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RELOAD! There are 2520 unanswered questions (92.9469% answered)
If you want someone to review your code, codereview.stackexchange.com is down the hall, last door on your left. stackoverflow.com is for asking specific question on specific topics. At the bare minimum you need to attempt to implement your own attempt at initializing RevDigit, determine if the results are right, and if they're not and you can't figure out why they're not, then that would be a valid question. — Sam Varshavchik just now
@Zak Tell me about it. I look outside my window and there are teenagers crawling around the woods with their phones.
Was added in chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git/+/… - 2013 Feb 13. " Add an outdated upgrade bubble view. Show a new bubble when the current install is more than on major revision away from what's available. BUG=151996", review chromiumcodereview.appspot.com/11440020. The bug "report" is not public: bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=151996osgx 45 secs ago
Q: Jasmine Unit tests for simple Angular backend interaction.

dwjohnstonI have a simple angular application, it lists some objects requests from a backend, and then allows the users to click once to edit the item, and then click again to update the object in the backend. Here's a codepen demostration: http://codepen.io/kiwideejay/pen/NAwymJ?editors=1111 nb. I've...

Hey @Phrancis! How're you?
Good, been away for a couple of days it's good to be back home! How are you?
The consensus on burninating seems uncontested. Do we need a mod to initiate the burnination process? I don't quite recall. Here is the meta post.
I'm doing well, thanks.
1 hour later…
Q: parse regular expression in C++

loudkingTASK: This function searches given null terminated string pStr by given subset of regular expression pMatch. Return value is matched string appeared in pStr. If nothing has matched, return value is empty string. The subset of regular expression grammar is defined as follows. - A string is set ...

Sometimes it might be ok to use ifs and switches to create proper object (it's better than checking the type while using it for sure). I'd post the code (factory & created data types examples) in codereview. Maybe it can be simplified or resolved differently. — shudder 24 secs ago
Anyone git time to help me with some very simple binary operations?
Q: Armstrong numbers in a given range using Java 8

Bilesh GangulyWas fiddling with java-8; trying to write a program for getting all Armstrong Numbers between 1 and 10_000_000. Following is my working solution: public class ArmstrongNumbers { public static void main(String[] args) { IntStream.range(1, 10_000_000) .filter((n) ->...

> We use the bits of the binary expansion of n + 1, starting at the leftmost bit, to determine which terms in the U sequence need to be computed. For example, if n + 1 = 44 (= 101100 in binary), we compute U1, U2, U4, U5, U10, U11, U22, and U44.
^ I really do not understand how they came up with that computation. I see that they are able to make 44. However how they used the binary expansion to see which term should be doubled is still unclear
@N3buchadnezzar Monking!
@Phrancis heya
@pacmaninbw Take Windows Vista as an example of "just because it can be done, doesn't mean it should be."
@Phrancis Any idea about those binary bits?
Nope. don't know a thing about bit-shifting and that kind of sorcery
@N3buchadnezzar What binary bits?
Why not trinary bits?
9 mins ago, by N3buchadnezzar
> We use the bits of the binary expansion of n + 1, starting at the leftmost bit, to determine which terms in the U sequence need to be computed. For example, if n + 1 = 44 (= 101100 in binary), we compute U1, U2, U4, U5, U10, U11, U22, and U44.
@Phrancis Black magic woman.
Oh, I think I got it. LAl
@Kaiido not exactly I tried the suggested solution but it doesn't work in my case, possibly due to very large number of images per row. Theoretically it should work but it doesn't, here you can see the example. — CodeYogi just now
anyone there
@N3buchadnezzar hi
Q: Code to join filesystem path strings in PHP?

hellboyFollowing code has some issues: $args = func_get_args(); $paths = array(); foreach ($args as $arg) { $paths = array_merge($paths, (array)$arg); } $paths = array_map(create_function('$p', 'return trim($p, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);'), $paths); $paths = array_filter($paths); return DIRECTORY_SEPAR...

