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Q: Consolidate used student hours into master sheet for export

forsvarirIn the UK, students with certain conditions can be allocated a set number of hours for one-to-one study support with an appropriately qualified tutor. The student may work with with more than 1 tutor, however the number of hours allocated to the student is fixed and so shouldn't be exceeded (as ...

@syb0rg So you'll know whether it's any good ^^
@Mast I'm on the first lesson and I've quite captivated by it all still
First lesson has 3 videos, I'm on the last video
Interesting stuff machine learning
I actually was able to give a first answer to an easy question on SO for once.
@syb0rg We'll see :-)
A card is going around the office for someone who is leaving
Someone in my team wrote "Happy birthday" on there by accident
So to recover he then wrote above that, "Sorry you're leaving, Happy birthday for next year"
And now everyone in our team has written on the card some variation of "Good luck, happy birthday for next year".
The poor guy is going to be so confused when he has 12 people wishing him a happy birthday lol
> Get to Know Your Classmates - Optional
marks as complete, moves on
A: July 2016 Community Challenge

syb0rgMonopoly A Monopoly question was posted recently, and was very well received by the entire Stack Exchange community. So my proposal is to create a Monopoly game. It seems like it'd be a challenge to implement this game well, but easy enough to get a lot of participants involved. And, as always...

@syb0rg Do you know if monopoly has monopoly on the rights for monopoly?
Hm, I am the 2nd top reviewer on this site: data.stackexchange.com/codereview/query/952/…
@syb0rg Would it be frowned upon to upvote all your answers and get you to #1? :P (Kidding mods, I know that is frowned upon.)
Q: Merging two files containing sorted numbers into one

Hank MooodyTask is to merge 2 text files containing sorted integers into one file.Each number in both files is stored in new line(there are no empty lines,and only numbers are stored). Requirements are that if file1 has n numbers and file2 has m numbers, running time must be O(n+m) and memory consumption O(...

C# what is the formatting for a Const Variable? all Caps? or _CAPS?
Nevermind, Resharper told me OneSecond....????
@Malachi TitleCase
@Malachi It's CamelCase, no underscores or anything like that.
for static constant fields anyway
if you have a constant variable, I'm not sure, that might be different. If I had a constant variable I'd probably use SHOUT_CASE
type StageProps = {
  onNext: Function,
  onPrevious: Function
type Stage = (props: StageProps) => React.Element;

let pageOne: Stage = ({ onNext, onPrevious }) => {
  return <div>
    <button onClick={onPrevious}>Previous</button>
    <button onClick={onNext}>Next</button>
React is elegant
should I only be using a static inside of non static class?
@DanPantry There is no such thing as a static/non-static constant in C#.
> Even though constants are considered static members, a constant declaration neither requires nor allows a static modifier.
You're correct, my mistake
consts are implicitly static
okay. cool
If you want a "constant" that can be non-static, readonly is the modifier you need.
thank you both very much
this is a proof of concept project and will probably be code reviewed heavily, it's for QA Automation
Q: Regex Tool in PHP

RobinI'm looking for feedback about anything and everything to do with this short program. For example, is there a risk in not sanitising the data, and if so, how would I do that given the need for non-alpha-numerics? How is the logic? Is my html up to date? Suggestions for styling? All input apprecia...

type StageProps = {
   * Indicate that the current stage is valid (and may be submitted).
   * This function may be called when a form within the stage is valid again. Stages
   * are implicitly *valid* by default, so there is no need to call `onValid` if
   * the stage has no validation associated with it.
   * @seealso {onInvalid}
   * @type {Function}
  onValid: Function,
   * Indicate that the current stage is invalid (and may not be submitted).
   * This function may be called when a form within the stage is invalid (for example,
This almost feels like bad design. Thoughts?
const pageWithForm: Stage = ({ onValid, onInvalid }) => {
  <form onValid={onValid} />

