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Couldn't find an English article yet, but if you want to know why the Dutch make fun of Belgium ^^
Translate this Dutch article: nos.nl/artikel/…
Summary: Police officers brought live grenades as evidence in a court case, apparently someone forgot to disarm the grenades
A: Request for [lexical-analysis] to be created

RubberDuckI like this tag and think it's a good call. parsing is currently used for all kinds of things that are parsing, but not exactly lexical analysis. Having the lexical-analysis tag gives us something to use for more formal definitions of parsing. grammar is very specifically tied to formal grammar...

@Vogel612 getting funky with Roslyn?
I think I fixed the error ...
but I don't have any execs where they should be :/
You use linux?
could we hop over to gitter or a separate room?
We could, but I'm no use
I don't do linux and I have no knowledge of Make
legacy code - where things work, but your coworker tells you you're using the wrong classes and have to do it again with the new classes, but it won't work yet cuz the validator doesn't exist yet
@Pimgd Legacy Code - Where things work, then your coworker tells you that's already implemented somewhere else and you check that and it's almost 100% wrong, but works there as well, but you're too scared to switch to the existing code because it shouldn't work
well I'm kinda fucked now because I thought it was almost done
but it's not
and subversion
Legacy Code - Where things work because there are two bugs that end up fixing each other
at least you have a reasonable VCS
and I gotta do this first but I also have a half-implemented REST controller that needs to be shelftdfved
@RubberDuck Does the mentioned even exist?
temporarily stored
@Mast No.
I'll remove it then.
I hate it when things get interesting when they were supposed to be boring
and vice versa too
@Pimgd legacy code: code that has no tests.
Non-legacy code: Code that doesn't exist
@RubberDuck Yes but that's a boring, obvious definition
@skiwi That's hypothetical.
basically the DAO layer I used is wrong cuz it doesn't do validations
the new one is also wrong cuz there's no validator implementation yet...?
@Pimgd And nobody told you before?
nope =D
I feel like someone just cut down a tree in front of me
then said "oh, looks like it fell on your path, dohohohohoho"
"let me clean it up for you"
like why
private static final boolean useNewDAO = false
hardcoded config switches ftw?
I'm adding that
    //broken code
} else {
    //working code
tadaaaa now I can keep working-ish
I wait for the day someone switches useNewDAO to true and goes mad
that day should be today in about two hours
what the hell
where's my getter gone
new dao sucks
it's got get all, but no search functions
maybe I'm getting this wrong and have to use new dao for saving and old dao for loading
that sounds wrong and strangely appropriate for legacy code
It does, doesn't it
A Language Specification notation is surprisingly logically built sometimes
also the more I look at it the more it looks like I used oldOldDao and need to use oldDao instead
  0b   binary-digits   integer-type-suffixopt
  0B   binary-digits   integer-type-suffixopt

  binary-digits   binary-digit

binary-digit:   one of
  0 1
but how can old code be not finished yet
@JeroenVannevel I don't get the "binary-digit binary-digits binary-digit" part
the rest makes sense
wait, is that some crazy recursion specification
what happened to "one or more of X"
binary-digits can be a single binary digit or (binary digits + binary digit)
yes, multiple was 0..*
and you need 1..*
@Pimgd I would assume it's to stay in line with previous C#LS notations where that might be avoided because it's too wordy?
still makes me go slightly "why?" but I guess that's how it works so it's not that bad
I mean, you could do worse....
But yeah, looks like binary literals are coming to C# 7: github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/215
They've already implemented it in the future branch
@skiwi There seems to be lots of things floating around that doesn't deserve that many upvotes.
For example, this:
A: How clean is my snow?

