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RELOAD! There are 2510 unanswered questions (92.9226% answered)
Q: LinkedList of Nodes at each level - optimalization

MalvinkaThat's already known problem: to return an array of linked lists that contain values of elements at each level. Eg for tree with depth n there should be n linked lists. I wrote the solution: public ArrayList<LinkedList<Integer>> levelLists() { class NodeLevel { public BinaryTreeNode ...

> optimalization
Q: php login form PDO

Mohamed AhmedPlease can you check my code and tell about any smokestack I create login form with session Four pages connection.php, login.php,plan.php,logout.php Database educate(Create table users): CREATE TABLE users( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT, username VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, password VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,...

3 hours later…
Just got back from a personal fireworks display.
A friend of ours invited us over for a fireworks party this morning, and it turned that we were the only ones invited.
There were some monster fireworks there.
possible answer invalidation by Jamal on question by s7Q: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/115817/revisions
@Duga Doubtful, @Jamal knows what he is doing.
The current close vote is because the voter felt the question to be "too broad", which it is given that "optimise" is a pretty vague goal, but I was thinking of voting to close it as "off topic" because in my opinion "help optimise this working code" questions belong on codereview.stackexchange.com. — nnnnnn 38 secs ago
Q: Optimized Int Reader

Tanmay GargI am new in Golang, and decided to create a function that could cater to my needs of reading an integer from stdin. I need the function to be as efficient and fast as possible. The code is: package main import( "fmt" "bufio" "os" //"io" "strings" "strconv" ) type NoIntRe...

possible answer invalidation by Jamal on question by Programmer 400: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/7147/revisions
Q: Video downloader app implemented in RxJs

SreevisakhHere is a hobby project to help me learn RxJs. var Rx = require('rx'); var RxNode = require('rx-node'); var request = require('request'); var _ = require('lodash'); var cheerio = require('cheerio'); exports.getResult = function(req, res) { var result = ''; fetchContent({ ...

Q: Find the possible mathematic expressions from the given integers to evaluate a value

HashiHow can I decompose this code into multiple threads so that it can run in parallel and enhance the efficiency(speed)? #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <fstream> #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; //All the D...

Q: Android app supposed to solve trinomials using quadratic formula - Needs work

ToddI wrote most of what I need to make an app that finds the solution to any given trinomial (except for answers containing imaginary numbers for now). It works for certain equations, such as x^2+5x+6, giving the answer -2.0 and -3.0, but not for others such as x^2-x-6, which outputs -0.9201328815 a...

Q: Database Schema for Factory Application

Alfred SeveroI am creating an application to manage the assembly of shoes through a web application. Could you tell me that you think that is more or you would be missing to be as solid and complete as possible , thinking that no attempt to make a big application (at least initially). Here's database script...

For feedback on design, efficiency, performance, coding style etc, you may wish to post to codereview as it is on topic there. Nicely written code btw. — jewelsea 53 secs ago
Monking @all
possible answer invalidation by Jamal on question by user2650277: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/125934/revisions
I dont like questions which are lacking any effort or anything.. internet is full of algorithms of such kind.. pick some.. try it yourself and if you want opinion from more experienced programmers you may try codereviewotopolsky 52 secs ago
Any Java devs looking for a job?

Code Review Expert (JAVA and HTML5)

VGW Gaming

To improve our quality we need someone dedicated to code reviews. You will be getting pull requests, checking the codeā€¦

Posted on Stack Overflow Careers on June 23, 2016

Q: Simplify the code in python

Sitz BlogzWhat is the better way to rewrite the simpler version for this code? The code is supposed to group start and end time logs and provide log counts and unique id counts. The grouping will be variable 1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, etc. Input: No of day reamins 'x' in inputs. UserID, Star...

Q: VBA_Accelerate the process of Filling the quelity control table

HiddenllyyI'm working on a report of quality control. I've got a table, with all the points of control inside, and each time, when I get a new test result, EXCEL should fill this table. My code already works, but slowly (I have 15000 lines in this table, and it takes me 4 minutes to fill it), so I wish I c...

Q: Check if file exists in directoy or parent

HimBromBeereI want to check if a file exists in a given directory or in the parent one. So I wrote this code: if (File.Exists(fileName) || File.Exists(Directory.GetParent(Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName)).FullName + Path.GetFileName(fileName))) However this seems quite odd to me and I wonder if there ...

