about what happens around the Tech World ? I personally use this one: news.ycombinator.com
@Dex'ter For tech specifically, that one, /r/programming, Stratechery, HackerNoon
@Kaz Thanks ^^
Those are all the ones I open on a daily basis.
I'll surely look into all of them @Kaz
I also recommend WaitButWhy and Eliezer Yudkowsky
And if you're a Harry Potter fan, HPMOR is absolutely, completely, some of the best fiction I've ever read.
<- destabilized with SO's new top bar
Github, now SO come on people
But I like the new one of SO
yeah, it's just... IDK, I remember the commotion when the black bar happened
I find the organization of the new top bar a bit better than the last one. Bigger glyph to access notification/review queue etc. I don't like the orange bar, but that's about it.
Oh gosh it's sticky... this is something I probably need to change.
I like how the search box feels more important/central
And it expand a lot, which is really nice
Kurtis Beavers on February 14, 2017
You may have noticed that we’re sporting a new look today.
> You may have noticed that we’re sporting a new look today.
Yes, it's ugly.
@StackExchange may
@SaggingRufus A quick look at my profile would've told you I know. That's not the point. This question has nothing to do with Code Review and you seemed to suggest he'd come nag over there. — Mast 1 min ago
@StackExchange sometimes evening ignore the question itself) What ? Shouldn't that be: like sometimes even ignoring the question itself ?
not the prettiest one but finally it doesn't scroll away
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs to codereview.stackexchange.comMaksim Simkin 29 secs ago
oh wow I like the new SO navigation
@MaksimSimkin for future reference, please read a guide to CR for SO users. TL;DR: "because it belongs on Code Review" is not a valid close reason, and a question that contains code that doesn't work as intended (as is clearly the case here), is off-topic on CR. — Mat's Mug 23 secs ago
@DanPantry I've been using it a few days, it's pretty slick.
where's the help center link?
It's gone.
That's one of the flaws they pointed out during beta.
It's still in the footer.
Oh wait. Nevermind. It's still there for not-logged-in-users.
Don't need help if you git gud /s
wait there's a footer?!
Mat's day of discovery
@Mat'sMug Yes. You could say: StackOverflow's game is… afoot!
Don't worry, I see myself out. Have a nice day all!
> The common use case for millions of daily visitors is “come from Google, scroll to middle of the page to a find an answer (without seeing the nav and sometimes evening ignore the question itself), and leave.
Can confirm. Mine goes -> Google, scan results, click on link, navigate to answers, (found answer, go to IDE) or (not what I needed, go back to results). Repeat.
“come from Google, scroll to middle of the page to a find an answer (without seeing the nav and sometimes evening ignore the question itself), find a question to answer... and then spend 2 hours explaining a clueless OP why you can't Set foo = Nothing and then call foo.DoSomething"
and then go back to IDE, wonder what the hell I was doing, go grab a coffee, come back to my stuff. get stuck, google, land on SO...
till StackOverflowException occurs
(not really)
I don't have patience for you today, PoS computer
uninstalling VS again?
I don't care if your HDD is failing
Boot you crapwad
lolwat ...
Q: i need to write a c++ function that takes a string (s) and two substrings (s1) and (s2) and swaps s1 with s2

Nohafor example : s = Ann is smarter than Mary , s1 = Ann, s2 = marry, s after swaping = Mary is smarter than Ann

It's a different hard drive that's failing.
But Windows 10 sucks terribly so any failing hard drive apparently stops the computer from working correctly at all
@CaptainObvious who's Marry?
Q: Javascript tidy up, how to prevent duplicate code

m.edmondsonIt's been years since I've touched javascript and the strange scoping trips me up each time. Please could you point me into the right direction of how to both tidy this up and prevent the duplication? It is simply two click events, with the only difference being the color updated on success. $...