If your code works but you want to improve it, your question certainly belongs to codereview.stackexchange.comzezollo 48 secs ago
@microbuster hello
@CaptainObvious Sounds like "gimmeh teh codez"
@Phrancis how are you
@microbuster Pretty good, yourself?
@Phrancis well as always
@Phrancis any new topic for me
@microbuster Not really, just read up, or start a discussion about something
are you on area 51
On occasion
I go there every once in a while if I see some interesting proposal
can you propose a site right now
i will try to follow it
I don't have any idea for a new site proposition, can you follow one that's already there instead?
About to post on SO, wish me luck
@N3buchadnezzar You'll need it, GL
Probably more interesting than most of the questions on there, though
Trying to match audio cord adapters is the pits. My 1/8" earbuds are broken, so I was trying to find a way to hook my 1/4" earphones to work with the PS4
Try as I might, I was not able to find any combination of adapters that would work
Q: Lucas pseudoprime

N3buchadnezzarI have been trying to implement the Baillie-PSW primality test for a few days, and have ran into some problems. Sepcifically when trying to use the Lucas probable prime test. My question is not about Baile, but on how to generate the correct Lucas sequence modulo some number For the first two ps...

Such question, much ???, wow.
@N3buchadnezzar Sounds pretty complicated, I was going to suggest posting on Math.SE but the code part might intimidate them
Well I understand the mathematics behind it :p not really that complicated, but there is something I just do not quite get.
If it's an implementation problem though, SO is probably the best place
The idea is that we want to check if \$U_{n+1}\$ divides \$ n \$
If it does then \$n\$ is probably prime.
Leave out the spaces before/after \$ tags
otherwise it breaks the plugin
if \$U_{n+1}\$ divides \$n\$
Uh, we'll see... that plugin is anything but reliable or responsive
However I have not been able to generate \$U_{n+1}\$ correctly. There is a faster way to do it binary. However both my standard implementation and the one running in log n time, break :p
scratches head
If the code already works and you just want help improving it, CodeReview is a more appropriate site than StackOverflow. — skrrgwasme 6 secs ago
What's the "U" thing?
I felt mocked by the wikipedia article which said that generating the Luckas sequence was as easy as generating the fibonnaci sequence :p
Fibonacci is easy enough, maybe it's the case the Luckas math is different but not necessarily more complex...?
@Phrancis Here is an explanation. Think I will swim in the pool a bit, cool my head off. After that I can probably find my mistake, or have the embarrassing mistake pointed out by SO.
> Easy as Fibonacci they said, it will be fun they said.
Q: How this code is working?

Vaqif GulmemmedovHow this code is working ? public class Mix4 { int counter = 0; public static void main(String[] args) { int count =0; Mix4 [] m4a = new Mix4 [20]; int x =0; while (x < 9){ m4a[x] = new Mix4(); m4a[x].counter = m4a[x].counter + 1; count = count +1; ...

@CaptainObvious Nope.
public class Mix4 {
int counter = 0;
public static void main(String[] args) {
    int count =0;
    Mix4 [] m4a = new Mix4 [20];
Monking !
it's almost 10 AM here and there are about 34 celsius degrees outside.Ouchh ):
I wouldn't mind some of that heat
I'm wrapped in blankets here :(
Q: Optimally ordering a tree, any tree

Sam Pearsoneveryone. This will be my last question for awhile. Thanks for your interest in my take on splicing enumerables together, object instantiation in constructors via illumination, and of course, my 100% accurate but considerably slow prime number computer. For this last post, I ask that you consi...

Consider fixing the code anyway, then posting it on CodeReview instead. That site's entire purpose is to make working code better. — skrrgwasme 55 secs ago
Q: Is this loop-based Java code to reverse a linked list, efficient and self explanatory?

Senthil KumarTriggered by an interview question (I didn't answer during the interview) I wrote a Java program to reverse a linked list. I went with a loop-based approach instead of recursion. I would like to know: Is the reverse() method is efficient as it is or can be improved? Is the documentation clear o...

Q: A pattern to clean up this factory method

user2045006I'm writing a package where I need to have PHP objects that represent MySQL data types. For example, I have classes for IntType, VarCharType, BlobType, etc. And I need to be able to construct these types from the results of the query, SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM tbl; So this is my current factory m...

Q: Java 8 functions to avoid try-catch repetition

Xtreme BikerI'm developing a Java 8 + JSF application, where all the view classes extend from an abstract class called Navegable. All the methods called from the view and intended to modify the DB in any way, have to add an information message if everything goes OK or an error message otherwise. This invol...

Q: what are the problems in my code in Python

Sanatan ChaudharyRecently I started programming with python. Today I was trying to make a stone, paper, scissor game. After so scratching my head long time, Finally I got a working code. from random import choice def play_again(): print "Do you want to play again:- Choose 'yay' or 'nay'" user_ag...

