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RELOAD! There are 2239 unanswered questions (93.3828% answered)
Q: Bad and Good Programming practices

scottI'm a beginner and am self taught and was hoping I could get help from others more educated than me to show me what bad practices I might be forming before I go on further. Any feedback whatsoever will be greatly appreciated. Thanks! P.S. This program is just for me to learn, I'm not actually st...

Q: Final Java TicTacToe MVC Program

Chauafter my previous post, I decided to work on the project myself for a while (two weeks) to see how far I could get after reading a few of the really helpful answers to my previous posts. I read up on stuffs to learn a little more about the stuffs mentioned in the answers (mvc, interfaces, package...

This belongs on code review. — RobG 55 secs ago
Code Review suggested I go to Programmers. If Programmers suggests I go to SO, it will create an infinite loop referrals. Code Review is a much smaller community and in the past my questions just hang there without answer. If I do get an answer, days or weeks later, I typically have longed moved on and answers are of no much use to me. I much prefer SO or Programmers, for I get my questions answered there. Code Review is a place my question go to die. — Dennis 4 hours ago
goddamn it. 100,000 contaminated rows
Pro tip: don't say yes to scraping projects
Q: very rudimentary text adventure

Argun0print("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~") print("welcome to the castle of doom!") print("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~") print("remember few who enter ever return.") print("e to enter n to not.") door = input ("> ") if door == "e": print("You enter and feel a dark presence watching you.") print("you...

(8632 row(s) affected)
My guess was a little bit off
@CaptainObvious Doesn't Python 3 require indentation to run?
(93428 row(s) affected)
Now that's more like it
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "python", line 2
    print("He dashes forward and stabbs you.")
IndentationError: expected an indented block
Q: settings.py for Google App Engine webbapp

Programmer 400I have a Google App Engine webapp and would like you to review my settings file. Isn't it better to keep secret keys and provider data in the datastore or in a properties file rather than the code? But this way is way faster; just putting the settings loose in a file with a rather large settings...

@RobG this question is asking for help with code "not yet written" which is off-topic on Code Review — Quill 6 secs ago
Q: zp-Tree request for good/bad practice

Kim GysenFor my project I have rewritten a small lib for a Tree structure that was inspired by another one that I found here: https://github.com/wangzuo/js-tree/blob/master/index.js The reason was largely because I prefer to work with an array structure rather than nested objects. Could you advise me if ...

Q: Why didn't this format correctly in a comment?

Hank DI commented on a person's question with the following markup: ...you have a single-bit mask that increments using `i <<= 1`, e.g. `for(i = 1; i < 1 << 16; i <<= 1)`... but the way it appeared was ...you have a single-bit mask that increments using i <<= 1, e.g.for (i = 1; i < 1 << 16; i <<...

@StackExchange because whitespace
Q: Why didn't this format correctly in a comment?

Hank DI commented on a person's question with the following markup: ...you have a single-bit mask that increments using `i <<= 1`, e.g. `for(i = 1; i < 1 << 16; i <<= 1)`... but the way it appeared was ...you have a single-bit mask that increments using i <<= 1, e.g.for (i = 1; i < 1 << 16; i <<...

This is exactly the kind of question that we on Programmers.SE want. It is more about the application architecture than about coding, so I can see why CodeReview.SE passed on it. — Adam Zuckerman 46 secs ago
Q: Accessing the "CurrentUser" in business logic when the CurrentUser might be stored in different places

Heidel Ber GensisMy business logic needs to know the CurrentUser in many cases, especially when checking permissions. In the past I am accessing the business logic classes only from a WCF project which stores the current user information in the OperationContext, and in the business logic I have a static class tha...

Yesterday, we got 14 more accepted answers, 16 more questions were answered, 34 more answers were posted, 146 badges were earned, 151 comments were left, 36 more questions were asked, 20 more questions were unanswered, 91 users were created, and 287 votes were created.
Our question answer accept rate went down by 0.0216%.
Our question answer rate went down by 0.0521%, and our answer accept rate went up by 0.0037%.
When did Duga get a new Icon?
Oh wait... never mind it's @EBrown
And when did the message change?
Q: Login page code enhancement

Brittany RutherfordI am starting to learn ASP.NET, and I am designing a page for an admin to login and do some stuff. I have the username and password for the admin stored in Web.config (Is that a good practice?). Second thing, I am checking if the user filled the username and password fields, then I am checking i...

