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RELOAD! There are 2606 unanswered questions (92.8205% answered)
I’ll go out on a limb and say it: <div {...this.props}> is usually an anti-pattern.
1 hour later…
Q: Copy and paste to different worksheets

m3dlThis code do: Copy a value from "Sheet1" Paste special (as a number) in another sheet "Sheet2" Jump to the next line I already did: Disabled screen refresh Wrapped the code with Application.EnableEvents = False and Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual 1 made the calculation a lit...

possible answer invalidation by fluffychaos on question by fluffychaos: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/136491/revisions
Q: Makefile and object file directory

SwluoOk this is the first makefile I've ever written. I it works and that's about it. Things that I was wondering if if I can specify where the object files go. It looks really bad with all the .o files cluttering the working folder. I was thinking a src folder and maybe a obj folder? Is there a bette...

Q: Swift Hackerrank Maximum Element in a Stack

ClefairyI solve this problem in Swift. I'm not sure if using an array was the right way to approach it since the problem was on stacks. Any feedback on my code is appreciated: You have an empty sequence, and you will be given N queries. Each query is one of these three types: 1 x -Push the el...

^ is XOR in JavaScript, not exponentiation; parsefloat should have a capital F; ES is a totally unnecessary constant. Anyway, you should get this either broken or working, then ask a question here if it’s broken or at Code Review if it’s working and you want style advice. =) — Ryan O'Hara ♦ 13 secs ago
hey look it's ryan o hara
Q: Can I repost my question if the original received no answers or comments?

Quan TranThe question I posted received no comment or answer at all. It was just edited by another person to make the wording better and clearer. I reviewed the question but I can't find any way to improve it. Can I repost it exactly like the old question to see if anyone is interested?

Code optimization questions is for Code Review. You can post it there. — Zange-chan 50 secs ago
Morning All!
Anyone knows about Netty?
Is it a application Server? (Or it is something else)
Q: Getting the last post of all threads

td4My MySQL query is loading very slowly (over 30 secs) and I was wandering what tweaks I can make to optimize it. The query should return the last post with the string "?" of all threads. SELECT FeedbackId, ParentFeedbackId, PageId, FeedbackTitle, FeedbackText, FeedbackDate FROM ReaderFeedback as...

Q: React Native - Rendering different scenes based on application state

szierI am using react-native-router-flux to organize the routes for my application. Using Firebase, I am able to call onAuthStateChanged() in the componentWillMount function to determine whether or not a user is logged in. If a user is logged in, the state: loggedIn is set to true and the appScenes ro...

Q: Project Euler 29 logic

Patrick WilliamsI just finished Project Euler #29. And it worked successfully. But after comparing my answers to those from other folks, i realize my answer is wrong. Now it seemed to give me the correct example when i used the numbers from the example (2-5)... but it seems to fail when going 2 - 100. All my mat...

Q: HackerRank's Project Euler #10: Summation of Prime

KingSlayerTask- to find sum of all primes not greater than N Input format- first line contains T, the number of test cases and second line N Constraints- 1<=N<=10^6 I used the Sieve of Erastothenes. The code is working fine for first 6 conditions but in the last two it is showing wrong answer and time-o...

@Hosch250 @DanPantry @Mast D3.js is a NuGet package in Visual Studio.
so is jQuery
Q: A Simple Mp3 File Arranger

Makthere here a simple mp3 Arranger that i just create for arranging mp3 files Question: how can i optimize this code? am i violating any OOP principle? is it readable? how can i make it better? The Project has 3 Files so i am posting the github link here instead of pasting the code Directly h...

A: Merge sorting a singly-linked list in Java - follow-up

Crazy NinjaI think, toString() in LinkedListNode.java could be refactored. Let's just keep things simpler. (^_-) public static <E> String toString(LinkedListNode<E> head) { return "[" + collectStrings(head) + "]"; } private static <E> String collectStrings(LinkedListNode<E> node){ ...