Monking @Vogel612
monking all
would have said it earlier but my PC is so incredibly slow.. i got here 10 minutes ago and it's only just started letting me type stuff in chrome
@Quill Do not want to codereview any more JAVA code tbh.
@Mast Makes me not want to play tbh. I would definitely be angling for top ranks even if it is unrealistic - that's just how I play competitive games
@DanPantry Playing it competitive (top 10) will take control of your life though, you need to monitor your assets the entire time or get crashed.
There's ways around that, but those aren't very profitable.
@Mast haha, I couldn't do that at my current job. I believe they have an iOS app though
ahhhh bugger, all morning meeting :(
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Implementation of authenticated encryption
Monking !
@DanPantry RIP Dan's sanity
Monking @all
Today's irritation: Spreadsheet Data provided via Word Document
How hard is it for people to just send spreadsheet data via spreadsheet.
wow... that's... evil
@Zak would you mind giving my new vba answer a once over? Especially the actual vba code part. I'm not dead sure on the syntax :/
Q: Issue with SQL script

David AndrewsI hoping somebody can help with a sql issue I have. WE have sales orders and works orders. I am looking at the works order history table called bmhstm. In this table we have works orders that have different warehouses and each record in the table has a sales order. If the works order record ...

@Vogel612 Sure. Probably won't be free until lunchtime though
I assume you'll be shooting at the newest vba question anyways, so I'll leave the link out. Thanks :)
@CaptainObvious broken.
Q: Declare Parcelable KEY String constant INSIDE Parcelable class?

shaunkawanoI would like to know two things: How others hold String constant used for Parcelable key Idea or opinions about declaring String constant for Parcelable key INSIDE the Parcelable class itself. To make things clearer, I would like to write it in detail. Let's say we have a Parcelable class li...

Q: Preventing xss in symfony

mp252I have started to implement cross site scripting prevention (xss) within my code. However as I am using symfony for this particular project I have read up that nothing needs to be done for xss in symfony as it is already protected from it, is this case? If this is not the case I want to make s...

Q: CodeEval - Lucky Tickets challenge

SlyvainThis a solution to the CodeEval's challenge "Lucky Tickets". After a failed attempt with brute-force calculations (no surprise here), I have tried to implement an algorithm that I found on StackOverflow. The code runs without errors and my results match the output given in the example. However,...

Hint: if you are looking for feedback on "working" code, then codereview.stackexchange.com is a better place to turn to. — Jägermeister 40 secs ago
This is a question for code review .. — dbf 26 secs ago
Q: Multi threaded text-based tetris game

ŠœŠ°ŠŗсŠøŠ¼ ŠŃ‚Š°Š½Š°ŃŠ¾Š²I have decided to make a game of text-based Tetris in C. At first I had no idea how to start so I settled for threads. Each thread moves its own piece down the grid and all the main thread does is redraw it every 16ms. However now I see that multi-threading a game like Tetris isn't necessary at a...

Hi @parviz-karimli, you can post your code on codereview SE, it will help you to get feedback — Andy K 56 secs ago
Can we close this for hypothetical?
Q: View/renderer for a polymorphic model

Antony ZhI need to render polymorphic models in different situations. Model's base class: abstract class BaseDiscount { abstract public function createRenderer(IDiscountRendererFactory $factory); } IDiscountRendererFactory: interface IDiscountRendererFactory { /** * @return IDiscountRenderer...

It's a zombie.
seems to have slipped through a crack
@AndyK - This is not appropriate for Code Review. OP is simply doing a self-answered question. Unfortunately, there is no question in the question, so it's off-topic for SO as well. — TigerhawkT3 18 secs ago
Q: Lambda in Tkinter (Procedural)

Parviz Karimlifrom tkinter import * # WITH LAMBDA root1 = Tk() root1.title("Tkinter With Lambda") root1.geometry("500x500-800+50") def update(option): if option == 'first': label.config(text=entry1.get()) else: # for 'second' option label.config(text=entry2.get()) label = Label(roo...

@CaptainObvious code-dump.. wtf?
@Quill yeah, because i had some to begin with
Q: Python: create edges from cells

Nico SchlömerI have a (large) number of nodes and (triangular) cells, e.g., cells_nodes = [ [0, 3, 1], [0, 2, 3] ] This example represents the small mesh (Please call me Picasso from here on out.) Now, I would like to create the edges for these meshes (in red above), specifically edgeā€“nod...

