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rebase complete, it somehow still works.
A puppy died.
You can bury it with the rest of the revisions
I'm wiping a computer as a favour to a work colleague, goddamn windows is painful
you never realise how privileged you are until you have it worse than before
Mac is literally, drag the application to the bin
try editing PATH on Windows. (making sure you get the right PATH).
Windows, you've gotta sort through appdata folders and program data folders and Programs and Features never does the job right
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because the OP is asking for code review. — Felix Kling 41 secs ago
@Quill The only way you can wipe it completely is format + re-install
I'm effectively marketing a second-hand car as a brand new car
Keep in mind the registry will be littered with old crap if you simply remove everything.
I worked for nearly two years doing Tech Support at my high school, so I'm fairly good at bullshitting results
Kaz arrives and the star-wall starts blinking.
Are you out of stars yet?
@Mast Would the starwall be blinking if I were?
The starwall would be blinking in the process of running out.
On a different note, I wrote my first SO question in a long time today.
was the question "why does SO suck so much"?
Nah, just some funny spreadsheet behaviour.
@DanPantry That would be [meta.stackoverflow]
Mind you, it is about merged cells, so I was kinda asking for weird behaviour to appear.
@Mast shhh let me make a bad joke
@Kaz Bug-abuse?
I've spent the last twenty minutes trying to remove the tax program that the australian government provides
it infects like every possible userdata folder
@Quill Want me to send you something to do that for you?
and it looks like My First Visual Basic application
Your harddisk may not survive, but it does the job quite nicely.
Electro magnets. Strong enough to lift a filled computer casing from a meter away.
Lift it to the ground.
From the ground.
a.k.a Gravity and the Earth.
rmdir /s /q "C:\Program Files" # fixed a Windows computer
Q: Node my Chatter

LegatoIn an effort to teach myself Node.JS and truly delve into its communication capabilities, I elected to recreate a previous chatting project. It took a bit of forethought to acclimate code to the asynchronous nature of node, consider the implications of sending files for access and get in the habi...

Q: How to make a simple SVG path to absolute function

thednpThis question was moved from StackOverflow as suggested by some users. I developed a function that aims to (should) provide a simple and effective method to transform a polygon <path> from relative to absolute. The purpose of this function is to replace similar SnapSVG function from my code, sin...

I should totally do a blog post on the fun times we had in Tech Support
@PinCrash It will fail, permissions.
One time a student came in complaining that his computer kept overheating
Oh, right lol
@Quill r/talesfromtechsupport
@Quill Duct-tape on the fan exhaust?
I pulled an eraser from the ethernet port and handed it and the eraser back to him
he never came back
Why the heck would you stick an eraser in your ethernet port.
it was only part of the eraser, so I'd assume he didn't notice
To erase the internet, I guess.
Somehow like the entire network ran on shitty VBS scripts
like everything from the internet proxy to the workstation login
Oh hey, I've been meaning to write a meta post. I should do that now
Consider asking this question on CodeReview: codereview.stackexchange.comKumuluzz 10 secs ago
Tonight (sorry!). If you see any mods in the 2nd monitor, please bug them to accelerate! ;-) — janos ♦ 1 hour ago
@Kumuluzz No, as it currently stands this is example code and thereby off-topic for Code Review. — Mast 16 secs ago
@mat'smug accelerate pls
Has anyone seen @JeroenVannevel today?
@Mat'sMug faster faster
@Mat'sMug No.
@Mat'sMug Not yet
> Last seen 16 hours ago
wait we were gonna do this after 6PM
it's too early guys
incoming meta
@Mast, I guess you're right, so this means that there's no suitable place for a question like this unless he applies it in a "real world" situation for Code Review? — Kumuluzz 54 secs ago
@Quill that was discussed before, the answer is YES and last thing we heard from SE is that new community blogs were "on hold" until further notice
it was?
must've missed it
ly wikipedia
@Mast I hope he and his family are all right
typedef uint64_t __int64; Is that not extremely confusing and misleading? This wouldn't pass code review for me. — BarryTheHatchet 26 secs ago
> asked May 3 '14 at 3:28
Yeah, I would've hoped they've fixed it since then, but....
6 to 8 weeks is so very long on the internet
@Kumuluzz One could take a look at what's on-topic for Programmers (it most likely isn't, do your own research), but opinion based questions aren't a good fit on the Stack Exchange network in general. Code Review allows it, but only if it fits the other requirements. This question doesn't. — Mast 16 secs ago
"Going to vote to close now though as this is not really an ideal question for SO." so don't answer it! — JAL 21 mins ago
@Quill that's about 6 to 8 scandals
@Mat'sMug He doesn't live in Brussel, but I don't know where he works. He also travels a lot lately. I share your sentiment.
Q: Should we have a Code Review Blog?

