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RELOAD! There are 2576 unanswered questions (92.8540% answered)
Also, I just reached 18k reputation, woo!
thats a lot
Man I read "Additionally, every year, the postage prices change. " as "Additionally, every year, the hostage prices change. " and went wtf
I wanted to make a good joke based on that but failed =/
Do the postage and hostage prices move together, in opposition, or are they unrelated?
Anyway, the latest RD release is out, and so am I.
wanna post a link so I can star it here?
1 hour later…
@Quill Looks like Duga did. I left before I saw that message.
Q: Java - Data Structure Limited By Range

Himself12794So for a utility class, I've created a particular implementation of a list where the list's items can be limited to a specific range, using the google guava Range utility. Items in the list must accordingly be implement Comparable. When an item is added or retrieved from the list, they will be wi...

Q: Implementation of Circular Douby Linked List and Functions

NewbieUAcoderall! I have a some functions I'd like looked over by better eyes. I consider myself a newbie so I was just wondering if you guys could spot any errors( or potential errors I may have missed) or maybe see somewhere I could improve! My friend showed me a way to condense it( so I wouldn't have to t...

@JCC, I wrote an answer, but this isn't the best place for what you want. To seek improvement for working code, use Code Review: codereview.stackexchange.comBeetleJuice 18 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Jamal on question by BennX: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/109152/revisions
Q: LRU cache code correctness and performance for advice

Lin MaHere is my simple code for LRU cache in Python 2.7. Appreciate if anyone could review for logic correctness and also potential performance improvements. A confusion want to ask for advice is, I am using a list to track access time, the first element of the list the is least time accessed, and th...

There is also a question with code review. I want to use ReactJs only for this small app. Once done than do the same with flux / redux and see the difference. — Pirzada 58 secs ago
@Vogel612 To hell with it, back to Perl it is.
I think you can try in codereview.stackexchange.comIdan 55 secs ago
For the price of one iPad I bought two Android tablets that are three versions behind with four times the viruses.
Just been checking out the @riotgames offices, this place is *awesome*! Big thanks to @davidrook https://t.co/PtCRbVOEpH
Q: Testing a C library without access to internals

khredosI wrote a simple C library which generates OAuth authorization headers. It exposes a few methods for setting the parameters that are required from the user, such as the url, token, http method, etc; these are simply values that it needs to be able to generate a valid oauth header. As such, the me...

Q: Fetching specific foreign exchange rates from fixer using curl and jsconcpp in C++

EkaI am trying to create my own algorithmic trading system using C++. I have searched the web for a nice tutorial for such systems and I didnt find any. Then I started to learn about curl and jsoncpp libraries and even documentation of those libraries are not made for a novice programmer like me. I ...

Please read the description of the code-review tag. "DO NOT USE THIS TAG TO ASK FOR A CODE REVIEW OF YOUR CODE. Please use codereview.stackexchange.com to request a code review of otherwise working code." — Moon Cheesez 25 secs ago
Stack Overflow is not a site for code review. Code review is a site for code review. In this meta thread, Stack Overflow is for problems with code. Something not working. — Moon Cheesez just now
Q: Is my code correct

ravi rajotiyaimport java.util.*; public class save { public static void main(String args[]) { double M = 0, p, R = 0, A, n; int T = 0, P; Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Enter desired cashflow: "); System.out.println("Enter time (in months): "); System.out...

@CaptainObvious GO AWAY!
Q: Code to get smallest snippet from content containing all keywords. Code provides correct solution but unable to make it more efficient

nirvanaimport itertools, re def solve(content, keywords): content = content.strip() contentWords = content.split() termPosition = {} for term in keywords: index = 0 positions = [] while index is not None: try: index = contentWords.inde...

Q: A command-line calculator in C++

coderoddeI was in the mood for some C++ and decided to write a command line calculator, which understands addition, subtraction, multiplication and parentheses. See what I have: main.cpp #include <algorithm> #include <cctype> #include <iostream> #include <iterator> #include <sstream> #include <stack> #i...

Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Pulling data from API, Allowed memory exhausted
With a little editing, this might be better suited to codereview.stackexchange.comQuentin 40 secs ago
@EBrown want to test out my ATM machine? ;^)
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is better suited for codereview.stackexchange.comM. Deinum 28 secs ago
Q: How to pass template as argument to angular directive

Tariiq Henry BbosaThis code works perfectly to me but my problem is that my template i.e config.BaseURL+"Controllers/News_feed/feed_posts/review_feed.html" string is inbulit: How do i pass the template String as argument to postRandomFeeddirective so that i can easily change whenever i want?Any help will be than...

Q: Save the Prisoner

Huy VoA jail has prisoners, and each prisoner has a unique id number, S, ranging from 1 to N. There are M sweets that must be distributed to the prisoners. The jailer decides the fairest way to do this is by sitting the prisoners down in a circle (ordered by ascending S), and then, starting with some...

Killed a zombie by doing "Well this is good in your code, this could be better, here is an alternative much better solution"
@Hosch250 You can plan a release without that. Sorry.
@N3buchadnezzar Sounds like how we kill most zombies...?
Maybe. I just did not feel like explaining in depth my solution. Gave a few highly relevant links, and explained the gist of it.
Explaining it would make the answer 3x times longer, something I am not keen on spending on a half-assed question unfortunately.
hi frnds
@N3buchadnezzar Sounds perfectly normal.
Hi @microbuster
@SimonForsberg how are you
Doing well thanks. Working on my Monopoly game implementation.
And you?
Q: C++ Queue Implementation

Tiberiu Savinso I wrote a queue implementation in c++ and even though I know the code probably isn't as robust as it should be and probably doesn't perform all the checks it should, I'd like to know mostly if there is any functionality difference between my implementation and the one in STL. My implementati...

@SimonForsberg fine as always
Q: Python matrix implementation

BillyoyoI created a simple matrix implementation and would like some critique of it, for example: Things I could add to make it more useful Ways I could make it more efficient (for example __pow__ or ref()) How I could improve my code format / comments Source: import math class InvalidMatrixDimens...

You should read how to (or not to) ask a question: stackoverflow.com/help/dont-ask - This site is not for code reviews. There are other SO sites for that. Like Code ReviewMagnus Eriksson 16 secs ago
It looks to me like the question has already been answered at code review. (codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/135610/…) — Sam just now
Q: Api with security through a private and public key

da1lbi3I want to make users login into an app, the code on my server serves a "token". This is based on a salt that is saved for each user, the login date, expDate and the userId. That value is hashed by the main key. And that result is sent back to the user. If the app needs some data the token and use...

:/ My tab saver starts to crash as well now at times
Haha, are you using one of those extensions that closes tabs automatically?
No, it saves which ones are open to a file
But I think it crashed because it had to write too many or something
@skiwi Monking
Working on my second answer for the day
I don't see the value. It feels unnecessary to me and I reject code reviews on my projects that use this approach but if your getting value out of it then you should use it. I've also seen a few promise in angular best practice articles calling out unnecessary wrapping as a smell. — Ryan Vice 18 secs ago
1 hour later…
Quiet today.
Since you are asking for a more elegant way to accomplish your goal, this question would be more appropriate for the code review site, not this one. — Rory Daulton 17 secs ago
This probably belongs on the code review site. — Wayne Werner 43 secs ago
duga pls post my comments ;-;
This may be on-topic for Code Review Stack Exchange, assuming A) the code works and B) it's not hypothetical or incomplete in any way — Quill 40 secs ago
This may be on-topic for Code Review Stack Exchange, assuming A) the code works and B) it's not hypothetical or incomplete in any way — Quill 44 secs ago
cool :)
I suggest posting to this site codereview.stackexchange.comscsimon 46 secs ago
This may be on-topic for Code Review Stack Exchange, assuming A) the code works and B) it's not hypothetical or incomplete in any way — Quill 33 secs ago
codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/135691/… . I have copied code in this url.Please let me know if you have any queries — Mohit Thareja 51 secs ago
@Quill Did Duga do that because it found the text somewhere or because you asked?
@pacmaninbw Duga's a bot, so it posts comments here whenever somebody mentions Code Review, I was just, uh, trying to be some sort of funny above
Apologies. I'll take it to the code review site. — Michael Johnson 26 secs ago
getting a hell of a lot of rep from that documentation entry
Q: Want to use sql bulk copy in this code

