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Slow people :p Speed limit at highest is 130 km/h here
Booya, let's see if I can get some upvotes for this topic: stackoverflow.com/documentation/c/507/files-and-i-o-streams/…
I'm way too pumped about this C documentation stuff
@skiwi TBF, I think the Germans have got us all beat. Can't get much higher than ∞
@syb0rg That's the most excited I've seen anyone about documentation, like, ever :)
@Zak Usually the car limits that
@Zak 130km/h still; you can go faster but not covered by insurance
@syb0rg Additional error checking fputs return value This function returns EOF if a write error occurs, and otherwise a non-negative value.
@pacmaninbw You want to suggest an edit?
I've ran myself to maximum limit of drafts until some of them get reviewed and approved... if anyone feels like reviewing some of them (just look for my name) stackoverflow.com/documentation/sql?tab=proposedchanges
@syb0rg It's overkill, but yeah.
@Phrancis Doc the halls
Woohoo [badge:documentation-pioneer] :D
Greetings, Programs.
Because Documentation is part of SO, my SO rep just took a jump.
@Phrancis I'm also starting to bump into this lol
If anyone would like to review some of mine: stackoverflow.com/documentation/c?tab=proposedchanges
@syb0rg proposed change
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void)
FILE *file = fopen("output.txt", "w");

if (!file)
fputs("Error opening output.txt for writing.", stderr);

if (fputs("Output in file.", file) == EOF)
fputs("Error writing to output.txt.", stderr);

if (fclose(file))
fputs("Error closing output.txt.", stderr);

That was indented.
Ctrl+K to format code for chat
@pacmaninbw I don't see it, and I'm not sure I can
As I said this is overkill for this function, but if I was writing something more complex I would include the error checking.
This seems ok at a glance but in your present form (after the edit) this question is a candidate for closure. The nature of the question has changed to a code review question which is actually off topic for stack overflow. — e4c5 35 secs ago
@Phrancis Just earned that too :)
@Donald.McLean Jump or dump?
> Me: Starts coffee
Me: Writes SO documentation
Me (1 hour later): "Oh, I was going to drink a coffee..."
@N3buchadnezzar Isn't still night in Thailand?
@pacmaninbw Shhh
Peoples loophole NSFW (sort of but really not, just text)
@N3buchadnezzar Let's not have this here.
@pacmaninbw What about const int pressure?
@EBrown Sorry, not following, say more
@pacmaninbw Just puns with programming.
const int pressure -> constant pressure
object strongly;
long john_silver;
No, just
long john;
string cheese;
Sorry, no Johns though =)
Q: Better Brainfuck Interpreter in C

DarklightusA little over a week ago I posted my basic brainfuck interpreter here. I have since improved the interpreter on all suggested points except two minor details. (position of parsing error, which should be obvious from just the error in brainfuck; and a problem that would only occur in a program wit...

Q: Why does this work on windows and break when I compile on linux?

user103722I'm writing a console application for managing and tracking characters, monsters, turn order and conditions applied to make my battle run faster in DnD. The following code works perfectly on windows but when I tried to compile it on my laptop, which runs linux, it no longer works. I input a name...

Q: Multi-threaded web scraping VBA

svacxpythonI am working on a project on VBA where the objective is to have a "program" that fetches rates from a website called X-Rates, and outputs to excel the monthly averages of a chosen country. Initially I was doing simple XMLHTTP requests and output to Excel the results. But now I have tried to d...

@Phrancis Wat did u do
I need a whole bunch of approvals on that draft :(
@Phrancis Page not found :/
@Phrancis =D
Man, Python is so easy.
Isn't it?
Now I'm bored of it.
@Phrancis I gotchu
Omg I've been doing this Python all wrong
I have Atom FFS
C looks like a very difficult language
it's pretty fun once you get used to it, I like .NET, C, and assembly about equally
@Phrancis Are you a masochist? Then you will probably love C
Zombie Rate as of late.
@N3buchadnezzar Well, I like Lisp, so I guess I am a little bit :)
@EBrown That's a really encouraging graph
We're turning the tide!
@Phrancis C was my first professional language, learned it in my OS class at CSUN.
What is the answered rate for the day?
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 100 minus zombie rate
@Phrancis Also you wear that hat.
@zʏᴀʙiɴ101 For what day?
@N3buchadnezzar ಠ_ಠ
I mean, the one that Duga said today at midnight.
I have that number as well.
16 hours ago, by Duga
RELOAD! There are 2546 unanswered questions (92.9215% answered)
Zombie rate = 1 - @Duga answer rate
Can we make 95 by the end of the year?
Anything else I should cover with allocating memory? stackoverflow.com/documentation/c/1108/pointers/3632/…
probably yeah, if enough effort was applied
92.92% =(
@N3buchadnezzar Sure, we could. We'd have to answer all incoming questions and then kill an extra 1,000 zombies or so, but sure
Q: What is the more efficient way to write this query?