Monking @all
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: MySQL connection using a static connection
Q: PHP, OOPS, Forms, Mysql all in one in PHPOffice( Word )

RajeshAm searching for the Plug-in where I cant able to find such thing as Button in "PHPWord"

Maybe this would be better suited at [CR](codereview.stackexchange.com) or [Programmers](programmers.stackexchange.com) — R4PH43L 1 min ago
I made it work
Q: Rock-Paper-Scissors with the revealing module pattern

topleftIn my ongoing effort in learning advanced javascript I tried to develop the traditionnal rock paper scissors game by using the famous revealing module pattern. I'm not comfortable yet with what has to be Private/Public. In my solution, I decided to have a single public function, Game, which uses ...

@N3buchadnezzar now make it right :)
@CaptainObvious there is a pattern for that???
@Vogel612 Yes, it predates the module systems in JS
It basically looks a bit like this
var MyModule = (function () {
  function MyClass() {}
  var someImlpementationVarHere = 0;
  return {
    MyClass: MyClass
Then MyModule ends up being { MyClass: MyClass } and you hide the implementation detail
Otherwise all of that would pollute the global namespace (because var is hoisted)
old JS is full of bad decisions
Q: Xml serialize to object

RebornxI have to read some data from xml file and then need to store the converted json in the database. The class DtoProcedureXml mapped with xml attributes. public class ProcedureManager { #region Declaration private DtoProcedureXml procedure; private ProcedureDataManager procedureDataMan...

Q: Encrypting Xml using session key

MuditI have a Xml which is stored in the String. I need to encrypt it using a session key (AES and 256bit) I am using following code to generate the key public byte[] generateSessionKey() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException { KeyGenerator kgen = KeyGenerator....

possible answer invalidation by codeFreak on question by codeFreak: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/134242/revisions
@Duga seems to not invalidate the answer, another set of eyes?
i'm off to university now... BBIAB
@Vogel612, no answer mention the ifs, so it's ok I guess. Bye
someone have classes in summer? O_o
template <typename Engine = std::mt19937>
class random_bits_generator
    Engine engine;
    std::bernoulli_distribution distribution;
    template <typename OutputIt>
    void operator()(OutputIt first, OutputIt last)
        while (first != last)
            *first++ = distribution(engine);

    Engine get()
        return engine;
guys what do you think about design?
For future reference, questions like this are better posted on codereview.stackexchange.com -- as you already have a solution to the problem, but are only seeking opinions on code quality. — Tom Lord 23 secs ago
@Duga, isn't 4 lines too few?
the class was free function in the beginning with static Engine, but the asker is beginner, so had to leave it as further improvement
Work have reaffirmed that they want to build a bespoke back-office system in-house. Meaning me ^^ (and probably another guy we know who's got a lot of experience building web-based systems for companies).
@Zak, you mean like server code?
@Vogel612 That might be codereviews slogan!
@OlzhasZhumabek He certainly could, but we'd want him more for his general experience with these kind of projects and for experience building websites/portals/I don't really know what I'm talking about.
@Vogel612 Looks ok.
> You make it work, we make it better
@Zak, I hate web programming. I don't like when I can't control types, and javascript does exactly that
someone run a benchmark, so on number crunching it's like 250 times slower than C. But of course no one would do number crunching in js
@OlzhasZhumabek Challenge accepted
@OlzhasZhumabek Well, we may be about to buy another company who work out of an office 50 miles away, so we're going to need some kind of internet connection to whatever we end up building.
@N3buchadnezzar, ^^
@Zak, haven't thought that setting up working environment is so cumbersome.
@Zak A tech company requiring internet to work? How preposterous!
I'm learning new words everyday here xD
@N3buchadnezzar Not a tech company. Just a financial company in dire need of some tech.
@Zak yay?
HTML and CSS are pretty easy to learn, JS is pretty easy despite all the complaints people have
the hard one will probably be whatever stack you guys choose as backend
@Quill, ruby on rails? xD
@OlzhasZhumabek that's one of many choices
and now that I think about it, the only major backend framework I don't have experience in
Another Matlab Zombie down =)
@Quill yay
@Zak You don't really need a web dev for that though. Just SSH into a portal and you're good to go.
Remote Desktop over a tunnel would work as well.
@Zak Enjoy setting up a DMZ or a VPN (or both)
@Mast Maybe. But file this under "I have no idea what I'm doing or even where to begin, so having someone more experienced to work with/ learn from is worth hiring for a couple of months"
Yup. Just saying you shouldn't re-invent the wheel.
There's prefab solutions for this readily available if you don't like messing around yourself. Get the expert to set it up, since it's a company and all.
@DejanRainsavijevic your intentions are good, but this is not the CodeReview, and you should say your answer did not solve the issue. — Mario Alexandro Santini 54 secs ago
can anyone help me to add search field above JTREE in below link code.(codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/4446/file-browser-gui) — user6577633 43 secs ago
progressbar issue resolved thnx... — user6577633 46 secs ago
any Polish speakers here?
Q: C++ thread safe log file writer