mohit tharejaclass OSCLeadPostCourse { private static readonly ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod ().DeclaringType); public static string strInsertQuery; public static int Index = 0; public DataTable getDataForOneSequence(int sequenceNo, int en...

Q: Present a logical proof that following algorithm is valid in Java

hubotI solved exercise 8 from Core Java for Impatient, chapter 1 and I've to prove that following algorithm is valid in Java. Would you like to present me a logical proof? This algorithms is provided to display all substrings of given string. I wonder if I save this for the block diagram is a good sol...

It's not clear what kind of error you get so your question is not clear. Post at codereview if you're interested in why exactly you shouldn't write certain things certain ways. — mash 55 secs ago
What's going on with my question?
@hubot Are you referring to this question:
Q: Present a logical proof that following algorithm is valid in Java

hubotI solved exercise 8 from Core Java for Impatient, chapter 1 and I've to prove that following algorithm is valid in Java. Would you like to present me a logical proof? This algorithms is provided to display all substrings of given string. I wonder if I save this for the block diagram is a good sol...

You posted it five minutes ago, reviewers don't work that fast
We don't have the traffic of sites like Stack Overflow, so our reviewers take a little bit longer to get to things
I just would give a logical proof about validity mine algorithm in Java
I'm waiting for the proof
I hope my question won't be downvoted
possible answer invalidation by Paparazzi on question by Paparazzi: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/135649/revisions
@hubot Our reviewers may not ask for a Proof..... while I'm not overly versed in that area, we don't always need proofs to review code
Providing a proof is okay if you want to
are you just looking to verify that the algorithm is valid for all strings?
Q: Typescript. Automatically apply interface to class properties

Nikolay FominyhI've found class, that looks like: export class ReprographicsRecords implements IReprographicsRecords { Subject: string; Dates: string; Birth: string; SSN: string; Types: any; constructor (records: IReprographicsRecords) { this.Subject = records.Subject; ...

or do you want a hardcore mathematical proof
@hubot, You will probably get a code review here, programmers.stackexchange.com might be a better place for the proof. I suggest posting in both places.
Cross site posting is not generally a good idea
Especially since Programmers isn't really about improving code.... or algos for that matter
generally codereview is for when you want a review on coding style, or to suggest better ways to use the language / find obscure bugs. I think this question is okay though you should probably clarify if you're looking to handle all possible string inputs and avoid using the word "proof" unless that's what you really want.
They have changed the title.
Please post your question in CodeReview instead. — Zakaria Acharki 56 secs ago
looks good now, maybe that was what he intended but it was lost in translation, I think I've heard "proof" as a mistranslation before
Thank @200_success for making it look good.
Q: Parses XML to return the bus times at specified bus stop

y_arlThe code uses the documentation from here in parsing XML and creating a list of the bus name, where it's headed, and the times. Keep in mind that I am a beginner at python so any advice at all is appreciated. import subprocess, pprint from bs4 import BeautifulSoup def format_set(result_set): ...

@Quill not in 5 minutes no, but 30 mins, sure
But that's only if I spot it early and like the question =)
@Pimgd 30 minutes is good. Sometimes it takes me that long to write an answer, I guess I'm slow.
alright, pimping my own question now that people are awake =)
Q: Stampcalculator - Given a set of stamps, what combinations are there to reach a certain amount?

