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possible answer invalidation by t3chb0t on question by t3chb0t: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/117464/revisions
Why is there no easy to way to deep clone an object in C#? sheesh. Especially when you don't know the type of the object until runtime
there's probably a generics workaround
Maybe there's a workaround using C++ template metaprogramming via C#
(I really don't have a clue)
@Quill That's okay, but that's only applicable at compile time
At which case you might as well just use ICloneable
I'm really wondering if it possible to combine working and studying in a job... I have almost finished my Bachelor in CS now, I love doing practical things, but I want some difficulty in it, though I'm not a PhD either so I'm not that smart
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is asking for an improve ment to working code. ask on codereview.stackexchange.com — Daniel A. White 40 secs ago
@skiwi I'm not a PhD :-)
You will learn far quicker on the job than you will staring at books.
@skiwi go for a PhD, or write a paper
and you could try contributing to any of the opensource stuff on CR
not that you don't already
@DanPantry But what do you learn? And is the job you do really fun?
@skiwi I learn pretty much everything, I am an information sponge.
I'd say as far as jobs go, it's pretty good. I work with some great personalities, and I make bank, and I'm largely left to my own devices and not micromanaged.
Your mileage may vary.
I still have the (perhaps naive) thought that money doesn't matter and that I want a job as enjoyable as possible
But I also still live with my parents, so in that sense I don't make much cost, so not much reason to worry about the salary (just yet)
@DanPantry But do you learn languages, frameworks, etc. or CS concepts? (neural networks, etc. etc. etc.)
you learn frameworks at work, maybe not languages
mainly specialised programmers do cs concepts like neural networks
@skiwi I learn languages and frameworks and whatever is directly necessary for learning my job, i.e, useful information.
Neural networks are not useful for the vast majority of programmers. They're cool, but my business doesn't care too much about them (yet).
Obviously, if you go into a field that studies AI, language processing or business intelligence, you may find more luck with neural networks.
@DanPantry I understand that, I'm probably quite asking for something, but I want to go more in that direction
As cool as neural networks are, they are such a niche topic that I would imagine most companies hiring for them would want people who already have experience in them
Probably only 1 out of 100 programmer jobs is really intersting in that sense though
While it is perfectly fine to study neural networks, I would also remember that you need core programming skills, too
@DanPantry Now to complicate things, it's not necessarily about neural networks, it's about any niche-concept that I would enjoy implementing, NN was just an example
Well, you can replace "neural networks" with "niche concept", the result will be the same
I took neural networks as example because I'm working with them now, and they are not straight-forward to understand, but with a bit of CS knowledge you easily get there
Unless you end up working at a company that works in <X Niche Concept> you probably won't end up learning it while working there
My company doesn't care much for neural networks (even though we do limited business intelligence), so it doesn't really come up
As far as I know NN right now are quite.. academic topics
Probably the best place would be some kind of research lab, but then for software (I think they are normally more meant for hardware?)
that's not to say you don't get thrown curveballs in companies not working for niche concepts
@skiwi yeah, but you'd need to intern somewhere like that first
I'm not exactly sure what @rolfl does, but looks like he works with quite some PhD-level colleagues, yet is more concerned about the actual implementation over at IBM labs
As @Quill said you'll likely want to intern at places that are studying those niche concepts. For example, Google.
or IBM
However, you'll want some background in actually programming before you get considered (more than likely)
I am not sure what I do either
Solution Developer?
I do that, sometime ^^^ ;-)
I am also a Problem Developer
User Antagoniser
I really need to start choosing my career path, it's apparently not easy ^^ I know I would be fine in any normal software dev company, but still
@rolfl But you didn't put that as title, did you?
You don't need to "choose a career path", necessarily
Remember your career path is just a path you take, and paths can change. It's the journey, not the destination
2 days ago, by rolfl
@skiwi - my official job title is a funny thing. IBM lets people choose their own titles. I am "Solution Developer, Cloud Innovation Lab"
But if I do nothing, then nothing will change unless a company really wants me, and then in 20 years I'll be still working a normal dev job
IBM could be Ms (from James Bond) rapper persona
Q t
@skiwi Most people are in "normal dev jobs". There's nothing wrong with "normal"
Now, if you want to work in a niche topic you better decide you want, but 99% of the time you probably won't jump straight into a job in that niche topic
Especially NN which are an evolving field
@skiwi With 3-5 years industry experience you could probably land a job somewhere that would let you upscale your role
After a few years experience you could go pretty much anywhere
@skiwi - there were 2 5-year stretches in my career I have mild regrets about.
@DanPantry Which is what Dan should be doing
I'm at 3 years in March - today is my 1 year anniversary at my current job :)
in both cases, it was where I became an "expert" in my language-of-choice, and I spent my days applying my expertise for adding features and performance fixes to the product we were building - the first was SQL, the second was Java.
In those 5 years stretches, I was "just working", and I was not personally "growing" or "extending myself".
@rolfl So you don't really enjoy "just working" But are rather learning?
No one enjoys "just working", it's soul crushing
Eh right, I just see what you typed, I think we got our terminology straight then
Unless you're perfectly content with just earning money
My challenge for people is to always be spending at least a quarter of their time learning new things, and applying themselves that way.
@DanPantry It's not wrong, it pays the bills, etc. That gets worth more and more as you get older and eventually have a family, that's true
@skiwi Yeah, that's fine, but you'd better have a goal. And when you have a goal, you aren't "just working".
Both 5-year stretches ended when I either quit, or after IBM bought my previous company, I did a massive "transfer" - which is essentially quitting.
@rolfl Did you already know this before you started working? If so, how did you try to solve it?
If you get to a point where you are more valuable to a company doing what you do because you are the product expert, than you are to the company as a "thought leader", then the fun part sort of leaves the work.
Q: Rock, Paper, Scissors; Why does if in statement not work?