QuillSuper User, Server Fault, Programmers, InfoSec, Apple, DBA, and a bunch more sites all have Community Blogs that are contributed to and maintained by community members. Should Code Review join the others and start our own community blog? Many of our top users already have their own blogs, where...

@Mast twitter; 15 hours ago so that's not helping
I put in an edit on that question, which clarifies the past attempt, but I suppose we'll see
@StackExchange @Quill You're aware you're linking to only one blog while you're talking about several users?
I'd say that's bad practice.
anyway, I'll ping a CM in the tavern next time I see one to ask
I'll edit it for ya
The answer will probably be: we're not getting one
Although we could make a very specific request if we got enough people willing to vouch for it.
I would like to have one but at the same time
The people likely to contribute to the centralised blog would already have their own blog.
@StackExchange Deja Vu
haven't we already had this discussion?
<-- does not have deja vu, so you had this discussion ages ago
@Pimgd 6-8 weeks, to be exact ^^
2 years ago ▲▲
6-8 weeks = 2 years
10 mins ago, by Quill
> asked May 3 '14 at 3:28
yeah, old news
we finally figured it out!
hence the edit
@Quill isn't that around the time of our grad announcement? hahah
> The short of it is, it's kinda on us to make something that works, and we don't really do that.
Q: Code Review Blog - Phase 1 - Raise the idea on the meta site

Morwenn On Hold SE Community Devs: The short of it is, it's kinda on us to make something that works, and we don't really do that. There isn't any real proper integration between the systems and the authors suffer as a result of it. Ultimately leading to fairly ill fates to most all of the blogs....

@DanPantry -_-
, so I guess it's time for a new question.
Ah heck, have an upvote.
some sites are using medium these days as well
The consensus last time was "yes, we should have one".
@Quill waits
I can't put a name to the statement though
from what I'm reading you seemed to have a plan down and went ahead with it but then got stopped
We could always use the GitHub account for it.
so yeah, go ahead if you still feel like writing
never mind
@Mast done
i like turtles
@RubberDuck has one on WordPress
Ah wait.
@Quill i am both people in those frames.
@Quill Looks offensive, but then I find there to be 0 context and it's just "hey look, I made a pun"
possible answer invalidation by cFreed on question by cFreed: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/123283/revisions
well if you really want context, it was posted directly after one of @Mat'sMug's posts
Mug puns.
A: Helper function to format-output any type of variable

st88With your description and documentation I could read the code from top to bottom. Understood at once which way things are accomplished. Therefore: Clear? Yes. I definitely say so. Tried it out afterward and had no problems using it myself.

@Duga that's fine
@Quill NAA
@Mast sigh
I post on Rubberduck News (WP), but I wouldn't really count it as a blog.
user image
"I tried using your code and it was pretty doable, so I think your code is clear" = a review and an answer
if you don't like it, you can downvote it
but that's an answer
@Mat'sMug yeah, my browser bookmarks got confused between the two
Can I just say, I hate working with merged cells in Excel.
The alternative is
splitting the content.
@Kaz And that's even worse =D
ALTER PROC [dbo].[usp_CreateSomeRedactedThing] (@id int)


	SET DEADLOCK_PRIORITY HIGH	/* stackoverflow.com/questions/16596153/… */

	declare @retryCount int = 0
@Kaz So, why do you do it anyway?
@Kaz I think you just found a bug in Excel
@Mat'sMug It was bound to happen at some point.
@Pimgd I have higher quality standards than the official guidelines.
Now I remember.
There is a separate site for code reviewsJ.J. Hakala 39 secs ago
Somebody upvoted that crap anyway, so I guess there's nothing to do.
@Kaz Link to the SO question?
Q: Excel - Why is Naming a Merged Range different from Merging a Range and then Naming it?