PimgdBackground My mother has a hobby of buying and reselling books via online trading sites. After a price is agreed on, the books have to be put into an envelope for mailing. On this envelope, stamps have to be applied to pay for postage (mailing fee). My mother buys stamps in bulk at various price...

@N3buchadnezzar Python?
@EBrown It is a featured question now.
possible answer invalidation by 200_success on question by hubot: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/135693/revisions
@Pimgd Possibly you should go to work for a bank and work on ATM software.
I imagine ATM software to not have all that many features
It's a front-end machine, it probably isn't allowed to do much by itself
Think about an ATM that could distribute 99 Euros. There is back end software as well, but the front end has to distribute the cash based on the trays of notes, and if there are enough notes.
Imagine you had to write the software. The physical things are already done; you just have to call API's like getAmountOf20sLeft
About what kind of front-end are you talking about? There's a GUI, but likely also another chip, right?
features involve welcome screen, pin processing, sending off a transaction and handling the response..., giving the money, perhaps a timeout for the money if it's not taken out...
anyway, I'd roughly estimate it somewhere between 1 to 4 weeks of work... in a modern language
Works using a standard processor, mostly Intel. How many notes is a mechanical decision and requires calibration.
It's... not a really big field, I think
No, it's not, and a lot of banks are outsourcing.
@EBrown yeah.
... anyway, there's not a whole lot of employment opportunity there
Monking everyone!
How is it going?
I might've screwed up my Windows install... I wanted to give myself admin rights on my Windows disk so I can copy files
Now I started something, tried to cancel it, aborted and everything is gone :D
Hopefully I aborted enough of it, I'm trying running explorer.exe with admin rights now lol
Ah the joins of installing
I wanted to backup my entire C drive without issues... I did it yesterday and it only took 65GB out of 250GB, so I think that's a bit suspicious
@skiwi have you ever ghosted a drive, but then the copying goes past 100%?
@Pimgd Eh... nope? I think I should be lucky for that? :D
It was pretty fun =D
I'm planning to fully reinstall after the Anniversary Update anyway of W10
Wanting to upgrade to W10 tomorrow from W8.1
Looks like it found 103GB of new files to copy, so that sounds okay
I wish I could spell.
@pacmaninbw Been working with databases lately?
Not too much lately, a fair amount with MySQL about 15 months ago.
Hehe ok
I'm seriously wondering if my PC will still boot a next time... Good thing is that before I shutdown I should have everything backupped
Eh, do you think there's a chance that I'll lose my browser tabs when upgrading to W10? In theory it shouldn't interfere with installed programs, or am I wrong there?
Took me a while to get the join joke. I guess I need more coffee.
Did you backup before you started the install?
Uh crap, copying from SSD to external HDD doesn't really benefit small IO either I guess, like small files
@pacmaninbw Not installing anything yes, but that's the plan yes
Q: Javascript DOM modification

Lossiusi'm thinking about dom modification performances. In a perfect way, we alter each element but DOM modification is really heavy and alter many elements at same time froze the browser. I didn't made any performance test but i wanna know if the second way can be more powerfull. In my head, the fir...

I've got an idea to create a system that can detect the positions of steel-tip darts in a darting board, but I don't even know where to start :/
Laser array around the whole dart-board could work, but too expensive; pointing two cameras would work visually, but no clue how to program (yet); perhaps moving lasers could work, but tricky
Magnetic detection of dart?
you ought to be able to use the fact that the dart tip is metal
That would mean more or less modifying the board though, it's rather do that without modifying
I could imagine some plates with detectors in them behind the board that could show the position where the dart hit, but I'm not really sure how to go about that construction-wise
Unless you can add a backplate to the board that can find out where the steel parts are, I think that's pretty difficult
The cheapest way is probably using microphones, but that involves a whole load of math
While I ate dinner someone else posted an answer for a question I was writing. Finnaly done writing it up now though.
@Pimgd That is a good tip!
@N3buchadnezzar Do you think you're punny, or was that an accident? ^^
@skiwi Punny ^^
@skiwi If you want another terrible pun, check out the "word" comment on the star wall.
GAH, while I ate he already accepted a sub-par answer. Bah. humbug.
Q: Downloading yahoo finance stock historical data as CSV using C++

