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@Mast I think I've found a pretty elegant way to make Khronos more portable
Hello @rolfl
Anyone else notice some funky duplicate badges appearing in the notification tray?
@rolfl You're late to the game
OK, good, not jsu tme then ;-)
Q: Excavator and Marshal badges are being awarded over and over

nicaelThe excavator has been awarded to... many users just some time ago. What a... bug? Certainly it is, too many unavailable posts :D Seems to affect Marshal and Excavator. Also looks like it's everywhere. SO's got a similar problem a couple of minutes before. Moreover, I can has THREE X mar...

It's been fixed
I did check meta before coming her.e
but missed that.....
14 mins ago, by syb0rg
@Mast I think I've found a pretty elegant way to make Khronos more portable
Write it in Java? ;-)
@rolfl No, more CMake ;)
I think I pushed a commit to Github actually
I'm surprised it didn't jack up the percentage of CMake code compared to C code
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 1 min ago, by sandwich
Chat and websocket feeds are acting up. Chat rooms are not receiving question feeds by 200_success on meta.stackexchange.com ... and Question feeds seem to be broken by Dragonrage on meta.gaming.stackexchange.com
cc @200_success
Since this is working code it might be better suited for Code Review. — Cᴏʀʏ 58 secs ago
That was fast, @EthanBierlein.
This is pretty open-ended. Do you want to shorten the code somehow? Eliminate using the strings that the user sees, which could easily change and break the switch statement? Go with a more MVVM approach? @Cᴏʀʏ is right though... working code may fit better on Code Review. But you'll still want to be specific about what you're trying to improve. — Grant Winney 43 secs ago
1 hour later…
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on codereview.stackexchange.comBob Gilmore 21 secs ago
I think you have two questions here, and should separate them out. The first is about ?? and is a good question for here; the second is about your coding tactics, and perhaps belongs on Code Review, not here. Either way stick to one question per... erm... question (if you see what I mean). — Adam Cameron 21 secs ago
This type of question (working code; looking for improvements) is a better fit for codereviewRob 24 secs ago
@Sniffle6 you can post this to codereview.stackexchange.comDDave 49 secs ago
Anyone have any idea when C# in Depth 4th is going to be released?
Did Jon Skeet ever tweet anything about it, that you know of?
RubberDuck tweeted at him a few weeks ago, and he mentioned thinking about it
So, nothing in the works yet?
I think I'll see if I can't get the third edition sometime, then.
I've hardly had any time for reading lately, though :(
Maybe I could read it during the next two semesters--I only need 12 credits in each to get my degree.
2 hours later…
None of the external tools are able to communicate with Visual Studio about this, only the built-in compare tool can provide comments for code reviews. — Lasse V. Karlsen 29 secs ago
Since the code works, post on codereview.stackexchange.comMerlin 39 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Dmitry Nogin on question by Dmitry Nogin: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/131365/revisions
Hi guys
I posted that self answer:
A: Switch expression function

overactor There is quite a bit of code duplication due to a few nearly identical functions being needed. This is probably the biggest issue and the one I'll be addressing here. The two schwitch functions have identical bodies, this is a major code smell. The only difference between the two is t...

At first I referred to the OP (myself) in second person throughout the answer, but I changed it to first person when I realised how cuckoo crazy that sounded.
anyone with 2k rep on SO want to fix a post for me?
A: How to make ng-transclude behave like ng-include (in terms of scope)?

ExpertSystemWhat you need, is a template function that will extract the content of your template element (the element as it appears in your HTML, before Angular compiles it) and embed it into the directive's template. As described in the docs, the template property of the DDO can be a function, in which ca...

the 2nd link uses [1] where it should be [2]
> I think that makes sense, considering how the results are used, but it's really up to you if you maybe want to return Array<T> and Range<T> instead.

I can still use your function exactly as I did before.
That still reads a little crazy.
@Mast, whoops fixed
Btw, is it just me or is this answer completely off the mark.
A: Calculate the sum of all primes less than 2,000,000 in Swift

200_successThis is a bit of a brute-force solution using trial division, with an optimization that you try dividing by just the previously discovered primes. When you want to find many primes, though, a much faster algorithm is the sieve-of-eratosthenes.