@syb0rg Come Back! ^^^
@Pimgd how about this now? :D
Q: Receiving badge before the requirements are met

Cherubim AnandI don't exactly know what to tag this question with as I'd never posted on meta before. Feel free to add the relevant tags and remove the unnecessary ones which I tagged. Just a few hours back I received the nice answer badge for this answer of mine which I posted few months back. The nice ...

Q: Swift HackerRank Balanced Brackets

ClefairyI solved this stack problem in Swift. Looking for any feedback on my code: import Foundation /// Returns an integer read from one line of standard input. func readInteger() -> Int { guard let line = readLine() else { fatalError("Unexpected end of input") } guard let i = Int...

This question is more suitable for code reviewGuy 44 secs ago
Q: Bruteforcing Win 10 Admin

user112953I downloaded Keylemon and set up a facial recognition login screen, then changed the password to something long and complex that I did not remember. Then Keylemon said it detected the password had been changed and wouldn't let me in without entering it. Fortunately, I can still get in on anothe...

possible answer invalidation by Kiquenet on question by Kiquenet: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/136292/revisions
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because questions about "how to improve" are more suitable in Code Review.so — vonPryz 22 secs ago
good morning
@EBrown yeah, there are a lot of packages on NuGet for JavaScript
The only problem with them is that then you have to use NuGet for JavaScript
IOW, "now you have two problems"
@Quill how's it going?
Monking @all
@DanPantry New pic?
@Zak monking @partofall
@DanPantry good :) looking for jobs on so careers... this one looks good: stackoverflow.com/jobs/107982/…
@CrazyNinja You've rewritten the code, but not provided an explanation. If the previous explanation fits, then... how is this simpeler?
@Zak Updated from Facebook automatically, but yes
It's me as of a couple days ago. My hair is so long now I have to start straightening it again..
@Quill Nice <:
Actually, that looks really coool.
But a bit too... managerial.. for my liking. I'm very wary of hands-off programming jobs
@CrazyNinja You need to explain what you've changed. Also, the performance improvement of using StringBuilder over string concatentation is not necessarily about speed.
In Java, strings are immutable. If you concat two strings together you create a new string. If you do this over and over you will create lots of string objects, which will increase memory consumption (as well as have a speed penalty).
By using StringBuilder you avoid this because you only do a concatenation operation once.
@DanPantry You're reading the answer wrong
He's not quoting the askers code
His answer contains rewrite 1 and rewrite 2
I know, my criticism is of rewrite 1 and the fact he said that StringBuilder "...gave him nanoseconds"
... rewrite 1 is "tossed" so to say
To me that implies he dropped StringBuilder because for string concat because StringBuilder was "too complicated"
it's there for old times sake
look at rewrite 2 only
That may be the case, but his comment on StringBuilder giving him nanoseconds I feel needs addressing to point out that it's not about speed
> Update: I have tried the below modification and gave me improvements by nano secs. Try it out :)
Yes, the way I read it was "The below modification only gives me improvements of nanoseconds over my previous example"
But perhaps I am reading it wrong, as you said
the changes: Moving the while loop into the if, and changing the conditional from current != null to (current = current.getNext()) != null, removing the current = current.getNext() lines
That notwithstanding OP should provide an explanation for what he changed in the answer
I like the first change and I can even see the use for the 2nd change
but I wouldn't call it "simpeler"
while((current = current.getNext()) != null) is non-obvious and slightly harder to read.
I don't like the first change just because of the string concat change
But my main gripe is that his answer is a code dump
Other than "this might be faster"
And the reason behind the use of StringBuilder - that's it ^^
There is no bug I just fail at reading lawl
@DanPantry there is no string concat change anymore
BTW have to be careful how much I reply. I'm on a mobile hotspot ATM because my Mac can't access the WiFi in work for some reason...
OP's first code (which is burnt) concats strings
The original question code didn't
okay, "first change" and "second change" are both referring to rewrite 2
in other news...
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Modifying the affine transform origin in graphics2D
my spacebar is squeaky
It's not annoying at all, it just makes you self conscious of all that typing
For sanity's sake I have trouble understanding the code because I don't know what values to start from — Pimgd Mar 23 at 9:15
aaand it still applies
also, apparently I answered it? Huh.
I hate browser compatibility in Javascript
more specifically; Internet explorer doesn't support Array.fill
Actually, The second attempt to improve that code, I didn't use String#concat
instead I removed that if()
@Quill I'd agree, the only time you want to use it is for container components - and it's very rare you want to pass all props to the child component
because honestly, when does it ever make sense to do this?
function myFunction(args) {
  return anotherFunction(args)
@DanPantry facade pattern
The only time i can think of you doing that is when you want to decorate an existign component somehow, like...
add in 5 more functions that do need to pass helper arguments, this one doesn't need helper arguments, but provides a shorter, context appropriate function name
function myFunction(args) {
  return function() {
    render() {
      return anotherFunction(args)
@Pimgd that doesn't really apply in this scenario
@Pimgd @DanPantry I modified it :)
A: Merge sorting a singly-linked list in Java - follow-up

