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@Quill I'm going to BRB. If you have any more questions just raise them on the issue, I'll get notified
Okay, thanks :)
> Eric Lippert designs programming languages at Facebook. Other notable work includes designing C# analyzers at Coverity, and developing the Visual Basic, VBScript, JScript and C# compilers at Microsoft.
I like how writing compilers for a major language like C# is just "other notable work"
@N3buchadnezzar If you wanted to write a fast sieve, would you pick Eratosthenes, Atkin or something else?
@skiwi compiler work is arguably less important than language design ;-)
Hack is pretty awesome
@JoeWallis Do you want to write a fast sieve or do you want to write a sieve fast?
@skiwi comma and and
Q: Active Directory Tool - Wpf application to query active directory and display results 2 (UI)

Michael Brandon MorrisThis is an update from here. I have made some changes, and have decided to only include the UI side of things in this particular question. I wanted to make the application follow the MVVM pattern, but I have strayed in order to add functionality incompatible (or at least so I read) with the patte...

Q: How to clone Mercurial repository from remote server?

Viktor DanilovHow do I clone an Mercurial repository if private key is required for SSH. I tried following and it does not work. dukeimg@localhost:~/foo/test$ hg clone ssh://[email protected]/www/bar/ --ssh i ~/keys/dukeimg

@CaptainObvious I don't think that belongs here
Boy do I need my coffee today
@skiwi fast sieve (performance), I'm using Python so all sieves are written fast, ;P
@CaptainObvious How to clone off-topic question from wrong SE
@DanPantry In this case it's allowed actually.
@JoeWallis I think Atkin gives better performance but I wrote mine using Erathosthenes and it is easier to understand
This one is interesting too though: primesieve.org/segmented_sieve.html
Segmented Sieve, it depends on the L1 cache size of your CPU
@CaptainObvious Make that go away.
@skiwi Seems like I'll write them both then, ): And time them.
Q: What do you do when code review is just too hard?

Brad ThomasOK so a lot of code review is fairly routine. But occasionally there are changes that broadly impact existing complex, fragile code. In this situation, the amount of time it would take to verify the safety of the changes, absence of regression, etc. is excessive. Perhaps even exceeding the time i...

drink. drink a lot
@Mast repost :)
Oh, right.
Ah well.
Now I still won't get any programming done, but instead am reading Eric Lippert answers
@syb0rg that type of day I think, third time someone says that this morning. Including me
Good thing I'm doing this in my free time and not on a job ;)
@JoeWallis Did you see my answer?
Q: How to play an .amr file on browser or how to directly save file in .mp3 format just after call recording?

RobinI am stuck here, i searched many forums everybody is saying that browser don't support .amr file but i need to play this file on browser, please if anybody can help i'll be thankful. I am working on a Laravel project and need to done this ASAP.

If I were to do it in Python I would import the [primesieve](https://github.com/hickford/primesieve-python) package which is to my knowledge one of the fastest sieves available. [Here is an answer I gave regarding fast primesieves](http://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/132965/shortest-prime-number-generator-we-could-come-up-with/132970#132970).

Here is an larger list of sieves, Atkins, Wheel factorization (my favourite) and some more sophisticated ones. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2068372/fastest-way-to-list-all-primes-below-n
If your code works, question belongs to Code Review Stack Exchange. — Rogalski 35 secs ago
@Duga Not always!
@N3buchadnezzar I'm curious why it only goes up to 1 million, that's like nothing
@N3buchadnezzar Let us wage war upon SO!
@skiwi I'm reading them too... apparently he has one about cocaine?!
@JHache Haven't been able to find it yet though
@N3buchadnezzar In the answer to that question you linked there
I have no idea what you are talking about :p
Uh, I mean why all answers only go up to n = 1000000 for finding primes, that might've been relevant
@skiwi link it if you do !
I tested the top three candidates up to a 1 billion, the differences only increased.
Ah okay, the point I wanted to make was more that in my Rust implementation it didn't even return any time > 0 ms for up to 1 million, it was all just 0 ms time elapsed
Yeah. However I really do not see the point of going higher than 1-10 million :p
Actually I'm lying there, it takes 3ms, just fired up the program
1) If you are using it as a base for a probabilistic primetest 1-10 million is plenty
2) If you are searching for larger primes these sieves are useless
3) The majority of time is used printing, or storing the numbers in memory. Again useless for larger values
This answer is awesome
A: Can a local variable's memory be accessed outside its scope?