As far as I can see, the OP did use a sieve of eratosthenes
he did not
it goes like this
First, primes array contains 2, 3, 5, 7.
then, another array is to be filled with a ton of numbers
it does this by starting at 2,
checking it against each prime from low to high,
and if it divided by none, then it is added to the number array.
the number array is then returned after it's been through 2m numbers to try to add to the number array
he filters the entire numbers array by the last found prime.
if there are still numbers left, he adds the first number in the number array as prime
then he filters the entire array with this prime he just found
and he repeats this until numbers array is empty.
This is a fairly common problem, although the standard of solution technique varies enormously. Suggest you Google it. Or if you have a solution, ask this on the code review site. — Bathsheba 52 secs ago
I suppose you could call it a sieve
but it is after the actual number grabbing
he makes a table of numbers first and then crosses them through
whereas usually you'd cross as you go
the result of this is probably memory page faults
It sure looks like a sieve, though, so the answer could be been phrased better.
I think this problem is too vague for stackoverflow. Maybe code review stack exchange is a better place. — Herrington Darkholme 49 secs ago
Stack overflow is not the right platform for this kind of questions. Consider posting your question on codereview.stackexchange.commaxhb 52 secs ago
... and if filtering the array takes a lot of time, because it has to make a copy...
then that's the result of implementing the sieve wrong
the first 1000 primes end with 7919 so on the way to 2m you'll go quite a way
78000 primes for 1 to 1 million,...
triangular number of 78000 is 78000*78000 /2 + 78000/2 = 3,042,034,000 numbers copied... at least.
4 bytes each...
that's shifting 12 gigabytes of memory around
guess that's why it is slow
@Pimgd but the main part is still a sieve no?
I thought it wasnt
swift is hard to read
He just starts by doing the first 3 primes in one go
Which seems like a fair way to go
Nah, the OP just wrote unreadable code
@overactor It's hard for you to make a list of primes and it not be a sieve IMHO
I place filtering would likely help improve speed.
Well, a sieve of eratosthenes
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Sample Python game is running slow
possible answer invalidation by N3buchadnezzar on question by N3buchadnezzar: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/131314/revisions
@Duga answer invalidation indeed, the answer now mentions gown and the question gallows
@N3buchadnezzar are you planning on fixing the answer too?
also that deleted answer is gold
it's bad for this question
but great for another, if it existed
Monking @all
xkcd is about programming today
@Pimgd The alt text is gold.
Just something else I read this morning:
> When faced with a hard change, first make it easy (warning, this may be hard)
@Zak Funnily enough I was about to mention something like this
This past few hours I've refactored our localisation part of the app and it''s now so much easier to read
to the point where I've noticed there was a lot of dead code in it and a listener being used twice..
Once in the constructor...
$rootScope.$on(AuthSvc.AUTH_LOGIN_EVENT, (event, user) => {
  this.DetermineUserLanguage().then((language) => {
    authSvc.User.SelectedLanguage = language;
and again in LoadLanguage
const stopListeningToRootScope = this.$rootScope.$on(AuthSvc.AUTH_LOGIN_EVENT, (event, user) => {
  user.SelectedLanguage = language
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this should probably go to the code review SO site. — Eike Pierstorff 47 secs ago
but I missed it because it was all crammed into a constructor originally
oh man, I'm currently doing our angular unit tests at work
angular unit tests are more complex than normal angular
Yeah, for a framework that touts itself as being good for unit tests it's really not
There's so much boilerplate involved in everything and good luck if you want to test a directive
add TypeScript into the mix and it makes everything twice as bad
      .then(code => loadKendoCulture(code).then(() => kendo.culture(code)))
This returns an IPromise<void>.
For some reason, IPromise<void> is not compatible with Promise<void>.
Thanks, TS.
if only type aliases... IPromise<nothing>
type aliases do exist
type foo = bar;
oh lol
to be fair to TS it's type system is getting better
if you avoid any, it can be quite decent
but it's type inference from external modules is still lacking
None of these issues address the whole es6 module debacle though :(
What is the code review SO site? I don't think this question is off-topic, because I'm living in France and this topic is important for us europeans. If my opt-out code can help someone it would be a good thing and I only wanted to ask for advice as to my code legality and functionality. — Pascal Myrta 13 secs ago
my current fun is mocking HTTP POST requests... I got GET requests working, but POST is being a pain in the ass
@PascalMyrta It's Off-Topic (On Stack Overflow) because Stack Overflow is about specific programming problems. "Why do I get a Stack OVerflow in this Loop", "Why does my program crash on line 20", "How can I improve the memory-efficiency of this algorithm?". Code Review, on the other hand, is exactly the site for this kind of question. — Zak 11 secs ago
> OVerflow
user image
Q: Spoof/Parody design based on StackOverflow Logo