Crazy NinjaI think, toString() in LinkedListNode.java could be refactored. Let's just keep things simpler. (^_-) I thought at runtime, whether the current(parameter that pass-in) is null or not, it always have to check 2 conditions always. We can actually write it with a single if(current != null) checkin...

was it good enough?
It magically went from -1 to +1, so I guess so.
Thanks :)
@syb0rg I see you got rid of Libtool. How's sphinxbase doing now?
Please note that Code Review requires the code to be both working and in the question itself. — jonrsharpe 5 secs ago
blehhhh 20 lines to filter one array based on the contents of another
me, back to work
@Zak 98 characters for a class name
good way to potentially mess with filesystems
rename to GenericOrParameterizedTypePatternMatchChecker ...
I have no idea what the Visitor at the end is for...
I guess this class follows the visitor pattern but I dunno how
ah, it's a way to ... do horrific things to your class structure, which maaaaay have a reason for it, but you'd better be sure
that's some serious overhead in terms of classes
@Zak At first I thought you had a naming problem. Now I realize it's probably a design problem instead.
It's a snide-developer problem
best to nip that one in the bud before it grows
or you'll have horrendous comments like "isn't this code awesome" strewn throughout your codebase
@Zak seriously? o.O
TypeError: this.keys is not a function
what hole did I sink into
ah right it's not a prototype thing
@Zak ohYesItHas
Either i wrote that or @JeroenVannevel did
@Pimgd keys is a static method
Otherwise you'd never be able to create a member called keys on your object
This is more of a code review then SO. — sensation 5 secs ago
This would run into a couple of problems at Code Review. Among others: does it work as intended? Code Review is not a debugging service. Make sure you read the on-topic help before even attempting to post there. — Mast 22 secs ago
Q: Python icmp tools

abozhilovI am developing ICMP tools package with Python. Currently I've implemented IPv4 ping using raw sockets. The current roadmap is: icmp traceroute Simultaneous ping ICMPv6 Documentation Tests https://github.com/abozhilov/icmp I'll be glad if you share opinion, ideas or critique. Contributions ...

I really do question some of these new TLDs like .rent
weeeeeeeeeeeeee-ow weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-ow
At anyone with enough rep... This should be closed (and subsequently deleted): codereview.stackexchange.com/q/96569/109032
(don't mind me, it's just that there's alarms blaring outside)
Also, when are anyone of you planning on learning MATLAB? There are way too few questions!
It's... a really tiny slice of programming efforts?
(But you'll probably have more skills than me in a week, so I might not be able to do much, but still :P)
@StewieGriffin Indeed, that question should've been taken down a year ago.
@StewieGriffin I don't like MATLAB :-)
There's nothing I need to do where MATLAB is the obvious tool.
Then I don't like [...].
You should try Python, it can do pretty much everything MATLAB can do, but better.
And more.
isn't MATLAB the one that costs a fortune to license?
Q: Please have a look at my .htaccess file. Can't make it work

Felipe Felix de LucaI know nothing about .htaccess files and I really need to remove the extensions in my pages (.html,.php,etc..). I also wanted to compress files (html,css,js,jpg,etc..). I've been looking for answers and that's what I got so far (below). Although the website opens, the things I was expecting to ha...