Q: Prevent rewriting multiple vars

MarioTaking a look at the code below, is there a better way in Javascript to prevent so much repetition. In particular, re declaring the variables like moduleOptions, removeBtn, moveUp. I tried putting them in their own key values pairs, unfortunately that causes them to be called right away, and the...

good Chaos to all this morning.
@ThomasWard good chaos.
Apparently, deleting 18,000 rows in 1,500 different contiguous groupings is too much for Excel to handle without crashing.
Who'd've guessed
@Vogel612 how goes the day?
@Kaz any reason you aren't using a DB backend instead heh?
learning for "software engineering basics"
even if it's an Access DB, Excel, and VBA?
@ThomasWard probably because legacy
@EBrown Good news for you
Everything good to go?
@ThomasWard Because it's only 18,000 rows and despite crashing, I can actually do what I need to do faster in Excel.
@EBrown 'cept for Ubu. Desktop, and the shipping label, yep.
@ThomasWard Sweet!
since 16.04.2 on Thursday :P
still complaining about not voting enough?
this year
@t3chb0t gratz on topping the first k :)
Oh lol. I inverted the wrong boolean, and had Excel delete all the useful rows.
next goal: 5k :)
@Kaz I assume you do still have a way to recover those?
@Vogel612 I compulsively save my Excel documents every 10 seconds, and especialy before I go running Macros on them.
Not to mention making separate "staging" and "production" worksheets.
@Vogel612 4000/40 per day... well, 100 days, well see in about thee or four months
I've been burned many times.
@Kaz Evil is evil isn't it
@Quickbeam2k1 - Maybe it can be better with numpy, but I have only basic knowledge about numpy, so I cannot help you unfortunately. But maybe if create question in site codereview some numpy guru can help. — jezrael 59 secs ago
Q: R Collatz_conjecture

user130997I recently learned about the Collatz conjecture and decided to create a program in R to test it out. This is my code: num <- 2000 while (num > 1) { if (round(num%%2)==0) { num <- round(num/2,0) cat(num,"\n") } if (round(num%%2)==1) { num <- round(num*3+1,0) cat(num,...

Q: Shortest path while removing a unpassable node - Google Foobar

Sreetam DasThis is a follow up to this post, wherein a BFS algorithm is needed in order to find the shortest path between two points, which are [0,0] and [rows-1, col -1] respectively. In addition, we have to find the shortest path if we're allowed to remove one wall segment. Attaching the code that I've ...

both (sadly) broken ...
Single.MaxValue == (Single.MaxValue - 1)
does anyone know why this yields True?
I'm guessing floating-point rounding errors would be a bit of a stretch here
> 3.40282347E+38
or not
Q: Button Pops up at top of the screen when clicked

Kerry TurnerGIST FOR THE FULL CODE When ran in the browser the button in the middle of the screen goes to the top really weird error.

Q: O Levels 2210 Computer Science Pre-Release: Senior Citizens Trip Organizer.

Nosher Ali KhanCan anyone go over the code and suggest any edits and/or efficient solutions. It would really be helpful. Attached below are the provided tasks and their solutions. ©Nosher Zapoo 2017. #Task 1 starts here. number_of_citizens = int(input('Please Enter the number of citizens on the trip: ')...

Holy guacamole, +60 rep on SO today
Search for similar questions instead of posting like this. In this case , this should go to code review instead of stackoverflow. — Ranadip Dutta 14 secs ago
@Mat'sMug oh, I didn't think of that, I'm using the Single.MaxValue - 1 in unit tests for checking if de/serializing worked but I guess I should change it to MinValue
In my opinion both of them are ok, the most interesting parameter to take in your choice is how you want to use this object. Will you just iterate them and here the first one is appropriate, on a second point would you search for an engine on a specific key or exclude someones and the last one is probably most interesting. As a thought maybe this question should be post on Code Review ? — Enfant Sauvage 9 secs ago
@t3chb0t wouldn't that become Single.NegativeInfinity?
I read MaxValue (of each type) from strings, then I thought I modify them by -1 everything and save them, then load them again and compare the results but with singles and doubles the change doesn't work as expected
ya, that's floating point inner workings
if you want the nitty gritty details, it's IEEE 754
if you don't want the nitty gritty details, just read the wikipedia entry on that standard, they do a pretty good job of explaining ...
@t3chb0t Single doesn't have enough precision to do MaxValue - 1 and come up with a different number.
Q: OHLC coding exercise fail

Andrzej CichockiI recently failed a Java interview exercise, and I'd like to know where I went wrong. The task was to implement the PriceHistorySource interface, to provide data for an OHLC chart. Here is my implementation: import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import j...