int jSo I've been looking around the communities Meta StackOverflow and Meta StackExchange, but wasn't able to find something that I think directly answers my concern. I've made a simple design that is based on the StackOverflow logo, and currently planning to have it printed. It's a spoof/parody desi...

@Quill I changed ts-loader in webpack to awesome-typescript-loader
took load times from 90s to 24s
I don't use webpack, I use grunt
not my decision...
it was a pun on grunt
the unit tests use browersify with tsify to convert, but the standard code uses grunt-ts
the other developers added underscore to the project literally because they can't don't know the builtins
can't don't ... is must can do?
I can't don't english
You will save a fair bit of time and effort if you drop the Select and Activate commands from your code as they're not necessary if you fully qualify the workbook and worksheets. For example you could use Set wSheet = wbk.Worksheets("Sheet2") and have no need to Select it. Similarly use Range("a2:aa2").Copy instead of selecting it and then using Selection.copy. Since the code is working, you might find it better to post it to codereview.stackexchange.com which is the site for discussing improvements in efficiency in working code — Dave 41 secs ago
if something cannot "not do" then it must do
so they know the builtins, that's why they use underscore
sounds like you're writing code in a crappy language language with poor builtins!
-_- it's javascript. it's not like _.contains(array, item) is easier to remember than than array.contains(item)
@Dave I will give it a shot. Also I will redirect my question to codereview. Thank you. — Shakdun 21 secs ago
@CaptainObvious seems that you have passed away.
14 hours is a long time not talking
I can't get my chat scripts to be able to login to chat or I'd write a CaptainObvious replacement for the meantime
Q: I want to write a matrix c program

ghazalI need your help for c program I want to write a program if we enter any matrix the prorgam showes zero 0 places in answer

off topic
Q: Sing the 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall

Jonathan WangI'm new here. Hope to learn a lot from this community. I tried writing a program to print the lyrics of the 99 bottles of beer song with Java. Here is the link to the problem description: http://rosettacode.org/wiki/99_Bottles_of_Beer The problem I am having right now is how come in the if part...

off topic as well here broken
The last application I wrote for work I had to control a 10000 ampere welding pulse during a couple of milliseconds and run on a controller with 64 kB of RAM. Visual basic was not my first choice. — pipe 10 hours ago
@Heslacher Wait, @CaptainObvious is down?
Q: Chat rooms are not receiving question feeds

200_successThere seems to be something preventing question feeds from appearing in chat. For one example, the Code Review chat room's feed subscriptions include Recent Questions - Code Review Stack Exchange and Recent Questions - Code Review Meta Stack Exchange, but no chat messages have been relayed from ...

@Zak yes
@Quill thanks#
Q: Users not being dropped from chat sidebar list

QuillNormally, after your session is closed and a certain period of inactivity, you're dropped from the chat sidebar: However, it seems they're not being dropped from the sidebar list. Perhaps this is linked to the chat feeds not updating (a schedular bug?)

@Quill Huh. the sidebar is filling up isn't it.
On the plus side, it does mean we have a sort of informal census of everyone who enters the 2nd Monitor on any kind of regular basis ^^
Q: Object Oriented design of Video Game Inventory system

user2883202I'm making a video game and and I would like to know if my OO Inventory System has any flaws or over-sites. Here is the the item system anything that can be stored in an inventory system inherits from from Item. The Inventory class contains a list of Items and two functions for removing and a...

