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RELOAD! There are 1903 unanswered questions (94.0334% answered)
Jan 1 at 0:00, by Duga
RELOAD! There are 1644 unanswered questions (94.5286% answered)
We have a negative trend going on, with 250 new unanswered questions since new year. That is around 4 new unanswered questions each day...
The percentage answered is going up though
that's the exact opposite of a negative trend
Eh... No? From 94.5% to 94.0% is still a negative trend... The percentage of answered questions is lower!
Ideally we would be at a 100 %!
@holroy perhaps, but is there an actual downward trend or is it just random fluctuation? To find out we'd need a graph of % answered over time. I don't suppose there's an easy way to get that?
Q: Tyranny of casting between primitives and Objects

dwjohnstonI have a bit of code that looks like this: for (Node n : g.getNodes().values()){ n.setPosition(new Position(new Double(lo.getX(new Integer(n.getId()))).intValue(), new Double(lo.getY(new Integer(n.getId()))).intValue())); } Essentially all I'm wanting to do is for each...

Oh. I read them the other way around
Well just ignore me, I've depleted my intelligence for the day
> "If you want to get a deep knowledge of C# it is undoubtedly an advantage to have the language specification, ten years of design notes, the source code, the bug database, and Anders, Mads, Scott and Peter just down the hall. I'm certainly fortunate, no question about it." - Eric Lippert
@Zak Easy enough too see the numbers: chat.stackexchange.com/…
To me it seems like we've lost 0.5% in 2016, and that it has been fluctuating around 94.4% ±0.1% since June 2015... So maybe not alarming, but still somewhat disturbing, I think.
Yeah, the trend looks very consistent right up until thenew year, then suddenly takes a (relative) nosedive down to 94.0% Maybe a trend, maybe just a blip.
You should move this to Code Review. — Austin Hastings 12 secs ago
Thanks @zondo - and good call Austin, I wasn't aware that Code Review was a thing :) — Marko 5 secs ago
Do please read Guide to Code Review for Stack Overflow users to verify that your post is on-topic before moving to Code Review. — holroy 53 secs ago
A: What happens if a vassal inherits not under the control of their sovereign?

user16652The count will belong to the king of france. Except if the HRE Emperor implement "High Crown Authority" or "Absolute" , that way vassals titles wont pass from liege's realm.

The OP is discussing "the real world" as opposed to game mechanics of Crusader Kings. — Mac Cooper 9 hours ago
oh wow
someone deserves a Nobel Prize
when I first clicked the question, I assumed, based on the title, that the question was an OP that was asking about CK2 and not the real world..
I assume History.SE questions are about the real world
they are
Thanks guys - when I've earned enough points in Code Review i'll transfer this question there - in the meantime, the second question still stands :) — Marko just now
Q: "A bird eats prize and avoids obstacles"

Ping LinI am a freshman of college and I want to major in computer science. I started my Java class five weeks ago and this is my first homework. What kind of improvements could I make? float houseStart; float house2Start; float house3Start; float birdStart; float birdFly; float obstacleStart1; float ob...

Q: How to use mmap to read one string at one time?

user146290The following code reads a very large file (of the order of 5 Gb) that contains different strings at each line. However, the method used in the following code reads one character of the file at one time. How can I modify it so that I can read one line (i.e. one string) at one time? int main() ...