user95349So i'm trying to make a Rock, Paper, Scissors program, but there is just one problem -- my if in statement doesn't seem to work. I have searched the internet on how to use if and in statements in python just to make sure i'm doing it right. It appears that, logically, my code makes sense... But w...

It's hard to describe, but when you see interesting things happening around you, and you can't get involved because you are committed to your current "maintenance" cycles, and you cannot convince your bosses to release you for at least some of the time, then it's time to find new jobs ;-)
But, to have that "leverage", you need to have experience.....
Getting the right connections at the start seems most difficult to me
... and you need to be good at your job, and you need to have put the years in to figure it out.
Getting your foot in any door is hard, yes.
I don't claim to have all required knowledge for that job without experience, but I need to be somewhere close so I can eventually get the job
@skiwi You've made plenty of connections here, by the by. I'm sure a lot of people - particularly cardshifter folks - would vouch for you.. though I don't want to speak for them, but I would.
@rolfl And I'm stuck trying to figure out where those doors are
Yeah, and it's a crapshoot, etc. I understand.
I have to run
Okay ^^ Don't be late
(I wonder if he ever walks)
I do walk, that's why I have 4 feet.
I like what I have at the moment. starting university while part time developing. I'll come out after three years with a degree and 3 years industry experience
there's not many doors in Australia though
Your solution works, as you said. Because of that I think your question is more suited for codereview.stackexchange.comIdos 44 secs ago
This question may be appropriate for Code Review, but make sure it's working, non-hypothetical code and you include all of it. Please read the Help Center before posting if you decide to go there. — Quill 44 secs ago
thanks @duga
@skiwi If you want, I have an extensive collection of bookmarks to useful and interesting (and sometimes even authoritative) advice about work and life and achieving what you want (and determining it in the first place)
@Borodin Posting an answer is disabled as the question is put on hold. It is just a perl one-liner, so posting in answer would make not much difference anyways. Methinks, possibly this question would fit better into code review. — syck 26 secs ago
@Zak Sure, no promises that I read them, but maybe I actually do ;)
(I can always put it on my todo-list, right?)
Thank you for the answers, I asked again on Code Review, you can see the question HEREJCRamires 38 secs ago
Just spent 10 minutes debugging in Release mode without realising why everything was optimised away. Oops.
Q: Tips on reducing this method's cyclomatic complexity