EkaThis post is a continuation of my previous post where I used jsoncpp package to fetch exchange rates from fixer.io. In this post I have reused the above code and used it to fetch stock historical price data using C++ and save the fetched data to a external CSV file. You can edit the api url(https...

@EthanBierlein Monking
Q: Using Symfony forms without a database entity

kickenI've been developing an application based on Symfony 3, and part of that application involves an import process where a user can upload csv files. One thing that I've never been too sure about with symfony is using the forms component without a database entity to attach it too. In the past I've...

Haven't been here in a while. How have things been going lately?
docs got released to SO
the rep gains are going through the roof
Yeah, I heard about the docs stuff. I got the impression that some people didn't like it very much.
@EthanBierlein Its SO, people over there are even grumpy towards babies and fluffy animals.
Q: Is this reverse of binary tree correct?

pokcheLets say I have binary tree and want to reverse it. Do you think the following code works fine? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 3 2 7 6 5 4 struct TreeNode { int val; TreeNode* left; TreeNode* right; }; void reverse_tree(TreeNode& t){ // end the recursive...

@N3buchadnezzar worst thing bout chat is that no matter how much I want to, I can't star more than once...
@EthanBierlein it's a bit in both directions, I've been in the docs chat basically 24/7 since public beta, and every so often you get people join that say "Hi all, this looks great" or similar, and then you get people who aren't so optimistic and have issues with specific things, and after I end up linking a relevant post and some comments from CMs and devs that say "it's beta, we're working on it" they usually chill out a bit
I should really read what this Docs thing is and crawl out of my cave
the massive one is the rep at the moment, because a lot of the high rep users think that docs rep is basically meaningless (because they've invested a lot of time in Q&A)
Q: C++ getaddrinfo wrapper

Elizabeth MyersI'm a C++ novice, but an experienced Python and C programmer. I decided to code a C++ wrapper around getaddrinfo() to get my feet wet (targeted at Unix, specifically). Am I using good style/best practises? How can I improve this? #include <iostream> #include <system_error> #include <utility> #in...

Perhaps we could ask the CM for a CR docs variant as well, so we can document FizzBuzz in various languages etc.
There's been a few people express interest in getting docs on other sites
@N3buchadnezzar wow, lol
@skiwi Rosetta has everything
Well that is a blatant lie, it does however have a stupid amount of common code snippets.
If your code works, but maybe not correctly, you may want to post to [email protected]Thomas Matthews 31 secs ago
@ThomasMatthews Code must work properly in order for it to be on-topic at Code Review. — Ethan Bierlein 20 secs ago
OK, pimped my one unanswered question on facebook and twitter. Maybe we will get a few new recruits to go Zombie hunting.
Next week I may put it up for a bounty.
@N3buchadnezzar The best way to get flamed may be to post a question on SO.
@pacmaninbw I would pimp the two answers I wrote today. However they need some cleanup to actual be great :¨p
I did some clean up on my question before I pimped it.
Smart =)
Thank you.
(You couldn't see my bow)
Q: Don't give me reputation points for making an edit to a Documentation topic

Toby AllenMy reputation score is still low enough that I get excited when I see I have jumped +40 points in one day. Oddly today this happened, and I found it was because people had upvoted a topic that I had edited in Documentation (I had removed an unnecessary section, which in the best use of wiki tech...