allanI have to create a new table from the existing one which is something like this Name | Return Ab | Y Cd | N Ab | Y Cd | Y Cd | N Cd | N I want to count the frequency of the Return (y/N) grouped by the name. So far i could is Select Name,coun...

I wonder when we reach sub 93% :/
already sub 93
On April 9 we had an answer accept rate of 34.89%, today it's 35.31%
92.9215% < 93%
Therefore, not sub 93.
That's definitely sub 93, did you mean above 93?
It's an education problem as well, not all OPs accept an answer.
We had an answer rate >93% until 22 Jun 2016.
@EBrown Blame 22 jun 2016
On 21 Jun 2016 it was 93.00%.
On 9 April 2016 it was 93.64%.
Blame everyone
@pacmaninbw "answered" = "has an answer of score 1 or higher"
@Pimgd Or accepted.
oh maybe that too
@Pimgd See it's an education problem.
Basically, if a question has any answers > 0 or accepted, it's considered answered.
IIRC from the SE docs.
@pacmaninbw ... because?
In my case
Didn't know about "answered" = "has an answer of score 1 or higher"
@Zak I need to give out 2546 upvotes then.
I don't remember which colour is which.
Good luck figuring it out. ;)
@EBrown Label-
... well hurray for random graphs then
IIRC blue represents questions being asked, red represents answers being posted.
Those two are that.
Green represents questions being answered.
Teal represents answers being accepted.
            var lineYFuncs = [];
            lineYFuncs[0] = function(d) { return y(d.tqcc); };
            lineYFuncs[1] = function(d) { return y(d.tacc); };
            lineYFuncs[2] = function(d) { return y(d.qacc); };
            lineYFuncs[3] = function(d) { return y(d.aarcc); };

            var lineClasses = ["", "red", "green", "teal"];
What is the difference between answers being posted and questions being answered?
Someone should make sense of that. ;)
@N3buchadnezzar If 100 questions are answered, but 3 answers are posted to each question...
Those aren't absolutes either.
Each colour is relative to itself.
They're just relative changes.
Complicated graphs are complicated
Does your code work alright? -> No - ask a question on SO. Yes, but I want to enhance it -> ask at Code Review. — Wiktor Stribiżew 34 secs ago
@Quill I believe I have an answer to this.
@syb0rg minor things: is there a section that mentions the best practices for using malloc? Also pointers might not necessarily be going to the heap.
@EBrown ^^
@N3buchadnezzar this seems rude
you ask a question, get an answer, and your response is "shut up"?
Why ask?
!!! Should we have a zombie-rate comparison chart?
Shadap as in: shut up that is amazing =)
Fantastic graphs
I.e. site-by-site comparison?
@syb0rg also if it isn't here already the C docs really need Deep C Secrets' "unscrambling declarations" section
@EBrown "Unix &amp; Linux" =)
@Phrancis SVG's are funky about that.
@EBrown Awesome.
@EBrown Won't escapes fix that?
@Mast SVG's don't escape.
Or, you know, different encoding.
@Mast @Phrancis See above.
Hey, that looks fine.
@syb0rg is setjmp() longjmp() documented. I saw the section on signal(), those are somewhat related.
Interesting quote from the Stack Overflow Documentation project announcement:
> - Your generosity, your content. All content is covered by the same CC-SA license that SO Q&A always used. And our regular data dumps will now include Documentation content.
I guess that suggests that the license change proposal is dead?
by the same license...?
so if you use SO docs, you also gotta attribute?
@Andreas Not on my table. I will be posting a code review in a few days of the code and will link it for you. But for now I would like to work out this bug — Dan 56 secs ago
@EBrown strange
Depends on what you mean by "use", I think.
@200_success Interesting indeed.
A: A New Code License: The MIT, this time with Attribution Required

200_successThe year is 2018… … and the economy is in a slump. Pundits on CNN are attributing the decline to a lack of growth in the computing sector. According to Alyssa P. Bitdiddle, senior analyst with the Society of Innovative Computer Programmers, This has been a disaster in the making since Marc...