@Quill—the OP has posted "working" code and needs some (unspecified) help: "…I have try something … I'm doing this". — RobG 14 mins ago
Nope. Still not on-topic.
@Mast It's graph time. I need to know which of these fields you want a graph of (I can also graph any level of derivative as well, though the first and second seem the most interesting).
The fields are: TotalAccepted, TotalAnswered, TotalAnswers, TotalBadges, TotalComments, TotalQuestions, TotalUnanswered, TotalUsers, TotalVotes, CommentsPerEntity, VotesPerEntity, AnswersPerMinuteActual, QuestionsPerMinuteActual, VotesPerMinuteActual (there is also an Hour and Day variant of these three), QuestionAnswerAcceptRate, QuestionAnswerRate, AnswerAcceptRate, AnswersPerQuestion.
Q: scalable reliable application to be built. can this code handle multiple requests?

BMBI am building web services for mobile applications and I am using Hibernate + spring + maven structure. My Controller is like this : @Controller @RequestMapping(value = "/path", method = RequestMethod.POST) public class Controller { @Autowired private ServiceInterface serviceObject; ...

Q: High execution of LCS length program in Python2

Sidharth SamantI was trying to solve the LCS problem on a HackerRank exercise - https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/common-child. It's quite simple and straightforward, just print out the length of the LCS. I submitted this code : s1 = raw_input() s2 = raw_input() lcs = [[0 for j in xrange(len(s2)+1)] for ...

Q: Checking convergence of 2-layer neural network in python

userI am working with the following code: import numpy as np def sigmoid(x): return 1.0/(1.0 + np.exp(-x)) def sigmoid_prime(x): return sigmoid(x)*(1.0-sigmoid(x)) def tanh(x): return np.tanh(x) def tanh_prime(x): return 1.0 - x**2 class NeuralNetwork: def __init__(self, l...

@EBrown TotalAccepted, TotalAnswered, TotalAnswers, AnswerAcceptRate and AnswersPerQuestion seem like the most relevant ones. You could start with those and see what survives.
@RobG No, this is not even remotely on-topic for Code Review. This is a feature request, not a request for review. Keep it here. — Mast 33 secs ago
@Quill High-reputation user is not getting it.
Also, monking all.
May the 4th be with you all
I like how windows just refused to open a file in Outlook becausei t was already open in outlook. wtf
Q: Creating SwiftRechability Class in Swift 2.2

Sohil R. MemonI am novice at creating independent classes for user. I have seen many Reachability library for Swift, but I need to create my own class for that. Here is my code: class SwiftReachability: NSObject { let REACHABILITY_NOTIFIER_KEY = "reachability_notifier_key" var backgroundQueue: NSOperationQue...

Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Changing sales stage
Monking @all
@Mast My thoughts exactly
Q: Expanding list on webpage

William JockuschThe below produces the output I want. Namely, it initially displays the first item on the list and the first expander link. When an expander link is clicked, it hides that link, unhides one more item in the list, and unhides the next expander link. I'm wondering if it can tightened up. JQuery is...

well, our work internet just randomly went down
and during the blackout I have found the worst possible bug
so it turns out that there's a directive in our app, contactLookup, that is bugged
but not only is it bugged, but it has never worked
and it is in 4 different parts of the app
and they all use the same copy pasted mechanism
instead of re-using the logic via function
and that bug causes data to not be saved without informing the user of an error
so.. it could have been removing data for 8 months with no one being the wiser.
@DanPantry Well hey, at least now you have more ammunition for whatever development changes you think ought to be made ^^
I don't really care about a personal agenda atm
This is seriously a really bad bug
and has gone unnoticed for so long
and it was only noticed because the feature I was fixing was under increased scrutiny because that was so buggy and just happened to use the same feature lol
Precisely my point though. Now is an excellent time to talk about how to change process so that this kind of problem doesn't arise in the future.
Just no doing
There's plenty of talking going on already
And frankly, there's so much change to be done to even think about implementing tests in half this stuff that you're left wondering "where do I start?"
I don't know how to "fix" the fact a bug was introduced 9 months ago, wasn't tseted and no one noticed.
And I don't even know the answer if I'm honest.
(at least 9 months ago, I've just done git blame)
I love how 'screwdriver unfriendly' turns into one word in Dutch. I should remember this for my next match of Hangman.
@Mast ..wat. why would you need to use those two words
Imagine the top of a product. The top of that product needs to be removable. But not by everybody passing by.
So you make the top of the product screwdriver unfriendly.
You software guys know what a screwdriver looks like, right?
Close enough.
Q: Feedback for a small custom encryption / decryption script

AspergerNote: I hope I posted this is in the right place. It doesnt quite fit into stackoverflow as it is more of a review question but maybe im wrong. So I have made a small script for encrypting data. Now im wondering how efficient it is for normal users who arent programmers and for people who are pr...