JCRamiresCodacy is telling me this method has a complexity of 13, I need some tips on how to reduce it, more specifically inside the forEach loop. I've already changed it from a if/else if hell, but it seems it wasn't enough. function addGenresAndThemesFromWork(work){ let workDetails = {workId: wor...

Q: Combine severel collections into one?

gstackoverflowI have the following code: Object value = methodOutOfMyControl(); Collection<LinkedHashSet<String>> values = ((Map) value).values(); Set<String> strings = new HashSet<String>(); for (LinkedHashSet<String> set : values) { strings.addAll(set); } Is there way to rewrite this code more...

Q: Request handler based solely on reflections

Nordenheimthis is my first (and very long) post on code review. TL;DR Skip the preface, read the code. It's pretty self-explanatory. Preface My whole life (exclude the childhood) I've been working with PHP. It all started with PHP 4 and soon I moved to PHP 5 with all it's amazing OOP features. But I go...

Q: Thread safe lock-free stack using win32 threading primitives

Minor Threatclass CSList { public: CSList() { ::InitializeSListHead(&m_head); } USHORT Depth() { return ::QueryDepthSList(&m_head); } PSLIST_ENTRY Flush() { return ::InterlockedFlushSList(&m_head); } PSLIST_ENTRY First() { return ...

Hey guys
need your advice
Q: Why is my Bubblesort implementation faster than my Quicksort code?

KäsebrotHere is my Bubblesort code: public static List<int> BubbleSort(List<int> _digitList) { List<int> digitList = _digitList; bool didSwap = true; while (didSwap) { didSwap = false; for (int i = 0; i < digitList.Count - 1;...

Is it really legit to vote to close it?
I mean it is about algorithm-performance to me
What do you think?
Q: Alternative to cLicklistener inside an anonymous class

Josef YoungFor a trivial word game, I write the following code for the player to choose one of the two choices of words that in turn were read from a sentence. My question lies in first in the click-listener of the buttons of the choice. The main code, in java: private void initAnswerButtons() { //2...