So a new guy joined work today. And he knows git and he has the same opinions as me. So this is what an echo chamber feels like.
@CaptainObvious .htgtfo
@Mast Matlab is way better at Python when it comes to extracting money from bank accounts!
And this is why I'll never be learning Matlab
@StewieGriffin Which isn't something a developer should concern himself with :{
@StewieGriffin I don't know why but that reminds me of a quote by Dara O'Briain:
> Racism is way better than Astrology
@Mast If a Dev wants to be useful to a business, they'd better at least be aware of it.
@Zak Oh, yes definitely, that's not how I intended that.
A developer shouldn't pick a certain package because it drains the company he works for from resources.
That's simply bad for everyone.
Ah, gotcha ^^
If that's the only reason to pick it, you
're doing it wrong.
@Mast Implementing and testing stuff is fast and easy in MATLAB, due to its many toolboxes and simple syntax. It's perfect for engineers with a background other than CS (such as myself).
@StewieGriffin Stuff like what?
The only thing I've ever used it for is digital filter design.
Seeing as that got starred, context..
@DanPantry transcribed context?
He's talking about how people use astrology to break up groups of people and explains how racism is way better at that than astrology to prove why astrology is rubbish @Pimgd
Yeah, it is.
@Mast I can start from scratch and simulate and plot the start-up of an induction machine with variable load in 10-20 minutes. It's probably not that hard for someone used to other tools, but I have no idea where to start.
@StewieGriffin and the point of this is...?
@Pimgd Mast wondered what MATLAB could be good for...
MATLAB is highly specific from what I hear about it, so it's pretty much never the tool to reach for. Add a hefty price tag, and it just became a teeny-tiny niche.
@DanPantry Typically Dara.
It's also a very good tool when it comes to image processing.
@StewieGriffin Ah, yes, responses.
Those always were a bit theoretical for my liking, but it's important work.
possible answer invalidation by Kiquenet on question by Kiquenet: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/136292/revisions
@Mast But to me, the main benefit is probably all the built in algorithms that make a lot of tasks simple and fast.
Sounds like the main reason why I pick Python. There's a lot readily available.
@Duga wut?
I should probably note that I'm not a CS Major, but have a MSC in Electical Engineering.
Your profile gave that away, yes.
I never went MSc, BSc was hard enough.
Also, I learned MATLAB in the university and was a TA for several years. I only had one semester of C++ and have never used it since. I use Python for interacting with an API of a program I'm using at work. I haven't got the time to learn it properly yet.
@StewieGriffin This has been my impression of MATLAB. It gets its' hooks in people by mass-licensing to universities. Which gives it a strong foothold in plenty of academic / research-oriented industries.
We don't have many customers that are willing to pay for me to learn a new language from scratch. I have to squeeze it in, bit by bit.
@Zak I agree... It's a very clever business idea!
@StewieGriffin clever bordering on intellectually dishonest
@Pimgd "bordering on intellectually dishonest" == "clever business idea!"
I do not wish to deal with such people, and as such, I'll excuse myself from this discussion.
Hehe, =)
I'm not saying I support Mathworks (the company behind MATLAB). I'm just saying they have chosen a nice way to make people dependent on their tool!
Including me, unfortunately... I wish I knew Python instead...
@Pimgd I disagree. It's a completely valid business model that's been the foundation of a lot of hugely successful companies.
It's not like they're lying to anyone, or trying to hide what the standard cost for the software is.
hmmh well it depends on how it's mass licensed of course, maybe I read it wrong?
"gets its' hooks in people" sounded distinctly negative and the whole "dependant" think pretty much made me see MATLAB on the same level as those places where you can get a paycheck loan
@Zak I agree! My company has developed a tool for simulating the probability of outages purely in MATLAB. (We are engineers). It has since been translated to C# with .Net to make it faster and possible to use without a license.
there's your "standard" MATLAB license (£1,600).
there's your "academic" license (£375).
and your "student" license (£55).
Universities Mass-License MATLAB for (probably) £100-£200 per user.
Students get it dirt cheap.
We would never have been able to develop it if we couldn't use Matlab, since we (the engineers) don't know enough C# to create such advanced algorithms from scratch...
Okay, that's a big difference, I guess?
And then, when all these students and academics leave a university to go into research or wherever, companies get to pay the "real" price for it.
It's no different with MS Office
@StewieGriffin if you want to spread popularity of something you're using, you could at least give some pushback when it is criticized falsely
You can get a Student Version of that for £50/ year
@Pimgd huh?
@StewieGriffin this takes my argument and says "Yes, you're right!" With a huge grin on your face.
such a response, to a negative description, is terrifying.
@Pimgd Depends. How do you feel about MS Office? How about IOS?
Or Redgate? Docker? All sorts of other SaaS products?
@Zak don't know
Trying to make someone dependent on something they don't actually want/need is problematic.
@Pimgd I'm re-reading the comments above, cause I don't really understand what you're saying here... (It might be because English is not my native language). But I don't see how my respons was "terrifying"...?
@StewieGriffin Basically, @pimgd considers the business model to be morally bad. And in that context, your response could come across as "Sure, it's a horrible thing, but it makes tonnes of money!"
@Zak I don't really like MS Office; sadly it's been the only tool available for quite a while. IOS... I dunno. It's associated with expensive stuff for me. Maybe it's a better OS, but I don't like this things it runs on
@Zak to which the internal response is "this person has such a different value system than me that I should be wary of this person"
@Zak I don't actually mind SaaS, it's just that your earlier description gave off such a different view
To continue where I was going, deliberately trying to make people dependent is bad, but is it bad if you try to do it by making something really useful and making it really cheap for people to try it?
@Zak I see... We'll it's a good tool. They have chosen a business idea that makes it available to large masses. People/we like the tool and we are willing to pay for it.
@Zak nah that's fine
Q: Implement a generic Priority Queue in C++

