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If you have working code and want to improve it you should better ask at SE Code Review. — πάντα ῥεῖ 11 secs ago
@DanPantry It's always wild when @EBrown is around ;)
@Phrancis I know Access is on-topic for Database Administrators, but do you happen to know whether they accept Excel as well?
Hello, all.
Q: HTML5 sidebar syntax

TomeisterI am trying to learn how to write clean HTML5 code and I came across a sidebar. I need to get something like this: My code: <aside> <section> <header> <h1>Naujienos</h1> </header> <ol> <li> <article> <header> <h3>...

@Edward Monking
@Mast Excel is not a database, and as such, Excel questions are not fit for DBA. Excel questions are probably best on SuperUser TBH
@Phrancis Figured as much.
I found an old Excel sheet and it's a mess. Now I'm looking for inspiration.
The Jet database engine that is behind Access is more what DBA is about, and even then it's not a particularly popular topic
A colleague of my wife's was telling her recently that they'd just replaced an old but complex database .. with one based on VBA and Excel. I cried.
@Edward Could be a lot of different things, like a genuine database with an ODBC access that ports to Excel for users' convenience
@Phrancis It could be, but it wasn't.
Oh. D:
Just a plain old spreadsheet.
Worse -- it's supposed to provide for multiple simultaneous access.
Somebody's gonna get fired.
Spreadsheet make decent shared databases, until they don't
The "until" part is the most important
I used to work with a guy who loved his spreadsheets.
I kept multiple project status updates in XML form with a nice HTML rendering.
But he wanted spreadsheets.
The moment you start spending more time fixing the spreadsheet(s) than using the "database", it's time for a real database
So I wrote a small VBA "update" function that imported the data from the HTML page!
@Phrancis Which is typically the moment more than one person starts using it, IMHO.
@Edward Depends, but more or less yes
Q: Why don't we have a flag for migrating questions to Code Review?

dorukayhanEvery once in a while, someone asks a question that belongs to Code Review no matter how you look at it. Guess what: We don't have a flag for migrating such questions to CR! This causes others to raise custom flags for migration to CR that are declined nearly every time. There should be a flag f...

Q: ping pong code for python

J.Fitzhey have this simple code to make a ping pong game. however I haven't quite finished it. I need to add a function where the ball can bounce off in multiple directions. I was thinking of doing it with 'math'. However I don't know if this will be the easiest way or if I could do it at all with math...

Q: Is there a way to average outputs of each execution of a file other than this?

user110502The only way I could think of doing this is creating a text file and modifying it each time the program is executed and outputting the average but this has many flaws so I was wondering if it was possible to do this any other way. I think the code explains it pretty good, any help is appreciated....

@Edward Shared spreadsheets with less than about 10 potentially simultaneous users are not too problematic, most of the time. They mostly only are problematic when one person (usually me because I have to maintain it) leaves the spreadsheet open overnight
Yes, but then that's not really simultaneous access but sequential access.
In most cases though, even an Access/Jet database is better than a shared spreadsheet
On a completely unrelated topic, I'm trying to figure out how to download an md file from stackexchange using javascript.
@CaptainObvious Nope.
@Edward Have you decided how you want to determine what part of the question the md file is?
And didn't you already solve this here?
The whole thing. Basically, I would like to replicate that as a browser addon.
My Javascript skills are not great.
You'll learn.
Yes, I'm sure I will. It's just tough to devote much time to it with everything else I'm doing.
Jeroen, Quill, skiwi and a couple of others have made browser addons in the past. Some of those were simple GreaseMonkey scripts, but it works.
Those are up for review, somewhere, I think.
Just don't look at me when it's about JS.
Speaking of other things, gotta go, but thanks for the tip. I'll look for those!
Q: TLE in problem DCEP206 spoj even after nlog(n) algorithm and fast I/O

arlClick here to see the problem statement. My code has complexity nlog(n) and is pretty much similar to how we calculate the number of inversions. The function merge in the code below merges two sorted arrays and the function merge_sort is the basic call to merge sort procedure. The array sum1 stor...

Well... this is creative
I limited a TextBox to allow a maximum of 2 decimals after the separator, so I type "5.20" -> all fine, then I add a 0 and it changes to "520", another 0 and it changes to "5200" etc.
Technically the TextBox is satisfying my requirements, but not quite what I intended
Oh lol, I splitted on the decimal separator, but didn't put it back when I joined the string again
Q: Plotting discontinous function with d3 js

TobalI've made a simple web plot with D3 Js version 4. I've drawn a discontinuous function, f(x)=1/(x(x-2)), it has got 2 vertical asymptotes and 1 horizontal asymptote. I add a legend with LateX writting. I appreciate any improve on this code, and I expect this code be useful for everyone. The html c...

@skiwi how PTW is ogame?
@DanPantry If you want to really win then it's quite P2W, if you just want to play (99% of the server just wants that) then it's not too bad but could use less P2W
Really wanting to win also includes being up whenever the game wants you to be up
reminds me of TW..
That is because it's pretty much TW, just different setting etc.
I'm playing a little bit on a retro server though, like how it was a couple of years ago and that's not P2W but not sure if new servers will get released, might be more fun than the normal ones though
Even if you're not trying to win
Q: C++ virtual functions + protected + design

simpleuserThe crux of the question is on virtual functions and access specifier of variables used in the virtual functions. I am editing code, which when simplified looks like this: class SuperBase { public: void visit() { //go through some loop and call appropriate visitor //for ...