Q: treelist with a single header to a multi-header grid

Luci SmithI used DAPFOR WPF gridcontrol writing this code in XAML can someone show me how I can translate this code in C# XAML <df:Header ScrollType="Stretch"> <df:Header.Columns> <df:Column Id="DoubleValue" Title="Doubl...

Q: Sleep with count down display

tejasI have a sleep function which displays the time remaining in sec, some feedback would be appreciated use warnings; $x=$ARGV[0]; $|++; $n=0; # arguments could be 1, 1s , 1m or 1h if($x=~/([0-9]+)([a-zA-Z]?)/) { $t = lc($2) ; if($t eq "h"){$n = $1*3600;} elsif( $t eq "m" ){$n = $1...

@He when the code works then maybe what you need is just Code-Review. — dee 44 secs ago
Q: Effective Python 2/3 two-dimensional array initialisation

vegiRecently I noticed that the idiomatic python two-dimensional array initialisation is extremely slow. I am wondering, is there a good, proper way of doing this simple task fast? Also, are those two variants equivalent? here some code snippets using timeit import timeit A = 5000 B =...

Q: Data-structure singly-listed list in JavaScript

st88The purpose of the data-structure is to manage person-objects. Persons can be added at any time. But the order can't be changed afterward. Only the deletion of a person is possible. Represents the case of cancellation. The whole thing is intended to be as simple as possible. Nevertheless: I'...

Well the question of good design vs. bad design is too broad for SO. You could post your code on codereview instead. — Kayaman 15 secs ago
Q: I had two controllers performs two different functionalities. How to apply these two controllers on Same element

jaladi thirumala nagarajuI am new to angular js.please suggest how to achive it. I am preparing charts using angular js and i am able to display chart with angular js below js plug-ins. <link rel="stylesheet" href="angular-chart.css" type="text/css" /> <script src="Chart.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script...

A: How can I explain to my parents that I study programming languages? (soft question)

Lieuwe VinkhuijzenIf you have a few minutes, most people know how to add and multiply two three-digit numbers on paper. Ask them to do that, (or to admit that they could, if they had to) and ask them to acknowledge that they do this task methodically: if this number is greater than 9, then add a carry, and so fort...

Sorting a deck of cards is also an easy way to introduce the notion of algorithms. — Morwenn 2 days ago
@CaptainObvious 2 more VTC.
Morwenn really does love sorting
1 more VRC
@Quill He does
Oh, I thought his sorting algorithms would be on that page as well, but I'm not too sure.
Hmmm, only 4 sorting questions on his name. But good ones.
This sounds a lot like a good question for http://codereview.stackexchange.com/. You could delete this question and post your code up with this explanation if you want the best results. — Serdalis 57 secs ago
You can go beyond just cards; I recently found myself using a variant of Quicksort to sort a stack of papers I had to organize without even thinking about it because there were too many for a basic insertion sort. — JAB 2 days ago
so today I was wondering whether or not I can take some commits from one branch, but apply them to an entirely different file instead
I thought "there's no way git is good enough to do this"
turns out: yep. git cherry-pick -n <sha>
Q: A javascript equivalent for toDictionary (c#)

joel harkesI made a function that should ease the making of new objects out of objects or arrays. I extended underscore so thats why the _. _.dictionary = function (obj, keyIteratee, valueIteratee) { var newObj = new Object(); if (Array.isArray(obj)) { var l...

not only that, and I have no idea how it has done this, but it has worked out that my changes should be applied to contactDropDown and not contactLookup. how
@DanPantry Because history.
It's just incredible. I'm actually amazed it knew to do that
I think I'm going to get a git shirt.
My mind is blown right now
This question appears to be off-topic because it is a code review request. This is better suited to the Code Review Stack Exchange site. Before posting there be sure to read their FAQ to ensure that your question meets their guidelines. — John Conde 36 secs ago
@Mast I don't know what's better
the slogan or the fact it looks like the Intel Inside logo
Q: How can I use stack overflow in iOS?

shenAlexyusefully! I am is iOS coder! How can I use stack overflow in iOS?I use it firstly...so...