Is this Java or Javascript? Does it actually work? — holroy 6 mins ago
@holroy It's obviously not JavaScript.
It's not Java. At least not working Java.
But if it is Java shouldn't there be a class surrounding all of it? Hence the question...
I think it's Processing...
It's not C... there are classes.
It's not C++ or anything that would require a main() function.
Sorry for asking the obvious, but why not Javascript?
You'd see var for variables and not explicit types.
I would take the tag at face value and assume that it is Java, and the code is an excerpt from some class.
I only say Processing because of the variable syntax and the setup and draw functions.
Strange code, to say the least
Does anyone here know what operating system Simon uses?
Welcome to Stack Overflow. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the Stack Overflow help file, which will help you understand what kinds of questions are appropriate for this site. This site is intended to help you obtain answers to specific programming questions, as opposed to providing tutorial, design or code review assistance. — MarsAtomic 36 secs ago
@SirPython Which Simon?
This one?
Simon is an electronic game of memory skill invented by Ralph H. Baer and Howard J. Morrison, with software programming by Lenny Cope, The original version was manufactured and distributed by Milton Bradley but now the game is currently manufactured by Hasbro. Much of the assembly language was written by Dr. Charles Kapps, who taught computer science at Temple University and also wrote one of the first books on the theory of computer programming. Simon was launched in 1978 at Studio 54 in New York City and was an immediate success, becoming a pop culture symbol of the 1970s and 1980s. == History... ==
No, this one:
Jan 10 '15 at 23:33, by Simon André Forsberg
I'm also on Windows 8.1
Sep 29 '14 at 21:06, by Simon André Forsberg
@Malachi No, worse. On my Mac.
So he might use multiple computers/operating systems, although Windows is the last response here in this chat room...
or running Windows 8.1 on a Mac.
IIRC he has a linux box too
Well that just makes everything much more confusing.
Right... why can't he run Windows or Linux on an Apple machine?
@200_success Is that even possible? I thought mac computers had something built in that stopped this.
wouldn't that void the warranty?
Well, he's clearly indicating to be a Mac noob further down in the chat history from 2014... See chat.stackexchange.com/…
@Mat'sMug No. Why would it?
@SirPython No... why would they?
@nhgrif I'm not sure, I just thought I remembered someone mentioning something here about something built-in to mac computers that had something to do with operating systems.
@SirPython It is not legal nor is it easy to get OS X running on non-Apple machines. Is this what you are thinking of?
That might be it. That sounds more probable.
In this question from Dec 6, 2015 he is also stating that he's using Windows...
You can use all of them
Why does it matter?
Still going strong...
property-observed-based debugging in Swift:
A: How to know what changed variable value in xcode swift

nhgrifYou can add a property observer to the variable (either didSet or willSet) and either set a breakpoint there and look at the frame when the breakpoint is hit, or you could log the current stack trace for the current thread. For the first example, of a simple breakpoint in the property observer...

@nhgrif nice canonical answer :)
Question needs love.
Q: DRY in while loop

DaiI'm reading denormalized data with a SqlDataReader, the data has this form: SELECT Objects.ObjectName, Objects.OwnerId, Owners.Name FROM Objects INNER JOIN Owners ON Objects.OwnerId = Owners.OwnerId ORDER BY Objects.OwnerId Which has this output: OjectName OwnerId Owne...

1 hour later…
I'll be very disappointed if I press "go back in time" and don't see any dinosaurs. — Pharap 2 hours ago
If you have your mug in a police lineup, will that make it a mug shot mug shot, @Mat'sMug?
only if it's the shot and not the mug that's in a police lineup
wouldn't that make it a mug shot mug shot mug shot
The sourcetree updates look great
in The Nineteenth Byte, 41 secs ago, by RenderSettings
writing SQL while not screaming at the top of your lungs is a syntax error
You may also want to consider taking this piece of code to Code Review (once fixed), since those three for-loops right above each other can be simplified a lot. A network = collections.defaultdict(list) can get rid of the complete for blob in blobs loop, for example. — Evert 29 secs ago
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it belongs on Code Review. — A.J. 15 secs ago
1 hour later…
.@awesome_human_ Fixed now. We had an issue with SQL Server and some of the sites didn't come out of read only mode https://twitter.com/GBrayUT/status/704167666190123008
We have witnesses the death of a meme. Leonardo Di Caprio got an oscar
Q: sign_in using Date(ex: birthday) with gem 'devise' rails4

Mezbahuser will sign in using date(ex: birthday) with devise gem. I have tried this: user.rb file: class User < ActiveRecord::Base devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable, :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable, :authentication_keys => [:account] def email_require...

