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RELOAD! There are 2219 unanswered questions (93.4349% answered)
Q: Implementing HashTable in Objective-c

YanI preparing for an interview and wanted to implement hash table in objective-c. I did some testing and the implementation seems to work. I am using NSMutableArray to store linked lists of entries. It also resizes when it gets almost full. I am using NSString for key and any object as value. ...

Q: Automatically keyed map

Jack WilsdonI have written a class that is designed to be an automatically keyed Map in Java. Here is my implementation: import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * A {@link Map} that is automatically keyed. * * @param <K> the key type for the map * @param <V> the va...

hi Fred, i have posted another question to codereview section. hi Mike, can you explain further? tks. — Trowa 37 secs ago
Q: Middleware for a client

TrowaI'm developing a middleware for my client and it's found that there are some delay when executing the process. We are currently investigating what's the exact causes of the issue, from architecture design to coding. Here is part of the script we are calling, which is working, and I'm just wonder...

2 hours later…
Q: Java ActionListener for boolean to be true and then return

4castleRight now, I've got this really ugly loop in my code that waits for a boolean to be true before the method can return. I'm wondering, what is the proper way to pause a program until some condition is met? How should I refactor this code so that it follows common practices? public class Main { ...

@Mast Targets?
1 hour later…
Q: Rust word counting

Ray ToalNew to Rust here, and I have some questions about the following word counting script. The goal is to read from standard input, break up the input into words, case-insensitively, and produce a report to standard output, where each line is a word followed by a space followed by its count. The out...

Q: disable other defualt row- Entity framework

Uthman RahimiI have a table that name is Store , In Store Table , just one row can IsDefault=true at time . when I insert new Row , I check If user selected IsDefault , I update other row whice isDefault=true . I use this code : public AddStatus Add(AddStoreViewModel storeViewModel) { if (Exist...

possible answer invalidation by Uthman Rahimi on question by Uthman Rahimi: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/127351/revisions
@Duga seems okay-ish
Q: C++ lazy constructor

Zizheng TaiI'm implementing a lazy constructor in C++. The goal is that for a type T, lazy<T>(args...) returns a callable object which, when called, returns T(args...). This is what I have done so far: #include <functional> #include <utility> /** * Returns an object of type `T` constructed from `args`. ...

code reviews are off topic for stackoverflow. however, that's what codereview.stackexchange.com is for. — xaxxon 14 secs ago
monking @Vogel612
monking @Quill
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on codereview.stackexchange.com — xaxxon 30 secs ago
@xaxxon Thanks for letting me know! The Code Review link is codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/127353/…. — Zizheng Tai 47 secs ago
1 hour later…
Yesterday, we got 11 more accepted answers, 18 more questions were answered, 35 more answers were posted, 112 badges were earned, 121 comments were left, 32 more questions were asked, 14 more questions were unanswered, 73 users were created, and 272 votes were created.
Our question answer accept rate went down by 0.0235%.
Our question answer rate went down by 0.0352%, and our answer accept rate went down by 0.0022%.
Oh hello, @DanPantry.
Monking @EBrown
@DanPantry I'm sorry, what is this "Monking" you speak of?
I have no idea
This beer is horrible.
5 backlog items haev just been logged to log changes for a single feature
At least, after eating skittles and M&M's it is.
Honestly sounds like the feature wasn't specced out at all
Bearing in mind each PBI is a collection of changes grouped by priority
so there are at least 10 RFCs that for this feature that are priority 1 must fix
I guess this beer isn't so bad.
Deadpool time.
Or is it Star Wars time?
FUUU I don't know what to do.
Buying "Deadpool" on Google Play, it pops up with the usual "HD or SD?" The only option is "HD" though...lol
GoT time
Watch the latest episode if you haven't
Not a GoT fan.
(I've actually never seen it.)
Time to see if I can wake the entire neighbourhood with my laughing at this movie.
you really need to get into watching it, it's really good.
as is deadpool
This intro is horrible.
"A British Villain"
Aren't all brit's villains?
Apparently ;(
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Reduce a string using grammar-like rules
Guess I'm getting coal in my inbox this Hatmas
What is this?
Why is he playing with the window?
Is Deadpool bored?
Dopinder? Lol
        private async void SendEmail(CSSESaleDTO dto, string username)
            MailMessage message = new MailMessage();
            message.To.Add(new MailAddress(this.toAddress));
            message.Subject = string.Format("Sale");
            message.Body = ConstructEmail(dto, username, DateTime.Now);