devopsEMKI am new to C++. I made the class (MFC lib) to write a log files.Now I want to implement this code into thread safe way! Log.h #pragma once class CLog { public: CLog(); ~CLog(); int CLog::Log(CString log); void CLog::TWriteAllToLog(); }; Log.cpp #include "stdafx.h" #include "...

Monking @skiwi
@JeroenVannevel We got Bulgarians and Romanians, but I don't think we have Polish regulars.
@CaptainObvious Ah, classic mistakes.
Oh hai
Q: (Follow Up) Armstrong numbers in a given range using Java 8

Bilesh GangulyPrevious Question: Armstrong numbers in a given range using Java 8 Updated program for getting all Armstrong Numbers between 1 and 10_000_000 as per the suggestions in this answer. public class ArmstrongNumbers { public static void main(String[] args) { IntStream.range(1, 10_000_00...

@CaptainObvious Wrote an answer, but I see it has gathered close votes. I didn't run it, but is it indeed broken? Empty constructors and destructors are not enough indication.
it's asking for features in the comments, that's why I VTCd
the request is for a rewrite into threadsafe code
Last time I had a problem with that @Mat'sMug came in, swooped every off-topic statement under the rug and declared it fit for the site.
Should I do the same here?
You're asking for feature requests in your comments. That's not what we do. We can review the given code, but expect the code as-is to be working as intended. Please take a look at the help center. — Mast 37 secs ago
you could try :)
I'm with you here @Mast FWIW.
I must admit I just saw in the CVQ and may be biased
Q: Is it bad practice to let all pointer types have "Ptr" at the end of their name?

Aiman Al-EryaniI thought perhaps naming all variables containing pointers with a "Ptr" suffix can improve readability: int counter = 10; int *counterPtr = &counter; int *counterPtr = new int(10); Texture *texture0Ptr = new Texture("image.png"); Texture &texture0 = *(new Texture("image.png")); float *numbers ...