@CherubimAnand: No, it's not. Posters on Code Review need to understand the code they're posting. — Josh Caswell 38 secs ago
Q: Is this the correct approach to implement Producer-Consumer issue in multi-threaded Java environment?

AftabThe scenario which I'm trying to implement. This class tests the Worker class. It invokes the run() method of a Worker instance. The Worker class holds an instance of a queue of Order objects. The max size of this queue is 5. Ten Orders are generated Asynchronously and placed in the queue. Thos...

Looking to VTC this question
Q: Producer-Consumer issue in a multi-threaded Java environment

AftabThe scenario which I'm trying to implement: This class tests the Worker class. It invokes the run() method of a Worker instance. The Worker class holds an instance of a queue of Order objects. The max size of this queue is 5. Ten Orders are generated asynchronously and placed in the queue. Those...

because duplicate
and just as broken as before
go ahead :D
that said, why did it get migrated
that's just sad
if we close it here does it get un-migrated
I forgot how that works
Q: Created a game of Simon using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Human Cyborg RelationsHere is the JS Fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/4jo9hvpk/ The code is fully functional. Could someone point out any mistakes in style? Any redundancies? I want to work on making my code look better and being more efficient.

Consider posting this in codereview.stackexchange.comShiva 35 secs ago
@Duga hmmmmmmhh maybe
I'd accept it based on "I have implemented 5/6 features and of feature 6, 3 out of 12? cases but feel my design is wrong" as that's not "code not written" it's someone stopping themselves from digging deeper
@DanPantry If you aren't aiming for a top 50 spot? It ain't bad. Just keep in mind your enemies might dick you over with a paid move.
Screw you, France! (No offense, @janos!)
(I'm talking football if anyone wonders)
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Find items in collection one that are the greatest value less than an item in collection two
Q: BlockingCollection producer TryAdd() and timeout

lapsusI do not understand what the timeout for both TryTake() and TryAdd() is actually good for. This is my producer method. It looks for DataPacket objects in a SourceDataRepository. If the source data repository runs out of items the source data repository returns null (until it has new items in sto...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this is a Code Review candidate. — Sourav Ghosh 29 secs ago
@SouravGhosh: No. Code Review is about reviewing working code. — Martin R 49 secs ago
@Duga Exactly.
...what? This isn't a code review service; does it work? Have you tested it? — jonrsharpe 46 secs ago
@Pimgd not if it's dup-closed
that said the migration was incorrect in the first place
@SvenMarnach yeah, no, I'd reject that outright in a code review as being too clever by half ;-) — Martijn Pieters ♦ 46 secs ago
Basically code review. You could probably do a static analyais in some cases, to check that equals and hashCode use the same fields, but the corner cases will probably overwhelm such a system. You could also use a project like Lombok to generate them for you. — yshavit just now
FFS auto-correct.
Monking always gets corrected to Mocking.
Q: C++ XOR Function

54 69 6DThis XOR function is costing my program too much time (specifically the conversions.) How can this code be made faster? string xor_str(string astr, string bstr){ unsigned long a = strtoul(astr.c_str(), NULL, 16); // Convert strings to longs unsigned long b = strtoul(bstr.c_str(), NUL...

To kill a Monkingbird
Q: A simple constexpr algorithm for folding types with a binary functor

user2296177Since the list of non-type template parameters is very limited, I've created a simple algorithm that is meant to be used with any constexpr constructible and copyable type and a constexpr binary functor. This was inspired by my integer pack fold template meta-program (seen here), which can only h...

Only 500 messages until I have 20000 in 2nd Monitor
Q: Is it good practice to use numbers in function/variable names?

Ernest3.14It's common (in the places I've worked at least) to see function names like foo() and foo2() (although I'll admit that I tend to notice this occurring more often in Javascript). I was wondering whether or not it would be good practice in general to use numbers in function/variable names? Personal...

Q: Conway's Game Of Life in C#

catgocatIn the C# Player's Guide book, one of the challenges was to make the game Game of Life in the console. Program.cs using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.IO; namespace GameOfLife { ...

@Quill I'm already there. ;)
I would be there... but I've been avoiding 2ndmonitor for a while
We miss you.
@EBrown To be honest, it's all the message moving
I understand if we have someone in the room asking questions, but moving any and every idle chatter conversation is a little bit over the top
I, personally, don't mind certain conversations being moved.
Certain things like politics should not be kept in this room, period.
Politics conversations aren't generally bad until people start aggressively arguing, in which case they should be dissolved rather than moved
This room isn't necessarily representative of Code Review, rather, it's representative of the people who visit, there's not really much reason to get uptight and move messages just because we want it devoid of personal culture and conversation
coincidentally, also the reason I stopped chitchatting here
I'm not going to move my talking to that shitty second room which acts as trashcan
Yeah... Nth Trashcan
Room guidelines are okay, but trashing conversations after having them is a little insulting, to be honest
Just posted my first answers, do you guys think it's better to write rather verbose sample code? I tried to avoid doing a ton of operations on the same line, e.g., here stackoverflow.com/questions/38158859/…
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