const pageWithoutForm: Stage = () => {
  <h1>Hello, world!</h1>
Example usage above
I think it would be better to ask this question on codereview.stackexchange.comPascal Goldbach 52 secs ago
Would be composed into something like this...
class Workflow extends Component {
  render () {
    return <div>
      <button disabled={!this.state.isStageValid}>Next</button>
Arrow Code. But also Train Code.
@Zak my eyes hurt
Not because of how it is written, but just how long all the identifiers are etc
Spaceship code ^^
@Zak Why do you call it spaceship code?
because it needs to go back to the mothership?
Q: Tic Tac Toe vs PC

sergeyrarI've implemented a Tic Tac Toe game in C. Please help me reduce its complexity, and maybe optimize it a little bit more. I Would appreciate any comments about what can be improved in this code. #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #define size 3 void Clear_board(char (*...

Pistol Code
call that spaceship code because it needs to be sent on a rocket into the sun
oh hi @Quill lol
I've been here the whole time wat
smooth scrolling is a bit of a pain in native JS. Here's a working example: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/13111/…Rory McCrossan 18 secs ago
@Zak s/train/trainwreck/
@Duga I can't be the only one who hates smooth scrolilng in JS?
I hate it when a website tries to scroll my page
Cus usually what ends up happening is the scrolling only occurs after the page has finished loading, inevitably after I've already tried to scroll
Q: Wiki coding fillable forms

ZakierIn our homebrew tabletop game we have a crafting system that is used by one character extensively. Just about every game he creates one or two new items. He is wanting a wiki page to record and organize them by types. I don't know very much about the wiki and we only just started setting one up. ...

@skiwi lol
also i remember when 10GB/mo was a lot of usage
get off my lawn
just kidding i live in britain we don't have lawns.
But then where do you go to have your tea and crumpets and play croquet?
@MichaelBrandonMorris buckingham palace
@MichaelBrandonMorris Can't speak for the rest of the country, but around here we have a Bowls/Lawn club for all that stuff ^^
@Zak lives in England, which has that sort of thing
I live in Wales. The only leisure centers we have are sheep tied to lampposts
@DanPantry Not just England but "The poshest City in England" (according to the Daily Mail). Also the most expensive. A fact which, with me trying to find a new place, I am being painfully reminded of.
@Zak Ouch. :(
Hey @Mat'sMug we sabotaged the chat again. :D
@MichaelBrandonMorris There was nothing going on
eh, happens all the time :)
Though my joke about sheep may be a bit racy
@DanPantry I appreciate it
as long as we pull the wool over people's eyes, though, they won't get sheepish
I am regretting having already used all my stars for the day.
it's a rite of passage of becoming a 2nd monitor regular
@DanPantry "If you've still got stars left, you're doing it wrong"
Does anyone know of a programming language involving sheep?
Or with "sheep" "ewe" "lamb" etc in the name?
@MichaelBrandonMorris c-sheep.org
@MichaelBrandonMorris There's Lamb (unfortunately not a sheep pun, Lambda Calculus)
I'll pass on the calculus, but c-sheep looks promising...
@MichaelBrandonMorris It's better than not using stars
In the future, we will use stars to fuel rocket ships. For now, we can't do that, so instead, use them to star funny messages.
@DanPantry I thought rocket ships were bad code samples?
lol, tell that to NASA and SpaceX
"your rocket ships are bad code samples!"
you'd be strapped onto the next one
@DanPantry I was referencing @Quill
I know ^^
Though I wouldn't mind being sent in a spaceship. If I ever got to make a speech to the world, Neil Armstrong style, I'd totally do the Star Trek intro in a Matthew McConaughey voice.
I'd probably say something along the lines of "Hi Mom!"
Incoming poo from @Captain
@MichaelBrandonMorris Captain is a bit slow to post sometimes
@DanPantry ★
@CaptainObvious Oh wait, you already posted the poo
Q: Copying rows from one worksheet to another

user1996971The following script seems like it should work, but I'm getting an "Object defined" error on the lines marked below. I can't find what's causing this at all... Sub MailMerge() Sheets.Add.Name = "MailMerge" Dim MailMerge As Worksheet Set MailMerge = Sheets("MailMerge") Dim Rng As Range Dim i, ind...