@Vogel612 Cross-post with SO, see comment.
@Mast One more CV.
If your code is otherwise working correctly, I suppose you want to ask this on Code Review. You may want to read their introductory tour though ā€“ I see you chose to skip that step for SO. Make sure to read their On Topic Guide. — Rad Lexus 25 secs ago
Q: Thread synchronization wait/notify

AlbertI need to run several identical threads. All threads must wait to do their job, until all threads are running (alive). I use wait/notify to synchronize: when a thread is created it waits until it gets a notify to continue. It works, but not sure it's the best way. Is it efficient? I read from...

For what purpose? Code Review? Fixing a bug? Coding new functionality? — Fildor 13 secs ago
Q: An event bus implementation for java

Anindya ChatterjeeI have implemented an event bus library for Java - JBus. Anybody please care to review my code? It is an open source project and link is provided above.

@Vogel612 It's good. Nitpicks:
Method/Property names should never be used for variables. See: name.
Standard Naming Conventions for Constants are SHOUTY_SNAKE_CASE.
shouty snake
Actually that looks more like a "D:"
. .
anyone know how to dismiss the yellow message at the top of my intellij telling me a coworker modified this file and that my version is outdated
this sort of thing
sounds lke you'll haev to go diving in the settings for it
I mean, sure, they did that, but I already updated.
this notice should disappear
@Pimgd Check if you are using the same line endings
show Diff - contents are identical
thats' so annoying
seems like you have to manually refresh the version control history via version control -> repository -> refresh
this could be better off at code review — deW1 46 secs ago
If the code works but you just want to make it better, you should post this on CodeReview instead. — SomethingDark just now
Line endings, fun...
You have not showed us your solution so we cannot let you know if we know of a more elegant or more efficient solution. Furthermore, if you have a working solution then this question might be better on codereview.stackexchange.com but you must supply the code. — James Adkison 35 secs ago
Q: 'Terminated due to time out'. Need help in optimising my code

vpatialI am trying to implement dictionary. I would appreciate if you find the flaws in my code rather than changing whole logic. Sample Input 3 sam 99912222 tom 11122222 harry 12299933 sam edward harry Sample Output : sam=99912222 Not found harry=12299933 #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #incl...

that'll teach me to ignore everything but the first answer on SO
I was trying to connect to our RabbitMQ exchange but had some generic BrokerUnreachableException
didn't see an issue with my connection configuration
RDP on, copying the logfile, installing Sublime Text so I could actually open the 2.5GB file
"user doesn't have access rights to vhost /"
After I leave a SO comment notifying people about this I look at the 2nd and 3rd answer
> "To fix the issue I just pressed the Set permission button on the same screen et voila"
> "Here is how to create a user called agent with password agent, set it to be administrator and give it read and write access to all queues in the vhost /"
@JeroenVannevel I'm sure there's something funny in there but i'm not getting it
the 2nd and 3rd answer contained the solution to my problem
and I went through hoops to find out the same
so Apple Music just destroyed all of my music after I signed out from my apple id
@DanPantry wtf?
except the stuff I purchased
it gets even better, I only signed out
because i wanted to change my email
on my apple id
now i only have 2 songs until i get home
I saw a blogpost about that a few weeks ago
it made some traction on the interwebz
You should've been warned
meh, yeah, but 3 month free trial on apple music was too tempting
especially as spotify simply didn't have half of the tracks I wanted to listen to
To be honest I wouldn't expect it if you changed e-mails, i thought it was only when removing Apple Music
@DanPantry Define "destroyed?"
> end the existence of (something) by damaging or attacking it.
perhaps a better word would be "deleted without asking me"
@DanPantry I meant, anything like this?
@Zak Yep, the very same article I've already read and it warned me before this happened and I didn't listen
@DanPantry You should make an article of your own ^^
XKCD talks about bugs, just not in a way you'd expect:
Personally, I think the best way for dealing with mosquito bites is by putting transparent tape over them. I'll still scratch at it, but I won't damage the skin and as a result it actually heals.
* means 1 item. # means 0 or more items
@Pimgd free waxing, yay
@JeroenVannevel it's crap tape
I dunno how to convey the meaning of crap tape in English
still pully
the grease on your skin makes it harmless to pull off within a day
my arms are not that greasy
... I do have always-sweaty hands
Maybe that's why it works for me
 * TODO give better name
public class FiatMatrixListItemWithDescription
    private FiatMatrixListItem listItem;
    private String description;
+ getters and setters
why why why why why are we abusing rest apis like this
post to get and get to post
Q: Updating the player statistics text

denisI'm developing a game in Unity 5.3.5, I have a player statistics system with 10 different stats, as in probably every game the user is able to see the points put in each stats and also the benefit each stats is giving him. I have 2 panels with 2 text the first one is responsible for the points in...