            // TODO This is fire and forget.
why wouldn't you await SendMailAsync
also that string.Format lol
Hello @Zak @Rossco
@DanPantry hows it going?
Ding :-) It goes ding when there is stuff.
I can't resist a Dr Who line
Monking @all did you miss me?
I'm good, yourself?
This is hilarious.
@Zak you went somewhere? ;-)
All good here.
I was after some advice...
"Maximum effort."
I went to the Dr Who Experience on the weekend actually, it was so incredibly corny - but the good kind of corny
@Rossco go for it
10/10 job application app http://www.adultswim.com/misc/developer-test/
@DanPantry I love the fact it doesn't take itself seriously
^ the show that is.
I was going to say, your profile says you're in NZ, the Doctor Who Experience is in Cardiff.. quite a trek :p
Oh, yeah, also @EBrown is watching Deadpool for those new joiners..
mutant is
@DanPantry true true.
@DanPantry Haven't been online for about 5 days
> Please, house blowing up builds character.
@Epsilon However, I think as your code is working and you're just looking for optimization, I suggest that this question could be migrated to Code Review instead. — Byte Commander 27 secs ago
@DanPantry Instead of verbal commentary, his second monitor will suffice
Oh dear god
I wanted to ask a question on SO about a bug I have in my code and I didn't want to embarass myself.
"Hey!" Massive amounts of gunfire
I've seen a few other Qs where people have been thoroughly rubbished.
(if that's a word...)
"Someone's not counting. Six." Awesome.
Its kind of not a bug at the same time. I'm trying to follow a specification from M$ and I just can't reproduce their result.
@Rossco Generally, SO has no issue answering questions on a bug
As long as you detail what you did and have an MCVE or show your current work in progress
Rather than having a code dump and saying "help plz"
Yeah, I was hoping that was the case.
I'm pretty keen on getting an answer (even planning on a bounty).
You need to show more than "it doesn't work" because it doesn't work is no use to anyone
BTW while I'm happy to answer your questions note that this is the chat room for CodeReview (and drunk @EBrown's commentary), not StackOverflow, so if you have a question about SO you might have a better chance in one of their chat rooms (you're welcome to stay here, of course)
@DanPantry I'm not drunk yet.
Getting there, though.
@DanPantry ah, my bad
@Rossco It's not a problem :) we're all friends here
You know, I've never noticed that this room is CR not SO.
(I had to check...).
The soothing blue instead of eye-burning orange didn't give it away? :P
the more drunk you get the more you sound like a tumblrina
next you'll be unable to even
Can you turn your volume down a little?
@EBrown With respect, though, if you could calm it down or take it to Nth? :p
To be clear I am enjoying your commentary
"Just a little light stalking. I was way worse than him at his age."
You know your constructor is too big when you need a method to reasonable create an instance of the object in a unit test
AFK. going to get some work done
@DanPantry You should be emailing dailywtf for those kinda things
OMG The gift card.
@SimonForsberg It's a program called (IIRC) "Foreman". Lets you stick in demand/supply nodes (I.E. one satellite launch per minute) and it will auto-generate the entire supply chain for you.
Deadpool is a far better love story than Twilight.
@Zak wait, what? This was back in October???
... wow
@DanPantry It was.
What am I doing with my life
@DanPantry What's with my random "Option Strict On"?
you were dressing up as a VB developer for Hall'o'ween
LOL You mean my last job...lol
I was about to ask if C# had a constant binding declaration like const in JavaScript.
For actual constants, yes.
Then I realised that it was a language that made sense, and var was constant binding declaration, almost.
It also has readonly for non-constant.
As in you couldn't do:
var foo = 5;
var foo = 5;
No lol
But is there something that prevents this?
var foo = 5;
foo = 6;
For local variables, not fields
Curse you C#
Why would it?
Because I don't like mutating a value? ^^
var is just an implicit type.
I was asking about a keyword
not about var specifically
I think you can const that.
If you don't use var, yeah
And the expression must be constant
const int number = 5;
value = 6;
NVM, C# const jsut has different semantics to JS const ^^
apples and oranges
Why has no one ever heard of making classes be "ready for use" after their construction
So many null IEnumerable<T> instances on classes that aren't being assigned Enumerable.Empty<T> at construction
Why would they?
Because one of the ideas of construction is that the object is ready for use after it is constructed
That's the job of the constructor
It should do no more or less
It is.
If you have an IEnumerable<T> in a class that is null, then the constructor failed.
Especially when it is a monad like IEnumerable
Cus stuff like that is actually breaking my tests that I am writing
Then fix them. :P
And where are you stuck? Like 4 of your post makes it sound like you just want a code review which gives little motivation to recreate such data with no sample provided. — Robin Gertenbach 24 secs ago
Q: Code for Programming Challenge taking much time