ZakI know, I know, merged ranges are horrible to work with. But anyway: I discovered some funny behaviour, whereby I could copy/paste some Merged Ranges but not others. So I experimented. Setup: Already it's apparent that these ranges are not the same thing. The ranges that were named after t...

Oh no, I need to troubleshoot a dynamic SQL query .___.
@PinCrash I can help you troubleshoot that.
Step 1) is it a dynamic SQL query?
Step 2) If yes, throw it in the bin.
@Kaz Further proves Excel isn't fit for some things it's abused into. I guess you'll have to remember to work around the problem from now on :-)
	select @sql = '
	insert into #actids
	select act_id from (
	select act_id = 1 union select 2) x
	where 1 = 1
	' + isnull(@actvisitfilter, '') + '
	union select act_id from (
	select act_id = 1 union select 2) x
	where 1 = 1
	' + isnull(@actnonvisitfilter, '') + '
	union select act_id from (
	select act_id = 1 union select 2) x
	where 1 = 1
	' + isnull(@actotherpayfilter, '')

	exec (@sql)
SRP man, SRP.
You're doing things in your database your database isn't supposed to be doing.
You're telling me ;0
Oh and those variables, they are also dynamically assigned
select @actnonvisitfilter = substring(@nonvisitfilter, charindex('AND act_id', @nonvisitfilter), charindex(char(13), @nonvisitfilter, charindex('AND act_id', @nonvisitfilter) + 8) - charindex('AND act_id', @nonvisitfilter)) where charindex('AND act_id', @nonvisitfilter) > 0
@PinCrash that looks maintainable
> You cannot use the AutoFit feature for rows or columns that contain merged cells in Excel
I'll add it to the list of "Things the User is not allowed to modify in any way"
@Kaz Is that a long list?
@Mast Not yet, but it keeps getting longer.
If your boss ever starts complaining about that, you'll have to learn a new language. If he doesn't complain about it, there is no problem.
@Mast Luckily, my boss's desk is right next to me, and they give me a lot of leeway to redesign things so that we *can* do them programmatically.
I just prefer to keep the UX as harmonious as possible.
Your job keeps sounding better and better.
Here's the spreadsheet. You can type numbers into this box right over here, and then the numbers in the box will change. "What about these other boxes?" Those are off limits, because they're less than 13 boxes away from the big boxes.
@Pimgd If this were just numbers, that would be awesome.
But no. This is a word document, constructed in parts, in Excel.
I'll take creating shiny things with crap in a good working environment over creating crappy things with shiny frameworks in a lousy working environment.
@Mast You'd have a star if I had any stars left to give.
And yeah, that pretty much sums up what I do ^^
Turning junk into gold.
Zak the Alchemist.
but a polished turd is still a turd
But a darn shiny one.
no matter how hard you make the chunks shine
And sometimes that's all it needs to be.
Q: Improving a hand rolled Select tag with OptGroups

TimotheusI am working in asp.net. The asp:dropdownlist does not have an option for optgroups. I attempted to roll my own select using HtmlTextWriter but it feels flimsy at best. The following code works, but would prefer a more standardized solution. The code below looks at a folder structure, grabs...

