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RELOAD! There are 1596 unanswered questions (94.4412% answered)
grabs torch format tools
Hm, my SO answer from yesterday flew completely off the radar... Maybe the OP was expecting for someone to do their homework for them...
Anyone near a copy of visual studio?
Does this work? Default values must be constant if I remember correctly. — RubberDuck 1 min ago
@happytime Hi!
I didn't want to just fire off a CV without knowing
Grats @TheCoffeeCup!
Q: Dynamic CSV Formatter

douglasg14bI made a dynamic CSV formatter as a personal challenge after having to hardcode a behavior to convert some data to CSV earlier. You input any List that contains supported types as properties (all primitive types, strings, or collections of primitive types or strings). And it will spit out a list ...

@RubberDuck Thanks.
One of my first questions gone unanswered for a while:
Q: A program ran in a program

TheCoffeeCupI was feeling bored with nothing to do (well, sort of) and decided to write a program that runs a program in Java. What it pretty much does: Creates a new file with the name classname + ".java" Write the code into that file if it is not already compiled, run javac filename.java on the command l...

@TheCoffeeCup it's only official once you get the actual notification, but congrats!
This code has served me well but I've run into some issues with it which I've documented over here codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/110608/…John Kattenhorn 50 secs ago
It seems that the tone of the question is more about code review rather than debugging a problem. — IAbstract 38 secs ago
Going away for a while, later/tomorrow @ all
@Phrancis later!
@Mast I have a macro for that.
#define USING_STD using namespace std and then just put USING_STD; wherever I need it.
That's awful.
Nah, it's pure beauty.
I've seen Edward do some arcane things with macros. He loves them.
I love macros, and I wish they would come to C#.
I want TypeDef in C#
@RubberDuck I want #define for Macros.
TypeDef int DegreesFarenheit
@RubberDuck You experienced with Visual C++ at all?
Not really @EBrown no.
Ah, bummer.
I want XOR in ASM
You want to know how to xor in an assembly language?
No, I'm just baffled every time I write it there's no default XOR operator in ASM
What do you mean by operator? What assembler are you using?
@Mast Seriously? I use that operator sparingly in C#, but it's still handy every now and again.
Well, ok, NASM probably has it.
I know that the x86 instruction set has the xor instruction.
Hmmm, yes
Now I can't remember what I was thinking about
Not all assemblies do have xor, but many have, yes.
There's this:
Q: How to XOR on a CPU that doesn't have an XOR instruction

patterson7019This is more of a just for fun question. I’m working on a SC61860 CPU, which is an 8-bit CPU for a Sharp PC-1360 Pocket Computer from 1987 (also used in PC-1401 & 1403’s). Its instruction set doesn’t actually include an XOR. It does have AND, OR, compare, subtraction and addition instructions. ...

But I'm pretty sure that wasn't it. Nvm.
@Duga ? @janos?
I think Duga is picking favorites.
possible answer invalidation by cpicanco on question by cpicanco: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/75653/revisions
@Duga That edit I don't understand... anyone?
he added a newly created tag he couldn't create, and added a bit of code that doesn't invalidate anything. legit.
Q: A simple parcel checker Python script

zer0ptrMy current student accommodation uses a manual paper and pen system for checking if students have mail so I made this simple Python script to help mitigate the problem of manually searching through spreadsheets just to see if you have mail or not, which I have been asked to demo soon. It's quite ...

ok, help me out here
I see this question has 3 close votes already for being too broad. Perhaps create some code samples and head on over to codereview.stackexchange.com or possibly security.stackexchange.comrjdown 37 secs ago
Q: Balanced Binary Search Tree that Returns Inorder Terversal

Shema MartinI am trying to right code that reads names from a file, then buts them in a balanced BST. Afterwards I want to print them out inorder terversal. For some reason my code is returning them in reversed alphabetic order? public class BinaryStringTree { public String root; public Bi...

Finally learned Git CLI, and with that, I'm out.
@EBrown Congrats!
@rjdown bear in mind, Code Review won't accept hypothetical/example/stub code. — Mat's Mug 1 min ago
If you need more practice, codeacademy has a course on Git nowadays which may interest you.
> Upon his arrest, McCollum stated that he will next try to add an airplane to his long list of transportation threats.
Nobody has to know! :) — rjdown 1 min ago
yeah, except... we'll know
@Mat'sMug All hail Duga, our mighty spam preventress
hey @JeroenVannevel!
Q: pascal vs. free-pascal

rolflThis question has been half-answered before: Pascal / Delphi / Pascal Script tags It was explicitly asked again here: Should we have a [free-pascal] tag? but no answer was given. Now a bunch of suggested edits have put the tag in place on a few questions, and I think it's a better soluti...

