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There's an actual code review stack exchange. — Compass 46 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is best suited for CodeReview Stack Exchange! — Am_I_Helpful 28 secs ago
Your code works, so the question doesn't really fits to StackOverflow because it is opinion-based. Check out codereview.stackexchange.commanniL 39 secs ago
@syb0rg :-)
Can't wait putting it to work.
@Mast When the shield reads "passing", we should be good: github.com/syb0rg/Khronos
@syb0rg not spam
@Malachi If you got that in your email, it would get classified as spam
It arguably promotes Minecraft
it is not spam, on Code Review.
@Malachi Okay then. If it's not spam, it's definitely not an answer.
@Trojan404 that is correct
@Malachi Sorry had mayo all over my hand. Spam and NAA can be so close that in this case, I don't think there's enough difference that it requires to be distinguished
spam flags are handled differently by the system
the correct flag for that would be NAA, please correct me if I am wrong Mods
honestly the correct flag can be both, while it may not look like an advertisement. It can be construed as promoting Minecraft - just my opinion
@Trojan404 Yup, so flag as such.
@Trojan404 Nah, spam flags should only be used for the blatantly obvious ones.
@Mast Blatantly obvious to me :P - There's absolutely no point to the answer other than to say he's creating a Minecraft account. Thus advertising Minecraft
@Zak Agreed, can be quite hard though.
@Trojan404 That's not how it works.
@Mast No need to drag this on. I believe it's spam and have already flagged it as such. :)
@Trojan404 Let me know whether the mods agree :-)
possible answer invalidation by downrep_nation on question by downrep_nation: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/135951/revisions
@Mast Mods flagged my report as helpful BTW :)
@Trojan404 I just realized it may have been auto-reported as such by deletion of the answer.
Oh well.
Let's hunt some more crap and remove that.
@Mast Here's some crap to look at
Q: Review the Design of My RDB

Trojan404I am developing a web application for conducting Phishing Awareness testing (Github Repo). I have been getting tons of feedback on CR.SE to this project. It can be referenced if you want to get a more in-depth understanding of this project. That being said, I am working at modifying and cleaning...

> I am working at modifying and cleaning up my database to increase it's efficiency for the server, readability for a DBA, and usability by the user, all while reducing the required overhead.
Q: Simple website HTML

Luciano InfantiI'm not really sure if I'm using id's and classes correctly. I'm unaware as well if I'm doing bad practices and I would like some help with that. I'm pretty sure my id's and classes names are terrible but I kinda don't know what to use. I've been doing some research on the web and downloaded so...

Q: VBA code to filter row data

ManojVBA code to filter data based on row, Suppose I have 3 columns where I have a search word Alaska, The entire row should be filtered irrespective of search word being present in any column.

You want your free lunch and eat it too.
@Mast ofc
@Mast Well what else would you do with free food?
@syb0rg Sell it.
@CaptainObvious Burn.
@syb0rg Give it to a hobo
What I'm trying to say, is you want the best of everything without incurring the cost.
Prioritize what you want.
Get that first.
Keep that in mind while further restructuring your DB.
Ah I see what your saying now. I agree I didn't prioritize it well, but I guess I was just looking for any feedback
Don't say 'I want this, and this, oh, and this, with a bit of this and that, but I also want it to pay for itself'.
I love how people comment without reading.
Use SHOW CREATE TABLE name\G - gives a good format for copying and pasting. — Vérace 2 mins ago
Line above says it's whiteboard design so there is no database to go off of yet
He edited your question, so I'm pretty sure he read at least some part of it.
@Trojan404 Draw it out in Visio to clarify.
@Mast He just changed the title as RDB references Oracle and it was MySQL
@EBrown Meh - I wish, but that would mean I would need to download Visio and I'm getting a new laptop in the next few hours so...
The new Visio is ugly.
I loved how I got two answers, both were from very well-respected people in the community, and both mods when I got the answers.
@Zak linked an on-line Visio alternative a while back, can't find the link unfortunately.
@Mast All good. I'm gonna be putting visio on my computer, just don't see the point in doing so right now when I'll be setting up a new one within the next 3 hours
Mast do you remember how I can make a list be shared between classes?
I know he reads chat, no reason to ping unneccacry
@N3buchadnezzar Make one part of the other.
@Mast Maybe I should phrase that differently: MONOPOLY
Q: Luck Numbers - Code

Udayan PradhanA number is said to be a lucky number if it is a positive non-prime integer whose sum of the digits of its square is equal to the square of the sum of the digits. eg 22 is a lucky number as: S(484)=S(22)*S(22) Sum of digits of 484 which is square of 22 is 16 and the square of the sum of the digit...