Q: A quiz game that can save data and ask trivia questions

whalesThis game has a few basic functions: ask users trivia questions based on user input, add or substract points. save game data when user inputs save. allow old user to log in and play the same old game. I only have two main questions: In this game,I tried not to write too many things in the ...

The Aer Lingus checkin is wrot ein Angular
and it broke
@DanPantry this sentence was initially parsed by my brain as German and it made no sense
then I tried English and it still made no sense
Aer Lingus = airline
I meant "wrote in" not "wrot ein"
In what language does Aer Lingus translate to airline?
In ham-fisted English
also; Dan, you hater
everyone knows JavaScript is to blame
@DanPantry Auto-correct?
Q: Create an invoice and one time use bitcoin wallet

gojimgoI want to create a one time use bitcoin wallet for a client with an attached invoice. Once paid, store the bitcoin temporarily on the blockchain (not my wallet) and with sufficient conformations do a sendmany transaction of differing amounts to as many as 5 recipient addresses.

@CaptainObvious Go away.
@CaptainObvious Cool story.
Aer Lingus IS the airline you donuts @skiwi @Mast @Pimgd
I suspect that the general tone of your question (looking for feedback etc.) is going to attract close votes because answers would likely be opinion-based - if so perhaps programmers.stackexchange.com or codereview.stackexchange.com would be a better fit. In any case, "best practice" is very subjective, and is best informed by the particular problem(s) you are trying to solve. — Darragh Enright 13 secs ago
Aer Lingus, (/ĖŒÉ›É™r ĖˆlÉŖŋɔəs/, an anglicisation of the Irish Aer Loingeas meaning "air fleet") is the flag carrier airline of Ireland and the second-largest airline in Ireland. Founded by the Irish government, it was privatised between 2006 and 2015 and it is now a subsidiary of International Airlines Group (IAG), the parent company of British Airways, Iberia and Vueling. The airline's head office is on the grounds of Dublin Airport in Cloghran, County Dublin, Ireland. Formed in 1936, Aer Lingus is a former member of the Oneworld airline alliance, which it left on 31 March 2007; however, after the...
@DanPantry Well, if they still fly with air-planes like that it's no wonder I've never heard of them.
@DanPantry hmm donuts
@Mast yeah they're a bit more advanced than that but i'm still in a propeller plane tomorrow
@DarraghEnright As it currently stands, this question fits nowhere on the SE network. Not on Stack Overflow, not on Programmers and not on Code Review. Every site has a help center. Please take a look at those before recommending them again. — Mast 28 secs ago
Hah, they use SHAMROCK as callsign.
That's epic.
@Mast top o' the mornin' to ya
FWIW I'm flying in one of these tomorrow
Of course, I am now looking up all of the accidents ever incurred by that aircraft because I'm a masochist
@DanPantry if you were truly a masochist, you'd remove "in" from your previous sentence
@Pimgd lol
@DanPantry looks like they gotta do the de-icing correctly and you'll be fiiiine
If you can see ice forming on the wings, start screaming
don't stop until ice is gone
@Gareth hello
> "Hey, how did you solve the icing problem?"
"Which icing problem?"
"This one" *~smack on the head*
I can't help things icing around me, I'm just too cool
and then the room went cold
@Pimgd Is the hot air from the screaming supposed to melt the ice off the wings?
@pacmaninbw if we needed hot air all I would have to do is talk
cus i'm full of it :^)
@pacmaninbw no, the fireball that occurs when the plane crashes because all the screaming is distracting the pilots is supposed to melt the ice off
Happy July 4th, Americans!
happy july 4th you treasonous people
=/ only americans get happy day what is this injustice
lol, saw a tweet yesterday "happy treason day 'muricans" with a british flag picture... and the tweet said "I'd rather see it as an early #brexit" - couldn't help a chuckle
@Pimgd No idea why, but if I don't scratch mine bloody and squeeze the pus out, they burst on their own (or I scratch them in my sleep, which I doubt).
