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RELOAD! There are 1629 unanswered questions (94.5048% answered)
0:00 UTC on my clock now.
where is ma hat
Be patient. Hats are slow.
I blame caching
Be patient. It's JavaScript.
git blame caching
Blame caching/JavaScript/IE/squirrels.
Pick one.
@EthanBierlein Pick one.
I choose squirrels
I would pick squirrels.
developers got stuck in a horse head and cant get it off -> they haven't pressed 'give hats' yet
A: Gretchen and the Play solution from Indeed Contest on hackerrank.com

janosMethod decomposition The single biggest issue is that all the logic is in a single main method. It's really hard to see what it's doing, and there's gotta be a way to break it down to smaller pieces, smaller methods, corresponding to the logical steps. actorsAssigmentsArray This is a String[],...

this answer needs love
@janos nice work
Researcher hat earned
How do you earn researcher?
Search using website search three days in a row
Come on, I've used it 3 days in a row now... I blame squirrels.
well no Up hat for me, I got DVs, yay!
@Quill-HATMANIAC Huh? How?
I already got the upvote hat, so I'm good.
I got one on the Meta answer I did about Mischief and I posted an answer that got DVd that I subsequently deleted
I still repcapped, so that should be one more towards 3 days worth
Why can't I pull a reset pin over SSH...
I'm writing an answer right now. Gonna go for another cap.
Hello, @NᴏᴠɪᴄᴇIɴDɪsɢᴜɪsᴇ.
21 total now!
They just keep rolling in
I'm back. I capped and lost 5 rep today.
I'm happy about the cap, but sad about the 5 rep. And I didn't even pimp my question.
I capped in the last hour of the day
Didn't lose anything luckily because of accept votes
I capped like two minutes before caus
Hey thanks for that bounty!
23 mins ago, by Quill - HAT MANIAC
@Mat'sMug did you see my comment :P
I'm right behind you ;)
@Quill-HATMANIAC Happy to help :)
I did :-)
I need to earn a bounty and get more reps and a hat!
Me too!
I've never earned a bounty before.
This is just evil:
Who is this who randomly downvotes my posts?
somebody downvoted my meta answer too
I got a random DV on one of my better posts yesterday
Does anyone want to look at this code and see if I should not do something the way I'm doing it or offer a suggestion for refactoring? pastebin.com/auCSG997
@KalaJ hey there
@KalaJ Hello, welcome to The 2nd Monitor.
Hi thanks for the welcome
@KalaJ Does the code work as you intend?
Post it as a question on Code Review.
^^ that
It's probably the best way to get good reviews.
I might do that later, just wanted a quick look through first
I just earned Researcher.
@Hosch250 Congratz.
cool, congrats
I've already got CR bounties, so I've gotta go for a SO bounty
OMG, 1 full year and some change later, finally got an answer on my GD.SE question! *blame hats*
@Quill-HATMANIAC Have you found a connection between bounties and hats?
some thoughts relating to a hat
Did you find out why you got the "Amazing grace"?
No clue.
Has something to do with votes.
Possibly with bugs.
Amazing grace? Sounds interesting.
I'm rather satisfied with my 13 hats... Hasn't worked that hard to get them either... Aiming for the silver hat thingy... And possibly the one related to repcap'ing (wasn't that one as well?)
But now it's time to hit the sack.. See ya, later
@Mast Eran has a guess on meta.
@Hosch250 I have a few as well
@T.C. Along the line of my first impression: Code review followed by a wagging finger or head smack. — user4581301 44 secs ago
Q: Isomorphic JS with Express + Handlebars + JSDOM

haxpanelI've started working on an isomorphic/universal/client+server javascript application and would like to ask you to review it. I've got AngularJS background but I'm completely new in node, express, handlebars and gulp - essentially this is my first app where I'm using this set of tools. I put com...