Q: ok here am I doing a code on how DequeMethods work to demonstrate what they do and I must admit I'm at a loss

user5232297well here is my code and sorry to sound like a total amature and I'm attempting this because truly I am one such person so now I'm having trouble creating code for methods that will act as the deque in java I have the methods as follows void deque(); void addFront(); void addRear(); ...

Working on monopoly where the board is a list of classes.
@N3buchadnezzar You want to share the list of streets players have among them?
Make it part of the board.
Need to shuffle through the community chests which are placed four different places
If you're going this far you may as well make it generic. — EBrown 5 mins ago
I don't do it for the rep, I do it for the people.
@Mast @Trojan404 ondras.zarovi.cz/sql/demo
You can't friend classes like you can in C++.
So I need the list of cards to be shared between the 4 community chest areas. Also the rules states that the cards should never be shuffled.
@Zak Bookmarked and starred so I can find it again in the future.
@Mast I figured. Then i better go with a plain function with a global list.
@N3buchadnezzar Why?
You might want to take a look at codereview.stackexchange.com — Yotam Salmon just now
@Zak ty
Why not make a general list of chance and community chest cards.
@N3buchadnezzar Nononononono.
No globals.
@Mast Yeah. Not at work so I had to google it. turns out, it's not very SEO-friendly
Use at least a board class.
Then, call code that interacts with the list.
@EBrown Yeah.
The list is a property of the board, not the tiles.
The answers on this may be enlightening to you @N3buchadnezzar
Found a bug in SO btw guys
wew, how did you manage to get rep there?
:31303136 You can't even down vote.
I can say mean things in their chat. That will teach them
@N3buchadnezzar What's the bug? Or is that meant to be ironic?
@N3buchadnezzar true
@Zak Ironic
@Zak The bug is that SO trusts him.
@N3buchadnezzar Gotcha.
@Zak and SO should never trust any of us, ever
Maybe not you.
I'm perfectly trustworthy.
@EBrown He says with an evil grin on his face.
@EBrown That is exactly what a untrustworthy person would say!
@Trojan404 I don't grin, nor do I smile.
@N3buchadnezzar s/excactly/exactly
@EBrown smirk?
@Trojan404 Nope. I don't even do that.
I have Ron Swanson face.
@EBrown fine. evil laugh. problem solved
@Trojan404 I don't laugh.
Someone stealing Ron Swansons face is not trustworthy.
I grimace.
And scowl.
Guys. We need to kill @EBrown he's a terminator sent to kill us all
My scowl is terrifying.
And my grimace is disheartening.
I was about to recommend emojis, then realised that legitimising emojis in chat rooms would be a terrible, terrible decision.
I smile in Comic Sans
@Zak oh god that be horribly hilarious
@Zak I don't even emoji.
( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
@EBrown Stop confirming that you're a terminator. The more normal you seem, the longer you will live.
Q: What is wrong with Comic Sans?

dumbledadThere's a great TEDxExeter talk by a colleague of mine, Simon Peyton-Jones, about the recent advances in the English lower school 'computer science' curriculum. Like all of his slide decks he uses Comic Sans throughout. Depressingly, though inevitably, one of the YouTube commenters berates him f...