Would make for a great new meta question I think.
By my translation phrasebook analogy, using the documentation for its intended purpose shouldn't need attribution, but reproducing book does need to follow license terms.
But yeah, someone who wants to stir the pot should ask a Meta question. =)
@200_success I've yet to be banned from SE, let's do it.
Q: Comparing a recursive and iterative traveling salesman problem algorithms in Java

coderoddeThis snippet is about two (brute-force) algorithms for solving the traveling salesman problem. Since there is plenty of boiler-plate code, I arranged a GitHub repository for the entire program, in case someone would like to run it. But these are the classes I would like to get reviewed: (Asymme...

@200_success It was your observation, your right to post.
"This should fix it." Proceeds to make it worse.
@syb0rg Your malloc() and free() documentation is good, but pointers are used for other things besides malloc() and free(). Maybe you should suggest a section on allocating memory?
@EBrown spanking code always makes it badder.
I don't understand
Why JavaScript?
@EBrown What is the graph? :3
I'm not in the mood to stir the pot. Besides, I have the answer, not a question. =)
I'm such an idiot
QuestionAnswerRate for that one, not qa.
Much better
So that's the zombie rate for the network.
(At least, graduated sites.)
Our rate is really low, comparatively.
How do you generate those graphs? :3
D3 and magic
Well, D3 is magic, so that sentence reads "Magic and magic" which is weird
I collect the same data each night that @Duga reports, but I save it.
So, every morning at 00:00UTC+0000, I collect all that data on each site in the SE network.
By hand?
There's a programme that runs on a server I own in North Carolina.
Runs on a VM, collects the data, sends it to SQL.
Then waits until the next day to do it again.
Every. Single. Night.
Been running for 3? months straight.
knocks on wood
@EBrown poof
@skiwi No kidding.
Magic is a pita sometimes.
"Holy carp it works. Don't touch it or anger the programming gods."
Just needs some Comic Sans now
I refuse.
How round value in JS?
To, 2? decimals.
That'll work.
I do have a mathematical solution if you want
Any solution. :P
100*floor( num/100)
Not work
Oh wait
@EBrown Other way around, sorry
It rounds to two decimals
@Phrancis Looks good to me!
Wtf do I do here
OK, taking a break from this, @syb0rg ping me if you want me to review any of yours :)
"92% zombies"
That's wrong
Damn this is cool.
wow some of them are scary
We're pretty good comparatively.
Worldbuilding has 0.1% zombies.
You have an unescaping bug: "English Language &amp; Usage"
@200_success @Phrancis and @Mast pointed that out earlier.
The problem is that SVG's won't escape & sequences.
I just need to preprocess them before rendering.
47 mins ago, by EBrown
user image
So, if you have a Stack Overflow question, statistically, you would have better luck asking Russian hackers.
Q: Session handling using Python Requests client

MiguelI have this code (which works well), to login in some experiment login form that I did to test: import requests import re def get_page_data(regex, page): match = re.compile(regex).search(page.text) if match != None: return match.group(1) return 'no match found on {}'.format(...