> Ternary conditionals nested three deep are ugly to the third power
lol @Hosch250
Thanks for the upvote.
It definitely is not worth the bounty though. I can't find anything else wrong with it.
Final grade in my class is a 95%. That should help with my employment prospects, though employers won't see that on my main transcript. Now I look forward to my Unix OS class.
@Jamal Cool.
That would pass as an A in any of my classes.
I am the sole representative of CR in the HNQ list.
Just got another popular question badge on my latest question.
131 hats to 1K hats on CR!
165 rep to go today . . .
170 here.
Plenty of time, though.
A few good posts and we should be fine
I'm closing this question as off-topic because it is about code golfing and/or code review, not a discrete programming problem. — Ed Cottrell ♦ 39 secs ago
@Duga So he did become a moderator...
@Duga false alarm
Luke ---> You're Awesome! Especially for going above and beyond and testing this on MySql and Oracle. I thought this was a driver issue, but thought the code review would be appropriate before jumping to conclusions. I'll definitely try the preview edition 6.0 and report back! — user3225536 20 secs ago
Yo @IsmaelMiguel or @DanPantry, I'm having an issue with some JS code, if one of you could give me a hand later, I'd be very very grateful
Such a question is off-topic here. You might have more look at Code Review, but read their rules first as well. Just linking your code instead of posting it in the question is accepted neither here nor there. — Bergi 13 secs ago
Q: Upload text file with form action selection

SilverRayI am new to ajax and my client wants me to create a upload form for a text file and that text file came from two different machine and so I added a selection for the two machines and I hope that the code will run exactly what I wanted but it renders no output nor error. It just refreshes and noth...

@Quill-HATMANIAC JS is evil. Try Python instead.
I do both
Or C#/Java/C/C++/Brainfuck/LOLCODE
As long as it isn't JS
Sometimes Hat Maniacs have to be evil...
I wonder if SE has security measures. Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice. — his 18 hours ago
So I learned how to adult today.
(ignore my bad snipping tool skills)
@TheCoffeeCup congrats!
And apparently I don't know how to effectively open a beer.
@TheCoffeeCup Nice!
The top-voted answer is too funny
I got a silver badge, and earned a hat.
A: How would Facebook Sysadmins prevent the summoning of Cthulhu?

JoeLast time this happened at my job, we were glad our servers were running Windows 10, which forced a shutdown for mandatory updates...

I wrote an answer, and it was deleted...
Old Ones waking up in Facebooks data center will be appalled and the amount of rubbish they find and decide that this dimension is not worth consuming. — Raphael 11 hours ago
@Hosch250 so similar to my answer ;-;
possible answer invalidation by david on question by david: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/113728/revisions
@Duga it's fine, just a comment
@EBrown Did you all manage to hammer out that launch OK?
@Phrancis Nope.
Ah. Well that's unfortunate
If they did want to stop it just connect Donald Trump's twitter feed, Cthulhu will retreat to the outer darkness gibbering in insane fear because humanity is already being conquered by a greater evil who openly wears the pelt of a defeated enemy on his head. — user23614 12 hours ago
What makes you think the Facebook sysadmins would want to stop it? I reckon they would all be chanting round the servers. — user23614 13 hours ago
@Phrancis Yep.
@EBrown You don't sound too enthused... hit me up if you want to vent
Hey @Mat'sMug how do you add a Twitter feed to a chat room?
Q: Finds the winning hand at showdown in texas holdem for an arbitrary number of players

JubbatI've been reading about half of a pretty extensive and popular python book (I'm a complete beginner) and I decided to get my hands dirty with this little exercise to crystallize all the concepts I've taken in. The program does as explained above in the title, it creates a showdown situation with...

@CaptainObvious Damn that's a lot of Python code
Q: C# Ftp Library with Client (Download only)

A.JAll classes on Github rep https://github.com/LD30Original/Ftp-Library Hi, This is the code for downloading files from a FTP-server running Mozilla Fileserver. FtpItem is the interface for the two classes FtpFile and FtpFolder, FtpFile represents a file on the server and FtpFolder represents a F...