@Hosch250 /r/nocontext?
@DanPantry Sorry, I did reply.
@Hosch250 needs more sound effects
@Mat'sMug Happy 4th. Come see our fireworks shows!
@Hosch250 and combine this with the earlier comment...
> they burst on their own
We are invited to one at the same place as last night, but it is a bigger party this time. My parents said we aren't going.
@Mat'sMug The fireworks? Usually not.
No, the mosquito bites.
I hate, hate, hate mosquitos.
Who doesn't?
spiders love 'em
Wait, so what are you asking? If you're looking to see how it can be improved try Code Review. — gcampbell 27 secs ago
Hamsters do too.
and cats.
well cats love hamsters, too
And birds. And bunnies.
and [insert-food-chain-item-here] too
Bird vs Hamster, who wins?
And no, bad-ass birds like eagles don't count.
@DanPantry That's a really modern propeller plane though. I've flown in a jet propulsed one that was older than that.
In terms of design or production date?
First service-entry date.
That plane is from 89. Jet propulsed has been around since what, 75?
Earlier I think.
If you take good care of an aircraft, it should survive for at least 30 years.
A jet aircraft (or simply jet) is an aircraft (nearly always a fixed-wing aircraft) propelled by jet engines (jet propulsion). Whereas the engines in propeller-powered aircraft generally achieve their maximum efficiency at much lower speeds and altitudes, jet engines and aircraft achieve maximum efficiency (see specific impulse) at speeds close to or even well above the speed of sound. Jet aircraft generally cruise at faster than about M 0.8 (609 mph, 981 km/h or 273 m/s) at altitudes around 10,000ā€“15,000 metres (33,000ā€“49,000 ft) or more. Frank Whittle, an English inventor and RAF officer, developed...
@Pimgd Commercial?
> BOAC operated the first commercial jet service, from London to Johannesburg, in 1952 with the de Havilland Comet jetliner. This highly innovative aircraft travelled far faster and higher than the propeller aircraft, was much quieter, smoother, and had stylish blended wings containing hidden jet engines. However, due to a design defect, and use of aluminum alloys, the aircraft suffered catastrophic metal fatigue which led to several crashes.[8]
1952 for first commercial jet airliner
Would still prefer to be in a jet though, the propeller one is dog slow
it'll take me an hour to get from cardiff to dublin
... are you complaining about a commute by plane taking "an hour"
I might be
because that sounds fast for commute by plane
to me an hour sounds slow, given the distance
why don't you drive
Is that a "why don't you drive to dublin" or "why don't you drive?"
because if it's "why don't you drive to dublin", I don't drive
So why don't you drive in general?
Because there's no point at the moment. I live in a central city with good transport links
It's just not worth my money to learn to drive
@DanPantry such as planes.
I can get anywhere I want to with a plane or a train or ferry or some combination of the 3
If I moved to the US I'd definitely have to learn to drive though
because the US is like a sausage in a hallway
I am now imagining a plane-ferry-train
it goes on rails, through water and the sky
cars can do that
it's like a rollercoaster tycoon ride
just with varying degrees of efficiency
First the carts go through water to drown peeps
then we skip a few segments of track
@DanPantry I don't understand this analogy
or parable metaphor whatever
@Pimgd think of how small a sausage is compared to a hallway
parable *
but yes it is an analogy, a parable is a (biblical) story
@DanPantry The sausages I think of are pretty big
It was a crap analogy, let's leave it at that before @JeroenVannevel gets here and starts making innuendos
Also my word takeaways in dublin are cheap
Q: Optimising Python code

snowBelow is the code i have written for a HackerRank challenge which takes multiple arrays, and attempts to determine if there exists an element in array array such that the sum of the elements on its left is equal to the sum of the elements on its right. If there are no elements to the left/right, ...