nobody is going to read through all that code. This isn't a code review site — redFIVE 31 secs ago
@syb0rg looks good, I like that added "common errors" that's the kind of thing I wish was more often found in documentation
Code Review is a code review site, but you would still need to explain in your question what the code is about. — 200_success 37 secs ago
@200_success You have to speak Russian for that, though.
I Lied.
Just one of the most visited.
Reading through the C doc entries, this seems like strange behavior
5 > 4      /* Returns 1. */
4 > 5      /* Returns 0. */
4 > 4      /* Returns 0. */
The first is true, which is 1.
5 < 4      /* Returns 0. */
4 < 5      /* Returns 1. */
4 < 4      /* Returns 1. */
that one's strange
Why does the last one return 1?
Should return 0.
^^ exactly
I'd bet they're wrong about it.
I don't have a way to check it
If that's truly how it works, I bet that's caused a few obscure bugs before ;)
@syb0rg see above - can you confirm?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int testComps() {
    return 4 < 4;

int main() {
    return 0;
Prints 0.
Isn't that C++?
Technically. But it has the same semantics.
I proposed an edit on it anyway.
We'll see if it get's accepted or rejected.
For anyone that wants to review it.
The worst infinite loop
Weekly "dare to answer?" questions: Three of them.
Q: Determining position of point W.R.T to given line equation

Kaushal28Problem from hackerrank:: Problem Statement: There are N lines. Each line has an index between 1 and N. The slope of each line is negative, i.e. it goes from upper-left to lower-right. There are Q queries. Each of them is in the format L R x y, and you should output whether there is...

@Phrancis Where is this?
Retrospective question:
Q: Simple Java calculator

IsaacI am a beginner in Java programming. Here is my simple calculator. I hope you could scan through my coding and let me know if there is any error in my coding or how I could simplify the code. import java.util.Scanner; public class Decimal { /** * @param args */ public static v...

A total of four questions were featured today from the newsletter.
@Phrancis Proposed
You are correct, good catch
@200_success I better stop learning German and start learning Russian.
@syb0rg I proposed the exact same change 15 minutes before you...
Docs is pretty chaotic right now, looks like many tags have huge queues of proposed entries
in Documentation Public Beta on Stack Overflow Chat, 3 hours ago, by hairboat
it's day 1 of a beta here, folks. things will be getting torn down and rebuilt and tweaked and fixed and discussed for the foreseeable future. your suggestions are welcome, and in fact they're necessary; we can't build anything useful without you. that said, "this is terrible and should be fixed" is not useful feedback, and it's close to downright disrespectful of the folks who've been working to participate constructively in the private beta and now in public.
@EBrown Well, I approved it lol
Did you get the rep?
Hopefully there's a mechanism at some point to merge duplicate or near-duplicate entries/changes/propositions
@syb0rg And some...lol
@Phrancis You too, if you haven't already?
Weird how it only needs one approval
Must be because we're above a specific rep.
Or it's so new they don't want it getting backlogged.
@EBrown I thought it had to do with how severe the edit might be
Yeah, that one there needed two approvals
I wonder what is the criteria for the +2 vs. +10
Was +10 an addition, or edit?
The top one was an edit (pretty substantial one), bottom one was addition
Some of the +2 were also additions, a few were edits
in Documentation Public Beta on Stack Overflow Chat, 6 mins ago, by Kevin Montrose
I'd like to a minute to just thank everyone for giving Documentation a shot. Launches are hard, and betas are buggy. We're working hard to fix and improve things, but we wouldn't even know what to do without all of your efforts.
If your code is working, try codereview.SE. — amit 46 secs ago
Q: Get Vehicle Makes, Models, Years and Options

GerardoI've created my first Laravel package. It provide car data like Makes, Models, Years and Options (the different vehicle configurations for a particular model/year). This is the github repository of the package: https://github.com/gerardojbaez/vehicle I will appreciate your comments and opinions...

Q: Vectorizing Two Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test

SciencertobeI'm implementing the Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test in MATLAB. I must admit I know very little of formal statistics and was simply trying to implement the description in wikipedia's page. Right now I take as input the two vectors to be compared x1 and x2, and optionally the p-value that the ...

Q: Swift Hackerrank Dynamic Array

ClefairyI've solved this question. Wasn't sure if I was suppose to use a dictionary in this case, as the question was to use a dynamic array, but I didnt know how else to do it. Was wondering if I can get feedback on my code or if there's a better way to approach it: import Foundation // reads input ...

Added a whole topic lol
Weird how adding a whole topic just required one approval
That was a major change I made
@syb0rg I'm on my 3rd whole topic addition today right now
It's a pretty big one though, datetime functions
I'm surprised compilation hadn't been added yet, it's integral to C programming
I feel like some changes shouldn't need approval if you have been documenting enough... like this
Q: How can I optimize my solution for the unbounded knapsack with items of equal value?