1 hour later…
Q: Java programming language

user98943In Java if I assigned a value to X with data type byte .. Inside the program to understand it it will convert it to binary then put in integer then to byte if that is correct ... After doing that I declared X to be long the same process should happen ... Will be there errors in my number any kin...

Q: saving the data in a database without entering a foreign key

mohammed younusI have created two tables in a database namely Dept and emp. Dept contains 2 columns i.e. DeptID (PK) and DeptName. Emp contains 5 columns i.e. EID(PK) , Ename , Gender, DeptName and Age. IF I ASSOCIATE THIS TWO TABLES WITH ONE-MANY RELATIONSHIP then a new column named DeptID (FK) will be i...

Q: How can call both :this() and :base() in this specific case?

RomanI have a base class EntityModel (it needs to work with a database) public class EntityModel { public EntityModel() { } public EntityModel(int id) { Id = id; } public int Id { get; set; } } And subclass Author: public class Author:EntityModel { private s...

@CaptainObvious off topic, broken / gimme the codes
Q: write a program that lets the user enter the total rainfall for each of 12 months

Cagan Sevencan#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std: int main() { const int months = 12; double Array[months]; double totalRain = 0; double highest = 0; double lowest = 0; double temp = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 12;i++) { cout << "Enter the amount of rain for month #" << i+1 << endl; ...