Q: MySQLi + php editable table

Alex KuleshovIm new in MySQLi and PHP. Can someone tell why does my code not update or add any data into MySQL table? i've spend a lot time to reading and writing it but have no idea why is my code does not work. Appreciate every answer. <?php //connect include ("db/connect.php"); //create new/edit functio...

Q: Please help how to convert 7 bit to 8 bit register

user104582You need to design a circuit that perform the expansion of a 7-bit simple signed floating point (FP) number into an 8-bit 2's-complement encoded binary number. Assume that the input number is stored in an 8-bit shift register. Input/Output - Number of bits - Definition S. ...

verilog? wow
Still the greatest commit ever | github.com/git/git/commit/…
@CaptainObvious Ah, nvm, I'm disappointed,
> + - "goddamn idiotic truckload of sh*t": when it breaks
inb4 in a decade Linus revolutionises computing again
I think it's amazing it all stemmed from 11 files and 1200 lines. That's impressive
@CaptainObvious Who starred that? Please make that question go away.
So we got 2 non-questions and a . Not a good batch.
Q: Need help improving an Inefficient Travelling Salesman Problem with Genetic Algorithm

j4rey89Need help in improving my TSP program. City Class public class City { public int X { get; set; } public int Y { get; set; } public City(int x, int y) { X = x; Y = y; } public int GetDistance(City otherCity) { int deltaX = X - otherCity.X; in...

@DanPantry I'd opt for the classic one though.
I have that shirt :)
The git commit box always reminds me of a Poké Ball
Though I have no idea where I left it
Either way the version of that shirt I have is a Small, and it turns out I've actually grown taller in the past few years so I'm now a Medium
also I finally installed tmux on windows.. thanks cygwin
So get a bigger one. Problem solved.
git tag medium
Don't forget to remove or overwrite the old tag.
why would you remove or overwrite the old tag? :p
i wouldn't git tag -d 0.1.0
It can't be small and medium at the same time.
not with that attitude it can't
#define small medium
May the --force be with you.
god damn it cygwin
Copying skeleton files.
These files are for the users to personalise their cygwin experience.

They will never be overwritten nor automatically updated.

'./.bashrc' -> '/home/CSUKDNPY//.bashrc'
'./.bash_profile' -> '/home/CSUKDNPY//.bash_profile'
'./.inputrc' -> '/home/CSUKDNPY//.inputrc'
'./.profile' -> '/home/CSUKDNPY//.profile'
> They will never be overwritten nor automatically updated.
It says, as it overwrites my old bashrc
For some values of never.
okay, no, we're fine
it didn't overwrite my old bashrc
apparently git and cygwin have different usr directories
got invited to a "Discoteca Anticapitalista" for tonight
I don't think it's my particular crowd
bunch of wildhaired hippie art students
Q: switch vs if (C#)

Geeky98I'm currently in the process of refactoring some code and I was wondering if I should use switch or if-else for the is code: Switch for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { CameraStream stream = null; var id = (Guid)CameraGridView.Rows[i].Cells[...

I'm trying to learn tmux. ouch.
annnnnnd i need this shirt
Ugh. Two over-hyped things on one shirt?
@JeroenVannevel So? I've been to a couple of those parties (my wife used to hang with such a crowd) and their world-views doesn't influence their parties much.
I'm just not sure how much political talk there will be
I'm not interested in sitting around circlejerking about the 1%
it's only a small gathering -- 19 people so far according to the facebook event
@Mast idk man, GoT is pretty awesome
Just grab a beer and leave when you got enough.
@DanPantry Why?
@JeroenVannevel So what is that some kind of anti capitalism meeting?
I don't see how you can split politics from that
Can't do that -- staying at her place afterwards if I would go
@Mast I don't know, I just find it enjoyable. I like the storylines and I resonate with Tyrion
As far as TV goes it isn't too crap
the doge meme is though
the dog meme all memes are though
except folded images of Ross Kemp
@JeroenVannevel Ah, you got a dependency problem.
@Mast he needs an EarplugsFactory
Try not to have everything so coupled
I posted a Ruby question earlier this week. Somebody proposed to turn my wabbit function into a wabbit_factory.
you should have just replied saying you were hunting wabbits and not wabbit factories
which, coincidentally, could be construed as female rabbits
Technically it was about wabbit pairs.
Q: Wascally Wabbits