Eric Lippert How can it be? Isn't the memory of a local variable inaccessible outside its function? You rent a hotel room. You put a book in the top drawer of the bedside table and go to sleep. You check out the next morning, but "forget" to give back your key. You steal the key! A week later, you retu...

being a grumpy old mathematician
someone just dropped a bag of haribo on my desk
@DanPantry Drop it on his desk
@skiwi but it's an open bag
No way though, all haribo must die be eaten
and it's the sour ones too
Q: Python optimize to short version perhaps using intertool/filter/lambda

Andrew NodermannThe point is that the filter discards a string contains numbers or words in the string except the first word does not begin with a upper letter. How to make a short version? raw_list = ['Apple FResh', 'Americano', 'animator Bob', 'tea$.sugar Menu', 'tea And Sugar', 'hello Tom And jeRRy', ...

my favourite band have a new song <3
The more I think about it, the more it makes sense, the Legendary badge is not designed for people who work hard every day to obtain 200 reputation for 150 days, it is designed for people who are truly Legends and do not even need to do anything to be a Legend
@skiwi you could have a League of them. A League of Legends, if you will.
@DanPantry Eric Lippert fighting Jon Skeet?
Does everyone agree with the "Types" I've assigned these issues? github.com/syb0rg/Khronos/issues
@syb0rg Windows support with priority high, I can agree on that :P
What is the Mainenance type though?
Sure. And you will see for example that the second video from my link addresses this point. And seriously: read those books. Then practice. Put up your code for review; best with human peers; or on codereview.stackexchange.com ... as said: this place is not ideal for your question. — Jägermeister 59 secs ago
@skiwi I have no clue what you're talking about ;)
(Thanks for the catch)
@Duga Never take advice from Jägermeister Duga, it never ends well.
C# is pretty cool
private void FileExitClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) => Application.Current.Shutdown();
I have 999 First Post reviews... 1 more till gold
Dang there's a lot of bounties out there today
@N3buchadnezzar Thank you, I'll go read them, :)
Would it be acceptable for an application to open all functionality by default in the main window and only if something blocks progress in the main window, open that in a popup?
Like selecting from a list of contacts in a view, but if you click on new contact when trying to add that contact that there's then a popup that lets you add a new contact
@skiwi I don't see whats wrong with that, but then again some things sound great hypothetically. Execution of it is another beast
A: PHP & MySql: Get all members from each group

krutiSELECT groups.name, groups.year, GROUP_CONCAT(members.name) FROM groups INNER JOIN members on groups.id = members.idgroup GROUP BY members.idgroup OR SELECT groups.name, groups.year, GROUP_CONCAT(members.name ORDER BY members.id ASC SEPARATOR ', ') AS membername FROM groups INNER J...

Q: WebRTC video chat application

JunaidKirkireFolks have written a basic video chat application in WebRTC. The source code is here - https://github.com/JunaidKirkire/webrtc_auction So far so good, I am able to stream video but would like it if the code was better. Eg., I am using setTimeout to wait for local stream to be added. Can someone...