All I'm trying to find out is that how do I change the last part of the program that it will tell me for example: Month # 4 has the highest rainfall or Month # 8 has the lowest amount of Rainfall ??? — Cagan Sevencan 6 mins ago
Imported comment,
VTC unclear what your asking / advice about code not written
@Quill @Quill I have repeatedly asked you to not troll videos. If you find it necessary to do so then don't do it here. I don't want to have to find out how I ignore a user on chat.SE because it shouldn't be necessary.
@JeroenVannevel Nope.
Okay so I'm just debugging a SPROC that has been failing since midnight intermittently
And I check the error log because it's a job and there's a lot of divide by zero errors during the period of midnight to half 6
So I investigate...
and it turns out the author (who is still employed in this company) - whenever there is an error in the SQL SPROC - intentionally divides by zero to bomb out of the procedure instead of throwing an error
That has to be the most hilarious and strangest way I have ever seen error handling done
In other words
if (thisShouldNotHappen) {
  return 1 / 0
(but in SQL)
Is it like assert false : System.out.println(1/0)
That is basically it, yes
Ripe zombie; open question with answers, at least one answer having score 0, no answer having score > 0: Getting employee details according to the role
why would I ask if i could get exact output I want lol. I told you I only want to determine which particular month has the lowest/highest amount — Cagan Sevencan 4 mins ago
That's a comment on CR...
ehhhh I'll just write some 400 char comment
@DanPantry You guys need some serious Code Review.
@Mast No kidding
I told my boss and he said "well, that's an interesting way of error handling"
welp 400 chars became 1000 chars
@DanPantry And now he has allowed you to make it a high-priority task to fix all occurrences like that in the code base?
@Mast You're pretty optimistic today
Even if he had, SQL is not my area
my pc is so cripplingly slow this morning
just review more SQL code on CR
I am slowly learning python via reviewing code
svchost using up 1GB of memory and an entire core and has been for the past hour and a half and I'm not even doing anything :s
my pc is so bogged down with that process it literally cannot delete 17mb of files
I already got over my knee-jerk reaction of "psssh, Python? Why would you program in a language that relies to indentation for structure?"
I do like that about Python
you'll use indentation anyway, so it gives you structure for free
Monking @all
Monking @Zak
What I don't like about it is that it takes something which, yes, you used to do, but treated as non-functional suddenly became functional
as if bolding my words would give them different meaning, not just in intonation, but basically
Well, technically speaking, putting a bold on a word gives emphasis to it.
That's why the HTML tag for it is <em>.
things like color = general color color = bright colors color = soft colors
that would be a... interesting language for sure, but emphasis speakers would get confused
there's logic to it but different logic
and if you're being exposed to it without prior warning then you'll just go "that's wrong!"
(like if nobody explained the pros to you)
@Pimgd One can hope...
@Pimgd I think many languages have that.
First time I wrote dynamic HTML (or whatever it's called), I thought something like "You can't be serious with all those <div>".
thought process on that subject: "Why is it called a div?"
It likes being divverent.
"Oh well, at least it's short to type, I bet it if it was <divider> many html devs would find some other element to abuse"
srsly though
if it said <element> people'd go mad
Make everything an <a>. Because we can and because it still works.
And with easy link-to-element functionality
or maybe you need to set id attribute for that
a <div> is a generic division of a page
3 = 6<division>2
the amount of times people write blog posts of 25 pages with 1 section I want to link to
You can implement link-to-element with id and hashbang urls.
@Pimgd I don't remember one instance where you specifically asked me not to troll videos
<a href='#foo'>Foo</a> will link to <h1 id='foo'>Foo</h1>.
Not to mention I usually just post the video directly
@Pimgd meh, I find it quite amusing
to each their own
was I dreaming the part where I said pls dont
just never click on a link that Quill posts. :D
@DanPantry I'm not even the one who does it the most ;-;
there was this once
Jan 29 at 11:38, by Pimgd
I was actually interested in marking it as watch later
1 min ago, by Quill
@Pimgd I don't remember one instance where you specifically asked me not to troll videos
You didn't ask me not to do it, and I gave you one straight after anyway
I like the follow-up on that:
Jan 29 at 11:38, by Pimgd
now you've shown I can't trust you yet again
but is not "specifically" saying you to not do it
so I guess it's fair?
Ask yourself @Quill, what do you want and does posting videos contribute to that?
but I don't really like that you post that video in a subverted manner
maybe I'm being blunt about getting that point across
but I like clicking links in this room to learn stuff
It's one of the most common things on SE outside of unicorns and jokes about progress
or sometimes to laugh at stuff
Monking @SimonForsberg
but that video just makes me sad
Mostly not because of the content
but because it's not funny or interesting
Okay, so remind me to ping you before I post an xkcd or commit strip to ask you whether you find it funny
negative, don't do that
I think @Pimgd and @Mast are just trying to say you shouldn't troll them with SO links
that would be unmaintainable =)
If it's on the starboard, it's considered funny/relevant by people who aren't me
codepen and youtube links are fine, but links that appear to be SO links are probably crossing the line a little bit
... yeah, probably
For what it's worth I do find them humourous
but I can also see @Pimgd/@Mast's side
To be honest, I posted it because it was very surprising that someone would buy out a domain like that just to troll
I mean, I can't enforce what I want on you, that'd be a pretty bad world because I'd have to take similar instructions from others
It was funny the first 2 times, which is eons ago.
If I click on an SO link that takes me to YT that's potentially logged in a firewall log against my name
Because YT is blocked in my work
@DanPantry "Why did you go to youtube? 'Well, because I was in this chatroom, and...' Why were you in a chatroom? 'Ehhh...'"
Oh btw, there is a rebecca black filter userscript written out there
@Pimgd :D
@Quill That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.
does it filter stackoverfiow style subversion
because if not, what's the point
@Pimgd Mostly, my boss doesn't care what I do as long as the work gets done. But YouTube drains everyone's bandwidth (And there's almost zero business reason to be on YouTube)
Yes, it pings the page and checks the html content for the words rebecca black
I think Fredley from gaming.se wrote it
so pretty much anytime you go into 2nd monitor on fridays it says "no" =D
Q: What is the jQuery equivalent of these Javascript Code Please?

shahvar header = document.getElementById('header'); var navBar = document.getElementById('navbar'); var bg = document.getElementById('bg'); var headerHeight = header.offsetHeight; var navBarHeight = navBar.offsetHeight; header.style.height = screen.height - navBarHeight; function initParallax(){ ...