@mjolka yeah, so... how do I get that "task already started" exception then?
so it's been started/scheduled, just has not begun executing
    var t = new Task(() => { });

    t = Task.Run(() => { });
i get Created/WaitingToRun
I'm starting to question my entire strategy here
    private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<VBComponent, Task<Action>> _parseTasks =
        new ConcurrentDictionary<VBComponent, Task<Action>>();

    private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<VBComponent, Task> _resolverTasks =
        new ConcurrentDictionary<VBComponent, Task>();

    private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<VBComponent, CancellationTokenSource> _tokenSources =
        new ConcurrentDictionary<VBComponent, CancellationTokenSource>();
does that make sense?
when a parse task returns an Action, I make that Action a resolver task
once all parse tasks have completed, I run all resolver tasks
and I need to be able to cancel and restart everything on a whim
@mjolka So instead of a Start command, it needs an Execute command?
@Mat'sMug like schedule the task and block until it's started executing?
something like that
@Mat'sMug sorry that was meant to be @Mast
@mjolka I'd have responded the same ^^
@Mat'sMug can you give me a "big picture" description of what you're trying to do?
I have implemented a key hook that sends the parser a message (event) when a key is pressed that modifies the active code pane / module / VBComponent.
so as you type in the VBE, I reparse the code
there are, say, 5 modules in the project - I only reparse the modified module
people will usually type faster than Rubberduck will parse
so before I start a new parse, I need to cancel the one that's running
when a parse task completes, I get an Action for the resolver task
so parser tasks are Task<Action>
if all parser tasks run to completion without cancelling, I can start resolving
usually there's only 1 parser task running (for the module you're typing in)
but at startup I parse everything
so.. tasks come in I don't know when and cancel I don't know when
hey @Phrancis
+1 "Privacy, historically, is priceless" - might take current generation a while to learn that - hopefully that lesson wont be to harsh. — Ricibob Dec 20 '13 at 14:14
@Mat'sMug Hmmm, yea, I always wondered how the big software handles things like that.
@mjolka so.. I'm mind-boggled with concerns like disposing the of-course-the-thing-had-to-implement-IDisposable token source, passing tokens around, and replacing the dictionary values
I'm even handling an ObjectDisposedException at one point... it's a mess.
@Mat'sMug How is that different from an ObjectNotFound or whatever it's called?
null reference?
That would be the most global form, yea.
@Mat'sMug so you also want to be able to cancel the resolver tasks?
I mean, I have to
it's pointless to keep resolving identifier usages in a stale parse tree right
@Mat'sMug Have you checked how other IDE do it?
Like Atom?
On purpose?
sort of... I mean, it shouldn't be too complicated really
Nothing in this world is really complicated. Still, we're all struggling.
it's just... pretty much my first serious usage of the Task Parallel Library, and I think I'm trying to run before I can walk
Q: Binary search in JavaScript

A TAttempt 0 function binarySearch(array, value, comparator) { let m = 0; for (let n = array.length - 1; m <= n;) { const k = (n + m) >> 1; const cmp = comparator(value, array[k]); if (cmp > 0) m = k + 1; else if (cmp < 0) n = k - 1; ...

Someone very wise said that once probably...
@Mat'sMug We all do. That's the point we call FallingDown
Just get back on your feet again and continue.
@CaptainObvious No explanation, except:
> They both fail on the 'should not find element' test.
Wait a second. The constructor calls start(). I would actually take this code review to the parking lot for a brawl at this point. That is incredibly confusing. — Alain O'Dea 59 secs ago
@Duga lol - taking code reviews very seriously I see ;-)
@Phrancis OP has a serious problem though. One of his lines is join(); // ??????
So... I've started another flame war
@EthanBierlein Different from the one you mentioned earlier today?
As far as I know, I was using my "create tag" privilege. — cpicanco 11 mins ago
173 rep
Waay different.
I'll be over in the Nth
Threads confusing are.
@Phrancis oh, the TPL is very very much simpler than using threads directly ;-)
What's a TPL...? ;p
Task Parallel Library
Not that this is off-topic, but this seems more of a code review. Future reference at least if you didn't know of that site. — Two-Bit Alchemist 35 secs ago
Oh. That sounds reasonable enough
and I wonder why we don't have a CR post
Q: Fibonacci + Fizz Buzz = Fibo Nacci!