No code no glory
There should be a SE Site for Naming Things.
no, wait,
Why not just #NamingIsHard
You know what, I think I'll make an Area 51 for that.
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 3 mins ago, by balpha
all the same issue, cron jobs not running
Q: API design for loading OpenGL textures asynchronously

QisWhat do you think about this API for loading OpenGL textures asynchronously? My main concern is that the loader class executes code on the client io_service. This takes away some control from the user but should be convenient in most scenarios. I'm also thinking about using a texture on the sta...

Q: Handling large amount s of ajax/POST commands

LokicatI'm currently creating a utility that is heavily AJAX orientated. I have a page called ajax.php which is handling all POST requests. It switches by the provided command, checks all the arguments exist then passes it off to the relevant class e.g. case 'addperson': $name = $_POST['name'] ?? d...

Q: Heap Implementation in C#

VardominatorI am learning fundamental data structures, and I want to know if this is a valid implementation of a heap. Can any C# features be used to improve or extend the implementation? In addition to heapsort, what are some applications of a heap? class BinaryHeap { /// <summary> /// A binar...

Q: Simple Area of Shape Calculator

Edward PonceSo I made this calculator the other day as a small project. I just wanted to know if I remembered the fundamentals. It works fine from the looks of it, but I know there are always ways to improve. package Main; import java.util.*; public class calc { @SuppressWarnings("resource") pri...

Q: Sanitizing words extracted from text files and writing them to a database

rakeshThis code reads text files from some path, tokenizes, removes stop words, lowercases, removes punctuation and numbers, then writes the result to a database. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function import os, codecs, re, string, mysql import mysql.connector '''Reading files...

Q: PHP - check if user is authorised to visit page (

BeeelzeI've asked this question before on stackoverflow and I got sent here to ask the question again, so here goes :-) I'm creating a user portal for our customers but I'm yet to find the best way to check if a user is logged in or not. I used to check it by setting some session variables with my auth...

Q: Mergesort algorithm in C

coderoddeI have this mergesort implementation that has exactly the same API as qsort: mergesort.h: #ifndef MERGESORT_H #define MERGESORT_H #include <stdlib.h> #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif void my_mergesort(void* base, size_t num, size_t siz...

Q: Random implementation need advice

Jeremy TalusI'm currently working on a Galaxy generator, and I was in need of getting the next that a random would use, for contnuing the generation wthout using a blank generation (re-run previous generation) so I made this little PHP class to do that, I also mplemented an float rand method If you have an...

Q: Sing the 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall

Jonathan WangI'm new here. Hope to learn a lot from this community. I tried writing a program to print the lyrics of the 99 bottles of beer song with Java. Here is the link to the problem description: http://rosettacode.org/wiki/99_Bottles_of_Beer The problem I am having right now is how come in the if part...

Q: I want to write a matrix c program

ghazalI need your help for c program I want to write a program if we enter any matrix the prorgam showes zero 0 places in answer

Q: Object Oriented design of Video Game Inventory system

user2883202I'm making a video game and and I would like to know if my OO Inventory System has any flaws or over-sites. Here is the the item system anything that can be stored in an inventory system inherits from from Item. The Inventory class contains a list of Items and two functions for removing and a...

Well, I guess @CaptainObvious is back ^^
@syb0rg Yes?
Q: Unworkably slow algorithms and the scope of code review

user2357112Over on Stack Overflow, I frequently see exchanges like the following: Questioner: I have to do [algorithmically complex task]. I've written [unworkably naive algorithm that will need to be scrapped], but it's too slow and I [got bored/got a "time limit exceeded" message]. Can you help? ...

Q: Is it acceptable to ask for help refactoring code?

Scott S.I've recently started working with Elixir and am working hard to write my code "the elixir way." In doing this, I've written some code which is obviously bad and unreadable. I would like to post a question showing several snippets of code that explains what I've done, why I wrote it the way I di...