@CaptainObvious FLING MORE POO
@syb0rg ★
Q: Using BlockingCollection with Parallel.ForEach

Gene SI have a process that does a bunch of document processing. One of the tasks being performed is OCR, which is the slowest part of the process, so I decided to run that in another thread. I decided the producer/consumer would work best because I will be adding document ids as each document is b...

@N3buchadnezzar Hey, that's my thing! :P
@Mat'sMug Starception
The american dream, anyone can be a ★
@syb0rg ★
@N3buchadnezzar ★
@Mat'sMug ★
Be careful with dealing out stars... I heard of a guy doing it in the 1940-ties, not so popular.
@N3buchadnezzar I was about to say something along those lines, but thought it would be too insensitive.
Hello @Mast
Having a bbq, omnomnom
Did I miss a poo-sling-fest?
Not really. Captain Obvious hasn't been doing his job.
A: Is it inadvisable to make a function that essentially renames a built-in function?

TelastynIf you make a function like that where minimize(4, 10) returns 10, then I'd say that is inadvisable because your fellow programmers may strangle you. (Okay, maybe they will not literally strangle you to death, but seriously... Don't do that.)

@Mat'sMug There used to be a comment on that saying "Yes, we will literally strangle you." It had like 50-60 upvotes yesterday.
ah, so it was cleaned up then. and I was surprised nobody mentioned axe murderers on that.
Hello @JoeWallis
Hi @syb0rg
Q: cleaning up Jquery code, need some advice

NorcalI have some code that reads from an XML file and updates if needed. I want to move some of the stuff around. Here is the code overall: priv.refAddUpdate = function(addressDoc, addressLine, value) { if(!S(value).isEmpty()) { var found = $(addressDoc).find('addressLines').find(addressLin...

gosh, Hungarian
ysnRefresh As Boolean
"ysn" => "yes/no"
This library's code has a 500 line function in it
@syb0rg Split it up. 500 is too much, even for C.
@Mast Not long enough
I implemented Huffman text compression in Java as a coursework project in college
my code was 1500 lines
~1000 of them were a giant switch statement translating to and from the extended ASCII table
don't rm -rf lightly, kids
Yep. Could be Code Review me talking, but if I had to maintain that code I'd violently oppose relying on default properties here or anywhere though. Assigning TagLabel.Value (or is it .Text?) is so much clearer than assigning TagLabel, which looks like you could want to be assigning the object reference itself. I hate default properties. </rant> ;-) — Mat's Mug 53 secs ago
@user10346 - open door policy may mean the doors are open on the way out. — Deer Hunter Aug 26 '13 at 21:05
@skiwi it's a trap
@Mast Luckily it was written for the test program, so I can split it up
@A_S00 Sounds like you could've used a lookup table
Yeah...that was before I knew about things like "sometimes other people have already written the code you need"
Q: TPL Async Await in Console Apps

user_vI just picked up Async Await and I am trying to use Async Await in Console App along with TPL for querying webservices. The code works fine and I am able to get the speed using HttpClient and async. Wanted to know if I am overusing async/await and if there is anything that I should avoid and can ...

Q: Partially-Multi-Threaded vs Fully-Multi-Threaded: why is this partially multi-threaded code faster than being completely multi-threaded?

BalerocQuestion I have a modified version of the first Project Euler problem - https://projecteuler.net/problem=1 where I find the sum of all the numbers below the value 2100000000 that are multiples of 3 or 5 using the following partially-multi-threaded code: My question is (detailed below): why is t...