okay OP is continuing to ask for that in comments under @mast's answer
@CaptainObvious YES
@Mast, should I vote to close too? it's really good candidate
@Vogel612 Happens to everyone.
Without clear problem statement this looks like a codereview requestSinatr 48 secs ago
@OlzhasZhumabek No, I'll try to cut out the crap instead.
Prepare for an incoming @Duga remark about my invalidation skills.
On another noet, this got a chuckle out of me:
> The anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church in the US is the location of a gym in the game, and players planted a pink "Clefairy" Pokemon called Love is Love there. The church has responded with a series of social media posts calling the Pokemon a sodomite.
@DanPantry Religious warfare anno 2016.
@DanPantry Yea, I think I got it covered.
In hindsight I'm not going to touch the OP's comments since that would basically vandalize the code. But I cut some of the remarks around the code blocks to make it look better.
Damn, I enabled strict null checking in TS
~170 errors :S
(strict null checking = when a type could be null or undefined but you access it without checking before hand, basically possible null reference exceptions)
@DanPantry that's not really a lot
Yeah, half of the app is in a .js file and not .ts file, so it doesn't have type checking.
So it could potentially be 2x that
Can't complain about that though that's my fault.
@DanPantry Whether the type is checked depends on the extension? Evil.
That is designed for projects that started in JS and not TS
otherwise you'd never be able to gradually adopt TS
You'd have to do the entire project in one go
There IS some limited type checking done with .js, but not null type checks because nearly everything would likely be null/undefined
Why would one want to break code gradually?
Consistency is important.
@Mast The idea is it's also being fixed gradually
Typescript highlights type errors
You either correct the type or you correct the call site
If you had to do that ALL before adopting the superset, it'd never be done
It'd be like trying to move to C# from VB but without having the .NET framework for compatibility between assemblies
So, TypeScript is like a stricter version of JS?
TypeScript is essentially JS with structural typing
JS done right.
It has it's faults, but TypeScript 2.0 gives me a lot of hope for the language. They added some REALLY good features.
So this adds a couple of things over using strict, right?
not entirely right
use strict tells you not to do stupid stuff
TypeScript gives you structural typing to help you remove ambiguity
@Mast I do this all the time. Gradually my life is deteriorating into a mass of unpalletable portions. Which is probably why I'm such a grump. I assume at a certain age the process will become "remove broken code gradually" :)
@Gareth isn't that a continual process?
@Vogel612 probably. Hence the older you get the grumpier you get, until eventually you're so old that you start going the other way, the older you get the more you forget.
I'm good at forgetting. I'm still grumpy most of the time
I've been good at forgetting for as long as I can remember.
@Mast starbait
True though.
I have Jira's. I'll never be allowed to forget
@Mast an elephant never forgets
If my head wasn't fixed on my shoulders I'd forget where I left it half of the time.
The number of times I've looked for my phone while on the phone makes me very worried for my future
Like sunglasses on your head.
Keys, while they're still in your pocket.
@Mast that be me
@Mast I've started to automatically check my pockets before anything else
@Vogel612 Same here, and carrying it always in the same pocket helps as well.
Until, you know, you forget to check your pockets.
@DanPantry wat
Btw, do you still need to compile TypeScript 2.0 to Javascript before using it?
@skiwi Yes, TypeScript is not syntax compatible with JS.
I'm still waiting for the day that browsers drop Javascript as the de-facto standard and allow users to write in any code that is supported
Writing add-ons in Brainfuck, can't wait.
Who am I kidding, TASM all the way.
There's a reason JS is the defacto standard. Making the rest work on every platform is simply a lot of work and not feasible.
since js is mostly transpiled nowadays anyways we could just write transpilers into js
Code Review is the stackexchange site for improving working code. You can try posting it there, but calculating md5sums is a pretty known algorithm, it is unlikely that you can speed that part up. — Gerald Schneider 1 min ago
@Vogel612 Does increasing complexity ever help?
It would be interesting as a proof-of-concept though.
wait it doesn't?
@skiwi That'll never happen
@Vogel612 That happens already
Well... sort of, not really, nvm
A big one would be Elm though, that looks pretty fundamentally different to JS
@DanPantry since Chrome and MS make up over 50% of the market, you'll have to wait for both to provide this..
There's no way JS will be dropped entirely
It may become a ship of theseus (sort of is already) but JS is here to stay
It's not just used in browsers and nearly every website is already written in JS anyway
Dan you're such a pessimist
Actually, I'm being an optimist
I don't mean to drop JS, I just mean that it's not the only standard anymore ^^
What would you propose?
yes, one could look at it that way, work for life
Java, for example, in the browser? And just how well did that go before?
@DanPantry To give other languages a chance without transpiling ^^
That would be a bad idea...
That would mean you'd have to increase the size of the browser download for every language, there would be fragmentation as well
punch cards
I would really just rather see one language and one language done correctly
@DanPantry Like that will ever happen.
I really think JS is going in the right direction, esp with the adoption of structural typing..
JS is really not that bad any more, the main issue with JS isn't to do with JS but to do with adoption
If everyone used ES6 JS would be much, much better
but that's what happens when you have users who refuse to upgrade because their laptop bought in 2004 still works and does the job for them, they just have to do a rain dance to get it working
@Gareth Worth noting that a lot of the "other" browsers is also versions of chrome/IE. I think market share of all chrome browsers is about 45% of desktop these days.
Besides, the big issue is mobile. Not desktop.
@DanPantry needs extensions... mobile browsing is a pain without adblock and scriptsafe
Q: powershell md5 compare too slow

Pedro SalesI'm trying to compare several files using md5 hash with powershell 2.0. The code works, the problem is that it's to slow. It takes longer in step 3. It's about 500 files to compare. Can you see a way to get it faster, like, don't do the step 3 every time? write-host "1" $COMP_ORI=$LOCAL_HOME...