DhruvI wrote the following code for this problem. The problem is to find the longest palindromic substring. I think it is correct and is working correctly for all the test cases I entered myself. Now, the code is producing a Time Limit Exceeded Error. I know that there exists Manacher's Algorithm whic...

gahhhh I hate it when your code works but your test doesn't
because of .Equals
If your test doesn't work, then your code probably doesn't work
No, the code does work
The issue is that I was doing this:
mockEmailService.Setup(x => x.SendEmailAsync(
  It.Is<MailMessage>(message => message.CC.Contains(
    It.Is<MailAddress>(address => address.Equals(email))
it was checking message.CC for the existance of a MailAddress, and while .Equals would have returned true, .GetHashCode() probably would not have :(
But I am stupid and it turns out that message.CC inherits from IEnumerable so I can just use LINQ instead
Lol, that doesn't work either, but I cheated and made the method return the mail message it sent so now it does
Q: How do you name a something as approximately equal?

MargusLet's say I following have code: private bool ErrorLogExists(LogEvent logEvent, DateTime filterStart) { var startTimeFrom = logEvent.StartTime.TruncateMilliseconds(); var startTimeTo = startTimeFrom.AddSeconds(1); return _existingErrorLogs.Any(x => x.Name == logEvent.Name &&...

@CaptainObvious You did a really good job of naming your title as approximately equal to bad
Great. VBA is throwing an error, but only on one person's PC.
@Zak sounds normal...
Q: Passive FTP port assignment synchronization

perenciaI've created the following class to manage the assignment of port numbers to passive FTP server sockets. Notice that Semaphore here is to make the thread wait in case all the ports are assigned, not for Stack synchronization, which is already thread-safe. Is this class safe assuming releasePort ...

gah, it's so frustrating when I do something a certian way for a reason and fix it and my colleague just continues to copy paste old code with the same damn issues
It makes adding changes to functionality just that much harder for no reason.
Q: Sorting and slicing array, but preserve its keys?

vitozevI have the following input array: $arr = array( 'water' => array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), 'apple' => array(1, 5, 3, 4, 0, 0), 'beer' => array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ); Now I want to know which element has largest sum, so I have the following code: $arrWeight = array(); foreach ($arr as $key => $value) ...