Κριτικσι ΛίθοςFibonacci + FizzBuzz = Fibo Nacci! Your challenge is to create a Fibo Nacci program! A Fibo Nacci program outputs the first 100 Fibonacci numbers (starting from 1). If the Fibonacci number is divisible by both 2 and 3 (i.e. it is divisible by 6), then output FiboNacci instead of the number....

@Mat'sMug I linked that a while back, still waiting on somebody posting a question about it.
FUuUUUUUuuuuu.... (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
wah, your iThing is possessed by an evil Microsoft spirit? ;-)
Q: Error with configuring Phabricator with Nginx

kyanI'm installing Phabricator on CentOS7 using Nginx. I followed the nginx config from their site. When I try to access the url:portpha.mysite.com in browser, I got File not found message on browser and found error message in nginx log file : Error Message in Nginx : [error] 6433#0: *499 FastCGI s...

> "Use the Force [Quit] young Padawan"
You might want to take a look at the tag wiki for the code-review tag. Do note that troubleshooting/debugging is off-topic on Code Review though. Good luck! — Mat's Mug 52 secs ago
I was about to start a new C# project, but then I realized VS2013 still can't open 2 projects next to each other...
you can't open 2 solutions
a solution can have 20 projects in 15 languages if you want
@Phrancis Making more shiny music?
@Mast What do you mean? I've run with multiple solutions with multiple projects (with multiple languages) for ages...
@Mat'sMug Yea, well, what Microsoft calls a solution, normal people call a project.
Sue me.
@Mast Well this one's not quite shiny yet, the band played the first minute or so at 103 BPM, then sped up to like 116, then slowed down again near the end, so I'm having to make a custom tempo map so the tracks I write to go along with it won't be out of sync
No problem having two instances of VS open at the same time. It's just sad that you can't give different color to each of them, so it is easy to mix them up...
@Mat'sMug i've got a few suggestions about the code, with the disclaimer that i don't think i've fully understood it
cool, I don't think I've fully understood it either!
They also happen to be stored in Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects
@Phrancis Sounds advanced, looking forward to it.
and navigated in the Solution Explorer
first, make Start an async method that returns the results needed by the UI
@Mast It's more tedious than anything else, but yes it is kind of advanced and neat that it's at least possible to do that
don't have any side effects in the parsing/resolving phases. just build up whatever info you need and let the VM deal with updating the UI
but the UI doesn't need a result
Hey, look at that, if you open the 2nd project from the file itself instead of from within VS2013 it isn't complaining at all and just launches 2 windows.
:/ ?
@Mast That was what I was saying. Two (or more) instances is possible! :-)
I'm updating the parser state - the UI just looks at the state
I'll have to save that till tomorrow (today) though, got a meeting somewhere which I should at least take an hour of sleep for.
@Mast If my memory serves me right, you can also right click in the toolbar and open another instance (or solution file) from that context menu.
@holroy It is, but one of the most obvious ways doesn't allow it.
Is it just weird that I spend a week on course, and I learned a ton, and did a lot, but what I value most is the sticker I put on my laptop?
@Mat'sMug separate chat room time?
@holroy You do realize I have a whole lot of toolbars in front of me right now? Which one are you referring to?
@rolfl It depends on the nature of the sticker, I guess lol.
@rolfl People like achievements. Your sticker is your medal.
@Mast Sorry... Taskbar... The windows taskbar
OK, I'm going to reboot this Mac, something is acting weird
The one where your VS shows that it's running. I usually kept a few of the main solution tagged to this menu, and kept the VS program locked to the taskbar. This way it was really easy to start up the 3-5 main projects I was working on at any given time
@holroy Can't believe I missed that.

 VBA Rubberducking

This chat has moved to Discord: discord.gg/MYX9RECenJ
yeah ;-)
@Mat'sMug If I'm disrupting your conversation, I'm just logging off. Have fun ^^
The sticker has a dragon's head on it ....
@Mast It's another feature which is well hidden in the Windows interfaces. Not entirely intuitive, but from time to time you discover such gems.
Huh, I search the web for the dragon, and find myself on twitter (in a pic):
Kicking off the OpenStack Ops Dojo in Toronto. Angel's OSS Roadshow hits town on Friday. @clddrg @angelluisdiaz https://t.co/x2IsYf5vup
It's the other way around, I think... :-p
Put I gotta go, will try to get some sleep before the sun rises again.
Q: how to check a value or one after it?

KyleI'm writing a guessing agent for a random number generator. What I currently have written is public int guessStrategy() { if (primes.isEmpty()) { int guess = 1; for (Term t : discovered) { guess *= (int) Math.pow(t.base, t.exp); } ...