@JoeWallis Do you know how the and operator in python works?
&? It's bitwise or calls __and__ IIRC
if expensive check and inexpensive check:
Was wondering if the above code is faster if one writes
if inexpensive check:
    if expensive check:
Oh, it'll call the expensive check if it's false not call the inexpensive otherwise call the inexpensive. (So and is lazy)
if inexpensive check and expensive: should be the same speed.
Alright thanks =)
Ev. Kounis, I am looking for three variables best explaining variation in target. I would appreciate your comments/links on why MSE is better than R-squared for this purpose. Thank you for suggestion to post this question in Code Review. Shall I delete this question here? StefanS, thank you for the link to Stepwise regression. If there might be some Python libraries which help to facilitate the problem solution, why shall we treat a problem as not related to Python? — antdro 24 secs ago
@JoeWallis I wouldn't say and is lazy; it just does all it needs to do. If one condition is false, the whole conditional statement is false, so no need to check subsequent conditions.
@janos User added some code to question: codereview.stackexchange.com/q/133394/27623
Do you think it's enough tho?
Good morning everyone.
I wish people would explain there downvote: codereview.stackexchange.com/a/132311/27623
@Legato Good morning!
@N3buchadnezzar what is expensive check and inexpensive check
@syb0rg IMO, the code they posted is not what they actually want reviewed. The problem seems to stem from the library/app/whatever they are calling.
@MichaelBrandonMorris I forgot the correct word is short-circuit, ):
@syb0rg Probably no good reason for it. I have a few random ones as well, probably everyone does, in the long scheme of things it's inconsequential.
@Legato I know, I'm just curious if some aspect of my answer could be improved or if it's just retaliation for me pseudo-modding
it might have something to do with the score card
Perhaps... I'll remove it
You think it's because they disagreed with the scores or the use of a score card in general?
Either way it isn't grounds for a downvote on a good answer.
Dunno, which is why I usually leave a comment on things I downvote
Especially answers
Only exception is when there's already a comment there explaining what they didn't like
Then I'll upvote the comment
from 9:00 to 15:45
brain is toast
On a brighter note:
> You've earned the "Steward" badge
@syb0rg you know when you see a yellow post notice on an answer, that means a mod has already seen the post and acted on it
flagging can be appropriate if several days pass and the poster doesn't seem to care to improve the post
@janos Gotcha, sorry about that
sure no worries :)
@syb0rg Cyborg i think I know how to better write the fizzbuzz one
@N3buchadnezzar Hows that?
def fizzBuzz0(n):
    r3, r5 = n%3 == 0, n%5 == 0
    if r3:
        return 'FizzBuzz' if r5 else 'Fizz'
    elif r5:
        return 'Buzz'
        return n
So I have that checked, yet Code Reviews are still Associate by default — derekantrican 13 secs ago
This one only computes the checks once, and at max it performs 2 checks not 3.
@N3buchadnezzar That first line in the function seems somewhat confusing to me
Sorry the use of python "magic" it is the same as
r3 = (n%3 == 0)
r5 = (n%5 == 0)
I want to take back my reopen vote!
@Malachi Is your vote then a clopen vote?
1 hour meeting... :(
I had a 6 hour meeting today split up by lunch
No meetings :)
@syb0rg ಠ_ಠ
best bio
Hm, that downvote was retracted
Maybe it was the score card
Q: C# Console RPG - Show cicle optimization

EpaXapateso here's my 'problem'. I have this rpg game and this has elements such as the map, the monsters and the items. The monsters and the items are stored in Lists and everyime I want to show the map arround the player I have to check if the element is within the bounds of the camera. I achieved this ...

@N3buchadnezzar not sure....
Q: mars rover movement and position

rahul goyalhere i have written solution of mars rover problem solution in c++ using oops design , but i am not fully satisfy with the design. what changes i can made to this code for better designing ? #include<iostream> #include<string> #include<fstream> using namespace std; class Rover{ int x; int y; ...

> using oops design
@Malachi who knows
accidental development
yaaay programming xkcds
There's also a unicode-handling bug in the URL request library, and we're storing the passwords unsalted ... so if we salt them with emoji, we can close three issues at once!
My recent favourite:
... alt-text is horrifying
@Pimgd lmfao
@DanPantry mine as well
Well riding a burning bus is on my bucket list
make sure it'st he last thing on your bucket list
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because (1) this is not a code review site; (2) you do not say whether the new code has been tested; and (3) you do not say whether the new code appears to do, or not do, what is wanted when you run it. — AdrianHHH 23 secs ago
@DanPantry Nah. Burning in agony on the roof of a burning bus is the last thing on my bucketlist.
Q: Invocation list implementation (signals/slots)

TypeIAThis class is mostly an educational exercise for me using some C++11 constructs. I wanted to create something similar to an "invocation list" in C#, i.e., a list of zero or more function objects which should be called then the invocation list as a whole is invoked. I'm certain there's room for im...