I can have this (provisionally) built in a week, and it'll easily save an hour of administration for every report it generates.
Assuming there's multiple reports a week, that's very good.
Legally, we have to produce one for every Pension Transfer we do.
And we do quite a lot.
Updated figures: More like saving 2 hours per report, and we do ~20 a week, on average.
So yeah, assuming my estimates are reasonable, this thing will pay for itself in about a week.
And it will scale (for a reasonable amount of scaling. Say an order of magnitude, at which I'd hope we might get an actual software dev. team going.)
I think you must ask this question on codereview.stackexchange.com instead. — Bill BEGUERADJ 35 secs ago
The software team consists of Kaz and Zak
It's two people when we do planning,
and one person when we do payroll
@Pimgd And this is why I get calls from auditors trying to verify my existence ^^
@BernardMeurer Monking
@Kaz You may well be leading that team.
@Mast Papa bless
The upside of being two people is that you can blame your other half if things go wrong
@Mast Much as that would be interesting, I really don't think I have anywhere near the skills or experience to lead anything. Especially not enterprise software Dev.
But hey, maybe I'll just outsource all my decisions to CR, SO, PR and TW and become the wisest manager ever ^^
that could work, provided that you first put in research effort
soooo I guess you have to good at gathering information if you want to do that
(yes it was a joke, whoosh)
@Kaz You'd do a lot better than some of the managers I've seen doing that job.
Knowing your weakness is half the battle.
I could quote you half the Art of War now, but you get the jist.
I would watch a comedy show where @Kaz pretends to have multiple personality disorder as Kaz and Zak while working
Instant Netflix hit
@Mast The Art of War is very quotable.
There's pretty much nothing you can do to bar developers from making mistakes. That's solved by education and code reviews. No matter how elaborately you attempt to work with access modifiers, i could still pull it in via reflection. Access modifiers are just suggestions. — Chris Marisic 34 secs ago
possible answer invalidation by Misiu on question by Misiu: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/123519/revisions
@Duga noooooooooooooooooooooo
Q: Can we view the internal SE support tickets, and if not can the link please be removed?

Shadow WizardI just noticed this today when looking at my gmail inbox: Of course I clicked the "View ticket" button, just to reach a dead end: (on https://stackexchange.zendesk.com) I don't have email/password account of that kind, and couldn't see any option to log in using OpenID, even Stack E...

A: Can we view the internal SE support tickets, and if not can the link please be removed?

JNatZenDesk is the ticketing system the Community Team currently uses. I wasn't aware that it sent that "view ticket" link*, but regardless, anyone should be able to set an account on ZenDesk and follow the status of their tickets from the portal, instead of from the comfort of your inbox. you can't ...

that's some fine backpedalling
Q: C# Using a switch statment in accessors get for http request

gotta go fastI've a C# web service that will take a very "general" http request and then serve some data. The problem is that the call might look different depending on the very first request parameter, but I will still need to be able to parse some data from the request regardless of the layout. This is tw...

Q: Adding all groups and subgroups in single template

thesayheyI am trying to improve existing code in which I list all Video Series (group) and their Episodes (subgroups) in a single page using tabs. Background: In total there are 6 courses (groups) (at the moment) that have their own subset of episodes (subgroups), e.g. Series 1 has episodes 1a-1f and Ser...

except you can't see it because onebox doesn't strikethrough
that or cachiiing
blog ►►► Random Lyle please feel free to comment, I do enjoy input.
@Quill Removed.
I saw
nice work guys
I see you've linked to my blog there. (Thank you for the compliment btw.) Unforunately, I have trouble finding the time to regularly post there already, so I would not be up for contributing to a community blog. Sorry. — RubberDuck 1 min ago
@RubberDuck that's alright, it doesn't look like this'll go anywhere anyway
Q: My first directive using provider

MisiuI recently created my first directive based on jQuery plugin and I asked for review here: Angular console like window - first directive I've edited my directive so now instead of $rootScope it uses provider. Below is my code: (function() { 'use strict'; angular .module('misiu.providers...

Q: Rewriting a simple game without using goto

CésarI'm starting to learn Lua and in one part of the book I need to convert a "Maze Game" that uses goto to another one that doesn't use goto. The maze is the simplest ever made, starting from room #1: --------- | 1 | 2 | --------- | 3 | 4 | --------- This is the original version using goto from ...

FFS. My name is literally right there at the top of my email signature, in big 16-point Font. It's Z A K. Not Zac, Not Zack, Not Zach or zachary or zacharius. Just Zak. Or, you know, Kaz.
Also, Brilliant(ly bad) Puns:
Q: What is the purpose of taxi-cabs and buses in Pixar’s 'Cars 2' movie?