Ello all
Anyone here consider themselves proficient in regular expressions/languages?
Could use a hand if you do
sure, I suppose
what's up?
hey there @JeroenVannevel
So say you have a language over {a,b,c}
How would you construct a regular expression to capture the strings that only start with an a or don't end with a c?
negative lookahead on the c
and a check for the a
Only operators you get are the ones used in this: a(a+b+c)*
^ all strings that start with a
CS Theory, not actual application
is that the string there?
Q: VoteCountViewer - the same way as priviledges

Quill - HAT MANIACThis userscript allows you to view the post score the same way you would if you had the privilege, by clicking the score: As you can see, I don't have the required reputation to view it, yet the script allows me to. Install: After installing Tampermonkey / GreaseMonkey, click here to install...

Ah, I think I got it
There is codereview.stackexchange.com for review on working code. — Jarod42 10 secs ago
like a\c(?!c)
Where ^ is the empty string
As you already stated the code works, it's better to ask this question at codereviewdavejal 56 secs ago
@syb0rg is that regex?
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this belongs to codereview.stackexchange.comxxbbcc 1 min ago
@Quill-HATMANIAC that 404 page is... #WTF
got rid of it
lots lots lots lots to review here
Q: C# Ftp Library with Client (Download only)

A.JAll classes on Github rep https://github.com/LD30Original/Ftp-Library Hi, This is the code for downloading files from a FTP-server running Mozilla Fileserver. FtpItem is the interface for the two classes FtpFile and FtpFolder, FtpFile represents a file on the server and FtpFolder represents a F...

we should encourage beginners to write... you know, shorter things to review
it's pretty good code for a beginner though
I dunno C#, so can't really contribute
> I'll leave the rest of the FTP code to other reviewers, and focus more on the client WinForms code.
Q: Reverse the case of each element of a string

Devon LuongoWhy is this function returning undefined? function Swap(str, result) { console.log(str); console.log("result: " + result); if (str == "") { console.log(result == undefined); return result; } else if (str[0] == str.toUpperCase().substring(0,1)) { var newResult = result + str.toLowerCase().s...

^ vtc for broken code
A: What's a Zombie? And what are the many other memes of Code Review?

Vogel612Meme: Monking Originator: Morwenn Cultural Height: The 2nd Monitor Background: A morning greeting to the Monkey doing his monkey-business, in other words: monking Examples: A small chat search Variations: Monkernoon, Monkevening, Monknight, ... Important is only that it begins with Monk... ;...

Monking ;-)
@rolfl Did you get the monkey hat?
Nope. I have been so busy with other things I have not done much at all.
The hats have gone to a 20/80 thing for me this year... doubt I will get in to that spirit this time around
We got it here, but Mat nuked the post: meta.codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/6326/…
What you may find, instead, is that you have a new go-lang reviewer
I got the monkey hat on SO caus they trolled me good
I don't even understand what that hat is ;-)
+5/-5 on a meta post.
@Hosch250 Ah, damn, missed out
I posted 'how do we spot cheeky behaviour' on SO and they cheeky behavioured the post to 0(+5/-5)
Smart. OK.
It's sleep time for me. Night all.
it doesn't really look that great
good night @rolfl
Q: Meta sites should have a badge for insightfulness/controversy

PopsMeta sites across the SE network — just meta sites, not regular ones — should start awarding a badge for any post that meets both of the following criteria: earns fifteen or more upvotes earns fifteen or more downvotes These criteria indicate problematic posts on normal SE sites, where votes ...