@CaptainObvious No Enum for the directions?
@Duga No, it should not.
Q: Producer-Consumer issue in a multi-threaded Java environment

AftabThe scenario which I'm trying to implement: This class tests the Worker class. It invokes the run() method of a Worker instance. The Worker class holds an instance of a queue of Order objects. The max size of this queue is 5. Ten Orders are generated asynchronously and placed in the queue. Those...

Example code?
@MichaelBrandonMorris It could, the answer is asking for feedback on his implementation of this function from another language. The question and answer does not fit Code Review, but the answer ould be ask in a code review format
it does NOTHING useful.
@Marc-Andre If that's what the poster actually wanted, I suppose you are right.
@mudasobwa I sincerely doubt this question is On-Topic anywhere on the SE Network, let alone on Code Review. — Zak just now
and it's abusing order objects as messages, which is what you'd do if you didn't implement things for real and just made something up
@Zak I disagree with your comment. This could fit Code review if your read this comment from op stackoverflow.com/questions/38104139/…
I'd even go as far as to say that it's broken;
The best-way part is on-topic if formulated correctly.
> The test ends when all Orders are FULFILLED.
order.setState is unused, so orders are never fulfilled.
Q: In ReactJS is there a way to filter rendered results that are being iterated over?

Akyuna AkishIn AngularJS you can use "filter" to narrow down the results of an ng-repeat like so: <div ng-repeat="item in items | filter: x"> Currently I am using Array.map() to render multiple items in an array in ReactJS and am wondering how exactly to replicate the functionality that Angular's ng-re...

Typical example of "give me a module to do this because I didn't bother to learn the language before the library" fml
@Marc-Andre I strongly disagree.
hi @AlexMoore-Niemi
hi, feel free to delete my post
Q: Why is my multithreading code slower than a single thread?

Naresh VankayalapatiI have the following code that I am trying to optimize. I am running it on a Linux machine with 24 cores. So, I thought I could use multi threading to make it faster. But multi threading is some how making it way slower than the single thread. I believe it is because of Cache misses but I am not ...

Q: Extending functionality of org.springframework.batch.item.file.transform.DefaultFieldSet

JamesI would like to be able to set token values (defaultFieldSet.tokens) and names (defaultFieldSet.names) on org.springframework.batch.item.file.transform.DefaultFieldSet using a java.util.Properties object. Specifically, the keys of the Properties object will serve as the names and the correspondin...