well, that's the answer I was looking for. Why do people read a question and answer a completely different one ?
> Bottom line: I suggest a bunch of functions split into modules for organization, but no objects.
In this case, he's probably right.
It's more of a script after all.
@N3buchadnezzar this was a damn long answer. But it was fun reading it.
@Mast that's how I did it :P
The thing with scripts is you shouldn't worry too much about them anyway.
However, once you use them often enough, you'll want to optimize them.
Make them re-usable for the next script.
Keep that in mind.
@Mast indeed. The truth is the app will be used by >100k users / month so I have to be sure everything will be ok with it. IF not, it should be only minor bugs to fix
@skiwi evenking !
@Dex'ter In that case it's no longer 'just a script'.
I kno'
The comment on your question has a really good point.
Keep that in mind.
I don't know why, but somehow, this question makes me feel deeply uncomfortable. — ComicSansMS Sep 5 '14 at 15:17
@Mast I'm aware of that. But it's a good point though :P
Q: Need advice on TPL and Mailkit

Jay MathisI have a use case where I need to process about 80,000 emails per day. The client has an existing process that takes about 1/sec per email and is running out of time before the next batch comes in. I implemented a solution using the MailKit library and I am trying to implement some parallel ta...

@Zak Lol
Stackoverflow is generally used for coding questions, if you already have complete/working code which you would like reviewed for improvements I would recommend visitting codereview.stackexchange.comHodrobond 17 secs ago
Q: Stack implementation with exceptions

jillianI would like to know if this is a great stack implementation. I created my own exception. Was that a bad idea or unnecessary? Should I have just thrown a IndexOutOfBounds exception instead of my own. import java.util.*; public class Stack2{ private int[] stack; private int size; pub...

I've seen a handful of Giant Meteor 2016 stickers lately
@DanLyons Either we die or we don't. No point in worrying about it.
I think the meteor would do less damage than the other options :x
@Malachi Can we have some migrations to the Nth? Politics are a bad fit for general purpose rooms.
Almost rep-capping every day on SO now...
@syb0rg Documentation?
I would say there's a flaw in there algorithm... they assume my contributions are kept
They could be edited out in the future though
They should keep track of my modifications that are still present, and if the value of those are high enough I get the rep gains
@syb0rg *their
@200_success Can I get your opinion about this being spam or not? codereview.stackexchange.com/a/135980/27623
@syb0rg you meant the #joke# answer about meincraft?
Yeah, I'm wondering if it is spam or just not an answer
@syb0rg I mean I flagged it as spam and the flag came back as helpful so I guess it is? But all spam is NAA, not all NAAs are spam.
Well spam usually implies it's not an answer, and the consequences are more severe
Well clearly it is spam?
@Trojan404 Yes, that happens after enough users flag it as spam... the system takes over
I forget how many users have to flag it for @Community to delete it
@syb0rg 5.
Well, it doesn't seem to be advertising a product, but whatever you call it, it's garbage that has no place here, and we'd rather not have that user post anything to our site.
@Mast I was going between 3 and 5
5 spam flags will kill the post, no questions asked.
Spam flags also award a downvote to the post.
In other words, you downvote and mark as spam = 2 downvotes?
It just applies the downvote for you if you haven't already
@syb0rg Sure? I think it does.
then I guess I flagged it when everyone was looking at it, because I flagged it and it went from -9 to -12
@Mast Really? A double vote?
It seems that your code currently works, and you are looking to improve it. Generally these questions are too opinionated for this site, but you might find better luck at CodeReview.SE. Remember to read their requirements as they are a bit more strict than this site. — FrankerZ 57 secs ago
@Duga Yes. Post crap on SO and you get away with it. Post crap here and we will make sure you never dare doing so again.
Codereview: never forgive, never forgit.
@N3buchadnezzar Git? github.com
@N3buchadnezzar That's the joke. Missed an apostrophe :)
@EBrown By the way, have you read this yet?
14.29, 13.92, 14.13, 14.34, 15.10, 14.33
Crazy consistent today
I knew this was going to get HNQ fast, but it blew all expectations:
Q: Basic Pokedex in C++

Dylan BlackI recently started learning C++ about a week ago, and I made a bit of progress. In honor of Pokemon Go releasing, I decided to make a Pokedex with the original 151 Pokemon. So far I have 120 or so of them in there and it works PERFECTLY! (Thank goodness). I believe my code could be much more effi...