@Käsebrot IMO it's legit and I've added my closevote
I can understand you're surprised that this didn't happen sooner though.
but age does not automatically protect questions from closing
@skiwi site stuff...
Oh right, sorry
@Käsebrot The problem with the question is that it's not interested in feedback about all aspects of the code
also it's comparing two different pieces of code to another, which makes it hard to decide what's up for review.
The question may have had a better "fit" on Stack Overflow, probably it's a duplicate over there
grrrrr lost 2 hours because netbeans console didn't output in correct encoding
Can anyone correct this code? Your question is misplaced. Try posting it to code reviewHrundi V. Bakshi 35 secs ago
Whut?! I just do not get it. It is about algorithm-performance isn't it?
which is clearly stated as topic in the tour section
clearly states that bubblesort is faster for smaller datasets ;)
and it's a grey zone
you can understand it like is mine implementation wrong, and where is it wrong?
> - Trouble-shooting, debugging, or understanding code snippets
^ listed as off topic, and it matches the question just like performance does
and indeed that's like @Vogel612 mention, you don't understand your code
Site business silent for 15 minutes, funny picture time commences
Er, thank you for the suggestion GitHub? https://t.co/TRzqzYHWXf
I should've slept more
why is that @skiwi?
Getting a headache, that's why
Because of all that negative Dutch energy floating around you
it's in the air
Have you tried posting this at Code Review? — PakkuDon 46 secs ago
but at least you got a cool conversation with rolfl and dan out of it @skiwi
@Quill I'd rather not have a headache :)
What's the best remedy to a headache? To keep programming obviously
@skiwi dubstep works too
@PakkuDon Code Review requires full working code... — epascarello 38 secs ago
Greetings, Programs.
My word, Web API is silly.
want to intercept a response in MVC and alter it? no problem, use an action filter.
want to do the same in Web API? Create a DelegatingHandler - but SendAsync is protected, so you can't test that now.
Also, you have to apply it to all actions, not specific ones you decorate.
monking @phrancis
Hey there
SCSS is pretty darn cool
I don't even understand where half of these variables are coming from
SCSS does look cool
might be worth putting into Cardshifter's HTML-Client
@include media-query($on-palm) {
    position: absolute;
    top: 9px;
    right: $spacing-unit / 2;
    background-color: $background-color;
    border: 1px solid $grey-color-light;
Just had a call with two guys from that startup in London. They say they pay market rate and would give me a small assignment as means of an interview -- which they will pay for
And I can choose whether I work remotely or in London
Sounds good, right?
yeah... what's the catch?
I haven't heard any catch so far
The only thing I'm a little hesitant about is that they're a company of 5 hiring 2 more. Fairly recent startup altogether
What kind of business is it?
I'll have to wait for the assignment to come in before I can judge that
I think @Phrancis means what kind of industry
looks good... but how will you do cocktail fridays remotely?
I have a fridge down my stairs
"Unlimited Vacation Time" seems like an unusual benefit
oh no. I talked about EF when they asked me about relational databases
Unless they mean "unpaid" vacation
I only realize now
Oh well. EF is all you come into contact with anyway
yeah, unpaid obviously
but some places don't let you take that even unpaid
oh they have a video
@JeroenVannevel I think it's paid
there are experiments with this
you can take as much holidays as you want
because if you feel good at work, you work harder
and mostly the people who work there don't take more then normal
Suckers. 365 days of vacation baby
Q: strncpy To strcpy Equivilence in Code

Jonathan MeeI have this ugly function, and I feel that the entire strncpy should just be an strcpy: void PackData(char*& cursor, const std::string& data) { *(reinterpret_cast<int*>(cursor)) = static_cast<short>(data.length() + 1); cursor += sizeof(int); // copy the text to the buffer ::strnc...

monking @Sumurai8
@skyking I've made a copy of this here: codereview.stackexchange.com/q/117494/95369 I didn't even know that the site existed! If I can get some good responses over there I'll have to delete this question. Thanks for the tip! — Jonathan Mee 7 secs ago
Is a good tag? It has 0 followers, and it seems very broad to the point where it is not particularly useful-looking
There's 48 Questions tagged with that and you are correct, that tag doesn't make sense
Hi guys, what should you do if a question with a bounty hasn't still got any quality answers?
And the bounty is about to end?
I think a 1% savings that makes the code less standard is premature optimization. — Eric Stein 23 mins ago
mhhh it's maybe a 1% saving but still good practice
@HassanAlthaf Either the bounty will be lost, or it will be awarded to one of the answers.
This should be put in codereview.stackexchange.com — mayooran just now
I think this question will fit better in codereview.stackexchange.comSERPRO 58 secs ago
If you know the ins and outs of casting in C, you don't need to know the ins and outs of casting in an other language @Phrancis ; that's what I dislike about such tags
If you make yourself the habit of doing this, you don't have to do premature optimization, it's your first code what works already slightly faster. We help people to improve there knowledge so they can create better code from the first time. — chillworld 10 secs ago
nah mine answer
This would be off-topic on Code Review in its current form, as there is no code in the post to be reviewed. — Phrancis 28 secs ago
@Sumurai8 True. I'll make a meta post about it
@Phrancis 'what should you do'
@HassanAlthaf If there are answers but they are not good, in my personal opinion I think it would be better for the bounty to be lost than for it to be awarded to a poor answer
@Phrancis Same opinion.
Q: Array is Balanced Array or Not

user3789184A balanced array is defined to be an array where for every value n in the array, -n also is in the array. {-2, 3, 2, -3} is a balanced array. So is {-2, 2, 2, 2}. But {-5, 2, -2} is not because 5 is not in the array. I wrote the following class BalancedArray which satisfied above condition. ...