> i
All of the other capitalisation correct
also, "array array"
@DanPantry Excluding check-in and the likes I guess?
That will double your time.
@Mast I've already checked in online
It's just a case of going through security and then going to departures
So, 10 minutes in and 10 minutes out?
That's not bad.
user image
Type "error", get prompted to add ^^
If anyone can help on this, would be much appreciated.
Q: Autofilter while in UserForm causes premature function exit

ZakExcel 15.0.4833.1001 Win 7 Pro 64 Bit I have a GetFileredDataRange function which takes a providerName, filters a rawDataRange appropriately, and copies the filtered results to a new worksheet. Function: Public Function GetFilteredDataRange(ByVal providerName As String) As Range ...

Stack Overflow Halt Vote Associates?
Help Vote Applied
Something @syb0rg invented.
Anyway, TTQW. I'm moving house tomorrow and I need to pack everything up still.
The entire house at once? How far?
@Mast Nah, just a room. About 5 minutes down the road.
@Zak TTQW?
Ta Ta Qa Wa?
@zŹį“€Ź™iÉ“101 TimeToQuitWork
See Also:
Not necessarily in that order ^^
A: What's a Zombie? And what are the many other memes of Code Review?

Mat's MugMeme: [TTQW | TTGH] | TTGTB Originator: [attributed to] Simon AndrƩ Forsberg (first TTQW here) Cultural Height: The 2nd Monitor Background: leaving the chatroom and/or going AFK isn't something we do often. These funky acronyms efficiently communicate that it's either time to quit work (or tim...

Q: Find common factor of numbers in list [Chicken Scheme]

user2838984This program calculates common factor for given numbers. Original use case is to find possible resolution for pixel games that scale well with new screen resolutions. (That's why I don't have any check and optimizations for big numbers and use simple bruteforce). (define (fun1 l d) (if (appl...

Error: Back not in BTW. :|
Q: JavaFX Scene Video Capture Utility

Eudy Contreras2 days ago as I was working on my game I decided I wanted to include some sort of a video showing sneak peaks of the themes and tutorials and such. I then decided to check how to record my scene or nodes. After looking around i concluded there was no easy way to do it so I decided to make my own ...

@CaptainObvious Sees the imports... Shivers
The amount of private variables... more shivers!
Ouch, that is quite a god class
'a bit more object oriented' - what? We aren't a schoolwork help service nor are we code reviewers (hence why CodeReview.SE exists) — Andrew L. 50 secs ago
Pre-roll video ads
@CommitStrip Page ain't loading.
loads for me
not exactly the best CommitStrip though
yep, not loading for me either
time to let myself get sucked back into Civ 5
@DanPantry So I'm not the only one wasting way too much time on that lately, good.
Q: Write MD5 hashes to file for all files in a directory tree

saxmanI'm ultimately trying to compare the MD5 hashes for files in two disparate directory trees to see if files are missing from one directory or the other. More broadly, I'm pushing photos from my DSLR camera to Google Drive, and need to know which files need to be synced up. Pictures from my phone ...

I dare claim that code that takes several hours to run is likely to be highly optimizable. I'd be curious to see that code and what can be done to make it run [perhaps much, much] faster. If you're as curious as I am and you can share this code, feel free to put it up for review on Code Review. — Mat's Mug just now
Q: Many similar ViewModel methods to fetch and prepare model data

Michael Brandon MorrisI have a MVVM application that fetches data from active directory and displays it in a DataGrid. The exact data displayed is determined by which query a user runs, and there are multiple available queries. Each query requires slightly different logic, but they all have the same general idea. Thes...

Oh, the copy&paste design pattern ;-) — t3chb0t 6 mins ago
Q: Cheapest hotel finder

Dipankar DekaI am new to java and still on the learning process. I would like some help. Question: A hotel chain operating in Goa wishes to offer room reservation services. They have three hotels in Goa:GreenValley, RedRiver and BlueHills. Each hotel has separate weekday and weekend(Saturday and Sunday) rates...

My boot order is so messed.
Keeps trying to boot to a dead hard drive.
Even though I've fixed it a dozen times.
@EBrown Fix your MBR.
@Mast It's a bios setting.
Remove the drive from your bios.
I need to.
Yes, you do.
I need to remove it period.
But I'm lazy.
All programmers are lazy.
I'm not usually lazy.
Q: Single Responsibility Principle in Object oriented design implementation

Abdul WaheedIn my project, I have 3 payment mode.Via Manually Entered,Via Card Swipe,Via cash. I have 2 fragments named RecordCardManuallyFragment and SwipeCadFragment and they both are almost identical according to functionality except in RecordCardManually you have to type info manually and in swipe card f...