MastThis question is part of a series solving the Rosalind challenges. For the previous question in this series, see Mendelian inheritance. The repository with all my up-to-date solutions so far can be found here. The next part of the Rosalind challenges is basically asking for a Fibonacci solver,...

So I wasn't hunting anything.
These wabbits are immortal.
The mortal wabbits come next.
syntax errors don't kill people, wabbits do
Don't let me quote the Holy Handgrenade on that.
> Then did he raise on high the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, saying, "Bless this, O Lord, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy."
fun fact, the Dothraki in GoT Season 6 are quoting Monty Python in Dothraki
Q: Algorithm and PHP Class to Compare companies' information and define similarity

JamesThe task is: I get companies' information from a large CSV file and then I need to compare this information with each company in the database to know if the company is a new one or if it is already in the database. The problem is: The information from the CSV file could contain some errors (wron...

Q: C dynamic array implementation using preprocessor

user3335I have implemented a generic dynamic array implementation using defines. As I am new to C, I am not sure whether the code has any flaws. The code is as follows, #define INIT_CAPAC 5 #define INC_CAPAC 5 #define list(t) struct{ t* data; unsigned int count; unsigned int capac;} #define list_init(l...

so I wrote some really nice code a little while ago... and I just cut it into small pieces and decimated it.
happens in GoT season 4 too - when Daario kills the Mercenary from Mereen, the Mercenary starts by taunting him with the "Your mother smells of elderberries" line lol
Is there some neural-network "connaisseur" here that could look at this question : codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/127449/…
paging @SimonForsberg (for @Marc-Andre)
It's in a grey zone for me being off-topic
Skiwi, Simon and Rolfl are pretty good with their neural networks
it doesn't sound broken
@Marc-Andre Why would that be off-topic?
yeah with a new edit the question seems ok now. But the first revision look way more off-topic
It's kind-of 'looking for explanation', but that's it.
One could still write a performance-centered answer on that which could or could not explain the problem at hand.
The original sounded broken, yea.
Why are books about algorithms so freaking hard to understand?
So I wrote a chatbot thing
in The late night show with JavaScript, 1 min ago, by Marvin
[ Marvin ] Quill in The 2nd Monitor said So I wrote a chatbot thing
He's gonna watch Flags from now on
Q: Is this approach correct? [tag dependence]

SimBioTI need to add class "is_active" to all div's when I click on <div id="all-tags"> and remove class if I click again. ONLY IF every div have class "is_active" then main div (<div id="all-tags">) have class "is_active". In short check out my solution and you will understand what I need https://j...

not that kind of flag >_<
the code is so bad ;-;
Q: Passport user authentication

hyaI'm using Passport in Node.js app to authenticate user by email and password (login) and also by token. Email and password are used only when user is logging in. Passport local strategy generates token when user email and password matched. Token will be later used for bearer token authentication...