@DanPantry Have you tried talking to your colleague?
@skiwi Well, he is currently not in the office for a few weeks, I'm just having to add changes to some of his features
I'm not really sure how to diplomatically say "stop copy pasting code", especially when he has mentioned before that he does it because it is faster
Especially because if I say "stop copy pasting code" it will come out as "stop writing crap"
@DanPantry Maybe ask him to consider the lifetime cost of his code? So writing + debugging + fixing etc. Or is that level of reasonableness off the table?
I think that would come across as too passive-aggressive, especially considering his level of seniority over me
The thing is that his code works until it has to be modified in some way, and then it just falls apart
Or until you look closer
for example on this one workflow, the Next button looks disabled
Except you can click it and still go to the next page completely unhindered without passing validation because it isn't disabled - it just looks disabled
@DanPantry That's just a plain bug :|
  <div ng-class="{true: 'next', false:'disabled-next'}[NextEnabled]" class="workflow-button" ng-click="Next()"></div>
I have no idea how many times I have shown him how to use ng-class properly or ng-disabled
@skiwi Yes, it is a bug, copy pasted over the entire application because it is in every workflow except the ones where I have manually fixed it
just.. @_@
Am I being unreasonable?
Angular looks ugly as hell
I guess ugly Angular looks even more ugly
Well, that's probably because that button should look like this
<button ng-disabled='form.$invalid' class='workflow-button' ng-click='$ctrl.next()'></button>
Unfortunately I haven't really dealt with office politics yet, so cannot provide much help on that
I mean I can be blunt with people on CR, but you can't do that in an office
Yeah, putting downvote stickers on his desk would probably not be a good idea
It just makes me sad. :(
or close votes
        <label class="required" for="position" translate>{{Details.PaymentTermOptions.Description}}</label>
      <div data-container-for="department" class="k-edit-field">
        <select required name="department" required class="form-control" ng-model="Details.PaymentTerm">
          <option ng-repeat="obj in Details.PaymentTermOptions.List" value="{{obj.Label}}"
hmmm :-)
department is the first element in this html doc with a select, position the first with a label
gee, I wonder how those names and fors got mixed up
Twice required...? That's a very much required select
I didn't even notice that lol
and of course
that is on every other select in the file
I am sure that is a coincidence
Could it be a copy-paste? No way
See what I mean though? it's stuff like this
   <select name="paymentTerms" id="paymentTerms" required class="form-control" ng-model="Details.PaymentTerm">
          <option ng-repeat="obj in Details.PaymentTermOptions.List"
                  ng-selected="obj.Value === Details.PaymentTerm" translate>
like, lol, he wrote his own way to select an option in a <select> element instead of using ngoptions and ngModel
which means it doesn't work correctly
I would understand if he were new to Angular but he's been doing this for a year with me
That situation kind of sucks then
Q: This is my working code of a simple game called - "rock,paper,scissor"

madhu.I wanted to know is there any way to add classes to show inheritance in this program? If yes,,help me in doing so asap ! #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> void main() { clrs...

Q: Read a specific row in csv on python

AnomonousI have a csv file on exel: ["11811818","apple" ,"0.75"] ["11811817","bannana","0.60"] In my python program I need the user to input a barcode [column 1] and the program will get the values from [column 2] and [column 3] from the row with the barcode on. This is what I have so far but I don't ...

Q: Variant class that I don't think is missing anything

NeomerArcanaMy goal is to learn a bit more about Generic Programming in C++. So, one of the trickiest things I've heard you can do is creating a Variant class. This took me a while and I needed to read and study a few implementations: #ifndef VARIANT_HPP_INCLUDED #define VARIANT_HPP_INCLUDED #include <cstddef

Q: Maximize points won by flipping coins

Mathias EttingerSo, there is this king-of-the-hill challenge going on at PPCG SE to which I submitted my participation. I won't change it further in terms of behaviour, so I wanted to know what you think of the code. The challenge It is very well described in the original post, I'll just summarize the key idea...

Open question: Can a router start showing issues once a PC gets a new network card?
It could
I couldn't tell you why but I wouldn't be surprised if there were some incompatibilities
We're getting a new modem with inbuilt router anyway in coming days or early next week, so hopefully that resolves stuff :/
But right now the wireless network craps because possibly 1) that PC is turned on, 2) too many different websites are visited in a too short time span, 3) something else
4) beacuse it's wireless :D
This question suits better on CodeReview. — aschipfl just now
Somehow it works fine if there's only one PC connected though (and mobile phones)
Q: What is the best way to extract method?

vildhjartaThe code snippet is what I want to do. Previously I use a different version of my code. But it is out of joint according to Python coding guidelines because I was assigned my lambda function to a variable. It was an obvious violation. Here is my violator code: my_dict = { 'first_name': 'Jimm...

possible answer invalidation by Margus on question by Margus: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/127362/revisions
possible answer invalidation by Margus on question by Margus: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/127362/revisions
@Malachi I didn't know Bob said that
His name is Robert Paulson!
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it's not about solving a problem in programming. If you would like reviews of your code, consider posting relevant parts (not links) to the Code Review Stack Exchange site instead. — Toby Speight 34 secs ago
Q: Basic MVC Framework

RarelyI want to improve my skills so i startet a very basic MVC framework. Its my first MVC based Framework. Index I rewrited all request through index.php and the file looks like this: <?php namespace System; use System\Core\App; use System\Libraries\Config; use System\Libraries\Database; use Sys...