@RMunroe You're late, you know that?
@Pimgd All feeds are late today.
yeah, they are
Q: How to make a "krul" (unofficial Dutch symbol for OK)

gebruikerTime and again I have been wanting to use a krul/krulletje in my documents. For instance in proofs consisting of multiple parts, as an alternative \qedsymbol, etc. But never could I find one. How can I get it? EDIT: N.B. The krul can come in different forms. Compare for instance the tails of ...

Dutch pride, sweet :D
It seems that you're looking for SO's sister site; codereview.stackexchange.comh2ooooooo 17 secs ago
When you post to Code Review, please do include the whole code in the question. 400 rows is not too long. No-one is going to download a .rar file. — Juhana 56 secs ago
The way you asked this sounds like a code review question, unless you're running into a particular problem with your code that you're trying to solve. If you're mostly looking for a code review, I think this site might better suit your needs - codereview.stackexchange.comMerlyn Morgan-Graham 9 secs ago
Q: How to implement a tree with multiple child nodes in java

Siddharth SinhaBelow image shows my hierearchy. I am thinking of implementing this with a tree data structure.Is tree the best data structure suited in this case as i will be having multiple child nodes. And also Partner nodes will have different type of data and client nodes will have different types of data. ...

@Legato contrast; I got chastised at work a week ago for not asking my co-workers about stuff
my boss seems to prefer "ask confirm and then do"
 // The '…' is there to handle the 'classy' library, which has a very long version number - see slightly snarky comment about that unadulterated bag of hilarity below.
if you have to think hard then you gotta ask
Found this in the source code of the NodeJS VS tools.. lol
that sort of thought school.
@syb0rg Wow, I'm never going to use CMake. ouch
@DanPantry Honestly, it just looks painful because my project is so big and trying to do so much for the end user
To normally get up and running, CMake is thousands of times better than Autotools or rolling your own Makefile
I mean, I'd rather get crap on my hands than all over me but that wouldn't change the fact that I still have crap on my hands
I couldn't even dream of doing what I'm trying to do here with those tools in that "short" of code
Q: C - Thread to send UDP packets <heartbeat>

Joao FerreiraOk so it is my first time here, be gentle please. I am not sure if there is a max number of lines that I can post here. If there is I hope I'm not going beyond it. So this is C code to run on an embedded machine with a Linux OS. It should create data packets (ASCII) to repeatly be sent to a UDP ...

@JoeWallis 200_failure? :p
Greetings, Programs.
@syb0rg shouldn't it be "synthesize" instead of "Khronos can also sythesize speech" ?
@Heslacher And intelligent and configuration, just did a full spell check
Thanks for catching that
I see a future artist in you. — syb0rg 9 secs ago
Q: Project euler #8

Emma AutumnThe four adjacent digits in the 1000-digit number that have the greatest product are 9 × 9 × 8 × 9 = 5832. Find the thirteen adjacent digits in the 1000-digit number that have the greatest product. What is the value of this product? https://projecteuler.net/problem=8 It works fine when four adj...

Q: Bare bones painter app in Java

coderoddeI have this tiny program for drawing: PaintCanvas.java: package net.coderodde.javapaint; import java.awt.Canvas; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseMotionL...

@CaptainObvious BERN!!
The sum of every twin prime pair greater than 3 is divisible by 12 =)
(101 + 103)/12 = 17
how to make bullet point, code block, bullet point, code block?
@Pimgd Why, whyyyyyyyyyy?
if I put such a thing a la
add four space indentation to each layer @Pimgd
* bullet point

spacespacespacespace code

* bullet point

spacespacespacespace code
then the code blocks become part of the bullet points and they're no longer code blocks
oh. add <!-- --> between each code and bullet point block
the html comment makes the indentation go back to 0
this is why
A: Bare bones painter app in Java

Pimgd this.imageGraphics.setColor(Color.WHITE); this.imageGraphics.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); this.imageGraphics.setColor(Color.BLACK); This part of your constructor could be moved to a private function clearScreen. The rest of the code seems fine. There's comments you can make about...