> jQuery equivalent
hmmhmhhh but all I'm asking for really is "Please do not post links to videos of rebecca black that are labeled as generic interesting stuff or objectively labelled as something they are not".
or just forget about it and do it anyway, I only get slightly grumpy about it every month or so apparently
@EasterlyIrk Already discussed that a while ago with one of the PPCG mods. Summary was: Don't think it's worth it, and would be quite a lot of false positives. Try making a SEDE query to grab such comments and let me know how many bad recommendations you actually get. However, I am working on making @Duga more flexible and easier to deploy, and she is open source, so it shouldn't be too hard for you in the future to make it yourself.
My code doesn't work. I don't know why.
@Quill huuuuhhh actually, is that offtopic?
"My code works, could I use <library> to make it easier to read?"
as a strong version of such a post
It's sounds like a code not written problem
yeah because
"My Java code works, how can I do it in C++?"
= what are you doing
Except jQuery is a JS library to simplify JS code
the thing is
It's not another language, so idk. It's unclear anyway
if you posted a big blob of JS
and I made a review that said "heeey you should add jquery because then 5 lines and you're done"
@Pimgd then you'd be on StackOverflow.
then that'd be a nice alternative solution
@DanPantry eat stars
yes, that question looks off-topic.
I am not sure why he wants a jQuery alternative
Unless he wants older browser compatibility
But if he wanted that and he knew he needed that, he would be capable of doing it himself
Or is this one of those silly areas where saying "it MUST be done with teh jqueriez!" = offtopic because you gotta accept review on all criteria
no, that's not it
but "Hey I have this codes, but I don't like my array handling, I looked into collections api but I couldn't really find anything specific that would help me"?
I have no idea why I'm arguing about it when the question as written is just unclear what you're asking because code block
There's no reason an OP can't specify limitations their code must conform to (self imposed or otherwise). It doesn't prevent you from writing a review that ignores them.
yes that
Q: Use Page Object Model in Selenium tests?

Danny GoodallI am very new to selenium, and for my current project, I had the task of creating the automated test scripts for our website. I am the only one on my team who had any experience with Selenium, but not any in depth experience. I also didn't have a lot of time to spend on this, as I had other work ...

Oh, cool
That's really damn awesome
ehh, HTTP 2?
do I have to learn REST 2 as well now?
(actually goes and reads link)
that's a level above code
> HTTP/2 does not make any major changes to how HTTP works. The biggest difference is in how the information is submitted.
So, the whole POST/GET thing is getting changed?
Two big features of HTTP/2 are this:
- Resource pipelining (multiple requests can be sent without waiting for a response by the client = less HTTP requests overall = faster page download)
I like it but I can see that it's a loss for low resource systems
- Server push. Servers can push resources to the client that it thinks it will need ahead of time without the client requesting it.
Like, if you wanted to crawl pages, you now get image data thrown your way as well?
also mobile data but I have no idea how exactly these two things relate
but I am thinking it could see an increase in mobile data usage of say, 25%?
because it says "here, take this image you already had!"
@DanPantry I was trying to stay positive today, so I will not explain how Microsoft is going to burn everyone's bandwith even further with this feature.
@Mast Except it isn't just Microsoft doing this
but otoh,
It's an open web standard. Everyone can use it.
faster desktop browsing.
I know,
but they're famous for doing it.
Maybe in the handshake you specify the version
and like that you can use old-new protocol
@Pimgd Well, yeah, it's probably not going to be that simple
For example, if I request a page that would load an image
Instead of waiting to start loading that page, parse the HTML and get to the image then send off ANOTHER request for that image (how the web currently works)
The server can push that image to me ahead of time
Which means no HTTP request = less bandwidth usage
Full stack web stuff is never simple.
what about loading text first and then images
you know, for those interesting but really slow websites
That would be really, really weird because of browser reflow etc *
The way browsers work is they read and parse HTML as it comes in. The only way to be able to load text first and then images would be to read the entire HTML file and then parse it after an initial pass.
This would be slow
you get the HTML
then you get the CSS + JS + images
In your scenario, yes
and the text is in the images.
In the real world, that's not what happens
no, like, always with HTTP1.1
you download the HTML first, so that you know what else you need
Which is why putting a <script> tag in the <head> before <body> will cause the user to see nothing until the script has finished downloading, unless <script async> or <script defer>
Also other improvements with HTTP/2
Decrease latency to improve page load speed in web browsers by considering:
Data compression of HTTP headers
Server push technologies
Pipelining of requests
Fixing the head-of-line blocking problem in HTTP 1.x
Multiplexing multiple requests over a single TCP connection
ehhh it downloads during the parsing?
@Pimgd Yes, I did just say that :P
multiple requests at the same time
Yes, that's resource pipelining. That's one of the big parts of HTTP/2.
Of course there will be some bandwidth implications
I'm probably still gonna have some mis-informed opinions about ti
but it looks good
But that's the tradeoff for massively increased speed
and hopefully by the time it's all been rolled out in 2-5 years
And honestly, within the next 20 years I would hope that bandwidth caps become the thing of the past.
mobile data is even cheaper
People consume more and more data every year
Eventually it will get to the point where the caps will have to be removed
Just like what happened with home broadband
no, the caps stay
you just don't tell people about them anymore
there's a chrome feature, it might be mobile only, that's for bringing down mobile data size
Do you want to get sued? Because that's how you get sued.
@Quill oh?
I'm thinking caps in the TB range
after which we slowly half your internet speed
That'd be perfectly fine. I consumed 90GB last month
On my PC*
@Pimgd This already happens.
On my ISP if you consume over X amoutn of bandwidth your rate will be limited during peak times
This mainly applies to upload speeds, though.
well, same thing here
Download speeds aren't really affected, but my upload can be capped at 6MB/s (from 12MB/s) if I upload too much, which really stings for a streamer
That's the difference between 60fps 1080p and 60fps 720p
they say "no cap" but they mean "we will slow you down if you start torrenting seasons 1-10 of some series in 8k on your tablet"
8k lol
(also that sounds really awesome)
8k is the futuuuure
in a land very, very, very close by
@DanPantry They tried, they call it fair-use. You have unlimited internet in those bundles, but the speed gets nerfed to 1% after a certain threshold.
Q: What are the most common biases humans make when collecting or interpreting data?