Q: How to implement many validations in a good way

PatrickI have to receive data from a webservice and need to compare the received data with the data in our DB. Its easy like: get a streetname from the WS, if its not null and not equals the Db entry -> update the DB entry. This needs to be done for 10-15 fields. This I have to do for many entries o...

Q: call ruby method iteratively within a custom class

gonzalo2000Custom class Image takes a 2-D array of 0's and 1's upon initialization. Method transform returns a modified array by modifying 0's adjacent to a 1, such that [[0,0,0], [0,1,0], [0,0,0]] returns [[0,1,0], [1,1,1], [0,1,0]] I've been working on method blur(n), which outputs an array tha...

@Malachi Congratulations with your jQuery badge!
thank you
time for some more VBScript! YAY! (we really need an emoticon for "just shoot me now")
Please kindly ask a specific question. If you want a code review, please ask at Code Review. — Win 29 secs ago
ask specific question. If you want to get your code review please post on relevant site codereview.stackexchange.comGrijesh Chauhan 59 secs ago
You'd typically go to code review for this. You could also simply check the Java coding conventions from Oracle. — Mena 58 secs ago
1) This place is for specific problems; for reviews turn to codereview.stackexchange.com 2) There are plenty of java coding styleguides. Read them. 3) forget about using ints and -1,0, 1 so on. it is 2016; we have enums by now (unless, what I almost can't believe: does this google interface really ask for int getConnected()? — Jägermeister 57 secs ago
Q: How do I calculate marks of Online exam in c#?

user6087065On onclick event of the button , I’ve fetch the controls form the aspx page, and further I’ve used if statement in order to see which radio button is active and have store the corresponding value in the varialbe selans, using this selans, I will compare it with the value of hidden field in order...

Earned my first Revival badge this morning. About time I got myself one of those.
@Mast Reviving zombies?
@Mast lol, static typing vs dynamic typing
aka duck typing
@skiwi Aye, this one was over a year old.
Q: Modified Taylor diagrams

lb n-plus-1There is a type of diagram summarizing how well predictions from numerical models fit expectations; one obvious use case is comparing machine-learning regression models. Modified Taylor diagrams are described in this paper. I'd like to know if my implementation follows best practices for using m...

I prefer writing questions over answers though.
@DanPantry LOL
Posted a question about Ruby yesterday. Flambino and Zack came in and gave me more than I could hope for. Within a day.
I love this place.
Why would I be looking for edit targets?
Not anymore? A while back you were editing whatever you could find.
Could be my memory is exaggerating things. It does that.
I haven't reviewed anything in like a month... my motivation is dropping massively
possible answer invalidation by Quill on question by Mina Fawzy: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/114273/revisions
I would've voted that as off-topic
@Duga Is fine
he asks for code fixes and help solving writing unwritten code everywhere
@Quill you introduced an indentation error
@Zak So it was Foreman that also created this image? Can you explain more about that image?
The first line of the code isn't in the code block
I saw it, and it's fixed
@SimonForsberg Not sure whether that's a Piet program or a Factorio lay-out.
Oh, I was right about the Factorio.
@Mast Piet?
@SimonForsberg Piet
That's Piet. Now try writing anything maintainable in that.
Oh. That.
Q: Intersections of two lists

LoomGiven two python lists a and b. These lists may intersect (It is possible that lists intersect more than once). There is an example: a = [1,2,5,7,6,9,1,3,1,2,6,6,3,1,2,6,1,3] b = [3,1,2] There are 4 intersections: [1,2,5,7,6,9,1,3,1,2,6,6,3,1,2,6,1,3] [3,1,2] [3,1,2] [3,1,2] [3,1...

Q: Genetic Algorithm in java

SнаđошƒаӽI have written some codes in java implementing simplest genetic algorithm. The code finds (or rather tries to) the maximum value possible for a user-defined number of bits. For example, for 16 bit chromosomes, the code tries to get 216-1. I have never had my code reviewed by any one good, so the ...

Q: How do you create a knockout tournament on python 3

joshhow would i program a knockout soccer tournament with 16 teams in it so that the winner of each round advances to the next round until there is a final winner. ie: 16 vs 1 (16 wins) and 8 vs 9 (8 wins) therefore 8 vs 16. So i want to be able to enter the score and then the winner will advance to ...