Q: Pascals probability theory

Adam HodgsonAfter reading about early probability theory I have attempted to write a computational solution to Pascals famous dice problem. The problem was reputedly proposed by one of Pascals friends who asked: would be profitable to bet that given 24 rolls of a pair of dice he would not roll a double 6....

Q: Greesemonkey script adding an angularJS http interceptor

maythesource.comWe have a deployed website behind a reverse proxy that is not configured correctly to send the x-forward-proto header. As a result, the back-end sends some json values as http when they should instead be https ( ref: https://spring.io/guides/gs/rest-hateoas/ ) . As a temporary testing solution I...

@SimonForsberg ^^ I didn't know they made a verb from you :)
Thanks for the feedback, I've implemented a lot of these changes - including implementing source control — Chris J 1 hour ago
@Zak ^^ they listened :D
so, there's Jamalized, and now Simonized
possible answer invalidation by Nordenheim on question by Nordenheim: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/117485/revisions
@Mat'sMug and then we get Mugged
In today's episode of "Zak's good with computers, he'll figure it out": I just spent 3 hours completely re-wiring my boss's computer and installing a new sound system. Fun times.
On the plus side, all the cable ties ^^
Q: Reportable Sp_Who2

Chris JOne of my issues with sp_who2 is that you need to be in the console to run it as it recalls spid twice and most reporting tools throw this as an error. My question is, would using the code below to reformat sp_who2 be a more reliable approach than taking the definition for sp_who and removing th...

Q: Should we cast away [casting]?

PhrancisI feel that the casting tag is not a very good tag for a few reasons. 1) It's too broad. Just a quick scan of the questions which use it show languages as varied as C++, Java, C#, SQL, Python, etc. 2) It has 0 followers, which indicates it's either not useful, or not interesting enough to follo...

Mods can say please and extend a hand too... we just happen to have a hammer in the other hand ;-) — Mat's Mug ♦ 19 secs ago
@CaptainObvious I think that would be better fit on DBA.SE -- @Mat'sMug what do you think?
possible answer invalidation by user3789184 on question by user3789184: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/117496/revisions
@Phrancis fits either IMO
@Duga rolled back
Q: Code correction? about saving file with a password in a specific folder and read it

Deandre Jayi have my function in encryption I want to save the text file with a password with a specific file name. should i save the file with a .txt type file? how? sorry for the not narrowing the codes because i dont know were is the problem and there was no error in logcat public class Encrypt extends ...

Welcome to Code Review! We don't mind seeing all the code here, but we require that it works as intended. This question will now be closed. — Mat's Mug ♦ 34 secs ago
I still wonder what makes people think this site might be just like SO
@Mat'sMug I'm not really surprised, it's not like most people RTFM for anything these days
@HrundiV.Bakshi you really should read our help center before you suggest users to place their question on code review. Changing what the code does or adding new features are off topic. The same applies to broken code. — Heslacher 35 secs ago
@Mat'sMug because ^^
ah, good one
For the record, my email is still not caught up.
For the record, I had to restore last night's backup first-thing in the morning today. The overnight SSIS ETL re-created all the records I had cowboy-deleted yesterday
...because I forgot to set _EffectiveTo back to NULL on the models
Q: Producers/Consumers and semaphore id problem in c

EagleOneI was trying to solve a simple producers/consumers problem in C using semaphores. All goes well but the semaphore id isn't successfully shared between the master program and the launched programs. I used the ftok() function in order to generate the same key. Then i used semget() for semaphore a...