Q: How to generate Datarows based on a delimiter in a Datacolumn from a DataTable in C#

Tolani Jaiye-TikoloIn my office, we use a software called Blue Prism, a Robotic Process Automation System. The idea is to allocate tasks for the robots to perform thereby simulating users. The system enables you to use a code stage ( with an option of C# with dotnet framework 2.0) and to import some objects in C#, ...

@CaptainObvious IMO the "why" part belongs on Programmers or SO. only the "how can either be improved" part is fine.
Twitter just sent me an email recommending I follow @JeroenVannevel.
New update rule looks ok. You'll get a better response if you break down your question into very specific questions and post as new questions, or post to codereview.stackexchange.com. This is so open ended that you're asking people to give up too much time to go through it. — user20160 20 secs ago
@EBrown Doooooom!
There are two things in this post, and only one would be perfectly on-topic for this site. Explaining OP's code is not the reviewers' job; as the OP you should be explaining your code to the reviewers. Consider editing your question so as to leave the "how to improve" part in, but also consider asking the "why" part on Programmers.SE, or Stack Overflow. Be sure to take a look at their /help/on-topic page first, and to format your question accordingly. — Mat's Mug ♦ 16 secs ago
is it just me or OP is basically comparing apples and oranges?
when in doubt...
I know this is a long shot, but does anyone have experience with disabling SMS and dial functions on an Android phone while leaving GPRS data enabled?
@Mast Airplane mode then manually reenable it.
I do the same for my Wifi on my android cell.
If you put the device in Airplane mode, it disables all the wireless carp, but you can reenable what you need (Wifi, GPS) and they will stay enabled.
I edited the question and posted there too codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/131646/…ScientistGirl just now
Q: Logistic Regression With SGD and Python

ScientistGirlIntroduction I have a school work to implement Logistic Regression with SGD and L2 regularization. I implemented it with SGD, however, im not sure its correctly. But its not working. THe cost just increases to infinity. PROBLEM Im also not sure the SGD is correctly implemented! Im also not s...