14k views IN 7 DAYS!
Accepted answer has a score of a whopping 121.
Sometime you just have to GO fast
@Dex'ter I think you went HNQ on Programmers, 900 views and counting.
possible answer invalidation by Assimilater on question by Assimilater: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/135960/revisions
> With some effort I was able to produce some use case code that doesn't invalidate the current answers
I'd roll it back just on principle lol
@Duga facepalm
That's now how it works.
I think we can let it slide here though. Unless @Heslacher disagrees. It's his answer on the line.
Ruh roh, Github isn't working for me
> No server is currently available to service your request.
give it a few minutes then try again prob - if it's still down try restarting?
then you can throw your keyboard across the room and scream
@syb0rg It is for me.
We're back
@syb0rg throw your keyboard anyways?
@Mast sorry I was taking a walk and don't know how to handle that kind of thing from my phone...
@Trojan404 Nah, idk when I would get a new one from IT and I have a deadline on Khronos now
@syb0rg wow a deadline now?
@Malachi Np, 200 fixed it. You were the most recently on-line RO and I figured the rest would take the hint if they happened to be lurking anyway.
There's always plenty of people lurking here.
lurking is what we do best
but I think @200_success is the best at it
waits for a response from @Mat's to prove Malachi wrong
And yea, we all lurk. Even Duga.
May 10 at 16:12, by Duga
Always lurking
Rolf is probably lurking too he is very good as well
usually pointing out my SQL ego is wrong
Nah, I can't beat Pops at lurking.
Aug 25 '14 at 17:02, by Jamal
My Java class starts in half an hour...
Aug 25 '14 at 17:03, by Pops
@Jamal What JVM are you using? That seems excessive.
Jamal is usually editing something, somewhere
Actually, Jamal has been editing a lot less lately.
Aug 25 '14 at 17:05, by rolfl
And that, people, is how to lurk properly
Yes, Jamal has been editing less lately. He has also been needed less lately. The community decided to help out and 200 is the new king of titles.
When Jamal started doing what he does best (keeping this site clean), there was a distinct lack of interest from many of the regulars.
He and a couple of other old-timers have really given this site the kick it needed.
CR would be dead without them.
Coders and GAFA
@CommitStrip Who's GAFA?
had to look it up as well
google apple facebook amazon
the technologies mentioned in the keynote are developed by these companies
Q: Bare bones implementation of Java HashMap

CodeMonkeyI've done a minimal implementation of a HashMap. Invite comments. public class HashMap<K, V> { private final int size = 16; private Node<K, V>[] arr; public HashMap(){ arr = new Node[size]; } class Node<K, V> { private int index; private K key; ...

@JeroenVannevel Ah, that makes sense.
I think this question would be better suited to Code Review. — Sam Estep 29 secs ago
Q: Entity Resolution with NLTK?

HIGGINSI am trying to write a script of Python code, for entity extraction and resolution. The excerpts of the algorithm: a. It is trying to extract the entity as PoS Tag with HMM. b. After training and testing, application data is given to tagger. c. It is extracting the user defined entities. d. A d...

@Duga No
@SamEstep This would be off-topic for Code Review. Please read what is on topic for a site before you recommend migration. — syb0rg 17 secs ago
@syb0rg I have read the topic statement page for Code Review, and have posted several questions and answers there myself. Why would this question be off-topic? — Sam Estep 23 secs ago
this new computer is so much faster....
@syb0rg Why is the second question off-topic? And what's wrong with the third question, considering that the relevant help page specifically mentions "Performance" as on-topic? The argument that it's about "hypothetical code" is silly; of course he hasn't already written the fastest code. If he had, he wouldn't be asking about how to make his code faster. — Sam Estep 1 min ago
but max res is 1680x1050 lol
Q: Simple object oriented design for an Temperature class

Kavincat Design a temperature class for nurses to store patient temperature and the method of taking the temperature. How would you handle different units of temperature? Write a function to determine if a patient has a fever. My approach class Temperature attr_accessor :temp, :method def in...