I wrote a crap code, however it is quite complicated so I am afraid to change it because it will probably break
@N3buchadnezzar You didn't write tests?
that is going to turn from simply crap into a toilet-blocking floater.
What are thesa tests you ara talking about?
^ Trying to sound italian
@N3buchadnezzar How's it working for you?
@throck95 Not a good i am afraid. My italian is in another castle..
I see I see I see
Mzonking @Phrancis
@Phrancis I made it work!
Not sure why or how, but it is alive.
Ah makes better sense
more, actually
Hopefully it get's some answers codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/134651/… :P I don't want to bounty it
Igor pull the lever
Yes Master
@N3buchadnezzar Holy carp, nicely done!
Q: Serial port communication using serial multiple ports having issue of memory management

alok sharmaI am having a serial port communication application using 3 serial ports DMX (m_port,m_port1,m_port2) which will run 24 *7 , so i just need to ensure memory usage doesn't go above limit with using(), Idisposable and minimize use of global variables. Start method to start sending hex data continu...

woop, passed 17k rep
3k until trusted user
@Vogel612 wait. are we really going to trust him?
Brb making a 2GB+ array
Got 100 rep now. I feel so small compared to the thousands you guys have lol
monking !!
@throck95 start answering :)
@Vogel612 i need to. little hard though when your working 40 hours a week, volunteering 10 hours a week, and working on a senior thesis to graduate college :P
@JHache Hey!
@throck95 I usually write answers during my work hours :P
@syb0rg I work on my thesis during my work hours :P
> Love can be as hard as algebra
@N3buchadnezzar If that were the case, I'd be a master of love. No way in hell am I that though.
actually I
^ A song on the radio. Why did nobody tell me sooner that love was so easy?!
@syb0rg @throck95 I searcg for questions to answer at work. Usually unsuccesfully, but hey whateverh
> Love is like Oxygen
@Vogel612 You suck it in and use it till it's of no more use to you? Then you throw it away?
@Vogel612 If you mix it with hydrogen you get water?
> You get too much, you get too high
Not enough and you're gonna die
@Vogel612 Water u doin?
typing on one hand
Let me not ask where the other one is
Better than @Mat'sMug the other day. He was typing with his pinky finger
because the other is deadlocked in the arms of a sleeping girl
Better not ask where the girl's arm is
deadlocking my arm mostly..
@Vogel612 simultaneously the best and worst
as in really actually sleeping
wtf is wrong with you people??
@Vogel612 We're nerds. We don't see women that often
Q: Making the directory structure for MVC PHP

mp252I am attempting to put my new OOP skills to the test and am eventually going to build a simple OOP login/registration system. However as I am making use of OOP I have decided to make my own simple MVC. Is this a correct way to have the directory structure? Or can I make improvements? root-dire...

go catch some pokemon, you might see people out there
@throck95 my girlfriend is an even bigger geek than I am in terms of hobbies
@throck95 I see them often. Usually they are running away screaming though.
geek <> nerd
@JHache there are obvious exceptions, thus the "often"
@N3buchadnezzar You and me both...
@throck95 have a rant answer
@Vogel612 I mean in a room like this she's more on the geek spectrum, but idk is there even a difference
A: Phishing Project Sending Email Assessment

Pimgd/** * executeEmail * Public-facing method to send an email to a database of users if they are a valid recipient. * * @param array $emailSettings Host, port, username, and password variables for the mail server * @param string $emailTemplate Pa...

@Pimgd I see it. Takin a look now
> may the force be ...
(geek) with you
(nerd) mass times acceleration
@Vogel612 so basically.... there's a geek out there for every nerd?
@Vogel612 Guess I'm an odd ball bc I'm both.
@throck95 I feel like a nerd is a geek
I think there is significant overlap
But a geek might not be a nerd
We need to go deeper
@JHache Thus the scientific explanation of causation
What about all of these hipsters calling themselves nerds?
Wannabees. They see that the nerds eventually get the super hot chicks because they're smart.
My personal Venn diagram is roughly:
Geek = "obsession" Film geek, Sports Geek, Maths Geek etc.
Nerd = Above, but with strong academic connotations. Often with connotations of social ineptitude attached as well.
they're just hipsters
alternatively "filthy casul" works, too
@Zak I still like the bunnies response
user image
Would you like to continue discussing the finer points of geek vs. nerd vs. dork in The Nth Monitor?
... no?
@syb0rg Gonna have to agree. But maybe add one more field in there about athletic ability
anybody else realize that se chat is now beyond 310_00_000 messages?
Half of them are starred by us
Holy carp
@Vogel612 can haz separators?
oh god why
310 crore
31_000_000 ofc
How many % are mat's?
@Vogel612 ooh, finger
@syb0rg That puts me firmly in the "nerd" category.
Did github recently change their font?
it looks great
I think so too!
A: Making the directory structure for MVC PHP

VictorThis is a good approach. Take a look at Symfony best practices, it's a good OOP PHP framework.

@syb0rg This is a bad answer. Take a look at Code Review best practices it's a good FAQ.
Flagged as NAA, since in it's current state it would be better as a comment

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