'night @rolfl!
@rolfl night! :)
Oh, @Mat'sMug - I got twins tonight.... ;-)
(We're babysitting some close friends' 2-year-olds while they're in hospital with their new-arrival).
Scallions - that's the word for them.
Scallion, green onion, and spring onion are English names (with many other regional names throughout the world) for various Allium species. All of the Allium have hollow green leaves (like the common onion), but these are used while they lack a fully developed root bulb. Used as a vegetable, they are eaten either raw or cooked. Scallions have a milder taste than most onions. == EtymologyEdit == The words scallion and shallot are related and can be traced back to the Greek ασκολόνιον ('askolonion') as described by the Greek writer Theophrastus. This name, in turn, seems to originate from the name...
Hmmm... I thought it was a synonym of "rascal".... but, perhaps that's something else.
The word you are looking for is Shallots
that ^^^
Then I thought "maybe I was thinking: scallywags", but looked it up before posting:
In United States history, scalawags were Southern whites who supported Reconstruction and the Republican Party, after the American Civil War. Like similar terms, such as "carpetbagger," the word has a long history of use as a slur against Southerners considered by other conservative or pro-federation Southerners to betray the region's values by supporting policies considered "Northern," such as desegregation and racial integration. The term is commonly used in historical studies as a neutral descriptor of Southern white Republicans, although some historians have discarded the term due to its history...
scala wag lol
@rolfl LOL, nope.
goddamn it scala
> a person who behaves badly but in an amusingly mischievous rather than harmful way; a rascal.
You need to use the dictionary, not the encyclopedia.
Night... again.
A: Parallelized download of multiple images based on URL

mjolkaThree programmers are ordering Christmas presents online. The first programmer orders a present, and goes to wait by the mailbox. He waits there for 24 hours until the first present arrives. He takes the present inside, orders a second present, and heads out to wait by the mailbox again. This go...

Great answer
@rolfl night!
The third programmer orders all his presents, puts on a movie, tidies the house, and makes some eggnog. http://codereview.stackexchange.com/a/114095/23788
@mjolka ^
@Mat'sMug did you see my ms3 edit
da (ty)
Q: Python small turtle program

qwrA while ago, I wrote a program that combined L-systems and turtles. This was before I understood OOP (I still don't fully understand). I tried to add some documentation and included some demos as functions. If I ever get around to it, I hope to in the future include a simple GUI with user-adjusta...

Q: Converting memset and struct to newer notation, C++11

MetalMagnumI'm taking this C++ program and am trying to replace some of the older structures like memset (which I don't completely understand) and struct with newer language optimized for C++11. The program works as is, I am just trying to further my understanding by playing with the code. Problem descripti...

possible answer invalidation by Quill - HAT MANIAC on question by muffinman: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/113504/revisions
Q: Safe implementation for extending authentication cookie with user data

Ognyan DimitrovAfter searching around and reading through articles and answers I came up with this implementation for extending the cookie of Forms Authentication. But I am not 100% sure that I did not introduce any vulnerabilities and now I provided here for review. public ActionResult LogOn(LogOnModel m...

^ can somebody do something with this please
no language tag
//... other code
Oh wow, I was over complicating things. This is why codereview is an awesome site. Thank you very much! Once I reach 15 reputation points I will make sure to upvote your answer. — Robben Dec 10 at 21:10
uh, I think the Winterbash leaderboards are broken
Look at the user ranks
They're all the same
@EthanBierlein They all have the same number of hats?
Still seems like a bug to me
Wait, there's another bug:
It goes directly from repeating 55s to repeating 66es
Because there are 11 people that are tied for 55th
that's how numbers work :)
they're sorted by total number of hats, too
and if they also tie, then alphabetical
I understand now
maybe I should get sleep instead of staying up late chatting and watching television
Okay, so my automatic timers have just turned off the room lights.
I think it's time for me to go to bed.
@TopinFrassi how about this?
        var states = Enum.GetValues(typeof (ParserState)).Cast<ParserState>();
        Status = states.FirstOrDefault(item => item != ParserState.Ready && _moduleStates.Values.Any(value => value == item));
gah, still iterates once for each state
@Mat'sMug Try setting up something like this:
var sumOfErrors = 0;
// ...
foreach (var value in _moduleStates.Values)
    if (value == ParserState.Error) { sumOfErrors++; }
    // ...
Maybe use an array instead single variables.
I don't think I like that any better, though.
if (value == ParserState.Error) { we're done here, that's our state }
Of course.
meh.. whatever reads best. that instruction is totally not the parser's bottleneck
Why not just split it up into a chain of conditions and assignments?
is that another word for "ternary"?
No. ifs.
I'm going to bed, TTYL.
oh wow
Component 'ThisWorkbook' has state 'Ready', aborting resolver task.
now that's dumb
wait no, woah.... crap.
nobody is setting the state to 'Ready' but the resolver task.
Q: Hiding odd rows in a table on click event