Just wondering did the student research assistants show up yesterday?
@ff524 Ping ^
@ff524 Did the student research assistants submit code review requests yesterday? How were tey received?
@pacmaninbw They're still working on producing a working version for review :) but we did our own IRL code review of their previous task so they know what to expect about CR, and they will show up here sometime this week :)
Sounds good, thanks.
@SamEstep I got an error; but like I said before, I don't know the language so I'll defer to you. Regardless, this question may be ill-received on Code Review because of the way the question is formatted and phrased. — syb0rg 53 secs ago
Q: Structure to ByteArray Extension

RubberDuckI have a need to turn various structures into byte arrays to be sent over serial port to another machine. I created generic extensions to turn any structure into a byte array and from a byte array back into a given structure. I've not used the Marshal class often, and I'm uncomfortable manipulat...

What are the semantics of being "put on hold"? Does this mean I can't answer the question, just because someone else thinks it's a bad question? :( I've upvoted and voted to reopen, just to try to cancel out some of the hate being poured on OP here, but I don't think I have enough power to unanimously reopen the question for answers. What's the protocol here — is there a place where reopeners hang out that we could go drum up a posse to reopen this question? (EDIT: I read the help center and flagged it for moderator attention.) — Quuxplusone 8 mins ago
@syb0rg @Mast Justification for closure? ^
@syb0rg Could you please explain what specifically would need to be changed about the formatting and phrasing of the question if it were to be posted on Code Review? — Sam Estep 24 secs ago
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Asking for GPS and Internet permissions
@200_success Sorry, I was in a meeting. Reading through it I had a hard time understanding what it asked, to the point that if I tried to review it I wouldn't be able to
I VTC and will cast a re-open vote if it is cleaned up
Could you leave a comment explaining the problems with the question?
@200_success Done
Q: Python: Optimizing Run-Time to Generate Dictionary of Points on n-Sphere

Sam BlitzThis is a long-shot, but my question is to simply optimize this particular function in some code I have written: import numpy as np from numpy.core.umath_tests import inner1d def getSpherePoint(dim,pList,psetLen): npgauss = np.random.standard_normal pt = abs(np.random.standard_normal(ps...

That doesn't say anything, other than that you might reconsider. Could you be more specific about what you're looking for?
@200_success Better?
OP, would you be OK with me removing the item about tail recursion from your question and flagging it to be migrated to Code Review? — Sam Estep 1 min ago
Yes, that's better.
Conceptual question RE something going on on Programmers & OOP courtesy of @Dex'ter
Would it be fair to say that while some languages have objects - Python, JavaScript, C (structs) - that not all languages treat objects equal
IOW, The difference between an object in, say, JavaScript and C# is that JavaScript uses objects as a tool, whereas in C# objects are the bread and butter
almost all of them treat them differently
'cus I'd consider javascipt/python objects more analogous to a functional Record than an class instance in, say, Java or C#
@DanPantry to an extent, yes. Not as heavy as Java though.
Java doesn't have anything but objects... even Functions are Objects
C# has things like Delegates (invoke-by-name in the background IIRC) and Extension Methods (pure functions not bound to objects)
In Perl, objects are totally a hack. You can bless any thingy as an object.
In Ruby, everything is an object.
> 4.even?
=> true
> nil.object_id
=> 8
Q: Exception handling in URL builder method

Marcin KruglikI have a method which is part of request handling class and it creates URL, depends of the what resource send request. This is a part of REST service private static URL addQueryToUrl(String qry) { try { if ("playerProfile".equals(requestingService)) { return new URL(PLAYE...

I generally use a StringBuilder for my toString() method. You could still do your format() here after you've built up your format string using the StringBuilder(). But what you have here is largely fine. You'll have to post your code here though, rather than pastebin. May be better on codereview.stackexchange.com. — ManoDestra 22 secs ago
@200_success same goes for javascript
number literals aren't an object. for some reason
A: Validation that also returns error messages

Dan PantryIMO you should not be throwing Exceptions as a response to validation errors. You should be throwing exceptions deeper in the stack if something doesn't make sense, but if you're validating something then a validation error should be a perfectly expected function result. By using Exceptions to r...