my intentions were good, but i feel as if i am just being slapped down. id rather not fight :c
@Marc-Andre What are the requirements for Code Review? Code is in the question. Code already works as intended. The OP is not asking us to change what the code does.
That question fulfills none of those requirements.
No the answer would be the question
please, just delete it -- i feel terrible
i wont post again i promise :c
I know your pain Alex..
alex you just posted it on the wrong site; that's all! Here at code review (which is different from Stack Overflow) we review code;
@AlexMoore-Niemi Wait a moment, your question is not a good fit for SO as is, because you did not really ask a good question, just repeated the question from the python in a less explicit way
if you posted your question as "I reimplemented this algorithm (link) in Ruby (code)" on Code Review.SE then we'd happily review it.
yes so please delete it
> I was at an ATM and this old lady asked me to help her check her balance, so I pushed her over.
@Marc-Andre Oh. I see. Sorry, I thought you were talking about the original question ^^
@AlexMoore-Niemi I don't see any posts from you on Code Review
@AlexMoore-Niemi You can do that yourself.
Also, raised a close vote on codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/133369/… because I think it's hypothetical
the python question was not in code review
if i had not answered the question myself but someone else answered, would this post be an issue?
@AlexMoore-Niemi The original question is incredibly Off-Topic.
Your answer could make for a good review question over here though.
Zak will the python one be closed as well?
@AlexMoore-Niemi With brad's edit your question on SO it's ok I guess at the moment.
@AlexMoore-Niemi Generally, asking for resources is off-topic. Some older questions are not closed just because they are old and somehow managed to escape scrutiny at the time.
Zak I felt really bad in the way you interacted with me, like I was a big idiot and should never post on SOW
@MichaelBrandonMorris Or for Google's benefit.
i feel like i should delete my account tbh
@AlexMoore-Niemi You could still ask a question on Code Review like @Pimgd suggest though! I'm sure people would like to review your code
Others because SO questions are a flood, and all the reviewers in the world can't make a dent in it.
ok, then will both be removed now?
Questions rarely get removed for being off topic, they will just be closed
or can it be acknowledged that the way i was interacted with was kinda inappropriate? :c
@AlexMoore-Niemi I'm sorry.
@AlexMoore-Niemi StackOverflow wants to see an attempt at the code in question. In regards to what @Zak said, if someone is being "rude" online, then ignore them.
If you think Zak was rude, thats your perogative; you may ask for an apology here, but it is not up for the community as a whole to "acknowledge" he was rude to you
it is easy to be told to ignore others, but i think it is also ok to be told to try to be welcoming
@AlexMoore-Niemi At the moment your question on SO is doing fine, don't worry too much, it just got a bad start ;)
do you want people to post on SO though? because my experience made me think it is like putting my hand into a blender
Brad Larson a good mod of SO edited your question
yah, so I saw, which I appreciated
The people on SO want you to ask questions, but they want you to ask good questions. Not "gimme the codes, please".
@AlexMoore-Niemi I'm sorry if I communicated poorly and insensitively. That was not my intention.
I mean that in the nicest way, but your original question was quite low quality and showed no effort towards the solution - generally speaking, that is what is expected of you if you post on SO.
@AlexMoore-Niemi SO is like putting your hand into a blender. I have been downvoted there for a typo, and then even after I corrected said typo.
dan i posted a solution...
@AlexMoore-Niemi yeah so I would not worry anymore for your question on SO. Now it's decent!
The post went at least 6 minutes without an answer, and I imagine people downvoted it during that time.
given I modeled my question after an existing upvoted question, i dont think i am so wrong to expect a more polite interaction :/
SO is often more unfriendly than Codereview, mostly because of the large numbers of poor questions they receive. That is why they are more strict on what types of question they allow.
I would have downvoted your question until you answered it.
6 minutes? that surprises me, i posted it all at once -- i posted the question after i'd already written the code
Sorry, my Chrome bugged out, but there is a time period where your question had no answer, from what I can see, based on time stamps
yeah i didnt know i could post the answer all in the same submission
Also, the original question was pretty poorly written. It didn't show a lot of effort at all. There's no special marker for Q/A questions, it's very likely people saw your question and downvoted it and didn't see the answerer
yeah pimgd i havent asked many questions
so i didnt even see that
@AlexMoore-Niemi Your original question, verbatim: "I saw Equivalent of Haskell scanl in python but wanted to see a Ruby version.". Whilst I don't want to cause any offence, that's a terrible question. In fact not even a question, just a vague statement, and not at all useful to the wider community. Whilst I can see now your intentions, that was not the impression that your question conveyed.
and now i WONT ask them because i dont really like getting piled on
Zak a very, very easy edit turned that implicit question into a literally explicit question
Q: C the sum of primes

LegatoThe challenge is to calculate the sum of the first 1000 primes. The code applies a sieve thanks to past answer, here, and works but I wonder about the flexibility of this solution. #include <stdio.h> unsigned long compute_sum_of_primes(int primes_needed) { int sieve_size = 20 * primes_neede...

Q: how I can streamline the code below to loop each element in each array

FabrizioI'm not happy about my code, but is the better way that I find, I'm not happy because I see that there are many code repetitions and when any change is easy to make mistakes. Do you think you can do better? Any suggestions are welcome Sub ConvDateD(c As Integer) Application.ScreenUpdating = Fal...