Facepalm: when you contact 3rd-party paid support to inquire about a possible bug in the API, and then realize the bug was actually in your own code.
Random question: does anyone know how to get the current date and time in Excel? TODAY() returns the date, but not the time.
@Mat'sMug Thanks, and what about the current date with a specified time? Like TODAY() at 6:15
that would be =TODAY()+6.25/24, and you format the cell as date/time
@Mat'sMug Thanks, did the trick.
@EBrown Does that disable SMS and dialing in?
@Mast Yes.
I'll look into that, thanks :-)
GPRS is not the same as GPS. You know that, right?
All aboard =)
what's the R for?
Perhaps this is more appropriate for codereview.stackexchange? — JETM 44 secs ago
@EBrown OMG what a twitt
So, I started trying to convert our app server to .NET Core
900 errors and many tears later I've turned back to 2nd monitor to get a break.
@Mat'sMug Almost as bad as when you report a bug to a 3rd party lib and it turns out to be a bug in the documentation instead
VS code isn't that bad. thereisaidit
Ah, crap, it seems .NET Core doesn't support EF6, you have to use EF Core... which doesn't have edmx, you have to write all the types yourself :p
there's your introduction to code-first! you're going to love it and never use edmx ever again!!
@Mat'sMug I do love code first, actually
I hate edmx
...what's the problem then? :D
there are 100~ entities
that's not including stored procedures
Though, honestly, it'll be better to use this s owe stop using a generic repository which is starting to show cracks
I've generated code-first entity types for an existing db before, with over 600 tables and I don't even remember how many SP's. There are tools out there, you're not alone!
There aren't tools for VSCode
Especially when you don't actually have a version of the database locally :D
@DanPantry why?
@N3buchadnezzar I'm bored.
also, because a lot of our applications are being migrated to the cloud
and because there's talk about some people getting Macs in work
well, 100 entities shouldn't take too long anyway, esp. if you're bored ;-)
have fun!
Now, Mac would be great for me as a lot of my work is in JavaScript etc
@DanPantry Why do you make yourself cry and give yourself 900 errors when you are bored?
But it'll be quite difficult to convince work to let me use a Mac when the server part of the app doesn't actually function on a Mac.
@N3buchadnezzar I didn't say I was good at entertaining myself
In all seriousness, it was a joke. I am quite enjoying the experience
Yeah, I know :p
developing on an SSD is a lot more fun than developing on a 5000 RPM HDD..
I entertain myself in different ways..
I'm listening to old Epic Rap Battles of History
"Nice hat. Dork. You look like a duck".
Lyrical genius. /s
@DanPantry Really old or just old? I really like the easter bunny one,
@DanPantry youtube.com/watch?v=WA4tLCGcTG4 If you have not seen it.
I've seen them all ^^
I have most of them on my Spotify playlist
Think my favourite is the russian one.
Like the lyrics for once actually made sense..
Shook hands with both Ronalds; Reagan and McDonald's <- Great way to say they accepted socialism and made peace with America.
@Mat'sMug It's okay, I did the same thing. But the bug was just forgetting to reload a configuration file from their config utility.
@Mat'sMug I've put the question on hold.
@200_success I've no problem with that :-)
If this is working code that you think could be improved, see Code Review. If not, please edit to clarify the issue. — jonrsharpe 1 min ago
This graph makes my eyes bleed i.sstatic.net/dow7a.jpg
@200_success Did this question really need to be put on hold? codereview.stackexchange.com/q/131644/4203 The op had edited it so that it was asking how to improve the performance of either solution, rather than 'why'. Other than the problem being simpler, I don't see how it's any different to questions like this one: codereview.stackexchange.com/q/128641/4203
Can you edit the title?
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: TrieSet with Wildcard Search
@user20160 Code that does not working as intended does not belong at Code Review, no matter how open-ended the question is. — Simon Forsberg 52 secs ago
Hm, OmniSharp is choking quite a bit :(
@forsvarir Edited and reopened.
Please convert your comment into an answer.
What on earth is this change in EF6? o:
T IDataContext.Add<T>(T entity)
    return Set<T>().Add(entity).Entity;
Items returned from Set<T> are EntityEntry<T> instead of T
Q: Making a quiz in python and I need help making the code more concise when I add longer lists of questions

TopSp1nI'm a complete beginner at python and I know I'm probably approaching this the wrong way but I've tried making a quiz and can't work out how to make it more concise and work with longer lists of questions and answers without having to use lots of "if" statements. Here's the code: import random ...

Q: Simple Calculator RESTfull API on Java

LEQADAI have written a small calculator REST API and I need someone to look the structure and design of what I did. I want to know how I can make it better. Here is an example with multiplication. Other operations are similar. Task was to write RESTfull API that will take request like this /multiply/...

@DanPantry interesting. IIRC an Entry is off the change tracker, so an EntityEntry<T> would have change tracking info?
I suppose so, @Mat'sMug
I guess it's now using a more explicit proxy instead of magical ones
Rather annoyingly I can't test SQLite on Ubuntu because the driver in 1.0.0-rc.2 references libraries that don't work in .NET core lol
but the library in 1.0.0-rc.3 doesn't reference them, which is not published to NuGet :(
And of course, the only postgres driver for EF Core also does not work on .net core, RIP
Q: I work at Stack Overflow, how do I know if it's Friday? A: This happens. https://t.co/1Mt8eOl2tw
possible answer invalidation by Kenneth Orton on question by Kenneth Orton: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/126474/revisions
@Duga Sirens should sound when this happens
generally I'd say it sounds like you want your code reviewed but this is easily solved with a simple ternary expression and list comprehension. — Tadhg McDonald-Jensen 54 secs ago
But if your code already works, you should ask at codereview — Oriol 10 secs ago
There I fixed it. Turns out that the drivers could be fixed by adding a reference to the portable .NET 4.5.1 libraries (thankfully)
You should try posting this on codereview.stackexchange.com. — Leon Cullens 34 secs ago
@Quill you live on twitter?
It could be worse I guess.
@200_success Thanks.
Q: coding decreasing numbers in java