I run two websockets sessions at the same time
mainCore.start().then(function() {
    console.log("Main core started");
        console.log("Bot core started");
        var chatDomain = mainCore.chatAbbreviationToFull("SE");
        botCore.actions.send(chatDomain, 39270, "[ Marvin ] " + wakeupMessages[Math.floor(Math.random() * wakeupMessages.length)]);
            var chatDomain = mainCore.chatAbbreviationToFull("SE");
            botCore.actions.send(chatDomain, 39270, "[ Marvin ] " + message);
at least use promise chaining
Alexa Scordato on May 4, 2016
The Stack Overflow team is beyond excited to welcome Adrianna Burrows as Stack Overflow’s new Chief Marketing Officer. She’s an industry veteran of everything from global product launches to partner development and she is as laser focused as we are about empowering developers.
mainCore.start().then(function() {
  return botCore.start()
}).then(function() {
whcih can be simplified to mainCore.start().then(botCore.start.bind(botCore)).then(function() {}
for some values of simplified
Every now and then, IBM reminds me why it's a great company to work for (even if the bureaucracy sometimes sucks): businessinsider.com/…
@rolfl damn, that is cool.
I stumbled across an article last night by them about Docker, which was interesting
Though I didn't understand half of it because Docker is currently at that stagewith me where anything about it turns my brain to mush
> So it's kept in a special fridge that keeps the computer at ".015 above absolute zero, which is colder than absolute space," ....
right next to the 6 pack of beer
Haha: "Regular Supercomputer":
> The computer behind this cloud service is a five "quantum bits" (qubits) computer, which is powerful (other quantum computers have been 2 qubits), but not so much smarter than a regular supercomputer
Turns out async void is bad
No, actually, not even using async void
herp derp coworker decided to not wait until a Task was finished before yielding control back to web server
= dead request
GET /common-sense HTTP 404
It seems IBM wants some other business ;-)
> These computers are expected to help find new drugs
"So the IBM team has created a tutorial to help people learn how to do it"
no link to the tutorial anywhere
yeah... weird
Didn't you notice that you are on the wrong site ? This is code review not code colfing — Heslacher 48 secs ago
@Quill I'd find a better name for mainCore.
@Mast yeah, the code needs a refactor
It works now, and I got it running on a DO instance, so now's the time to get the improvements out, I suppose
I hooked Duga up to it as well
Definitely overdone it on the coffee. My eye is twitching.
@Zak Compensate with alcohol?
In my defence, I've had three Directors and one soon-to-be Director each give me conflicting, urgent, "priority" tasks today.
@Mast I wish. Still a client-facing office. No alcohol except when we're celebrating.
Also: Bluemix
@Zak I thought there were only 50 people at your company, how do you have that many directors breathing down your neck?
mm you have to sign up?
Q: Simplest way to write "FizzBuzz" in Rust

user000001Can you write even simpler fizzbuzz program in rust? Use my output or the spec: Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. But for multiples of three print “Fizz” instead of the number and for the multiples of five print “Buzz”. For numbers which are multiples of both three and fi...

Q: slicing a big numpy array

blueI have a function that takes a four-dimensional numpy array M and, for each value i of its second index, takes all of M without the i-th "column", evaluates the product over all other columns, and stacks the results so that the array returned has the same shape as M. In other words what I want to...

Q: How to implement an algorithm in matlab?

user104605 I want to do this algorithm in matlab .. This algorithm is used for separate two sounds from each other .. Here is my code for the above algorithm : [soundconv,fs] = audioread('C:\Users\Ali\Downloads\conv_mix.wav'); % 55000*2 matrix soundco=soundconv'; % inverted to 2*55000 b=0.999999999999999...

@Mast see: "assistant to the regional manager" @ the directors, probably
@CaptainObvious That's not a request for review I think.
Post your relevant code in a minimal example within the question. Also if you're looking for a review and request for improvements, consider asking at Code Review instead. — Mena 19 secs ago
Q: Video encoding fake algorithm using STD thread with simple pipeline

CIVI89I've to make a simple program that basically imitate an encoding algorithm. I've thought a frame like a struct composed by a 2D vector and a variable type (I or B) that define the kind of encoding. struct Frame { char type; vector<vector<int>> grid; }; Then I've built a vector of fr...

Boiling water produces arsenic, nitrates, etc? Can it produce gold? — Paparazzi yesterday
@Mast It's actually 13 people. (soon to be 16 in about a week).
That's way too many directors per employee.
sounds like bank employees, they're all "directors" (do the quotes thing with your fingers)
@Mast Maybe. It's not like the directors sit around doing nothing all day. It's just a way of parceling out responsibilities (one founder/Adviser, one director of investments, one director of Finance/HR, one soon-to-be CTO)
so.. they are managers
managers, directors, it's a 13-person company, same difference ^^
They better be doing non-manager things as well to keep such a ratio profitable.
They probably do, your company hasn't struck me as 'plain stupid' yet.
As to how they're all breathing down my neck: Everything non-standard and/or IT related funnels through me. We're imminently going to sign final contracts for this acquisition. We're in the middle of starting a side-venture (for which I'm providing the initial targeting data). And one of the major things I built to speed up our admin is acting funny (macro I mentioned yesterday).
Don't put funny-acting-macros in production :P
It wasn't acting funny when it went into production :p
Spontaneous mutations, great.
schrodinger's bug
@Mast One actually "manages" the office, the other 3 are either advisers with their own client books, or very experienced financial/technical people who are also involved in several other companies atm.
oh sure, so when they do it it's professionalism but when I do it, it's cheating /s
Damn, I just realised: I've made a lot of tags but the moment I check this revision itno TFS it's going to break all of them
because git-tfs is going to rewrite all of the commits.. :s
Q: Refactoring c# unit test with moq callback anonymous function