(also thanks @Quill)
@Pimgd if you want to allign the code to the bullets just add more spaces in front of the code blocks
Some men just want to watch the world burn
How does one quote in chat?
"> stuff to quote"
Remove the quotes
> Why do people use dynamite if its so dangerous? Because its also powerful. – GrandmasterB
Why do people use dynamite if its so dangerous? Because its also powerful. — GrandmasterB 18 hours ago
fking magic
(Just paste the link)
@Pimgd You are so cool =)
> Pimgd is a showoff
33 secs ago, by syb0rg
> Pimgd is a showoff
Yeah, went into a code review and they told me to make this change to my classes. this is exactly what I am looking to do. Where should I place the instatiation, and would this be correct? class Machine = new class (Machine); — Jordan Darland 25 secs ago
@CaptainObvious y u use swing?? again??
there's only 1 mention of swing for a JFrame
also, if you were familiar with swing
yea... also... awt.Canvas??
and are gonna spend 1 hour building this painting thing
then why not swing
why not use javafx.scene.canvas.Canvas?
I was actually thinking of mentioning that!
smells like answers
Except I'm not very experienced with JavaFX
@syb0rg It is never to late to start
@N3buchadnezzar True, but I have too much work on my plate
Like I'm literally at work right now, haven't done anything
@syb0rg shoot. I gotta do my EE homework
on that note. Laters
@Vogel612 Good luck!
I got three exams in the next 5 days (first tomorow)
smelled like answers, I guess
Q: If you're in the "we don't use exceptions" camp, then how do you use the standard library?

Johann GerellNote: I'm not playing the devil's advocate or anything like that here - I'm just genuinely curious since I'm not in this camp myself. Most types in the standard library has either mutating functions that can throw exceptions (for instance if memory allocation fails) or non-mutating functions tha...

popular question, sure, but I read the comments and thought english died for a moment
You actually can use the standard library without exceptions are used. — πάντα ῥεῖ 2 hours ago
Not sure why this is voted close. It's a good question. What's the strategy? — Robinson 2 hours ago
Parse error
Abort Retry Fail?
@Pimgd This one is readable
@N3buchadnezzar "is voted close"
@Pimgd I did not say it was correct :p
> Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?
Yes, games are pretty realistic these days, and there's no signs of stopping.
@N3buchadnezzar That looks painful.
They should have used a load balancer
@N3buchadnezzar Server load improperly distributed
just found out that I can make use of JetBrains for free because I am a student
but I cannot use it for commercial purposes
JetfBrains can not melt steel beams.
@Zak Monking Jake, how is it hanging? The top comment on reddit was: "Odd to see server racks in a room with windows. "
@Pimgd Got it:
A: Bare bones painter app in Java

syb0rgA few notes: Is there a reason you aren't using JavaFX? See this answer as to why you should be using it. Since I mostly rewrote your code, I'll do the best I can to explain all the components of implementing an app in JavaFX: There are a few layers within a JavaFX app; the stage, the scene,...

@N3buchadnezzar that's because "sun"
Lol, saw someone upvote me and then remove it real quick
Them servers are from sun microsystems; they need a bit of light to work properly, hence the windows?
ah, it seems the joke died
@syb0rg That was me! Sorry about that, double tapped by accident.
@N3buchadnezzar I thought it was funny, cause I've done that before and always wondered if someone saw it
Thanks for the upvote tho!
If you want working code reviewed then you should use CodeReview.SENathanOliver 46 secs ago
wow, my version of chrome supports 99% of es6 features not bad
Is advertising for alcohol allowed on this site?
how is it advertisment
it says Vodka on the bottle
is 99 bottles of beer advertisment for beer?
"go to the store and buy some more"
@N3buchadnezzar you mean alcohol endorsement? meh...
@DanPantry safari has 100%
> hello
97% for my chrome but that's because it doesn't throw errors on regexp String startsWith and endsWith
our deploy workflow
after succesful deploy, Rick Astley starts playing on one of the monitors on the walls
with sound
@JeroenVannevel LOL