MantrackerI wrote a Priority Queue that is stored using a doubly linked list. The queue can return the head and tail of the list, and contains a print function that is only used for testing purposes. I'd like a critique of the general style, correctness, efficiency, exception handling, algorithm and any ...

I get the whole picture now; it's not actually all that bad.
That's basically what MATLAB is. Somebody who's never used it isn't going to stump up £1,500 for a license. So, they get it infront of people early, cheaply, and then once they've used it for years and eventually leave university, they're (generally) willing to pay what it costs for a license.
But, from my viewpoint, ... all the previous parts of the conversation were all describing negative attributes
Depends on your point of view.
@Zak that sounds like Photoshop
To me, it's just a valid (incredibly successful) business model.
Basically you're saying MATLAB is like crack
I believe it would take too much time to learn Python / C++ or something to do the simulations you must do when you're taking a degree in something different than CS.
@DanPantry Yes, Matlab is like crack... The only difference is that Matlab is useful...
@DanPantry that ^^
It's a very good analogy in terms of the addiction thing :P
Crack is useful too, in some sense of the word
it's just that it has so many downsides
@Zak We got Octave because the university was going the even cheaper route.
There's a lot of expensive software we used during or just after our study.
Most have a (next-to) free equivalent which is far, far dumbed down compared to the real thing.
Q: Shorter version to parse iterator object

Scripting.FileSystemObjectis there any shorter version of this? or is there any better (and shorter) way to get index of a regex match in python? import re sstring = """ this is dummy text which starts with nothing and ends with something """ starts = re.finditer('start[s]?', sstring) ends = re.finditer('end[s]?', sstri...

Q: Pong game scoring system C#

GenericYoutuber52I am currently making a simple pong game in Unity2D, following this tutorial. I currently have a scene where there is a title, and a game board. I want to add a scoring system so that when each player knocks the ball to the opposite wall, they get +1 point. Here are my scripts. I should include t...