sarinI have the following unit test that is testing predicate logic in a repository (Note: mockOpportunityRepository.Setup) : [Test] public void GetFollowedByUserIdShouldGetTheUsersFollowedOpportunitiesFromOpportunityFollowRepositoryAndThenGetThoseFollowedOpportunities() { const int ExpectedOppor...

@DanPantry Thought you guys finally moved to git?
@Mast there's plans to, I'm being asked to lead the effort (but not now), my entire repo is already in git
but we still use tfs officially
This Q is not about programming as defined for StackOverflow. It may be more appropriate on the related site codereview.stackexchange.com OR unix.stackexchange.com (Unix & Linux) . Consider using the flag link at the bottom of your Q and ask the moderator to move it there. Please don't post the same Q on 2 different sites. Thanks and Good Luck. — shellter 22 secs ago
Q: C++ class variables declaration

NarekShould I horizontally align class member variables' declarations like this: class A { int myInt; double myDouble; SomeVeryLongType myVeryLongType; ShortType myShotType; }; or I should write like this? class A { int myInt; ...

@DanPantry I know your repo is in git. When will you guys be moving entirely?
@CaptainObvious Very hypothetical.
@CaptainObvious After re-reading the question it appears to be broken.
@Mast It Depends (tm)
My boss has mentioned June time but I honestly think the best time to move is probably now..
My other colleague is off work until later on this month and he has all of hsi work checked in
Which means if we do the switch now all he has to do is set up his repo when he gets back
but if we don't switch now then he will have to stop work in the middle of a feature (or we'll haev to organise a time when he will be done on a featuer AND I will) so we can switch
I already have all of the repos set up on gitlab but obviously it's annoying because i have to keep breaking references ecah time i check in.
the best solution RE that is probably to keep breaking history for now and then checkout ALL commits when we finally switch and redo the tags then
and remove all the tfs metadata with it
If you're lead, it's your call, isn't it?
As long as my manager agrees
So I'm going to ask him tomorrow when he comes back from Sweden
They don't have e-mail in Sweden?
They do but he is on a flight right now :p
"You have local changes"
git status
> no changes
Q: Thread-safe Bloom Filter in Java

sriram manojI have tried to implement a Bloom Filter in Java here. https://github.com/srirammanoj/skynet/tree/master/bloomfilter I just wanted to know if my implementation can be called 'thread-safe' , and if there is an improvement to be made on the locking I have used here. I opted for locks instead of ...

@DanPantry So what told you you had local changes?
turns out that line ending settings had been screwed up
git bash didn't report any errors because they were correctly lf
but command prompt was reporting errors because they were lf and not crlf
Tell your command prompt to not care.
Unfortunately you can't :P
because it's git that is formatting the files differently
$ echo .gitconfig
core.autocrlf = auto
it'll format them basedo n which terminal is running it
given that git-tfs uses the command prompt, it'll run in the windows one and thus bitch if it can't find crlf
and yes i could set it to crlf or lf but no because that would involve changing thousands of files in a single commit
I'd rather just remember to use a single console until we split the client/server projects
then I will make the client project use lf only...
You broke your system by being inconsistent.
unfortunately TFS doesn't yell at you for line endings
and as I do a lot of my work in bash, it was automatically committing lf
Your question seems very broad and unclear. You seem to ask for some form of code review but you dont provide your code. Consider editing your question to make it more clear, perhaps it's also worth adding some code samples that illustrate your design. It could also be interesting to note if your code works as intended or doesn't. Current form of this question makes it impossible for anyone to answer. I can just suggest browsing twisted docs: see proxies section here: twistedmatrix.com/documents/current/web/examples/…Pawel Miech 53 secs ago
but my colleague is pure windows and so everything he does is crlf
it's no big deal, it just means that I will need to normalise line endings when we switch to git (as TFS doesn't care)
monking @EthanBierlein
@DanPantry That's because it assumes you don't alternate between lf and crlf.
@Mast because it assumes you don't use anything linux-based that might commit lf*
it's almost impossible to use TFS via CLI
I'm not blaming TFS, just pointing out that it doesn't check
You may not be blaming it, but I expected more from a corporation that big.
A corporation that big with two developers on this project?
We're a part of a big corp but we are part of a very small team
We maintain all internal systems; we get the least funding and yet somehow we are the most productive team
You should not expect anything of us :P
Q: Compressing a case statement and making it more modular and reusable