heh, it was worse at the start: meta.stackoverflow.com/q/328491/3296811
I proposed 0 rep gain for anything related to docs.
Meh, giving no rep is a bad idea.... a noble idea, but a bad one
I think it is a good idea. ducks
It's pretty normal to get rep for not doing anything though imo :P
Well, if SE doesn't get it straightened out, maybe I'll start my own documentation site sometime.
in Documentation Public Beta on Stack Overflow Chat, yesterday, by Quill
@Asken unfortunately Rep is a massive motivator for producing content on SO, and people have realised that low quality content doesn't really give them that rep like a higher quality answer would. The same will apply to docs, once the reviewing system is sorted out a bit better
Oh, maybe. I disagree.
The people who stick around might get better, eventually. There will always be floods of new people who haven't figured it out.
there was like 15 people with a more vocal version of your opinion in the chatroom last night
I think I managed to convince half of them, but it's 3am and I can barely read this code anymore
Also, amount will always greatly override quality.
@Quill TTGTB, then.
hahahaha my sides
Q: Why Do Judges Wear Constumes?

Ron RoystonWe know scientists wear a white lab coat to catch dirty material. Firemen a fire-retardant cape. That makes complete sense. But Judges? For example, in Canada they dress up like Santa Claus while in America they dress up like the Grim Reaper (minus the hood) and in Britain they wear carpet on ...

Carpet on their heads
@Quill +1, if I had an account
@Quill sleep could be helpful :)
Maybe I need to use the sleep too
nah, I'm 200 lines deep into a server setup shell file and I want it done
Reading your Preamble, I'd say this is not fit for SO. You should post this in a code review website.. — FirstOne 24 secs ago
Hmm. I think not completely, because it is not a review. It's about programming and how to, and that will fit to SO. I don't want a review of the code, I wanted other ways, what imo is not well placed in the code reviews ... — eisbehr just now
I'm reading a code review...
One of my friends once called me a Tri-gendered apache helicopter
Q: Efficiently calculating differences between file using diff file

Himself12794I'm using SVNKit to get diff information between two revisions. I'm using the diff utility to generate a diff file, however I still need to parse it into numbers. I implemented a solution, but it is rather slow. JGit does something similar, however it actually parses the values itself and return...

I'm so mad at Windows right now...
I cannot backup my whole C:\Users directory because there are files with a too long filename
And I almost overlooked it so the whole point of back-upping would've been partially pointless :|
Just because Windows is a shitty OS
Someone mentioned Ghost before, I've used it, it's pretty good, it doesn't give that kind of error. What I don't use is Microsoft's built in backup, it's worthless.
@skiwi Just copy/pasta it to a different drive.
I just don't copy my entire Users directory, just the folders my specific files are in.
@Hosch250 That doesn't work
Having some luck with different profiles though
What I don't like about Windows is the big X in the corner to close applications.
I just closed VS by accident.
@Hosch250 That sounds like a hand eye coordination thing. I very rarely have that problem.
Nah, just an issue with having an itchy trigger-finger.
My mouse was over the X, and I accidentally clicked.
@Hosch250 game saves, unity folders, vs folder is usually enough for me
Copying everything is way easier though and leaves me with less headaches
If it would actually work
It is probably the stuff in the AppData folder causing the problem.
Q: Implementation of Insertion sort in JavaScript

Rahul ShivsharanI have written an insertion sort algorithm in JavaScript: function insertionSort(inputArray){ var totalElements = inputArray.length - 1; var temp = 0; var lastIndex = 0; var prevIndex = 0; for(var i = 0; i <= totalElements; i++){ for(var currentIndex = i; currentIndex > lastIndex;...

How does SE determine if someone is able to vote themselves up? Someone answered my question with what I consider a low quality answer, and it got voted up immediately.
Q: Knights Tour - Improved Refactored Recursive Breadth First Search for

pacmaninbwThe development and testing was performed on a Dell M6400 Laptop (Intel Core 2 Duo) running Centos 7, g++ compiler version 4.8.5, compiler switches -O3 -std=c++0x -D__cplusplus=201103L. (machine bought August 2009 with Windows XP ). It was also tested on a four core i7 based version of CentOS 7 w...