Reviews with no code are okay, right?
why do you even have to ask that??
of course they are
they're reviews. Nothing's forcing you to put code into your answer
Well, nearly every review I write has had code in
Otherwise it feels like it should be a comment
have you seen the review that syb0rg wrote to our former biggest zombie?
not a single line of code in there, yet it reviews the code
the Lua one, right?
@JeroenVannevel Can I get some thoughts on the answer I linked above when you're free please?
I don't usually review C#
And I feel like I may be leaking JavaScript idioms into C#
And of course any other people who see sharp
Brain isn't functioning right now ....
writing coherent sentences is hard already, let alone validate a review..
I noticed you mention throwing an Exception as a result of a Validation error, but I'm not sold that that's the case here. I may be misunderstanding though because my brain is mush right now
In his CountryManager class he both validates the class and throws an error if it is invalid
There's no separation there
My comment on that was mainly to hint towards splitting it up so that CountryManager was not doing validation, but something else was
Also a big hint that his class is doing too much is that it is named "SomethingManager"
aside from that... they don't return the result that way..
rethrowing means that the line where they add the error to the result is meaningless, because the result is never returned
the whole try-block is a farce
Yeah, it's silly
am throwing together aproper code sample atm
He's really reinventing the wheel anyway
.NET already provides this
wtf is his AddCountry doing?
validating it and rthen... what?
yeah, that's the "what" bit
DatabaseMockClass.Add is actually adding the thing
I think
I guess it's meant to add to the DB, but why does he need the model out again?
for the ID... maybe? but in C# objects are passed by reference, so any modification to the object would be returned
not necessarily
and something feels really "off" about having to extend a hypothetical ValidationResult with the object
it's not guaranteed that DatabaseMockClass works on the passed in model.
To me it sounds like CountryManager has no business doing validation AND database insert as well
it probably would create a value copy or alternatively retrieve a new result from the database thereby invalidating the model
A: Validation that also returns error messages

Dan PantryIMO you should not be throwing Exceptions as a response to validation errors. You should be throwing exceptions deeper in the stack if something doesn't make sense, but if you're validating something then a validation error should be a perfectly expected function result. By using Exceptions to r...

I updated my answer with a code sample and my thoughts
To me, it seems like OP is trying to compress both View and Business layers into a single layer
But then again it's a console app, so..
w/e, I'm too tired for this, not reading the question properly. off to bed lol
Q: Unbounded Sieve of Eratosthenes in Swift

CAD97 I've spent a while teaching myself Swift, and decided to take on the challenge of writing an unbounded Sieve of Eratosthenes to challenge myself. This is actually the first time I've written an unbounded sieve, as well as the first large Swift program I've written, so all comments are appreciat...

Q: Hackerrank print element in a linked list in reverse in c++

ClefairyI solved this problem in C++. I was looking for feedback on my code. I'm not sure if storing the data in an array and looping through it in reverse and printing was the right approach since this challenge was to use linked lists, but I didn't know how else to do it: You are given the pointer ...

Q: I want to print specific parts of a website to the user

mickguestI would like to print selected parts of the website to the user. The website is : sfs1.binweevils.com/default I want it to print how many users there are online, the version and the rooms. Is this possible? I would like to do this in python

@DanPantry I agree he might be using exceptions in a weird way but throwing exceptions for validation errors is most certainly correct
returning an error object is an alternative approach but less used in C#
Q: Printing the PID of a program immediately before it runs

tonysdgI need to know (for monitoring purposes) the PID of a program immediately before I start it. There could be multiple of the same program launched at the same time, so monitoring ps or top isn't really an option. It dawned on me as I was exploring various bash-related options that I could make use...

Q: Kruskal's MST algorithm for HackerRank

Brynn MahsmanMy code passes all but the last two test cases. I've been trying to figure out what edge cases I missed. #include <iostream> #include <list> #include <set> #include <vector> using namespace std; // 6359060 struct Edge { unsigned int source; unsigned int destination; unsigned int d...

Could this be a candidate for codereview.stackexchange.com ? — Philipp Claßen 39 secs ago
If you have working code that you'd like to have peer-reviewed, your question belongs on Code Review. If you have code that does not work, your question may be appropriate here, but you need to clearly explain what the problem is, include the relevant code, and ask a specific question. — Ken White 35 secs ago
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