Finally, Pro Tools is back to life.
Q: Stop Overwriting in a file in java

user2814620The following codes for face detection and entering axis values in a file. The coding works perfectly. But when I run the program, it is automatically overwriting the the axis value from the first. So the last updated value is being deleted. I have written a coding for finding lines in that text ...

@Heslacher Monking!
hey @Phrancis don't you need some sleep ? ;-)
Soon, indeed. Not very sleepy though, and music project is coming along okay now that I got this thing working
possible answer invalidation by Jamal on question by SamCode: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/110593/revisions
monking @all
hey @chillworld
Q: Don't understand why my Wildcard unit won't use their TestFate attack

ArmV11I am unable to make my WildCard unit use his testfate attack in this battle simulator. I would also love to hear some feedback on how I can better my code, as well as any resource or tips to look into to implement an item system, thanks. import random from time import sleep class Unit: d...

Alright, TTGTB...
night @Phrancis
monking @Heslacher
night @Phrancis
@Mat'sMug hey!
monking :-)
monking @JeroenVannevel and @DanPantry
Q: Visitation in constant expressions

OrientI tried to implement visit function (like boost::variant::apply_visitor(Visitor & visitor) member function, but better :)), which is fully constexpr-, forwarding references- and cv-ref-qualifiers-enabled. Out-of-line definition of static cosntexpr array variable template data member of class tem...

Q: Python differential analysis of heat loss across a pipe

kilojoulesI made a differential equation solver to forecast heat loss through a pipe with heat loss coefficient contours. It does what I want it to do but I had to use global variables to change the outputs of my simulation function - is there a better way to deal with this issue? Another problem I have is...

monking @JeroenVannevel and @DanPantry
the coffee machine next door is brkoen
I have made more mistakes this week
coincidence? I think not
You start work too early
I'm leaving my bed... now
@JeroenVannevel I only start early every few weeks
Otherwise I start at half 8 instead of 7
You should come live in Spain
I start between 11:00 and 11:30
Yeah, but then you're living in Spain
In all seriousness, I'm not too worried about living somewhere else in the EU
Hot chicas, hot weather, commute next to the beach, great food, lots of food, long lunchbreaks
However I'lllikely have to move fast...
Spain is awesome
The UK is holding a referendum to see if we want to leave the EU in 2017
Did you know they eat two courses at lunch?
only two? ;-)
I typically have something like spaghetti carbonara first and then 5 minutes later chicken with fries or something
and then some icecream for desert
I love it
I'm out of food though so I have to get up quickly now so I can make some eggs with bacon
"I'm out of food"
I need that on a shirt
That's how you get cannibal status
No one is gonna date me anyway shrug
You can take working code to Code Review - but do make sure to read their help center to see what exactly they expect from a good question. — Vollmilchbb 37 secs ago
@DanPantry 100k+ mans on SO do this sin. — Orient 3 mins ago
This guy really wants his :) in his question.
possible answer invalidation by 200_success on question by usethedeathstar: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/33562/revisions
interview next friday. hype
im not really actively looking for a different job, but its fun to see if there are bettero pportunities
Q: Find the Nth number divisible by only 1,2,3,5,7

txizzlefirst post here! I recently participated in a small friendly competition and this was one of the questions: === A number whose only prime factors are 2, 3, 5 or 7 is called a humble number. The first 20 humble numbers are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, ....

Alright,from what i can understand from the question you want an explanation about your code and how you can use it. Stackoverflow isnt the place i think for this question. Check out Code Review, like the name says its a code review site and maybe the people using that site can explain it in depth. — Collin Koornstra 55 secs ago
Monking all
monking @SuperBiasedMan
Apparently I'm a Guru on SO now.
*adds to CV*
HI @CollinKoornstra I appreciate you're trying to be helpful, but this question is completely Off-Topic for Code Review. The golden rule of CR is that code must already be working as intended. Explaining/fixing code is not what we do (It is precisely what SO is for). You might want to read A Guide to CR for Stack Overflow UsersZak 40 secs ago
Yay, 2 more meta badges with the same answer.
Weird, that didn't get changed to italics for me. shrug
@SuperBiasedMan Me Neither
but it does show up as italics on the starwall
SO down for anyone else?
Indeed, I'll chalk it up to magic.
@DanPantry nope
I lost one page from the host server not responding but fine otherwise.
@DanPantry for me CR is down
no one in our office can work load SO
mine seems fine
HTTP Error Status: 502 Bad Gateway
Error Reason: Server unreachable
@RMunroe +10 for the alt text
@Zak LOL
@DanPantry All SE are fine here.
Q: Combating magic strings in a web application

Bjørn-Roger KringsjåI'm on a quest to combat all the magic strings which tends to pile up in an ASP.NET MVC application. All reviews will be highly appreciate but please note that: Some of the classes contains more (unrelated) code than I've presented here. I do not use the c/c++ type aliases (unless forced to as...