Lo.Ve.I recently had the chance to watch Pixar’s Cars 2. Although the story is located in a pure imaginative universe, there is an issue that goes beyond any (even imaginative) logic. When the story is set in London, we can see a lot of cabs and double-deckers buses moving around the city streets. So...

You might as well ask why cars themselves exist -- they have doors, windows for those inside, but nothing exists to go inside them. It is a question that has long been mused over by the philosopher Aristhrottle. — Trevel 4 hours ago
@Trevel - Ah yes, the famous pupil of the philosopher Archimercedes. — Richard 2 hours ago
Look at... ^^ THAT
@PinCrash I feel like there's a "I heard you like [thing] so I put a [thing] in your [thing]" meme to be made here, but I don't understand this well enough to do it justice.
Anyway, TTQW. Good luck @PinCrash
@200_success HOLY CARP!
@janos Bug!
can't believe I did that!
what just happened here?
I would probably call it getSiblings or getSibling because of the fact there is only 1 neighbor/sibling. But I prefer sibling, especially if you are going to use the terms parent and child for nodes uphill or downhill. — Malachi 5 hours ago
@Malachi ^ That's not how the terminology works.
A child is not a "sibling".
no, but in a breadth-first search you look at all the siblings, but then again they may not be attached to the same parent, so they wouldn't really be siblings, would they....
@Malachi 21st century families have become complicated haven't they? ;-)
I thought that the general consensus was that if it was a tag it shouldn't be in the title, @200_success?
@Mat'sMug yes they have! lol
I didn't know that Simon had a minesweeper game on Android! I am going to have to buy that sucker and convince all my family that is addicted to their phones to buy it as well
neighbors is the correct term for a node tree or a graph
@Malachi If that would be the case we got a lot of linked-list questions to clean up.
Language shouldn't be in the title.
don't forget the calculators
Although we do it every once in a while anyway.
@Mat'sMug And the minesweepers.
And all games.
just checking so when I edit I do it right.
At some point we'll run out of distinct titles, though, if we strip every title down to its minimum.
Eventually people will stop posting linked-list questions because they can't find a title that hasn't been taken yet.
Nah, they'll just start misspelling things.
can't wait for the next kinked-list question
I never realised the code review site existed. ty meta.stackexchange.com/questions/211788/…Daniel smith 11 secs ago
@Mat'sMug is that like a linked list for an adult website?
@DanLyons It's a linked-list of which the edge-cases don't work properly.
Q: Light-weight JavaScript VC Framework

OffTheBricksI've always been frustrated with js frameworks in that they require you to learn a lot of custom syntax (ie angular). Typically also they tend to include a lot of extra baggage that takes away from what is often just a simple application. With that in mind I set out to create a light-weight view-...

There are a few reasons this question is too broad. 1) Asking us how to design your system is (by definition) primarily opinion based (and too broad, as there are a lot of different ways to do it). 2) You're asking too many questions. 1 question per question; and it should be about a concrete problem you have; not an open ended "how do I best design this" question. We don't do those sorts of questions well. If you want your code reviewed, you can always take it to codereview.stackexchange.com. If you want to talk abstract design principles, go to programmers.stackexchange.com — George Stocker ♦ 20 secs ago
@Pimgd Fite later today?
Q: JQuery/JavaScript Event Delegates using IIFE or Module

Mike MI am learning jQuery/JavaScript best practices and attempting to put them into practice. My overall goal is to have lots of small, independent .js files which contain specific functionality and will not intrude or collide with other files, then concat/minify them for production as one file; basin...

Q: Beginner's Calculator code

MalachiI am trying to learn AngularJS as a start to my revival of learning, I think that I am getting the hang of it so far, but would like to see what I can do differently with some super simple applications, hopefully I can see what I need to work on this way. First thing is first, a basic calculat...

Q: Javascript Ownership Cost Calculator

user3657504Javascript newbie here. I built a total cost of ownership calculator to calculate the cost of a business over 5 years. It has a lot of repeating script and prob way more congested than it needs to be so I was wondering if ya'll could give me an idea of how I could go about writing this in a more ...