@Mast Pretty much Brainfuck for Images...
@Mast wtf
@CaptainObvious Nope.
@SimonForsberg Yea, but Brainfuck is easier to read.
Welcome to The 2nd Monitor @MohammadFaraji
@Mast Definitely true.
Q: Excel VBA to create a visual timeline of events using an XY scatter chart

MLucasI have details of key decisions made by a business in a worksheet Decision Record, my data is laid out as follows: I have written some code to create a timeline of these decisions using an XY scatter chart, like this one: The code (see below) works fine but - as with most of the code I writ...

@SimonForsberg Oh no, that was me, In Excel ^^
@Zak And what is it supposed to mean?
@SimonForsberg I was just designing my factory layout. Mines, Belts, Smelters, Factories, Engines etc.
I must say that Excel is an interesting tool of choice to do that in
With hindsight, it was far more effort than it was worth.
Excel/VBA is the IDE you use when your IT department won't let you use an actual IDE
@Mat'sMug Can you offer suggestions for the following behaviour: Excel crashes on running a macro, but only at the very end (final End Sub statement)
My best guess is something to do with the GC, but I haven't the faintest idea where to start
@Zak That sounds like me when I get home at the very end of teh day
I get home after working all day and then crash on my bed at the very end
To that end, I've clocked up 13 hours of overtime this past weekend
Q: A simple builder pattern implementation for building immutable objects

Levent DiviliogluThis is a Builder Pattern implementation to build Immutable Person objects. Person Class public final class Person { // All are set to final to make Person Immutable private final int id; private final String name; private final String surname; private final boolean isOccup...

@Zak there's no GC in COM.. resources are reference-counted, Java-style '90's-style
AFAIU anyway
Yes, I would have actually liked to use a dict here as well, it works out nicely in something like here codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/126746/…, but we really need an example of flags. It's just that if you go with (True, True, False, True) or something as your key, you kind of lose track of what that flag actually means (True gives me less info compared to a==b). — Bahrom 26 secs ago
@Mat'sMug great. Now I'm officially out of ideas.
Q: Handler for incoming network packages

tkauslI want to let you look through my NetHandler which is basically the component which gets notified when a full packet arrived (not like tcp-packet but my own type of packets) and handles it. First of all, the handle method which gets called from the networking void NetHandler::handle(int id, cha...

Q: we use this query in merge stored procedure. we need to improvise this query to retrieve data faster

venuWITH TotalSeats AS ( SELECT T.PMGTenantID , O.ProductName, COUNT(DISTINCT S.SubscriptionId) 'TotalSubscriptions' , COALESCE(O.HasExchange, 0) 'HasExchange' , COALESCE(O.HasSharePoint, 0) 'HasSh...

Q: Trying to make an application that displays min, max, mean, median, and standard deviation from a list

Christopher Brownprivate void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void calculatescore_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List<decimal> scores = new List<decimal>(); StreamReader inputFile; inputFile = File.OpenText("../../Testscores.txt"); try ...

Perhaps you could ask on CodeReview, it's a good place to get feedback on your code — Drown 11 secs ago
May want to ask on code review? — findwindow 44 secs ago
If your code is working, then you might be best using Code Review which is specifically for reviewing working code. That being said, look at using Range.End(xlUp) instead of CountA to get the used cells. — Macro Man 32 secs ago
Q: Save Custom Product Kit using Web Application

DennisHow far do I break down individual tasks within a typical scenario of "Web application reacts to user input"? For example, in the case below, say a scenario is "User submits a form, causing user data to be turned into an Object (technical detail) and then saved into the database" . I am using v...

Nick Craver on May 3, 2016
The third in a long series of posts on Stack Overflow’s architecture explaining how we deploy code.
This looks like a purely generic example. If you do ask a question on Code Review, be sure to post your real code. — 200_success 24 secs ago
@Zak Probably that's the point it runs out of resources.
@Mast Which resources though? It's not a particularly resource-intensive macro. Doesn't create a ton of objects, isn't manipulating a particularly huge spreadsheet. virtually no functions or other event-triggered actions.
Q: Return the best factors of a whole number

Darren Bartrup-CookI've just finished writing my code to return the prime factors of a number and I feel the GetBestFactors function could be improved. The GetFactors function was hacked together from the code found here:https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/202782. This returns all the factors of a number in a c...