posted on February 14, 2017 by NuclearProgrammer

I work in a classified environment that keeps track of Nuclear Fuel. As such, I am unable to post any code work. In fact, I am having to type this entire post on a blackberry (so please excuse any grammatical mistakes)... Anyway, our application uses WPF, MVVM, and EF. On one transaction we wish to display calculations for the materials inside a container. These cal

oh, I see, I think I once knew it too.. but forgot, then I'll change it MinValue, this should be fine
rba ...
ewww, um... @Mat'sMug you're still a CR mod right?
I'll need a forced edit history redaction...
it's in the flags queue
silence you
whoopsies ...
@ThomasWard you can clean that one up yourself .. just delete the message
Oh oh.
@Vogel612 I can't delete the revision history which originally had it in there
and it might be good to also purge rev history of the chatmessage
I can't purge rev. history
that too
Muggie can.
Don't worry.
hence why i pinged him :)
@ThomasWard I ain't talking about rev-history of the post,
I'm talking about chatmessage ...
@Vogel612 well I can easily destroyify posts here.
grabs a phaser rifle
Once the rev is gone, the chat is irrelevant.
All links will break.
@ThomasWard Destroyify, sounds like a military startup...
Or maybe a Data Destruction company. That's probably more startup-y.
or both.
done. now waiting for another mod to approve redaction.
@Mat'sMug thanks.
@ThomasWard I like that idea ^^
@Mat'sMug same for Graipher's answer too if you can, same case.
(I poked him in chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/53630/… when I realized my mistale)
"Want to really destroy that Hard-Disk? Launch it into the CENTRE OF THE SUN!"
I encountered something at work today...
== Overview == Revision Control System (RCS) is one of the early version control system (VCS) software tools, as a set of UNIX commands, that allows multiple users develop and maintain program codes, documents or other information. With RCS, users basically can make their own revisions of the document from older revisions, commit changes on their working revisions and merging them together. RCS was originally developed for programs, but it is very also useful for text documents that are frequently revised. == History == === Development === RCS was first released in 1982 by Walter F. T...
I thought that was a space thing, to steer rockets.
@Kaz Want to really destroy that sun? Launch a black hole into it.
@Mast Want to destroy everything? Rupture Space Time with a massive matter-antimatter reaction!
@ThomasWard I thought you needed at least tricobalt devices for that?
@Mast you're thinking subspace.
make a large enough reaction and you destroy everything, so...
then everything is gone.
What would happen if you set-off a large enough matter-antimatter explosion next to a black hole?
Would the black hole simply suck in all the released energy or would something even more catastrophic happen?
done, pending approval
could take a while, no other mod is in the 1st monitor ATM
well, that's what my non-posted lxc_nuke script is for
Q: Proper naming of classes

Jorge MartinezI have a project where I have to get facebook and linkedin feeds and display them into our site. So I created two classes named FacebookApiService.cs LinkedinApiService.cs These classes are inside the folder of /Mysite.Core/Services/SocialMediaServices FacebookApiService.cs has the following...

@Mat'sMug There's a 1st monitor?
help, SO has an ugly new design
It sure is ugly. What a sick color scheme.
The layout isn't half bad, though.
and I broke my C++
To be debugged after dinner...
template <typename T>
T binary_read(std::fstream& fs)
    T elem;
    fs.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&elem), sizeof(T));
    return T;
std::fstream fs(file, std::ios::binary);
if (fs.is_open())
    uint32_t database_count = binary_read(&fs);
Probably doing something stupid ^^
And I know that normally you cannot allocate on the stack... but maybe it works for templates as they're compile-time?
Maybe that is what isn't working?
@skiwi If you can't do something, perhaps you shouldn't.
C++ usually has good reasons if it doesn't allow you to do something.
@skiwi you can bet it's coming our way
@DainIIIronfoot I doubt it, it complains it cannot match the parameters of binary_read
@Mat'sMug Remember how long it took to get a design we wanted?
Now that we don't want it, it will come super fast.
not really
It doesn't seem to take the return value into account
> 3001 items, $45.95
Q: Nest prototype inheritance using Object literals

CameronI have the following two ES5 classes: var App = {}; App.Hello = function(args) { this.name = args.name; } App.Hello.prototype = { constructor: App.Hello, sayHello: function() { console.log('Hello, ' + this.name); }, sayGoodbye: function() { console.log('Goodby...