@Mat'sMug I blame you. 2 more calculator questions.
I blame the monkey.
@CaptainObvious 10 / 0 != infinity
@Mast I didn't plan that
@Malachi Don't assume JavaScript knows how to math.
how do you know that 10 / 0 != infinity?
@Malachi It's undefined because it's an illegal operation.
Unless l'Hopital, but that only counts in some events.
You got 10 mugs, but you divide them over 0 users.
How many mugs does each user get?
you are guessing
you divide 10 into pieces of the size .0000000000000000000000000000001 you have more than 10
Yes, that statement was bogus. But you're dividing a defined number by another defined number and assume the result is undefined.
the value of f(x) as it approaches zero for f(x) = 10/x, is infinity
1 / 0 == infinity
2 / 0 == infinity
1 == 2
That's JavaScript.
Q: Using an object to keep track of rooms and the users within them, for socket io

Daniel smithI'm using socket io. I need to keep track of rooms and the users within them as users leave and join. I've come up with this, is there a better more efficient way performance wise? Many thanks! :-) var rooms = { pub:["lister","cat","kryton"], lounge:[ "will","phil","carlton"], hall:["frasi...

If your code already works correctly (aside from performance issues), it would be better suited to Code Review than StackOverflow. — jwodder 36 secs ago
1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000‌​00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 squared is not infinity, is it?
Is 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000‌​000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000‌​000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000‌​000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 + 0 Nan?
Q: How can i make this code more efficient

MaanishThis code takes longer time when I add more REST calls based on the response of the first REST call. If I get some few items it's perfectly fine. But when I get more than 100 items in the first REST call (pool_data) and make other REST call it takes huge amount of time to finish. How can I optimi...

@CaptainObvious There is a reason that title hasn't been taken yet...
This code will break in 84 years... to_1 = ISNULL(a.wpd_effectiveto, '12/31/2099')
possible answer invalidation by 200_success on question by Asperger: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/123527/revisions
Who's the cat with a scarf?
@Hosch250 It has been taken a lot of times, we keep editing it.
@Mast I know. That is the reason it was free for him to take it.
We should change this one, write a decent question with that title ourselves and lock it, just to keep the title in existence.
Or, you know, just fix this one and fix the next, and the next, like we're supposed to.
We're good at that.
Ideally, we should really try to encourage new users to edit their own question
And how are we going to do that?
@Mast With perseverance :)
ultimate trolling, coming back and realizing that the discussion went on without you after you left.
posted on March 22, 2016 by CommitStrip

Today our comic is sponsored by Oracle who are promoting their newest online tech conference, the OTN Virtual Technology Summit. It takes place on April 5th at 9:30 GMT and attendees can choose from four different tracks: Database, Java, Middleware et Systems. Sign-up now and start agonizing over which track you’ll choose!

> start agonizing over which track you’ll choose
anyone knows how to set up a Twitter feed in a chatroom? it seems VBA Rubberducking has lost its Twitter feed, and I don't know how to restore it :(
@Mat'sMug same problem in Cardshifter TCG.
both of us used some kind of Google Script thingy that took the Twitter data and converted it to RSS
so I guess the Google Script thingy broke
or Stack Exchange broke
I had the idea of making use of Twitters API in @Duga, so that she could fetch tweets
wouldn't that be stretching her scope a little?
I call feature creep!
OTOH, you could host a service that does what Stack2RSS did, no?
@Mat'sMug I was hoping to hook her up to Twitter in another way
Q: Sending an SMS message using zenoss and python

Dex' terI have just finished a simple python script which uses this module to call Zenoss API for getting live events. What the script does: connects to zenoss reads a file which has one phone number on each line sends a message to each number by POSTing some data(first of all it authenticates) to a sp...