Q: Mergesorting a stack in Java

coderoddeI have this small program for sorting a stack using mergesort. See below: StackMergesort.java: import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.stream.IntStream; public class StackMergesort { public static <E extends Comparable<? super E>> ...

@Zak So it's not doing much and still consistently crashing on the last lines?
It seems that your code currently works, and you are looking to improve it. Generally these questions are too opinionated for this site, but you might find better luck at CodeReview.SE. Remember to read their requirements as they are a bit more strict than this site. — Mr. Llama 59 secs ago
@CaptainObvious Code dump, possibly not working as intended. UWYA'd.
Why would anyone git pull --rebase by default?
New side project: price tags on Google Calendar events based on the inferred hourly rates of participants. https://t.co/nzck5aJ3rh
just need to port it to Exchange :d
> Fun fact: since Linux has no built-in DNS caching, most of the DNS queries are looking for…itself. Oh wait, that’s not a fun fact — it’s actually a pain in the ass.
@DenysSéguret your answer 1 is Not up to the standards of SO, 2 will be straightaway rejected in an interview, coding exercise, or even a code review request at your own company, 3 fails immediately as soon as there is a slight variation in input - so it defies basic principles of programming, 4 if you feel a need for defending it against every comment, you should instead test for your solution again. OP asked a question and gave an example. Your solution works only, and only, for that example. — Om Shankar 39 secs ago
The first question is probably better suited for Code Reviewdevlin carnate 17 secs ago
This question should belongs to CodeReview. — Xiaoy312 6 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on codereview.stackexchange.com — David L 49 secs ago
It looks like that is just mixed reality video production.
So the guy in game doesn't see his actual arms, but they can be used to overlay in the video
Valve did a campaign like that when they launched their system, to show the immersion, they slice the world's rendering in half wherever the headset is

@BenVlodgi Ah okay, that's too bad then
I'm looking into getting a setup with a racing wheel, problem is that I'm pretty much confined to use some kind of "PC cabinet" as long as I live with my parents :/
@DenysSéguret, yeah, your solution is amazing. Just an advice, don't mention this solution in a code review, or an interview. — Om Shankar 41 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on Code Review. They can help you make working code more efficient. — JasonMc92 57 secs ago
Q: Is this the right way to implement a simple hash table in C++?

nanuDoes this look like a proper implementation of a hash table in C++? Any errors anyone can find? Thanks in advance (: template <typename T> class HashTable { public: HashTable(int amount) { size = amount; values = new T*[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { *(values + i...

.. unless of course the interview or code review doesn't need a catch-all array flatten method and this is exactly what is expected. over-engineering doesn't always fit the bill. This answer shows off another technique on how to flatten simple arrays (like OPs example). Stop being so pedantic about a few failing cases that might exist in some code bases which are not being compared against. — rlemon 18 secs ago
I'm not sure whether to be amused or horrified
both, it seems
@DanLyons That's awesome
Rewrite a7589321630027c253a656bd6e6a5ed01c253303 (5/2706) (20 seconds passed, remaining 10804 predicted)
Oh, that's not a good sign.
At this rate it would almost be worth it to just remove the tree in a single commit instead of using filter-branch lol
Before you ask, I'm splittin a project in twain: one for the client and one for the server
client was split quite quickly, but apparently removing everything except the client is a bit harder ^^"
"Make it faster" = having the code reviewed. — JasonMc92 16 secs ago
@Duga Please don't bring it here with that attitude... But how to explain that nicely? :D
@skiwi Is "Be nice or piss off" nicely? :D
Also, Sublime text (and text editors in general) look so much nicer with a small amount of padding between lines
Q: PHP Custom $_GET checker function performance

AzizI'm trying to follow the DRY programming philosophy and I am tired of running isset() and an if not empty statements for each time I want to check a $_GET[] variable. I am working on a page that receives up to 4-5 GET parameters in the URL, so I wrote the following function to reduce repetitive...

Q: Generating social security numbers - take two

Nilzone-Original post here I took the advice I got to heart, and rewrote quite a few methods + changed the structure a little. Once again I would really appreciated input on the following: Code style Code structure Could it I use more of a functional approach Here is the new version: personnr.js...

After you have got it working (not before). Take it to code review to get some help on better practice. — Loki Astari 15 secs ago
git rerere is magic
these commit messages
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