Q: App that calculates interest into a monthly payment

Nick MesserThis does work and serves the purpose. But, being my first code, it's sloppy and I know there are somethings I could of done to make it easier. I would like everyone's opinion on what I could do to simplify this. This takes user input from a Visual Studio Form and outputs data after calculating ...

Q: pyvdp - python library for Visa Developer Program

paulusI'm a comer from PHP world and recently started developing in Python. As a part of my self-study course, I developed a small library for access to Visa Developer Program APIs (https://developer.visa.com) and published it at Github. It is bundled with demo Django app. Since it is not recommended t...

@CaptainObvious asking for a feature change...
And what is the problem with the code you show? Doesn't it build? Does it crash? Produce unexpected result? Or does it work and you just want a code review? — Some programmer dude 1 min ago
let me quickly interject here ... while that seems like is a really fascinating topic, I think it's a bit out of scope for the 2nd ..
Probably true.
Are we interfering with site business? Or do you want us to move anyway?
the latter, mostly since it's been quite a while that you've been talking about it
True as well.
@EBrown Feel like setting up a room?
We could always barge into he Nth.
fwiw you're in 15 minutes and it seems like you're only getting started on the topic :)
@Mast It can be moved to the Nth, there's no activity in either room right now so it doesn't really matter to me.
There :-)
thanks :)
note to self: TimeSpan.FromHours(1).Seconds != TimeSpan.FromHours(1).Duration().Seconds
so much TimeSpan lost on that stupidity
TimeSpan.FromHours(1).Seconds returns 0...
@Someprogrammerdude I'm not looking for a code review, and the code runs fine. I'm just looking for a way to avoid too much of code duplication. — MinjaeKim 17 secs ago
hmm ... yeap. you want TotalSeconds
which skips the object creation
ugh. I'm such an idiot.
they should both be zero
note to self: TimeSpan.FromHours(1).Duration() is useless
and I need to work with timespans more often
but TimeSpan.FromSeconds(>60).Duration() isn't, right?
duration is there to get an absolute value
in case you have negative time spans
if they're already positive, it doesn't help much
aye, what I needed was .TotalSeconds
such a noob mistake
you could also use .Ticks
one Tick is one then millionth of a second though (according to docs)
though if you're just comparing timespans, I thought it had most operators defined already
I'm just sleep-waiting in a SSIS script task
that sounds wrong to me ...
Maybe I can recompile my compiler to make sure the compiler error goes away
I'm launching N child packages asynchronously. if I don't sleep-wait and check if they have completed, my "main" package reports completion immediately and I don't want that.
PHP bounty live for anyone interested
Q: Laravel - Revised Authentication Controller

Trojan404I'm developing a Social Engineering Awareness Training Application. This is the focus of my thesis for my undergraduate degree. This will be a multi-part review request, however, if you want to see the entire application, it can be found on GitHub. For this request, I'm looking to see how my revi...

@Mat'sMug couldn't you await them??
doesn't work like that
you should have the possibility to use TPL and get Futures out of them ...
the task returns as soon as the package is executing. I need to track its completion
Grmblbl, why did I write code that deserializes binary files before writing code that serializes them
using (var subKey =
    _baseKey.OpenSubKey(subKeyName, true) ??
    _baseKey.CreateSubKey(subKeyName) ??
    throw new OpenOrCreateSubKeyException(_baseKey.Name, _baseSubKeyName, subKeyName))
@skiwi because you wrote a BrainFuck compiler in assembly, so you like fun challenges?
@EBrown do you know why VS2017 doesn't like C# 7? this compiles and works but inside the using statement the subKey is red and everything is shown as inactive
@t3chb0t No idea, haven't touched it in a moment.
@Mat'sMug I guess my brain is... f'd
@t3chb0t now you know why I'm just now starting to consider switching to VS2015
@Mat'sMug I think VS2015 was a like Windows Vista... I unistalled it and regained 80gb :-o VS2017 is not perfect yet but I find it's much better then the previous version, besides with the C# 7 support it's really cool
lol, I'm barely hitting C# 6.0, gimme a break
throw expressions are cool, but I'm not sure I'd use one inside a using declaration
@EBrown solved, I had to disable resharper code inspection, it doesn't understand C# 7 yet
@DanLyons the alternative is an if(subKey == null) throw inside the using, no ;-]
true, but IMO easier to read than several chained ?? operators

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