LooferYou don't get drops of snow! Clearly it should be for flake in flurry:

@Pimgd EBNF doesn't have that
If your code is working then it would be better to ask on codereview.stackexchange.comjcubic 22 secs ago
so the suggested fix for making the new dao work
... is copying some of the code from the old dao
This is the whole reason why
> The personalSettingsService does all the database stuff via layers upon layers upon layers of DAO - not somewhere I want to poke around (it's also untested).
I said that
it's DAO madness
I want my JPARepositories back
with spring's fancy methods
also IntelliJ IDETalk plugin is pretty cool
@SimonForsberg To me that should be a comment, at best, definitely NAA
they're managed to make it possible to convert conversation where you roll your chair over to the other guys' desk 5m away and point at the screen
to clicking things on your own computer, typing a message and then staring at that person to see them read your message
@Phrancis Why? Since when was nitpicking on variable names not acceptable answers?
it is most definitely an answer
You can flag it all you want, I'm afraid we will just have to keep declining those flags.
it's short. so what?
Thanks I did not know it, I posted it on codereview codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/118773/…fazac 28 secs ago
it's witty so it got upvotes.
it could do with some more explanation of how "flake" is better
if you don't like it. downvote it
@Pimgd ermph..
I don't like the fact that it has got so many upvotes, but all I do is downvote it.
"snow falls in flakes not in drops" not enough explanation for you?
@Pimgd Ummm.... English language?
there isn't really anything else to say
... but if you put products in a basket but it's not a basket it's a cart
then it's weird to say "rename this basket of yours to cart"
ehhh?? why?
container names have semantic meaning. deal with it
that's why variable names are hard
it'd make more sense to say "you use Cart here, so you should call your variable cart here because you're not adding to a basket you're adding to a cart"
but this is, what
for pellet in hailstorm
Q: types of linked list

priyaI'm newbie to Data structure. I know singly, doubly and circular linked list. When I surf the internet I saw new lists like XOR linked list, unrolled linked list so on. What are other types of list. Thank u in advance .

Q: Find given number by summing up integers from 2 sorted arrays

SnehI am working on an algorithm question in which I need to find out pair of number out of 2 Sorted arrays which sum up to the given number. I need to print out the indexes of those pairs rather than number itself. I have written an algorithm which does work but I am wondering is it the best solutio...

Q: Highlight specific words in a sentence with diacritrics

fazacI am searching for some improvements, particularly in the regex, in the way I highlight specific words in a string. Here is the situation : I have keywords into my database stored without any diacritrics, The user comes with a string with diatrics, I find the matches between the keywords and my...