Just a final note before I leave: Here's a list of a few I've used for free during my student days: Solidworks, Matlab, Gurobi, Comsol, Autocad, ...
And one final note: The two programs I have open today (in addition to MATLAB and MS Office) have licensing costs of: £70.000 + £7.000 yearly, and £50.000 + £5000 yearly... MATLAB isn't all that bad =)
Visual Studio
Heheh, they've been trying to break my LogMeIn account again, that's the 4th attempt this week. They'll never get in.
Is this an attempt to post and self-answer a question, or is this a mistake from OP's side? codereview.stackexchange.com/a/136528/109032
Nking @skiwi
It's not really much of a review...
@StewieGriffin Does it matter?
We expect an answer to contain an actual review. This is not a review. Please add an actual review to your answer or risk this answer getting removed. — Mast 11 secs ago
@StewieGriffin What on earth costs £70,000 to license? Is that one of those industrial-design things?
@Zak I don't know the numbers for SolidWorks, Altium and COMSOL for sure, but they're bloody expensive + a bit.
So 7,000 wouldn't faze me.
70,000 is probably for a bundle though.
MatLab is what, 2,5-3k?
@Mast Standard MATLAB is £1,600 I think.
Yea, but to really turn it into something you need a couple of the extras.
The DSP suite for example isn't included by default.
@Zak probably the entire adobe suite for a team of designers
when I was younger I used to think Adobe was ridiculously expensive
now that I have a job.. eating out once a month for the cost of Photoshop? well worth the money, if you use it
that thing is ridiculously powerful
@StewieGriffin That's even more expensive than the suite we use for programming S7 units.
Oh well, given the amount of money involved in projects like that, it's an accepted cost.
And it's not a server license, individual licenses...
For the grid operators it's not much... But I'm in a consulting company, so we only get a small slice of the pie...
@Mast The operation central of the grid company I'm working with now had a price tag of £200,000,000 to set up!
If the regex works fine, perhaps, a better place to ask this question would be Code Review. — Wiktor Stribiżew 57 secs ago
Q: Bind_param is not taking whitespaces

shreya While using bind_param in the below set of statments, the ? doesnt take account >of whitespaces. Example if $var contains "UFL", it'll work properly but if its >"university of florida", then it will say $b is undefined, that is, it doesnt >consider the whitespaces. $var=$_POST['sel']; $sql5...

Q: Can any one check my simulated annealing code c++?

ASJQMy code is for the AC system and I used SA algorithm but there is a run time error. I couldn't find what is wrong with it.

Q: My tetris implementation

FurmanI just wrote a tetris game and I'd like to humbly request for code review especially in terms of code transparency, code efficiency (whether something can be coded in faster way using less resources) and bad coding habits. Game is complete and working and hopefully without any serious bugs (at le...

So we got new Internet Filter recently. It's blocking www.JoelOnSoftware.com. I'm going to have to do something about this.
You are asking for review of working code ... codereview.stackexchange.com is your friend there? — GhostCat 13 secs ago
@Mast it got edited
Looks like a great question for Code Review Stack Exchange, provided you add the code that's between the if statements as context as well — Pimgd 15 secs ago
@StewieGriffin At which point you gladly pay for whatever software you need to make it go as smooth as possible. Yup.
@Pimgd Retracted my downvote, although I'm still not a fan.
@CaptainObvious Make that go away.
@CaptainObvious That too.
Q: Optimize Regex for combination of given rules

Bibek SharmaI'm trying to write regex to validate the password for the given rule. Passwords must be at least 8 characters in length and contain at least 3 of the following 4 types of characters: lower case letters (i.e. a-z) upper case letters (i.e. A-Z) numbers (i.e. 0-9) special characters (e.g. !@#$&*...