Oh look, a bot just signed up to Twitter!
@Mat'sMug ^^
Oh dear, lol
I have no idea what I'm going to use a @Duga account on Twitter for, but I just wanted to claim a somewhat good username before someone else did :)
Now the question is how the Twitter API looks like
Reward effort pl0x:
Now we're talking. Good job on your first question and welcome to Code Review! — Pin Crash 19 secs ago
dude... This office is amazing...
@nhgrif New job?
No. New location, ish
I am here while wife/stepson are on spring break, and will be moving here in summer
@SimonForsberg so you... dug a bot haha bah dum tish
@Mat'sMug I was about to say that I didn't got it but I think I just did. Duga, dug-a bot.
Q: Promise.spread "Polyfill"

Jack WilsdonI have written this "Polyfill" for Chrome's Promise object and I have some concerns about the implementation; Does it actually work as designed? It seems to work but I'm not sure if there are any "edge cases" I am not accounting for. Is there a better way to do it? The inner function way seems ...

Hey @Mat'sMug got time for a C# Q?
Ah nevermind, found my answer, sorry for the ping
Q: Parallel for each with a try catch and Refactor

R4nc1dI am busy creating a file processor that needs to get some files from an Ftp client download the file and save the data into the database. I have a two part question. How can i refactor the code to look a bit cleaner? Feels like the method ProcessFiles is doing a bit much. I can extract som...

@Pimgd @Mast @Quill Thanks for bugging :-) See the proposed revised version of the help center page here
Q: MazeRunner in Java - follow-up

T145I've refined a lot of the code from my previous question, and have also decided to include the logic that interprets a given text file. Any advice on how to improve the actual algorithm that solves the maze would be appreciated! I'd also like to figure out how to store the full path to the exit i...

Q: Using fetch() and a new Promise object to get API results

Ben HoytI've written an ES6 function using the new fetch() API and returning a new resolved promise with a data object or a rejected promise with an error subclass. I'm pretty new to both ES6 and Promises, and it looks a little unwieldy, so I'm wondering if there's a better way. I'm also wondering about...

Naruto answer; accepted non-selfie answer with 0 score: Maintaining row height while inserting
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Looking for meta data which matches certain criteria and was created after a certain date
Q: How do I properly dispose of my dataset?

VinnyGuitaraI am getting a compiler warning when running my code analysis. It is CA2202. It is saying that I have not properly disposed my dataset through all exception paths. Here is the code: private System.Data.DataSet MyDataSet() { DataSet dat_set = new DataSet(); using (Sql...

@StackCodeReview Beware, a bot is coming!
Q: Golang Flood Fill

Adam SmithI started learning Go a few months ago and am trying to shake the rust off after a project took me out of the Go world for several weeks. I'd appreciate a code review on this flood fill algorithm I wrote for practice. Specifically I'm looking for points on any code I've written that is unidiomat...

Q: Tribute page webpage

RashidI've created a tribute page, following the track of freecodecamp.com here is the codepen link: http://codepen.io/rashidnaushad/full/pyPjae/

This needs one more reopen vote
@Quill and a better title
@Mat'sMug How about INSTANT notification?
@SimonForsberg I'll take it! :)
Screw RSS.
And screw that Google Script thingy
The hardest part was to figure out how the authentication worked with this API
Q: jQuery templating with ES6/ES2015 template strings

JohnI have been using a particular pattern over and over again when I want to keep my jQuery apps more safe from XSS. I do something like this. (It uses ES6 template strings) function doSomething ($el, user) { var $html = $(` <div> <img src="${user.img}"> <div class="username-text"></div>...

Q: Statistical coding help--assessment of model fit?

bbygrlI need help with coding a function. Basically, I was looking for something along the lines of assessing every observation, and based on a model I have built, would that observation have been correctly predicted or not. Or maybe even a function that shows you how many observations the model would ...

Q: Tribute page webpage

RashidI've created a tribute page, following the track of freecodecamp.com here is the codepen link: http://codepen.io/rashidnaushad/full/pyPjae/ body{ background-color: #373737; color:white; } .title{ color: #c0b283; } .header { color: #dcd0c0 !important; font-family: 'Roboto Slab', s...

OP added the code
Great! Feel free to edit your post to tell us about your what concerns you have, what reviewers should be looking for. — Mat's Mug ♦ 8 secs ago
not the best post ever though

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