user6451702import java.util.Scanner; public class finalcountdown { public static void main( String[] args ) { final int SENTINEL = 1000; int x = 1 ; int y = 1 ; Scanner n = new Scanner(System.in); x = n.nextInt(); while(x<1000 && y<1000) { y = n.nextInt(); if(x>

@Quill His profile picture on Twitter looks like an inferior version of @rolfl
Star all the stars!
(on the sidewall)
Don't forget to have a good weekend, all :-)
possible answer invalidation by Baleroc on question by Baleroc: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/131644/revisions
wrote the following code, which works perfectly: ask in code review. Amazing community there. — findwindow 1 min ago
Q: Can this parallel loop be improved

LaurenceBAs part of a data mining application I have written, each month about 10 billion items (tickets * activities) must be processed in order to identify a specific DateTime value which is used as the starting point for a calculation performed on each ticket. The application overall performs at seemin...

I'm actually really, really liking what I am seeing from .NET Core.
Think I've just gotten my love of C# back :-)
And, given the rate I'm going at, I'll probably be coding through the night
This is really a question for codereview.stackexchange.comSudsy 32 secs ago
Q: program on writing numbers in descending order

user6451702import java.util.Scanner; public class StrictDescending { public static void main( String[] args ) { final int SENTINEL = 1000; Scanner n = new Scanner(System.in); int prev = n.nextInt(); if (prev >= SENTINEL) { System.out.println("Empty list"); return; } ...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because questions asking how to redesign working code should be posted on codereview.stackexchange.com. — Barmar 1 min ago
Q: greedy implementation in haskell

dopatramanHere's my code: data Coin = Coin 25 | 10 | 5 | 1 type CoinSet = [Coin] greedy' :: Coin -> Int -> (Int, Int) greedy' _ 0 = (0, 0) greedy' c bal = let am = div bal c r = rem bal c in (am, r) greedy :: CoinSet -> Int -> [(Int, Int)] greedy _ 0 = [] greedy [] _ ...

Ewww leaky abstractions
Q: Basic encryption

CrintusThis is my attempt at the mirror encryption challenge posted on r/dailyprogrammer/. I know its very vague, but since I am relatively new to python, I'd like for someone to just have a look and point out some things that I need to look out for and where I can improve please. class Encrypt(object)...

@DanPantry Time to add plumber to your job description
very good
only (lol) 75 compiler errors left
sounds like a job for grep
Nah, this isn't something that can be grepped
Some of them are due to missing files, failed linking, etc
oh the fun kind of compiler error
been working on it for a few hours
the source for the lib that needs to be rebuilt is in TFS
and not on nuget
Is this a more appropriate post for code review? I'm not a member, and haven't ever ventured that way. I'll look at your post, and keep crackin at it. If I can't find anything I'll send it that way. Thank you. — Jeffrey Dilley 48 secs ago
I like how there is a class here whose only purpose is to create a singleton version of itself
It's not used anywhere else
crap crap crap
MailMessage is remoed in .NET core.
Well, I guess the .NET core version isn't going to be sending any mail messages, then
At least not until I implement a fix for that
Q: Simple Java RSS reader, not sure if I implemented MVC (specifically Controller) correctly

tuptusAs a study project I was supposed to write an RSS reader in Java (I used Swing to make GUI) using MVC pattern. I finished it, it's not quite polished yet (still gotta write these javadocs and add deleting categories/channels) and there are most likely a lot of dumb things as I wrote my first lin...

Might be better to ask this type of question on codereview.stackexchange.comDaniel Haley 17 secs ago
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