hmmhhhhhmhhmh well whatever
Actually I took a look at the code of the question
To the larger point though, yes I agree that it shouldn't have that many upvotes, HNQs/mailing list featured posts tend to skew the metrics for those posts
and what I see is drops drops drops drops
why this one forloop flakes
should it all be flakes?
but he has def createRainDrop(x, y, speed):
so it's not all snow, issit
it was intended for rain, but turned out to be snow because whyever...
probably performance, since he doesn't prune the invisible ones..
for particle in weather
okay now I'm just screwing around, its quite pointless
gotta get back to the 9 layers of hell dao
it's 14 or 7... I don't know about 9 layers in any mythology
well 9 circles it is
but these are not circles
they're layers
it's like cake and ogers, they're different
or ogres
or whatever the english version of Shrek said, the dutch one used "Oger"
so my co-worker is on TV-tropes, what should I do
that place is hell, I ought to prod them somehow
Save them before it's too late ^^
TVTropes either is hell or heaven
but in both cases it's a productivity killer
@SimonForsberg Eh wow... what?! On our site?!
new dao doesn't do generics
now I gotta figure out how to downcast a Set
@Pimgd I thought you said new
It is new
it uses something called "FieldsObject", which, well...
But there's no generics, so it's legacy, right?
private final static FieldInfo[] fieldInfo = {
		new ReferenceFieldInfo("persoon", "PS", PersoonObject.class, FIELDINFO_OPTS_NAME|FIELDINFO_OPTS_NOT_NULL|FIELDINFO_OPTS_NOT_EMPTY|FIELDINFO_OPTS_SHOW_BY_DFT, null, "PersoonInstellingenObject.persoon", null, null, INVALID_FIELD_ID, OnDeleteRuleEnum.CASCADE, PERSOON_ID, null),
		new FieldInfo("keyname", "KY", String.class, FIELDINFO_OPTS_NAME|FIELDINFO_OPTS_NOT_NULL|FIELDINFO_OPTS_NOT_EMPTY, null, "PersoonInstellingenObject.keyname", null, null, INVALID_FIELD_ID, KEYNAME_ID, 0, 100, null),
it goes on like that for a while
That looks... horrible
persoon lol
looks like it's generated from XML
well actually
there's your root cause
what on earth does Instellingen mean?
our model classes are generated from XML
it's semi dutch-english code
because why not
@Zak Settings, obviously ^^
that's what you get for programming in the age of internet-for-businesses-only
return (Set<PersoonInstellingenObject>) ((Set<?>)dao.get(request));
it works
the whole reason we don't have generics is because you don't query for objects
you query tables
and then fieldinfo-map to objects
which is FieldObject
subclassed by SpecificGeneratedModelObject (e.g. GeneratedPersoonInstellingenObject)
Can't you... just change the implementation?
I'm new here
50+ hits
so basically no because 10KLOC easily
for just the generics
there's probably 50KLOC due to all the generated code
makes you appreciate hibernate, it does
woo, it com- doesn't compile. bleh.
Be a little bit careful here, your post-to-reply ratio is getting a bit high ;)
Thanks, shoulda told me earlier tho, looking at the log
I just noticed it now :P
should some of it be moved to trash or something?
Total tests run: 25, Failures: 0, Skips: 0 + manual testing passes as well, looks like all my dao torture paid off and now everything is working with validations of unknown origin enabled
@Pimgd That's good
> I compared the XML orders for the 3 clinicians and found something. Notice how [NAME REMOVED] has only 1 space between first and last names, but the other two have 2 spaces. Could it be that the parsing logic on your end is expecting “exactly 1 space” and so just sees the 2nd empty space as the string that should be the last name, or something like that?
That's great lol. I bet the answer will be "Yes"
but what if there is no last name? Does it just explode?
Just raises an error on the vendor's end (same as this one I'm working on troubleshooting)
Q: Is this a good idea to test if text messages are exactly what they are?

Maciej DobrowolskiI have been told that testing java exceptions' messages is a good thing, but it looks so much like redundancy that I cannot believe it. Consider following fictional code: public class PersonTooYoungException extends RuntimeException { private static final String MESSAGE = "%d years old is ...

> Consider following fictional code
can we migrate to Software Quality Assurance & Testing?
it's a beta site, but looks pretty suitable for them
lemme check their tour/meta first though
@Quill did you make that chat room? I want to complain about something I just found in my code base.
var el = element.html('<div class="circle-wr"><div class="bottom"></div><div class="middle"></div><div class="circle"><div class="circle-text"></div></div></div>');
Someone decided to make circular buttons out of 3 stacked divs.
please send help
Hahahah I was right, vendor confirmed defect on their end
@nhgrif when you come across a case like this - vendor makes a bug that breaks your application, obviously you'd add a unit test that checks for this bug in parsing, yes? But what do you do about "failing unit tests = failing build" if the vendor still has to fix the issue?
Q: refactoring for my groovy script to use as less code as possible

user1432980interface MyInterface { void method(); } class CreatorClass { private static class PrivateImplementation implements MyInterface { @Override void method() { println "Hello from private class" } } static class PublicImplementation implements MyInterface { @Over...

you okay there?
Q: Responsive design approach

Teoman shipahiMostly I am using bootstrap for my website and I keep it pretty responsive. However some of my pages are hard to adjust with media queries. I have a size limit 769px for mobile. Is it a acceptable practice that, lets assume a user visits my website with desktop chrome, and I serve desktop versi...