overexchange Problem Statement Write JavaScript code hideOddRows.js that attaches to the button click event and hides the odd rows of the table when clicked. Expected Output When you click on Hide Odd Rows then Solution <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Hide odd...

possible answer invalidation by Quill - HAT MANIAC on question by Rick Davin: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/113606/revisions
you broke it @Mat'sMug ^
broke what?
ah crap
I fixed it
@Quill-HATMANIAC that means I should probably be going to bed now
Yeah, probably...
@Mat'sMug Va te coucher :)
I found the Cleanup Crew !
Q: Query Builder pattern with use of FluentApi (Entity Framework)

kienct89Recently, I've come up with an idea of building a custom query builder combine with FluentApi Expected usage: List<User> users = userQueryBuilder .Active() .IsMale() .AgeGreaterThan(25) .Include(u =>...

wait @Heslacher, you can just delete comments?
or flag them...?
Sure, your own
This question should probably go to codereview instead. — Evert 19 secs ago
Get a different provider. Seriously. — deceze Apr 16 at 15:48
oooh, the mods are keeping up with my flags ;-)
the "mods", yeah right
oh thanks btw for pimping my answer earlier; made my day!
no problem
+1 for 9.!!! If not the only thing that this piece needs! So far this is urghs code... reusability very low, readability very low. If people bitch about php and mean stuff like this, I can understand them very well! — Preexo Aug 20 at 7:35
I don't know whether that's insulting Simon's code...
A: Generic Networking Class for PHP

Quill - HAT MANIACYour code is really good, but there's a few things you could improve: $errno, $errstr, it's silly to sacrifice readability for a few extra characters: $errorNumber & $errorString is much better. Instead of while (1), you should use while (true) You should avoid directly adding words/n i...

How did I get a bounty on that...
//back to work
so it turns out going through your old comments is a great way to find comments to flag...
quil, did you flag the low quality?
obsolete comments
a low quality flag
you commented it I think
Q: Hiding odd rows in a table on click event

overexchange Problem Statement Write JavaScript code hideOddRows.js that attaches to the button click event and hides the odd rows of the table when clicked. Expected Output When you click on Hide Odd Rows then Solution /* hideOddRows.js */ document.querySelector('[nam...

I commented it, and flagged NAA
you got the vote on your comment
but it's still a (poorly) answer
@Quill-HATMANIAC you now have Cleanup Crew
also using jQuery is bad
because it's extraneous as hell
@Heslacher I do (ty)
Q: Delayed error return in golang

Paweł AdamskiI have a simple function: func getList() (sendgrid.RecipientList, bool, agerr.E) { lists, err := client.GetRecipientLists() if err != nil { for _, l := range lists { if l.Name == myList { return l, true, nil } } } return sg....

Q: Usage of scanner

user1472672I have a legacy method which I would like to clean up: public void readFile(String filename) { int i; int j; String ins = new String(); SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"); try (FileReader input = new FileReader(filename); BufferedReader bufInput = ...

If the op accept my answer here : codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/113255/bufferaggregate/… I will get Weed Eater hat
Oh no, I changed the future and now I'm disappearing! Wait, never mind, it was just my hat slipping down over my eyes.
This should really be on Code Review rather then Stack as it says in the [codereview.stackexchange.com/tour](code review tour) — hjardine 25 secs ago

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