Stan ShunpikeI am an econ/stat major. I am aware that economists have tried to modify their assumptions about human behavior and rationality by identifying situations in which people don't behave rationally. For example, suppose I offer you a 100% chance of a \$1000 loss or a 50% chance at a \$2500 loss, peop...

how is this not a list-question
@Quill Opera did something like that as well, but the main thing it did was remove pictures.
It sounds like Bullshit(tm) to me
Is 8k the new resolution or is 8k the price of the TV that streams in 8k?
@DanPantry Given 4k is already in production I'd say 8k is double that in resolution.
8k is double the res of 4k? that doesn't make sense. 8k refers to the width of the screen, so 8k should be larger than 2x 4k because the height increases too
As you don't have any specific issues here, this question is perhaps not a good fit for stack overflow. Possibly another site on the stack exchange network might be a better fit, maybe code review or programmers? — Rook 29 secs ago
@DanPantry it would be 8192xsomething
and google says it's 7680×4320
that'd be frcking big
I mean, most of my computer time, it was 800x600, then 1024x768, then 1280x1024 (?), then 1600x900 (bleh) and now 1680x1050
but point is it goes up slowly
but nowadays people seem to go, well, let's just double the resolution
... which sounds like a huge leap to me
but maybe I'm not getting the whole resolutions thing.
our css guy can't handle the load, but work does need to get done. I now have to learn the wonders of CSS.
read up on media queries
is the fastest way just going inspect element and clicking things on and off
What are you investigating?
dropdown via on hover needs to use ng-click
first gotta remove the hover aspect, then rig it up to ng-click
why rig a dropdown to ngclick
can do that fine, just gotta find out what makes it work on hover
dropdowns shouldn't have side effects
+1 @Quill
@Quill because it's not a dropdown sorry
It's probably a faux-menu using <ul>.
it's a <ul> menu
We have one of those, too
well that's not really a CSS thing
but it does on hover so that's css
anyway, the hover could be :hover in CSS - you can do that in most browsers by finding the root element and toggling the Hover state on by using right click

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