Your code would benefit from a code review. Maybe post this to Code Review Stack Exchange. This is frankly terrible code and you'll learn a lot from a review. — usr 1 min ago
@Duga "Example code:" - Code Review Stack Exchange prefers working production-style code. Read the -
crap, where's the link.
Is the first part actual real code? It looks a lot like example code. Also, there is no need to post the 2nd part as to what you would want it to look like (especially if it's not working). — Phrancis 20 secs ago
@usr "Example code:" - Code Review Stack Exchange prefers working production-style code. Read the help center on our site to learn more. — Pimgd 18 secs ago
(couldn't find the proper link)
I admit to making a pretty poor search effort, though.
@VincentSavard Thanks. Its usage is described here: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/118594/…Pyderman 13 secs ago
I just realized again how scary it is to have no unit tests, even for just prototyping
int currentLevel = playerSnapshot.getBuildingLevel(this);
return (long)(5000L * Math.floor(2.5d * Math.exp((currentLevel * 20d) / 33d)));
That should be returning the right values ^^
theoretically and for some values of right, eh?
Q: How do I compile time enforce domain values go into the dal?

MaslowSchema.generated.fs namespace Project.Schema.DataModels.Patients // Generated by T4 in namespace Project.Dal // types shared between layers, no behaviors, just shapes go here // something all layers can depend on without taking dependencies on anything platform/ui/dal specific // this file repre...

Q: Using [ChildActionOnly] for generating links

Sirwan AfifiI have a view which displays a list of items, in each row I'm going to have a link, a link in each row points to different location So base upon a property called CertificationType I have to generate an address, for example if the type equals to 'BirthCertificate' I need to fetch the address from...

It actually works
@CaptainObvious sounds off-topic....
Q: how to store geo location in android to mysql server(cloud) using java

KumarI am trying to get the geo coordinates from android and needs to store that one in mysql server using java. can anyone please help me on this.

@CaptainObvious poof, gone
A: OO coffee dispenser

Paul SmithWho would like a nice cup of tea?

lol ^^
Looking at his profile, he does have serious answers
Help, my algorithm does weird stuff
I don't know if it's broken or just smarter than me
@EthanBierlein Odd question, I'd say that's already pretty OO what's on the mug.
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because stack overflow is not a code review or debugging service. — Olaf 27 secs ago
> I think I might be having a problem with the color palette.
That's awfully vague.
Ok, the algorithm was broken, it filled up its resource storages tot he max, instead of being limited by them
Math.min vs Math.max matters
Or I'm still confused, I'm bad with Math.max and Math.min lol
@Duga astonishing, the amount of people that think "where's my bug" == "code review"
"where's my bug" \subset "code review"
The algorithm is not broken after all, but I still don't know why it's wrong
soo... did you write unit-tests?
In theory nothing should go wrong
So @Vogel612, the situation I have is that I added resource storages and constraints, initially it takes longer, but as the algorithm progresses it finds better solutions than the one without resource storages
At least we know your tests aren't broken.
And I'm kind of confused by that
@skiwi you're limiting the result space by restricting resources...
It only does that for Metal Mine 20 for example, on Metal Mine 10 it returns the same results
you're still on A*?
Because then limiting the result space unintentionally corrected a misguided heuristic
Ah no, I stopped with A* a long time ago
Dinner now, I'll explain later
It's a hand-made algorithm this time
Yes. It real code. And it works actually. But I don't like class declarations - it seems too verbose and I believe it is possible to simplify it. — user1432980 59 secs ago
^ can we reopen?
added reopen vote, I stand by my downvote though.
@DanPantry I renamed the chatroom to bring more visitors
@Vogel612 Do you think the "Ideally I would like to have something like this (it does not work though)" section should be removed? To me it's just noise
not sure...
the code-block could be quoted. or the whole thing could be removed
my groovy sucks, though...
I tried quote-blocking it but couldn't get the formatting quite right (one line was pretty long and bled over
Q: Should pedantry be discouraged?