so I'm not sure a slap down at the level of "this doesnt belong ANYWHERE on the SO network" was called for :/
i get that you want to increase quality on SO, but beating up newbies doesnt really accomplish that, except incidentally by making me never post again
anyway i think i'll stick with just voting to interact. this was too much stress for me heh.
@AlexMoore-Niemi As originally worded, your question didn't. Admittedly, I was being overly blunt and a little harsh. At the same time, SO is a harsh reality. there are only so many people moderating, and far far more questions posted than can be handled with care and attention. So either posters take some time and care to read the help center and ask a halfway-reasonably-articulated question or they get cursorily treated. Usually in some proportion to how poorly the question is articulated.
Look, ultimately, @AlexMoore-Niemi, you may think that Zak was harsh, which is fine
But at the same time, your original question was poor, and was just going to get downvoted and ignored
The night is dark and full of terrors. You should learn to deal with criticism and not instantly go in a defensive position. Dealing with people not agreeing with you is an important part of being a functional adult. Do not take everything at heart, most comments are not said with bad intetions.
Zak could have worded it better, but at least he pointed out what the issue was: your question was off-topic.
@DanPantry you could be riding in the front of the buss while the back of the bus is burning, so it doesn't have to be the last thing on your bucket list
We see many off-topic questions every day on both CR and SO. It's your responsibility to read the help center; it's our responsibility to inform you you haven't.
Don't take one harsh interaction as representative of SO as a whole, but also remember that people are volunteering their time and effort for internet points free. You should expect no assurances of niceties, only facts.
(oh and on the other hand you'll notice on CR we are quite lax and nice towards people who post on-topic questions)
Q: Text based adventure game navigation

DropdatderpI have a problem with my code. I made so much code, and now I need to place ends, which I cannot figure out how to do because I need to line everything up and then place at least 5 or 6 ends in the right places. I am fairly new to Lua and I'm sure that there's a better way to go about this, so i...

@DanPantry I can vouch for that. I feel like I was welcomed with open-arms. StackExchange is hard to navigate at first, but that's what makes it such a great website. I can't and don't expect someone to put effort in an answer if the question isn't of reasonable quality. It is a site for professionals, and sometimes, thing's get a bit heated. That's passion, that's care. We hold each other accountable, so the site doesn't go down in flames
@Peter Hello
there are depressingly few questions here..
@enderland Also few reviewers in that tag
are obligatory setter and getter methods in python?
@enderland Hey. Thought I was in the Water cooler for a second.
no those questions are
@enderland You should make some then.
I'm fairly new to it myself, not sure I can contribute much, though most of them are empty anwyays
looks like @rolfl has written some
@Peter What?
@N3buchadnezzar I'm working on a golang project for work and the eventual goal is open sourcing it, I might
Working on getting some more reviewers: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/31424545#31424545
(Make them see it longer with a star)
@enderland That is great! You boy!
Would love to read some more questions =)
I'm not sure I'd be able to post code there, but I'm pretty sure I could, we're more laid back on things
and if it's eventually open sourced anyways. shrug
I'm trying to break my SE addiction though, not add more to it :( hahahahah
@enderland It is not an addiction it is a way of life dude
hides in a corner shivering waiting for my next dose of low hanging python fruits
Q: What to do with Code Only Answer in Low Quality Queue

MalachiThe only options currently are Looks OK Edit Delete Skip But when you have a code only answer, It isn't Okay There isn't anything to edit really Deleting a good start to a review seems like a bad idea Skipping the review doesn't help anyone What should be done when the code looks like an ...