Michael GabayMy solution correctly solves the problem, but I would like to optimize its performance. For a capacity of 7 and bars = [ 4, 1, 1, 2, 1], the output is 7. def knapsack(capacity, bars) if capacity == 0 || bars.nil? || bars[0].nil? return 0 end solutions = [] sum = 0 (...

So, When learning JavaScript, nodejs, etc.... you run in to "surprises".
The remarkable thing about that package...... is that.... the entirety of the code - all of it, is:
module.exports = ['get', 'put', 'post', 'delete', 'options', 'head', 'patch'];
This is what is needed to test that array:
An entire GitHub repo for that? What the literal actual F.
"devDependencies": {
    "chai": "^3.2.0",
    "methods": "^1.1.1",
    "mocha": "^2.3.1",
    "npm-check-updates": "^2.2.0",
    "swagger-schema-official": "^2.0.0-96305d9",
    "version-bump-prompt": "^1.5.1"
That 1 line of real code, has docs, test, samples, and more: github.com/BigstickCarpet/swagger-express-middleware
Wrong link ^^^^
The swagger-methods library "required" By the above package, though.
I can't review any more documentation changes today :(
@syb0rg Remove the frownie, and it will look like you've absolutely burned out already.
possible answer invalidation by forsvarir on question by Balraj: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/135503/revisions
@Duga Op removed a function in response to a comment (before any answers) I've removed a call to the function in their example code, which they forgot to remove. No answers mentioned the call...
Indent your code properly and put this on code review. — Mad Physicist 16 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on codereview.stackexchange.comMad Physicist 45 secs ago
that might not meet the requirements of this site - you could try codereview.stackexchange.com but you'll need to put some working code up! — kafka 17 secs ago
@kafka I'm not asking to have my code reviewed; I'm trying to find an algorithm that will solve my problem. How can I change this question to best represent that? — Ben Leggiero 20 secs ago
@syb0rg I got the same thing about 20 minutes an hour after I started
@Quill I was too busy making changes rather than reviewing them at first
I was too busy rejecting stuff to make changes
there's like 160 new proposals in JS, versus like 8 or 9 when I was actively rejecting 'em
They just drew back on rep earned from docs
Now it's +5 instead of +10
Q: Efficient ways of looking for start-key and processing data

ChristianThis question is a follow up from my previous question. I am working with some wireless communication in Arduino. 979797 is the address of the transmitter. I have written the following code to check the address first before processing the data. My main concern is speed of computation. void p...

This is no code review site. See How to Ask and provide a specific problem. What do your tests show? Unit testing is the standard way to verify such functions. — Olaf 10 secs ago
Please, please, please use XAML to set up your UI. — Hosch250 33 secs ago
Anyone still have the ability to review Docs... stackoverflow.com/documentation/proposed/changes/19684
@Phrancis Aye
Ninja'd by the Hosch
@Mast Needs two to be accepted.
At least, some of the VBA ones did.
Q: Quick Sort in Java

Jaymit DesaiI recently started learning about algorithms and data structure's. I decided that for every algorithm I learn about I'll implement it without looking at any pseudo code or actual code. I have implemented Quick Sort using Hoare's Partition. The pivot is the last element in the array. Can someone ...

Q: Implementing checksum add without carry in C

zephyrI need to write a function in C which performs a checksum using the rule "add without carry". As I understand it, the "add without carry" concept is equivalent to the bitxor operator and given that the bitxor operation is associative and commutative, I am relying on that to perform the calculatio...

@Hosch250 I haven't seen a box to check yet.
Yeah, it says approved.
One of the ones I approved was approved by another person, maybe I clicked it before they approved.
Threw some upvotes, does that help?
Ah well, keep em coming, I still have accept thingies left.
My last MSE question still has no answer...
4 examples
1 contributors
Whoa.... oneboxing?!
ooh they fixed the pluralisation bug
@syb0rg How did you do that?
@Phrancis Share link I believe
7 examples
1 contributors
Ah ok, works for the top-level topics only, looks like

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