Chris CireficeI'm taking about this answer which is essentially pedantry about two variable names, which seems to be meant as a funny remark. I mentioned (in the first comment) that such an answer contributes far less than the other answers, even though variables names are important, especially for the code's...

just select the whole codeblock and press Ctrl + q
@Phrancis I think it's too UWYA still
The question title watermark text says "state the task that your code accomplishes, be distinctive." - please edit your post to tell us what your code is doing, as it stands I agree with @Vogel612 it's unclear what you're asking, and the code itself borders on stub code, with identifiers like MyInterface. Adding more plain-English description of the problem you're solving with this code would help us help you. Also note, "refactoring" and "golfing" aren't the same (quite opposites actually) - using less code shouldn't be a goal in itself, vs. readability and maintainability. — Mat's Mug ♦ 49 secs ago
@StackExchange meta is murder
@Phrancis oh yea, that's because the algo is dumb... there should be some excess > in there. find and remove them to fix this
@Phrancis Handled.
@Quill How so?
@Mast that's a reference to a blog post by Jeff Atwood
interesting that those don't get a onebox
@Mat'sMug Possibly, but I think we should just go back through the community voting process, since UWYA is less clear-cut than example code
I agree that it is too highly upvoted for its content, and didn't vote myself. I'm not going to DV just because it was that highly upvoted, though, because I agree with the content.
Q: Array and Function phrase counts

Khaled write a full program that asks the user to enter a phrase and then a single letter.

@CaptainObvious literally homework
@CaptainObvious HAMMERTIME!
@CaptainObvious just nuke it
That's a pretty easy problem to solve, too. If they would only just try...
@Phrancis I didn't hammer it
@Phrancis It's always september
string.Count(c => c == {variable});
@CaptainObvious now that is over-and-above beyond lazy
@Mat'sMug Couldn't even be bothered to type it all out, they had to take a photo of their homework lol
@Phrancis Same here.
Oooh, I just realized I'm just about 2000 points away from 15k.
That is about 1.5 months of steady answering.
For laughs posterity
I haven't posted many good answers lately, most of them get ignored anyway
@Hosch250 Or 10 days if you go all Jon Skeet on us.
I posted three answers and a question in a three day period and got 235 rep.
If you think CR's off-topic questions are bad, you haven't seen anything yet.
Yeah, Smokey gets the best ones.
This one is from PPCG.
Yeah. I remember one about tattoos over there too.
This is off-topic for missing code: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/118773/…
Boat programming. Nuff said.
@Quill I see code
The removeDiacritrics function and heaps more in the JSFiddle is not included
Q: Copy rows from one Workbook to Another takes a lot of time

Iron ManThe below code will copy data from a workbook and copy it to an existing (and open) workbook. At the beginning of the month this copy/paste works very quickly, but as the month goes on and the data also grows, this process slows down to a couple of minutes. Once we start hitting 200 rows of data,...

@Quill oh
@Quill then it won't get reviewed...
that's that
@Quill suggest OP to include an on-site executable Stack Snippet instead of the fiddle?
@Vogel612 It uses the not included function in the post
so what?
I was writing it up, but I don't have the autocomments script. magic of safari
@Quill 80% of my questions use code that's not included in the post...
var a = "lorem ipsum....";
var b = dooFooThing(a);

//proceed to use b
clearly stub
If you have working code and want to have help for improvement post at SE Code Review please. Here's the wrong place. — πάντα ῥεῖ 47 secs ago
They got a new design
yea. Pawel made it
aaaaand then they'll end up getting talked about in the next podcast
okay if that happens ima be angry
so I left my email on my SE profile, and I just got this beauty
@Quill I guess some of this stuff ends up in my spam folder.
It usually does end up in my spam, but it was send via a gmail account, so it ended up in my inbox

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