@Mast (Late reply) No, it doesn't. But I was actually wondering if it was supposed to be an edit to the question or something... :)
@Mast I seem to recall a great post on the subject (probably one of Joel's), explaining why there's tonnes of software that costs up to about £3,000 per license, and tonnes of software that costs £50,000+ per license, but nothing in the middle.
Essentially comes down to the fact that you can (cheaply) market software up to the point where a Manager can sign off on the cost, but once you go over the point where somebody in the firm has to give special sign-off, getting to a sale takes much longer and costs a lot more, so there's this massive jump below/above that line.
regex plural... regexi?
@Pimgd I'd say regex is singular and plural. Does stand for "Regular Expressions" after all.
But probably not for defined-number plurals.
"There's a ton of regex in this project" sounds fine
"There's at least 3 regex in this project" doesn't
that's because it's like water
there's a ton of water in this bucket, there's at least 2 water (?????) in this bucket
3 counts of using regex could work though.
I won't be hanging out here today - I have been reduced to one monitor. :-(
Still ugly.
@Donald.McLean Awwww.
@Donald.McLean But it was your first monitor that they took
@CrazyNinja Good improvement!
@Donald.McLean Have you been reduced to one monitor or has your set-up been reduced to including a maximum of one monitor?
The second monitor is broken.
I'll have to take it to the office tomorrow and exchange it.
Have you tried duct-tape?
@Pimgd I will post this question on codereview.stackexchange.com thanks — Andy 15 secs ago
@Mast You could try to do a build on Ubuntu... for some reason it was failing with the Travis builds on it
But I'm not sure why, OSX wasn't having that problem
On it.
@Duga sure hope he's going to follow my advice and add the rest of the code
Or I'm gonna have to grab the club again
Q: Optimize Regex for combination of given rules

Bibek SharmaI'm trying to write regex to validate the password for the given rule. Passwords must be at least 8 characters in length and contain at least 3 of the following 4 types of characters: lower case letters (i.e. a-z) upper case letters (i.e. A-Z) numbers (i.e. 0-9) special characters (e.g. !@#$&*...

when 2 reviewers come to the same conclusion at the same time,
they're probably both right =)
Oh hello @Andy
I keep forgetting, can users with 20+ SO rep talk on Non-SO chats?
Hi @Andy
Q: Demystifying chat reputation requirements

GlenH7How much reputation do you need to participate in chat? It's an easy answer, right? You need at least 20 reputation to participate in chat. /privileges/chat even tells us so. But for which chat site(s) is that? Because we have at least three chat domains: StackOverflow chat StackExchange c...

seems you need 20 rep anywhere and it'll be fine
@Andy You don't have enough reputation to talk yet. This is the Code Review general chat. Did you have a question about our site? We also have a Code Review Meta. If you're wondering what's going on here, have a look at the chat FAQ.
@syb0rg Failed at 37%, build step for sphinxbase.
@Mast Thought it would, the "make" step?
@Mast Are you sure? Because if so, the question I just linked has a wrong answer
/src/libsphinxbase/util/profile.c:185:19: error: storage size of ‘start’ isn’t known
     struct rusage start;        /* CPU time */
Same error on the stop.
Odd... well I have an idea of how to tackle that when I get home I suppose
@syb0rg Best-case scenario it's just a typo somewhere making them undefined.
I'm thinking it's just not finding some file correctly, or some definition is missing
Or something along those lines, yup.
Do you want the entire log?
I just need to build some tests with sphinxbase and then I should get all the info I need
@Mast Nah, I know enough
Thanks tho
I'm off, going to give blood.
@Mast You're a blood donor? Q_Q
@zyabin101 Naturally.
Hello @CrazyNinja
@syb0rg Szia!
@syb0rg Your motivational words, actually worked on me :D
@CrazyNinja I'm glad :)
@syb0rg my ex was hungarian :p
I miss her alot
I find the first one to be more readable, however, is this function called that often that it requires optimization? If the code is working, i think you are better of putting it on codereview than here though, this question is in the current form to broad for SO imho — Icepickle 16 secs ago
Sounds like this question is better fitted for Code Review. — Fairy 21 secs ago

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