possible answer invalidation by MisterGT on question by MisterGT: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/116695/revisions
@Duga thats a good edit. Rolled back the edit from yesterday
@Heslacher thanks, I almost hit the rollback button, wasn't very clear given the edit comment
just doing my job ;-)
@Heslacher So what is CodeReview for? nothing? or for code reviewing? — Hrundi V. Bakshi 20 secs ago
@Heslacher So what is CodeReview for? nothing? or for code reviewing? — Hrundi V. Bakshi 27 secs ago
glitch in the matrix
@HrundiV.Bakshi Code reviews IRL generally happen when your code is working and it needs to be peer reviewed. It's the same on CR. Neither SO or CR will answer your question when it boils down to "help me plz" without you having put in effort to determine the error. — Dan Pantry 40 secs ago
Thanks, I didn't felt like answering that comment
This is more of a question for Code Review SE ( codereview.stackexchange.com ) — Matt-SL 24 secs ago
@Heslacher I flagged it as not constructive
Q: Finding hidden field values in a web page before submitting a login form

Xavier NodetIn order to submit a login form using wget, I need to find the values for the hidden field that were added to the form recently. Grepping for the names gives the following: $ grep csrf signin.php <input type="hidden" name="csrf1" value="56a0ecec3f15c" /> <input type="hidden" name="csrf2"...

@Phrancis done, and quadruple-checked. running SSIS ETL now. fingers crossed
in VBA Rubberducking, 7 mins ago, by Tweeting Duck
I just opened up the wiki permissions on the Rubberduck repository: now everyone can contribute to the RD wiki! #OSS https://github.com/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/wiki
is this a good idea?
We'll see
@Mat'sMug lol ok good luck ;)
RIP wiki
@Mat'sMug The only problem I could see with that is that the Wiki is not really under version control (at least not that I know of) so it could be vandalized and possibly lose content or even whole pages
@Phrancis it is under version control
@HrundiV.Bakshi: CodeReview.SE is for working code that you want to receive feedback on. This isn't working code. — Martijn Pieters ♦ 51 secs ago
well done Martijn, show em for real!
Q: Summer camp cost calculation using Google Sheets

Nicholas Chauvin nxchauvinI am making a sheet that adds up total cost for a summer camp after registration, each parent can register up to five children. I have already made my code and it works, but there must be a simpler way. The code looks at the cell, and determines the cost of the program depending if the parent c...

Q: GSL-like array_view implementation

glampertI've seen a couple GSL-like string_view-ish implementations on CR recently, but don't recall seeing anything like array_view yet (AKA span in the GSL). My implementation is a simplified array_view that doesn't support the bounds and indexing in the same way the GSL span does. I also didn't add s...

@CaptainObvious @Mat'sMug are spreadsheet formulas on-topic here?
@Phrancis I'm not quite sure why they wouldn't be
It's realer code than brainfuck
you could just as well write that in google-script, that JS based replacement for vba
@Phrancis I think I did review a spreadsheet once, ..let me fetch it
Ah ok, it just seemed unusual
I was trying to find other tags for it... I added but that's about all I could find
A: Get table header name in excel

Mat's MugYou have hard-coded the 1, 3 and 5 column index... and you don't really have a choice, given the shape of your data. The problem is that your table is not a table: it's essentially a pivot. This would be a table: If you can un-pivot your top table into an actual table like above, then you cou...