@pacmaninbw You can never vote yourself up, voting is a personal thing, if someone wants to upvote something, they have every right to
@Quill unless the thing they are upvoting is by them (sock etc)
@Quill I have 5 email accounts, if I wanted to I could create a second account on SE. I'd rather do it the right way.
You are correct that everyone is entitled to opinion.
@arda Sock puppets are a separate issue
So, how do you like being a mod at this point, @Quill?
Hi, @JeroenVannevel. I just made another PR to VSD.
@JeroenVannevel ....wat
@Hosch250 cool, let me have a look
I won't merge it yet though -- only the remaining issues for the next release can be merged
but it's for the next one
Q: Java member method initialization pattern

Ahmed MazherTo avoid the overridable method call in constructor dilemma this approache delegate the variables initialization and calls to overridable methods to a member method that return reference to the instance its self and exception to be thrown if trying to use instance without invoking the initializat...

Naruto answer; accepted non-selfie answer with 0 score: First try Caesar Cipher
lol ^^
> This filename is too long for target directory.
@skiwi Are you sure it isn't the full file path?
window title says path
@Hosch250 It could very well be, but it's still the long filename that triggered it ^^
message says filename
As in: If the filename wasn't that long, there wouldn't ahve been an issue :)
@skiwi In my experience, it is the full filepath that triggers that message, usually when it is about 100-200 characters long, or so.
maybe code review (codereview.stackexchange.com) is a more appropriate place, but... your question is kind of unclear. reduce the "compile time"? that doesn't make sense. perhaps you actually meant something else. — trooper 43 secs ago
@arda lol
Friend and I created a group on that new social tinder thing
we just matched with two others
so uncomfortable
Q: Java 8 : How to REDUCE compile time for the following code?

Govind ShahHow to improve the performance of this code, reducing the compile time and keeping the functionality of the code same ? The code is to extract two sub-strings from different strings and concatinating them to provide the largest possible palindromic string. the Question was :You have two strings...

Q: Async.sequence implementation

Kasey SpeakmanI have a simple implementation for "Async.sequence" (the name came from here), but I would like someone to review it for performance, tail call optimization, and functional style. It has the following signature, which is similar to Async.Parallel: Async<'a> list -> Async<'a list> Async.Parall...

Q: Revised - Game of Fifteen

jsuthThis is a revised version of a previous post. I attempted to address each aspect of the feedback provided. The key changes are as follows: Replace the deprecated usleep() with nanosleep() Removed the dependency on CS50 library header by pulling out the relevant pieces. I followed pacmaninbw's a...

That question is better suited for codereview.stackexchange.commszymborski 33 secs ago
Q: Issue with $route in angular js

jikinsI have been writing an electron app with angularJs. i am using the $route to switch between views but my views dont show up. i have been trying to fix it for 4 hours.please can anyone help?.here is my project files.Thank you in advance https://mega.nz/#!Rlg1HY5a!d2hr0pXtIqF3YgzXOu3FLy8b-YIwMgLptZ...

@SweetBubbleTea please don't be discouraged by the fact the question has been put on hold. This question is just not a good fit for SO, but would be good on [se.codereview]. There are a few issues in your code which can be straightened out over there. — Andy Turner 24 secs ago
The joys of windows 10
when you're suddenly using a different locale and start finding string formatting bugs
also, when you accidentally make a pull request to merge into master rather than dev
oh hai der I'd like to merge these 50+ commits to fix one bug k
@Hosch250 sliding scale, it's fun to be helpful but people start wanting stuff out of you and you have to make hard decisions ilke whether to suspend people or not
@PabloIvan, SO isn't really the place for these code review questions.. however, there IS a code review StackOverflow/StackExchange community codereview.stackexchange.com in which these questions are appropriate — Brett Caswell 49 secs ago

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