Any more senior C# people available to help me out a little bit? --> chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/41820/…
I am trying to figure out the code, but I am also doing some QA stuff as well (At Work)
Hello @CherubimAnand
@Malachi not an expert, also at work, but I'll have a look
hi @syb0rg
too much code for a quick look
@JeroenVannevel agreed
Hey @Mast
> Today we’re excited to announce the next major update to Windows 10 – the Windows 10 Anniversary Update – is coming on August 2.
Read more at https://blogs.windows.com/windowsexperience/2016/06/29/windows-10-anniversary-update-available-august-2/#J4VfyfhdtIAXBpCG.99
No mention of Bash on Windows support though, it's in the works but cannot find a definitive release date so far
groovypost.com/howto/… appereantly it'll be in there though
@syb0rg /wave
@Mast Added a Windows support issue: github.com/syb0rg/Khronos/issues/6
You also said that it didn't compile for you on Linux?
Yea, I noticed.
@syb0rg I don't remember what I said exactly. Want me to try?
@Mast Yeah, I'm off to lunch tho so if you're busy it can wait a bit
Good, will do.
@syb0rg Helpful?
heh I guess I've learned more python than I thought
Hi @enderland
kind of a fun little puzzle, i think I just did someone's homework for them or at least gave them a really good homework to turn in :P
I wonder if any prematurely exits, probably
Looks good though.
Splitting up is definitely the way to go.
This user come here before with an Off-Topic question, and is now back with an On-Topic (if not particularly great) one. Deserves upvotes: codereview.stackexchange.com/q/133406/81541
@Zak Watch the click-bait.
Not All Words Need A Capital As First Letter.
@Mast Eh. Way I see it, new users with On-Topic questions always deserve some upvotes. I'm just a bit more proactive about the ones ^^
The title was good, Except For The Capitalisation
It's bloody annoying.
anyway, ttqw. See you all tomorrow.
ahhhh python is so much fun
list comprehension is so elegant sometimes
I think I have a problem...
@Mast Hey, did you solve PE01 ?
@N3buchadnezzar Yup.
@N3buchadnezzar No, just too much code.
Input can be an arbitrary list of numbers to check divisibility for. To speed it up I first find only the primefactors of the divisors.
Then I use the formula for the sum of the first n numbers + some magic with combinations to remove the double and triple counting.
Yeah, but I beat you speedwise :p
Also I can check for any numbers not just 3 or 5
Premature optimization, both take a negligible amount of time.
It isn't like you execute it 100 times a minute.
@Mast Do not tell me what I can and cannot do :p
Also it was a practice in seeing if I could generalize such a easy problem.
I didn't say you couldn't do it, I'm just saying you aren't doing it :P
@N3buchadnezzar wat
I would need to do my best to come up with more than 2 lines of code for PE1
Just wrap it in a main and you already got 4.
@skiwi Like it is superfast and can do any divisors :p
tries to convince anyone that it is worth it
Naive:  0.51847638247
Optimized:  3.93864270353e-05
The optimized code was 13163.8338762 times faster than the naive
i think this question must be posted on code review site — Cherubim Anand 54 secs ago
@N3buchadnezzar You know a thing or two about algorithms, don't you?
> I refused to believe my road working father was stealing from his job, but when I got home all the signs were there
I've been trying to create an alignment graph for a while, or at least the data for it (the plotting is the easy part). But I'm doing it all wrong.
Just enough to get by. Mostly it is being decent at googling. Eg knowing that there is a formula for the sum of the first n numbers.
chmod what?
Input, two strings. Output: both strings relative to each other with indels inserted where required.
@Mast Trying to figure out the number of paths?
Trying to figure out how to solve it. The solution suggested is gibberish to me.
Given two sequences V and W, the alignment graph is a directed acylic graph G on
(n + 1) × (m + 1) nodes, each labeled with a pair of positions (i, j) ((0 ≤ i ≤ m,
0 ≤ j ≤ n)), with three types of weighted edges: horizontal edges from (i, j) to (i +
1, j) with weight δ(v(i + 1), −), vertical edges from (i, j) to (i, j + 1) with weight
δ(−, w(j + 1)), and diagonal edges from (i, j) to (i + 1, j + 1) with weight δ(v(i + 1),
w(j + 1)), where δ(v i , −) and δ(−, w j ) represent the penalty score for indels, and
@CommitStrip so real
Q: make a general function in C programming

SWIIWIII have a C code, where there are 5 fucntions that are nearly identical. The following is my code: #include <glib.h> typedef struct _vendor_t { char *name; int code; char *desc; struct _vendor_t *next; } vendor_t; typedef struct _application_t { char *name; int code; ...

@CommitStrip That's like suggesting to use sudo for all commands in case it fixes the problem.
but 7 is a lucky number - don't you want your file permissions to be lucky?
@Mast wait, it doesn't? /s
@DanLyons 777 is like a fruit machine.
> fucn1(void)
^ Does that need to be redacted?
@Mast Use a depth first search or something
Tested up to a billion
Naive:  711.152262111
Optimized:  0.000420378477429
The optimized code was 1691695.22298 times faster than the naive
That took a long time :p
@200_success just renamed - I assume it's a typo for func1, which is itself an awful name :|
I think that the question should be closed — hypothetical and unclear.
> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
return 0;
Why bother reviewing anything else, then?
@N3buchadnezzar That simple?
@200_success I'm not sure why it got migrated here.
Can we throw it back?
If I see couple of close votes first, then I'll expedite the process.
CV'd and commented.

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