For the future: such questions are better suited for Code ReviewXan 59 secs ago
Looks like Lisp ;p
looks like you'\re probably right. I couldn't find any single tutorial that covers both the singleton and database side of this, but there are plenty of tutorials out there on how to implement singletons, and I think the latest version of swift may have simplified it even more codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/80246/…Russell 54 secs ago
@Phrancis O.M.G.
I think a spreadsheet here is probably not the best tool for the job
@Phrancis From what I understood of his description, a spreadsheet would be absolutely fine. It just needs to be far more compartmentalised.
Sure, that makes sense
That function should be split into distinct logical checks and spread over some number of rows/columns
ok thanks Xan, I didn't know about code review until now — BMills 43 secs ago
@Zak Sounds like an answer in the making
I don't know enough about this kind of formula otherwise I'd answer it, I mostly only use formulas for string functions
Q: Android UI code for a test job

PaltrI wrote my first Android UI application for a test job, but it was declined as employer said that he did't like "the code quality". He didn't specify what he meant. But I'm very interesting to know what's wrong with the code. Here is the link to Android Studio project: https://yadi.sk/d/Wcq8awrTn...

anyone have the programmer efficiency graph bookmarked?
@Malachi Which one? There are many.
@Phrancis no not that one. I am level one on almost all of that except for databases I might be a level 2 or 3, same with IDE I hate to admit that
@Zak times when a programmer is most efficient
@Malachi ^^
lol that one...
user image
that one?
that one ▲▲▲
My thoughts would be SO is more for how to solve the problem, Code Review is more for better ways to write your code. Example here is you've already solved your problem which is returning True / False based on upper / lower age and gender, so you aren't trying to solve a problem just do it nicer / better. That's my take on it anyway, seems like it could be a fine line in some cases. — RyanfaeScotland 42 secs ago
A: Code Review — Top User Swag!

PimgdAre the stickers going to be washable, that is, if I put a sticker on my mug, then put the mug in the dishwasher, will the sticker get damaged? If I slap a sticker on my Tesla (I don't have one, but you seem to suggest you can slap one on there with the image), and it rains, does the sticker get...

Can I drive my car with stickers through the carwash? Sorry, no because you can only stick them on a Tesla as it is clearly shown and you don't have one. — Heslacher 12 secs ago
Hello everyone :)
@Zak +100
@DanPantry hey, how's it going?
Pretty good, yourself? @Zak
I booked tomorrow off but I am actually going to work. Just want to work from the comfort of my home -.-
Will you get paid if you work?
@Hosch250 yes, I'm paid for days off
Oh, OK.
@Heslacher oh snap
@DanPantry I've had an awesome 3 weeks so far. Gotten a lot of zone-time in
Wait, Joel Spolsky used to be an Israeli Paratrooper. How have I not heard this before.
His name always reminds me of Noahs Island
> Sometimes I just can't get anything done.

Sure, I come into the office, putter around, check my email every ten seconds, read the web, even do a few brainless tasks like paying the American Express bill. But getting back into the flow of writing code just doesn't happen.

These bouts of unproductiveness usually last for a day or two. But there have been times in my career as a developer when I went for weeks at a time without being able to get anything done. - Joel Spolsky
Glad to know it's not just me.
There was a whole fortnight at the end of last year where basically *nothing* got done.
@Zak First two weeks of this year. That's why I'm not active on here any more as much
@DanPantry How did things work out with your colleague?
@Zak I'm not activ ehere often. what does that say? :p
@Phrancis still going lol
It's insane the amount of time I've wasted because of this crap
Is is new emails, or still old ones?
And you can't set up a rule and have the system automatically handle it?
I did set up rules, Outlook just can't keep up though
That's dumb
It still says I have 484MB left of emails to update from the exchange server
Been trickling down very very slowly, was at 501 MB about 3 hours ago
Is there no way to nuke the emails before they reach you?
@DanPantry I'm trying to get the attention of one of our tech ops guys but have not had success yet
Well, considering each email is probably less than a kilobyte, from that screenshot you shared...
This is really more appropriate for codereview.stackexchange.com. — Morgan Thrapp 49 secs ago
Right, just the sheer quantity of them and the fact it has to fire the rules on each individual mail...
And it crashed again :(
Have you tried setting fire to it?

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