@Mast its back up now, i'd chalk it up to our server proxy being on the blink but every other website works fine.
@DanPantry Perhaps they tried blocking it o.0
@Mast I'm not making any promises but I don't think our infra team are that stupid
Does anybody know how many "Leave open" votes are needed to "block" the "close votes" ?
I think it scales with the amount of close votes.
@Heslacher I think 2.
Per close vote.
Well, it's a flag actually.
Votes don't hit the queue.
@DanPantry Are there actually tech companies that would block SO?
Q: Improving Custom Comparator compare method

Jordi CastillaI have the class SeguimientoSeccion with this relevant attributes public class SeguimientoSeccion implements Serializable { private Integer id; private Transportista transportista; private String fijacion; private Integer month; private Integer year; } I created a custom c...

@Zak I'm sure there are people who do things without thinking them through/understanding them.
Starred for understatement of the week.
@SuperBiasedMan that comment is either sarcastic or super-meta
wait, now MINE ie
I was going for resigned realism.
@Heslacher thanks for pinging me. I retracted my close vote on that question. Oddly enough, I just finished reading that book.
no problem
Good read, but dense. Glad I bought it, because I'll need to read it a few more times to absorb all of it.
I got the third edition. Just need some spare time to read.
Reading a question on securty.se
Yeah, the "OhNoSecond" where you realize that you mistyped your password while resetting it and now have no idea what it is, is one of the great, breathtaking experiences of IT. Like looking in to your locked car to see the keys on the driver's seat. — no comprende 2 days ago
Q: Configuring a date picker with support for disabled dates

dingo_dI'd like to see if I can somehow make this loop more effective (smaller?). I'm using MultiDatesPicker to make a reservation plugin. And I've set everything right, and everything works, but I'd like to see if my jquery code can be optimized somehow. HTML looks like this (minus the actual calendar...

Q: Do i need to wrap all my code into functions because otherwise i get undefined error

user3475722So i'm refactoring a bit of code where i used local storage. but now i'm replacing it form data from the database. I got a service where i get the data from with this function: function getAllClients() { return $http.get('/api/getlistclients').then(function(response) { return respo...

til ctrl+k tabs you to the search bar in chrome
@CaptainObvious That question could use some editing love.
Currently writing an answer or I'd have done it myself.
im not sure op is asking for a review tbh
idk, its not phrased like he is asking for one
at least imo
Right, my pseudo-database is running too slowly.
Time to do some serious benchmarking
Going to run it through 100 times (a couple minutes) and see what I get out
Q: WCF service and database

MegaTronI have a WCF service that work with databse. The service should handle incoming message and store messagId into database. Please suggest me how can I improve it? public class DBWorker { static DBWorker instance; private string connectionString; private SqlConnection connection; ...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because as written before, it belongs to CodeReviews — Markus W Mahlberg 37 secs ago
Okay good. Of the 3 top-level functions, they respectively take up 0%, 77%, 23% of runtime
Now to go more granular
Make that 0%, 90%, 10%
Q: Word Counter Project

LastSecondsToLiveI recently read K&R The C Programming Language and wanted to write a small program to count the occurrence of each word in the input (std-input - I piped a file with all shakespeare pieces in there). Since I wanted to learn how to split source files into multiple files with this project I pretty...

Q: Generating a URL

JNHI have a function that generates a URL using a stringbuilder: internal String GenerateUrl() { StringBuilder urlBuilder = new StringBuilder("http://"); urlBuilder.Append(IpAddress); urlBuilder.Append("/set.cmd?" + "user=" + Username + "+"); urlBuilder.Appen...

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because even if it were something highly subjective, it would belong to codereview.stackexchange.comMarkus W Mahlberg 39 secs ago
If this code is working, it might be better suited for codereview.stackexchange.com. — Andy Turner 20 secs ago
Q: Connecting to MySQLi using custom connector class

Sam SwiftI have written a class that connects to a database using MySQLi and has methods for the connection itself and returns the instance of the MySQLi class. This works, but feels a little "clunky" and can be a bit slow, can someone help me to improve this? The class is as follows: <?php /** * Co...

possible answer invalidation by Anuj Saharan on question by Anuj Saharan: codereview.stackexchange.com/posts/110582/revisions
I think I might use eval() today

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