I hate when Windows 10 updates.
The whole process takes several hours.
And then you get the "Hi" and "Getting things ready, please don't turn off your PC" messages that take another 20 minutes.
FFS Microsoft learn to implement a proper update method.
"This is how you use your PC."
I think I'm aware, Microsoft. The thing worked just fine before the update.
About as good as I can expect from you guys.
That could be just your internet speed though.
twists the metal
@CaptainObvious you missed the specs, buddy
@CommitStrip Is the joke that it doesn't load?
@skiwi Loaded for me.
EU jokes are at a premium now that the UK has brexited
one less commitstrip per month for us Europeans
I guess
@Mast var me = new Lazy<IProgrammer>();
@DanPantry No semicolon?
It was a Lazy<Semicolon>.
More like Semicolon? punctuation = null;.
A: Why do anti-virus softwares not delete the viruses/malwares etc but instead quarantine them?

Lightness Races in OrbitFor the same reason that (most) governments arrest suspected criminals instead of shooting them on the street at the slightest provocation: You want to give the suspect a chance to defend themselves, in case they actually did not commit any crime at all. And, even if they did commit a crime, you...

Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Unit test macro
wow, I just realised how many bands I listen to are from around here
@DanPantry 10 bands? 50 bands? 100 bands?
Kids in Glass Houses, Lostprophets (well, before the whole incident their lead singer had), Bullet for my Valentine
and Funeral for a Friend
were all formed in wales
You didn't even bite on my joke.
I didn't get it :(
i honestly can't listen to tha
it sounds so damn bad
It is.
It's bloody horrible.
but then this is what i listen to, so I guess I don't have much of a leg to stand on
hi @bruno.bologna!
Q: Printing the Power Set of a given Set of elements

Neelesh SalianInput: Set of elements (String) Output: Printing the Elements of the PowerSet of the given set public class PrintPowerSet { public static List<String> permuteSet(String inputSet){ List<String> powerSet = new ArrayList<String>(); int n = inputSet.length(); //size for binary for(int ...

Q: Setting access levels for webpages

Kriiif(!$_SESSION['id']) { // $_SESSION['id'] is undefined if user is not logged in. function return_error() { $_GET['p'] = 403; // This is the variable that error.php uses to form the response text. require_once('./error.php'); die(); } switch($_SESSION['level']) ...

@RoboSanta ha! question-downvote reversed! thanks @RoboSanta!
What's going on here?
> Bumped by Community user
@Mast a rejected edit
Q: My first build.gradle

Programmer 400I'm writing a 3D space graphics program and I just changed the build system to using gradle. This is my first gradle project. It works but I'm sure there is room for improvement. apply plugin: 'java' apply plugin: 'application' apply plugin: 'eclipse' apply plugin: 'idea' mainClassName = 'spac...

@Mat'sMug Some of the changes were really good. But I cant figure out why he decided to remove that big a part of the code.
Unless it was by accident. In that case he better gets more careful before he gets insta-edit privileges.
could have been an accident. still, editing "thanks" to "Thanks" doesn't prompt me to hit the "accept" button
Q: An app that finds the root(s) of a given trinomial so long that the answers aren't imaginary

ToddI'm a beginner to java and android programming, and I wrote this app in order to get some practice. It works, but it's most likely not as good or efficient as it could be, since I'm new. I'm hoping to get some feedback or maybe some revisions to help me learn. MainActivity.java: // this app ca...

would that be ?
Q: Finding the cheapest hotel

Mat's MugI though this question made a good excuse for some basic OOP code, so I whipped up a little bit of code to demonstrate it in VBA, however I'm not happy with how it turned out. How should I refactor it to be more flexible, OOP-style? The idea is to end up with tutorial-grade code.. and despite the...

anyway, TTQW
Welcome to Stack Overflow. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the Stack Overflow help file, which will help you understand what kinds of questions are appropriate for this site. This site is intended to help you obtain answers to specific programming questions, as opposed to providing tutorial, design or code review assistance. — MarsAtomic 37 secs ago
Q: Finding the cheapest hotel

Mat's MugI though this question made a good excuse for some basic OOP code, so I whipped up a little bit of code to demonstrate it in VBA, however I'm not happy with how it turned out. How should I refactor it to be more flexible, OOP-style? The idea is to end up with tutorial-grade code.. and despite the...

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