Peter David CarterI have the following code which I'm looking to compress down as much as possible, and make it more modular and reusable: <!-- Function to load in info from different docs --> function loadDoc(UrlString) { var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhttp...

Q: An optional<T> implementation

user2296177This is an implementation of optional<T> from C++17, it is mostly standard conforming. I'm looking for a review on efficiency, correctness and performance. Sample usage #include "optional.h" int main() { util::optional<std::string> s0{ "abc" }; util::optional<std::string> s1; if ...

This sounds a lot like Clippy. — Mehrdad 7 hours ago
@skiwi lol!
Where were you planning on asking this. Asking for my dog. — Won't 4 hours ago
@DanPantry No, Microsoft.
@EthanBierlein Maybe he wants spam for his dog
I'm not sure if spam is good for dogs or not.
@Mast @DanPantry We have plenty of e-mail in Sweden. Not as much e-mail as @Phrancis gets in his inbox perhaps, but still.
Q: C dynamic array implementation using preprocessor

user3335I have implemented a generic dynamic array implementation using defines. As I am new to C, I am not sure whether the code has any flaws. The code is as follows, #define INIT_CAPAC 5 #define INC_CAPAC 5 #define list(t) struct{ t* data; unsigned int count; unsigned int capac;} #define list_init(l...

How many problems does he want? ^
@Mast @Donald.McLean @rolfl Has anyone been watched yet?
@skiwi A lot, apparently.
Q: Generating Robot Name

CodeYogiProblem: Write a program that manages robot factory settings. When robots come off the factory floor, they have no name. The first time you boot them up, a random name is generated, such as RX837 or BC811. Every once in a while we need to reset a robot to its factory settin...

@SimonForsberg Funny you should ask, I just finished.
@Mast I am going to be watched this evening.
I'll try not to spoil anything for anyone.
Haven't been in here for a little while, so I have to ask: what does "being watched" mean?
@EthanBierlein Person of Interest.
Duga 2.0.
They just released the first episode of the last season.
possible answer invalidation by Kim Gysen on question by Kim Gysen: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/127440/revisions
Q: why isn't a dictionary being populated? automate the boring stuff excel census chapter

user104616New to all of this. Using linux, python 3.4 and openpyxl and doing the exercises from ATBS. Why am I not getting a fully populated dictionary? I am only getting the results from one row. The excel file was taken from the Automate TBS website. the new .py file gives me: allData = {'WY': {'We...

@SimonForsberg I hope no important email has been sent to me, most of it gets deleted
@Rob -- this is a very poorly asked question. I now have no idea what your data model actually looks like. What problem you are having and what your question is. If this is a design question with a working system then take your current code to codereview.stackoverflow.com — Hogan 39 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Kim Gysen on question by Kim Gysen: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/127440/revisions
@Vogel612 FWIW:
Q: Why would a type be coupled with its builder?

Mat's MugI've recently deleted a java answer of mine on Code Review, that started like this: private Person(PersonBuilder builder) { Stop. Red flag. A PersonBuilder would build a Person; it knows about a Person. The Person class shouldn't know anything about a PersonBuilder - it's just an immutabl...

And this "question" reeks of just being a rant... — Philip Kendall 20 secs ago
lol.. maybe..
@Mat'sMug The person trying this edit has edited the question before. It doesn't make the question magically non-broken AFAIK, but the account may need to be merged with the OP's.
@Mat'sMug Perhaps, but that's not constructive.
Q: A Data Explorer query that makes bar graphs

LaurelI wrote a query for SEDE that I think is pretty cool. It uses the currently available graphing capabilities (scatter plots) to create a bar graph. I have used it as the subject for a self-answer on MSO. This query finds potential "recommendation questions" based on the words in the title. The g...

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