Where you can play with chat features (except flagging) and ch...
@JeroenVannevel this might be better
@N3buchadnezzar well, they had at least two fallover nodes.
anyone else use rubymine?
I used to
If the code is working and you want to improve it, then it's a good question for code review. — Sinatr 18 secs ago
> Codereview made me an alcoholic - Innocent child 46 secs ago
@N3buchadnezzar ...
also, don't upgrade VS to VS2015 2.0 it's a trap
possible answer invalidation by JazzyMatrix on question by JazzyMatrix: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/131282/revisions
it's been going for 90 minutes now
Q: Access an associative array value given an array of keys in PHP

Alvaro MacedaI have an object which stores an app configuration in an associative array, as this: [ 'Database' => [ 'DB_SERVER' => 'localhost' 'DB_NAME' => 'adbname' 'DB_USER' => 'theuser' 'DB_PASS' => 'thepass' ] ] It could have more than two levels. And a function, get...

Q: custom hash table that take responsibility to assign hashcode/index

javaLoverI try to create a game engine with component-based architecture. There are many type game components and different game system. For example, the components can be Com_HP (health), Com_Physics , Com_Graphics, ... The systems can be Physics_Manager, Graphics_Manager, Binder_Manager, ... ...

Q: Output file is created but doesn't contain anything so KIX32.EXE can't work properly

ranyI wrote a small batch script which needs kix32.exe and curl to give show me my IP, but it doesn't work. I used KIX32 so it could pop up a msg. I put curl.exe and kix32.exe in a folder i called "dep". The script is: @echo off mkdir dep cls cd dep GOTO Start :Start cls if not exist curl.exe goto :...

@Duga dafuq?
@N3buchadnezzar sandbox, please.
@Pimgd Let's just put all different code here...
Coming up on the top row this week: codereview.stackexchange.com/…
Q: Stack from Linked List

leoOrionHere I have written a program that takes a linked list and then converts it to a stack. Stack.java /** * Created by Ninan John J P on 2/8/2016. */ public class Stack { int stackArray[]; int topOfStack=-1; LinkedList source; int stackSize; public Stack(LinkedList l1) { ...

@RMunroe It's such an insidious practice.
@syb0rg I've seen people write C# programs to do the linking instead.
@Mast But then you need a C# compiler instead of a C++ compiler
Possible portability hit
Well, you need both.
I'm not saying it's better, just saying it's possible.
A: Is it acceptable to ask for help refactoring code?

Mat's MugAssuming your code works as intended, just show us what you've got, walk reviewers through your code - include as much context as possible (well, try to keep the post digestible, put yourself in the reviewers' shoes!). Also keep in mind: Posting a complete, working program is preferred over ...

@Mast I stole your comment :)
@Mat'sMug Monking!
@syb0rg Haha, now I get how you fixed your portability issue!
@Mat'sMug Glad to be of service.
I'm feeling awful today, glad I managed to type at least something coherent on meta.
There should be a martial art called drunken programming.
this looks good to reopen
@Mast :P
It works for now haha
For some value of works.
Too bad it's a PITA to install OS X on a non-Mac or I would've tried it.
@Vogel612 thanks for handling that, just got here. don't hesitate to ping me if OP doesn't get it.
@Quill No language tag.
@Mast I have to set up my Raspberry Pi so I can test out the Linux/Unix side of installation
Q: Multi threaded program hangs on condition wait

gudgeI have the following piece of code. I am using c++11 threads to write a simple multi threaded producer consumer problem. class W { public: explicit W(); void p(); void c(); private: std::deque<std::uint64_t> q; std::shared_ptr<std::mutex> m; std::shared_ptr<std::condition...

And then I'll bring my work laptop home to use for testing and making the Windows installation work
@syb0rg Ehm, yes and no. Don't be surprised if things don't work on the Pi which do work on a normal Ubuntu installation.
@CaptainObvious Hmm, are deadlocks considered broken code?
@Mast Hence you and Travis CI ;)
@syb0rg If it makes the program stop working it's just as bad as entering an infinite loop or a normal crash I'd say.

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